Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 8 2018


Today is a really special day for me and Squeaks.

We're eating our favorite colors!

Squeaks really loves the color red, and my favorite is green.

So we had some green asparagus for dinner… and check out our dessert!

Don't worry, Squeaks; we'll eat it soon!

But first, take a look at it!

When you see a shiny, red apple… the red you see is just how your brain understands

the light bouncing off of it.

Your brain gets information about colors from a place at the back of your eye called the


The retina has two kinds of parts inside it that help you see: rods, which are mostly

for seeing when it's dark, and cones, which see colors.

When the light in the room shines on the apple, some of it bounces off toward your eyes.

And then, the millions of cones in your retina get to work!

There are three types of cones: some cones that look for reddish colors, some that look

for greenish colors, and some that look for blueish colors.

When you look at a red apple, it makes the cones that like red get excited!

[Squeaks gets excited.

He really loves that apple!

Jessi holds it up again.]


When the cones get excited, they send a message to your brain – kind of like a secret code.

The code from your cones says, "These are the colors I saw!"

Most humans can see all the colors in the rainbow pretty easily, using all three types

of cones.

But not everybody has three types of cones to work with!

Some people are what we call colorblind.

That doesn't mean they're blind, and it usually doesn't mean that they don't see

colors at all, either.

It just means that instead of three kinds of cones, only two kinds work properly.

People who are red-green colorblind have a problem with some of their cones – either

with the ones that look for red, or the ones that look for green.

So to them, red and green don't look as bright as they do to the rest of us.

Both colors look kind of dull, and kind of similar to each other.

So red-green colorblind people have trouble telling red and green apart.

The other main type of colorblindness is called blue-yellow colorblindness, which means someone

has trouble telling apart – you guessed it!

– blue and yellow.

Because they have a problem with their blue cones.

Other types of animals can have different numbers or types of cones.

Dogs, for example, only have two kinds of cones in the first place, so they see the

world a little bit like some people with red-green colorblindness do.

Red and green probably look more like shades of blue and yellow and gray to them.

So if you're buying a dog toy … your dog will probably have the most fun with a bright

yellow or blue ball.

A red ball won't look so great to a dog.

But what if you had more than three types of cones?

A few lucky people see the world through four!

We can't imagine what the world looks like to them, but I'll bet it's pretty exciting.

And for some animals, it gets even more exciting that!

For example, a flower that looks just looks plain yellow to you might look totally different

to a bee!

Bees have three kinds of cones to see color, just like us.

But instead of seeing red, green, and blue, their cones look for green, blue … and something

called ultraviolet light.

That's a type of light that's invisible to us, but it is there.

And bees can see it!

It's kind of like a trade … we can't see ultraviolet, but we can see red, and bees

can't see red, but they can see ultraviolet.

And to get bees to land on them, some flowers have not only the pretty colors that we see,

but other patterns, too, painted in the ultraviolet light that bees can see, and we can't.

To a bee, some flowers that look plain yellow to us actually look like a big target sign!

Some animals can see even more.

A type of animal that lives in the ocean called a mantis shrimp can have not three … not

four … but twelve or even sixteen different kinds of cones!

A few of those cones are just for seeing ultraviolet light.

We're still learning what the world looks like to them, but if it looks this colorful

to us, with our three kinds of cones, just imagine what the mantis shrimp see when they

look at it!

Now, I think it's time to finally eat this apple!

Thanks for joining us!

If you want to keep learning and having fun with Squeaks and me, hit the subscribe button,

and we'll see you next time here at the Fort!


For more infomation >> How Do We See Color? - Duration: 4:17.


В эфире только самые отборные тиммейты! - Duration: 2:47:06.

For more infomation >> В эфире только самые отборные тиммейты! - Duration: 2:47:06.


Cyberpunk 2077 - A game for PlayStation 5? - Discussion - Duration: 9:45.

Greetings Earthlings!

Welcome to the MadQueen Show!

I am your host the MadQueen

On today's menu we're going to talk about

Cyberpunk 2077 again, why not?

because a lot of you asked for the reasons why I keep saying that

Cyberpunk 2077 is a game that is going to be for next-generation which, I repeat, at

this point is speculation, but I always said that but I never entered into details about

the facts that support this speculation

so first, the facts

In one hand we know that Cyberpunk 2077 is a game that is very ambitious, the most ambitious

game CD Projekt ever did, described by Marcin Iwinski, CEO of CD Projekt as "More ambitious

than The Witcher on every single front", with a map that is "Way bigger than the Witcher 3"

This incredibly huge map is going to have photorealistic graphics and destructible environments,

flying cars, minigames, braindance, two sandbox environments and a lot of other cool stuff

that The Witcher 3 didn't have

And, if we go back several years, to 2015, we may remember how consoles held back the

quality of The Witcher 3, game that needed to be downgraded to fit the current generation

And CD Projekt received a considerable backlash for this downgrade and the problem here was

not only the opinion of enraged fans, I can guess how frustrating it is to work very hard

to reach a certain quality and then had to downgrade the game because the hardware couldn't

manage it

So, if you think about it, even The Witcher 3 was a game for next generation, and we're

talking about Cyberpunk 2077, a game that is way bigger and way more complex than The Witcher 3

That's the reason why I believe that is highly unlikely that Cyberpunk 2077 is a game

for the current generation, if they had to downgrade the Witcher for current and Cyberpunk

goes way beyond, it's impossible that current generation can handle it

But impossible

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Not only that, we're talking about a highly anticipated game, Cyberpunk 2077 is a very

anticipated game

The Witcher 3 was a game that had one and a half million people waiting for it, that's a lot

one and a half million people preordered the game, that sold 4 million copies in the first two weeks

A game that sold so far roughly 20 million copies, and keeps selling, in fact, they sold

more past year than the year before, because people keep talking about how awesome the

game is, and it was released almost three years ago, which is amazing

Also, the sales where split a 70% for consoles and a 30% for PC, contrary to popular belief,

that thinks that the game was more successful on PC

People keep saying that is one of the best games ever done and imagine what the game

could've been if they didn't need to downgrade it

These are the numbers of the Witcher, and it's not a game that exactly disappointed,

quite the opposite, people love it, and this made a huge amount of people hype for anything

that CD Projekt does in the future, there's a core of hardcore fans, and it's a huge

community, that will buy the game no matter what, the only marketing that needs to be

done with them is telling when the game is going to be released, and inside this CD Projekt

hardcore fans group we must include the fans of the Cyberpunk 2020 roleplaying game, we're

talking about one of the most successful pen and paper roleplaying games in history, with

over 5 million players up to date

Some of us belong to both groups, the Witcher 3 fans and the Pen and Paper players, we're

the worst of the worst

we're the most hyped for this game

So, the base of hyped people is there, you google "Cyberpunk 2077" and you find half

million results, and they even didn't start their marketing campaign, with no marketing

effort at all they already have the double amount of content online than, for instance,

Last of us 2, and the triple of Anthem, and I'm sure that past June Cyberpunk will be

over the other incredibly anticipated game Red Dead Redemption 2

What do I mean with that?

There's a huge amount of sales that are already done just because this is the game

it is, developed by the people who are developing it

What do I mean with all that?

That they can do whatever they please with the game and we're going to buy it anyway

no matter what

Well, obviously not whatever

we're living in the times in game development where micro-transactions

are more important than quality and we all know that CD Projekt is not a company that

does that, they're a user-friendly company that makes solid games with a strong focus

on quality, and that's a huge reason to have such a faithful and passionate fanbase

In all that, the most important word is quality, because going back to the subject we talked

about before, they are a company that is very focused on quality, and releasing Cyberpunk

2077 for the current generation of consoles would mean taking a step back, because the

hardware of the current generation just can't process all, we're talking about photorealistic

graphics and sadly, current generation just can't handle them

And as I said before, 70% of the total sales of the Witcher 3 was on consoles, so obviously

consoles are going to be a thing where CD Projekt will put an eye, because, obviously,

they're not stupid

So, they have an insanely anticipated game done by a company whose primary focus is quality

Knowing as we know, that the life cycle of this current generation is ending and that,

according to the usual life cycle of consoles we're going to see a new PlayStation next

year the latest, because 2 plus 2 equals 4, and I talk mostly about Sony because for the

life of me that I couldn't find any credible rumor when it comes to the hardware plans

of Microsoft, and the life cycle of their consoles is much more erratic: 3 years between

the first and the second, 8 years between the second and thirds and 3 years for the

new one that it's considered an upgrade and not a new generation, and not counting

the upgrade of the 360 here, so in 2019 we will be 6 years away from the Xbox one, so

it's not insane to think that they could release a new generation, because the Xbox

one and the PlayStation 4 were also released the same year around the same date

So, again, an insanely anticipated game done by a company whose primary focus is quality,

with tones of amazing features that will need way more power

than we currently have in this generation

Both Sony and Microsoft need to be insane to not think about using Cyberpunk 2077 as

an excuse to sell the new generation of consoles, even more Sony than Microsoft, because of

their philosophy with quality games

There's a lot of people that said that they didn't want to wait for the next generation

of consoles to play the game, and I ask you, what would you rather, a game that is downgraded

to fit your console and it's not the highest quality possible or a kick ass game that is

going to be totally awesome but you have to wait a little more to have it?

Well, just in case, I'm going to start saving for the PlayStation 5 that, I suppose, will

cost around 500€ at launch

Well, folks, thanks for watching

If you like what we do, please spread the word about this channel because I want to

grow enough to grant me a press pass at E3 to see Cyberpunk's presentation


See you in next videos and Stay Being Amazing!

For more infomation >> Cyberpunk 2077 - A game for PlayStation 5? - Discussion - Duration: 9:45.


Deja ir y sueña en grande ~ Abraham-Hicks en español Amor propio auto estima éxito - Duration: 16:46.

For more infomation >> Deja ir y sueña en grande ~ Abraham-Hicks en español Amor propio auto estima éxito - Duration: 16:46.


انتصاب كامل ومحرج لشاب مراهق مضحكة جدا ستقوم بعمل شير للفيديو!!!! - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> انتصاب كامل ومحرج لشاب مراهق مضحكة جدا ستقوم بعمل شير للفيديو!!!! - Duration: 1:08.


10 Signs You Have Negative Energy Around You And 20 Techniques - Duration: 12:34.

10 Signs You Have Negative Energy Around You And 20 Techniques To Chase Negativity Away

By consciousreminder

Life on Earth is a life of duality, light and dark, good and bad, yin and yang.

In this world of duality, we learn our greatest lessons.

This is the very purpose why we came here for � to overcome the obstacles necessary

to make us grow and become whole again.

Essentially, we must encounter different kinds of people who bring along with them the lessons

we need to learn at a particular time.

It�s as if we�re playing a video game.

The more we play it, the more we get better at it.

Among others, empaths and intuitives are the ones who easily get affected by the lower


Yet, we all attract, receive and absorb the lower energies from people and our environment.

Going through these experiences is part of the game of expanding our souls, energy and


Here are some signs that show you have picked up these negative energies:

10 Signs There Is Negative Energy Around Or In Your Energy Field

� Getting dropped calls, or sudden, passing static on your phone while speaking to someone

at a location where you don�t normally get such experience.

� Feeling depressed when there�s no reason to be.

� Unable to log into your bank account (or other online accounts) and get error messages

even if your internet connection is stable.

� Feeling severely tired all of a sudden and have the desire to take a nap even though

you�re not deprived of sleep.

� Resisting to help yourself to the point of not giving yourself food even though you

know you�re actually hungry.

� Having sore throat as if you�ve caught a flu virus (Sometimes our body reacts to

lower energy this way).

� Losing your house keys or wallet, or locking your car keys inside the car, or having something

you value stolen.

� Having the email you sent failed at reaching the intended recipient.

� Having your mind spinning on negative thoughts about someone or a situation that

occurred in the past, though you�ve already done the inner work of clearing it.

You�ve done everything to wave them off, yet they stick the more.

� Engaging in behaviors that go against loving yourself like spending money on unnecessary

items, even though you don�t have the budget intended for it.

These are just a few examples.

The list could go on.

It�s up to you to recognize them when they do occur.

Just manage yourself to tune into your awareness to make these things clearer to you.

Once you start to recognize these lower energies, it is your right to clear your energy field

of these lower vibrations.

Here are the following methods that will help you in clearing the lower energies.

It�s best to combine as many of them as you can for most effective results:

20 Techniques To Remove Negative Energy 1.

Setting a strong intention in clearing these energies.

Place both of your hands on your heart and say your intentions loudly.

In addition to voicing it out, writing it on a piece of paper and burning it after can

help greatly.

Repeat your intentions a few times.

Using your voice for clearing and protection strengthens your throat chakra.


Yawning away the negative energy.

A great tool for clearing is yawning.

Set your intention mentally and start doing the yawning motion as if you�re very tired

and need to take a nap.

Even if you don�t feel like yawning, the motion will continue once you started.

Do it also when you feel the resistance to use your voice on calling on your power and

divine help.


Playing drums or drum music in the background.

If you don�t have a drum at home, you may either play Youtube videos of shamanic, African

or Native American drum music as a background while applying the techniques mentioned above;

or use a wooden desk or table and start drumming with your hands.

Drumming is really powerful in raising your vibration!


Using a smudge stick.

In this clearing technique, White Sage is the best herb to use.

But you may also use dried Rosemary, Cedar, Mugwort and Sweetgrass.

Light the smudge stick, when you have a good flame, blow it out and use the smoke.

Start with your body by circling all seven of your chakras and your outer energy field

including the bottom of your feet.

As you go through each chakra, pull your arm away from that area as if you�re pulling

a scarf off your neck with one hand.

While smudging your body, take the necessary precautions against dropping hot embers as

you go.

Use the power of your intention and continue the smoldering as you go around the room or

even the entire house, including all the corners and under furniture.

Open one or several windows for the smell and the lower energies to leave the space

commanding them out mentally or verbally.

If you have money issues, you may clear it as well by clearing your purse or wallet.

If your computer is getting bounced email messages, clear that one too.

Smudge the negative energy out of everything!


Saying a clearing and protection prayer or mantra.

You may use this example:

�I, (insert your full name), refuse permission for any living and non-physical being to enter

my body, mind, soul, spirit and energy field for intentions that are other than love.

I break all contracts, vows and agreements I might have made knowingly or unknowingly

in all time, space, and dimension that in any way diminish the fullest expression of

my joyful soul essence.

I break these agreements from this moment backward, through every experience of my past,

and from this moment forward until the end of all time.

I command that these energies and people to leave my space NOW!

They have no power over me.

I ask for divine protection from these energies, that they NOT return to my energy field in

any way, and for any reason.

I now build a shield of light around me with this heart intention and my free will.

I thank you that it�s already done.�

Repeat this several times and say it out loud.

You can also place your right hand over your throat gently to feel the vibration as you

say this prayer.


Using a rattle to break up the energy into a zillion small pieces.

If you don�t have a rattle, you can use pennies.

Put them in an empty plastic drink bottle or tupperware and start shaking it.

While doing this, move around your space to get best results.


Burning lemon or orange peels.

Cook the peels on a non-stick pan.

Use the pleasant smell to fill up your space and repel lower energies that are lurking

in it.


Laughing it off.

Laughter is the best medicine as well as very effective in clearing lower energy too.

If you don�t feel like laughing, search for funny videos in Youtube and start having



Lighting a candle.

You may use one or more candle.

Light it up, with the intention that the flame absorbs and melts away the lower energies,

and let it burn all the way.

Then throw it in the garbage or bury it somewhere in your yard.


Using sea salt.

Sprinkle some sea salt into the water, mix well, and drink it.

You can also draw a hot bath by putting few tablespoons in the tub to soak in.

Then set the intention that the water will pull away the negative energy as it goes over

your body, into the drain, and back to mother earth to be cleared.


Creating an �attractor� for lower energies.

Pour a glass of water and set the intention that lower energies in your field will be

absorbed by this water.

Keep the glass filled with water until your energy feels clear and free.

Then flush the water in the toilet, or pour it out into the yard for the lower energy

to be transformed back into love by mother earth.


Skipping like a child.

Counter the depressive or angry thoughts by skipping like a child for a minute or longer.

Do this also to shake off bad dreams or when you wake up feeling grumpy.

I know you might not feel like doing that, but trick your energy into raising the vibration

you radiate!


Clapping your hands.

Walk around your space clapping and singing a fun tune, a joyful song or whistling.

This will raise your vibration and repel negative energies.


Dancing it off.

Shove the negative mood away or the lower energies that are attached to you by dancing

it off with your favorite dance music.

This will significantly improve your mood and raise your vibrations!


Engaging with the protection prayer (#5) regularly.

Repeat the prayer in the morning, at night, or in between.

You can also write it and keep it in your wallet or the dashboard of your car, or write

it in the back of your happy photograph.


Using pine for protection.

Once you�ve done the clearing methods above, cut off a small piece of pine needle branch

and put it in a vase or a glass of water.

Set the intention that the pine needles repel and intimidate these lower energies so they

don�t come back.

If you keep it around for a while, replenish the water every other day.


Watching your words, actions, and karma.

When you have a bad day and cannot avoid feeling upset, be aware of the negativities in your


Sending out negative energy to others will open up your lower energy, making it come

back to you.

Ask your higher self to make you aware at these times so you�d be able to pull yourself


Use laughter instead to clear them away.


Finding ways to counter stress.

Stress is part of our daily grind.

But when you fail to give it enough attention, it will lead you to be susceptible to discordant,

lower energies.

Eliminate it by providing time for rest, relaxation, a healthy diet, and laughter.

Even 5 minutes a day will do.


Making eight-figure movements for aura strengthening.

Strengthen your aura with these movements.

Rotate around as you move both arms in a figure eight motion as if you�re an orchestra conductor.

Start from the ground going up as you keep rotating and go back down towards the floor

making sure you cover all four directions.


Adopting a tree.

Find a tree in your local park or on a walking trail and make it yours.

Lean against that tree for at least 15 minutes and ask it to pull out anything in your energy

field and body that vibrates less than love.

Try it.

It works!

Negative energy is a normal part of life and not something to always avoid.

Always running from negative energy in order to keep your positivity will make you miss

the point of living.

It�s like always avoiding to get dirt on your clean shirt, you miss the point of having


And whenever you get dirty, just take a bath.

The main trick of clearing negative energy is in raising your vibration in whatever way

that works best for you, all while washing the dirty energy away.

Sometimes tricking yourself to getting higher vibrations can work too because as you get

high vibrations the negative energy will go away.

Negative energy cannot stay in high vibration environment!

Learning how to steer yourself whenever you notice that negative energy has stained your

energy field is a powerful skill we all need to master.

That�s how we can significantly accelerate raising our consciousness and evolve as humanity.

For more infomation >> 10 Signs You Have Negative Energy Around You And 20 Techniques - Duration: 12:34.


Crochet Boy with a Fishing Rod Tutorial - Duration: 57:50.

Hello everyone, thank you for joining me. I'm Kerri.

Today I'll be showing you how to crochet a boy with a fishing rod. I'll be using

these colors today.

The materials I'll be using are dark and light blue, red, yellow, brown and black

crochet cotton or wool. I'll also use the tiniest bit of grey cotton just for the

reel of the fishing rod. I've got my crochet hook, a 1.25 millimeter.

I've got a darning needle to weave in my ends, scissors, sewing thread, and a sewing

needle to stitch it together. I'm going to start with the main part of the

overall and I'll be doing cuffs in light blue. If you didn't want to do cuffs you

could just work the whole lot in the main color. Now I start with eight chain.

I miss the first chain and I work one single crochet into each stitch to the


For row two I work one chain and turn and I work one single crochet into each

stitch to the end.

And that's the cuff done, I'll fasten it off.

And I'll turn and join in my main color,

and work one chain,

and one single crochet into each stitch to the end.

Now I'm going to work eight rows the same. One chain and one single crochet

into each stitch to the end. So I'll work those eight rows and I'll be back. I'm

going to start on the shaping for the back now. For row ten I start with one

chain and turn and work two single crochet in the first stitch, and then I

work one single crochet into each stitch to the end.

For row eleven I start with one chain and turn and I work one single

crochet into each stitch to the end.

For row twelve I start with one chain and turn, and I work two single crochet into

the first stitch, and then I work one single crochet into each stitch to the


For row thirteen I work one chain and turn, and I work one single crochet into each stitch

to the end.

For row fourteen I start with one chain and turn, and work two single crochet into

the first stitch, and then one single crochet into each stitch to the end.

For row fifteen we work one chain and turn, and work one single crochet into

each stitch to the end.

For row sixteen we work one chain and turn, and we work two single crochet into the

first stitch, and then one single crochet into each stitch to the end.

For row seventeen we work one chain and turn, and we work one single crochet into

each stitch to the end.

For row eighteen we work two chain, and we work one half double crochet into each of the

first two stitches, and then we work one single crochet into each stitch to the


For row nineteen we work one chain and turn, and work one single crochet into each stitch

to the end.

For row twenty we work one chain and turn, and we work a joined single crochet over the

first two stitches. I bring up a loop form each of the first two stitches and

yarn around and through all our loops and then we work one single

crochet into each stitch to the last two stitches.

And then we work a joined single crochet over the last two stitches. For row

twenty-one we work one chain and turn and work one single crochet into each

stitch across.

For row twenty-two we work one chain and turn, and we work one single crochet into each stitch

until the last two,

and we work a joined single crochet over the last two stitches. For row twenty-three we

work one chain and turn, and we work one single crochet into each stitch to the


For row twenty-four we work one chain and turn, and work one single crochet into each stitch

to the last two,

and work a joined single crochet over the last two stitches. For row twenty-five we

work one chain and turn, and work one single crochet into each stitch to the


For row twenty-six we work one chain and turn, and work one single crochet into each

stitch until the last two.

Over the last two stitches we work a joined single crochet. For row twenty-seven we work one

chain and turn, and work one single crochet into each stitch to the end.

For row twenty-eight we work one chain and turn, and work a joined single crochet over the

first two stitches,

work one single crochet until the last two stitches, Into the last two stitches

we work a joined single crochet. For row twenty-nine we work one chain and turn, and work

one single crochet into each stitch. Now if you're working in just one color

you'd do one chain and turn, and then you'd do a neatening row of one single

crochet right around. This is the right-side up. This is the back part here

and the front part, but because I've got the cuff I'm going to fasten off and

I'll do my neatening row starting from the cuff. So I'll just fasten off my ends

because I find it easier and I'll be back and we'll do the neatening row. Now I'll

start on the neatening row. I've got to make sure I've got the right side up.

This part is the back and that's the front, and I'm going to start here, just at the

beginning of the cuff. I start with my light blue and work one chain, and then

work one single crochet just up to the corner and then two single crochet into

the corner stitch. Just to give it a sharper edge and then I work a single

crochet into each stitch along the bottom,

and then two single crochet into the corner stitch, and then I'll probably

need two more single crochet to finish the cuff. And now I'll join my darker


and I'll just continue around, working one single crochet into each stitch, and

two single crochet into each corner stitch, just like that. Once I get back

round to the cuff I slip stitch into the chain, and fasten off.

And that's the first part of the overalls done. I'll start on the back leg

now. I'll make a cuff the same as my first cuff. Using my light blue I make eight

chain. I miss the first chain and work one single crochet into each stitch to the


For row two I work one chain and turn, and work one single crochet into each


and that's the cuff done. I'll fasten off.

now turn and using my dark blue I join into the first stitch, work one chain,

and work one single crochet into each stitch.

Now I'll work four more rows of one chain and turn and one single crochet

into each stitch, and I'll be back. Now for the next row, row six we start with two

chain, and work one half double crochet into each of the next two stitches, and

then one single crochet into each of the remaining stitches.

For row seven we start with one chain and turn, and work one single crochet into each

stitch to the end.

For row eight we work two chain and turn, and work one half double crochet into

each of the first two stitches, and then one single crochet into each stitch to

the end. For row nine we start with one chain and turn, and work one single

crochet into each stitch to the end.

For row ten we work two chain and turn, and we work one half double crochet into

each of the next three stitches, and then one single crochet into each stitch

to the end. For row eleven we start with one chain and turn, and work

one single crochet into each stitch to the end.

For row twelve we start with two chain and turn, and we work one half double crochet

into each of the first four stitches,

and then one single crochet into each stitch to the end. For row thirteen we

start with one chain and turn, and work one single crochet into each stitch to

the end.

For row fourteen we start with one chain and turn, and we work one single crochet into

each stitch to the end.

Now if you were working with just one color, you'd work one chain, and then work

one single crochet around to neaten. But because I've got the cuff I'll fasten

off, and I'll weave in my ends just to make it easier, and then I'll be back and

do a neatening row. Now this is the right side up, it's got the longer length at

the top, it goes in in there. Making sure the right sides up I join my light

blue cotton at the beginning of the cuff, and it's worked the same as the other

part. Just work one chain, and one single crochet into each stitch around

except for the corners where we work two single crochet.

Now I join my dark blue

and I'll continue round my neatening row, and then I'll be back and

we'll do the sleeve. For the sleeve I'm using my red and I make a magic loop, and

work two chain and two half double crochet into my circle.

I pull the circle tight but I don't join. For row two to five, I work two chain,

and then work one half double crochet into each stitch.

For row six I work two chain, and then work two half-double crochet in this first

stitch, and then I work a joined half double crochet into the same stitch and

into the next stitch. That's just going to make it bend in.

For the next row I work two chain and work a joined half double crochet over

the two stitches, and then two half double crochet into the following, into

the same stitch as the last part of the joined half double crochet. For the next

row I work two chain and then work two half double crochet into the first

stitch and then a joined half double crochet into the same stitch as the last

two double crochet in the next stitch,

and for the last row I work two chain, a

joined half double crochet over the two stitches, and then two half double

crochet into the same stitch, and the sleeve is bent in. Now this is the right

side. I had to turn it for my neatening row. So now I work one chain and I'm

going to work a single crochet into each stitch around. Into the corner I'll work

my two single crochet,

and for the elbow I'll work extra single crochet to help it bend, and for in here

I'll do joined single crochets.

I'm at the elbow now so I'll work an extra single crochet into there, and an

extra single crochet in here. Now I'll just work one single crochet around. I'm

making sure I don't pull it too tight so that it makes the sleeve too small.

Now at the bend I just work a joined single crochet, and then I work one

single crochet into the next and then I'll work another joined single crochet,

and that will bend the arm in. Now I just continue around working my one single

crochet and then join with a slip stitch,

and then fasten off.

And that's the arm. I'll work the hand now.

I've just got a tiny bit of cream, but you could use white or brown, a lighter

brown or a darker brown. It doesn't really matter you just need the tiniest

bit. I make a magic loop, and work four chain, and work a three treble cluster into

my circle,

and pull the circle tight, and fasten off. And that just makes a little hand as

if it's a fist holding over the fishing rod. For the hat I'm using my yellow. I

make a magic loop, and I work two chain and four half double crochet into my


I pull the circle tight but I don't join. For row two I start with two chain and

turn, and I work a half double crochet in the same place as the chain, and then I

work two half double crochet into each stitch across.

For row three I start with two chain and work one half double crochet

in the same place as the chain, and then one half double crochet into each of the

next two stitches, two half double crochet into the following stitch, then

one half double crochet into each of the next two stitches, and two half double

crochet into the last stitch.

For row four I start with two chain and turn, and I work one half double crochet into each

stitch across.

For row five I start with two chain and turn, and I work two half-double crochet

into the same place as the chain. Now I'm going to work one half double crochet

into the next stitch and two half double crochet into the following stitch, and

I'm going to repeat that across to the last stitch. So one half double crochet

into the next stitch, two into the following stitch, repeat that across to

the last stitch.

Into the last stitch I work three half double crochet. Now row six is worked

the same as row five. So two chain and turn, and two half double crochet into

the same place as the chain, and then one half double crochet into the next stitch,

two into the following stitch, and then I'm repeating that one half double

crochet into the next and two into the following stitch right across to the

last stitch.

And then into the last stitch I work three half double crochet. Now that's the

hat finished except for the neatening row. For the neatening row you work one chain and work one single

crochet into each stitch around. So I'll work the neatening row and I'll be back.

Now there's the hat done. Next I'm going to do the trim. I'm using black and make enough

chain just to go around for the trim.

I miss the first chain and then I work a single crochet into each stitch to the


and fasten off.

And for the shoes I'm using my black, and I work seven chain.

I miss the first chain and I work one single crochet into each chain to the


Rows two and three are worked the same, one chain and one single crochet

into each stitch to the end.

Most of this part will tuck under the cuff. For row four we start with one chain and

turn, and we work one single crochet into each stitch to the end.

Then work three chain. For row five we miss the first chain, and we work one single

crochet into each of the next two chain, and then we continue working one single

crochet into each stitch of the main part of the shoe.

For row six we work one chain and turn, and we work one single crochet into each

stitch to the last stitch.

Into the last stitch we work two single crochet. For row seven we work one chain and turn,

and we work one single crochet into each stitch,

and fasten off.

Now I'm going to do a neatening row, but not all the way around.

I join my cotton just in here, and work one chain, and then I'm going to work one

single crochet into each stitch, just round to the top there.

Into this corner I work two single crochet into the end stitch,

and at this corner here I end off. And

I'll need two shoes. For the patches, there are two, I'll be using light blue

the same as the cuff, and I start with three chain. I miss the first chain and

work a single crochet into each of the remaining two chain. For row two I work

one chain and work a single crochet into each stitch. Now I'm going to do a

neatening row. So I start with one chain and I work single crochets around. Into

the corner stitches I work two single crochet,

and then slip stitch into the chain at the beginning of the row, and fasten


I'll just trim that one up a bit, and that's the patch. For the fishing rod

with my brown I start with forty chain.

I miss the first chain and then I work a slip stitch into the first fifteen chain,

and then one single crochet into each of the next ten chain,

and then one half double crochet into each of the remaining chain,

and fasten off.

And that's the fishing rod, it will need an iron. For the reel

I'm going to use gray but choose whatever color you've got because you

only need a tiny amount. You start with the magic loop, and work one chain and

seven single crochet into the circle.

Pull the circle tight and slip stitch into the chain,

and then I just slip stitch

into the rod, just a couple of times,

and fasten off. Now I'll just weave in my ends and make another patch, and shoe,

and I'll be back to put it together. Now here's all the pieces.

Firstly I'll attach the patches to the overalls, just in like that. I'll attach

the hand to the sleeve, like that, and the trim to the hat. Next I attach the back

leg, just in there, and I'll also attach the sleeve.

It just goes towards the top with the hand sticking out just a little bit. So

I'll do those and I'll be back. Now next I'll attach the hat just up in there, and

the shoes just go in under there like that, and

I'll also put the cotton around the fishing rod, just for the fishing line.

The last thing I do is attach the fishing rod to the boy. I put it just

under his hand and then I also stitch down the rod. So I'll do that and I'll

show you the finished boy. And there's the finished boy. If you liked my video

please like, subscribe, and share. I'm also on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and

Twitter. The details are in the description below along with the details

of my website. Thank you for watching, see you next time. Bye.

For more infomation >> Crochet Boy with a Fishing Rod Tutorial - Duration: 57:50.



For more infomation >> YES WE CAT 2: CULTURA POP COM GABI OLIVEIRA E JANA ROSA - Duration: 15:00.


Pyeongchang 2018: Let the games, destruction and debt begin - Duration: 3:57.

Every four years the best athletes from all over the world descend on frigid

climates to compete in the Winter Olympics. This year is a little different.

Heightened political tension between North Korea and basically the rest of

the world has dominated conversations.

The North will play a significant part in those games

Before North Korea agreed to send a delegation, one of the biggest

worries was it might disrupt the games.

Tensions with North Korea, just 60 miles

from Pyeongchang, loom over these games.

This will be a powerful emotional moment

for the two Koreas. A united team at a time when there's very little unity here on anything.

But there are other concerns we should also be paying attention to.

Let's start with the huge financial burden of actually hosting the Games in

Pyeongchang, one of South Korea's poorest areas.

The overall cost was originally

estimated at 7 billion dollars but has since risen to 13 billion.

That's partially because seven of the 13 Olympic venues were specifically built

for the 2018 games. The most expensive of which comes in at a whopping 186 million dollars.

But after all the medals have been awarded and everyone has gone home,

what's gonna happen to all these mega venues?

Well we've gotten some mixed information.

The AP said venues will be torn down but the Pyeongchang Olympics

Committee said they'll remain in use. But if they do remain in use, the problem is

then who's gonna pay for them? Maintaining the venues will cost an

8.5 million dollar deficit for the local province each year,

which could force the government to cut welfare spending.

Local officials have asked the national government to help them to no avail.

In the meantime, officials have rejected numerous proposals for the venues

including turning the skating arena into a giant seafood freezer. Sad.

Then, there's the sacred forest. Despite international outcry, tens of thousands

of ancient rare trees in the sacred Mount Gariwang forest have been

destroyed to make room for a ski slope. The Pyeongchang Olympics Organizing

Committee said it would replace the damage with one thousand new trees.

Apparently a thousand is the new tens of thousands.

This isn't South Korea's first time in the Olympic spotlight. The country hosted

the Winter Games back in 1988, which brought global recognition but it also

left behind an extremely dark legacy. In preparation for the games,

the South Korean government tried to "purify" the streets by rounding

up thousands of orphans, homeless and disabled people and putting them into

labor camps, the most notorious and gruesome of which was a state-subsidized

facility, Brothers Home.

They would tie my hands and legs, he says. Beat me and

splash ice-cold water on my body. My skin felt like it was bursting and ripping.

They pushed my head into an ice cold tub until I couldn't breathe, then pulled me

out and beat me with a club.

The facility has been closed for decades but more

than 30 years later, still no one has been held accountable and victims

haven't received justice.

South Korea joins a long list of countries that face

concerns about the humanitarian, economic and health impacts of hosting the

Olympics. Rio residents were evicted from their homes to make room for the 2016

games. The 2004 games in Athens are partially blamed for sending Greece into

bankruptcy. And economists are concerned that loans taken out for the 2014 Sochi

Olympics are threatening Russian banks.

So, all of this begs the question:

Is there a better way to host the Olympics?


For more infomation >> Pyeongchang 2018: Let the games, destruction and debt begin - Duration: 3:57.


We're Getting Closer to Real-Life Tricorders - Duration: 5:01.


Thanks to science fiction, we all have a pretty good idea of what medical diagnosis will look

like in the distant future.

You'll go to the doctor, they will sweep a handheld scanner like Star Trek's medical

tricorders over you, and then it'll tell them what ails ya.

Cancer, broken leg, clogged arteries whatever it is, the tricorder will find it.

Star Trek-style tricorders might seem pretty far off to those of us stuck here in the present,

I mean right now we don't even have dicorders, but thanks to clever scientists and some new

technology, tricorders might not be as distant as you think.

There are two big problems standing between us and tricorders:

Making them small, and making them smart.

A tricorder would have to look at you from the outside and figure out what's wrong

on the inside, and today's doctors accomplish that goal with lots of different tools,

from X-rays to MRIs, depending on what they think might be wrong.

A lot of our ways of looking inside the body without cutting you open

require big, bulky machines.

And expensive ones.

So scientists have looked for ways of making these and other medical devices smaller.

And back in 2012, a technology company called Qualcomm launched their Tricorder XPRIZE competition.

Every entry was given the same set of goals: Make something less than 2.3 kilograms that

can monitor a user's general health and diagnose 10 specific conditions, like anemia,

diabetes, and sleep apnea.

They also had to choose at least three additional conditions from a larger list.

And the winners were announced in April of 2017.

There were hundreds of entries, but first place went to DxtER,

a device made by the Final Frontiers Medical Group team,

and a team called the Dynamical Biomarkers Group came in second.

Both of the top two teams were able to do pretty much everything they set out to do.

Their devices take a bunch of general information about the patient, like the results of a physical

or a questionnaire, and also regularly monitor the patient's vital signs, things like

blood pressure or heart rate.

Then, they use other extra tools that can run different tests to get a more complete picture.

Each team designed their own pieces, so each has different components

that check on patients in different ways.

Some of these devices can listen to breathing; others might analyze a urine sample; and others

might check blood sugar or red and white blood cell counts, all without putting any needles

or probes into someone's body.

All that information gets put into a computer, which analyzes it and puts it into a system

that checks it against symptoms for different conditions.

And then, out pops a diagnosis.

They can figure out if a patient is sick, and what they're sick with.

Neither team made something quite handheld, like a true tricorder, but they weren't

that far off: both devices are about the size of a shoebox.

As impressive as these mini medical marvels are, though, they still haven't fully solved

the second big problem with building a tricorder: generalization.

Building devices that can detect problems as different as diabetes and whooping cough,

all without so much as pricking your finger, is amazing.

But it's not quite enough if we want a true sci-fi future.

The real goal would be a device that can detect pretty much anything that comes its way,

not something designed for a selection of specific ailments.

A lot of scientists have tried attacking this problem using machine learning:

So they give a powerful computer a whole bunch of data about lots of different patients,

along with the patients' diagnoses, and then the computer gets to figure out for itself

the best way of getting from data to diagnosis.

Then, they see if it can correctly diagnose a whole bunch of new patients.

With enough data and enough practice, they hope that computers will eventually be able

to take a bunch of standardized measurements and come up with a super-reliable diagnosis.

Different algorithms have beaten doctors at finding cancer, predicting heart attacks,

and even noticing what are known as "red flags," the kind of symptoms that mean

something is really seriously wrong and needs to be fixed immediately.

But they were all designed to find those specific problems.

Just like the Qualcomm winners, they couldn't do what doctors actually do: Pick the right

diagnosis out of every single possibility, just based on a patient's information.

That job is much harder.

You might think this would be the place for WebMD or even Google, the whole point of

those things is to get you the right result, even if your search isn't perfect.

But research has shown that tools like Google and WebMD are far worse than doctors at

getting the right diagnosis when given the same amount of information.

Like, not every headache means brain cancer.

The more serious the problem, the worse computers tend to do.

But when doctors work with computer algorithms, each one doing what they're good at, they

get the right diagnosis almost every time.

So that will probably be the future of medical tricorders, at least for a while.

Companies will keep making smaller, less invasive, more creative sensors to help us figure out

what's going on inside our own bodies, hopefully at a lower cost.

But even in the far-off future of Star Trek, they still need Doctor McCoy.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow, which was brought to you by our patrons on Patreon.

If you want to help us make more videos like this, and get access to rewards like behind-the-scenes

photos and blooper reels, which I believe I contributed to during the filming of this

episode, you can go to


For more infomation >> We're Getting Closer to Real-Life Tricorders - Duration: 5:01.


I Wrote An Entire Book In 30 Days - Duration: 7:03.

- (sighs) I don't know if I can do this.

(groaning) I'd really like to go back in time,

and punch myself for thinking this was a good idea.

(upbeat music)

Every year, there is a worldwide challenge called,

National Novel Writing Month.

Also known as, NaNoWriMo.

And this takes place every year

during the month of November.

And the challenge is to write

50,000 words in those 30 days.

It's absolutely ridiculous, and absurd, and crazy.

So, of course, I'm gonna do it.

But I'm taking on this challenge

because I am a type of person who never finishes anything.

So, maybe if I vlog the entire thing and I do this,

I can actually finish a book in 30 days.

It is two days away from November.

But I've already written an outline,

I have a pretty good idea of the story I'm going to write.

And hopefully I can do this.

Wish me luck!

So, theoretically, I should write 1,667 words a day

to get to 50,000 by the end of the month.

But realistically, that's probably not gonna happen.

So, today, my goal is 3,000 words.

I'm trying to start off strong,

because I know later in the month,

I'm not going to do as well.

(fun music)

Okay, it's been about an hour and a half

and I have written 2,289 words.

What's up?

I'm going to an official NoNoWriMo event later today,

and I'm gonna write so much more.

I broke 5,000 words today,

which is way more than I was planning,

and way more than I anticipated.

I got my coffee, I'm ready to rock, ready to be energized.

I am officially done for the day

because I just wrote 3,223 words (chuckles).

Which brings me to a total of 8,291 words

on day two (chuckles).

I am on fire.

So, it's somehow day six.

I'm not sure how I got here (chuckles).

I wrote a little over 2,000 words today.

And it was kind of a struggle to get there.

This is the first time I have just kind of hit a wall.

I wrote over 4,000 words today, which is pretty damn good.

I have been significantly

slowing down in my writing process.

I don't know why, it's just been really hard

to hit even like 1,000 words.

(sighs) I don't know if I can do this.

After a very long time of just excruciating writer's block,

I have finally reached 25,000 words!

I'm halfway there, guys, I'm halfway there!

I realized today that I haven't really

told you what my book's about.

So, basically, I am writing a young adult fantasy novel.

And the story follows two twins.

And they discover this circular room full of seven doors.

And they learn that each door leads to a different world.

It would be like if one door lead to Narnia,

one door lead to Hogwarts.

So, the twins go through these doors,

and they go on this crazy adventure.

And I'm not going to tell you anything more than that.

But I feel like at the end of this month,

I'll at least have some bare bones

of something to work with.

'Cause before any of this, all it was was an idea.

At least I hope so.


I haven't written in five days.

Why do I keep doing this?

Why does this keep happening?

All right, this is it, this is the last straw.

It is November 20th, I'm gonna write every day.

I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna do this.

I am going to do this.

(upbeat music)

Okay, so this is becoming a recurring thing for me.

Thanksgiving break was a thing,

and I went home to see my family.

I had a great time, but I didn't write a single word.

So, I haven't written in about six days.

It's November 27th, I have literally

four days to finish this book.

This whole time, I was like, "This is hard.

"I'm struggling, but I can do it.

"I'm gonna do this."

And now, I'm getting to the point,

where I don't know if I can do this.

Okay, we're at the very last NaNoWriMo event.

We are pretty much the last people here (laughs).

And look at this, look at this, look at this (yells).

It's the home stretch now.

It's the home stretch, we can do this, let's go.

I'm gonna do it for the first time this month,

I am officially confident enough to say

that I am going to finish NaNoWriMo.

I am going to write 50,000 words in 30 days.

And it feels so good to say that.

I just hit 45,000 words, and tomorrow is the last day.

Which means I have to write 5,000 words tomorrow.

And that's it (sighs), my God.

This is such an incredible feeling.

I can't even explain it to it.

It's just--

I'm so proud.

Today is the last day of NaNoWriMo (chuckles).

I have a little bit less than 5,000 words left.

I think I can do it, that seems pretty reasonable.

In one day, and once today is over,

I will have written 50,000 words, and I will be done.

(sighs) Oh, my God.

38 words left (chuckles).

(intense music)

50,000 words, 50,000 words, 50,000 words.

Technically, 50,011 words.

Oh, my God.

(sighs) I honestly cannot believe that this is over.

What an incredible experience, honestly.

Like, challenging myself to do this was so hard.

But really fun for the parts that it wasn't killing me,

it was really fun (chuckles).

And to celebrate, I'm gonna go print out my entire book,

so that I can hold it in my hands,

and just physically see my accomplishment.

(printer whirring)

I have it.

This is still pretty awesome to be able to hold this

in my hand and say I wrote all of it.

- You wrote a book?

Aw, what the heck?

- [Steph] I wrote it in 30 days.

(gasps) - Oh, my God.

Actually holding this, this is so many pages.

That is insane, actually, now that I think about it.

- Wait, what the what?

What the heck?

How did you do this?

Where did you do this?

I don't get it.

- Moving forward, I think I'm going to read

my entire thing, edit it, fix all the very sloppy mistakes

that I'm sure I made while I was trying

to just push through these 30 days.

And then, I'm gonna find an editor, maybe find an agent.

Not sure how to do that (chuckles), but it's gonna happen.

And maybe, hopefully, one day,

my book with be in your local bookstore.

But honestly, this was such a great experience.

I'm so excited for everyone else

who participated in NaNoWriMo,

and everyone else who completed it,

and finished their goal.

Like, that's so hard, good for you.

High five, team.

Maybe I'll see you again next year, NaNoWriMo.

(lighthearted music)

For more infomation >> I Wrote An Entire Book In 30 Days - Duration: 7:03.


Twitter Reacts to Isaiah Thomas Trade - Duration: 1:31.

For Complex News, I'm Pierce Simpson // Despite winning in dramatic fashion last night against

the Minnesota Timberwolves, the Cleveland Cavaliers obviously hated most of their roster

because only hours before the trade deadline most of their roster has been overhauled.

It all began when Woj reported that the Cavs would ship Isaiah Thomas, Channing Frye and

a first round pick to the Laker in exchange for Jordan Clarkson and Larry Nance.

Then things got crazy for NBA fans as a bevy of deals were soon made by the Cavs, that

included getting Rodney Hood, shipping D.Rose and Jae Crowder to Utah...

Iman Shumpert going to the Kings, George Hill headed to Cleveland and surprisingly, Dwyane

Wade returning home to the Miami Heat.

All of this action took place in a twenty minute window from the looks of things and

Twitter just simply couldn't handle the back-and-forth.

We had a variety of hilarious tweets that included things like:

Cavs having a H&M sale LMAO

Lebron handing over IT to Magic

LeBron looking at these trades like ...

lebron waking up after 9 bottle's of merlot

Worried that when I board this flight I'll miss another trade!

Trade mayhem in Cleveland right now!


Despite Twitter's upheaval involving the new trades, Dwyane Wade's wife Gabrielle Union

seemed to welcome the move back to Miami with this tweet and LeBron James himself congratulated

his longtime friend on the journey back home.

As for LeBorn's involvement, there has been conflicting reports on LeBron's position but

for now, the Cavs will get ready to take-on the Atlanta Hawks on Friday... and considering

the amount of moving parts, this squad will be bare bones on Friday.

For the latest in sports news, keep it locked to Complex News and Out of Bounds by subscribing

to us on YouTube

For Complex News, I'm Pierce Simpson

For more infomation >> Twitter Reacts to Isaiah Thomas Trade - Duration: 1:31.


Lullabies Lullaby For Babies To Go To Sleep Baby Songs Sleep Music-Baby Sleeping Songs Bedtime Songs - Duration: 1:03:03.

Lullaby for babies to go to sleep

For more infomation >> Lullabies Lullaby For Babies To Go To Sleep Baby Songs Sleep Music-Baby Sleeping Songs Bedtime Songs - Duration: 1:03:03.


Nancy Pelosi Putting My Daughter To Sleep - Duration: 0:31.

"[...] in 1991. He was 5.

As he grew up in the new home,

Monty immersed himself in the studt of computer and technology.

Monty wrote,

"For as long as I can remember I've had an intense passion for technology.

In middle school that passion led to spending my nights

constructing remote control model air planes and Van de Graaff generators --

Van de Graaff generators.

In high school I fell in love with computers and the Internet,

spending my senior year creating an online newspaper for my school. [...]"

For more infomation >> Nancy Pelosi Putting My Daughter To Sleep - Duration: 0:31.


24 Of The Most Famous Space Launches Ever - Duration: 3:51.

The most amazingly awesome beautifully badass (at times trepidatious) historic space launches of all time

The first photo of Earth from space October 24, 1946

Clyde Holliday invented the camera, which was attached to a V-2 rocket

Bumper 2 (July 1950)

First rocket launched at Cape Canaveral

Its second stage went over 250 miles up...

that's higher than the International Space Station's orbit

Sputnik-1 (October 4, 1957)

Size of a beach ball

World's first artificial satellite

Sputnik-2 (November 3, 1957)

Laika the dog First animal to orbit Earth

Vostok 1 (April 12, 1961) First human in space

Mariner 2 (August 27, 1962) First successful planetary flyby

Vostok 6 (June 16-19, 1963) First woman in space

Voskhod 2 (March 18-19, 1965) First human to spacewalk

Apollo 8 (December 21-27, 1968) First to leave Earth's orbit and orbit another celestial body

Apollo 11 (July 16-24, 1969) First humans on the Moon

Apollo 13 (April 11-17, 1970)

Pioneer 10 (March 2, 1972) First spacecraft to pass all planets in the solar system

Apollo-Soyuz Docking: July 17-19, 1975 First joint mission between the US and USSR

Viking 1 (July 20, 1976) First successful lander on Mars

STS-1 (April 12-14, 1981) First reusable space vehicle

STS-41B February 7, 1984

First untethered spacewalk

STS-31 (April 24, 1990) Hubble Space Telescope launches

Mars Pathfinder (December 4, 1996) First rover to successfully land on Mars

International Space Station (November 20, 1998) First piece (Zarya) launched aboard Russian Proton rocket

New Horizons (January 19, 2006) First Pluto flyby

Juno (August 5, 2011) Scientific exploration of Jupiter

Blue Origin New Shepard (November 23, 2016) First reusable rocket landing

SpaceX Falcon 9 (April 8, 2016) First reusable rocket landing on an autonomous droneship

SpaceX Falcon Heavy (February 6, 2018) First simultaneous reusable rocket landing

For more infomation >> 24 Of The Most Famous Space Launches Ever - Duration: 3:51.


Swift programming tutorial for beginners in a weekend | Friday - Duration: 8:41.

Welcome to the class.

This is a swift programming tutorial for beginners.

We'll learn swift programming in a weekend and this is the first video of it.

Swift is a programming language developed by Apple for its products.

Swift is rapidly replacing Objective C. Swift is very strong but flexible.

Installation for Swift is super easy.

1) Prepare Mac 2) Go Mac app store

3) Search Xcode 4) Login Apple account

5)Install Xcode

Let's have a look at it together.

First prepare mac of course.

Then open mac app store.

Login apple account and search for Xcode.

Install Xcode.

That's it.

Since I already have Xcode, it says to open.

But if you haven't installed it, it will say to get it.

As we installed environment for Swift let's learn about it!

First we'll gonna look at variables.

Swift's variable is the space in which the program stores data.

Swift variable syntax is like this.

var name: Type = value For example, you can declare and assign value

like this.

var familyNumber:Int = 4 var hasPet:Bool = false

var speed:Double = 11.5 There are few types of operators in Swift.

Arithmetic Operators, Comparison operator, Logical operator.

These are called arithmetic operators.

They each means plus, minus, multiple, divide, remain.

+ -

* /

% These are called comparison operators.

They each means equals, bigger, smaller.

== >

< Logical operators include operators like this.

Each means and, or, not.

&& ||

! We'll have a further look at

how we actually use operators in the afterward examples.

The conditional statement executes the code selectively only when a certain value

meets a certain condition.

Typically, there are if-else statements and switch-case statements.

The syntax of an if-else statement is like this.

Now we'll have a look at the example of if else statement.

Let and var are keywords for constant and variables.

After that, if else statement appears.

If the constant num remains zero when divided by 2.

isEvenNumber gets true.

But if not, gets false.

So, as num is 10 and remains none.

isEvenNumber gets true.

As you can see right here.

The switch-case statement is implemented so strongly

in Swift that we will go into more detail later.

A loop is a statement that causes your code to execute repeatedly.

Swift has a while statement and a for-in statement for loops.

The syntax of the while statement is as follows and the code is executed repeatedly

only if the condition is true.

We'll have a look at the example of while statement.

There are two variables dan and gugu.

While gugu is smaller than 10.

The loop keeps executing.

But as gugu increases 1 at each loop after 9 loops it will get out.

And the result would be like this as you predicted.

The syntax of the for-in statement is as follows.

For-in statement looks like this.

For gugu is in 1 to 9 it keeps executing.

There is one more for-in statement inside the for-in loop.

So what do you think the result would be?

I'll give you some time.

And to show you the answer the result is like this.

A function is a small unit of program, or a set of statements.

The reason for using functions in programming is simple.

Because code reuse saves time, memory space,

size, readability and maintainability.

The syntax of the function is like this.

One example of function is here.

Function starts with the keyword func.

Then the function's name appears.

And then the parameter name, colon, and data type.

Finally the return type appear.

In the brackets you just have to type in the code you want to execute.

If we print out the result of the add function, it prints out 5.

There are three types of swift collection types.

'Array,' 'set,' and 'dictionary'.

The approximate composition of each collection type is shown in the following


An array is a data structure that consists of an index and its corresponding data.

The basic syntax for array is like this.

The array literal grammar uses brackets and you can use it like this.

A swift set is a data structure in which data of the same type are gathered out of


The basic syntax for set is like this.

The set literal grammar uses brackets and you can use it like this.

Swift dictionaries are data structures that can be distinguished from unordered data through

key values.

The basic syntax for dictionary is like this.

The dictionary literal grammar uses brackets and you can use it like this.

In the next class which will be Saturday class we'll start to have a look at knowledge

of object oriented programming in Swift and more.

Hope this tutorial helped you understand Swift !

And if you want more videos like this like this video, and subscribe for more!

For more infomation >> Swift programming tutorial for beginners in a weekend | Friday - Duration: 8:41.


Возвращение Деда Мороза домой - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Возвращение Деда Мороза домой - Duration: 2:14.



Hey everyone ! Welcome to this new video !

So Today is a big day for Me !

I'm growing up !

I ordered on ASOS for the first time !

I don't- I don't need a knife...

So, It's my first order on ASOS, for real.

I didn't know this platform until now

And when I found it, I said... "AH !"

I need to order in !

So, I ordered it Last week.

And I didn't checked again what I bought deliberately.

So, I don't remember all I bought

Let's go !


Oh ! yeah !


I already have some bandanas at home,

But I didn't have any Black or Red ones in fact...

I have an orange one and one... With the American flag I think

And It's not great to put it on your head

Because it's too colorful... So I decided to buy a black one.

Right, The second one...

I bought a cap

Yep. Because the last one I had

Which come from... Well, which came from Poland

Well, I lost it during the Tour...

So, yeah I can't really live without a cap...

Even if I like the winter caps they offer in The Courchevel World Cup (Ski)

I don't hang out very often without a cap

So, then...

Oh ! Yeah !

It's been a long time I've been looking for it !

I've been a blue jean jacket.

For this order I decided to buy some large stuffs

I'm back with some 80's/90's fashion clothes

So I looked for some large stuffs... Like Oversize clothes.

There's.. Well, There's some thing... that I don't know what is it...

Really, I don't remember !

What sort of things could be in a box like this.

Ah ! Yeaaaaah ! Ah okay !

Okay, so It's really bigger than I expected !

So I bought a Travel Wallet

Right ! oh...

Oh, no. It's okay, I don't need it. It's some paper

Yeah Because when I go for a Tour or when I go abroad... Which happened to me last year...

I have a small wallet and It's a bit hard to put money, papers... everything in...

So I decided to take a Travel Wallet which I'll have every time with me

then, I'll have more space than my small wallet which... yeah... which is like 1/3 of the size of this one.

So this...

To get back to the 90's fashion...

I bought jeans... Jeans... yeah... Skater Jeans

A bit... Ah no. I was about to say that I found it a bit large

The width is okay... It's really Oversize.

It's fine for the moment. I remember a bit what I ordered...

And it's rather conform to the pic because I saw on Youtube that some people ordered some stuffs...

And It's wasn't conform to the pic they had on the Net.

Right. Other Jeans...

Well, if I remember... This one isn't on the size I wanted...

I bought it one size above because

We're on the Sales period

I have a very common size particularité for trousers

So... So everyone take this size and...

And we're quickly out of stock on this size.

I couldn't have my size... So I took the one's above...

But I really liked... I really liked the patches on it...

So yeah ! I stay on a very 80's/90's vibe

Why did I bought something in a sailor style ?

Because it's something I don't wear anymore actually

Oh Yeah ! Yeah ! Because there were some different colors on it !

So, same. It's oversize.

It will be interesting. I will put in with a jacket... Maybe with the blue jean jacket...

There's nothing left but one thing...


What did I bought here ?

It's also a tee-shirt...

But... it's... well...

Oh... okay.

I don't remember of ordering this one...


So, still an oversize Tee-shirt.

Yup. It will be interesting...

It's a bit in my colors... In my style... a bit...

a bit... a bit... yeah A bit colorful... A bit... a bit flamboyant !

Thank you for watching this video

If you enjoyed it, don't forget to Like, Comment and Share to your friends.

I put the links of

my Instagram my Facebook my Twitter

I put also the Patin'air Instagram, Facebook and Website as usual...

I'll also put the ASOS link for the one's who doesn't know this platform to check it.

And you can find my Youtube Channel Right Here !

And See you soon for a New Vlog on the Ice !

For more infomation >> MY FIRST UNBOXING ASOS | ASTROJUMPER | ENG SUBS - Duration: 7:35.


Mardi Gras Big Batch Punch - HGTV - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Mardi Gras Big Batch Punch - HGTV - Duration: 0:43.


February 2018 Book Reviews - Duration: 19:09.

Hello! It's Diane, the nursing geek. Welcome back if you have been here

before, and welcome for the first time if you have not. So this is going to be one

of my book-related videos. It's also going to be the first video I've

attempted to stitch together from different shoots. So no, I'm not running

and changing my hair and outfit in between every piece here. [I did it this way] particularly

since I am reviewing some books that I took out from the library, and they

needed to go back, I shot those reviews a little quickly earlier on and I'm just

going to finish out today. I'm going to start then with the book I just finished

called Writing the Fire which is a book that talks about the yoga of writing

essentially. And it includes a lot of really great yoga flows to do before writing,

if you're taking a break while writing, or should do while writing and

or after writing. My one critique - and I think its inherent in the author's

intent so they probably wouldn't take it as a critique - is that there's no guide

at the beginning really. There is ... there is a foreword that explains a little

where this is coming from, but there's no "this is the best way to approach this book,"

which I think some folks would find useful. I would have found [that] useful because

it took me a while to realize, okay it's not just the first couple of bits

that are extremely short little chapters. That's the format. And really, you can

read it all the way through, which is what I did for the first time through.

I haven't actually done any of the practices yet. (I do intend to.) But it took

me a minute to kind of adjust to that style, and maybe that was part of the

point was to kind of throw the reader out of their comfort zone and make them

look at things in a whole new way, and if that's the goal, it worked.

On to the next book, and I'll see you again at the end.

So I had originally said I was going to be reading I Am Malala, and I did finish

this. And, oh my goodness, it was absolutely wonderful. I understand that

she worked with Christina Lambe. Um, this is not her first language, obviously, so

she would have a co-writer, but assuming that Christina Lambe was really true to

mala style - and her narrative voice within this book is very consistent with

when I've heard her speak in interviews - so I ... I just have to say

she's an incredibly articulate young woman and really expert at describing

places and people. Since I'm working on my own skills around writing setting,

that I guess really jumped out at me, because by very few pages in I felt

like I knew her whole family. So really ... and that's the sort of "structure of writing"

piece of it. Obviously what she has to say about her own experiences growing up

in the Swat Valley and her experiences around advocating for girls' education

and the shooting that resulted, and her experience after that. Actually, that

doesn't even come in until probably around ... somewhere around here. So the bulk

of it really is her life leading up to that point, which I found fascinating

because she started right from the beginning. Really great. I highly

recommend it. If you haven't read this, please do consider reading it.

Another book that I have read, even though it sort of looks

like I'm still in it because I have the page holders folded in, is this book

The Desire Map, which is about identifying your core desired feelings in order to

set goals. So I have actually read the whole book, but it is also ... the second

half of it in particular is very much a workbook. So as far as doing the

exercises, I have not finished doing all the exercises although I have read

through all of them. I do think it's an excellent, excellent book.

If you particularly are having difficulty figuring out how to set some goals

because you're not sure what exactly you want to prioritize, this is great for

helping you really work through that. Because as the author Danielle LaPorte

says, when we are setting goals within our lives, what we're really settinga goal for is

how we want to feel when this thing is done, and the reason that often people will

feel let down even though they succeed at something they've been working on is

because it was never something that was going to support attaining that

particular feeling. So I had started working through another book that I'll

probably mention in the future on goal-setting that that sort of assumes

you really know what you want goals to be and what ...

what your ... how you want to prioritize things. I started working that book, found

myself really getting stuck on some of the exercises, and somebody referred me

to this book, and I found it extremely helpful. So I do recommend that as well

if, particularly, if you are trying to do some goal-setting and you're finding

yourself sort of stumbling around thinking you're not really sure what you

want to prioritize how, or thinking, "Well I know what I *should* be prioritizing

officially according to what most people say, but that doesn't feel right and I'm

not sure what does," this is ... this is a great tool for that. And ... audiobooks!

I had to go grab my phone so that I could show you one of my audiobooks

because I have listened to it through Audible, which was The Handmaid's Tale

by Margaret Atwood. Which was every bit as good as I had always figured it would

be. Really chilling! But the interview with the author at the end, or ... it's not

so much an interview, it's just some of her only reflections and thoughts at the

end, were really very interesting to hear. I love when audiobooks in particular

have things like that so you can actually hear from the author.

There's always (or often) author's notes and those are always great too, but

actually hearing the author speaking in their own voice, I find really nice.

I do recommend this if you are thinking of going at the Handmaid's Tale and you

would like to hear that, then I do recommend the Audible edition of that, as well.

And in an effort not to give Audible quite all of my money, I've been

doing a little more with library audiobooks as well.

One of which was ... is Barbara Kingsolver's Flight Behavior.

I've never read anything by Barbara Kingsolver before. I've heard

great things about her from other people. I'm actually still listening to this. I'm

about two discs away from the end ... I actually just started to the

second-to-last ... second-to-last disc. But that means this will be going back

to the library soon -which it needs to it does it's due in a little more than a week

but I'll finish it long before then. So yeah, I've really enjoyed this. Let me read

a little bit of the excerpt, which of course is covered a little bit by the

bar code but ... "Dellarobia Turnbow is the protagonist and ... after a decade of

domestic disharmony on the failing farm, she encounters a shocking sight: a silent

forested valley fills ... um, filled with what looks like a lake of fire.

She can only understand it as a cautionary miracle, but it sparks a raft of other

explanations from scientists, religious leaders, and the media. As the community

lines up to judge the woman and her miracle, Dellarobia confronts her family,

her church, her town, and a larger world in a flight toward truth that could undo

all she has ever believed. Flight Behavior takes on one of the most

contentious subjects of our time: climate change. With a deft and versatile empathy

Kingsolver dissects the motives that drive denial and belief in a

precarious world. So that was what attracted me to this. I think one of my ... one of the

YouTubers that I follow who does book reviews had mentioned

Barbara Kingsolver, and so when I was perusing the shelf at the library, I saw

that there was something by her, I read that and I said, "Okay, that does sound

really interesting to me. And wow, it has been more than I would have even

from that description imagined. For one thing, she is a wonderful setting ... setter. [giggles]

She does a really great job with describing setting, with describing

people, things that I'm working on in my own writing. In fact, as I've been working

on my "settings bank," I find myself when I am sitting somewhere writing on a setting

almost narrating it in the voice of ... actually she also did the reading, so in

Barbara Kingsolver's voice, narrative and actual. Which i think

is a great help. It probably also means that it's gonna take me awhile to stop

doing that and find my own voice with that, but that's okay. That's how we learn

any writing or really most things, is imitate and then develop your own style.

So there's that piece. There's also the piece where she really does tackle

climate change. She tackles people in sort of different camps of belief on

something not listening to each other because they don't ... they believe

they already know what the other one's gonna say. Dellarobia, the protagonist, is

really ... she's got layers of layers that become

more and more evident as you go. I will say when I first heard the first bits of

the first chapter, my initial thought was, "Oh I really I wasn't looking for a romance.

That's not what I wanted to pick up." It's not. Or at least, you know,

there are elements of relationship and romance and things like

that within, but that is by no means the primary focus. It's a backdrop,

and it's something that mirrors what's going on in her environment,

and it's sort of this reflexive effect between what's going on around her and

what's going on within her. And it's really, I think, masterfully done. So I

highly recommend this. I'm absolutely going to look for other books

by Barbara Kingsolver in the future and I hope my library carries them.

Hi there. So this is probably not going to be the beginning. In fact, it's

probably going to get stitched somewhere in the middle,

so any of this might end up edited out, who knows. But since I'm probably going

to end up returning this to the library a lot sooner than I expected, I did want

to give a little bit of commentary on Jack Kerouac Reads On the Road.

On the Road is definitely something that's been on my "to read" list

for ages. How did I escape high school and then an entire degree in English and

not read On the Road? And when I saw that there was a version or there was

something called "Jack Kerouac Reads On the Road," well of course, I'd just as soon

hear the author read it. This is definitely something worth checking out,

but the title's misleading, which I sort of gathered as soon as I realized there

was only one CD. I didn't think that was a really tiny book that would actually

be able to completely read out loud in an hour, and about an hour is usually

what you can get out of a CD. And I was right. There's music. There's poetry.

There is a 28-minute section from On the Road that he reads. Aand it's really neat.

It definitely catches that whole flavor of The Beat Generation and the type of

poetry. There's one point where he does the same poem from ... in two completely

different ways. It's great. I loved it. But it's not the whole book On the Road.

So I just ... I'm working on requesting a copy of somebody reading actually the entire

book of On the Road. So, something to bear in mind.

I'm not dis-recommending it. I'm just saying if this is something that you're going to

read, whether you're going to take it out of the library, I saw on Amazon the CD's

only ... it's less than five dollars ... it's great. Just make sure you're getting it

for what you intend, which would be hearing Jack Kerouac

reads a *section* of On the Roadn hearing him sing, hearing him do poetry ..

It's, again, great, it's just not the entire book, so ... And now we have part two

in the saga of Diane Tries to Listen to On the Road as an Audiobook. Part one

was "This Is Not, in Fact, the Audiobook of On the Road." Although there was an

excerpt, which was cool. It was good to hear at least some of the book in

the author's voice. So part two in this saga is "Got the Book! Got ... Half the Book!"

This does not say that it's part one of two. The back says that it is 11 hours

long and has 10 compact discs. Inside we have one, two, three, four,

five compact discs. I did go back through just to see if maybe there were ... there

was another side to these or there was a second set of discs. No. There's not.

So, apparently, this is part one of two, which makes sense. It is quite long, so you

might want people to be able to check out part one while somebody else is

still listening to part two. I can totally get that. Didn't know I was

requesting part one, and I hope part two is obtainable. Stay tuned for part three

in the saga, which hopefully is either

"Diane Obtains Part Two of This Specific Edition of On the Road as an Audiobook"

or "Diane Gets a Complete Set and Figures Out Where the Heck to Start."

So that's it for today. Please comment down below if you've read any of these

books and share your thoughts on them. I'd love to hear. And if you are currently

reading something that you want to share about and that I might like to read, by

all means comment that too. And if you found this in any way useful or

informative, please give it a thumbs up, and subscribe if you'd like to see more

of this, and I will see you next time. Bye.

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