Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 8 2018

Thanks for watching Lifetree Kids!

It's another day at Everest VBS.

That means you get to meet another buddy: me!

I'm Pike, king of the mountain.

I'm a marvelous mountain goat called a markhor.

High mountains?

Rocky peaks?

That's nothing for our sturdy feet.

Markhors are right at home way up on the rocky Himalayan cliffs.

But I'm sure you're not admiring my fabulous feet.

It's these gorgeous, curly, majestic horns that get attention.

These spiraling spectacles can grow nearly as tall as you.

Our horns come in handy when we need to fight for home and territory.

If you get too close, these could really hurt you.

Now, you may not have amazing weaponry like a

markhor, but sadly people do knock heads.

Sometimes people hurt each other.

They say mean words.

They do wrong things.

Those wrong things hurt God's heart.

They keep you from having a friendship with him.

But God loves you, and his love is mighty.

He sent his son, Jesus, to pay for all the sharp, mean, wrong things you do.

In the Bible, the book of Nehemiah chapter 9, verse 17 says, "But you are a God of


God's love is so powerful. God will forgive those hurtful, wrong things.

All you have to do is ask.

You can trust that God has the power to forgive.

For more infomation >> Pike the Markhor | Buzzly's Buddies | Everest VBS - Duration: 2:15.



Hi, I'm Girls With Heart Ambassador Nia Mya.

My thing is writing.

I published two books.

I started writing when I was seven years old.

I love writing because you can be creative.

It taught me that I'm never too young to follow my dreams.

I will tell girls in the world to never let fear stop you

from following your dreams.

Thanks, Justice, for letting me share my story.

Click the subscribe button below for more Justice videos.

For more infomation >> WRITING IS MY THING 💗 JUSTICE - Duration: 0:39.


Erdoğan'dan Trump'a ağır sözler - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Erdoğan'dan Trump'a ağır sözler - Duration: 2:11.


Conheça a Eduarda | Reality Lésbico - Duration: 0:32.

Hi, my name is Duda, I'm 19 years old and I've been doing college prep course for a long time,

So my parents are charging me to decide what I want to do with my life.

And, in fact, I don't think anyone with my age really knows what to do.

So I'm here to find out. To find out what I want for my life.

I'm bisexual and I'm here to cause. I really like to have fun

And I'm crazy about parties so you can expect good things from me.

For more infomation >> Conheça a Eduarda | Reality Lésbico - Duration: 0:32.


Batista & Brock Lesnar - Next Big Monster [Mashup] (CC) - Duration: 3:21.

I walk alone!

I walk alone!

I walk for miles inside this pit of danger!

A place where no one follows me; I walk alone!

I'm sick of all these people talking out their heads...

I never understood a damn thing that they said...

From words to actions never knowing, what they're about!

I guess I'll have to chew them up and spit them out, and I said!

I walk for miles inside this pit of danger!

I've swallowed down a thousand years of anger!

The weight of the world is falling on my shoulders...

A place where no one follows me; I walk alone!

I walk alone!

I walk for miles inside this pit of danger!

I've swallowed down a thousand years of anger!

The weight of the world is falling on my shoulders...

A place where no one follows me; I walk alone!

I walk alone!

For more infomation >> Batista & Brock Lesnar - Next Big Monster [Mashup] (CC) - Duration: 3:21.



Hey, guys.

Fog of Gaming here and welcome to Hunt: Showdown.

The closed alpha for this game started on the the 31st of January.

Hunt Showdown is a first person multiplayer monster hunting game.

It combines elements of survival, teamwork, and horror to deliver a unique kind of PVP


You will take on the role of a bounty hunter and you will track down undead boss monsters

and collect their trophies.

The games are going to be played on a match based format with specific Boss Monster Targets,

rewards, and varying difficulties.

There are 10 hunters in the map, including you, all trying to collect the boss monster's

bounty tokens.

This means that part of the game involves eliminating other players to prevent them

from collecting the prize themselves.

You can play with a buddy online to compete with 8 other players, and some of them will

be working in pairs themselves.

If you feel up to the challenge, you can join a game solo and compete against 9 other players.

Aside from the hunters that you will be fighting with, and the boss monster that you will eventually

encounter, there will also be AI undead monsters.

Running into them provides an extra layer of challenge, because an encounter with them

can reveal your position or cause other harmful effects like poison if you are not careful.

They have various strengths and weaknesses that you should be equipped for, so that you

can quickly kill them.

The spawn points of these monsters are random, so you need to familiarize yourself with the


Stealth is going to be an important aspect of the game, so just shooting everything that

moves is not the best option.

You want to take out threats or simply avoid them without revealing your position to other

players on the map.

This will help you avoid unnecessary combat and bring you closer to victory.

Unlike games in the Battle Royale genre, the map doesn't have many players in it.

According to the developers, the reason why the player count is limited to 10 players

is because the map is 1km by 1km in size.

Given everything that's going to be in it, from the players, to the AI, and the Boss

that everyone is looking for, they believe that 10 players within the same map is a suitable


They want the game to be a tactical experience, where the threats are just around the corner.

It will require you to use all of your gear and tools to get past the AI and get close

to your target.

They believe that any more than 10 players will no longer be tactical, as it will be

about simply running and gunning.

Horror is an important part of the experience, so they felt that an excessive amount of fighting

in the map would undermine the thrills and fears that they intend for you to feel.

They also believe that having too few players removed some of the suspense in trying to

figure out what was going on.

They used to only have 3 teams on the map, so when a series of gunshots between two teams

can be heard in the distance, it became obvious where the third team needed to go.

With ten players, they believe that everything and everyone will have a fair chance.

There is a huge emphasis to the social aspect of the game.

The developers intend for players to share their moments with others.

They intend to make your interactions with other players an integral part of the gameplay.

Communicating with your buddy to help pinpoint the position of enemies or monsters and planning

your approach to any situation with your teammate are part of the experience.

There is absolutely no benefit to playing solo, and playing with an anonymous teammate

online will only increase your chances of winning.

Before you can enter a game, you will have to recruit a hunter.

In the recruitment screen, you will find multiple hunters available.

Each of them has his own equipment, traits, levels, and health chunks.

They also have tiers that determine how much health and good gear they have, from the Apprentices

still starting out, the cowboys that are in the middle of the pack, and the Manhunters

that are the best there is.

You can recruit five hunters at a time, if you can afford it.

Hunters with more powerful skill sets are more expensive, so you can't just fill your

ranks with powerful hunters that easily.

If you do run out of money, you have the option to recruit a Basic Hunter character.

He will be weaker than the average recruit, their equipment cannot be customized, but

they are free to use.

If you do manage to level him up in a mission, he will become an Apprentice.

You can level your hunter up by surviving missions and performing actions in them.

Anything from healing or reviving buddies, to collecting clues and killing bosses, will

reward you with experience after you have successfully extracted from the mission.

All hunters start at level 1 and Upgrade points can be used to improve your character.

Gameplay is usually divided into three stages.

The first stage is called "The Hunt", where you find clues on the map to pinpoint

the Boss Monster's location.

It is entirely possible to run around the map aimlessly until you find the clues or

the location of the Boss monster, but this will take too much time.

The best way to locate clues is by pressing the E button.

This activates Dark Sight, making the environment look dark and gloomy, but giving the clues

a ghostly glow that will tell you where it currently is.

The map will get smaller with each clue that you find.

You can tell how many clues you have found if you look at the Hunt Status icon on the

top left of your screen.

You will see the icon of the monster you are hunting, and the number of clues are shown

as fractions of a circle.

Finding three of these clues will pinpoint where the Boss monster is hiding.

Since the map has the same three clues for all players, you are guaranteed to meet resistance

at some point in game.

Once you find the location of the Boss Monster, you will need to prepare for the fight.

These behemoths have special abilities that can obliterate you and your buddy if you are

not careful.

For example, The Giant Spider is immune to poison.

In fact, it has a jump attack that will inflict poison, and it can sometimes be capable of

spitting poison at you.

It's very fast and is capable of climbing walls and ceilings.

You and your teammate must plan your attack while taking these capabilities into account.

Once you do encounter the boss monster, your Hunt Status icon will be replaced with the

Monster Status icon, indicating how much health the Boss currently has.

Keep in mind that it's still possible to meet other competing hunters during your battle

with the Boss Monster, and the Monster Status Icon is visible to all of the players.

Once you do kill the boss monster, you are now ready to banish it.

Next is the "Banishing and Showdown" Phase.

For a boss monster to drop its bounty tokens, you must first banish it to hell.

The Banishing is a ritual that lasts about two minutes, and it cannot be stopped even

if you do step away from the Boss Monster's corpse.

You can see how long you have left before the banishing is completed by looking at the

Banishing Timer on your screen The Banishing timer is a Red Icon in the shape of a monster,

and a red circle around it that will tell you how much time is left.

When the banishing begins, a storm will form around you and a burning effect reveals your

location on the map.

This means that all the other players in the game know where you are.

This is where varied playstyles get really emphasized.

You might prefer to simply kill the monster as fast as you can and prevent other players

from even approaching the corpse, or you might prefer to steal the bounty tokens from other

players instead of killing the boss monster itself.

Some players are worried that it will be too easy to just hunt down the team or hunter

that beat the Boss.

While it does seem to be true, the developers intend to use the Closed Alpha to figure out

what can be changed to make it less viable to have other players do the heavy lifting

for you.

It might be a huge challenge to beat a boss when your hunter isn't equipped with really

strong weapons.

But as you level up, you will be able to unlock things like dynamite bundles that allow you

to kill bosses faster.

The developers wanted you to take into account how strong your weapons and tools are in comparison

to your enemy's equipment before you engage in combat.

The last phase is the "Escape and Extraction" phase.

Once a Boss monster has been banished, two bounty tokens will appear in place of the

monster's corpse.

You cannot hold two tokens at the same time, so you and your buddy will have to share the

reward by picking up one token each.

All players will see two lines on the monster status icon, which means they all know that

the monster has been defeated.

The left line will turn white when you have a bounty token, and the right line will turn

blue if your buddy has a bounty token.

It turns red if an enemy picked up the second one.

To cash in these bounty tokens, you have to make it to an extraction point.

You might think that it will be a good idea to sneak past enemies to get to the extraction

point without problems.

Unfortunately, picking up a token will make your location visible to hunters if they use

Dark Sight, and they will see lightning that indicates your position You can only do your

best to avoid ambushes using your knowledge of the map, or hopefully outrunning the other

hunters still in play.

Once you do make it to the extraction point, the rewards will be split between you and

your partner and will be shown to you on a Mission Summary Screen.

If you extract with your partner, you will also receive the same rewards as your partner


Going to an extraction point is the only way to leave a match or end a mission.

You can use an extraction point anytime.

You don't need to be with your buddy to extract, and you don't need to have a bounty

token either.

Extraction allows you to leave the match with your life and your hunter.

This is important because death is permanent in the game.

When you do get incapacitated, your buddy can revive you if he is still active and in


However, if you and your buddy are both down, you will both be considered as dead.

When you die, you lose your character, his equipment, and his traits forever.

This is why even if you fail to grab any bounty tokens, it's still very important to come

out of a match alive.

The last thing you want is to have to grind all over again, considering how expensive

recruiting a hunter can be.

It's also possible to still "win" the match if you extract without your teammate.

If your buddy manages to extract with a bounty token, then he will split the rewards with

you even if you are no longer in play.

There are many things you have to take into account if you want to win the game.

For example, health bars in Hunt: Showdown function very differently compared to other


In Hunt: Showdown, health bars are divided into chunks of varying sizes.

Small chunks are worth 25 HP and large chunks are worth 50 hp.

You will always start the game with a minimum of 50 HP. so all health bars have a large

chunk at the start.

This is important to take note of because getting in capacitated in the game will cause

you to lose one chunk of your health bar.

If you lose your last health chunk, you can no longer be revived and you will lose that

character forever.

If you do manage to get out of a mission alive then you can upgrade your hunter with more

health chunks by using upgrade points.

There are a few status effects that interact with your health bar.

For example, bleeding causes you to lose health over time.

You have to press F to stop it, or you will bleed out until you are incapacitated.

While you are holding F to stop the bleeding, you won't be able to do anything else.

It's a good idea to stop the bleeding while you're in cover so that you are less vulnerable

to attack.

You might think that poison should also do damage over time like in most games, but it

functions very differently in Hunt: Showdown.

Poison will prevent you from healing your character.

This is especially dangerous if you happen to encounter a poisonous enemy like "The

Hive" when you are low on health.

The poison will wear off on its own over time, or you can use an antidote to remove the effect.

Perhaps the most damaging effect is "Burning".

Not only will you lose health over time, you will also lose maximum HP over time.

This maximum HP loss is permanent, so you won't be able to heal the burned part anymore.

You can stop the burning by pressing F, just like you do with the bleeding.

If burning does deplete your health to 0, you cannot be revived and you will die permanently.

This game also has a combat stamina bar, but the good news is that it is separate from

the stamina for sprinting.

Combat Stamina is consumed when you perform melee attacks.

If you run out of combat stamina, your swings will significantly slow down, but the damage

will stay the same.

Combat Stamina will regenerate over time, but it will not regenerate if you are also

tired from sprinting.

Sprinting Stamina will also fail to regenerate if you are out of combat stamina, so you have

to manage your actions constantly.

To win the game, your hunter will need to rely on his equipment and traits.

Equipment is divided into three types.

First, your hunter has a primary weapon slot for two handed weapons, and a secondary slot

for one handed weapons.

Each weapon consumes different types of ammo, and they also deal different damage types

that you can match to the weaknesses of each monster.

These guns also need to be reloaded manually, and that is very time consuming.

You need to be mindful of how many shots you have left, because you will be defenseless

while you are reload your gun bullet by bullet.

You have access to three tool slots.

These include lamps that help you see what's in front of you, or knives that can be used

to cut things up.

Some of these tools can be used indefinitely, while others have a limited number of uses.

Unlike consumables, tools do not disappear when they are used up, and their number of

uses are replenished at the end of a mission.

Speaking of consumables, you also have three slots for these.

These are single use items like explosives and syringes that are not replenished after

a mission, so use these wisely.

Aside from equipment, a hunter has traits that give him the edge over other hunters.

These include advantages while using certain weapons, additional consumables, and other

passives that can help you out in your hunt.

Each mission has its own parameters that will affect your experience.

For example, mission difficulty ranges from Regular, Hard, and Nightmare.

The difficulty level dictates how many enemies there will be in a map, as well as how deadly

these undead creatures are.

There will also be less ammo and supplies.

In return, more difficult missions also have higher bounties, perfect for getting extra

cash so that you can afford stronger hunters.

Nightmare missions, in particular, have very strict level requirements, so not just anyone

can select this difficulty.

You will need to make sure that your equipment and traits are up to the task.

Missions can also occur at different times of the day.

While they do not alter the game's rules, they do change the way you play.

Light sources will play a huge role in navigating through the map at night.

They can light your path, but they can also reveal your position, so it is very important

to use them wisely.

There are many things in the map that you can interact with and use to your advantage.

For example, doors and windows can be closed so that your enemies will have to open them

or smash them with a sledgehammer.

Some of these doors will need explosives to break, and they can only be closed with certain

cranks and machinery, which sometimes require you and your buddy working together to operate.

This will allow you to stay aware of their position and prepare for an ambush.

Certain items on the map like pianos, gramophones, and sound traps can be used to create noise

and alert others to your position if you wish to do so.

Even animals can make noise if you get too close to them.

Generators will make lots of noise and turn some light on , so be very mindful of why

you're turning them on to begin with.

Barrels, pools of oil, and other flammable objects can be used to set up traps and ambushes.

You can throw a lantern at them which will ignite them or you can simply shoot them.

There are also many tools around the map that you can pick up to help you set up these traps,

though you won't be able to keep them even if you bring them to the extraction point.

The game is in Closed Alpha.

During this time, the developers are going to be gathering a lot of data.

They will be keeping an eye out for what can be rebalanced to make the game more fair,

how players usually go about playing the game, their choices of weapons, and other in-game

statistics that will help the developers keep the game experience fun.

They will also be on the lookout for any performance issues in the game that needs to be fixed.

This could be frame drops or network connectivity issues.

During the alpha period they will be taking into account player feedback that helps them

make the right changes to the way menus are navigated through.

They will be using the alpha period to address all of these things so that the game is in

perfect condition when the game is fully released.

These are all the things that you may expect in Hunt: Showdown.

And by the way guys the youtube likes, shares and comments are very helpful to me, if you

think that this video is worth it then make sure the like, share and comment on this video.

This was fog of gaming, thanks for watching and I will see you in hunt showdown.

For more infomation >> *HUNT SHOWDOWN* THE ULTIMATE OVERVIEW - HUNT Showdown EVERYTHING you NEED to KNOW! - Duration: 15:03.


Bill Warner PhD: A Refresher Talk on Political Islam - Duration: 6:19.

(ominous music)

Hello, I would like to talk to you about Islam,

but in particular,

I would like to talk to you about political Islam

and explain to you why the religion of Islam

is of no concern to you, unless you're a Muslim.

But let's ask a more basic question,

is there some way that we can use

rational, fact-based reasoning on Islam?

Because notice carefully that the current methods

are very subjective.

How do people learn about Islam?

Well, they go to an expert

and this expert hopefully is a Muslim

and then they tell 'em what Islam is,

but notice something, you get the answer

about what Islam is, depending on who you ask,

if you ask a Jihadist, you get one answer,

if you ask a professional engineer at work,

you get another answer, so this method is subjective

and I want to propose to you,

that there is a completely objective way

to answer all questions about Islam.

Now then, the most important question

to ask about Islam is, what is Islam?

No, it is not a religion found in the Quran,

well, a little of that's true,

but actually, Islam is a complete way of life,

it is a complete civilization, it is a religion,

it's a political system, it's a culture,

it's a civilization

and there's no act so small as a human being,

that Islam doesn't have something to say about it.

So, what is Islam?

Well, let's begin with what every Muslim knows,

there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger,

this is called the Shahada

and where do we find Allah?

Well, we find Allah in the Quran,

but there's something peculiar about the Quran,

it does not contain enough information

to practice the Five Pillars of Islam.

However, there's a trapdoor built into the Quran

and it's the 91 verses, that say that Muhammad

is the perfect pattern of a divine life.

So, where do we find Muhammad?

Because if we're going to imitate Muhammad,

we need to know Muhammad.

Muhammad is found in The Sira, his biography

and in the Hadith, his traditions.

So, Islam is the doctrine found in the Quran,

the Sira and the Hadith,

if it is in the Quran, the Sira and the Hadith, it is Islam,

equally important, if something is said to be Islam,

but it can't be found inside the Quran,

the Sira, and the Hadith, it is not Islam.

So, Islam is Muhammad and the Quran or Muhammad and Allah,

so if you're speaking with the voice of Muhammad

or the voice of Allah, then you're talking about Islam.

Now there's something sort of peculiar about this,

the Quran and the Sira, the Hadith

are mostly about the non-Muslim, the kafir,

someone like myself and possibly you,

the part that deals with the kafir is,

I call it, political Islam, why?

Because the Quran is defined

as being completely outside of the religion,

so if you're not a Muslim

and the Quran is concerned with you,

it is not because you're a Muslim,

but because you're just a human being.

Now then, ways to talk about religious Islam,

you'll notice that it involves Paradise and Hell,

whereas the political Islam

is about how to treat the kafir

and what does the Quran say about the kafir?

That the kafir is lower than an animal,

filthy, cursed, mocked,

can be enslaved, tortured and deceived

and, yes, even raped.

My most unfavorite part of the Quran

is the part, 12 verses that say

that a Muslim is never the true friend to the kafir.

Now then, if you're going to talk about Islam,

we have to talk about the tricky part,

which is the confusion, because everyone's heard this,

everyone's heard a good thing about Islam

and a bad thing about Islam

and so the question comes up, what is the real Islam?

Well, the clue is this, it's found in Muhammad's career,

after he became the messenger of Allah,

he preached the religion of Islam

for 13 years in Mecca and converted about 150 people,

then he went on to Medina,

where he became a politician and a Jihadist.

Now then, Muhammad preached the religion of peace

and converted 150 people,

but as a Jihadist and a politician,

he was a complete triumph, so what is Islam?

Well, it is the religion of peace and the verses of Jihad,

so that's what it is,

it is both items,

there's two Qurans,

the Meccan Quran, which is very religious

and the Medinan Quran, written later,

which is all about Jihad and politics,

let's be clear, there is no Jihad in Mecca,

but 24% of the Quran written in Medina is about Jihad,

Jihad is a systemic doctrine, it's not about a verse or two,

so Islam always has two meanings

and this is very convenient, because it gets what it wants.

Now then, let's talk about Jihad a bit,

because it's confusing,

Jihad is not Holy War, Jihad comes in four flavors,

Jihad of the Sword, Speech, Writing and Money,

now let's be clear, Jihad is not meaning war,

it means struggle.

Jihad uses pressure in all areas,

food, migration, headscarves, education

and the fact that you're not allowed to criticize Islam,

so Jihad is pure political Islam,

Jihad is political action,

designed to install a new civilization,

based on Islamic principles, Sharia principles.

So there is an objective way to talk about Islam,

as long as you're listening to one of two experts,

Muhammad or Allah,

Islam is both a religion of peace

and the politics of Jihad,

which one is the real one?

They're both equally real.

The religion of Islam is only important to Muslims,

but the politics of Islam are important to all peoples,

my advice to you is don't discuss Muslims,

but instead, talk about Muhammad and Allah.

We're involved in a civilizational war,

our civilization is based on critical thought

and a unitary ethic, the unitary ethic

is that all people should be treated as equal,

Islam does not have those two principles,

it has the authoritative thought,

instead of critical thought

and it practices dualistic ethics,

instead of unitary ethics,

the ethical system depends on who you are

as to how you're treated.

We can and must defeat political Islam,

the religion of Islam is of no consequences to you,

unless you're a Muslim,

this is a war of ideas and civilizations

and there can be no compromise,

our very existence depends

on us asserting our ideas and our ideals.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Bill Warner PhD: A Refresher Talk on Political Islam - Duration: 6:19.


People Learn The Splits In Two Weeks - Duration: 6:46.

- It seems like you would be able

to do the splits in just a few weeks

but it's really not that simple.

(upbeat music)

- Full disclosure, I am not very flexible at all.

These are, like, skinny stretch jeans.

I feel like I'm about as stiff as they come.


This is about as far as I can go right now.

- I feel like flexible people can save lives

'cause they can, like, flexibly move into little spaces.

All right, this hurts right here.

- I want to be able to do the splits

because I want that flexibility back.

(chuckles) Honestly, I think this is as far as I can go.

I wanna feel those muscles stretch.


Oh, okay, no that hurts. Yup, right there.

- My goal is to do better than this.

And to actually hit this down here.

- Each morning and each night we're gonna be

doing some stretches to increase our flexibility

so that at the end of this challenge--

- I can do the dream splits that I've always wanted to do.

- Okay, guys, let's do some stretches.

- We have to do ten minutes of stretching every morning.

- Today's the first day where I'm going to try

and use these bands so I can learn how to do the splits.

This smells so weird.

- So I have to do a lunge, a leg stretch,

a standing stretch, and then try for the split.

Slide your front foot forward, lean back,

and slowly lower yourself to the ground.

We're supposed to be doing ten minutes of stretching.

I'm trying to hold it, but I'm gonna tell you what,

it hurts a lot.

- Stretching kind of hurts sometimes

and they always tell you in stretching videos,

like, "Stretch into the pain, breath into the pain."

Flexibility is hard, man. Uh!

But sometimes you're just, like, this pain...

Feel the burn, breathe into it., like, a lot and I don't wanna do this anymore.

- You can tell how out of shape I am

when, literally, just a stretch hurts.

A lot of spreading of the legs,

a lot of bending over,

a lot of putting your legs on top of things.

At first, it hurt a lot to stretch as much

as it needed you to, for like, every single morning

but, the more and more I got into it,

the better and easier it was.

- One of the funny stretches that I really like

is, like, doing it up against the wall.

And then you put your butt as close to the wall as possible.

Mom, are you proud of me?

- I also went to Barre class.

So you do the workout, you do a stretch at the end,

and the stretch feels incredible after a workout.

I'm gonna go home and I'm gonna see if I can do

the split with my muscles super toasty.

I can't go any farther. All right!

We're supposed to be doing a split in the next week

and I still feel like I barely made progress.

- I think it's just, like, kind of midway was

a little bit of a mental challenge and a mental hurdle.

It's early and I'm supposed to do these stretches,

but I don't want to.

But you gotta push through,

you gotta make yourself as flexible as possible.

I don't wanna do the stretches.

- Keep the post for 25 to 35 seconds,

all the time focusing on your breathing.

We have, like, one more week and I've gotta be able

to do that split in the next week.

I imagine some day soon

I'll be able to move my knee to my nose.

- It feels good to stretch.

There's something to it.

I feel like I can touch my toes a little bit easier now,

which is a good sign.

I used to not be able to touch my toes at all.

- These stretches, I kind of did it as a way,

almost like meditation, so it was kind of, like,

my morning wake up, kind of stretch.

Send help.

- My fiance was definitely a little annoyed

at my stretching because I kept doing it while

we were watching TV and I'd, like,

kick my leg in front of the TV.


That was the best time to stretch for me!

I might as well make some use out of my time.

- A big set back for me was an injury.

I had a knee injury.

I actually ran the New York City Marathon

and halfway through the marathon my knee kind of gave out.

Mile 12, my knee hurts.

And there's no one cheering, and my knee hurts still.


This is not exactly going the way I wanted it to

but I'm gonna finish this damn marathon.

It was a little bit painful for about a week

but it also affected my stretching for splits.

My knees hurt really bad, so I'm a have to ice 'em.

If you have an injury it's always good to, like,

stretch it out, loosen it up,

and kind of makes it heal quicker.

- Okay, now, less pressure.

Oh my God, I still got, like, six inches to go down.

- [Man] You're pretty close though.

- You think so?

- [Man] Yeah.

- I definitely think I became more flexible, yeah.

I know I can reach my toes a lot better now.

- I think there's probably a 25% chance

of success for me to do the split.

- Maybe, like, the performance pressure

will help me do a split.

Oh! Where's that at?

It's better already.

The stretching I've done has made me more flexible.

I guess let's try that dream split

that I've never been able to do, ever, in my life.

♪ Come on, let's do it ♪

I think this just goes to show that

I need to more fully commit to things.

I think I should've been stretching more.

- [Hal] Ready?


- [Woman] Oh my god!

- [Hal] Yes!

- [Woman] You did it!

- Flexibility man!

Feels good to improve by three inches.

I wanna be lower to the ground

and I want to have straighter legs.

So that's what I'm going for.

(grunting) Oh, God.

That's about as low as I can go,

but I feel strong and I feel better.

- But I definitely think I can at least push past this time.

- [Woman] Yeah.

- 22? I kicked this thing's ass!

I don't know about doing the splits, still.

Stretching over is a little bit different

than, like, spreading your legs apart.

Now I know the proper form.

So you kind of have to go into a lunge

and then slowly and gradually make your way down,

instead of just, like, popping right into it.

So let's try.


- [Woman] Oh my God! You, wow!

- Wow! Yeah, I just surprised myself.

(happy piano and guitar music)

This feels so weird.

(exhales) Oh, yeah. (laughs)

It gave me the confidence to feel a lot more flexible.

Like, I can definitely do it.

I can kick the face if I really need to (chuckles).

So I think that's the best takeaway from this.

- If you're trying to do a split, be diligent.

Like, you actually have to do the stretches

to gain some flexibility.

- Seeing my progress, like, in numbers

has helped me be, like,

"You know what I think I can actually do this."

- If you're starting out from kind of an

inflexible standpoint, it'll probably take you,

like, a good three or four months

before you'll be able to do a split.

But I do see improvement!

- So stretching consistently does make you more flexible.

It's just about how consistent you are with the stretching.

- Yeah, check my social media.

I'll post if I'm able to do a split in the next few months.

(happy piano and guitar music)

For more infomation >> People Learn The Splits In Two Weeks - Duration: 6:46.


Robert Shiller on rising interest rates - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Robert Shiller on rising interest rates - Duration: 3:09.


""First Aid." | The Crimson Fly: Flybits | SkipperWing - Duration: 0:50.

The Crimson Fly: Aw, yeah! I did it!

The Crimson Fly: Wait... he's not moving... Did I really hurt him?

The Crimson Fly: Okay... He's still breathing... Do I give him CPR? I really don't wanna give him CPR!

For more infomation >> ""First Aid." | The Crimson Fly: Flybits | SkipperWing - Duration: 0:50.


Psalm 9: God is Loyal to Those He Judges? - Duration: 10:51.

God is being loyal to those he judges? What an intriguing concept. Loyalty and

judgment pronounced. Now these are not normally thought of as being on the same

side; are they? Yet… what if they are? In this video, we will consider this

question in light of Psalm 9 and by discussing four nuances that I have

heard. You might want to brace yourself, cause here we go. Hello. My name is

CharlesYerkes and this is the Simple Not Shallow Video Channel. The purpose of

this channel is to bring you digestible, compelling, and conversational insights

into the Bible. In order to help the Bible come alive to you; so that your joy

may be complete as you learn about God. And doing so is truly learning to love

simply, wisely, and well. And that is where the excitement and meaning in life

dwell. So, is God being loyal to those he judges? Let's begin by reading the

Simple Not Shallow Studied Interpretation of Psalm 9. I will worship

and praise God with my whole heart. I will tell of all the miraculous things

which you have done. I will merrily rejoice and revel in you. I will praise

your name, the name above all names. When my enemies are repelled, they

stumble backwards, all over themselves, and are carried off before you. For you

have executed judgment in favor of me and my legal claim. From the judge's seat,

you have presided and passed a virtuous judgment. You have rebuked the people, you

have destroyed the wicked. You have eradicated their names... forever.

The enemy has vanished, ruined forever. Their cities you have torn down. They

well the very memory of them, has perished. The Lord will reign

forever, he has established his throne as a seat of judgment. He will judge the

inhabitants of the world. Because he is loyal to them, he executes judgment

towards the people in fairness. And the Lord is also a haven for the oppressed, a

shelter in their times of need. Those who know your name will trust you. For you, my

Lord, do not abandon those who seek you in prayer and praise. Sing to the Lord

who dwells in Zion, proclaim his deeds to the nations.For he who requires a life for bloodshed remembers the oppressed.

He does not forget the calls for help made by the dejected in their times of need.

Be gracious to me,

my Lord, and look after

my misery, misery caused by those who hate me. Elevate me from the gates of

death. So that, in the gates of the daughter of Zion, in the gates of

Jerusalem, I may proclaim all the praise that belongs to you. I will shout in

celebration of your help; of the deliverance that you have provided. The

people have fallen into the trap which they have made. their own foot is trapped

in the net that they had secretly laid out for others. The Lord has revealed

himself, he has made his judgment. The wicked have ensnared themselves by

their own actions. The wicked, all the people who forget God, will turn towards the

home of the dead. For the needy will not always be forgotten. Nor will the hope of

the poor, the destitute, perish forever. Arise my Lord!

Do not let men defy you. Let the people be judged by you. Put terror into them, my

Lord. Let them know that they are but men; they are but mere human beings.

And that was a Simple Not Shallow Studied Interpretation of Psalm 9. Now, this psalm

starts off with David praising God for miraculously delivering him from his

enemies. He is merrily rejoicing and reveling in God because God has repelled

and carried off all of David's enemies. In fact, God has done such a thorough job

routing David's enemies, that all memory of them has perished. So far, this

Psalm seems very straightforward. David is celebrating God rescuing him.

Which is all very well and good for David. A part of David's celebration

is the recounting of how God reigns forever, on a throne that he has

established as a judgment seat. From which, he will judge all the inhabitants

of the world, he will judge everybody. Again, this falls in line with his

celebration of victory. Yet, it is also at this point that things begin to

get interesting. For the next two lines are a bit unexpected. "Because he is loyal

to them he executes judgment towards the people in fairness." Because he is loyal

to them he judges in fairness. Mind blown. Now… here's the question. What might this

look llike? Here is the first nuance that I hear concerning this loyalty.

David reminds us that God is fair a fair God. He requires a fair punishment for

any crime that is committed. The line, "who requires a life for bloodshed,"

reminds me of the "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" passages. Which, an

in-depth study of shows, were mere ways were merely meant as a way of preventing

harsh and unusual punishments. More of, "Not more than an eye

for an eye, or more than a tooth for a tooth." The punishment was not to be

more severe than the crime warranted. It was about fairness. Yes, a punishment was

coming for the deed done, but it would not be more than what the deed warranted. So

here, it seems as if David is saying that a fair and just God will make sure to

fairly punish the oppressors of the dejected. And he then explains this fair

judgement. Which is nuance number 2; that people fall into the traps that

they have set, they get caught in the nets that they have secretly laid out.

Hear this once again, "The Lord has revealed himself, he has made his

judgment. The wicked have ensnared themselves by their own action." And who

are the wicked? "All the people who forget God." Once again, we see

that God's judgments involve honoring people's choices. We saw this in our

videos on Psalm 2, 5, and 7. Yes, I'll link to them below. God is

loyal to the people he judges, he loyally honors their choice. He gave them that

choice and he will honor that choice. What an

amazing and truly compassionate thought. With this in mind, looking back at what

David said about his enemies that were repelled, I hear a third and very

interesting nuance in the phrase, "they stumbled backwards, all over themselves."

They stumbled backwards into the traps they set, they completely wrapped

themselves up in the nets that they had set for others. God repelled them by

honoring their choice and bringing their choices back upon them. The importance of

our choices should never be underestimated.

And finally, for those interested, nuance number four. This comes from the very

last two lines of the Psalm. Right before these two lines the psalmist asks

God to not let the people defy him, for God to judge the people, and for God to

put terror into them. Ok, by itself, that doesn't sound real fair or

compassionate. Yet, it is the last two line that are the true zingers.

They show that this is both fair and done out of loyalty to the people. It

says, "Let them know they are but men; they are but mere human beings." That

is the terror, that they simply realize who they are. What could be fairer

than that? And if an honest assessment of yourself is needed before you can accept

God, how is it not loyal that God gives you that ability so you can at

least make an informed choice? Anyway, it is something to think about. So,

what do you think? What do you think of God being loyal to us in his judgements? I

would love to hear what you have to say. Please tell me in the comments section

below. Also, if you liked this video, please

click the like button and then subscribe. And after you click the subscribe button,

make sure to tag that gray bell icon that popsup. This will keep you

informed each and every time a new reading is posted, a new video is posted

rather. And a new video will be posted every Tuesday and Thursday. Thank

you. And until next time; love simply, love wisely, and love well. For that is where

excitement and meaning dwell.

For more infomation >> Psalm 9: God is Loyal to Those He Judges? - Duration: 10:51.


[CC] "Cloaked in Shadow" by Ben Alderson Review - Duration: 10:18.

My battery is about to run out so I have to be quick. My name's Heather and you're

watching Heather-Reset. Today I'm going to be reviewing a debut novel by Ben

Alderson, and that is "Cloaked in Shadow". I highly recommend that you go pick this

up. I was blown away and I was going in with it with very little expectations so

I just really enjoyed. A few things that Ben did exceptionally well was the

pacing. After the first three chapters it really takes off. Just about every

chapter ends and begins with cliffhangers and you keep wanting to

know what's going to happen. There is a little bit of the plot that is

predictable if you have read lots of other high fantasy novels. However,

knowing what was going to happen didn't affect my enjoyment of seeing it

come to fruition so I think that even if you are someone who predicts plots

easily that you will still enjoy this book. Another thing that he did really

well was the exploration of different gender roles. He had women who were in

high positions of power. They definitely showed strength. Some of them were very

aggressive. He had one that looked like she would be aggressive. She was very

buff, but she was very sweet and nice. I loved getting to see those differences.

With the male characters you have two, actually technically three male

protagonists, who are seemingly gay as in I only see them attracted to males

in the book and they all fit different kind of roles that you see with men.

I liked getting to see the differences between them. There's no one set way to

characterize a male or female but I like getting to see the variations of what

you see as like the stock representations of gender. He defines

that by showing you these different characters so you have Zacriah the main

character and his ex is kind of the one that's snarky and

sassy sometimes, but he's a bit of a bad boy.

Then you have the prince who Zacriah kind of falls for, and he's this guy

who's very witty and smart and a little secretive but in a good way and he also

is sensitive and he calls Zacriah petal and it makes me melt. Then you

have Zacriah who I really related to and I felt like regardless of if you had

called Zacriah or male or female I would have been like--this is me, this is

where I fall on the spectrum of gender-- and it's like right in the middle where

you have this guy who sometimes acts out and he doesn't think about things before

he does it. He lets his emotions rule him in a way but then when he needs to have

his emotions under control he can do that. There are points when he is

vulnerable, but that mostly has to do with him in relationships ,and that's the

only vulnerable ability that I've ever really recognized myself having so I

related to him in that way. He is also strong. He's able to fight. He's

brave, and I just loved all of the qualities in this character. And I loved

their romance as well. When it comes to the romance I identify as gray-a or

demisexual. It just kind of floats. It's always Demi, sometimes it's gray-a.

That's always gray-a because that just means it's in the middle, but anyway it's

mostly on the ace side be honest. If you are and you identify as that I feel

like you'll really love this romance between these guys because it is not

based on how hot they are; it is based on the way that they treat each other and

letting themselves in on each other's past and just being there for one

another and standing up for each other and also letting each other be

independent and spend time away and I just absolutely love that and I feel

like if you identify the same way as me on the sexuality spectrum that this

will be one that will be able to do it for you. You'll just be like--yes this

one actually gives me feel because it is a legitimate romance not

just the author slamming two characters together and expecting you to swoon.

I definitely swooned. As far as other things that I felt like were partly

exceptional and partly so-so would be the world-building.

I loved how well he did the names and also the geography. I felt like all of

the names and also the names for places really fit the society that he was

going for. It felt like it was from a unique language but also he didn't

overdo it. He didn't come up with these names that you could never pronounce.

There were slight variations of names that we already have and then there were

names where it seemed like he combined syllables from our language but it did

feel like some kind of Elvin society. Then you have these different types of

elves and you have these different locations which we hear about. So you

know that Ben is aware of the greater span of this world that he has created

but you as the reader only really hear about it. I feel like in book 2 that's

gonna be something that is really explored and the world-building is just

going to be that much better once we get out of only really seeing from our one

character's perspective and only being in this one area. Then you have the fact

that this book is a little bit narrative heavy or some people would call that

telling in some places but the telling really only takes place in the beginning

and that is just to set up the world and then I feel like the rest of it the

parts that were narrative heavy which just means a focused more on setting the

scene and things like that rather than dialogue. I typically like dialogue heavy

books. I do not like narrative heavy books, but in this one in particular I

felt like that worked well because his pacing was so fast that it needed

something to slow it down so that you could breathe, and by having that

narrative heavy text it really helped balance out the writing and the flow. The

worst things in this book was one that you could predict who the villain was,

and you couldn't figure it out until you got the first clue, but once you got the

first clue if you're one of those people that picks up

on every little bit of foreshadowing, you will know who the villain is and like I

said it didn't affect my my enjoyment of the book but that could definitely

affect other people's enjoyment of the book if you don't like knowing anything.

The other thing that really irks me was the fact that Hadrian our

Prince never uses contractions. If you happen to not know what contractions are,

I'm not trying to speak down to you ,but so you know what I'm getting at, a

contraction is where you like combine two things like cannot and you say can't

instead. Well Hadrian never says can't. He would say cannot and because it was

everywhere, it took me out of the story when he would talk sometimes. I know

that authors tend to do this with their royal characters because it's the

easiest way that they can make their dialogue distinctive, but I personally

find that a lazy way to make distinctive dialogue. I feel like you should change

the words that someone uses and you should change like how much they speak

and what they speak when they speak it rather than just not using contractions.

I could have possibly gotten past this even though I find it like a newbie mistake

that I still find even in New York Times bestsellers, so this isn't--this is a

personal pet peeve. It's not like something that editors are like no you

can't do that, that's no no, but it irks me. The thing that really got me is that

towards the middle of the book Naiya started doing it as well and I was

like okay it's not even distinctive anymore so why is it like that. I did

like all of the characters. I definitely liked the story that we have in here, and

if you're wondering what is this book about because you don't want to go into

it blind I think if you go into a blind it'll really surprise you but I will go

ahead and tell you a little bit about the book now that we are down into the

last parts of this review. So what happens is whenever the Prince turns 18

the King summons everyone in the kingdom who is also 18 to come to this like

dinner. Then at this he poisons the food and all of the

people who have magical abilities do not go to sleep and all of the people who do

go to sleep and they're carted away and they're separated and what he's wanting

to do is he is create an army of shapeshifters. Zacriah

is not a shapeshifter, but he is being forced into shape-shifting and he can't

do it, so he gets in trouble with the main person who's teaching them

and then the prince is trying to take up for him and wants to personally train

him himself. That starts the romantic plot line. It is a slow burn in a way

because we don't even get a kiss until page like 234, and I was dying. I was like

I need it now. Don't make me wait any longer.

I posted that on Twitter and literally the next chapter

there was the kiss, and I was like thank you for delivering. You make my demi

heart sing. It was great. I could go on about this book forever, and I had in my

past reviews and that's why I deleted them all, so we're gonna end it now. If

you have any questions, please let me know, and if you want to discuss go check

out that Goodreads link. Go check out Ben's channel, and I will see you guys in

the next video. Bye :)

For more infomation >> [CC] "Cloaked in Shadow" by Ben Alderson Review - Duration: 10:18.


The True Differences Between A Toxic Friend And A Good Friend - Duration: 3:57.

Great friends can be like members of your family, and when you find friends like that,

hold on tight.

Knowing what a toxic relationship looks like — and how it's different from a real friendship

— can help you determine if it's time to reevaluate a friendship or two, and save you

a lot of heartache in the process.


In a toxic relationship, the toxic friend pulls the attention and spotlight onto them,

rather than having a reciprocal back-and-forth.

Nicole Zangara, a licensed clinical social worker and the author of Surviving Female

Friendships: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, said,

"Say there's an issue going on and they really need you, but when you have an issue going

on, they don't give you the time of day.

In a friendship, you put in, and you hope that [friend] puts in, maybe not 50/50, but

60/40 even."

Fault and blame

True friends are capable of acknowledging when something is their fault, but it's not

fair to be blamed for everything that goes wrong in the other person's life.

If your friend makes you feel like it's your fault they didn't get a big promotion or their

partner broke up with them, it can start to make you doubt your own self-worth.

As psychologist Dr. Pei-Han Cheng said,

"That is the moment you know that this relationship is toxic or even abusive."

Good news

One of the greatest things about having a good group of friends is that you can all

celebrate each other's successes together.

Toxic friends, however, look at friendships as a competition.

If you're doing well, they focus on the fact that they're not doing well.

They get jealous and let their jealousy interfere with their ability to be a supportive friend.

Deborah Olson, a licensed professional counselor, said,

"A toxic friend tends to be envious of your good fortune, struggles to share in your happiness,

and may pull away from the friendship as a result."

Emotional stability

Friendship shouldn't be an emotional rollercoaster.

Good friends don't make everything a crisis.

With toxic friends, however, you never really feel like you're on stable ground.

Cheng revealed,

"People will [come] to me and say they hit it off really great, they had tons of good

[times], but then the friend started to get into one crisis after another and [needs]

a lot of support from you, sometimes support and time that you cannot provide."

With good friends, however, things ebb and flow much more — you don't have to worry

about constantly putting out fires.

Time spent together

Good friends energize you, they inspire you, they lift you up.

Toxic friends weigh you down.

Zangara asks,

"When you're with a friend, if you leave a coffee, lunch, dinner date, whatever… do

you feel uplifted or do you feel completely just exhausted?"

If they're making you feel exhausted, it probably means they're not putting as much into the

relationship as they're getting out of it.

Regarding great friends, Olson added,

"They will meet us where we are in our misery, and walk along side of us to get out of the

darkness and into the light again."

True friends help you keep going even when you feel like you don't have the energy to

do so on your own.


Good friends can work out conflict and disagree with one another without the friendship suffering

too much or ending altogether.

If you and your friend cannot do that, the relationship might be more toxic than you


Zangara shared,

"Even if you disagree with each other, at least people are able to say, 'I disagree

with you, but because I care about you, I'm willing to look at what I did or take responsibility

or apologize,' or whatever it may be…

I think that is a sign of a healthy friendship."

Shared interests and opinions can be important in relationships, but so is being able to

share differing opinions without fighting unfairly.


You know a friendship is true if you can always trust that your friend is looking out for


Olsen said,

"A true friend will have your back and be your advocate even when you may not be present.

Toxic friends tend to lack that trait of loyalty and commitment, and they may engage in 'back

stabbing' and being competitive in the friendship, for their own gain."

Also, things that you tell a good friend should stay between the two of you, especially if

the information is sensitive or personal.

Olsen went on to say,

"Friends that are true keep our trusted and confidential 'secrets' and are honest and

loyal to their role as our confidant."

You want to believe that your friends are on your team, and good friends — true friends

— actually are.

Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> The True Differences Between A Toxic Friend And A Good Friend - Duration: 3:57.


LAVENDERS BLUE Dilly Dilly Lyrics Baby Music To Sleep Song to Put Babies To Sleep Bedtime Lulabies - Duration: 2:07:03.

Lavenders Blue

For more infomation >> LAVENDERS BLUE Dilly Dilly Lyrics Baby Music To Sleep Song to Put Babies To Sleep Bedtime Lulabies - Duration: 2:07:03.


Indiana Jones Is Just Han Solo's Fever Dream | Star Wars Fan Theory | In Theory - Duration: 2:11.


























































For more infomation >> Indiana Jones Is Just Han Solo's Fever Dream | Star Wars Fan Theory | In Theory - Duration: 2:11.


What are YouTube TrueView Ads? - Duration: 1:48.

In this video we'll look at what YouTube TrueView ads are and why they're called

True View in the first place, but before we begin be sure to hit that thumbs up, subscribe,

and ring that bell so you're the first to get all the hottest video marketing tips,

tricks, and tutorials.

Let's do this!

TrueView is the name for YouTube's advertising platform, and it's called TrueView because

you only pay when someone chooses to view your video.

You're not charged for impressions or video starts, so you know that every view you get

is from a real person.

The TrueView ad system is setup to be a triple win.

It's a win for advertisers because you can laser target viewers and only be charged for

the ones that watch or interact with your video.

It's a win for the viewer, because they see more relevant ads that don't completely

interrupt their viewing session.

And it's clearly a win for YouTube because…money.

Just like how Facebook has sidebar and feed ads, YouTube has two different ad formats

you can use.

Each format has its own pros and cons depending on what you'd like to achieve with your

ad campaign, and we'll cover each one in depth, so don't worry about that.

TrueView ads are billed on a cost per view basis or CPV as the pros say and all your

TrueView campaigns are managed right in Adwords the same place you run Google search and display


To start planning your YouTube ad campaign click here and download my free YouTube advertising


You can learn about the different TrueView ad formats here or if you're on the fence

learn why you should run a YouTube TrueView campaign in the first place.

If you have any questions, just leave me a comment on this video and I'll respond right


For more infomation >> What are YouTube TrueView Ads? - Duration: 1:48.


Q&A with Greg – What The Physics?! - Duration: 7:38.

One of my favorite things about making these videos are your awesome questions and comments.

So today what I'm going to do is something completely different and I'm just going to

directly answer the questions that you've sent me over Facebook and Twitter and YouTube.

So the first question is from BHole Nath, who asks: "What happens if a black hole collides

with another black hole?"

Well, if you have two black holes in space and they're coming at each other, they'll

probably miss.

But they're attracted to each other, so they start dancing, they start spiraling in toward

each other, and then, eventually they go *whoosh* and they suck up into one huge back hole.

What's even cooler is that when they're going around each other, they give off gravitational


Like wave of gravity.

This is true for any mass that's accelerating, like if you have your hand, which is made

of mass, and you accelerate it, gravitational waves come off of it it.

You can't detect them because they're very weak, but there are gravitational waves.

And with black holes, you can actually detect those gravitational waves because they're


And in 2015 at LIGO, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory, they actually

detected gravitational waves from two black holes colliding.

In our previous video about how to see quantum with the naked eye, iM4rtyx4 asks: "Is it

possible that these streaks can be seen on photos?"

So the answer is yes.

In the video I talk about how if you look at a light and you squint, you can see streaks

of light coming off the lamp or whatever you're looking at.

And you can actually also see those in photos.

So if you take your phone and you put, say, two credit cards in front of the camera and

then take a picture, just like through a slit, you'll actually see two streaks of light coming

off, you know, if it's a lamp you're taking a picture of, you see streaks of light coming

off of it.

In the video "Can We Measure Consciousness?"

Sjors de bruijn3 asks, "What if I take my barely conscious phone and use it to simulate

what would be a conscious machine?

Like what would be a conscious process?

Would that be considered consciousness inside a non-conscious machine?

Did I just create consciousness?"

Well, sort of.

So, in the video I describe how the Integrated Information theory of Consciousness, which

is a consciousness theory that's growing in popularity, can calculate the amount of consciousness,

say, in a computer, or in a thermostat, or in some circuitry, and hopefully could eventually

calculate it in the brain.

Your consciousness is so large -- so much consciousness -- it's kinda tough to calculate.

So in that video, a phone is a little conscious.

In order to make your phone more conscious, what you'd have to do is you'd have to make

a bunch of connections that are more integrated.

Like, for example, in your brain, every neuron is connected to, like, thousands of other


It's very interconnected; you couldn't just pull out one neuron and the brain would be


And so if you somehow took the circuitry in the phone and made it so there were a lot

of interconnections -- like every wire connected to, you know, 1,000 other wires and they all

looped back on themselves so it could also be more self-aware.

Then you'd be making it more conscious, but the software itself -- if you just run a particular

software on your phone, you can't make it any more conscious.

Faiz Khan asks: "I would like to know about the conditions before the Big Bang."

All right, so Faiz, I also would really like to know this; lots of physics really want

to know this too.

The thing is that when the Big Bang happened, it created the universe, and that means that

it created space and it created time.

And with time came the concepts of before and after, past and future.

And so to try to go before the Big Bang means to go before time...that is, before the concept

of "before."

So, it's hard to know what that means.

Nobody knows.

But if anybody out there has theories, send them my way.

Netron asks: "So, you do research?

What's it like?"

I've done lots of different kinds of research.

I've done nuclear physics theory -- basically, take two gold nuclei, smash them together:

what do you get?

And what you get is something called quark-gluon plasma.

It's a fluid made of the stuff that makes up nuclei.

This fluid was at the beginning of the universe, and you can actually create it in these nuclear


So that was really cool.

I've done some fusion energy theory.

I've done some gravitational wave physics.

That's LIGO, the thing that detected the merger of two black holes.

And my most recent research -- this is what I did my Ph.D on -- is theoretical particle


Basically, the smallest things in the universe -- specifically related to the Large Hadron

Collider, which is smashing protons together and what you get out of those collisions.

All of the research is similar in that it's a lot of being wrong and a little bit of being


So, I sort of feel like at any point, I go down, like, 20 paths, and wrong-wrong-wrong-wrong-wrong,

and then right.

And you eventually can get to a correct answer, but you have to be wrong a lot.

Next question is from Tech News, who asks, "How come matter anti-quarks emit quarks at

high energies, whereas protons and neutrons consist of three valence quarks?"

So, what's going on is, basically, in a big collision, when you collide, say, two protons

together like they do at the Large Hadron Collider, you basically get a mini explosion,

where you get a bunch of new quarks just like popping out.

But in a proton and a neutron, you sort of have bound together -- they're all like tied

up -- three quarks.

So any neutron or any proton is made of three quarks, which can't escape.

So the question is: In one of these explosions, how come one anti-matter quark can just like

emit a quark but inside a proton and a neutron you don't just get new quarks popping into


And the answer is that you actually do get new quarks popping into existence inside a

proton and neutron.

Anywhere in space, like at the smallest, most fundamental level, even like right here in

this space, there's some quark and anti-quark -- like, here's an up-quark and an anti-upquark

-- basically the anti-matter of this quark -- coming into existence and then *pop* annihilating


Or you could have, like, an electron and its anti-matter pair -- a positron -- come into

existence and then *pop* annihilate again.

So, basically, what's going on is that that's always happening, except when you collide

two things together, these two things that come into existence, they have enough energy

that they can just fly off and be detected.

And that's what's happening inside the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider.

So the last question I want to answer is a question that I asked you and thousands of

you told me the answer.

So the question was: "If you took a laser beam and you shined it at one side of the

moon and then flicked your wrist like this, you'd actually get a laser dot that moved

across the moon faster than the speed of light.

And how is that possible?"

So, a lot of you gave this correct answer, which is really cool, which is basically that

when you're holding the laser, it's like shooting photons.

It's like shooting photons -- you go like this and it shoots photons there, shoots photons

there, and each photon is moving at the speed of light.

But they land in succession, right, so you have a photon lands on the moon, lands on

the moon, lands on the moon, lands on the moon, lands on the moon.

And if you follow where they're landing, it looks like it's a dot moving faster than the

speed of light across the face of the moon.

So, thank you for answering that question and if you have more questions about physics

or reality or the universe, or where to get a cute little bunny like this, put it down

in the comments.

I'll answer it in the next Q&A.

For more infomation >> Q&A with Greg – What The Physics?! - Duration: 7:38.


YouTube Trueview In-Stream Ads - Duration: 1:56.

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Next up are TrueView Display ads and you're going to love em.

For more infomation >> YouTube Trueview In-Stream Ads - Duration: 1:56.


Mouse Trap Mercy In Real Life + 2 mini Bonus Videos = CRINGE WARNING - Duration: 4:13.

Like balance strip yourself yeah okay so we know that the trap works and now we

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