Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 8 2018



























For more infomation >> God Is Not For Sale - Duration: 1:49.


Who needs AMAZON ALEXA when you've got ABUELA? - Duration: 2:44.

Hey, grandma?

What's today's date?

Today is February 8, 2018.

It's also your Cousin, Armandito's birthday from Hialeah.

And Sandrita's baptism.

Today is also Ana Mari's wedding to the butcher.

Today's also the day that your neighbor's daughter

tooth fell out.


Where should I go on my date with Daniel?


And what happened to Jorge?

Don't you go getting involved with two boys.

Don't act all too hot to handle.

Ay, grandma, please!


Set the alarm for 9AM.

(salsa music plays)

Wake up, boy!

It's already ten in the morning!

It's 7AM.

Stop being a lazy a** and put some pants on!


How do you make rice?

Girl, you don't know how to make rice, yet?

Who's gonna marry you like that?

How embarrassing.

Hey, grandma!

Tell me a joke!

Ah, yes, a "yolk".

Ah, yes, well, egg yolks can be used in many recipes...

No, No. Um. Joke.


Boy, speak clearly to me.

A joke.

Ohhh. Gossip.

Well, you know your aunt...

when she married your uncle, she said she was

still a virgin.

But she was divorced two times.

Your aunt was quite the liar.

Grandma, what should I get my mother-in-law for her birthday?

Don't buy anything for that old lady.

You know that pst year she bought you

random junk from the Dollar Tree.

Real cheap, that old hag.


What's the temperature like outside?

It is 72 degrees.

Don't you dare go out on the streets half naked!

72 degrees is enough to put on a sweater!

Woo! Yes! Yeah!


Abuela, play some jams!

(Chica Boom by Charanga 76)

No, um, grandma. Party music.

(Music: Chica Boom by Charanga 76)

(Music: Amazon Abuela)

For more infomation >> Who needs AMAZON ALEXA when you've got ABUELA? - Duration: 2:44.


18 ay boyunca kafasız yaşadı - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> 18 ay boyunca kafasız yaşadı - Duration: 4:56.


Business English | Imitation Lesson | Idioms & Vocabulary - Duration: 11:10.

Hello! I'm Emma from mmmEnglish!

Over the past few weeks, I've been talking about idioms

and expressions that are commonly used in

business and professional contexts.

And I wanted to give you the opportunity to practise

using them in context

with the correct tone, pronunciation, intonation

and facial expression.

So this is an imitation lesson.

Now you might have already practised

with some of my other imitation lessons.

There are several on my channel,

which you can watch right here.

Now these imitation lessons allow you

to practise your speaking skills with me,

out loud.

If this is your first time practising

with one of my imitation lessons,

don't worry.

I'll explain exactly what you need to do

and later in the lesson, I'll share one way that you can

keep practising what you learn in this lesson

with a native English speaker.

So keep watching!

So there are three very simple steps

in my imitation lessons.

Firstly, you just need to listen to me

and read the text on screen.

Then you'll hear me say the same thing again

but after each clause or sentence

there'll be a pause in the video

where you can imitate me out loud.

So that just means you'll copy and repeat

exactly what I said out loud.

Lastly, I'll invite you to shadow me

which means speaking the words with me

at the same time.

That way, you can copy the natural rhythm in my voice.

Ready to get started?

Remember at first, you just need to listen

and read the words on the screen.

Well, actually I'm not even supposed to be

attending this conference,

but my boss offered me his ticket

and I didn't want to turn it down!

I really need to brush up on my

project management skills actually.

I've taken on a new role in the sales team

and I've been flat out ever since!

I've even started giving weekly

presentations to the board,

but my workload is just getting a bit out of hand.

I did yesterday's presentation completely off-the-cuff!

But, go back six months

and it was a very different story..

I was seriously considering jumping ship!

Really! Almost half the team had lost their jobs!

Luckily, we've since got a new general manager

on board

and I think I told you about her, didn't I?

She's been doing an amazing job so far;

runs a very tight ship

but I guess that's how she turned things around!

Anyway, it hasn't all been smooth sailing

but things are finally getting back on track!

How are things with you?

Did you notice that the words

looked a little different on screen?

The bold words are stressed words

and the underlined vowels are

stressed syllables in each word.

These words and syllables sound stronger and clearer

while the others reduce and become weaker.

Paying close attention to them will help you to sound

more natural when you speak.

You can learn more about stress syllables

here in this lesson.

But right now, you're ready to imitate me.

Remember there will be a pause after

each clause or sentence

and that's when you need to imitate what I said

exactly as I said it, exactly how I said it.

So try to copy the intonation and the tone in my voice

even the expression on my face

or the gestures I make with my hands.

Well, actually,

I'm not even supposed to be attending this conference,

but my boss offered me his ticket

and I didn't want to turn it down!

I really need to brush up

on my project management skills actually.

I've taken on a new role in the sales team

and I've been flat out ever since!

I've even started giving weekly presentations

to the board,

but my workload is just getting a bit out of hand.

I did yesterday's presentation completely off-the-cuff!

But go back six months and it was a very different story

I was seriously considering jumping ship!

Really! Almost half the team had lost their jobs!


we've since got a new general manager on board

and I think I told you about her, didn't I?

She's been doing an amazing job so far;

runs a very tight ship

but I guess that's how she turned things around!

Anyway, it hasn't all been smooth sailing

but things are finally getting back on track!

How are things with you?

Nice work!

At this point,

you might want to practise a few more times

and that's fine!

You just need to go back in the video and practise again,

practise as many times as you need to.

In fact, you could even practise this script

with a native English speaker,

to check your pronunciation and expression

and to get feedback on how you can improve.

You could do this with one of the English teachers

at Cambly.

I've put the link in the description for you because

your first fifteen minute lesson is free!

May as well try it out!

So are you ready to keep practising with step three now?

This time, you need to shadow me

and it's a little more difficult to do because

we'll be speaking at the same time

but it allows you to practise making the sounds

and following the natural rhythm of my voice

to help you sound much more natural

while using English.

Don't worry if you make some mistakes,

just try to relax and go with the flow!

You can practise as many times as you need to.

Well, actually,

I'm not even supposed to be attending this conference

but my boss offered me his ticket

and I didn't want to turn it down!

I really need to brush up

on my project management skills actually.

I've taken on a new role in the sales team

and I've been flat out ever since!

I've even started giving weekly

presentations to the board,

but my workload is just getting a bit out of hand.

I did yesterday's presentation completely off-the-cuff!

But go back six months and it was a very different story

I was seriously considering jumping ship!

Really! Almost half the team had lost their jobs!


we've since got a new general manager on board

and I think I told you about her, didn't I?

She's been doing an amazing job so far;

runs a very tight ship

but I guess that's how she turned things around!

Anyway, it hasn't all been smooth sailing

but things are finally getting back on track!

How are things with you?

That's great!

I'm sure you got a little tongue-tied there

but don't worry about it,

keep practising with this video until you start

getting the hang of it.

Remember that you can claim your free lesson

with one of the native English speakers on Cambly

and get some personal feedback

on your English pronunciation.

Don't forget to subscribe to the mmmEnglish Channel

and keep practising right now if you want to

with these lessons right here.

I'll see you next week for another English lesson

here at mmmEnglish.

Bye for now!

For more infomation >> Business English | Imitation Lesson | Idioms & Vocabulary - Duration: 11:10.


So Kylie Jenner Had A Baby | Simply Sims - Duration: 3:50.

hi everyone. Welcom to Simply Sims. It's Sherrica and today's a new episode of simply talk!

This is the time that I get to come and just talk to people cuz I'm at home

by myself honey so I'm gonna do these videos probably more often but there's

something that you know happen so everybody's talking about and you might

think it's like the Super Bowl but no it's Kylie Jenner having her baby so

congratulations to Kylie Jenner this is just a public service announcement

please please please understand that Kylie you may be your idol

Kylie may be the same age as you but Kylie is in a whole other tax bracket okay boo boo.

and that's something I want to stress to you if you're watching this and you are

a fan of Kylie Jenner please please please please please please do not go

out and have a baby just because Kylie had a baby don't model yourself after

listen, let me tell you why. live your life.

babies are not toys babies are not

meant to be born to give you a purpose babies are not born with the job they're

not born to make you happy. Their not born to fill any void that you have in

your life children because those babies will turn into children and those

children will turn into teenagers and so ultimately what you need to be is a

whole person yeah honey I was a social worker I've seen the other side of

unprepared parenting it is not pretty and I don't think we often show the

other side of children being born to parents who are not prepared honey babying

and mothering it's not all that it's cracked up to be

those little infants honey they are born and they just are ravenous and they

don't care about you they aren't completely selfish and that's the way

it's supposed to be babies have to two to three things in mind at all times I'm

hungry I'm dirty I'm sleepy that's it they don't even care about love and

affection love is that a concept that they understand that's like a buyer

beware they don't just think because Kylie had a baby and Kylie's able to

sustain a certain lifestyle you're gonna be able to do it as well because it's

not easy and I will talk about my postpartum

video I will link it here uh where I shared my struggle was postpartum

depression and that was something I did not know about I was unaware of it and I

was 27 when we had miles and so I felt like you know I could conquer the world I

had a career I had a college degree I had a career had a husband and I just

said I thought I had everything and then like I was ahead I couldn't stop crying

I couldn't find a normal balance and even today I struggle with still anxiety

and I'm still trying to find and keep balance and at the heart of everything

final bring you joy and seek that a baby is not a problem-solver if there are

problems in a relationship with baby will not fix it it is not yet

your parents responsibility to take care of your child it is yours and your

partner's responsibility yeah in you just me preaching. babies test what you

already have and if you don't have something that's you know solid boo is

going to break and crumble so honestly you know pull it together yes so that is

the end of today's discussion let me know in the comment section what you

think about Kylie Jenner and Kris Jenner's media roll out honey

huh thank you so much for watching let's get this discussion started down in the

comment section I'm coming down there creeping and talking cuz I want to know

make sure you visit my website

and have you checked out our vlogs? Do you know we vlog? we've vlogged here on YouTube.

our vlogs have a playlist and I will link it up here in the cards somewhere. but y'all

have a great day thank you so much watching and be blessed be great have a

great day Bye!

For more infomation >> So Kylie Jenner Had A Baby | Simply Sims - Duration: 3:50.


Color & Electricity MV 「色彩電気」Hatsune Miku - Duration: 1:01.

How strange...

How strange...

My body is dyed red.

Even though I ate the yellow child

The crimson red will not go away.

I want to become

My original body, I want it back.


and transparent


is what I want to be.

Drink uit all up

no matter what

Until death I will drink water.

But the color of blood surrounding me

not vanishing as my eyes roll to the back of my skull.

Even if Iwas born reflecting the world's colours,

life however, remains red.

For more infomation >> Color & Electricity MV 「色彩電気」Hatsune Miku - Duration: 1:01.


The Pursuit - Action Film - Duration: 1:40.

*foot steps*

*gun fire* *intense rock music*

*gun fire*


*gun shots*

*gun fire*

*foot steps* *Fast paced music starts*


For more infomation >> The Pursuit - Action Film - Duration: 1:40.


[FREE] SmokePurpp x Travis Scott Type Beat | Wrist Heavy ( Prod. by SammieSosza) - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> [FREE] SmokePurpp x Travis Scott Type Beat | Wrist Heavy ( Prod. by SammieSosza) - Duration: 2:28.


Knowing Your Temperament Can Help You Wage Spiritual Warfare - Duration: 7:35.

Demon spirits have a plan for your life which is to kill steal and destroy

whether you realize it or not you're in a battle against them and understanding

your inborn strengths and weaknesses can make you a better warrior you're

uniquely made understanding your God-given inborn temperament can help

you discern and resisted a mounted realm more effectively Paul tells us in

Ephesians that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against

spiritual forces of evil now he's talking about demons in our earthly

realm as well as those in the second heaven and above and beyond

we equip our clients with findings from the Arno profile system or the APS this

powerful tool pinpoints a person's inborn temperament with associated

strengths and weaknesses so they can engage more fully in personal spiritual

warfare now look if the term a PSR Arno profile system is new for you visit our

counselling website and via counseling com in the counseling menu at the top

you will see understand your temperament click that to learn more about this

valuable tool the battlefield is the mind and our counselors armed with this

knowledge for each client can help them to discern and resist the devil's when

they come back for those who have gone through deliverance they need to be

prepared for that because the word says in Matthew 12:43 245 that the demons

will return to the house that they were evicted from we begin by emphasizing

that when the spirits return they will first of all put thoughts in their mind

secondly stir up past memories that are stored in their in their soulless memory

realm 3 they'll work through others through actions and words to initiate

these thoughts and memories they'll also instigate life situations to get us back

to try to get us back to reverting to our old stinking thinking now look at

there's not demons behind every problem and we're careful to clarify that with

our clients each person has a free will and must take responsibility for their

own actions and behaviors while we see deliverance ministry is a powerful tool

in our arsenal we are adamant that it is not a quick fix nor a magic bullet to

solve all problems each person has a responsibility to walk the events out

and act upon Biblical Council as they move forward in their walk with the Lord

we emphasize the importance of gaining control of one's thought life and how

these thoughts can originate from a variety of sources including demon

spirits as I mentioned we believe the demons fine-tune these tactics based

upon their perception or understanding of each targets temperament when we

understand as counselors a client's background on presenting issues we can

coach them to prepare for a very specific scenario that's likely to

encounter they're likely to encounter rather when the spirits return the

process not the recipe generally goes as follows they are to first of all capture

take captive that thought or memory second of all identify the emotion that

the thought generates anger fear whatever and based on that discern the

likely spirit that is tormenting and trying to come back fourth command that

spirit to leave out loud if they can and and finally speak the Rhema word over

the situation to build their faith now look there are five different

temperament types and I want to share some specific examples that we might use

for each temperament that person who is primarily one of these temperaments the

melancholy czar the loners and the introverts they have active minds that

do not shut off and there's a tendency to relive the past if the memory for

example of an abusive parents action keeps coming up we encouraged that

melancholy to capture that fought analyze it discern the emotion that's

behind it maybe anger or rejection and respond in a manner as follows I have

forgiven and released judgments against my father you spirit of rejection you

get out of here and you leave me alone in Jesus name I am a daughter of the

king and you will never leave me nor forsake me the suppliants have servant

hearts and expect people to know their needs as an example guilt over past

failures and sins is often a major issue for Santa Pines demons are masters at

stirring up past memories so the client must be prepared to deal with this

everyday tactic we encourage them to respond as follows

yes I did that but my father has forgiven me cleanse me of my sins and

remembers my sins no more you spirit of guilt and shame you get out of here and

you leave me alone in Jesus name there's no condemnation for those found in

Christ and I am found in him the sanguine is there the bright shiny folk

slumped out come in there light up a room up to be the center of attention

for them if a deep personal relationship say a significant other has rejected

them and they've sought comfort in the wrong places

they are tempted to seek out that love again because they have a neat deep need

rather for love and affection we encourage this to ponder the sanguine

rather to adopt this type of approach yes Joe did abandon and reject me but I

forgiving him and released all judgments I am a daughter of the king and he has a

godly husband for me you spirit of self-pity or whatever it is you get out

of here and you leave me alone in Jesus name thank you Father that you will meet

all of my needs out of your glorious riches you will be my husband Jesus

until the chosen one comes into my life just using that as one example the

choleric SAR the take-charge folks they peek they're the ones that get things

done they typically they'll have little grace for dealing with the emotions or

weaknesses and others they can learn to move in that area fake it till you make

it if you like but it begins with consciously discerning the tendency to

dismiss or move on when the situation arises we encourage the choleric maybe

to respond as follows lord help me to see Hank as you do Thank You Lori that I

have your heart for him and I will respond to him as you would new spirit

of patience you get out of here and you leave me alone in Jesus name thank you

lord but you have taken oh my heart of stone

and given me a heart of flesh the fifth temperament will look out of the flag

Mattox their peacemakers and and avoid conflicts at all costs stubbornness and

passing that's associated with Flagg Maddux make them ideal targets if a

spirit of stubbornness seeks to return to the house they're actively motivated

to cope and do as little as possible when they discern that we encourage them

to say something as follows thank you Lord for setting me free

I am yielded to the lordship of Jesus in my life and I recognize that I am under

the authority in this office Mary is my supervisor and I perp

to clean up my office or whatever else she's asked him to do as she has asked

me to do use spirit of stubbornness you get out of you and you leave me alone in

Jesus name Lord I pay this directive as unto you

once again these just are some examples of the process we employ they're not

formulas to follow blindly or things to speak out you know res recipes we tailor

specific counsel to the client because we know their life history and the

demonic strongholds that have been tormenting them look at if you're

reading this and not had your temperament all analyzed or gone through

deliverance for that matter I encourage you to consider that you'll benefit

significantly in every area of your life and this knowledge can help you be more

effective in waging spiritual warfare I hope this has been helpful for you god

bless you

For more infomation >> Knowing Your Temperament Can Help You Wage Spiritual Warfare - Duration: 7:35.


CHUFFED (DAD SONG) - Music Video #1 / Aunty Donna - The Album - Duration: 2:51.

Oh I got a wife and kids and they make me chuffed

Got new tyres and they make me chuffed Discount Snickers, get me chuffed.

Watching Nine News gets me chuffed I found a new chinese joint down the road,

does better honey chicken than the other chinese joint.

There's more car spots and they've got pepsi max

and it's a little cheaper and it makes me chuffed.

Me son got a job at Subway and it made me chuffed.

Get Smart's on telly and that makes me chuffed.

Weekend in Echuca bloody get's me chuffed.

Making good time on the freeway really get's me chuffed.

Got a quote on the shed for $1700 then I went got a quote from a friend of Geoff's.

He quoted $1200 so I saved heaps.

I got your mum new towels and she was chuffed.

Aw I'm a dad, aw, Just checking that you got something for your

mother's birthday

Big Bang's on telly, and it makes me chuffed.

That Kelly Cuococo makes me chuffed.

South Park bit rude it doesn't make me chuffed.

I got a synonym book and it makes me 'Pleased' I got fish and chips cos Mum's working late,

I know the owner and he calls mate, He chucked in extra chippies and when i got

home The footy was starting and I was really chuffed.

That reminds me recently at my local bakery

I went in at closing time All I wanted was a pie

But they also gave me lots of free stuff Slice, biccies, rolls chuffed

my son's got a girlfriend and that makes me chuffed

She's really nice and that makes me chuffed I'm not chuffed just because she's a girl

If he dated a bloke I'd be just as chuffed.

As long as he was nice Aw, modern Dad.

Make your kids feel like they can talk to you

A good pair of blue jeans get me chuffed.

There's a weird 'spot' on my cheek….

Okay so we've got the results back and good news, it's 'benign' but we'll get

it removed just to be safe.

I'm a doctor.

Well that's a relief, but I'm glad I checked!

I got an internet fridge and that makes me chuffed

I got a garage fridge and that makes me chuffed

I got a spare weekend me mate Angelo is free He's gonna build a pizza oven with me

Concrete the base stick the bricks in place

Form the arch to brace And cement to case

Now create a small fire And If you require

The dough, angelo Knows the best supplier

Aw, Pizza Party.

- 5 dollar for a kilo - Gluten free bases for my sons girlfriend

Good excuse to get the family round.

We chuffed.

For more infomation >> CHUFFED (DAD SONG) - Music Video #1 / Aunty Donna - The Album - Duration: 2:51.


Exploding Minecraft Creeper! | 10 Strange Amazon Products - Duration: 25:12.

before this video begins I just wanted to shout out to buddy if you are a

youtuber and you're trying to get a leg up on competition and YouTube's just

batting you down oh yeah you a small channel back back that's right they do

that that's right you need a leg up on the competition too buddy is here for

you actually the entire network every single channel on this network uses two

buddy what is - buddy I'm sure you're curious - buddy is actually a browser

extension that you can add to your browser that gives you all the tools

that YouTube doesn't that's right a be testing you can generate thumbnails you

can check all your tags and see how good they're gonna push your video all these

great things on a very serious note our channels have actually grown

tremendously using this tool so it's pretty awesome

if you want to check it out link down in the description below download it it's

free to start out there are paid versions but it's free to start out for

the basic one and the basic one is awesome if you have no money so do it

home with the rest of the video actually it's comfy that's on the back

of its head it's kind of messed up all set finally get to use it

methods but you stab its button no and this is the safe space for the but yeah

what's going on guys I am Matthias and welcome back to 10

strange things a Tanner found on Amazon what Terry I'm Matthias who's Tanner oh

this dude Tanner who where no you must be on camera Tina oh so Tanner picked

out ten of these items he thinks there may be strange weird wonky funny goofy

whacky whatever I'm gonna let you know whether they are dope or no yes that's

right guys I'm growing out my beard film the other side oh you like this dude it

looks like my beard patchy that's just white hair right there so if you ever

see that that patch is filled in because I'm wearing mascara let's get into the

first item adult I can't get past the first word dude I love it when things

are described as adult meaning it's for adults it's not for you children all

right you will not get the subtleties of this humor or the raunchiness but you

will adult achievement stickers mom version being a mom is hard you deserve

recognition for a job well done celebrate the small victories with mom

achievement stickers now that is absolutely true there's a lot here let's

wait to read them until I get them Add to Cart

oh I shaved my legs today I paid my bills on time I almost went to the gym

today me every day that's not exclusive to moms I only had one glass of wine

last night my plants are still alive I

was like and I was serious as a heart attack

I was like babe if you're gonna buy more plants they need to be fake because I

can't keep wasting money on plants that died this was her response at least your

kids still alive I was like alright alright that's yeah that's true bless

her heart she cannot keep a plant alive I didn't eat all the cookies yeah she

likes cookies for sure but she's a skinny snack though am i right baby mwah

oh nice alright I say these are dope and I'm gonna give them to Amanda but I'm

gonna take off the ones that she may find offensive Duck brand cents duct

tape a creamsicle can we just talk about how nasty that creamsicle looks like oh

it's fake it's made out of duct tape how duct tape sense was invented

what why are you swing his arm like that for

the scene oh they're so upset oh it got into the oh so here's my only question

why what purpose does this soul where are you gonna put duct tape where it

matters to have a scent give me just one example okay I got one you're a serial

killer okay all right you sneak up to the second story of the house yeah the

mistress she's a little loud so what do you do you break out your scent take the

scented duct scented duct tape it's salted caramel right you put it gara

gara mo you put it over your lips and you like and it seduces mm-hmm and then

she smells it and then you don't do anything because you're an honest man

with the wife at home okay so you're an honest man with a wife at home but

you're robbing someone yeah you gotta pay the bills somehow hey didn't you say

serial killer that's just exposition dealer where's your brain going dude I'm

gonna have to have you checked out the high fives therapist is down the street

Add to Cart so do you think this is actually gonna smell like launch cream

wow no I am laughing because for a second I totally thought that duct tape

already has a very pungent scent and when you mix it with orange cream I

don't even understand it this is bad oh maybe it's like the underside of it

maybe we can smell like the underside it'd be like ripping something off

engages the scent do that oh my gosh that's most like rotten barley I didn't

really smell any orange it smells like sweet duct tape that's a no all right so

the next item is in fact the dope or no that you guys have been waiting for for

quite some time it originated in this video as such there we go guys like but

we have to know if you guys actually want to see this because it is quite

pricey so I asked for you guys to like it give this video a like if this video

gets over 80,000 like 80,000 that's all I asked for and you guys killed it with

two hundred and thirty thousand likes that is insanity

so guess what that means today we are actually going to be

looking at the razor EcoSmart Metro electric scooter guys since we waited so

long we get like 50 bucks off 500 watt extra power high torque 36 volt electric

system 16 inch pneumatic tube tires dude that's awesome so here's we're gonna do

we're gonna add this cart and buy it now stay tuned when we unbox this sweet item

next product pray scientific spill ops sentry petal force demonstrators entry

pedal what did I say this is why I love the English language it's just never the

same do I actually never read the word centripetal I've only heard it I'm not a

math dude I don't read math texts so what is this so pretty much I'm assuming

that you just kind of like to start in it'll start spinning yeah but why who

cares because science is cool for the school science is cool for the sake of

science being cool science that solves purpose is cool this is just a

demonstration to amazed this forget it ever occurs I hope this thing amazes me

Chandler will so I assume this is something for like classrooms and stuff

I mean I guess it could be used in classrooms probably a cool science

teachers have it but we're gonna test it with some team I don't understand that

sounds like if it's gonna make a huge mess I have no idea what to do here bill

not provides an effortless way to walk with an open beverage without spilling

ah I see I see so you put this on like this and then you can I don't like you

doing that would be on Oh as you can see it's absolutely full I don't know if you

yet you could see the fluid in right there and this I don't know why we

wouldn't test this with water it's the same effect I'm not a perfect man okay

so you can technically demonstrate some trip centripetal a centripetal force in

Tripp it'll forests look at this you see that Wow the fact that the tea isn't

moving is actually insane so this is supposed to demonstrate it why don't why

don't wait errs do this why don't they have their entire tray unlike something

like this and just carry it around like that oh because I think someone could

heat up no but then then they could be like hey you know the idea here is that

you could just you know honestly shocking yeah like that yeah you're

you're walking into like a restaurant and you're just like Oh sir I'm so sorry

I always hit

my copy games change this is how I'm this is gonna have this is how I'm gonna

drive to work you put this on your rearview mirror put your coffee right

there you hit the brakes you're like hey okay it's alright

coffee's not spilled all right well I would have to say this is a dope I

rescind my negativity wearin right dry erase board you wear on your wrist

wearable notepads set includes white board adjustable elastic comfort

wristband black low odor why is that a feature by the way our product has low

odor no matter what anyone says so uncool oh yeah

it's like worse than like putting a note pad in your front pocket add the card

okay so it's not that big the purpose that this object right here is supposed

to solve is the ability to write down anything that you want at any given

moment when you need to without having to go and reach for like a notepad or a

marker board or something like that why is this already used I haven't used it

yet someone returned to do they're like Oh marker wait you smelly wow it writes

really well yeah they definitely used it already maybe it was just like a test or

something like that so let's put this thing on dude looks four o'clock how did

you find the clock it's like dude yeah five o'clock welcome to math

Margaritaville five o'clock all right tanner break out the margaritas a little

shui steel a little wasted I mean what would you be doing with this I don't

know like maybe writing down measurements or something like that like

just keep me distracted I would just be like I'm in a meeting Bess is drawing a

little cat bigger just like a little cat oh you can actually draw kitties I can

draw anything breath no what can you draw my self-conscious yeah I enjoy

yourself conscious Oh No here comes a heavy dish I can figure done literally

nothing there all right I'm gonna have to give this one nope before we get into

that next item it's time for a notification squad shout out to my boy

cluster Oh sounds like a personal problem

am i right mr. cluster anyways after that roast thank you very much for being

a part of that notification squad commenting down below in the first 30

minutes and you know how you do that by clicking that Bell icon yeah you

right ring-a-ding-ding am i right do it like the cluster and get your own

cluster alright guys next part next product minecraft exploding creeper

5-inch figure from the Minecraft video game Oh sour that's from oh yeah Wow

look at this creeper dude press the hidden button and watch the creeper

explode so I was like real life I guess that's the hidden button right on the

top and then kaboom creature explodes creature creeper explodes its creature

creepers a creature it's a creeper creature alright let's

watch this little video let's give it all away could've picked more climactic

music that's it that is literally it I'm so shook EPPICard anyways alright here

we go comes in parts unique function pop the

creeper I don't know about that dude exploding creeper original creepers

would explode I'm talking about the real-life ones here we go and not in the

gross way just look at my wife weird just like pressing on the top of the

head pop goes the creeper push the creepers head or exploding creeper

action comes in so many parts here's the issue I wish it walked and then exploded

the legs do move it's so so disappointing Mattel come on Mattel I'm

gonna tell you something better to do

here's what you should should have done you should have made this like a timer

that walks and then explodes I know it's possible it would have been a little bit

more expensive but I know it's possible and you got the money

Mattel so why don't you Mattel me why you should buy this they should have

added a speaker with the sound of the explosion - yeah speaker would have been

cool oh my gosh $30 yeah $30 you you should have been able to get all the

above what we just talked about a speaker it walking and then exploding I

feel like that's reasonable that's all I want a walking exploding bomb I want it

until it loves me - this is not great I'm upset here's what you're gonna do

I'm gonna give this to you Tanner oh yeah and you're actually going to

explode it on Rex I'll do that and I'll even make the sound no who is it no it's

not look at everyone stop it was no what is it just a bruise which is another

name for Hickey no no no his blood blood stuff not blood stop applause it's fine

yeah I'm gonna give this to you you're gonna exploit it on rank but before that

thumbnail yeah that's a no pure lift energy Styx original flavor one package

six sticks energize anything anything

crazy you really want to see something died but before before it dies just like

make it go crazy give it to your bird maybe your rat the smaller the animal

the more insane it goes is this how Amanda keeps telling me your plants like

you need some energy plants no you did not give this to kids oh oh good she's

putting it in hers I saw a kid and I was like you do not give caffeine to kids I

remember seeing kids in like high school be like drinking frappuccinos and stuff

bro your body has not seen the rots of the pain of the world yet you have not

experienced well that's not necessarily true maybe some people have but their

adrenal glands are far newer than mine so you typically need not as much

caffeine I didn't need caffeine when I was in high school but I wasn't high

school at all the energy in the world that's what I'm saying like I was

bouncing off the walls getting things done you know all these people are like

time had my coffee yet I'm like you're just trying to adult right now don't act

like you need caffeine when you're like 15 years old like

come on I didn't even develop the taste for coffee until I was like 23 oh I was

the same way couldn't drink coffee couldn't drink beer and then I became an

adult and I'm like alright I can't live without all right add the cart clean

caffeine energized anything what does that mean though do they understand the

ramifications of energizing anything I don't think they do can you imagine dude

hey doggy you look tired meanwhile dogs got like some sort of disease you're

like good to that I know you're choosing living things all right they're saying

anything I'm gonna pour this on my car battery in there all-natural original

flavor you know what original flavor means it means there are like 10 people

that liked it the majority of people that didn't so they're like original

flavor for the people that are like the fans of when our product sucks dude if

this tastes good I'm gonna eat my shorts how come I cannot open this dude this is

impossible you know I need some energy before there we go I got it cool

packaging I know everyone hates it when I say this but caffeine is a drug and it

feels like a drug now I guess I could pour it in this water or I could just

snort it oh wait let's read the instructions peel and stir or pop and

pork heel and stir I got a feeling oh look at that

let me let me show you a little closer here you see how it's like perforated

and you can see the powder is like stuck to this sticky part so now you just put

this in like this and just stir but let's not do that let's just yeah I'm

gonna pop and pour kind of guy oh my gosh just looking at this this is what I

need like you guys can't even see that looks nasty dude dude it's not even like

dissolving either oh yeah

not the whole thing you finished my question and you answered it dude you

gotta try this you let the plastic piece and I could

choke on that baby hopefully you gotta be like what does that taste like

tastes like papers inside of it don't you taste not too oh you

know what that tastes like what it tastes like kool-aid before you add the

sugar oh my god that is absolutely nasty all right now let's add some sugar yeah

that cuz you need more cat more energy dude I'm gonna have to say this is a no

thumbs up inflatable gummy chair with pump dude I

like how the first picture is like a twenty-something yeah I don't think this

product is marketed towards dudes with beards but hey you're in luck I'm a dude

and I have a beard now then you have some of the younger generation honestly

if you are in your 20-somethings with this in your room you need to pop it get

it out of your life yeah look at this they're like fighting over it my

question is how did this occur what's the story behind this there in the

middle of the street that's a great question my follow-up question is how is

a four year old girl almost beating an adult at polling right oh you'd be

surprised dude Lunas strong she's only one and a half yeah but she's like a

superhuman really go that's dirty smarter than I am

well that's absolutely true here's the story behind this picture oh yeah little

girl has this chair friend of mom comes over from across the street she looks at

that chair and she's like my little Johnny would like that but sold out

right I can't get it anywhere so she goes back over to her house and she's

like hey I'm taking this she runs across the street to put it in her own house

kid finds out they have a fight in the middle of street car hits the lawn thank

goodness the kid didn't save right because the kids the hero it was her

chair unfortunately it also popped the check yeah so we aren't you the valuable

lesson we all learned a valuable lesson only sit in a chair if it's made of

actual gummy add the card all right bring it to me tanner oh wow it's so

bright it's so red it's almost like Tanner's face squad did a little but

place for you whoa but place yeah no place for your body it's a but place do

this where you go to just not have anyone talking about your but wouldn't

it be where you go to work everybody talks Bernie it's where Jared goes have

you ever seen his butt yeah no because it doesn't exist this hunk of junk this

hunk of junk made just break this thing

straight up let me try and relax in this thing you just shocked my chemistry the

liquid something's leaking over here listen you hear that yeah it's

absolutely leaking oh I can feel it right here yeah will you stop with the

chemistry do you think it would like be comfortable to sit and like I'm sitting

in it and it's not comfortable I don't know maybe you are comfortable maybe I

can find a different position you know what if it's a red herring

what if you have to sit on it actually it's comfy

backs on the back of its head it's kind of messed up all set finally get to use

it that's it's but you stab its button no this is the safe space for the button

yeah still deflating slowly so you dropped your knife can you stop

spreading Eagle before that's a no-no it's definitely an elk golden charcoal

toothbrush with crystal handle toothbrush by nano B that's actually a

little disconcerting I don't like the idea of it being crystal is it actually

crystal or is it just see-through so antibacterial and charcoal have you ever

used truck on your teeth no works pretty well it absorbs all the bad stuff nano

bees charcoal and gold tooth brush is particularly useful for those looking to

whiten their teeth in a natural way merges the antibacterial properties of

gold with the neutral whitening properties of bamboo charcoal well you

know let's add the card that was aggressive so that's percent that's

plastic here's the next question is this actual gold I don't think that's gold in

there it looks very shiny and gold like but I don't think it's actually gold I

don't think that's actually charcoal either let's try it I guess in circles

there you go sounds violent for anybody curious uh you spit on the toothbrush

it's weird you stopped me oh gosh don't like I use the toothbrush again so yeah

I spit huh you see your teeth yellow as ever I look good oh no I think that's a

load of hooey hooey you eat it has decent reviews some had said using it

was like brush and flossing at the same time I think these are just fake I mean

all fake that's the fakest thing I've ever heard in my life better than

electric stop unusual but very effective toothbrush it's just a regular

toothbrush that's a note paint to it Pro anti-gravity paint tray palette premium

multi-purpose kit for easy painting no spills no drips no mess in possibly how

does this work how could it be anti-gravity let's watch this video wow

look at that okay goop it on okay it doesn't make any

sense I actually impressed how much paint are

you dripping to the point where you're gonna save money everything you pour in

you just drop it once it's just like are you really wasting that much paint I

don't know if this solves the problem of saving paint or saving money but it may

solve the problem of no spills or drips or mess Add to Cart all right here we go

non spill paint tray Pro with professional liner the first

anti-gravity paint tray ever transfers paint from one service to another

without dripping or spilling a single drop oh okay

let's just take a look at this though interesting oh wait should I not be

touching that can you see that texture right there it's like a very fibrous

like kind of like fiberglass looking texture but that's supposed to keep the

paint on it I think there's very specific ways that you put the paint in

it too because if you put probably a little bit too much it probably will

drip here's your paintbrush mr. Bob Rock a little too big I'm not a perfect man

okay not even a semi good man I'm gonna be comes there we go that's paint guys

I'm just giving this tool right here in which I forgot to take off but I guess

it doesn't matter cuz I could technically just turn this upside down

and it shouldn't fall off right I think what you're supposed to do is kind of

like spread it around so it kind of gets in the grooves here in a normal

environment and when you're painting I would have put like two to three times

this much because you don't want to keep pouring more it's soaked in there's a

little excess but that's question basically is like will it spill

seems to be working it definitely does seem to be starting to dress you can see

up there a little oh oh and there it drip I mean it's a bit of a gimmick and

you have to really add like the right amount to it because like right there I

just added a little bit too much to it but there is a lot of paint in there as

he was doing right here but there's not like that much I've painted my fair

share of rooms in my fair share of places right you just can't put enough

paint on it for this to actually be purposeful does that make sense and now

those fibers are like absolutely blue I wonder if that would come out I assume

that would come out if you get it fast enough but that may be hard to clean too

yeah so there you go I mean there's decent amount of paint there but that's

gonna get you like a quarter of a wall or something like that if that will get

you nothing I'm have to say nope and my fingers are blue great alright guys here

it is don't mind the construction in the background if it's loud just ignore it

here we go dude the razor advanced Street systems made the EcoSmart all

about this EcoSmart here there's a up to 18 miles an hour laminated bamboo deck

so this is bamboo so they're going for like the really renewable eco-friendly

type thing it's obviously electric bamboo one of the most renewable

resources on the planet oh yeah no it does have a little luggage rack but it

also comes with this basket I mean let's be honest makes you look a little uncool

but I'd buy these ears with me it's pretty awesome to have a basket though

100% often have a basket why is it so good to have a basket but also someone

cool to have it but everyone wants it but it's like the long cool it's a fanny

pack it's uncool to wear a fanny pack but it's awesome to have it yeah I'm

gonna test this out on this coast on this course ready yup kickstand see how

fast this is okay

doesn't go up to 18 miles an hour remember kids always wear your helmets

channel you grab the helmet that didn't have a buckle oh man

Kobe always wear a helmet kids that's being stupid right now oh and he is

puting through that going through these kind of like agile courses it held its

own I have to tighten a few things here cuz that kept going into me I do have to

say this is nice I'm gonna take it down that this road

here let's see how fast I can go all right it's just so weird like whoa you

got it that's not the scooters fault that's whoever built it's full yeah good

to have like a platform and not have like a bike in between your legs I'm

just not used to that look at him go there goes like there's only one I

wanted truth I just burned rubber oh that is pungent that is so pungent dude

this thing's got some power and for that I'm gonna have to say this is a dope you

want to give it a ride I get a little swirl a little swirl through the seat

doesn't move a lot pretty fast he's gonna die he's totally gonna die

what do you rate this tanner there's a dope as well I think it's pretty cool

this time now right here um be very careful if you ever get that product it

could potentially give you a seizure and this one right here yeah again I bought

nothing again also big shout-out to Joey's game say for supporting this

channel very much appreciated - thank you thank you kindly sir and if any of

you guys want to support this channel all you got to do is click that

subscribe button thank you again high-five

For more infomation >> Exploding Minecraft Creeper! | 10 Strange Amazon Products - Duration: 25:12.


Jack O' Lantern | Short Horror Film | Crypt TV - Duration: 5:05.

(ominous music)

- Yes, yes!



- Oh my gosh! - Go go go!

(intense, eerie music)




(fence rattling)

(ominous music)



(intense music and muffled yelling)


For more infomation >> Jack O' Lantern | Short Horror Film | Crypt TV - Duration: 5:05.


Top 10 Biggest Olympic Upsets - Duration: 6:34.

The Summer and Winter Olympics are two of the biggest events on the planet.

The whole planet is glued to screens, cheering on their country in all the different Olympic


A lot of the time, there are favourites to win - athletes who are so good that it seems

like they cant lose.

However, you can never be too sure.

There have been times in the past where some Athletes have defied all expectations and

snatched victory when nobody thought they could.

My name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10 Biggest Olympic Upsets.

Starting off at number 10 we have Steven Bradbury.

This story is the stuff of olympic legend.

In 2002, this Australian speed skater was far from the favourite.

In the semi finals, he was in last place until 3 of the other competitors in the race crashed

near the end, allowing Steven to advance to the final.

Amazingly, in the finals - with Steven in last place again with 50 m to go - the same

thing happened.

One of the other skaters caused a crash which also brought down the other 3.

Steven became the first person from a southern hemisphere to win a winter olympic event.

He said he saw his medal as a reward for the years of work and not necessarily for the

events that happened in those races.

Next up at number 9 we have the the Mens 2004 Relay.

The USA has always don't well in track and field events and the 4x100 relay is no different.

They were the favourites going in to the race - 3 out of the 4 runners were olympic champions.

However, the relay race isnt just about the fastest runners - its all about the batton


The USA slipped up their changes while Great Britain and Northern Ireland did theres to

almost perfection - leading to them winning Gold and surprising all doubters.

Next up at number 8 we have Argentinas Basketball Team.

Since 1936, there have been 20 Olympic Basketball tournaments - the US has won 16 of them - its

been complete domination.

One of the years they lost was in 2004.

They made it to the finals as expected where they went up against Argentina.

It was a close game throughout but Argentina pulled away towards the end, beating USA 89-81.

The news stories the next day were a mix of praise for the unlikely Argentina squad and

questions about how an NBA filled all star team like United States could fall short of

expectations …

At the number 7 spot now we have The Miracle On Ice.

In 1980, the USA went up against the Soviet Union in the Mens Hockey Semi Finals.

The odds were not in their favour, the Soviets had won gold at the previous 4 olympic events.

To make things even more unlikely - the entire USA team was made up of only amateurs.

They went in to the 3rd round with the Soviets leading by 3 points to 2.

The USA pulled 2 points back to win 4-3 overall in a huge upset win that would come to be

known as The Miracle On Ice.

Moving on to number 6 we have Rulon Gardner.

In 2000, Russian wrestler Aleksander Karelin was the clear favourite to win the wrestling

gold medal.

He had done so in 1988, 1992 and 1996.

Hed also won 8 of the last 11 world championship.

In a shock upset, he was beaten in 2000 by American wrestler Rulon Gardner.

He won on points and gave Karelin his first loss in 13 years.

Next up at number 5 we have Kostas Kenteris.

Were staying with the 2000 olympics in Sydney for this one for the Mens 200m finals.

American runner John Capel was the favourite to win.

To everyones surprise, as the runners made their way round the bend, it was Greek runner

Kostas Kenteris who started to pull ahead.

He ended up winning and taking gold with a time of 20.09 seconds - the slowest winning

time in 20 years!

At number 4 now we have Japans Softball.

2008 was the last year that Softball was ever played at the olympics although it is going

to be reinstated for the 2020 summer olympics.

There was a rumour going round that it was taken away because the USA was too dominant

at it.

Well Japan proved that wrong when they beat the USA 3-1 in the 2008 olympics.

The USA went home with a silver medal and will no doubt be seeking revenge come 2020.

Next up at number 3 we have Montreal 1976.

At this olympic games, the East Germans were the favourite to win the Womens 4x100m swimming


They had beaten everyone in their individual races and people expected this to be no different.

However, the US team swam the race if their lives, setting a new world record and beating

the East German team by 0.68 seconds.

Whats even more impressive is that it later emerged that the East German olympic team

had been given performance enhancing drugs which many of them werent even aware of.

That make the USA win even more respectable!

At number 2 now we have Chad le Clos. (cl-oh).

This South African swimmer pulled off one of the greatest swimming upsets of all time

during the Mens 200m butterfly event at London 2012.

All eyes were on Michael Phelps - widely regarded as the best swimmer of all time.

He wasnt performing as well as he was 4 years before, but youd still be dumb to bet against


Chad le Clos proved everyone wrong by keeping up with Phelps and then timing his reach perfectly

to grab 1st place.

And finally at number 1 we have Emil Zatopek.

At the 1952 olympics, this Czechoslovakian runner had won gold medals in the 5,000 and

10,000 meter races.

That wasnt too surprising - what was though, was that Emil decided at the last minute that

he wanted to run in the marathon race.

His longest competitive races had been less than a quarter of that distance.

The favourite for the race was Great Britains Jim Peters who held the world record at the


Despite all of the odds being against Emil - he passed every runner one by one and crossed

the finish line in 2 hours 23 minutes and 2 seconds - over 2 and a half minutes ahead

of the runner up.

Amazing stories about amazing athletes who didnt get intimidated by other peoples expectations

- I think we can all learn something from that in our day to day lives.

What other Olympic videos do you guys want to see?

My name is Danny Burke, thanks for watching as always and Ill see you all in the next


For more infomation >> Top 10 Biggest Olympic Upsets - Duration: 6:34.


Esto Es Lo Que Los PEDOS Revelan Sobre Tu Salud, PRESTA ATENCIÓN Que Esto te Puede Interesar - Duration: 10:44.

For more infomation >> Esto Es Lo Que Los PEDOS Revelan Sobre Tu Salud, PRESTA ATENCIÓN Que Esto te Puede Interesar - Duration: 10:44.


[No Copyright Music] Leonell Cassio - Chasin' Balloons (ft. Krista Marina) [Emotional Electronic] - Duration: 3:03.

BreakingCopyright: Music for videos Free YouTube Audio Library

BreakingCopyright: Music for YouTube Free YouTube Audio Library

Today on BreakingCopyright: Leonell Cassio, Krista Marina

No Copyright Music (Non Copyrighted Music) Leonell Cassio - Chasin' Balloons (ft. Krista Marina)

For more infomation >> [No Copyright Music] Leonell Cassio - Chasin' Balloons (ft. Krista Marina) [Emotional Electronic] - Duration: 3:03.


10 Strangest Foods From Around The World - Duration: 14:08.

10 Strangest Foods from Around the World

In this video, FactFaction takes a look at ten of the strangest foods from around the world

Included in this list are dishes and delicacies from all corners of the planet, including

snacks from Asia, Africa and North America.

Though itls unlikely to whet your appetite, this video features unusual eggs, unappealing

aphrodisiacs and plenty of critters and creatures.


First up on this list of grim and gruesome foods is Czernina, a blood-based soup hailing

from Poland.

Although it can be crafted up from other types of blood, traditional Czernina is cooked from

the red stuff of ducks, making it something of a delicacy in its native land.

The dish is also rife in other nearby countries, including Lithuania and Belarus, and is a

starchy but sweet meal.

Its color is usually medium to dark brown, though depending on the blood content it can

reach darker hues.

Its name, Czernina, comes from the Polish word Czarny, meaning black.

Its other ingredients include varied fare ranging from dumplings, noodles, and potatoes

to plums, syrup, pears, cherries, and honey.

Czernina also includes plenty of vinegar, which is used partly to prevent the blood

from clotting.


Overall, the moreish meal has a sweet and sour taste.

The dish, which contains chunks of duck, is typically served during Christmas or other


Polish communities in Nebraska have requested that people stop referring to the dish as

'blood soup' due to the unsurprisingly negative connotations.

It is still enjoyed in several countries.

Dancing Squid

Though it may look callous and cruel, this meal is not as malignant as it looks.

Diners are served a cuttlefish, which is then doused in soy sauce.

The salt in the soy sauce causes the just-dead cuttlefish to squirm, as its still-active

muscles are stimulated.

It then wriggles in the bowl, appearing to dance its way into diners' mouths.

Available in Korea and Japan, the dancing dish has become somewhat of a viral phenomenon.

The cuttlefish, killed only moments before it is eaten, has allegedly been responsible

for some dangerous dining incidents.

Because its body continues to move as it is being chewed and swallowed, it can get caught

in the throats of adventurous eaters.

So, although it isn't as cruel as it might first seem, it's still a daring dining experience.

Even safe in the knowledge that the squid is dead, videos of the creature lurching and

contracting are still a pretty strange watch.


A meal of Balkan origin, this one is thought to have been invented in Greece or Turkey.

With a more appetizing aesthetic than most on this list, it still includes quite a few

odd ingredients, starting with the intestines of a goat or lamb.

These intestines are then wrapped around various pieces of offal, including sweetbreads, liver,

kidneys, and heart.

This curious combo is then typically grilled.

Ideally, the intestines of suckling lamb are preferred, supposedly because their tender

tummies have been exposed only to liquid lunches of milk.

You can get your hands and mouths around this delicacy in a whole host of countries, including

Turkey, Greece, Iran, Azerbaijan, Albania and more.

The dish is often served with bread or tomatoes, or sometimes in a sandwich.

It can be cooked both on a griddle and with the use of a skewer.

Though traditionally an Easter dish, Kokoretsi is available year-round and furiously gobbled

up on street corners throughout much of the Balkans.

In the late 90s in Greece, the dish was almost banned due to a huge outbreak of mad cow disease,

leading to a proposed ban on any and all offal.

Much to the delight of Greeks everywhere, this idea was overturned.

Kokoretsi is apparently best enjoyed with a fresh, cold beer.

Casu Marzu

Found mainly on the Italian island of Sardinia, this gruesome cheese starts out life as an

innocent and unassuming pecorino, before funky fermenters get other ideas.

The sheep milk cheese, rather than being left to fester in a normal fashion, is intentionally

inundated with a load of cheese fly larvae.

The larvae then chew and chomp their way through the cheese to alter its texture.

The strong taste of casu marzu, which takes 2 to 3 months to achieve, is actually in part

the flavor of larvae excrement.

Once ready to eat, the cheese is very runny, with a texture almost akin to liquid.

It's also brimming with maggots, who squirm and swim around in the product, chewing the

cheese up as they go.

Oddly, the cheese is thought to be safe for consumption only while its wormy visitors

are visible on the surface.

Once the freeloading maggots have died or disappeared, the cheese is considered unsafe,

unless it has been refrigerated.

While some diners clear the maggots out of the cheese just before gobbling it up, others

forego the pleasure, choosing instead to add some extra protein to their cheesy snack.

Though fairly small, the maggots are able to launch themselves up to 6 inches if disturbed.

Diners, who eat the cheese along with bread and wine, therefore have to hold their hand

above their meal in order to stop the creepy critters from leaping away.

If diners do choose to gobble on the larvae, they must be fully chewed and killed, or else

they can allegedly live in the diners body and rip through the intestine of their once-hungry


For a while, the frightening fondue was banned by the EU, who thought the dish to be unsanitary.

This preceded a boom in black market trade, where unperturbed cheese fiends bought and

sold the treat illegally.

It was selling at around twice the price of traditional, wormless pecorino.

Though the ban has been semi-officially overturned, the legal status of casu marzu remains questionable,

as does its ability to appetize.


Not quite as cheerful as its name suggests, a smiley is a South African delicacy consisting

of a boiled and grilled sheep's head.

Because the glistening teeth are exposed and cleaned during the cooking process, the dish

is endowed with its rather cheery name.

The dish is intended to be consumed whole, with everything eaten up aside from the brain.

According to keen consumers of the meal, the eyes, ears, and tongue are the tastiest morsels

of all.

Though the most famous version of this dish derives from South Africa, many countries

around the world eat similar versions of the meal.

The typical traditional cooking process is something of a rudimentary affair, as the

head is firstly burned over an open flame.

After being sufficiently scorched, any remaining hair is burned away before being boiled in

a pot.

The head is then scrubbed free of skin before being hacked in two via the brutal blade of

an axe.

Popular for being a cheap and filling meal, one head is enough to fully feed a family

of five, and costs only the equivalent of a few US dollars.

Though not the most appetizing culinary creation, it's borne of necessity rather than greed.

The food was once reserved for ceremonies and occasions, though is now eaten more widely

and routinely.


Hailing from Mexico, this dish consists of ant eggs, making it a less classy version

of caviar.

The eggs, when eaten, are said to pop just like fish roe, and taste slightly nutty.

Many Mexicans stuff the eggs into a taco with a generous serving of guacamole.

Though many ant eggs can be used to serve up escamoles, aficionados typically plump

for the eggs of black ants who've been living under cacti and agave plants.

These allegedly offer the fullest flavor and a top-notch texture.

Their mouthfeel alters depending on the cooking style, with some claiming that the fried eggs

often resemble popcorn.

Egg pickers make their money from February to May, which is the peak season for harvesting

the tasty treats.

Its also a pretty lucrative business, and punters are prepared to pay a large amount

of money for a generous serving.

Because of the scarcity of the eggs and the remote location in which they're found, harvesters

must venture out into the desert to get their hands on them.

The dish dates back to Aztec times when many would resort to eating insects in order to

get their fix of protein.

Because of this link to Mexico's heritage, the dish is seen as something of a luxury feast.


Here's one you've probably been waiting for.

Balut is infamous among foodies for its reputation as a strange snack.

Originating in the Philippines, it's available throughout much of South East Asia, including

countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia.

Fertilised eggs, usually those of a duck, are incubated to the point of almost being

able to hatch.

These incubated eggs are then boiled, resulting in a morsel which is half-egg, half-bird and

all disgusting.

The resulting repast can be shelled or eaten with a spoon, much like a normal egg.

Though it looks grim and gruesome, once diners can get beyond the texture, the taste isn't

so bad.

The flavor profile is almost like a meaty egg, with a stronger flavour than your average


Though it's essentially a duck fetus, it's surprisingly moreish.

The texture isn't so pleasant, and diners can sometimes feel the crunch of the skull

when they bite into the snack.

Depending on how developed the embryo is, some versions of balut are replete with furry


According to the preference of the seller, the eggs are incubated for anything between

14 and 21 days.

It typically takes 28 days for a duck egg to hatch.

Though some claim that this snack is cruel, others doubt the theory that the embryo can

begin to feel pain after 14 days of incubation.

In some countries, the food is labeled as hazardous due to the high risk of illness

and contamination.

Because the shell is very porous, balut should be eaten shortly after it has been cooked.

Some balut-mad snackers claim that the dish has aphrodisiac qualities, though it's very

difficult to find the treat inherently sexy.


Surstromming, a Scandinavian food known for being the smelliest snack on the planet, has

a pretty unappetizing aesthetic.

With a Swedish name which translates as ''sour herring' this one is a fermented fish in a


Crafted from the stinky corpses of Baltic Sea herring, the fish are crammed into cans

for months.

Instead of being pickled in vinegar, they are left to stew in their own bacterial juices,

a process which creates just enough salt and a whole lot of smell.

The fermentation process takes around six months, which is plenty of time to perk up

a pong.

This method, though it may sound unusual, has actually been used for thousands of years.

Traditionally, the food is eaten along with sour cream, bread, potatoes, and alcohol.

Online, the food has a reputation for kicking up a stink, with many YouTubers taking to

the world wide web in online dares.

Many videos show unenthusiastic eaters gobbling up the snack before then swiftly vomiting

it out.

Though it's not for everyone, this one smells much worse than it tastes, and devotees claim

that the best way to get over the smell is simply by taking a full-on whiff from the

core of the can.

That way, the body becomes accustomed to the fishy fragrance.

The taste itself is strong and acidic, but thoroughly palatable.

The fermentation process is so strong that the can may slightly bend as the fermentation

does its thing.

So not only does it smell strong, it's also pretty powerful.

Virgin Boy Eggs

In perhaps the most controversial entry on this list, these eggs are prepared in a particularly

bizarre fashion.

A traditional dish in the eastern Chinese city of Dongyang, eggs are soaked, boiled

and cured in the urine of young boys before being consumed.

They are placed in the urine both before and after being peeled, meaning that diners do

indeed come into contact with the urine.

Available typically only in the spring, they're a seasonal sought-after treat.

Ideally, boys should be under the age of ten to contribute to the process.

It takes almost a full day to make the odd eggs as prescribed, and the resulting snack

has a golden-tinted white section along with a green yolk.

The eggs are believed to have health benefits, including the ability to combat heat stroke,

lower the temperature of the body and promote better blood circulation.

One fervent foodie told reporters quote, ''By eating these eggs we will not have any pain

in our waists, legs and joints.

Also, you will have more energy when you work''.

Chinese medical experts aren't so sure, and some have warned against the implicit sanitary

risks of gobbling up the treats.

Each egg costs around 24 cents, approximately double that of a normal egg.

Many avid aficionados who are particularly keen for a home-cooked egg or two, are known

to make their way around local schools in order to collect the pee for themselves.

They do so by taking it from the boy's toilets.

Why this pee-based practice remains legal is another question.

Bird's Nest Soup

Another Asian specialty, Bird's Nest Soup is a particularly pricey affair reserved for

the higher echelons of Asian society.

These soups are made with swiftlet nests, which are dissolved in boiling water or simply

placed into other soups.

The swiftlets which craft these nests are a rarity, owing to the value of the dish.

The birds, which dwell in caves and design the nests with their saliva, measure only

around 4 to 5 inches.

The soup is one of the most expensive food products consumed by humans, and the nests

alone can cost up to $5,000 per pound.

Tradition dictates that the soup is good for the health, so most consumers like to slurp

the soup in its most simple form.

When dissolved in broth, the dish becomes gelatinous and sticky, with a delicate flavor.

Some claim that the resulting soup may be anti-carcinogenic, while other lascivious

lovers consider the dish to be an aphrodisiac.

Collectors who grab the nests must scale cliffs and caves to get their hands on the rare trophies.

They do so with no equipment, risking their lives in the process.

Brave gatherers spend up to a year learning how to climb the cliffs, though many die or

become seriously injured in the process.

Bird's Nest Soup is pricey, prestigious, and replete with danger, making it perhaps the

most unethical entry on this list.

Which food did you think was the strangest?

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