Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 8 2018

Hi everyone!

Yes, I know you've missed me, but I've missed you too!

I have good news to announce!

I've just signed a contract with a very renowned French publishing house!

Really? Wo is it? Wo is it?

So it's…

Heyyyy Dhafer!

That's confidential!


So all I can tell you is that my manga will be published towards the end of 2018 if everything goes well!

At the beginning, I show you an extract of my manga published on jump+... I already mentioned in this video! My manga is available on the jump+ website!

Oh yes! Wait! Wait! Before showing you my drawings from my childhood, I can tell you three little anecdotes:

In Terminal S [12th grade] When the biology teacher asked us to draw organs of the human body

But Dhafer! We're not in arts class!

Well, do you want me to draw badly?

During higher education, I sometimes drew on the table

Hey Dhafer! It's actually a nice drawing!


Yes… It's true that I got into a bit a trouble with the cleaning lady! Because she rubbed off my drawings! She's totally right. But I still managed to convince her to not rub off my drawing depicting her.

It was more or less like this.

"My goodness! When are you going to stop drawing?"

So, I'm going to show you my drawings!

Hey, you see? It's Sangoku!

Aah? Is he mocking me? How could I have signed a contract with this kind of drawer?

No! That was when I was 8 years old…

Hmm… Ok…

You know? In kindergarten, I drew like all the other children.

It's cute!

Really? And then? Who taught you how to draw?

No one! No one!

Actually, when I was in CP [1st grade], my teacher asked us...

... to choose a farm animal from a book, for example a rooster, a cow, a horse and draw it.

in CP [1st grade], I was 6 years old

OOOh! Dhafer! You draw well! Oooh it's cute!

No! I'll start over!

No! No! Leave it! It's good as it is! B… But!

No Miss! A little more!

But I'm keeping it!

No, let me go!

Since then, I started discovering that I had a talent for drawing.

Actually, I drew a cow…

Why did I choose that?

Black and white...

Black and white...

I understand better why I like mangas!

By the way, my cow disappeared!

Brigitte, if you still have it, bring it back to me to fix it, please... Miss.

But still, my drawings have evolved since.

For instance, I've drawn characters.

So you have Vegeta Sangoku Piccolo Gotrunk!

Here it's Sangoku!

Yes, I'm a big fan of dragon ball!


No! No!

Actually that's my brother's drawing from when he was small! Anyway, he always draws the same way.

Even today!

Ah yes! In Sixième [6th grade], I drew portraits. This is a wolf.

I was marked 19.5 out of 20!

And the other portrait.

This is a witch,.

I got 19!

She reminds me of someone…

We'll talk about that another time.

There you go, I have a lot more to tell you about my drawings and comics, of course!

But I can't show you all of them today!

But don't forget my manga will be coming out soon!

Oh and by the way, in a few days, I'm going to Malaysia!

To discover the nature, the people, the culture. I'll tell you all about it when I'm back!

Don't forget to give a thumbs up and to share! Thanks! Bye!

For more infomation >> On a volé ma vache !! - My cow was stolen!! (EN SUB) - Dhafer - Duration: 5:59.


The Wrong Medicine for Legalism - Duration: 2:18.

Now, this is a very interesting result of this little study of the opening verses of

Genesis chapter 3.

It teaches us something.

It teaches us that every antinomian is a legalist at heart.

Every antinomian is a legalist at heart, and legalism is not only a distortion of the law,

but it's a distortion of the Heavenly Father.

Antinomianism is always the fruit of legalism.

Now that may sound rather surprising you know, plenty of people who may be antinomian of

one kind or another—they've never been legalists.

No, antinomianism is actually what they thought was the medicine for their legalism.

Listen to how Thomas Boston puts it, he says: "The antinomian principle, that it is needless

for a man perfectly justified by faith to endeavor to keep the law and do good works,

is a glaring evidence that legality is so ingrained in man's corrupt nature that until

a man truly come to Christ by faith, the legal disposition will still be reigning in him.

Let him turn himself into what shape or be of what principles he will in religion though

he run into antinomianism; he will carry along with him his legal spirit which will always

be a slavish and unholy spirit."

Now, this it seems to me was a real insight of these old ministers: That everybody you

meet, every Christian you meet is by nature a legalist and every antinomian you meet,

and in our days we meet them a plenty in the professing evangelical church, is actually

a legalist trying to escape from their legalism and using the wrong medicine.

For more infomation >> The Wrong Medicine for Legalism - Duration: 2:18.


Top 5 Things You Should ALWAYS Do - Duration: 3:27.

In life there are things you just shouldn't do.

But there are also things you should always do and that's what im going to be talking

about today.

Hey youtube im Court McGinley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started I want to know- whats something youre really good at?

Let me know your answers down in the comments.

Also make sure you subscribe to our channel if you havnt already.

And please give this video a big thumbs up.

Also if you have any ideas for top 5 lists youd be interested in seeing let me know down

in the comments.

Alright without further a due let me get started on our list of the top 5 Things you should

always do.

Starting off at number 5--Be thankful- Greed is one pesky little emotion isn't it?

It allows us to feel less than if we don't have a certain article of clothing or on a

larger scale if were not living in a big house or constantly going on trips?

We need to remind ourselves every now and then how lucky we truly are in order to keep

ourselves in check.

If you have your health- a roof over your head and food on your table be thankful because

some people don't have these things.

We should never take even the simplest things in life for granted.

Its also important if your able to give back that you do so.

Appreciate what you have and be thankful for everyday because things can change in the

blink of an eye.

In at number 4--Be kind- No one likes a bully.

Being nice to someone can instantly make their day better.

Its such an easy thing to do too.

Even if someones not being nice to you- be nice to them- theres a good chance it will

shock them and theyre going to end up feeling bad for treating you badly in the first place.

Even though sometimes its hard its important for you to be the bigger person.

The way you treat others is a huge reflection of who you are as a person.

And since you want to be the best you that you can be its important to treat everyone

with kindness and respect.

Even if some people don't seem like they deserve it.

Theyre probably the ones that need it the most.

At number 3--Value yourself- this is something that always seems to be overlooked way too


Valuing yourself is so important- especially in a world of negativity- jealousy- and doubt.

You need to remember to value yourself- what you believe in and the actions you take.

Its easy to get swept up into other peoples drama and negative attitudes so sometimes

you have to put yourself in check and remind yourself of all the good things you have going


Were all worth something and we should all remind ourselves of our self worth and remind

others of theirs.

Valuing yourself is so important because it reminds you of what you deserve and how you

should be treated.

When you are self aware of these things it allows you to bring the correct kind of people

into your life.

Coming in at number 2--Leave your comfort zone- Now while this is one of the hardest

things your going to do in life its also one of the most important.

Taking risks is a very important part of life.

Sure trying new things can be a little scary and uncomfortable but its important you push


You cant grow as a person if you arnt willing to take risks.

And who knows you might be missing out on something you love all because you were to

scared to try and go for it.

You only have one life so make sure you live it.

And at number 1--Be yourself- Never be afraid to show your true colours- if your loud be

loud if your quiet be quiet- if youre crazy be crazy.

You need to know its ok to be yourself even if sometimes people tell you its not.

Some people might think of you as weird if you don't conform and act a certain way

to fit in.

But you are the only you on this entire planet- so be different- be weird- be unique.

Its so important to be yourself and you don't change for anybody.

Its like the movie wonder says- you cant blend in when you were born to stand out.

Side note if you havnt seen the movie wonder you need to its amazing!

And there you go that's our list of the top 5 Things You Should ALWAYS Do.

Let me know down in the comments what you think is something people should always do.

Thank you guys so much for watching this video.

And ill see all of you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Things You Should ALWAYS Do - Duration: 3:27.


💥 SIGELEI GW 257W TC MOD (Vaping) VAPE REVIEW 👈 - Duration: 15:56.

hey guys welcome back to the vape corner today we are looking at the GW by

sigelei so stay tuned if you want to find out more

hi guys today we are looking at the GW it stands for great wall it's inspired

by the Great Wall of China mod by sigelei in the box you're gonna get your

GW mod no tank it's just a mod a USB cable for charging and you use a manual

and warranty card instruction manual a little certificate quality control

certificate your warranty card your

security code pamphlet and in here is your USB for charging or upgradeable

firmware whichever comes first also that's very surprising it comes

with two 21700 batters this is a dual 21700 battery mod sigelei does make 18

650 adapter sleeves but I have not seen anyone try it anyone do it anyone mess

with trying to put double 18 650 sleeves and batteries in this so I am NOT going

to try it I wouldn't recommend anyone try it but

today we are running the GW sigelei mod with the smart prince tank on it just

some general information about the is it's very large it's huge each age I

mean compared to we just did a nice review about the top one I mean put them

right next to each other the GW is taller it's wider by a lot it's wider

than the other sentences I mean it's it's absolutely humongous so if you guys

are looking for a nice big Meany long lasting this is the biggest thing that I

was so shocked with with these double 21700 batteries that I said earlier it's

a 21700 battery dual battery mod it lasted me four days chained vaping I

mean I've a when I Drive and I Drive all day for work I mean just I I never had

to worry about charging and I was like when am I gonna have to charge this

thing I mean seriously it's just ridiculous and it's awesome and I think

that's also partially contributed by the very small simple screen on it I mean

it's nothing extra it gives you all of your information it's very clear and

easy to read when you're in the sunlight I mean I think that saves a lot of power

on it it's mainly focused on the vaping part it's a very detailed mod on the

outside I mean these chrome sections on the side will show you in the close-ups

I got images carved not carved into them but that sort of stick out of them of

the Great Wall of China on both sides it's got some some scripture on the back

Scripture this the attention of detail on this mod is crazy it's it's beautiful

I mean it's it's awesome it's heavy I I pulled it out of the box took the 18

650s out of it and it was still heavy I mean it's you know if you're I don't

know a lot of people that look for a big big heavy mod but if that's what you're

looking for this is your answer this is so it's very heavy very high quality

everything is metal everything is metal no plastic on it anywhere it's huge it

will probably fit up to a 30 millimeter tank on the top so if you're if you've

got a hard ETA that's that big don't even worry about it

you're good you're set and you can run pretty much anything on it it says down

to down to resistances of point zero five ohms up to three ohms

it comes with a gold-plated adjustable 510 power pin in it so basically

anything you want to run on it you can accept squonk pins you can run your

Squam cable tanks with the regular power pin in them so let's go down into

close-ups and show you a little bit more about the GW month by sigelei all right

guys we're down in the close-ups of the GW mod by sigelei just gonna take the

tank off so we can look at the mod itself

all right so here is the mod as you can see it's got images of the Great Wall of

China imprinted on the side completely made out of metal this isn't like paint

or something that's stuck on there that's actually a piece of the metal on

the back it has some Scripture and some more Chinese looking lettering or

imagery on the back of the mod that is actually aesthetic you know you can run

your fingers over and feel it it sticks out from the metal and it's not like

glued on there it's actually a piece of the mod itself same thing as the other

chrome-plated side more images of the Great Wall of China on it a lot of sort

of shaping on it as you can see right there you got your wattage up and washed

down buttons along with your USB for charging and upgradeable firmware if

they offer that and your big fire button on top something I'm just gonna say

about the fire button is it is it is in sort of an awkward location so if you

grab the mod with your fingers in front you're sort of gonna be pressing it with

this section of your finger which is a little uncomfortable but if you simply

turn it around with the screen facing you it's easy to fire with your thumb

very clicky no rattle no battery right on the button rattle going into the

screen you have your resistance your volts your wattage your puff counter and

your battery gauge on it five click so the fire button will get you to turn the

mod on and off three clicks will get you into the settings screen which you can

do stainless steel 316 stainless steel 3:17 ni200 temperature

control and ti1 so we're just gonna go back to power and

that's it for your settings screen simple easy plain nothing you have to

worry about and that's that's it it's a super simple mod really just there for

you to grab what they call a super tank on it like the TF v12 tfv a smock tanks

I'm not really familiar with any other large sort of super tanks out there but

you know the big comparable tanks to this it's really made for throwing that

on and just blowing fact louts I mean it's ridiculous so that's gonna conclude

our up close for the sigelei GW mod now what I really love about this device is

the attention to detail that's to gely put into it it might be a little heavy

it might be a little bit big but they sure made up for it with all this detail

like I swear like I feel luxurious just holding this right now honestly fairly

simple there's nothing complicated at all about it which is another great

thing even though it's big you know I'll go for something big that's really

simple to use and have no issue with that some more practicality things about

it is it is great for your pocket the flat face on the back with the rounded

on the front just slides into your pocket perfectly it's gonna fit in there

it's not a big circular type of mod it's relatively slim for how

enormous it is and it just fits in there real well alright guys now we're going

to go into the cup holder rating section of our video it's huge

as I've said multiple times before I mean it is enormous so going in to your

cup holder it's not gonna have any opportunity to tilt this way or that way

it's just gonna go this way so in my cup holder when it tilts

forward it hits right up here on the base of the tank same on the back so I

wouldn't have any worries about it falling over and hitting the fire button

so the ease the ease of pulling and I are your cup holder is there I mean it's

just there you just I mean it's really easy to grab how do you a couple there

is rest in your arm on it pick it up turn it so you know just because of how

easy it is I'm gonna give it another solid eight and a half nine out of ten

for the cup holder rating scale I love this device I also do it fits in your

hand even though it is slightly bulky a little bit bigger it fits like the the

dimensions are perfect in my opinion everyone is different they might think

differently of this but that's just me so one thing when you get the mod though

is you're gonna have to open the battery door and the batteries are gonna come I

don't believe they come in the right order to power the device

also come with little clear plastic strips over to them so you will have to

remove those plastic strips from the batteries but let's just show you I mean

60 watts with the smock q4 coil on the prints tank at point 4 ohms push it in

four point nine volts goodness I mean it's a fat cloud your gaze honestly that

this is the perfect device for the largest clouds you want pair it with an

enormous tank whoa oh wow and this thing goes up to 257 watts

like who's gonna bake that high who makes a coil who makes a coil that vanes

that high but if you're that person that just wants to push it you got it you got

about two hundred and fifty seven Watts whatever that's fine I mean it's just

ridiculous I mean the cloud I just blew that was sixty watts it goes all the way

down to 10 watts and it doesn't round-robin so you will have to go from

10 to 2 onto the 57 or anywhere in between

but okay actively does change your voltage how much Bowl how much voltage

you're pulling out of the batteries however that works alright guys so that

concludes our review of the single e GW mine be sure to check out our website

vape corner we've got blog posts about every single review we do we

also have links to all the other videos check out the rest of our videos on

channel please click that like subscribe and leave the comment follow us on all

of our other social media we've got Facebook Instagram Twitter and YouTube

don't forget please do that to make sure you know in the next video is that I

always post thanks for watching our review of the GW mod by sigelei thanks

to sigelei for sending this out to us to do a review on it and we'll catch you

next time

For more infomation >> 💥 SIGELEI GW 257W TC MOD (Vaping) VAPE REVIEW 👈 - Duration: 15:56.


Super Dica. Decore o seu Quarto com Flores e Plantas Artificiais | Eleny Inoue - Nature - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> Super Dica. Decore o seu Quarto com Flores e Plantas Artificiais | Eleny Inoue - Nature - Duration: 4:45.


Fashion & Intellectual Property - Duration: 11:51.

Fashion is a form of art.

Art is just a way of expressing yourself.

Fashion is a trend.

It really defines a lot of people.

It touches everybody.

It's an industry that has 100% participation.

It's not a frivolity.

It's something that is a reflection of people's hopes and their dreams.

I would say fashion is never going away.

Whether it be digital stores or Instagram, there's always going to be fashion.

People are always gonna buy clothes.

Fashion's important because it stands in for who we are as individuals, as well as being

an enormous industry, from design to production to retail, and everything in between.

Intellectual property is the basis for protecting your concept and your idea, regardless of

whether you're in fashion or in any other industry.

Intellectual property is the body of law that protects the creative process.

Intellectual property is simply intangible property.

And ideas are not protectable, but artistic expression of an idea is.

So a lot of what regulates the fashion industry from a legal standpoint is intellectual property


And intellectual property law basically is a mix of copyright, trademark, and patents.

Trademark law probably has the biggest impact on fashion.

It's the brand or the logo.

It can be also more than just a name.

Every great brand has a trademark: Kate Spade, Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, Chanel, Gucci;

all of these brands are well-known, and those names are trademarked.

The real, primary purpose of trademark law is to avoid confusion in the marketplace among


So the purpose of trademark law isn't really to protect companies, although it does that.

It's really to protect consumers.

A trademark is anything, anything that functions as a source indicator.

It tells the customer, "oh, I know where this product came from."

It really tells companies that if you invest heavily in developing your brand, and developing

the quality of your brand, and generating consumer goodwill, that another company can't

come along and trade off of that goodwill.

So it protects both the consumer and the company.

One of the cases that I think has made more members of the public aware of fashion law

than anything else, a trademark case involving Christian Louboutin and his red soles.

Christian Louboutin is a French designer who has trademarked in the US and in a number

of other countries around the world the red sole.

It came to be very widely recognized that when you saw that red, you knew it was a Christian

Louboutin shoe.

Very expensive, very high end, the very definition of a trademark.

People saw it and they knew where it came from.

Ferrari red, Tiffany blue, I mean, there, there are a number of companies that have

established good trademark rights in a color.

And Louboutin sued Yves Saint Laurent for creating a line of shoes where each shoe was

a monocolor: red sole, but also red all the way around.

The whole shoe was red.

In Christian's case, we get shoes like this:

a classic pump, with some interesting detail.

And the red sole, which every bit as much as the signature inside the insole, shows

you, even when someone is wearing it, exactly who created this shoe.

The judge, Judge Marrero, wrote a very interesting opinion saying that color was not protectable.

And you can imagine how that affected the industry.

Tiffany wrote an amicus brief, 'cause of course the Tiffany robin's egg blue box.

You look at that box, and back to source identification, and you think Tiffany.

The designer had been enjoined, brought a trademark protection for quite a few years,

ended up losing everything because he brought the wrong case against the wrong people.

Now the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, on appeal, reinstated his trademark registration

but rewrote it.

They said, "we're giving you your trademark registration back, but it's only going to

apply to a contrasting sole."

Meaning that Yves Saint Laurent was permitted to continue to make monochromatic shoes, or

shoes that lacked any contrast, and so could everyone else.

But a very dramatic, very interesting case that pretty much left bloody footprints to

go with those red soles all over the industry.

One of the most famous marks I think is Louis Vuitton.

And that little LV carries such weight with it.

Anything that has that label's going to sell for more than if it didn't have that label.

So they really need to protect that brand.

Louis Vuitton has brought another parody case involving a different company, a company that

has created a series of canvas tote bags.

The company is called My Other Bag, and the idea is that My Other Bag have chosen a series

of different companies to include in their product.

LVMH v. My Other Bag. Louis Vuitton sued because someone had parody on their design.

And they put it in their tote bag.

This is a version of the classic Louis Vuitton 12, with the MOB's for My Other Bag replacing

the L's and V's that we would see on a genuine Vuitton.

And of course Louis Vuitton is not the only company that has been bitten, if you will,

by these bags.

And LVMH lost because the court says it's conspicuously different.

They just did a parody.

So all they did was use your design, it's a brand, and they put it on the tote bag.

And they did it as a picture, not as covering the whole tote bag as if it was Louis Vuitton.

Louis Vuitton had been pretty aggressive in their enforcement.

They tested it, and it didn't go well.

The parody question is an interesting one for fashion companies because their trademarks

are very well-known.

Their trademarks are protected very carefully because they are the primary economic resources

of the brands.

Designers come and go, boutiques open and close, but trademarks are forever.

They don't want others copying that label, 'cause that will dilute their mark and will

decrease the value.

Part of the reason why trademarks are so important in fashion is because in many jurisdictions,

including the US, fashion has so little other protection.

Very little copyright, only a tiny access to patent, but trademarks are universal.

And so even if you can't protect the entire design, you can at least protect the trademark.

A copyright is nothing more, nothing less, than the right to copy.

It's designed to encourage more artistic creation and expression by giving creators control

over what they create.

And the moment you put pen to paper to draw a drawing, or create a sculpture, or compose

a musical piece, you have a copyright in that work.

Overall, the cut and silhouette and shape of a dress is not protected by copyright law.

The rule has never been that utilitarian objects like a garment aren't protected; it's only

that they're not protected by copyright law.

You don't want copyright to protect, for example, the cut of a jacket.

Because a jacket has two arms and buttons, think of your standard blazer.

For example, Diane von Furstenberg wrap dress, the wrap dress itself is not protectable,

but the design is protectable.

The Star Athletica case dealt with a very simple question, which is, if you have a series

of shapes and stripes on an article of clothing, is that protectable?

And an employee of this company that made pretty much all the cheerleader uniforms in

the country went to another company and copied some of the designs of his original employer.

His new company was sued for copyright infringement.

And what the court did is that they looked at two different aspects of the designs.

There's the more utilitarian design, like the cut of the uniform, versus the designs,

the images that were on the uniforms.

And the court stated that the copyright wouldn't protect the cut of the apparel, but would

protect the designs.

The court basically said that if you can pluck those designs off of the cheerleader uniform,

and put them in another form, so think about your basic chevrons, and you pull them off

the uniform, and you put them in a frame, that's protectable.

Ultimately, the Supreme Court has decided that there is a separability formula or theory.

And what they determined was that if there's a two-dimensional or three-dimensional design,

and it's not part of the useful article, meaning you can separate it out, it can be subject

to copyright protection.

Was it a hugely important decision that changed the world in the US for protection of fashion?

Absolutely not.

It kind of left things where they are.

It doesn't seem to me at all to have changed what the law is.

But it should make litigating a case like that much more efficient, because it takes

away all of those extraneous tests and matters that needed to be proved, that we now know

don't need to be proved.

Intellectual property impacts every aspect of what a fashion company does, beginning

with the way products get designed, because nothing gets designed in a vacuum.

It is extremely important to retain the tiny bit of protection that fashions do have under

intellectual property law, and hopefully to grow that a little bit with time so that we

can compete more effectively.

Having a dynamic, robust public domain, things that people can refer to, is essential to

everybody, including high-end collection designers.

They're not designing in a vacuum either.

They're using references as well.

But if they didn't have those things to refer to, they would have a real problem.

Intellectual property protection in the United States is, in some ways, much better for the artists.

And in other ways, it's not.

It's very time-consuming.

It takes a lot of energy, and mostly it takes a lot of money for these emerging designers

to protect their own creativity.

There will always be cases where someone is copying a good idea.

And that's good, we want that to happen.

We want a good idea to be replicated with each company's own particular take and version

of it.

And if we don't have copyright protections, then it opens us up to complete theft of our

ideas, of our creativity, of our business model.

I think it's imperative.

And without it, we wouldn't be in business.

Your creativity, your designs are coming from within you and they deserve protection.

People a lot smarter than us have created this law that's designed to encourage more

artistic expression and creation.

Because o-overall, it benefits society to have copyright laws and trademark laws reasonably

and fairly enforced.

And there are a lot of open-ended questions about what exactly is protected.

It's in kind of an uncharted area.

The level of protection we have today is the level of protection we should have because

it is actually one of the drivers of innovation.

I really don't believe we're ever gonna have a law in this country protecting fashion.

And I don't believe it's worth wasting a lot of time on now.

Every major fashion capital in the world is in a jurisdiction that has at least some protection

for fashion.

And it's just a huge disadvantage to the American design community that we do not.

I am confident at some point in my lifetime, we will have some kind of US protection for


But it hasn't happened yet.

I think that allowing artists and designers to reap the benefits of their work is something

that's important.

And it's something that's really essential to intellectual property here in the United


And the reason behind that is we want to encourage people to get out there, create things, engage

in public discourse, and contribute in a valuable way.

For more infomation >> Fashion & Intellectual Property - Duration: 11:51.


Nightcore - Friends (Anne-Marie) - Lyrics - Duration: 3:16.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Friends (Anne-Marie) - Lyrics - Duration: 3:16.


Natalie and Tara Year One Bloopers & Outtakes - Duration: 7:55.

In the YouTube world the people have access to one show with two silly and

equally obnoxious females. The blonde who's wide-eyed and outgoing and the

angry redhead who yells at her. These are their year one outtakes.

[Dunn Dunn]

Are you ready? Yeah, I guess so. I guess we can do a vlog together.

This is your F***ing idea!

It's not.

I know I know actually this is a real thing.

This is gonna get edited out.

I don't hate it. That's the best I can ask for.

[Natalie making obnoxious noise]

It was not your idea. It turned into a monster too. It has!


Let's make sure we get free range honey. You're so stupid.

Pretending like I'm not grossed out from the previous episode.

This was neither of us neither of uses idea and now we're doing this beast of a project together.

Nothing. Nothing we're doing is legitimate. You know that right?

Brace myself. This is a spell. This is how you do a spell.

Most important thing to know about today, is Natalie has 2 pairs of underwear and no bra.

That's actually true.


Our decorations are not... staying. They're They're revol- revolting? Revolting? They are revolting.

Don't forget to get footage of the plane that you already inserted.

I did it. We'll know if it happened already. It happened.

I'm editing it in. Do I have to explain editing again to you?

Do we need to explain how- how the time travel works?

Off to Gettysburg! Off with the hair nets!

Oh. Can I wear it all day? You can.

I look good. I look good in a hair net.

Choose your weapons!

This is just the solid color duct tape. I have many like leopard print and stuff like that.

I do all of my decorating with duct tape.

So. [Winchester: Meow] He sympathizes with you.

He is, he knows how upset I am. Winchester, please not now.

I'll hold this with my teeth just don't get that in the shot.

Don't use this? I can't use this shot right now? I can't use this? [Film it!]

I'm doing it, I'm doing it, but I want to use that shot.

We saw a recipe for macaroni and pump-

pumpkin macaroni and we said No! We said No! Bad! Bad internet. Bad. No!

You do a lot of wrong things [NO!] but thats the worst.

I think the thing is you gotta get it to form around the hair.

It hurts just to push it on my armpits. Now that it' warm- AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

It's a hot dog.

It's a, I think its a curse. It is like 6:30 right now so

we're an hour and a half from close, and they've run out of Gray Stuff.

But that's not an advertised thing is that like an hour before you close you stop

serving food. Stop serving food. I bet I still get alcohol in California Adventure.

But I can not get food? You know what? Let's get alcohol.

We've reached epic proportions tonight.

We can just go to any bar now.

But does any bar have a costume contest?

Tara only cares because shes going to win.

Hi Brandon. [Brandon: Hello]

Our poor men. I know I feel so bad for our men.

They have to like to sneak around. Oh, I'm going to edit you out. Its okay.

Justin be quite we're filming! Justin we're making drinks!

Alright so there's our half a bath bomb. Our second attempt. We didn't do it right the first time.

But that's why you don't come here to learn. That is why you dont learn from us!

If you are here to learn how to do something, you are on the wrong channel.

What the f*** have we done with our lives? I don't know, I consider it a success!

It is Thursday in the middle of the day, and we're getting day drunk.

Who else can do that?

The light is so much better. I look like craaaaap. Look at those bags. Back up from the camera.

Look at those beaaags.

Let's start. Yeah let's actually do this. We talk a lot.

That's what happens when don't discuss whose going to take the lead. Oh, yeah we did not talk about that.

[snap] Theres always finger guns. Finger guns! We promise there will be finger guns.

This is gonna turn bad because I'm going to start eating these now. Don't eat all of them.

I'm having another. Don't do it. You don't even like it.

I like sugar. Why are are you eating another one. Because I like sugar.

Oh, wait. This isn't the shirt I wanted wear. Do you want to start over? No, not at all.

Do you notice how a point like this? I do this. I go. I do like- I do like a weird mini finger.

like I'm making tinier fingers for myself

This entire video is gonna be my roots. It makes your resting bitch-face more bitchy. Oh yeah?

Yeah. Because actually I was I was thinking that I was gonna, you know, do this more often.

Oh yes. This big purple- big purple thing.

No part of that am I swallowing!

NO! No Way!

Which is not me at all. I am a great F***ing fan.

One thing means the other, but I'm not rooting for you to lose, I'm rooting for my team to win.

That's totally different. I'm not rooting against you, I'm rooting for me.

Oh okay. Anybody who watches sports, not Tara, understands. I don't understand any of that.

You can't resist starting with a song. I just- You're warmin up to it?

I make a noise and that noise sounds like a song and I can't help to finish the little -

it's like the Shave and a Hair Cut through. You have to finish it? Yeah.

Shave and a haircut- - - Two Bits! No! Let it hang! Let it hang out there. I can't . I can't possibly.

Is that rolling? Yeah. Okay. Yeah.

Okay just checking. I'm sorry. Yeah, you should apologize for that actually. When I said yeah.

No. I'm just making sure. I'm bad about it so...

Now wait. Hold on. Now what do i do with this thing? Just hold it? Yeah. just hold it.

A half cut off pineapple? Let's just glue it on there. There we go!

You want to glue on- Yeah and then you dip it in in paraffin?

I don't know what the thing is you use to dip things in.

You want to take a fruit and then like dip it in like whatever polyurethane... Yeah, yeah that's the stuff. That stuff.

And this is your decorations for your party? People are spending a lot of money on 'em.

This is why Natalie doesn't throw more parties.

I've seen the thing for this and it looks like it's always doesn't look like a sliding as easy. She's like "it's so easy."

Did we look on YouTube for any information about Pioneer Town?

Nope. No, Tara you were suppose to look for information on Pioneer Town. Yeah, I learned my lesson.

Fine! This was Natalie and Tara - No. Your not going to do it with me? No.

I'm Tara and I'm Natalie and this was Natalie and Tara Try- Oh my god.

Why? Why did we start a YouTube channel why did we do this?


For more infomation >> Natalie and Tara Year One Bloopers & Outtakes - Duration: 7:55.


Kevin (Probably) Saves the World 1x14 Promo "Old Friends" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Kevin (Probably) Saves the World 1x14 Promo "Old Friends" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.


LE CALENDRIER ÉGYPTIEN AKA NILOTIQUE Egypto'Logique #4 - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> LE CALENDRIER ÉGYPTIEN AKA NILOTIQUE Egypto'Logique #4 - Duration: 5:46.


LO MALO (Ana Guerra y Aitana) - Daniel Sunday - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> LO MALO (Ana Guerra y Aitana) - Daniel Sunday - Duration: 3:17.


Pikachu Japonés VS Pikachu Chileno - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Pikachu Japonés VS Pikachu Chileno - Duration: 0:46.


The Real Reason Kids Have Imaginary Friends - Duration: 4:34.

[♩ INTRO ]

You might tend to think of imaginary friends as one of those quirks of childhood—something

you outgrow and then pretend never happened, like wetting the bed or believing in Santa


It's only when kids don't outgrow them fast enough that parents start to worry.

But according to psychologists, there isn't much reason to.

Imaginary friends are totally normal, even in older kids—and contrary to the stereotype,

they may indicate good social skills and a healthy creative mind.

Imaginary friends, which researchers call imaginary companions, are vivid make-believe

characters that are treated as real.

They're often invisible, but they can also be a personified toy or object.

And usually, they're played with and talked to for at least several months.

Studies suggest they're really common.

Estimates vary, but one study of 1800 children found that 46% of them had one between the

ages of 5 and 12.

Another well-regarded study found that as many as 65% of children have had an imaginary

friend by the time they're seven.

And it's not just preschoolers.

Studies have found that elementary and middle schoolers interact with imaginary friends

just as much as younger kids.

And even high schoolers sometimes admit to having them.

The stereotypes would have you believe that having an imaginary friend — especially

for that long — is a bad sign: that either the kids struggle socially, or that they're

mentally ill.

But there's really no evidence for that.

While it can be kind of jarring to watch a kid talk to someone who isn't there, researchers

studying these children report that they usually have a good sense of reality.

Like, they'll often make sure that the researchers know their friend isn't actually real — which

isn't what people with delusional disorders do.

That misconception might come from the fact children with dissociative identity disorder,

popularly known as having "multiple personalities," also often have imaginary companions — ones

that can last into adulthood.

But it's worth remembering that less than 2% of the population has this disorder, at

least in North America, which means the vast majority of imaginary friends aren't linked

to it.

So while children with certain serious disorders may create imaginary friends, that doesn't

mean imaginary friends necessarily indicate a serious disorder.

Another common belief is that kids invent imaginary friends because they don't have

enough real ones.

But that's not true, either.

For example, a study done for a 1991 doctoral dissertation found that kids with imaginary

friends were less shy and had more non-imagined friends than their peers.

And that's a trend that's been seen in numerous other studies.

That may be because having an imaginary friend helps kids cope with stress and conflict,

ultimately improving their social skills.

Other research seems to indicate that imaginary friends aid social development by improving

a child's theory of mind.

Theory of mind, which people normally develop between ages three and four, is your ability

to understand that others have different thoughts and feelings than you do.

For example, A 1997 study of 152 children found that 4-year-olds with imaginary companions

were better at theory of mind tasks than those who didn't have them.

So these kids were better able to understand what was happening in someone else's head,

even though they spent so much time in their own.

And being better at theory of mind at age four predicted better emotional understanding

at age seven.

These kids were better at understanding their own and others' emotions, including how

someone's personality might shape their feelings or how they respond to different


And that's important, because studies have found that emotional understanding is a key

part of developing good social skills as well as a child's overall psychological wellbeing.

There also seem to be linguistic benefits to having an imaginary friend.

Studies have shown that children with imaginary friends create richer narratives when asked

to tell a story and use more complex sentence structures when they speak.

They also have a larger receptive vocabulary, which is the number of words that they can

recognize and understand.

If at this point, you're thinking back to your childhood and worrying what it means

that you didn't have an imaginary friend, you can relax.

You may have just forgotten yours.

Many kids simply forget about their companions when they get older.

It's also possible you didn't have one—and that's totally OK.

Scientists aren't entirely sure why some kids do and other kids don't, although we

do know that firstborns and kids who are an only child are more likely to have them.

Which might be another reason they've been linked to loneliness.

Rather than loneliness, though, it might have more to do with the amount of unstructured

free time kids have for imaginative play, because kids who watch less TV are also more

likely to have an imaginary friend.

So, it's not a bad thing if you didn't have one.

It's just also not a bad thing if you did.

And if you see a kid start pouring tea for a giant invisible pink elephant made of cotton

candy, there's really no reason to freak out.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Psych!

If you have kids or happen to know any that you want to share your love of science with,

you can check out our SciShow Kids channel at

There are all sorts of great videos there, and you might find that both you and the little

ones learn something new.

[♩ OUTRO ]

For more infomation >> The Real Reason Kids Have Imaginary Friends - Duration: 4:34.






For more infomation >> KSI VS JAKE PAUL UNDERCARD CALL OUT - Duration: 4:33.


Was There a Universe Here Before Ours? The Big Bang vs the Big Bounce - Duration: 2:25.

Forget the Big Bang… we might have had the Big Bounce instead!

The Big Bounce hypothesis says that before the universe as we know it today had formed,

there was a universe here before us.

It disappeared before we arrived in something called the Big Crunch.

And from there it created such an immense amount of density and extreme temperatures

that it caused an inversion effect meaning it went from the big crunch right into expansion,

and formed the universe as we know it today--no point of singularity, no Big Bang required.

This is referred to as the bounce.

If our universe formed through a bounce instead of a Big Bang then maybe some of what exists

in the current universe today has already existed in a previous one!

The bounce hypothesis arose from our understanding of black holes.

It all started when physicist James Berdeen, in 1968, modified the equations about black

holes in Einstein's theory of General Relativity.

He stated that the mass of a black hole is not constant but instead a function based

off the distance to the center of the black hole.

This gave birth to the possibility of a new kind of black hole: named the "regular"

black hole which does not violate general relativity…

The idea has been around for decades.

So if there are black holes with no singularity then maybe there's no singularity for the

universe either!

This maybe can be the basis of the Universe Bounce hypothesis.

Many scientists, like physicist Juliano Cesar Silva Neves, believe that a black hole isn't

identified by its singularity but instead by its event horizon…. which is the area

around the black hole, where, once an object passes by it, it's doomed for a one way

ticket into the black hole.

He believes that spacetime acts totally differently at the event horizon than elsewhere in the


And there may be something there that can explain some of the questions that arise in

the bounce hypothesis.

He also believes in the possibility that some of the black holes in our universe existed

before the big crunch and transferred over to our current universe during the inversion


Does that mean maybe we too existed in another universe before this one?!?!

Well, until more research is done this is just a mere mathematical possibility.

But it's still pretty amazing to think about… right?

To learn more about spacetime phenomena please subscribe to our channel!

And check out this video on black holes!

Starting in the 1940s scientists have constructed 3 potential outcomes of our universe: The

big crunch, the infinite expansion and the stagnation expansion.

For more infomation >> Was There a Universe Here Before Ours? The Big Bang vs the Big Bounce - Duration: 2:25.


CM Punk UFC RETURN REVEALED?! | WrestleTalk News Feb. 2018 - Duration: 4:22.

Hello and welcome to the WrestleTalk News - I'm Oli Davis.

John Cena, Multi-Talented Mega Celebrity John Cena isn't just a 16-time world heavyweight

champion and leader of the Cenation; he's also a successful movie star, a platinum recording

artist and, of course, the holder of a doctorate degree in Thuganomics from the University

of Cultural Appropriation.

And now Cena is adding another profession to his already stacked LinkedIn page: an author

of children's books: "Big dreams can be scary, but that's okay.

Never be afraid to put in the work...sometimes all it takes is a little #ElbowGrease.

So happy to bring this story with wonderful illustrations from Howard McWilliam.

Excited for you all to enjoy."

The book is promoted as being authored by "multi-talented mega celebrity John Cena"

and is about "a little monster truck [called Elbow Grease] with a big problem!

He's smaller than his four brothers, but wants to prove that he has the guts and the

grit to do big things."

Wrestling personalities have a remarkable track record when it comes to publishing.

Mick Foley's series of autobiographies are best sellers, Austin Aries wrote a guide to

being vegan, and AJ Lee's recent book Crazy is My Superpower is being adapted into a TV


But for me, the greatest wrestling book of all WWE Novel Big Apple Take Down

from 2006, where the superstars of World Wrestling Entertainment double as a covert black ops

group for the government.

I'm going to read a random bit of the book.

Shane McMahon DVD Cancelled!


while Cena announces children's books, poor old Shane McMahon can't even get one DVD

release - as his long-in-development Craziest Matches compilation has been cancelled yet


Click the 'i' above my head or the link in the video description below for

to tell you why this might be.

CM Punk UFC Return Revealed?

Last month marked the four year anniversary since CM Punk walked out of WWE because of

creative differences, personal differences, alleged medical misdiagnoses and the fact

that he came up with The Shield, dammit, and he still seems resolute in never wanting to

work for Vince McMahon or Triple H again.

Instead, he's still pursuing his mixed martial arts dream by competing in the UFC.

But following his 2 minute 14 second loss to Mickey Gall at UFC 203 in 2016, there were

rumors that Dana White wasn't interested in booking him again - despite Punk's multi-fight


That was until the promotion announced UFC 225 would take place in Punk's beloved home

city of Chicago, which Punk reposted with CURIOUS EYES EMOJI, PONDERING FACE EMOJI!

MMA Fighting are now reporting that "the UFC is currently discussing booking CM Punk

vs. Mike Jackson for the UFC 225 card on June 9 in Chicago", although these talks are

"in the early stages with no final decision made just yet."

Jackson was almost Punk's UFC debut opponent, losing to Mickel Gall in a fight for the right

to have Punk's first match back in 2016.

He's since called out Punk in the form of an 80s-style wrestling promo.

Jackson's loss to Gall is his only professional fight. Discount Code: 'WTTV' As a special treat for the SWAFT Nation, if

you visit and use the discount code WTTV, you'll get a free DVD or autograph

in your first box!

WrestleCrate is a monthly mystery box full of loads of wrestling goodies, which has items

from the biggest promotions in wrestling.

Triple H has taken over 205 Live from Vince McMahon!

Click the screen now for more great wrestling videos.

For more infomation >> CM Punk UFC RETURN REVEALED?! | WrestleTalk News Feb. 2018 - Duration: 4:22.


What If England Never Had A Queen? - Duration: 5:22.

When most people think of England, they think of tea, cake, pints of ale, sausage rolls,

red telephone boxes and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second.

England, and of course the rest of Britain, has a rich history, irrevocably tied up in

our long established monarchy…but what if this wasn't so.

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions – I am Rebecca Felgate and today

I am asking, What if England Never Had a Monarchy?

Since beginning of civilization, pretty much all clans, tribes, groups…people…have

had some kind of class or hierarchy system.

Kings and Queens were not an English invention, but a social phenomenon across most developing


Emperors and Empresses, Sheik's, Pharaohs, Sultans, Tsars….whatever name you want to

give to a leader, there were always leaders.

First came regional rulers, then, the first king of all of England was Athelstan in 927.

The creation of a monarchy is tied up with another complicated force, religion.

Monarchs tended to believe they were the ruler of their people at the appointment of God,

making them a stronger force than just a human alone…a wise move for consolidating power

and making a leader seem untouchable.

A lot of the laws and customs were set and enforced by the rulers of the land, making

the monarch into a feared figure.

Without a monarch, perhaps in the days when Kings and Queens ruled by sole decree, people

would have felt freer, but society may have been more lawless.

I wonder whether this would have destroyed the class system.

Eventually, as average people became more intelligent, they realised that sole rulers

were sometimes bad idea and the need to regulate them came in the form of governments.

The first English government was formed after the mad King John abused his power.

If Monarchs were a necessary part of early development, the first chance to properly

get rid of it came from Oliver Cromwell, who briefly abolished the monarchy in 1649, although

a King was back on the throne 11 years later, again out of need for a divine leader.

This is the first historical point that I can see England being strong enough to continue

without a Monarchy, I feel up until that point a royal leader was inevitable, so rather than

never having a crown, lets pretend that England never had one from 1649.

Yes, things would be different.

For one, I am not convinced Britain's overseas colonial pursuits would have been as fruitful.

Colonies were obtained in the name of the crown, with a divine leader a lot easier to

fight wars and steal land for than a parliament.

Had countries never been colonised and their resources plundered, perhaps their economies

would be bigger today.

A lot of places in the world would have different names had there been no monarchy…for example

Virginia was named as such after the Virgin Queen Elizabeth, Georgia was named after King

George the second, Maryland was named after King Charles the first wife….Queenstown

New Zealand, pretty much all places called victoria across the world, including Victoria

Falls…so many places would have different names.

Of course the Commonwealth we know today wouldn't exist…but to be honest, perhaps neither

would America as we know it, seeing as the British crown has such an effect on the landmass

and people.

That being said, France dispensed of their monarchy and were still huge colonists, so

maybe much would have been the same… we just don't know.

It is no coincidence that the strength of the English and British monarchy has unravelled

at the same speed as the strength of religion, with the pair somewhat tied up in one another's


The need for religion and the need for a monarchy were at their strongest points when people

were less enlightened, and needed to be told what to do and what to believe and who to

respect in order for society to work.

These days, almost every single person in England and the rest of the UK is capable

of reading and writing and thinking for themselves, which also means they can make informed decisions

about their own future and utilize their right to vote for and elect a leader.

Some say after Queen Elizabeth the second dies, a referendum will be held as to whether

we should abolish the monarchy…so England, and the rest of the UK and the commonwealth

may gain a flavour for the answer to this question in the future… who knows what great

historical figures will grace our money then!

There are of course great things that have come from the crown, the most important for

England perhaps is a sense of national pride.

Having a monarchy got us through hard times, such as the world wars and shaped the cultural

landscape we know today.

It gave us someone to drink to and to care about.

Kings and Queens were our earliest celebrities.

The crown is so tied up in our history, that separating history FROM it is neigh on impossible.

All we know is a monarch…and without one, it will truly be an end of an era on so so

many levels.

So, that was a difficult question to think about – as always with huge sweeping historical

questions impossible to solve in 5 minutes, I would love it if you could continue the

discussion in the comments section down below…let me know what you think the world would be

like if England never had a monarchy!

Thanks for tuning in to Life's Biggest Questions, if you like our channel please do make sure

you are subscribed with notifications turned on.

Click that bell…dong.

That was me making the sound of the bell when you click it.

I wish they had a sound for a thumbs up!

I am Rebecca Felgate, I'll catch you guys in the next video…for now remember to stay

curious, stay alert and never ever stop questioning.

For more infomation >> What If England Never Had A Queen? - Duration: 5:22.



For more infomation >> 5 REASONS WHY KSI IS GOING TO BEAT JAKE PAUL - Duration: 11:20.


New Bike Day! Triathlon Taren Bike for Sale - Duration: 5:32.

(upbeat, orchestral, hip hop music)

- [Taren] Holy snap and crap!

Morning Trainiacs!

"New Bike Day"

So, "New Bike Day?", you say?

But, for who?

I'm sure the lot of you are thinking

"OMG Taren's getting the vent up!"

No, not true.

However, there are three new bikes happening today.

One, for me.

Two, for a local Trainiac.

And three, for potentially one of you.

Spoiler alert: I can't give away a free bike.

Alright gang, let's go delay my retirement

at everyone's favorite bike shop Alter Ego.

(upbeat, orchestral, hip hop music)

Trek Farley 9.6, 27 1/2 inch tire fat bike.


Given that, I'm having some challenges running

and I'm feeling fairly secluded

because I can't get out the running group right now

I thought to myself,

"Hey, you know what?

"Why don't I just make life easy on myself

and mentally say, hey, I'm not running on Sunday,

but I still want buds so my cycling pals

have been fat biking for the last bunch of years".

I went out with James here,

from Alter Ego a little while ago...

Awesome frigging cross-training workout.

So good with the core and the lower back muscles.

So, gets me out, fills a day that I would

otherwise be running.

Social, get back into the community

and it's a new bike.

It's hard to go wrong with that.

Apparently, according to the fellows here

27 1/2 inch fat bike tires...

totally the way to go.

Carbon frame, two bliss-ready wheels, flats

because I'm not a 'mountain bike handling' kind of guy.

(upbeat, orchestral, hip hop music)

Allow me to build up all of that

and that and that and that.

I'll explain.

(upbeat, orchestral, hip hop music)

So many bikes in here.

Stage right we have my very first triathlon bike.

I think it is a 2012 Cervelo P3.

That's going to a local Trainiac here.

Shout out to Pierre.

Thank you very much for purchasing that and the wheels.

Actually kinda makes me sad.

Funny story about this bike.

See how it's not white and a cream color?

It ended up coming from a bike shop in Colona

that went up in flames and the heat

was so intense that this bike,

the top coat, the clear on it turned yellow

and when I go to race this, people are like

"Whoa! How'd you get that color from Cervelo?"

"It's custom."

This bike, we've already talked about my new bike...

but this bike here could be your new bike.

So this here is a 2017 Cervelo P2

with Shimano 105 on it.

This is what I raced on in Austin,

it's what I trained on leading into that.

Good bike.

At the end of the video I'll link to a couple

of the videos that I did talking

about why I ended up using this bike.

Thank you to Alter Ego for letting me use it

but Ventum's coming soon.

So this bike belongs to Alter Ego,

unfortunately I can't give it away

but if anyone is in the market

for a Cervelo P2, very good beginner Triathlon bike.

This will get you going.

You've got the upgraded seat here.

It's basically in pristine condition.

I used it for a grand total of about 2 months.

If you want this, you are getting the benefit

of a smashed up Canadian dollar

and I'll include a Trainiac biking kit.

So, Alter Ego said they would let this bike go for

$2900 Canadian, I think that works out to $2316 U.S.

which should be, from what I gather,

somewhere around $150 less

because of our smashed up Canadian dollars

then what you would pay going into a store

in the states and buying this Cervelo P2.

In addition to that, you get a Trainiac kit.

In addition to that, you might be able to get

the taxes back from that cost that I mentioned.

And in addition to that, you get

some Triathlon Taren sweat.

How good of sells man am I right now?

So, if you're interested in the bike,

hit me up in the comments below

or email

Let me know that you're interested.

Ideally, you're from Canada or the United States.

Oh, and if you want details about the bike,

check out the videos here and here.

Thank you very much to Alter Ego

for letting me ride this for a few months.

I rode the piss out of it. Whew! Power!

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