Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 8 2018

right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show part 3

okay guys let's talk about the fun stuff let's talk about men's and women's

sexual health okay and obviously as you age things don't don't how can I put

this don't begin to work the way they maybe once did maybe some of the

emotions and feelings aren't what they what they were and we as men especially

try to reconcile and try to figure out why why is this not working

I mean I'm just saying things that I've heard and so let's talk a little bit of

in your experience men's and women's sexual health and then we'll get into

some of the products well you know impotence is legitimate condition we see

it all the time men have a hard time coming in and talking to us about that a

lot of times so it's amazing you Rick and I both I guarantee he's had the same

situation where a patient comes in and they may be coming in there about a

kidney stone with them they start asking roundabout questions and they're just

beating around the bush and and I got to where I knew what they were going to and

I would just just say listen or you haven't trouble with your erections just

get it out in the open because it's difficult for them to talk about

sometimes I think women it's even worse for them and so that's one of those

things that but we got so many patients that are prone to having the problem I

mean when you look at obesity heart disease diabetes all these people have

risk factors and I mean we have tons of people with with problems and when they

finally start talking about it then they realize that there's options for them to

be able to get a good erection and have sexual satisfaction so we're really

excited to offer taboo for men which is the male sexual enhancement formulation

that you came up with and so talk a little bit about what it is what it does

and why we it inspires you to really be excited about it we are especially

excited about taboo for him as it has l-citrulline which has been proven in

the Journal of Urology the journal that we routinely read to work for men the

prescription drugs for that or you know viagra levitra cialis and what they do

is prevent the breakdown of nitric oxide and nitric oxide is what

the blood vessels to dilate and get more blood flow in there for erection okay so

we started researching what can we do to increase nitric oxide and we found a

product called l-citrulline that is converted to nitric oxide okay so you

take the l-citrulline it's transported through the gut and through the liver

into the bloodstream goes to the kidney and it's converted to another compound

called l-arginine and then that is converted into nitric oxide so instead

of preventing the breakdown we're building up nitric oxide so we're really

doing the same thing now some companies put out l-arginine but if you take

l-arginine most of it is degraded in the liver and in the colon and it's gone a

little bit gets through to the bloodstream and then gets converted to

the nitric oxide but because our product goes all the way through the gut and

through the liver gets to the kidney you get a lot more nitric oxide so to

clarify for our consumers this is not a one-shot wonder pill this is something

that you you don't take right before the moment yeah tada

no this is you need to this is a daily dose daily dose excellent except so now

let's talk about women's sexual health and in a formulation that we have and

they were going to be offering thanks to your group called sweetest for women

sometimes I think as men we don't think that women have sexual health or sexual

energy needs and whatnot so it was enlightening to me and exciting for us

there very exciting for our company to to know that you have a women's sexual

health appeal as well so let's talk about that sweetest we talk a lot about

men's problems with sexual dysfunction but women have the same problem and

often times they don't discuss it with their surgeon so we've decided to

approach this with sweetest for her it has similar ingredients that the taboo

for men has and that the l-citrulline will cause increased blood flow for

increased clitoral stimulation we also put in l-theanine which is

naturally going to decrease their stress level for a better sexual experience

well and so from a branding perspective one of the things that we are

encouraging our consumers to do is enjoy these products as a couple goodies one

silica as a couple so when you do that we have sweetest for women and we have

taboo for a men but when you buy them together only then will you have the

sweetest taboo right so that is over the glass

For more infomation >> right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show part 3 - Duration: 4:58.


right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show part 1 - Duration: 4:52.

right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show part 1

For more infomation >> right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show part 1 - Duration: 4:52.


Strength of Purpose | Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshbhai - Duration: 2:32.

Till the mind has made a firm resolve, spiritual practices can not begin.

Just by receiving guidance regarding spiritual practices,

And even after gaining absolute clarity,

Spiritual practices may not begin, if the mind is not firmly resolved.

Strength of purpose is very very important,

Which can be achieved only by introspecting upon one's faults.

Swami Ramtirth's efforts were made with determination.

One day he went to the bank of the river Ravi

And the thought arose,

'Since years I am making all kinds of efforts,

to attain knowledge, devotion, action etc.'

Yet, I am not getting the expected results.'

I have not said he didn't get any results, But he didn't get the desired results.

He brought an incense stick and a knife.

In one hand was the incense stick and in the other, the knife.

The incense stick was lit.

And he resolved in his mind,

'By the time this incense stick burns out,

If I don't attain self-realisation, I will end my life.'

The incense stick was burning.

The mind was becoming immersed in God.

Because the effort this time, was a different kind of effort

The body was at stake in this effort

So the mind was becoming completely absorbed

And the knife was watching as a witness!

Whatever was happening

It is said that just as the incense stick was about to get extinguished,

He attained self-realisation.

What eagerness!

'Karyam Sadhyami, va deham patayami.'

Either I attain my goal, or I leave the body.

The Lord has said,

'I have not assumed a body to increase sense gratification or to increase possessions.'

And why am I in this body? That has not been divulged.

You have to fill that up.

This body is only to serve the Lord, to attain self-realisation.

For more infomation >> Strength of Purpose | Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshbhai - Duration: 2:32.


【クロノスマックスプラス】PS4モンスターハンター 自動的で鉱石と竜骨を採集するマクロ 日本語字幕付き - Duration: 9:50.

For more infomation >> 【クロノスマックスプラス】PS4モンスターハンター 自動的で鉱石と竜骨を採集するマクロ 日本語字幕付き - Duration: 9:50.


Trump Puts World on Notice… Threatens Aid if Drugs Come Across B - Duration: 3:07.

Trump Puts World on Notice� Threatens Aid if Drugs Come Across Border

At a Customs and Border Protection roundtable last week, President Donald Trump threatened

countries that fail to stem the rise of drugs with a loss of aid from the United States,

according to The Hill.

The remarks, which took place at the Customs and Border Protection National Training Center

in Virginia, highlighted the administration�s battle on border security in ways unrelated

to illegal immigration.

�I want to stop the aid.

If they can�t stop drugs from coming in, �cause they can stop them a lot easier than


They say, �oh we can�t control it.� Oh great, we�re supposed to control it,�

Trump told gathered officials, according to CNN.

�So we give them billions and billions of dollars, and they don�t do what they�re

supposed to be doing, and they know that.

But we�re going to take a very harsh action.�

�These countries are not our friends,� Trump added.

�You know, we think they�re our friends and we send them massive aid.

�I won�t mention names right now, but I look at these countries, I look at the numbers

we send them � we send them massive aid and they�re pouring drugs into our country

and they�re laughing at us,� he continued.

�So I�m not a believer in that.

I want to stop the aid.�

A traffic stop led Mexican authorities to seize enough fentanyl to kill millions of

people as well as almost 1,000 pounds of crystal methamphetamine and other drugs that were

headed to the California border.

This week, Mexico�s National Security Commission announced the seizure of 45.5 kilograms of

fentanyl that were found as part of a synthetic drug shipment in the Mexican beach resort

town of Ensenada, Baja California.

The seizure also included more than 914 pounds of crystal meth, 87 pounds of cocaine and

18 pounds of heroin.

Unlike the other synthetic drugs, fentanyl is a medically used opioid that is considered

to be 100 times more powerful than morphine and prone to lethal overdoses.

According to the Oxford Treatment Center, the lethal dose for an individual taking fentanyl

is 2 milligrams.

The 45.5 kilograms of fentanyl seized is enough to fuel millions of possible lethal doses.

For more infomation >> Trump Puts World on Notice… Threatens Aid if Drugs Come Across B - Duration: 3:07.


Flower Of ITC (បុប្ផាតិចណូ) by លីន នេ(Lin Ne) Group GEE 35th Generation 2018 - Duration: 4:02.

Bopha Technologies

Brother Resistance

Knowledge is good exercise

If not to die

I say to you,

Bopha Technologies

Nothing changed, dear

conduct elegance

Fall for you

Sounds sweet

When Leone correspondence

Mind and

Do not ignore the answer

I quickly logged on

Bopha Technologies

You're so good

Five years

No manual conversion

Sounds sweet

When Leone correspondence

Mind and

Do not ignore the answer

I quickly logged on

Bopha Technologies

You're so good

Five years

No manual conversion

For more infomation >> Flower Of ITC (បុប្ផាតិចណូ) by លីន នេ(Lin Ne) Group GEE 35th Generation 2018 - Duration: 4:02.


Gary Vaynerchuk - THIS IS YOUR YEAR [MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH] - Duration: 33:40.

sometimes a lot of people may try a new initiative and then they don't get an

immediate reaction and they think it's a failure right I wanna go back to your

YouTube videos with the Wine Library you know you had so much content out there

how did you stick in there how did you keep yourself motivated because I

believe in my strategies and I'm patient like all great stuff especially when

you're innovating doesn't happen right away this notion that like Oh Gary I

tried it I spent five hundred bucks on Facebook Ads it doesn't work well what

if your video sucked what if your product and service sucks I I tend to do

things that are very early that has been my career I when I do things I believe

in them I stick with them based on intuition even though for eighteen

months nobody watched my wine videos at all I knew it was right I was right

there's been things I've done that I've jumped off of very quickly I started to

Gary v app V chat ve like WeChat that was funny for my fans great CRM one on

one didn't feel right after a week or two spend plenty money building it knew

it stopped it after you know a couple months Wine Library TV five years every

day YouTube decided to change at the daily grape insular app you could buy

stuff subscription for reviews it was a lot of fun only did it for five months

stopped it because I didn't feel right anymore it's always hard to know when to

jump off something new but I find that people don't believe in what they're

doing they hear a guru yeah and they do it begrudgingly cuz their boss wants

them to or they're like well Gary's right a lot so let me do it but they

don't believe it and so then they jump they're looking for knows instead of yes

is everything I do every business development every event I do every time

I try new marketing tactics or sales tactic I'm looking for the yes right I'm

looking for the yes and if the no punches me well then I'm like crap then

no punched me I believe the majority of people when they try new tactics are

looking for the no mm-hmm and you're gonna getting a lot of subtle knows

immediately it is far more fun to die on your sword than to die on someone else's

I'm inspired YouTube we're gonna make this the episode thing you'll get

whatever you want Tyler but this is the Corbett you just saw it on stage

you just saw it on stage dying on your sword is better than dying on someone

else's so many of you are doing things making decisions and navigating your

lives based on somebody else's thesis you're doing it because you think it's

the right thing because your dad's telling you it's the right thing you're

doing what you're doing right now cuz you're pandering to your boss even

though you don't believe in it this is how it's gonna play out you are doing

things right now yesterday you made a decision that you don't believe in but

you're smart you did it because you know how your company's scores here's the

problem with disruption and innovation right now you're being rewarded for

being a yes person and in 36 months you're gonna be fired for being a yes

person and you're doing it because you just need the security of your job I'm

telling you right now if you're watching this vlog and you've

got like that means you have a certain DNA please I implore you please die on

your sword not somebody else's if you're gonna lose it's much more fun to lose

based on what you thought do you know I mean do you know how many of you are

gonna lose on somebody else's thesis it's gonna kill at you it's gonna eat at

you it's going to be the worst feeling so please pause this video right now and

ask yourself am i doing my because of me then you're good whether you're winning

or losing or am I doing it because somebody else is telling me it's the

right way or I'm subconsciously pandering to please somebody or

something because I need the short-term stability figure that gal you know it

and I know it you just need to do something about it if you're not great

at it but you love it more than life should you go after it the to me the

answer is yes the problem is please also recognize you're probably

not gonna get rich like if you love basketball more than life

it's just what you've always loved you might just make forty nine thousand

dollars a year being a basketball coach and having a lot of time on your hand to

play basketball it's just you gotta understand you can't have everything all

the time always it's just life I think happiness trumps everything easy for me

to say it really worked out for Micah's

happiness coincides with financial upside I have friends who make seventy

four thousand dollars a year that are just happier people than friends that

are making eighteen million a year that are not you've got to do you but please

don't let the entrepreneurial society don't let me don't let your parents push

you into what success is it's different for all of us but and this is the big

but you got to be self-aware about it I really think mindset is everything and

so you've got a really deciding any positive about things like negative

things am i thrilled that I have the ability to do things about it to make

what I'm worried about better or my crippled by there's like seven things

like I always choose positivity look at other people around me it's not

just about me that are winning they choose positivity I look at people

around me that are not winning that are not progressing they're not advancing

their issues in negativity it's stunningly binary it's stunningly

black-and-white it's stunningly married this

- you to be very honest to be very frank I think the biggest impact I'm having is

I beat up all the emails because I read aloud last night as well is shifting

that mindset and getting people into that

understand what they're in charge of that

and hacking and trying to pour out the negativity dump the negative need

I'm a positivity to world that's what I'm pushing that's my agenda and that's

why I think you feel the effects and I loved one target audience so many people

get 49 comments for me phenomenal ones like your pieces and they spent 80

percent of time on that one

we're gonna make less money this year at 100 million that we made last year at 67

net I don't mean percentage net meaning they're in trouble I see it which means

I over invested more people more capabilities because I'm gonna take the

whole pie so you know what I mean like I'm not worried about how much cash I'm

gonna take home in 2016 because I can take a lot more in 2020 then I you know

it's much more fun to take home 44 million in 2020 than 3 million in 2017

18 and 19 instead of 4 million in 28 people are 99 percent of the market is

shorter and the 1 percent that isn't and has the talent wins every time

which makes no sense because unless you're gonna die you should only play

long-term there was a stat that some dude in Mexico City said one of these

like futurist type of characters I'm sure a smart idea who so I just but he

was right before me as I was miked up and he says it's been scientifically

proven so I don't know if it has or not because I've learned to take that with a

grain of salt but that 85% of what humans make decisions about is

irrational and that spoke to me because a I think it's higher and B it's why I

think all my success is happening the way I do branding I sell so infrequently

that I think some of you that are watching me the hardest core you need to

hear this which is it's ok to sell especially if you believe in something

look if you believe in what you're selling and that's what I'm spending a

lot of time on down trying to spend more time on really getting to a place where

I really believe in stuff instead of just passive not creating so it wasn't

selling because I didn't believe you know and just letting everything come to

me but as I create these you know events Vayner experience a lot of vents very

big on events events are so valuable just watching the 4 DS crew is value and

like how it's impacting their business for $10,000 right drag em and you see I

know you get the emails the wine club like $150 worth wine for

55 bucks like I've just locked in November's it's gonna make all your

Thanksgivings ridiculous the conference $500 two-hour session in

my stomping grounds a good deal compared to like other conferences that I speak

at but you're getting the wine for free or you're getting the top two free and

they're getting the wine so like I'm very fascinated because I'm putting more

pressure on myself to create things that I really believe in which then allows me

to sell more and I just think for a lot of you selling the ask the right hook is

very difficult you're passive you like the idea of like feeling good about like

giving out content this and that when you believe in something you can sell it

and you should put more pressure on yourself to create things that you

believe in biggest problem is so many of yourself you don't believe in you're

just doing it for the money you're gonna lose that I don't like a human being on

earth you I'm just gonna say this I mean I don't think people think about this

you won the lotto you in the universe you're not some weird specimen in Mars

that does nothing you're not you know a bird you know you know you're not a

sunflower like you are a human being on earth you won the ultimate ultimate

lottery and you're not driven and you're not fired up and you're not going for it

and you're willing to sit like a lump and just wait till you die you suck like

I don't know you suck like I how do I stay driven because I couldn't even

comprehend the alternative you may be thinking that I'm watching the show but

what I'm doing is what I need to do which is I'm reading your comments

stitute set it for all the new ones that are

here the comments are my oxygen I don't think people understand how much

qualitative feedback you get from comments reading comments watching the

explore pages looking at how you guys respond

to my stuff and others there's so many hours of consumption you know I don't

this is where I don't consume shows and things of that nature because I spend so

much time reading reading reading reading reading your feedback you I as a

collective I consume you guys more than you consume me and so I just highly

recommend when you have a small audience like you read every one of those

comments you engage with every one of those comments brick by brick by brick

eventually you can't reply to everybody but like you can always read a lot I

mean I read I'm just reading all these comments but your business like a second

child nothing is perfect nothing in business is black and white oh the magic

is in the gray have patience nothing is the worst thing that ever happened and

nothing is the best thing that ever happened celebrating way you raised

money is just the beginning being devastated thinking it's over when we

lost the deal is not the true reality it's always somewhere in the middle and

if you understand how to raise the second child and realize the differences

of cool its eating dirt over there little Timmy's eating dirt and that's

okay that you would have never left big sister can't do that that's the same way

I think you need to look at your business nothing is the end of the world

and nothing is the greatest thing of all time embracing the chaos embracing the

nimbleness embracing the things that you can't control is the complete definition

of a leader that is to be able to navigate through the

chaotic never predictable business world so relax grab a coffee take a shot of

vodka it's all gonna be okay treat your business like a second child

and then so my kind of philosophy I'm adopting now is like if it's fun fun

it's probably do you know why that happens it's a it's a bigger macro

situation because it's fun you're willing to work your face off and

working your face off is actually the Gateway it's not the fun the fun is the

doorway that gets you to put in the work that gets you the results because d-roc

loves filming like the 24/7 nature of what he does is you know is why so many

kids want to film into this but they don't want to it's not fun enough for

them you have to love it sir the cost of entry now is you see understand you have

to love like for me building brands whether it's my own brand brands for

other people other things the why it's so the only thing I gave a shit about

that I'm willing to put in the nineteen that it takes because the problem is now

with the internet like we were just saying being the middleman and everybody

can play there's some kid in Kansas City who's gonna put in the 19 now what's

amazing is though the biggest thing I didn't know is that's some fun but

there's so much that all those little that are gonna put in the nineteen are

gonna get theirs too and that makes me happy yeah so I would say funds a great

gateway to fun is the precursor to ridiculous amount of work which then

gets you there yeah right I'm in music I wish I could rap because I know I could

be humongous because all I would do is make music and then lay in bed for 11

hours try to hack on social media get in my recognized notice you're one

person away one piece of content away you just got to make it and what's

amazing about music and I can't spit I think everybody I don't like speaking

about I don't know so I don't want to speak to it but one thing I do know is I

believe that every artist that ever lived

had a lot more songs than their dome they never saw the day of life because

of the way it worked right now but he's fancy everybody's trying to

understand supply and demand I don't think people understand how busy the

world is the world so busy there's so much that I'm a big fan of telling

people to put out music put out music get every week like if you've got it

like that you know some people don't have it I don't know but if you've got

it like that put it out put it out people are hungry for it and every time

you put out that's giving you another at-bat I think there will be a big time

artists in the next decade that puts out a song a day by the way that's the same

answer for everybody in this room that's what humans are good at we all fail

we've all failed like their black eye my parents haven't been killed my child I

mean there's people that have their children die like could you imagine like

the ideal like I'm like listen unfortunately or fortunately depends on

how one wants to look at it I'm a pretty optimistic guy I lost three of my four

grandparents before I was really before I knew them too before I was born in one

very early on like so you know it's easy for me to be happy I have much in the

right order the health and well-being of my family and there's nothing even

remotely close to that not even women not even remotely

people have gotten three much worse this is why I'm trying to recall our

grandparents and our great-grandparents people were persecuted and killed like I

just we do not have real headaches you know I don't know why I have this highly

emotional and then completely unemotional part of me but I mix them

together to create the balance and that's what works for me so of course

there's nothing that I couldn't get upfront like every other human ever

besides somebody who now lives in some weird cave that we don't know about you

know what I mean we are sluggish we're really strong

we're just being sold that we're not because there's a lot of money a lot of

money and telling us that we're not pretty enough thin enough smart enough

good enough that I want to tell you your basco do you have to reverse engineer

who you're trying to get to you know if your salesperson out there right now if

you're trying to get to me and so many of you are I get 50 70 bulk emails bulk

direct messages bulk Twitter direct messages Instagram business cards all

sorts of weird stuff sent in the mail I'm busy I'm busy and like I'm just not

interested in you selling to me not because I don't like you because I

respect the game it's because I'm just busy it's nothing personal

so I think the first thing you have to do is reverse engineer the person you

know because I'm not in the market to buy anything I'm gonna be tougher but if

I need certain software if I need something that's a good time to attack

right so I think the number one rule of salespeople is to listen know your

audience know what they did if you see an M&A just happen if you see layoffs

just happening if you see one of their come if I see Burger King doing

something I'm thinking what is McDonald's think of Russ I think a lot

of you are doing things that are directly in front of you numbers that

they put in front of you you're trying to achieve that because you have a beach

house you want to buy or go on that vacation sales is a funny game if you

work in a big company they manipulate numbers to create your actions I believe

that the best salespeople are doing things in a different way I think you

need to care about the customer for real reverse-engineer them and give them what

they need just talk to you guys about why toys-r-us trip filing chapter 11

matters Toys R Us did two things over the last couple decades that make no

sense one very early in the 2000s they outsource themselves to Amazon they

didn't believe in the internet 17 years ago so let Amazon do their fulfillment

which started people getting used to buying toys on the Internet through an

Amazon world but most importantly they just didn't innovate

you know and when you don't innovate you die like you could have made toys toys

Rus three years ago could have created the National Lego championships and

everybody would be there was there was a million they could have made slime

centers they could have they could be killing it right now with their

locations but no they choose to just like sell toys out of it and none of you

want to go there first of all you're gonna go to Walmart and pick it up for

less money anyway while you pick up your groceries anything else and if you even

want to leave your home and you don't and so you'll go to Amazon and do it

that way or buy it from somebody's YouTube

channel link or you know Instagram account it's just it's it's the best

example right now of like how in trouble everybody is if they rest on their

laurels you know if Toys R Us the dominant niche

retail leader of a humongous multi-billion dollar category is

finished what do you think is gonna happen over the next six years how many

people miss we are immigrants or children of immigrants please raise your

hand just curious so for the hands that are in this room they know something

that I know which is immigrants have an amazing advantage they have a very tried

and true strategy that we could all learn from what immigrants are very good

at doing is when they come to a new country they work and they don't spend

any money on dumb shit for ten years and so that's what my parents did and and

eventually my dad was able to buy a small liquor store in New Jersey I was a

very entrepreneurial kid I was day trading attention from a young age I had

six lemonade stands when I was seven years old and I would spend all my time

trying to figure out what Cree and what pole to put the signs on because I was

watching people drive and trying to figure out what signs this I was a very

sick child when I was 12 and 13 I was selling baseball cards which were very

popular in the United States at the time and I was making one to two thousand

dollars a weekend selling them in the malls of New Jersey which was great that

I was rich for a young kid and it was fantastic but

then my career changed my dad dragged me into the liquor store and I hated it at

first but luckily I realized that people collected wine I was into collecting

sports memorabilia that was my passion that was the connection and I decided

that I was going to jump into my family business open up four thousand liquor

stores across America sell the franchise one day and buy the New York Jets

American football team because that is my dream you to stand up you to stand up

let's clap it up for these guys

in 1994 I was in my dorm room in college my friend came over to me and I want to

start wrapping this up and getting it to what matters to you he brought me into a

room it was the first time I heard cool couch which was the Internet I was very

excited about it I didn't know what it was I said something stupid like is this

the information superhighway I looked at it this is you know there's a lot of

youngsters in here this was 1994 I literally stood there and watched people

on the internet for five hours it was that crazy it's it was just that insane

it was so new and when I finally had my turn to go on there when I finally had

my turn to go on there within 20 minutes I landed on a message board where people

were creating and buying and cards baseball cards and I realized my god I

can do business on this thing and over the next year I went headfirst and

learned about eBay learned about was going on in Amazon started learning the

early internet culture and in 1996 I launched one of the

first to e-commerce wine businesses in America from 1998 to 2003 in a five year

window I grew my dad's business from a three to a sixty million dollar business

on very very important terms that matters to this entire room I had no

money there was a three million dollar business that had 10% gross profit

$300,000 before expenses there's no marketing budget what I needed is to

make every penny work like a dollar so the strategy became day-trading

attention when you day trade attention my friends here's what you do you don't

overspend on what everybody believes is tried-and-true every single company in

this gorgeous conference right now is grossly over spending money on things

that they've been doing for the last decade because it's the things that they

accept or the reporting justifies it or they're just lazy to try something new

everyone everyone so what you do when you day trade

attention is you have to find angles what's underpriced

how many people here do email marketing or have done email marketing in their

lives raise your hands perfect a lot of you in 1997 I started an email

newsletter most people that came into my liquor store didn't even know what email

was in 1997 I collected I collected I collected in 1998 I had a two hundred

thousand person email newsletter with 91% open rates now it's not because I

was a genius and I know a lot of you sit here just like I do with emails that are

13 to 23 percent open rates today it's that in 1997

nobody was emailing we hadn't ruined it yet one thing I promise you more than I

know that the Sun will come up tomorrow I know that marketers ruin everything we

ruined the Internet I'm trying to ruin snapchat and musically right now we ruin

shit it's what we do so it was 91% open rates there then Google AdWords came out

I bought the word wine on Google AdWords for five cents a click and owned it for

nine months before anybody bid me up because people were still on Yahoo and

asked Jeeves another shit like that and so that became the rinse and repeat as I

think about b2b players in this environment it is stunning to me how

many b2b businesses here do not understand that producing articles on on LinkedIn writing full content on Facebook in your feed and

then spending a hundred dollars in ads against employees of the company that

you're trying to reach let me say that three more times because the one thing I

promised myself as I boarded last night in New York to get here is I'm gonna

give my talk but I'm gonna give every single person in this audience one thing

to take home do and then email and say thank you so let me say it really slow

right now on this day October 6 right is that right October 6 2016 the number one

deal if you day trade attention like I do in this market

is Facebook ads they are underpriced they are underpriced

because a lot of people in this room still debate what the ROI is or even

worse they're emotional that Facebook organic Reach has come down and now they

have to pay for it while you're emotional and sad that you don't reach

as many things the best ad product that I've seen since Google AdWords has

emerged or even worse than both of those two scenarios you haven't even done it

yet you've decided for your business your customer is not on that platform

yet you've never spent the dollar testing it to know if that's true or not

you've read a headline you had a friend tell you but you actually don't do it

and you're not sure we live in a world right now of headline readers everybody

here has a lot of opinions about Facebook and snapchat and Instagram and

influence or LinkedIn medium but there's very few practitioners there's very few

people that have actually placed the ads there are very few people that

understand that the creative is the variable when you place an ad and just

because you did it once doesn't mean that it doesn't work it might mean that

the creative the video and the picture that you put out just sucked and so as I

go through all the other things just in the middle here for a few minutes I just

want to tell you exactly what I know what I know is I'm involved with 15

different b2b businesses right now GE is a client AT&T is a client but many

startups that I invest in because I aural I also in my mid-2000s started

investing in Twitter Facebook Tumblr uber I've done very well in that world I

basically just told you that to brag that had no information value but but

what I know about these b2b businesses is right now every single person here

can write an article about their expertise in the business that they're

in not a propaganda for your SAS product or service but an article that would be

valuable to the people that you're trying to reach you can write this

article literally in a Facebook post literally in a Facebook post and

you can go to the ad product and you can actually target employees of one of the

ways you can target on Facebook is the employees of an organization how many

people here are in b2b raise your hand higher go high for me Helsinki hire

again show me again I need to look high perfect a shitload a lot of you all of

you all of you need to hear this this is the remarkable era of underpriced

opportunity in digital and social marketing yet I'm empathetic to why most

of you do not believe that I get it most of the advice most of the

conference's most of the articles position this in a b2c environment I

know for example the following that if I was to buy one of your companies the

number one thing I would do is the following every one of you are in an

industry where there is a b2b magazine that is the number one thing that the

people in your market read if you were a company trying to reach customers I

would become that magazine let me explain the other religious point of

view that this room needs to take away from this talk this weekend or at some

point you will believe this is true whether it is today or 12 or 24 months

from now thirty six months from now is the following

the quicker everybody in this room understands that they are a media

company comma software company comma wine retailer comma lawyer comma account

service provider the quicker everybody in this room understands that

they are a media company comma those things

the quicker you will be successful I will tell you why you told me that

earlier they said the ad was dead you said the ad is got to be creative and

good give it to the creatives I believe more in your world and I'll just add to

it the ad has to bring value the number one thing that is happening in society

in every part of the world is the following we as human beings no matter

where we're from we value health we want to stay alive and the people money

like money but the number one emerging thing in society in value is time time

is exploding in value to us because we all now live in a 24/7 365 world some of

the old-timers in this room remember when the workday ended and it just ended

it wasn't getting emails at night people expecting you to reply we now live in a

24/7 world as a matter of fact one of the great mistakes of my investing

career is Travis calculate the CEO of uber was a very great friend of mine I

passed on investing in uber in the angel round twice i cost myself hundreds of

millions of dollars i'm very upset about it but i invested a little bit later on

not because hoover was doing so well but because i realized when he came to new

york and my brother AJ took the first uber ride oh my god uber doesn't sell

transportation uber sells time we don't care about privacy we care about time

this is who we are as humans and what advertising is doing in the last 50

years is it stopping you from doing what you want to do and it's selling you

something which means by nature it is stealing your time which is why the

second you decide that you're a media company and you actually want to bring

people value instead of selling them something you win

if you run home now and misunderstood what I said which is why I'm creating

clatter clarity right now for you if you leave here and misunderstood what I said

you will go home you will make a Facebook post and you will write a

propaganda or sales post and you will push it and it will not be successful if

you heard me loud and clear and understand who you're trying to reach

and you write an article about something that brings them value you will win for

example a small business in the United States that heard this talk three years

ago from me started writing content about golf they were a law firm but what

they understood was the people they were trying to reach we're into golf and they

started writing content about golf and used that content as a gateway drug

close the clients because people don't want to read your sales pitch

they don't have time people want to read something that brings value and the

interesting thing about so many of you in the b2b environment is you're

actually an expert or knowledgeable about your craft you actually know and

so putting that content to work is massively important it was super

important for me six seven years ago that was nothing compared to the ability

of going and now targeting the employees of the organization that you're trying

to reach for example if you're trying to reach the CTO or the CIO or if you

actually know the title of the person you're trying to reach you were able to

make a video on Facebook that shows the value prop of your product you were able

to then in the copy say does your CIO know you were able to then run a hundred

dollars worth of ads against the employees of that organization and then

20 people from that organization are gonna take that post and forward it to

the CIO the CTO the head of Finance or whoever you're trying to reach my

friends I've spent the last seven minutes here on this rant and I

understand it's very tactical and it's not motivational and funny but I fucking

promise you that if you really understand what I'm talking about you

will do what you actually care to do which is sell shit right

we're running businesses here so please please understand that because once you

understand what I just spend my time on how that works

you'll start understanding why every company here needs to hire an

editor-in-chief an editor in chief for your SAS business your law firm an

editor in chief it's crazy it's not something any of you would think and I

understand why but you have to understand the playing field is changing

For more infomation >> Gary Vaynerchuk - THIS IS YOUR YEAR [MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH] - Duration: 33:40.


right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show part 2 - Duration: 5:06.

right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show part 2

one of the questions that we often get you know as consumers as relates to

supplements is are these approved by the FDA the Food and Drug Administration

let's talk a little bit about our supplements or do supplements require

FDA approval supplements do not need FDA approval you know we do make sure that

our supplements are made in an FDA approved facility and it has good

manufacturing practices so our our products are quality products and

oftentimes supplements work just as well as prescription drugs the only people

that try to tell you that the supplements don't work are the

pharmaceutical companies I mean they lose a lot of money when they when

people find out that a lot of supplements work we didn't believe in

I'm just like most doctors don't okay but when the patients told us that

they're getting better we believed our patients so then we

started doing our own research and we found out that there's plenty of studies

behind the supplements you just need to take them a little bit longer okay most

of the prescription drugs work quicker so supplements you really need to get in

your system for two to three months before you're really going to get

results so inspire Network we offer our products in 60-day dosages and it's due

in large part to you all's recommendation it takes a little while

for supplements to get into the system so let's talk a little bit about that

and let's explain the individuals why why that is and why you may need upwards

of maybe two or three months before seeing results if you if you give them

30 days and they don't see results they're quitting right you know so we

provide them a 60-day dosage and then that way it gives them an incentive to

they've bought the medication they need that time for it to work several of the

prescription medications that we use require three to six months to get in

the system whereas if you if you take our supplements they're not going to

necessarily work in the first month we like to say it took about 50 to 60 years

to build your prostate gland in size so you're not going to fix it very quickly

at all so we have to get our patients to understand that it's going to take a

couple of months to start getting an effect okay great great so let's talk

specifically about one of the products that you formulate it for inspire

Network like prostate care plus a really

exciting product for our men so let's talk about the formulation of that so

when we started researching products this is one of the first products it's

one of our biggest medical cases in urology as BPH so people were

complaining of frequency decreased size of forces stream intermittent stream

feeling like they weren't emptying properly once they got on a supplement

they seemed to do better so we research the the supplements and we found out

that a lot of supplements are out there that they have the right ingredients but

they don't really have the right dosage and so the people are really getting

cheated by a lot of these products so we decided to make our products with the

best ingredients and at the right dosage that works so that's how we first

started out with max life well let's let's talk a little bit about the

specific ingredients yeah so it has beta side sterile in it and this and then it

has saw palmetto these two are probably the most studied supplements for

prostate health and it's also got lycopene and quercetin and and lycopene

has been shown in several studies to help prevent prostate cancer but we

don't and that's in cooked tomatoes so you know we recommend that to the

patients it's not we do not claim to prevent prostate cancer but let's put it

in there since it does have that result and quercetin is an anti-inflammatory

inflammation is involved in a lot of different issues cardiovascular disease

inflammation is involved in that it's involved in cancers it's involved in

prostate issues for sure so the question is an anti-inflammatory you know the

so-called men are the beta solid sterile helps shrink the prostate so but you got

to give it time so they definitely work and it's a great product now I am a

product of that product as well but on that product now for two two and a half

months now and I'm I'm having great results as a matter of

fact we were looking at a study of one of the most popular prostate products

commercially that's out there and as they compared the studies between that

very popular product that's so tens of millions of bottles and your product

that well let you tell it we had our supplement tested

independently compared to them had a man lost and we had one hundred and forty

percent more of the active ingredient in our product than they did there were

forty percent more latest line of sterile Wow and their claim is so much

better Silas Tarot if you actually look at the back of their bottle they don't

even mention they decided stare all the mentioned plant sterols so it's a little

misleading and you know we have a whole lot more the main ingredient that were

really works

For more infomation >> right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show part 2 - Duration: 5:06.


Animation Staff Revealed! - Episodes 127 - 129 ~ Dragon Ball Super - Duration: 8:13.

As always, it's the start of a new month, and the staff lists for the upcoming Super

episodes have been released.

Since we've got a break at the end of the month, we've only got three episodes to

cover today, but that's 100% okay because this is a bit of a weird staff list, but also

one that's actually kind of exciting.

First up is episode 127, this week's upcoming episode, which we already knew quite a lot

about already thanks to NEP, as well as the writer tweeting out that he'd written the


So to reiterate if you missed that: this episode is supervised by Masahiro Shimanuki and Hiroyuki


The latter of which is probably the most interesting inclusion since his last episode was episode

123, meaning he will have had only 4 weeks between episodes.

That's a really strange rotation time to see considering the norm these days can often

be double that.

Shimanuki, for example, hasn't had an episode in 7 weeks.

I imagine Itai's probably not going to be animating much, instead sticking primarily

to corrections.

I think that's probably the only way I see that working.

Weirdly, he's listed second, which tends to mean that he'll be on the second half.

I would have thought Shimanuki – the guy with more time – would have been the one

to tackle the half they tend to put the most emphasis on.

Interesting decision there, so I have to say, I'm not really sure what to expect.

Toei Philippines are never listed in advance, so there's always the possibility this'll

be an episode with 3 or 4 supervisors.

Not exactly ideal, but it's probably a better option than struggling with time.

Either way, I think it's important to remember that both of these supervisors are guys whose

episodes tend to hinge on the staff under them more than anything, so this is a little

up in the air as far as quality goes, regardless.

Thankfully we don't have to wait too long!

It's being written by Kenichi Yamashita, who first wrote for Super back in episode


I have to say, that episode was a bit nothing as far as content goes, but I don't think

that's really the writer's fault in this case – the subject matter he had wasn't

exactly the best, so I think what he managed to do with it was fine enough.

This'll be his proving episode, I guess.

If you can't make a finale fight remotely interesting, then there's probably an issue.

It's being directed by Takahiro Imamura who you may remember me talking about in previous

staff list videos – he's someone who's incredibly hit and miss.

Sometimes he does great work like in 122, but other times… well, you end up with episode

115, which really lacked any of the oomph it required.

The storyboard's coming from one good director and one bad director, so fingers crossed if

Imamura's not doing his work, Mr Good Director's half will at least be framed nicely.

It's from Masanori Sato – the one I don't like much – and Kazuya Karasawa, who's

one of Super's strongest staff members.

His recent storyboard for episode 125 was fantastic.

So yeah, as you can hear, this upcoming episode's all a bit strange and unpredictable.

Definitely going to go in with measured expectations, and I definitely recommend you do the same.

Lots could go wrong, but again, it's unpredictable.

Next up in episode 128.

I've been interested in this one for the longest time.

It's written by Toshio Yoshitaka, who mentioned back in – I wanna say August – that he

was writing a "cool Vegeta" episode, and going by the story summaries, and the fact

this is likely his last episode on the series, this is it!

I think we all know by now that he's one of the best writers, so I don't have much

more to say on that.

I'm a huge Vegeta fanboy, so even though the inevitable is totally coming, I have faith

that it'll be a good send-off.

On the supervisor front, we've got Yuji Hakamada and Osamu Ishikawa together.

Hakamada was a supervisor back on Dragon Ball Z, and made his first proper debut on Super

for Episode 121.

He was barely on the episode, though, and it seemed like most of it was corrected, so

maybe this time around I'll get a chance to really gauge his modern style.

Ishikawa being here presents a similar issue to what Itai's facing in the last episode.

He was on 123, so he's only getting 5 weeks.

Again, that's really strange.

The usual rotations dictate that we should have had Tate and Manabe on either one of

these episodes, but they're absolutely nowhere in sight.

Keep that in mind because I'll touch on that later.

The most interesting aspect of this episode is the storyboard.

Tadayoshi Yamamuro is stepping back into that role once again after just doing this past

episode's board.

As you know, I thoroughly enjoyed his work there, and was really surprised by how creative

many aspects of it were.

I wanted to see more of this so I could really gauge how much he'd improved, and it looks

like I'm getting my wish.

Very cautiously optimistic about this, but excited either way just to see how it turns


Director-wise, we've got Masanori Sato here.

Again, like I said, I don't love Sato – I've probably disliked more of his episodes than

I've liked, but he's definitely proved in a few cases that he's capable of delivering.

Episode 123 of his was pretty great, even if the actual episode itself was falling apart


Hopefully this one's a little better in that regard.

Again, a bit of a mystery episode, but this one's probably the more exciting and promising

of these two anomaly staff lists.

Lastly, 129.

This is far and away the most important of the bunch story-wise, so it's probably no

surprise that it has the strongest staff of the month, too.

The script's coming to us from Atsuhiro Tomioka, who I mentioned wrote the entire

opening of this arc, and has been one of Super's best writers next to Toshio Yoshikata over

Super's run.

I have no doubt in my mind that this'll be one great script, so I'm super positive

on that front.

Keeping in with this trend, we've got far and away Super's best director, Masato Mitsuka,

at the helm here.

In this half of the tournament alone, he's given us the second half of the special and

the great U6 Namekian episode.

As per usual, he's storyboarding the episode too, so he's got all the creative control

in the world.

This should be one extremely exciting episode.

Animation-wise, Koji Nashizawa and Hirotaka Nii are here.

They last worked together on the first half of episode 122, which was decent enough.

They've both shown themselves to be extremely competent supervisors and animators, AND they've

got the normal amount of time get this done, so fingers crossed there are no issues here.

I hope the only thing I have to complain about is Nashizawa's inability to draw characters

from the front-on!

So that's it!

I said a while ago that February would be the big month to look forward to, and it definitely

looks like I was largely wrong on that.

I expected these episodes to be wild with the likes of Tate, Manabe, and Karasawa leading

us into a huge finale, but they're absolutely nowhere to be found, and that's what makes

this month's staff so strange.

But like I said at the start of the video, I think this is probably something to look

forward to as far as delivering on the final fight of this arc.

It seems like they're going to put all the bests on episode 130, and maybe 131 depending

on how this series ends.

Shida's confirmed for at least one episode before Super ends, Takahashi will no doubt

be back, and I wouldn't be surprised if Onishi popped up again.

Heck, Yamamuro's almost certainly gonna do something considering how much he's actively

participating on Super at the moment.

It seems like we might be looking forward to another big end, but not necessarily a

long end, if that makes sense.

I predict a Future Trunks ending 2.0 scenario where they just blow their entire load on

the final episode.

I don't really know how I feel about that as far as the structure of this tournament

goes, but I mean, let's be real, the structure of this tournament has been abysmal anyway,

so it's not exactly a big downgrade.

At this point, I'm more than content with one big ol' Sakugafest to finish up Super.

Fingers crossed!

But that's all from me for now!

Thanks to my Discord server for helping me actually remember my opinions on certain staff


I swear, they remember things I've said better than I do sometimes!

I'll leave a link to that in description if anyone wants to join.

But for now, let me know what your thoughts are on this month's staff and what you'd

like the see for the finale.

Be sure to the rate the video, subscribe if you're new, and I will see you next time.

For more infomation >> Animation Staff Revealed! - Episodes 127 - 129 ~ Dragon Ball Super - Duration: 8:13.


Riverdale 2x14 Promo "Cabin in the Woods" (HD) Season 2 Episode 14 Promo - Duration: 0:21.

The point of this luxury weekend is to relax and unplug.

I might have to punish you.

It's like the four of us are in a powder keg.

All it would take is one match and it'd all blow up.

Riverdale new episodes return Wednesday March 7th,

only on The CW and The CW app.

For more infomation >> Riverdale 2x14 Promo "Cabin in the Woods" (HD) Season 2 Episode 14 Promo - Duration: 0:21.


EXPOSING the #1 BO3 PLAYER in The World! - Duration: 11:31.

today on black ops 3 we are exposing the #1 bo3 player in the world one

that's two oh drop down right in front of you thank you for five holy crap

six yo about to come up on like so many them right now seven eight nine oh my

god the coffee the quad fee bro oh my god yo now he been on the channel before

you might have seen this guy before doom mallow mallow the prince if not he's one

of the top-rated bo3 players in the entire world number three ranked on the

career leaderboards but number one in play time number one and kills number

one in wins number one in cryptokeys and I believe one of the more active players

that is still you know currently playing bo3 so as you see he has an eighty one

two three TDM most people go for the you know quote-unquote 70 kill TDM challenge

this guy just knocks out of the park eighty kill TV and challenge with ease

and today I'm gonna be showing you guys his number one classic but you see his

deadliest weapon being the kuda with over three hundred and forty thousand

kills as he approaches 1 million kills in bo3 I'm gonna be showing you guys the

class setup that got him there feel free drops a new triple play or Grand Slam

Supply Drop bundle I'll be hooking up a few of my subscribers for free so make

sure you guys stay connected by subscribing down below to my channel

dropping a like on today's video and commenting which DLC weapons you still

need to unlock with and bo3 already boys so before I reveal this class I need you

guys to go down there and smash a like on the video I'm watching every single

one of you if you don't go down there smash it like I'm not gonna reveal the

class I give you a couple seconds go down there touch that like button with

your elbow your your middle finger your pinky whichever one you want to use

smash that like button let me know the comments section down below as well if

you have any predictions as to what this class might be because it is quite weird

so go down there smash like and here it is the kuda silencer and fast make this

guy runs 2 attachments on a scooter only the silencer and only the fast mag and

his perks are so different than what most pub Stoppers use he has ghost

hard-wired scavenger blast suppressor and dead silence truly a very stealthy

class which makes a lot sense as he does play solo she doesn't

really have the callouts or the teamwork to rely on so he has to move around the

map essentially invisible to the majority of his people that he's gonna

enter gunfights with so this is his number one kuda class finally got it in

the DMZ I was talking to him I asked him what does kuda class was so today we're

gonna be using it for the first time in bo3 multiplayer if you guys want to have

a cool little kuda class and match the number one bo3 player in the world give

it a go and let me know how it goes in the comments down below with that being

said let's hop into a game but bo3 multiplayer I'll see you there already

boys let's get it newtown TDM we got the number one bo3 player in the world's

class set the kuda three hundred thousand-plus kills men I think the kuda

is also my most popular weapon and I think it might have either six or seven

thousand it's it's a you know it's not much compared to this guy so definitely

he has a little bit more experience of the Kudus know you know what I gotta

give it a go try out this class for myself because in the Cudas my most used

weapon in bo3 and i still haven't tried out a stealthy classic this for this you

know for the kuda specifically his you know his class you know I miss it out

obviously because this guy got like what 50 times my kills some like that some

crazy so I got to try it out we're starting off kind of slow though four

and three men basically just trading kills at this point let me get out of

here I put it's a little bit more smart or

they upstairs yeah they're upstairs can I hit this wall bang oh it's looking

slow in the corner still you're right there oh they're camping okay boys it's

time we're activating beast mode it's it's it's it's a deadly sight for the

other team right now bro they actually not spawn yo get this guy out of here

what do you think you are pushing up on my spawn your dog you can't rip her a

nice try it alright then they're they're not spawn I

gotta watch out yep G bro bro bro I'm gonna have to carry

this game so hard I can already tell the fact that like four guys just ran into

our home or our house yeah I can already tell this is gonna be a yeah and I'm

getting shot from the other side like brah where is the team at my back to the

wall he had taken out man outsmarted same with you men good try we

and we I don't even got the headset going that's how you know I'm going off

we have taken out 14 to 7 man this is more intense than anything the KD is is

definitely not there we're doing pretty average but uh I mean this is a pretty

intense game I got a hold us down for the team because without me we are not

winning so I got to carry these guys to victory get this w for them it's one

thing as a solo you know slavery tight player you got to keep in mind man you

got to carry the team dog like you got to really put the team on your back or

whoever's on your team they are not going to win so I always try to keep

that in mind I'm gonna watch this side this back cuz they're gonna keep

spawning here but I'm just nervous that my team yeah they're just gonna feed the

kills and I also don't want to feed the kill right here oh oh oh my god kewal

bang me with the k and 44 men were up 20 kills which is great that's actually a

pretty good little little protection barrier decent decent amount of kills oh

no you don't seem you don't see me in the window oh you don't see me man how

did I get that reload man why did I reload geez bro oh my god they're

everywhere now yeah my team is falling apart you know I gotta push this myself

it seems cheeseburger help me teammate please

this guy is causing our oh that's him that's him that's the one yes we got him

whoa we got him it's another one oh my god they're on the right side too you

guys like proning on the ground like a snake like a little slippery snake in

the grass I got him my team he put a sentry gun

facing the top of the door dude obviously got that from a care package

but like why would you put it there step it up this oh my god he did not see me

oh you didn't see me either what was that guy doing oh my god

I don't even know it just happened there that was way too intense literally the

entire team was ahead of us on all the sides I don't even know how we survived

that long I felt kind of weird bro we're getting quickscope now thank the Lord we

actually held on to the win for this one dude we got 31 kills both yo that was

way too sweaty way to try RT than what I was expecting man these guys came to

play thank God my teammates actually held in

decent enough we had a 28 to 18 besides and a 20 and 3 well my other teammates

were slacking they were not doing anything see how this one goes I think

it might go pretty pretty decent score line charger up you know maybe 3040 cuz

we are running some low streaks as well not going for those high ones you know

hater ray wraps we're going for the low ones see how many times you can get them

in one game try to chain them together as much as we can but I always struggle

with positioning on breach as you can see I'm running the two guys in a

doorframe I don't know man like unless you camp on this map it's to me it's

weird like you have to always have a UAV up for like this game to work because

there's so many different like weird paths and weird angles people can shoot

you at I just find like you always get shot in the back on breach I don't know

why but just the way the map is designed like the fact I can do this you know

what I mean like I can come under here if they don't have a UAV you know the

likelihood of them catching catching me doing that is pretty low now I'm like

literally behind them so I think it just goes to show this Maps design is a

little bit weird but it works for like s and D and stuff it's pretty good game

mode so let's put this one out pretty smart Oh how's that guy skill a little

bit more tactful a little more strategic good thing we have a sound sir you

didn't hear me shoot that always have a bad habit of reloading after like

literally every kill I'm I gotta stop that but with fast make it kind of helps

me out cuz I don't get punished as much alright UAV bloodthirsty let's go nice

little start to the game I like this let's get it in the corner

oh my god II of the crossbow that could have been bad

and it was even worse when I hopped up there it would have been better to just

end me with the crossbow just put me on my misery before I enter any more

gunfights okay but we got it we got it I think we can do something pretty good

this game solidified a decent lead because they don't seem to be like that

crazy not crazy good but they're just not playing like that crazy I can deal

with them is what I'm saying like you know they're not doing any weird tactics

Oh oh my god the war machine we still got

him oh I don't know how we got that third kill on the war machine but yeah

that guy was causing a mess mid map okay so the exact same thing oh I'm leaving

them I'm hitting this underbelly is a little wall run and I'm a pop-up right

behind him yep and popping it right behind you guys that's one that's two

where's it good Oh drop down right in front me thank you

four five holy crap six you know what are we doing yo about to come up on like

so many of them right now seven eight nine oh my god the coffee the quad feed

bro and they're gonna hop over here oh my

god yo yo what are we doing yo we're lapping streaks right now oh my god I

don't know if I should have called this in you know no you don't see me whoo oh

my God he's in the corner he took me out we're twenty four and five boys oh my

god don't let me do it to you ah we can get the final kill whoa 31 to

11 that streak was nutty okay that was a nasty streak bro

smash shot I dabble if you guys enjoyed common bo3 squad if you haven't already

joined the bo3 squad subscribe to the channel turn on ER to turn on

notifications to never miss another daily video drop a like leave a comment

doing the good stuff Instagram Twitter and links down below description that is

the number one be a free player in the world's best class setup thank you so

much for watching have an awesome day stay safe and I catch you guys in the

next one



For more infomation >> EXPOSING the #1 BO3 PLAYER in The World! - Duration: 11:31.


Mr Siro ! Mr Siro The Saddest Songs Remix 2018 - Duration: 54:27.

For more infomation >> Mr Siro ! Mr Siro The Saddest Songs Remix 2018 - Duration: 54:27.


Celebs You Never Knew Had Famous Parents - Duration: 5:28.

Unless you follow your favorite stars closely, you might not know that some of today's biggest

celebrities had some help along the way from mom and dad.

While some aren't afraid to trade on their family name, others have taken great pains

to hide their famous heritage and prove that they made it in the business through hard

work and talent.

Either way, some celebrities have parents who are famous in their own right.

Celebs like...

Chris Pine

Actor Chris Pine is probably best known as the new Captain Kirk in J.J. Abrams' alternate-reality

Star Trek franchise, but an entirely different TV show paved Pine's way into Hollywood.

CHiPs, the classic series about a pair of motorcycle-riding cops, featured Pine's father,

Robert, in a recurring role as Sgt.

Joseph Getraer.

To Pine's credit, he reportedly only used his famous dad to help him land a job as a

production assistant.

The young actor then worked his way up in the business, going from from building sets

to starring in the 2017 blockbuster Wonder Woman.

Billie Lourd

Like a lot of children of Hollywood stars, Billie Lourd doesn't go by the last name of

her famous mother, the late Carrie Fisher.

However, Lourd has embraced the family business by appearing in new Star Wars movies The Force

Awakens and The Last Jedi, and at the red carpet premiere of the latter, Lourd honored

the departed Fisher by recreating her iconic Princess Leia look.

After her mother's passing, Lourd also became responsible for a very special family member:

Gary Fisher, who's become an integral part of the Star Wars universe.

Okay, maybe not integral, but he's still a pretty awesome space pooch.

Katie Cassidy

Actress Katie Cassidy burst onto the scene with parts on 7th Heaven, Supernatural, and

the Melrose Place reboot before landing her most prominent role on the hit CW show Arrow.

If her last name sounds familiar, that's because she's the daughter of the late David Cassidy,

star of the hit '70s sitcom The Partridge Family.

David admitted in interviews that he didn't raise Katie.

She lived with her mother, Sherry Williams.

In the years leading up to his passing, Katie and David became so estranged that she was

reportedly left out of his will.

However, People reported that Katie rushed to her father's side when he was hospitalized.

The Arrow star said her father's last words--"So much wasted time"--will serve as "a daily

reminder for me to share my gratitude with those I love."

Benedict Cumberbatch

As the son of well-known British actors Timothy Carlton and Wanda Ventham, Benedict Cumberbatch

may follow the trend of not using a famous parent's last name, but in a twist, the Sherlock

star actually uses his real family name.

Benedict's mother reportedly warned him not to do so because the Cumberbatch surname,

which his father chose not to use professionally, is heavily associated with slavery, according

to the The Telegraph.

"They probably would have been happier in the beginning if I had been a doctor or a

lawyer or teacher or something sensible."

"They knew the difficulties of being an actor…"

"... as did I!"

However, the Daily Mail reported that Benedict has purposefully taken roles in films that

highlight the awfulness of the slave industry to atone for his ancestors.

Grace Gummer

Newcomer Grace Gummer might not have a prominent film career, but the actress has been building

a solid resume on the small screen with roles on American Horror Story, The Newsroom, and

Mr. Robot.

It shouldn't be a surprise that Gummer has become a reliable talent in her field: her

mom is Meryl Streep.

You might assume having Streep as a parent would be an instant pass to stardom, but Gummer

is putting in the work and striving to research every role, according to V Magazine.

Will she one day dominate the Oscars like her mom?

For now, she's forging her own path in the ever-changing Hollywood landscape.

Rashida Jones

When it comes to last names, it doesn't get more common than Jones, so it would be easy

to assume that Parks and Recreation actress Rashida Jones comes from an average, run-of-the-mill

American family.

Think again: the star is actually the daughter of legendary music producer Quincy Jones.

However, it's tough to say who really wields the power in this family.

Rashida had her famous dad recast on Angie Tribeca after he played her TV father for

the pilot.

"Who fires Quincy Jones?!"


"You're out, Jones!"

Dakota Johnson

In 2013, little-known actress Dakota Johnson landed the coveted role of Anastasia Steele

in the Fifty Shades of Grey series, but Johnson wasn't entirely unknown to the Hollywood scene

before her big break.

She's the daughter of veteran actors Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson, and thanks to mom,

Dakota made her first big-screen debut in Crazy in Alabama before the age of 10.

Gwyneth Paltrow

While Steven Spielberg is often credited with launching Gwyneth Paltrow's career by casting

his goddaughter in Hook, the future Goop entrepreneur actually had some help from her showbiz industry

parents, actress Blythe Danner and director/producer Bruce Paltrow.

To Gwyneth's credit, she built her own name in Hollywood by turning in an Oscar-winning

performance for Shakespeare in Love.

Mom and Dad might've opened a few doors, but it was Gwyneth who put in the work.

Alexander Skarsgard

Actor Alexander Skarsgard might be one of the top hunks in Hollywood, but the Legend

of Tarzan star also has some impressive acting chops that earned him an Emmy award for best

supporting actor in HBO's Big Little Lies.

That shouldn't come as a surprise if you know that his father is veteran actor Stellan Skarsgard,

who you may recognize from Thor and the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise.

Thanks to his dad, Alexander got an early jump on acting and was a star in Sweden by

age 13, but the experience freaked him out so much that he actually quit acting and almost

became an architect, according to The Telegraph.

Fortunately for fans of the Swedish heartthrob, Skarsgard caught the acting bug again, and

he's never looked back.

"It's like ex-squeeze me, but have you ever heard of styling gel?"

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Celebs You Never Knew Had Famous Parents - Duration: 5:28.


Casa Del Mar Beach Resort & Timeshare Aruba - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> Casa Del Mar Beach Resort & Timeshare Aruba - Duration: 0:35.


Racism: America's Awakening (Cassandra Complex part 2) - Duration: 7:05.

If my last song offended you, just turn this off now

I'll finish it this time, then I'll burn this all down

Last time my thesis was thugs are all clowns

I'll hammer that point 'till the foundation falls down

Where is this coming from?

Go listen to part one

Where I called out the infected, people got offended

Lost their minds became headless

You can take this in one of two ways:

Another defiant rhyme or a lesson

Like Dr. King using words as a weapon

The non-violent kind,

By the way if he were alive,

He would die inside

From the outrage of seeing black people commit more than half the country's violent crimes

It's crazy there's a group that glorifies it

Rappers and thugs, no one cares, everyone buys it

Y'all do realize they're destroying our image right?

And have done so for generations, and then it's like

anyone who speaks up on it, and dares to bring it up

They're racist, former celebrity erased, now they're faceless

I Straight Outta F's to give, so I don't give a

And I'll spell it out, in case this,

Wasn't obvious enough,

I'll be painfully blunt in this next statement

The inner city is a cesspool creating thugs and sadists

See I told you this wouldn't be painless

I'm trying to clean our culture's image 'till it's pristine and stainless

How do you not see the tainted rotten ones?

You're either blind or dumb or you got your blinders on

I'ma pry 'em off, need to shift your gaze a bit

The perception of blacks, who you think's creating it?

Who's using the N word, who's usually the loudest?

Who glorifies crime, and makes rhymes about it?

You know how crazy that is, just imagine if

Country music singers sang about violence with savage grins

Image would be tarnished, beyond salvaging

If all they did was sing about killing each other, it would be utter

ignorance, they'd seem barbaric, abrasive

Anyone who looked like that would seem unsophisticated

You'd associate cowboy hats and denim long sleeves

with criminals, you would cast aspersions wrongly

Even worse, crimes are being done in real life

You'll hate what I say next, grip your mental shields tight

Even though blacks make up thirteen percent of the population,

Guess who commits more than half the violent crimes in the nation

This culture, it's grooming 'em

Who the ones robbing blacks who's shooting 'em?

When we move away from the hood, who we moving from?

That's the cold hard truth that's got me blue and numb

You're wondering what's the point of saying this about us?

I need all the intelligent black people riled up

Denounce thugs, rebuild our image from the ground up

Don't defend urban culture, it's nothing to be proud of

That's the enemy, they make blacks look dumb

Rappers, thugs, and all these brat hoodlums

What about King's dream? Content beats color

Well the color he died for are killing each other

They prance around strutting, pants hanging down

When whites use the N word, I can't blame 'em now

Guess what, when whites are caught using the N word as an insult

They're not talking you, don't be vengeful

When these videos of college students using the N word leaks

She does have black friends and she wasn't trying to offend her peeps

Shouldn't of said it, but listen

Use your brain for a second before you go ballistic

It's true, that word is used to mock and be hurtful

But it's not used towards Fresh Prince or Steve Urkel

It's for mean muggin' clowns heads tilted slightly

Whose self-worth comes from trying to look frightening

It's not meant for the nice good natured folks

It's the mean and rude ones cause the hood made 'em so

Not for me and you, and to be totally honest

If there's a word that was offensive to Neo-Nazis and the Klan,

I'd say it every day, and wouldn't stop, I'd be the loudest

I'd be a comedian going on a tirade, shouting

I'd be an immature student on campus, sounding -

...hateful, labeled racist in the footage of me clowning

"Hey, that's wrong, don't you know that word's hurtful?"

Uh, yeah dummy... what you think I'm using the word for?

Why wouldn't I wanna offend the earth's scum?

Dang, I just took your life's beliefs and reversed 'em

How about no one use the word, I'm sick of hearing it

Don't be a sheep and claim it's a term of endearment

It's an ignorant word, drop it can you not evolve?

How do you say the N word and stand proudly tall?

That's like being called a piece of crap your whole life

Then call each other other that, yeah that makes sense, alright..........

I'm sure this song will probably get me ostracized

A sacrifice I'll make, I'm trying to save the race

Inequality was a policy, it paved the way

For generational wealth disparity, it remains today

We've been blindly repeating a cycle, it's exhausting

What values do you think thugs teach their offspring?

He's not teaching compassion, nonviolence

He's raising his cubs to become , strong lions

Hearing that, you don't see where the problem's at

Why you think the image of being angry falls on blacks?

It's a cycle, thugs raise kids to be tough

They grow up to be thugs, this tore up truth becomes

Blinding, y'all can't see it, cause you're too close to it

Can't see the forest for the trees, you just stroll through it

That's why I'm burning it down, and holding your toes to it

At this point in the song, I don't think you're opposed to it

Here's the cure, it's worth how long this verbal beating took

The answer is deceptively simple:

Reading books

Parents, you gotta take the time to read to your kids

They'll pick it up as a hobby, and breeze through 'em quick

And this isn't even about all the language benefits

I'm talking about something called "emotional intelligence"

It raises empathy as well as widen perspectives

Critical thinking, literally builds new connections -

... in your brain, functions at peak efficiency

People who read, they view the world, see it differently

Abstract ideas are easily broken down, dismantled

To a level of such precision that it can split atoms

And according to the studies, it's fiction that does it

So the books they're already reading for school won't cut it

And even if you're as, poor as, I was growing up

The library is free, there's no fee for showing up

And they'll do right not cause they were told by their parents they have to

They'll be ethical cause they see the inherent value

It's your time of reckoning, you can either be offended

Or realize the root cause and take action against it

The key is nonviolence, don't support or promote it

Thanks to hip hop moguls the black image has eroded

They milked the stereotype and rode it to the way to the bank

The subtextual second class image, that's who to thank

The point of this song was to light a fire under you

Thugs, wisen up, I've got everyone onto you

And rappers too, got verbally beat down

By a nerd, with your music, this era's over

Y'all answer to me now.

For more infomation >> Racism: America's Awakening (Cassandra Complex part 2) - Duration: 7:05.


Life At RER : The Rangers - Duration: 4:14.

(People speaking on the phone) Hello…. How is everyone back home?

Hello… hello… the signal is not good

There's only bar of signal and sometimes it's gone

So how is everything at home? Is Dad okay? Okay that's good then

Today, we will carry out our usual routine of patrolling the forest for seven days

I hope you have prepared well, physically and logistically, for this

We've received word that the weather is quite hot today so you need to be more alert when you're in there

Always value safety first, and safeguard your team and your health

My name is Hendrizal and I work as a ranger

My job is to secure the RER area from forest fires and illegal loggers

A few days in the forest without hearing my son and wife's voices at home causes me to really miss them

As a ranger who has to spend days in the forest at a time, it is really difficult for us to communicate with our family back home

We have to find a tree which is about 35 metres tall and climb it just to get a phone signal

"Maybe next week I'll be coming home…"

Sometimes, if we happen to finish our food supply, we have to look for anything that's edible for the next one to two days until someone comes to drop off an extra food supply

As for water, we can get it from tree roots

I love being in forests with an abundance of trees, rivers which never dry up, and plenty of wild animals

For more infomation >> Life At RER : The Rangers - Duration: 4:14.


South Korea taking on Finland in Winter Olympics debut for mixed doubles curling - Duration: 0:33.

The 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games officially begin on Friday evening with the

opening ceremony,... but the competition actually starts today.

Team Korea is already in action... in mixed doubles curling.

With the mixed doubles event in curling being introduced for the first time in PyeongChang,...

the South Korean duo of Jang Hye-ji and Lee Ki-jeong are currently playing their Round

Robin Session 1 against Finland.

The South Korean duo will play their second match against China this evening.

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