Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 8 2018

right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show part 3

okay guys let's talk about the fun stuff let's talk about men's and women's

sexual health okay and obviously as you age things don't don't how can I put

this don't begin to work the way they maybe once did maybe some of the

emotions and feelings aren't what they what they were and we as men especially

try to reconcile and try to figure out why why is this not working

I mean I'm just saying things that I've heard and so let's talk a little bit of

in your experience men's and women's sexual health and then we'll get into

some of the products well you know impotence is legitimate condition we see

it all the time men have a hard time coming in and talking to us about that a

lot of times so it's amazing you Rick and I both I guarantee he's had the same

situation where a patient comes in and they may be coming in there about a

kidney stone with them they start asking roundabout questions and they're just

beating around the bush and and I got to where I knew what they were going to and

I would just just say listen or you haven't trouble with your erections just

get it out in the open because it's difficult for them to talk about

sometimes I think women it's even worse for them and so that's one of those

things that but we got so many patients that are prone to having the problem I

mean when you look at obesity heart disease diabetes all these people have

risk factors and I mean we have tons of people with with problems and when they

finally start talking about it then they realize that there's options for them to

be able to get a good erection and have sexual satisfaction so we're really

excited to offer taboo for men which is the male sexual enhancement formulation

that you came up with and so talk a little bit about what it is what it does

and why we it inspires you to really be excited about it we are especially

excited about taboo for him as it has l-citrulline which has been proven in

the Journal of Urology the journal that we routinely read to work for men the

prescription drugs for that or you know viagra levitra cialis and what they do

is prevent the breakdown of nitric oxide and nitric oxide is what

the blood vessels to dilate and get more blood flow in there for erection okay so

we started researching what can we do to increase nitric oxide and we found a

product called l-citrulline that is converted to nitric oxide okay so you

take the l-citrulline it's transported through the gut and through the liver

into the bloodstream goes to the kidney and it's converted to another compound

called l-arginine and then that is converted into nitric oxide so instead

of preventing the breakdown we're building up nitric oxide so we're really

doing the same thing now some companies put out l-arginine but if you take

l-arginine most of it is degraded in the liver and in the colon and it's gone a

little bit gets through to the bloodstream and then gets converted to

the nitric oxide but because our product goes all the way through the gut and

through the liver gets to the kidney you get a lot more nitric oxide so to

clarify for our consumers this is not a one-shot wonder pill this is something

that you you don't take right before the moment yeah tada

no this is you need to this is a daily dose daily dose excellent except so now

let's talk about women's sexual health and in a formulation that we have and

they were going to be offering thanks to your group called sweetest for women

sometimes I think as men we don't think that women have sexual health or sexual

energy needs and whatnot so it was enlightening to me and exciting for us

there very exciting for our company to to know that you have a women's sexual

health appeal as well so let's talk about that sweetest we talk a lot about

men's problems with sexual dysfunction but women have the same problem and

often times they don't discuss it with their surgeon so we've decided to

approach this with sweetest for her it has similar ingredients that the taboo

for men has and that the l-citrulline will cause increased blood flow for

increased clitoral stimulation we also put in l-theanine which is

naturally going to decrease their stress level for a better sexual experience

well and so from a branding perspective one of the things that we are

encouraging our consumers to do is enjoy these products as a couple goodies one

silica as a couple so when you do that we have sweetest for women and we have

taboo for a men but when you buy them together only then will you have the

sweetest taboo right so that is over the glass

For more infomation >> right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show part 3 - Duration: 4:58.


right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show part 1 - Duration: 4:52.

right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show part 1

For more infomation >> right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show part 1 - Duration: 4:52.


Trump Puts World on Notice… Threatens Aid if Drugs Come Across B - Duration: 3:07.

Trump Puts World on Notice� Threatens Aid if Drugs Come Across Border

At a Customs and Border Protection roundtable last week, President Donald Trump threatened

countries that fail to stem the rise of drugs with a loss of aid from the United States,

according to The Hill.

The remarks, which took place at the Customs and Border Protection National Training Center

in Virginia, highlighted the administration�s battle on border security in ways unrelated

to illegal immigration.

�I want to stop the aid.

If they can�t stop drugs from coming in, �cause they can stop them a lot easier than


They say, �oh we can�t control it.� Oh great, we�re supposed to control it,�

Trump told gathered officials, according to CNN.

�So we give them billions and billions of dollars, and they don�t do what they�re

supposed to be doing, and they know that.

But we�re going to take a very harsh action.�

�These countries are not our friends,� Trump added.

�You know, we think they�re our friends and we send them massive aid.

�I won�t mention names right now, but I look at these countries, I look at the numbers

we send them � we send them massive aid and they�re pouring drugs into our country

and they�re laughing at us,� he continued.

�So I�m not a believer in that.

I want to stop the aid.�

A traffic stop led Mexican authorities to seize enough fentanyl to kill millions of

people as well as almost 1,000 pounds of crystal methamphetamine and other drugs that were

headed to the California border.

This week, Mexico�s National Security Commission announced the seizure of 45.5 kilograms of

fentanyl that were found as part of a synthetic drug shipment in the Mexican beach resort

town of Ensenada, Baja California.

The seizure also included more than 914 pounds of crystal meth, 87 pounds of cocaine and

18 pounds of heroin.

Unlike the other synthetic drugs, fentanyl is a medically used opioid that is considered

to be 100 times more powerful than morphine and prone to lethal overdoses.

According to the Oxford Treatment Center, the lethal dose for an individual taking fentanyl

is 2 milligrams.

The 45.5 kilograms of fentanyl seized is enough to fuel millions of possible lethal doses.

For more infomation >> Trump Puts World on Notice… Threatens Aid if Drugs Come Across B - Duration: 3:07.


Flower Of ITC (បុប្ផាតិចណូ) by លីន នេ(Lin Ne) Group GEE 35th Generation 2018 - Duration: 4:02.

Bopha Technologies

Brother Resistance

Knowledge is good exercise

If not to die

I say to you,

Bopha Technologies

Nothing changed, dear

conduct elegance

Fall for you

Sounds sweet

When Leone correspondence

Mind and

Do not ignore the answer

I quickly logged on

Bopha Technologies

You're so good

Five years

No manual conversion

Sounds sweet

When Leone correspondence

Mind and

Do not ignore the answer

I quickly logged on

Bopha Technologies

You're so good

Five years

No manual conversion

For more infomation >> Flower Of ITC (បុប្ផាតិចណូ) by លីន នេ(Lin Ne) Group GEE 35th Generation 2018 - Duration: 4:02.


Planet X Russian TV Mini Documentary - Nibiru Today 2018 - Duration: 4:58.

in the early 20th century, the American astronomer Percival Lowell

came to the conclusion that the orbital movement of Uranus and Neptune

can be explained by the presence of massive invisible bodies

for many years the astronomer conducted intensive searches

but the result turned out to be negative

Years past , but the search for the mysterious Planet X has not stopped

and at this time can be greatly facilitated if at first to try

at least to approximately imagine and the physical properties

recently tried to do so

Professor of the University of Berlin Kristof mordahs

scientists proceeded from the fact that the desired celestial body was formed

at the same time as the other large planets

about 46 billion years ago

and then was in discarded by the gravitational effects of the latter

at a distance of about 700 astronomical units from the sun

Planet X managed to collect from the protoplanetary cloud

at least as much matter as the Uranus

the lightest of the giant planets

hence the mass can hardly be more than 10 terrestrial at a diameter

the order of forty-five

or 47 thousand kilometers

on the other side of the composition

the structure it should be close to the same Uranus

it is supported by the transfer from the depth of the additional energy

released by the slow gravitational compression of planetary subsoil

that provides a hypothetical opportunity to observe this object in the infrared range

this way distinguishes it from all the already known bodies of the solar system

open due to the observation of reflected light reflected from them as a whole

the Planet X should radiate by three orders of magnitude more energy than reflecting

the conducted research also provided a good explanation

of why the distant planet has so far remained unnoticed

however far from the sun

the hypothetical, open large planet of the solar system

with existing estimates of the mass

it would have to have a gravitational effect on other objects

primarily on giant planets

all attempts to register Such an impact is not yet successful because

we can not accurately determine the position of the center of mass of an individual body

for gas giants

The error is too great

for the pride of the calculated orbital motion

but there is one important exception

since 2004

in orbit around Saturn

works of the European spacecraft cassini

it plays the role of a kind of compact radio beacon

coordinates of which can be determined with very high accuracy using an array of distant cosmic antennas

of course, all non-envisaged deviations from the calculated positions of the central body

would have to be reflected in the situation in the space of its satellites

including artificial ones

However, in 12 years of observation

the probe escort team

did not notice any significant anomalies in its motion

the engineers of NASA cautiously state that the expected disturbance may be too small

but they have the property of accumulating them could be registered

if specialists had access to data sets at least for a 15-year period

unfortunately in the next year satelite Casinni with the plans of the mission will be introduced from orbit

and will burn in the Saturn Andean atmosphere

to exploit it longer does not allow the gradual exhaustion of the fuel reserves

of its propulsion system and the limited resource of airborne equipment

in principle proponents of the existence of the planet x

have already offered their explanations why it is not picked up by spacecraft technology

the most convincing of them

the mysterious heavenly body still has a noticeably smaller mass

than what it is now written in the records

with the second option is that it is located on an even larger distance from the sun

the order of several thousand astronomical units

in both cases

the chances of finding it with modern means are significantly reduced

and even progress in the field of observation technology will not help us very soon

how do you think there is a mysterious planet X and will we be able to be detected it If they wont release accurate official records

For more infomation >> Planet X Russian TV Mini Documentary - Nibiru Today 2018 - Duration: 4:58.


right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show part 2 - Duration: 5:06.

right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show part 2

one of the questions that we often get you know as consumers as relates to

supplements is are these approved by the FDA the Food and Drug Administration

let's talk a little bit about our supplements or do supplements require

FDA approval supplements do not need FDA approval you know we do make sure that

our supplements are made in an FDA approved facility and it has good

manufacturing practices so our our products are quality products and

oftentimes supplements work just as well as prescription drugs the only people

that try to tell you that the supplements don't work are the

pharmaceutical companies I mean they lose a lot of money when they when

people find out that a lot of supplements work we didn't believe in

I'm just like most doctors don't okay but when the patients told us that

they're getting better we believed our patients so then we

started doing our own research and we found out that there's plenty of studies

behind the supplements you just need to take them a little bit longer okay most

of the prescription drugs work quicker so supplements you really need to get in

your system for two to three months before you're really going to get

results so inspire Network we offer our products in 60-day dosages and it's due

in large part to you all's recommendation it takes a little while

for supplements to get into the system so let's talk a little bit about that

and let's explain the individuals why why that is and why you may need upwards

of maybe two or three months before seeing results if you if you give them

30 days and they don't see results they're quitting right you know so we

provide them a 60-day dosage and then that way it gives them an incentive to

they've bought the medication they need that time for it to work several of the

prescription medications that we use require three to six months to get in

the system whereas if you if you take our supplements they're not going to

necessarily work in the first month we like to say it took about 50 to 60 years

to build your prostate gland in size so you're not going to fix it very quickly

at all so we have to get our patients to understand that it's going to take a

couple of months to start getting an effect okay great great so let's talk

specifically about one of the products that you formulate it for inspire

Network like prostate care plus a really

exciting product for our men so let's talk about the formulation of that so

when we started researching products this is one of the first products it's

one of our biggest medical cases in urology as BPH so people were

complaining of frequency decreased size of forces stream intermittent stream

feeling like they weren't emptying properly once they got on a supplement

they seemed to do better so we research the the supplements and we found out

that a lot of supplements are out there that they have the right ingredients but

they don't really have the right dosage and so the people are really getting

cheated by a lot of these products so we decided to make our products with the

best ingredients and at the right dosage that works so that's how we first

started out with max life well let's let's talk a little bit about the

specific ingredients yeah so it has beta side sterile in it and this and then it

has saw palmetto these two are probably the most studied supplements for

prostate health and it's also got lycopene and quercetin and and lycopene

has been shown in several studies to help prevent prostate cancer but we

don't and that's in cooked tomatoes so you know we recommend that to the

patients it's not we do not claim to prevent prostate cancer but let's put it

in there since it does have that result and quercetin is an anti-inflammatory

inflammation is involved in a lot of different issues cardiovascular disease

inflammation is involved in that it's involved in cancers it's involved in

prostate issues for sure so the question is an anti-inflammatory you know the

so-called men are the beta solid sterile helps shrink the prostate so but you got

to give it time so they definitely work and it's a great product now I am a

product of that product as well but on that product now for two two and a half

months now and I'm I'm having great results as a matter of

fact we were looking at a study of one of the most popular prostate products

commercially that's out there and as they compared the studies between that

very popular product that's so tens of millions of bottles and your product

that well let you tell it we had our supplement tested

independently compared to them had a man lost and we had one hundred and forty

percent more of the active ingredient in our product than they did there were

forty percent more latest line of sterile Wow and their claim is so much

better Silas Tarot if you actually look at the back of their bottle they don't

even mention they decided stare all the mentioned plant sterols so it's a little

misleading and you know we have a whole lot more the main ingredient that were

really works

For more infomation >> right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show part 2 - Duration: 5:06.


Riverdale 2x14 Promo "Cabin in the Woods" (HD) Season 2 Episode 14 Promo - Duration: 0:21.

The point of this luxury weekend is to relax and unplug.

I might have to punish you.

It's like the four of us are in a powder keg.

All it would take is one match and it'd all blow up.

Riverdale new episodes return Wednesday March 7th,

only on The CW and The CW app.

For more infomation >> Riverdale 2x14 Promo "Cabin in the Woods" (HD) Season 2 Episode 14 Promo - Duration: 0:21.


EXPOSING the #1 BO3 PLAYER in The World! - Duration: 11:31.

today on black ops 3 we are exposing the #1 bo3 player in the world one

that's two oh drop down right in front of you thank you for five holy crap

six yo about to come up on like so many them right now seven eight nine oh my

god the coffee the quad fee bro oh my god yo now he been on the channel before

you might have seen this guy before doom mallow mallow the prince if not he's one

of the top-rated bo3 players in the entire world number three ranked on the

career leaderboards but number one in play time number one and kills number

one in wins number one in cryptokeys and I believe one of the more active players

that is still you know currently playing bo3 so as you see he has an eighty one

two three TDM most people go for the you know quote-unquote 70 kill TDM challenge

this guy just knocks out of the park eighty kill TV and challenge with ease

and today I'm gonna be showing you guys his number one classic but you see his

deadliest weapon being the kuda with over three hundred and forty thousand

kills as he approaches 1 million kills in bo3 I'm gonna be showing you guys the

class setup that got him there feel free drops a new triple play or Grand Slam

Supply Drop bundle I'll be hooking up a few of my subscribers for free so make

sure you guys stay connected by subscribing down below to my channel

dropping a like on today's video and commenting which DLC weapons you still

need to unlock with and bo3 already boys so before I reveal this class I need you

guys to go down there and smash a like on the video I'm watching every single

one of you if you don't go down there smash it like I'm not gonna reveal the

class I give you a couple seconds go down there touch that like button with

your elbow your your middle finger your pinky whichever one you want to use

smash that like button let me know the comments section down below as well if

you have any predictions as to what this class might be because it is quite weird

so go down there smash like and here it is the kuda silencer and fast make this

guy runs 2 attachments on a scooter only the silencer and only the fast mag and

his perks are so different than what most pub Stoppers use he has ghost

hard-wired scavenger blast suppressor and dead silence truly a very stealthy

class which makes a lot sense as he does play solo she doesn't

really have the callouts or the teamwork to rely on so he has to move around the

map essentially invisible to the majority of his people that he's gonna

enter gunfights with so this is his number one kuda class finally got it in

the DMZ I was talking to him I asked him what does kuda class was so today we're

gonna be using it for the first time in bo3 multiplayer if you guys want to have

a cool little kuda class and match the number one bo3 player in the world give

it a go and let me know how it goes in the comments down below with that being

said let's hop into a game but bo3 multiplayer I'll see you there already

boys let's get it newtown TDM we got the number one bo3 player in the world's

class set the kuda three hundred thousand-plus kills men I think the kuda

is also my most popular weapon and I think it might have either six or seven

thousand it's it's a you know it's not much compared to this guy so definitely

he has a little bit more experience of the Kudus know you know what I gotta

give it a go try out this class for myself because in the Cudas my most used

weapon in bo3 and i still haven't tried out a stealthy classic this for this you

know for the kuda specifically his you know his class you know I miss it out

obviously because this guy got like what 50 times my kills some like that some

crazy so I got to try it out we're starting off kind of slow though four

and three men basically just trading kills at this point let me get out of

here I put it's a little bit more smart or

they upstairs yeah they're upstairs can I hit this wall bang oh it's looking

slow in the corner still you're right there oh they're camping okay boys it's

time we're activating beast mode it's it's it's it's a deadly sight for the

other team right now bro they actually not spawn yo get this guy out of here

what do you think you are pushing up on my spawn your dog you can't rip her a

nice try it alright then they're they're not spawn I

gotta watch out yep G bro bro bro I'm gonna have to carry

this game so hard I can already tell the fact that like four guys just ran into

our home or our house yeah I can already tell this is gonna be a yeah and I'm

getting shot from the other side like brah where is the team at my back to the

wall he had taken out man outsmarted same with you men good try we

and we I don't even got the headset going that's how you know I'm going off

we have taken out 14 to 7 man this is more intense than anything the KD is is

definitely not there we're doing pretty average but uh I mean this is a pretty

intense game I got a hold us down for the team because without me we are not

winning so I got to carry these guys to victory get this w for them it's one

thing as a solo you know slavery tight player you got to keep in mind man you

got to carry the team dog like you got to really put the team on your back or

whoever's on your team they are not going to win so I always try to keep

that in mind I'm gonna watch this side this back cuz they're gonna keep

spawning here but I'm just nervous that my team yeah they're just gonna feed the

kills and I also don't want to feed the kill right here oh oh oh my god kewal

bang me with the k and 44 men were up 20 kills which is great that's actually a

pretty good little little protection barrier decent decent amount of kills oh

no you don't seem you don't see me in the window oh you don't see me man how

did I get that reload man why did I reload geez bro oh my god they're

everywhere now yeah my team is falling apart you know I gotta push this myself

it seems cheeseburger help me teammate please

this guy is causing our oh that's him that's him that's the one yes we got him

whoa we got him it's another one oh my god they're on the right side too you

guys like proning on the ground like a snake like a little slippery snake in

the grass I got him my team he put a sentry gun

facing the top of the door dude obviously got that from a care package

but like why would you put it there step it up this oh my god he did not see me

oh you didn't see me either what was that guy doing oh my god

I don't even know it just happened there that was way too intense literally the

entire team was ahead of us on all the sides I don't even know how we survived

that long I felt kind of weird bro we're getting quickscope now thank the Lord we

actually held on to the win for this one dude we got 31 kills both yo that was

way too sweaty way to try RT than what I was expecting man these guys came to

play thank God my teammates actually held in

decent enough we had a 28 to 18 besides and a 20 and 3 well my other teammates

were slacking they were not doing anything see how this one goes I think

it might go pretty pretty decent score line charger up you know maybe 3040 cuz

we are running some low streaks as well not going for those high ones you know

hater ray wraps we're going for the low ones see how many times you can get them

in one game try to chain them together as much as we can but I always struggle

with positioning on breach as you can see I'm running the two guys in a

doorframe I don't know man like unless you camp on this map it's to me it's

weird like you have to always have a UAV up for like this game to work because

there's so many different like weird paths and weird angles people can shoot

you at I just find like you always get shot in the back on breach I don't know

why but just the way the map is designed like the fact I can do this you know

what I mean like I can come under here if they don't have a UAV you know the

likelihood of them catching catching me doing that is pretty low now I'm like

literally behind them so I think it just goes to show this Maps design is a

little bit weird but it works for like s and D and stuff it's pretty good game

mode so let's put this one out pretty smart Oh how's that guy skill a little

bit more tactful a little more strategic good thing we have a sound sir you

didn't hear me shoot that always have a bad habit of reloading after like

literally every kill I'm I gotta stop that but with fast make it kind of helps

me out cuz I don't get punished as much alright UAV bloodthirsty let's go nice

little start to the game I like this let's get it in the corner

oh my god II of the crossbow that could have been bad

and it was even worse when I hopped up there it would have been better to just

end me with the crossbow just put me on my misery before I enter any more

gunfights okay but we got it we got it I think we can do something pretty good

this game solidified a decent lead because they don't seem to be like that

crazy not crazy good but they're just not playing like that crazy I can deal

with them is what I'm saying like you know they're not doing any weird tactics

Oh oh my god the war machine we still got

him oh I don't know how we got that third kill on the war machine but yeah

that guy was causing a mess mid map okay so the exact same thing oh I'm leaving

them I'm hitting this underbelly is a little wall run and I'm a pop-up right

behind him yep and popping it right behind you guys that's one that's two

where's it good Oh drop down right in front me thank you

four five holy crap six you know what are we doing yo about to come up on like

so many of them right now seven eight nine oh my god the coffee the quad feed

bro and they're gonna hop over here oh my

god yo yo what are we doing yo we're lapping streaks right now oh my god I

don't know if I should have called this in you know no you don't see me whoo oh

my God he's in the corner he took me out we're twenty four and five boys oh my

god don't let me do it to you ah we can get the final kill whoa 31 to

11 that streak was nutty okay that was a nasty streak bro

smash shot I dabble if you guys enjoyed common bo3 squad if you haven't already

joined the bo3 squad subscribe to the channel turn on ER to turn on

notifications to never miss another daily video drop a like leave a comment

doing the good stuff Instagram Twitter and links down below description that is

the number one be a free player in the world's best class setup thank you so

much for watching have an awesome day stay safe and I catch you guys in the

next one



For more infomation >> EXPOSING the #1 BO3 PLAYER in The World! - Duration: 11:31.


Racism: America's Awakening (Cassandra Complex part 2) - Duration: 7:05.

If my last song offended you, just turn this off now

I'll finish it this time, then I'll burn this all down

Last time my thesis was thugs are all clowns

I'll hammer that point 'till the foundation falls down

Where is this coming from?

Go listen to part one

Where I called out the infected, people got offended

Lost their minds became headless

You can take this in one of two ways:

Another defiant rhyme or a lesson

Like Dr. King using words as a weapon

The non-violent kind,

By the way if he were alive,

He would die inside

From the outrage of seeing black people commit more than half the country's violent crimes

It's crazy there's a group that glorifies it

Rappers and thugs, no one cares, everyone buys it

Y'all do realize they're destroying our image right?

And have done so for generations, and then it's like

anyone who speaks up on it, and dares to bring it up

They're racist, former celebrity erased, now they're faceless

I Straight Outta F's to give, so I don't give a

And I'll spell it out, in case this,

Wasn't obvious enough,

I'll be painfully blunt in this next statement

The inner city is a cesspool creating thugs and sadists

See I told you this wouldn't be painless

I'm trying to clean our culture's image 'till it's pristine and stainless

How do you not see the tainted rotten ones?

You're either blind or dumb or you got your blinders on

I'ma pry 'em off, need to shift your gaze a bit

The perception of blacks, who you think's creating it?

Who's using the N word, who's usually the loudest?

Who glorifies crime, and makes rhymes about it?

You know how crazy that is, just imagine if

Country music singers sang about violence with savage grins

Image would be tarnished, beyond salvaging

If all they did was sing about killing each other, it would be utter

ignorance, they'd seem barbaric, abrasive

Anyone who looked like that would seem unsophisticated

You'd associate cowboy hats and denim long sleeves

with criminals, you would cast aspersions wrongly

Even worse, crimes are being done in real life

You'll hate what I say next, grip your mental shields tight

Even though blacks make up thirteen percent of the population,

Guess who commits more than half the violent crimes in the nation

This culture, it's grooming 'em

Who the ones robbing blacks who's shooting 'em?

When we move away from the hood, who we moving from?

That's the cold hard truth that's got me blue and numb

You're wondering what's the point of saying this about us?

I need all the intelligent black people riled up

Denounce thugs, rebuild our image from the ground up

Don't defend urban culture, it's nothing to be proud of

That's the enemy, they make blacks look dumb

Rappers, thugs, and all these brat hoodlums

What about King's dream? Content beats color

Well the color he died for are killing each other

They prance around strutting, pants hanging down

When whites use the N word, I can't blame 'em now

Guess what, when whites are caught using the N word as an insult

They're not talking you, don't be vengeful

When these videos of college students using the N word leaks

She does have black friends and she wasn't trying to offend her peeps

Shouldn't of said it, but listen

Use your brain for a second before you go ballistic

It's true, that word is used to mock and be hurtful

But it's not used towards Fresh Prince or Steve Urkel

It's for mean muggin' clowns heads tilted slightly

Whose self-worth comes from trying to look frightening

It's not meant for the nice good natured folks

It's the mean and rude ones cause the hood made 'em so

Not for me and you, and to be totally honest

If there's a word that was offensive to Neo-Nazis and the Klan,

I'd say it every day, and wouldn't stop, I'd be the loudest

I'd be a comedian going on a tirade, shouting

I'd be an immature student on campus, sounding -

...hateful, labeled racist in the footage of me clowning

"Hey, that's wrong, don't you know that word's hurtful?"

Uh, yeah dummy... what you think I'm using the word for?

Why wouldn't I wanna offend the earth's scum?

Dang, I just took your life's beliefs and reversed 'em

How about no one use the word, I'm sick of hearing it

Don't be a sheep and claim it's a term of endearment

It's an ignorant word, drop it can you not evolve?

How do you say the N word and stand proudly tall?

That's like being called a piece of crap your whole life

Then call each other other that, yeah that makes sense, alright..........

I'm sure this song will probably get me ostracized

A sacrifice I'll make, I'm trying to save the race

Inequality was a policy, it paved the way

For generational wealth disparity, it remains today

We've been blindly repeating a cycle, it's exhausting

What values do you think thugs teach their offspring?

He's not teaching compassion, nonviolence

He's raising his cubs to become , strong lions

Hearing that, you don't see where the problem's at

Why you think the image of being angry falls on blacks?

It's a cycle, thugs raise kids to be tough

They grow up to be thugs, this tore up truth becomes

Blinding, y'all can't see it, cause you're too close to it

Can't see the forest for the trees, you just stroll through it

That's why I'm burning it down, and holding your toes to it

At this point in the song, I don't think you're opposed to it

Here's the cure, it's worth how long this verbal beating took

The answer is deceptively simple:

Reading books

Parents, you gotta take the time to read to your kids

They'll pick it up as a hobby, and breeze through 'em quick

And this isn't even about all the language benefits

I'm talking about something called "emotional intelligence"

It raises empathy as well as widen perspectives

Critical thinking, literally builds new connections -

... in your brain, functions at peak efficiency

People who read, they view the world, see it differently

Abstract ideas are easily broken down, dismantled

To a level of such precision that it can split atoms

And according to the studies, it's fiction that does it

So the books they're already reading for school won't cut it

And even if you're as, poor as, I was growing up

The library is free, there's no fee for showing up

And they'll do right not cause they were told by their parents they have to

They'll be ethical cause they see the inherent value

It's your time of reckoning, you can either be offended

Or realize the root cause and take action against it

The key is nonviolence, don't support or promote it

Thanks to hip hop moguls the black image has eroded

They milked the stereotype and rode it to the way to the bank

The subtextual second class image, that's who to thank

The point of this song was to light a fire under you

Thugs, wisen up, I've got everyone onto you

And rappers too, got verbally beat down

By a nerd, with your music, this era's over

Y'all answer to me now.

For more infomation >> Racism: America's Awakening (Cassandra Complex part 2) - Duration: 7:05.


South Korea taking on Finland in Winter Olympics debut for mixed doubles curling - Duration: 0:33.

The 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games officially begin on Friday evening with the

opening ceremony,... but the competition actually starts today.

Team Korea is already in action... in mixed doubles curling.

With the mixed doubles event in curling being introduced for the first time in PyeongChang,...

the South Korean duo of Jang Hye-ji and Lee Ki-jeong are currently playing their Round

Robin Session 1 against Finland.

The South Korean duo will play their second match against China this evening.

For more infomation >> South Korea taking on Finland in Winter Olympics debut for mixed doubles curling - Duration: 0:33.


Tips for using Barber's Straight Razor - Duration: 8:52.

For more infomation >> Tips for using Barber's Straight Razor - Duration: 8:52.


Diane Kruger Movies List - Duration: 1:46.

Diane Kruger Movies List

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