Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 8 2018

In life there are things you just shouldn't do.

But there are also things you should always do and that's what im going to be talking

about today.

Hey youtube im Court McGinley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started I want to know- whats something youre really good at?

Let me know your answers down in the comments.

Also make sure you subscribe to our channel if you havnt already.

And please give this video a big thumbs up.

Also if you have any ideas for top 5 lists youd be interested in seeing let me know down

in the comments.

Alright without further a due let me get started on our list of the top 5 Things you should

always do.

Starting off at number 5--Be thankful- Greed is one pesky little emotion isn't it?

It allows us to feel less than if we don't have a certain article of clothing or on a

larger scale if were not living in a big house or constantly going on trips?

We need to remind ourselves every now and then how lucky we truly are in order to keep

ourselves in check.

If you have your health- a roof over your head and food on your table be thankful because

some people don't have these things.

We should never take even the simplest things in life for granted.

Its also important if your able to give back that you do so.

Appreciate what you have and be thankful for everyday because things can change in the

blink of an eye.

In at number 4--Be kind- No one likes a bully.

Being nice to someone can instantly make their day better.

Its such an easy thing to do too.

Even if someones not being nice to you- be nice to them- theres a good chance it will

shock them and theyre going to end up feeling bad for treating you badly in the first place.

Even though sometimes its hard its important for you to be the bigger person.

The way you treat others is a huge reflection of who you are as a person.

And since you want to be the best you that you can be its important to treat everyone

with kindness and respect.

Even if some people don't seem like they deserve it.

Theyre probably the ones that need it the most.

At number 3--Value yourself- this is something that always seems to be overlooked way too


Valuing yourself is so important- especially in a world of negativity- jealousy- and doubt.

You need to remember to value yourself- what you believe in and the actions you take.

Its easy to get swept up into other peoples drama and negative attitudes so sometimes

you have to put yourself in check and remind yourself of all the good things you have going


Were all worth something and we should all remind ourselves of our self worth and remind

others of theirs.

Valuing yourself is so important because it reminds you of what you deserve and how you

should be treated.

When you are self aware of these things it allows you to bring the correct kind of people

into your life.

Coming in at number 2--Leave your comfort zone- Now while this is one of the hardest

things your going to do in life its also one of the most important.

Taking risks is a very important part of life.

Sure trying new things can be a little scary and uncomfortable but its important you push


You cant grow as a person if you arnt willing to take risks.

And who knows you might be missing out on something you love all because you were to

scared to try and go for it.

You only have one life so make sure you live it.

And at number 1--Be yourself- Never be afraid to show your true colours- if your loud be

loud if your quiet be quiet- if youre crazy be crazy.

You need to know its ok to be yourself even if sometimes people tell you its not.

Some people might think of you as weird if you don't conform and act a certain way

to fit in.

But you are the only you on this entire planet- so be different- be weird- be unique.

Its so important to be yourself and you don't change for anybody.

Its like the movie wonder says- you cant blend in when you were born to stand out.

Side note if you havnt seen the movie wonder you need to its amazing!

And there you go that's our list of the top 5 Things You Should ALWAYS Do.

Let me know down in the comments what you think is something people should always do.

Thank you guys so much for watching this video.

And ill see all of you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Things You Should ALWAYS Do - Duration: 3:27.


What Really happens When You skip a YouTube Ad - Duration: 6:44.

are we live we're life right okay today we're in Africa one of the poorest

places in all of the world we are here today to see how these people live

here's the general now listen let go to the general how are you today sir very

good very good very good I'm great I'm great

you're right I'm here today my name is Jake Roberts

from the America stop I do you think I care about your name you're gonna ask me

what's mine what's her name sir boom boom done save me yeah boo-boo boo-boo

ha ha Tony yes ok what is your question my question is how do you feel about the

poverty and everything that is going on today in a professor oh it is good we

have what sorry this is what about dumb ones understandable listen guys very

good okay nerds we got water we don't handle right now

but you know 70 90 we have strength power we got so just not this one this

one retarded we have everything next question the next question is Sir

what will you personally be doing to help Africa in this state

oh my goodness often it's just flying ahead itraq yeah I tried to gnaw at you

what's the question again what will you sir personally be doing to help Africa I

knew every Deepak I'm degenerate for the reason we play

nice fight together we like to get that

great answer there's no more questions for you today sir but I really

appreciate your time what is my name

what is my name na boo boo boo boo at the tone at the Sun at the Sun Sun Sun

Sun okay poor kid all right you too sir thank you

okay so that was a general of Africa one of the smartest people in this whole

operation now we want to speak with some villagers here's a villager now let's go

Oh sir Sir sir

how are you city sir Sonny okay all right now we're personally talking with

one of the villagers of Africa sir I said be two hours later I think Oh

we need a translator translator mr. general I need a translator for this

fine gentleman today because I don't speak your language please translate

what you will say the question my ex was how is it today

living into poverty in just the horrible conditions that you're living in future

drink future drink future drink okay it's water well folks as you can

see in Africa the conditions are very very harsh people are here suffering

every single day so all we ask is that you donate one dollar to these people

right here $1 oh yeah cut cut they skip the video

cut it's over they skip the video 1 they skip the video well I can't be here

anymore so wrap it up really relieving come back you do not get my video we

need this we do this we need this please just and just leave we need this we need

this please stop skipping adds every time you

skip and add less money goes towards helping the people and African during

need please watch the ads so we can send more money to help the people in Africa

that are in need

what is that

I now

I know

For more infomation >> What Really happens When You skip a YouTube Ad - Duration: 6:44.


Nightcore - Friends (Anne-Marie) - Lyrics - Duration: 3:16.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Friends (Anne-Marie) - Lyrics - Duration: 3:16.





Pikachu Japonés VS Pikachu Chileno - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Pikachu Japonés VS Pikachu Chileno - Duration: 0:46.


NITRO ostro o kanale "Mniej Więcej" - Mandzio & Kolega Ignacy - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> NITRO ostro o kanale "Mniej Więcej" - Mandzio & Kolega Ignacy - Duration: 3:14.






For more infomation >> KSI VS JAKE PAUL UNDERCARD CALL OUT - Duration: 4:33.


What If England Never Had A Queen? - Duration: 5:22.

When most people think of England, they think of tea, cake, pints of ale, sausage rolls,

red telephone boxes and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second.

England, and of course the rest of Britain, has a rich history, irrevocably tied up in

our long established monarchy…but what if this wasn't so.

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions – I am Rebecca Felgate and today

I am asking, What if England Never Had a Monarchy?

Since beginning of civilization, pretty much all clans, tribes, groups…people…have

had some kind of class or hierarchy system.

Kings and Queens were not an English invention, but a social phenomenon across most developing


Emperors and Empresses, Sheik's, Pharaohs, Sultans, Tsars….whatever name you want to

give to a leader, there were always leaders.

First came regional rulers, then, the first king of all of England was Athelstan in 927.

The creation of a monarchy is tied up with another complicated force, religion.

Monarchs tended to believe they were the ruler of their people at the appointment of God,

making them a stronger force than just a human alone…a wise move for consolidating power

and making a leader seem untouchable.

A lot of the laws and customs were set and enforced by the rulers of the land, making

the monarch into a feared figure.

Without a monarch, perhaps in the days when Kings and Queens ruled by sole decree, people

would have felt freer, but society may have been more lawless.

I wonder whether this would have destroyed the class system.

Eventually, as average people became more intelligent, they realised that sole rulers

were sometimes bad idea and the need to regulate them came in the form of governments.

The first English government was formed after the mad King John abused his power.

If Monarchs were a necessary part of early development, the first chance to properly

get rid of it came from Oliver Cromwell, who briefly abolished the monarchy in 1649, although

a King was back on the throne 11 years later, again out of need for a divine leader.

This is the first historical point that I can see England being strong enough to continue

without a Monarchy, I feel up until that point a royal leader was inevitable, so rather than

never having a crown, lets pretend that England never had one from 1649.

Yes, things would be different.

For one, I am not convinced Britain's overseas colonial pursuits would have been as fruitful.

Colonies were obtained in the name of the crown, with a divine leader a lot easier to

fight wars and steal land for than a parliament.

Had countries never been colonised and their resources plundered, perhaps their economies

would be bigger today.

A lot of places in the world would have different names had there been no monarchy…for example

Virginia was named as such after the Virgin Queen Elizabeth, Georgia was named after King

George the second, Maryland was named after King Charles the first wife….Queenstown

New Zealand, pretty much all places called victoria across the world, including Victoria

Falls…so many places would have different names.

Of course the Commonwealth we know today wouldn't exist…but to be honest, perhaps neither

would America as we know it, seeing as the British crown has such an effect on the landmass

and people.

That being said, France dispensed of their monarchy and were still huge colonists, so

maybe much would have been the same… we just don't know.

It is no coincidence that the strength of the English and British monarchy has unravelled

at the same speed as the strength of religion, with the pair somewhat tied up in one another's


The need for religion and the need for a monarchy were at their strongest points when people

were less enlightened, and needed to be told what to do and what to believe and who to

respect in order for society to work.

These days, almost every single person in England and the rest of the UK is capable

of reading and writing and thinking for themselves, which also means they can make informed decisions

about their own future and utilize their right to vote for and elect a leader.

Some say after Queen Elizabeth the second dies, a referendum will be held as to whether

we should abolish the monarchy…so England, and the rest of the UK and the commonwealth

may gain a flavour for the answer to this question in the future… who knows what great

historical figures will grace our money then!

There are of course great things that have come from the crown, the most important for

England perhaps is a sense of national pride.

Having a monarchy got us through hard times, such as the world wars and shaped the cultural

landscape we know today.

It gave us someone to drink to and to care about.

Kings and Queens were our earliest celebrities.

The crown is so tied up in our history, that separating history FROM it is neigh on impossible.

All we know is a monarch…and without one, it will truly be an end of an era on so so

many levels.

So, that was a difficult question to think about – as always with huge sweeping historical

questions impossible to solve in 5 minutes, I would love it if you could continue the

discussion in the comments section down below…let me know what you think the world would be

like if England never had a monarchy!

Thanks for tuning in to Life's Biggest Questions, if you like our channel please do make sure

you are subscribed with notifications turned on.

Click that bell…dong.

That was me making the sound of the bell when you click it.

I wish they had a sound for a thumbs up!

I am Rebecca Felgate, I'll catch you guys in the next video…for now remember to stay

curious, stay alert and never ever stop questioning.

For more infomation >> What If England Never Had A Queen? - Duration: 5:22.


New Bike Day! Triathlon Taren Bike for Sale - Duration: 5:32.

(upbeat, orchestral, hip hop music)

- [Taren] Holy snap and crap!

Morning Trainiacs!

"New Bike Day"

So, "New Bike Day?", you say?

But, for who?

I'm sure the lot of you are thinking

"OMG Taren's getting the vent up!"

No, not true.

However, there are three new bikes happening today.

One, for me.

Two, for a local Trainiac.

And three, for potentially one of you.

Spoiler alert: I can't give away a free bike.

Alright gang, let's go delay my retirement

at everyone's favorite bike shop Alter Ego.

(upbeat, orchestral, hip hop music)

Trek Farley 9.6, 27 1/2 inch tire fat bike.


Given that, I'm having some challenges running

and I'm feeling fairly secluded

because I can't get out the running group right now

I thought to myself,

"Hey, you know what?

"Why don't I just make life easy on myself

and mentally say, hey, I'm not running on Sunday,

but I still want buds so my cycling pals

have been fat biking for the last bunch of years".

I went out with James here,

from Alter Ego a little while ago...

Awesome frigging cross-training workout.

So good with the core and the lower back muscles.

So, gets me out, fills a day that I would

otherwise be running.

Social, get back into the community

and it's a new bike.

It's hard to go wrong with that.

Apparently, according to the fellows here

27 1/2 inch fat bike tires...

totally the way to go.

Carbon frame, two bliss-ready wheels, flats

because I'm not a 'mountain bike handling' kind of guy.

(upbeat, orchestral, hip hop music)

Allow me to build up all of that

and that and that and that.

I'll explain.

(upbeat, orchestral, hip hop music)

So many bikes in here.

Stage right we have my very first triathlon bike.

I think it is a 2012 Cervelo P3.

That's going to a local Trainiac here.

Shout out to Pierre.

Thank you very much for purchasing that and the wheels.

Actually kinda makes me sad.

Funny story about this bike.

See how it's not white and a cream color?

It ended up coming from a bike shop in Colona

that went up in flames and the heat

was so intense that this bike,

the top coat, the clear on it turned yellow

and when I go to race this, people are like

"Whoa! How'd you get that color from Cervelo?"

"It's custom."

This bike, we've already talked about my new bike...

but this bike here could be your new bike.

So this here is a 2017 Cervelo P2

with Shimano 105 on it.

This is what I raced on in Austin,

it's what I trained on leading into that.

Good bike.

At the end of the video I'll link to a couple

of the videos that I did talking

about why I ended up using this bike.

Thank you to Alter Ego for letting me use it

but Ventum's coming soon.

So this bike belongs to Alter Ego,

unfortunately I can't give it away

but if anyone is in the market

for a Cervelo P2, very good beginner Triathlon bike.

This will get you going.

You've got the upgraded seat here.

It's basically in pristine condition.

I used it for a grand total of about 2 months.

If you want this, you are getting the benefit

of a smashed up Canadian dollar

and I'll include a Trainiac biking kit.

So, Alter Ego said they would let this bike go for

$2900 Canadian, I think that works out to $2316 U.S.

which should be, from what I gather,

somewhere around $150 less

because of our smashed up Canadian dollars

then what you would pay going into a store

in the states and buying this Cervelo P2.

In addition to that, you get a Trainiac kit.

In addition to that, you might be able to get

the taxes back from that cost that I mentioned.

And in addition to that, you get

some Triathlon Taren sweat.

How good of sells man am I right now?

So, if you're interested in the bike,

hit me up in the comments below

or email

Let me know that you're interested.

Ideally, you're from Canada or the United States.

Oh, and if you want details about the bike,

check out the videos here and here.

Thank you very much to Alter Ego

for letting me ride this for a few months.

I rode the piss out of it. Whew! Power!

For more infomation >> New Bike Day! Triathlon Taren Bike for Sale - Duration: 5:32.


Is Your Heart Chakra Blocked 5 Signs To Pay Close Attention - Duration: 3:27.

Is Your Heart Chakra Blocked 5 Signs To Pay Close Attention To

by Conscious Reminder

The heart or the Anahata (as it is called in Sanskrit) chakra is named so because it

is right adjacent to the heart.

Not only it is situated in the middle of the chest, it is also the medial chakra which

connects the chakras of the upper body with those from the lower body.

In a way it provides a linking point for the energies of a more primal nature, to those

which are related to Spirituality.

It is also the energy center which defines our relationships with others and our emotions.

Here are 4 signs which indicate that something is not quite right with the heart chakra-


Loss in empathy towards others: Some people happen to be less empathic than

others and are mostly concerned with their own affairs.

But if you are not naturally one of such people and recently have been finding it hard to

care about others than you might have a reason to worry.


Need for solitude and shyness: If your heart chakra is blocked, other than

feeling for others, you�d also find it difficult to communicate with them.

As mentioned before, heart chakra is responsible for our relationships with others and if it

is blocked we would withdraw into our own shelf instead of mingling with others.

Social skills too would suffer a loss and you�d find yourself more and shy.


Inability to forgive: Since we would be having a hard time understanding

the problems of others, we would also not find it in ourselves to let their mistakes


If you feel a sudden change in your attitude, especially if people have started pointing

it out to you then maybe you need to change.

If people are complaining that you should let things go, then perhaps you need to pay



You�re Bottling Up Your Emotions: If you�re in the habit of keeping your emotions

bottled up, it can definitely take a toll on your love life.

When you do this, you will feel a lot of pressure in your chest and may possibly experience


Holding back will definitely impact the quality of your life.

That�s why finding a safe place to release your emotions is key.

It can be screaming or crying in the shower, going for a hike, walking alone or with someone

you can share your innermost feelings with, and of course, seeking some form of healing

� reiki, massage, and other modalities will help you.


Your relationships: And most importantly, if you have a blocked

heart chakra, your relationships will suffer.

If you think that your relationships are turning sour, you need to pay heed to your actions.

Meditation, healing crystals and aroma therapy can help if you find that you are suffering

from these symptoms.

For more infomation >> Is Your Heart Chakra Blocked 5 Signs To Pay Close Attention - Duration: 3:27.


Charlie Sheen Accused Of Murder - Duration: 7:00.

Charlie Sheen is accused of murder?

Wait what?

Yeah apparently Sheen is being accused of murder from a former friend slash baseball

player Lenny Dykstra.

Lenny had an interview with the Hollywood reporter- and during the interview he said

that Sheen withheld his HIV- positive diagnosis from various sexual partners and that he helped

arrange the murder of an ex-assistant back in 2012.

That was the year the body of Rick Calamaro- Sheens newly fired assistant was discovered.

Rick was fired because Lenny told Sheen – dude this guy is writing a book about you - you

got to fire him.

Soon after he just happened to die.

The autopsy showed high levels of Fentanyl in his body.

He was known to suffer from depression so they figured he took a mixture of medication

to treat the pain and accidently overdosed.

But Lenny said that wasn't the case.

Lenny heard about Ricks overdose and went to talk to Sheen who said and I quote- You

mean dead rick?

What fucking happened is the mother fucker tried to blackmail me just like you said-

he wanted 5 million.

I had him fucking iced.

I had a hot dose put in there.

Now this is just going off of Lennys interview.

There is no proof that Sheen actually said any of this.

Also during the interview Lenny said that sheen is on the verge of being prosecuted

for knowingly spreading his HIV disease which could be a Death sentence in itself.

I want to know what you guys think- Do you think Charlie Sheen is capable of doing something

like this?

Let me know down in the comments?

Hello everyone happy Thursday thank you for joining me today- Im Court McGinley.

I hope you've had a wonderful day so far.

Before we get started on our stories today I just want to remind you guys to stay tuned

until the end as I will be answering your questions- and If you havnt asked me something

yet leave a question down in the comment section.

Also if you havnt officially joined the LP family yet then make sure you do by hitting

that subscribe button.

And show us some love by giving this video a big thumbs up.

Alright as you guys know we have a lot of interesting stories headed your way so without

further a due lets get started.

--Next- were going to talk about Logan Pauls Vlog that he just posted titled – the day

I should have died.

Now Im going to be honest when I heard him talking about this a few days ago on his Instagram

story I thought it was probably some kind of over exaggeration- and he was talking about

it so it would bring in lots of views.

I didn't think it would actually be as crazy as he was making it out to be.

But oh my god.

He literally could have died.

It's a good thing he paid attention in his class and thinks quickly in scary situations.

So in the vlog Logan is showing us the actual footage of the skydive and you can see everythings

going good with the free fall- then he goes to pull the ripcord and he starts spinning

which wraps up the cord- so because of the line twist the parachute doesn't fully open.

So he then has to detach from the main parachute- hes free falling - and then his reserve parachute

comes out and that ones twisted.

But he managed to grab his risers and spin himself around.

Heres a clip- 8:30-8:43.

Yeah that is terrifying.

I couldn't even imagine something like that actually happening.

Thankfully hes ok.

--Next- An Alaska Airlines ex-pilot has pled guilty to flying while drunk.

62 year old David Hans Arntson plead guilty to flying with a blood alcohol level 3 times

the legal limit for pilots.

Under the terms of the plea agreement he will serve one year and a day in federal prison-

followed by 3 years of supervised release.

So this man flies drunk with a plane full of people- putting all of their lives at risk

and he only gets sent to prison for a year and a day?

All of this happened back in 2014 when David flew not one but 2 Alaska airlines flights.

The first flight was from San Diego to Portland and the second from Portland to Orange County.

When he landed in Orange County he was selected for a random drug and alcohol test.

And that's when they discovered he was intoxicated.

About this his attorney said- The evidence indicates that he had flown with an alcohol

level more than 3 times the legal limit.

Thankfully Mr.Arntson was never involved in an accident- but his conduct could have resulted

in tragic consequences.

David had worked for Alaska Airlines since 1987.

After the 2014 incident he retired from Alaska Airlines- and the Federal Aviation Administration

revoked his pilot license.

Imagine you find out your piolet was intoxicated?

Yeah that's terrifying.

--Next- Kylie Jenner has officially revealed her babys name.

So everyone who thought the babies name was going to be butterfly or be named after one

of the lip kits you were sadly mistaken.

A lot of people thought they had it figured out with all the butterfly jewelry and tattoos-

and others thought it was Posie due to a Kris Jenner Instagram post about Kylies newest

Lipkit launch.

However Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott decided to name their daughter Stormi Webster.

Kylie revealed the name by posting this picture to her Instagram and captioned it Stormi Webster.

Webster being Travis's legal last name.

At the time of this recording this picture has over 15 million views in just 2 days.

That's crazy.

Its also become the most liked picture in the history of Instagram.

Kylie is known for posting amazing pictures to Instagram so she must be pretty happy about


Now of course since Kylie picked a name that's a little out there the internet had to poke

some fun.

Someone commented- The Kardashian-Jenner family just became a full fledged weather forecast-

its very Stormi in North Chicago with a chance of Reign.

Personally I think Stormis a pretty cute name- it grows on you after awhile.

Let me know what you think of this name down in the comments.

--Next- Black panther has 100 percent on Rotten Tomatoes.

So its no secret Black Panther has quickly become the most highly anticipated superhero

movie of all time.

Its coming out in a few days and the advanced ticket sales have been insane.

One critic from the Los Angeles Times had this to say- Black Panther showcases a vivid

inventiveness that underscores the obvious point that we want all cultures and colours

represented on screen- because that makes for a richness of cinematic experience that

everyone enjoys being exposed to.

With dialogue that explores serious questions- such as how much if anything do wealthy countries

owe the poor and oppressed of the world.

The result is a superhero movie thats worth seeing twice- and that is a rare sighting


Black Panther is breaking down all kinds of barriers.

This movie is based off of a 1966 comic and it's a long overdue celebration of African


I cant wait to see this movie.

Let me know if youll be seeing it down in the comments.

--Next- any of you who are interested theres a Chocolate taster job available for Cadbury


Yes every chocolate lovers dream job.

There are 4 new job titles- one position is for a Chocolate and cocoa beverage taster

and the other 3 are for chocolate tasters.

You will get paid 9 dollars per hour which isn't a lot- but you get free chocolate.

So I mean..

. This position is available at the White Knights campus at the University of Red-ing

and shifts take place from 9:30-12pm from Tuesday – Thursday.

Geez that's pretty early in the day to start eating chocolate.

But if this sounds like your dream job they make sure you head on over to apply.

Apparently the competitions getting fierce so good luck.

Alright guys and now its that time in the video where I answer your questions and comments-

Big Slicks 5255 said- love your vid guys- thank you so much we appreciate it- thank

you for watching!

Next- Emily Arthurs asked- Courtney what video on this channel is your favorite?

I really like the top 10 series we used to do.

Theres one called top 10 things you should never google- it has 8.7 million views and

I remember it was really weird yet fun to film and script so probably that one.

Next- Matthew Mirowski asked- How did you meet landon.

I actually met him through my now husband.

They were best friends in highschool and they still are to this day.

I actually went to high school with landon as well but we never had any classes together

or anything.

Next Michael Cruz said- Love this channel thanks for keeping me up to date with all

the news hashtag notification squad.

No problem- thank you so much for watching and for the nice comment we really appreciate


And there you go that's all the news stories I have for you guys today- Don't forget

to leave your questions down in the comment section.

Thank you all so much for watching and all see all of you beautiful people tomorrow.

For more infomation >> Charlie Sheen Accused Of Murder - Duration: 7:00.


RHR Tire Groover - Quick Facts - - Duration: 0:49.

What's up everybody? This is Ryan w/

The RHR Tire Groover

Plug it in and it will warm up

You can adjust the tips and blade for desired width and height

Be careful!: once plugged in, it will be hot.

Relatively easy to use

Find it @

For more infomation >> RHR Tire Groover - Quick Facts - - Duration: 0:49.


Jogging Music 2018 - Retro Deep House Mix - Jogging Workout Music #3 - Duration: 1:00:09.

Jogging Music 2018 - Retro Deep House Mix - Jogging Workout Music #3.

For more infomation >> Jogging Music 2018 - Retro Deep House Mix - Jogging Workout Music #3 - Duration: 1:00:09.


How To rank videos on youtube in less than 24 hours | youtube seo | Youtube Video Ranking-First page - Duration: 11:46.

Hey Everyone

For more infomation >> How To rank videos on youtube in less than 24 hours | youtube seo | Youtube Video Ranking-First page - Duration: 11:46.


মোবাইল ফো‌নের ক্ষ‌তিকর আলো থে‌কে ‌চোখ বাচান Apps দি‌য়ে | Save Your Eye With Apps - Duration: 3:39.

Thanks For Watching

For more infomation >> মোবাইল ফো‌নের ক্ষ‌তিকর আলো থে‌কে ‌চোখ বাচান Apps দি‌য়ে | Save Your Eye With Apps - Duration: 3:39.


Learn How to Draw with Peppa Pig Coloring Pages - Duration: 25:16.

Learn How to Draw with Peppa Pig Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> Learn How to Draw with Peppa Pig Coloring Pages - Duration: 25:16.


Ten Most Popular Books on my TBR | #StrikeBackVideoAThon - Duration: 4:51.

Hi, YouTube, it's Kathy, and this is another video for the Strike Back VideoAThon.

This is my most popular books on my TBR. The thing is, if you look at the most popular

books that I'm waiting for on my Goodreads page, most of them just aren't out yet, and

we never know when they'll be coming out; however, I decided to take a page out of Derby

Lane's book. I just saw her video where she did this and I thought it was brilliant, so

I figured I would do it, too. What she did is she went to her Goodreads

and she went to the books that she hasn't read yet that she owns, and she ordered it

based on the amount of ratings it's received, not if it's the most popular rating, but how

many times people have rated it. And when that video ended, I kind of went

to my Goodreads and started doing the same thing, and before I knew it, I had a list

of ten. Although, I must say, she is much more organized

than I. I just have, like, to be read, read, and currently reading lists going, whereas

she actually has a list for the things she owns, and I just had to do it from memory.

Without further adieu, number ten on my list is A Complicated Kindness. All I know about

this is this is a celebrated Canadian author, and there was a point where I was like, "I

should really read more Canadian authors," so I have this. Haven't picked it up yet.

Don't actually know what it's about. Number nine on this list is The Painted Girls.

I picked this up, I'm pretty sure, at the Times Columnist book sale, which I basically

call Book Christmas because you can go in with 20 bucks and come out with 20 books,

basically. And, uh, yeah, don't actually know what it's

about. I think, either my friend Brie said, "hey, you would enjoy this" or I just saw

the cover and went, "this is probably good". Number eight on this list is a fairly new

release, and that's Artemis by Andy Weir. This one is basically a heist that takes place

on a moon. It's got a female protagonist that I hear isn't fleshed out very well compared

to the male protagonist in The Martian, but I'm still gonna read it.

Number seven on this list is In The Unlikely Event by Judy Blume. I picked this up quite

a while ago. If I'm not misremembering, this is based on true events. It might even be

a non-fiction story, although I think that it- she took a a non-fiction story from her

childhood and basically did a fictional retelling of it. It's about a plane crash, I know that much.

Number six on this list is Ancillary Justice

by Ann Leckie. I picked this up a couple years ago while I was in Portland, got a little

ways through it, and was traveling so I just put it down. Didn't pick it up, and then had

forgotten what I had read and knew I'd have to reread... and just didn't get around to

finishing it, so I should probably do that. Because everyone in the SFF community seems

to love this series. Number five on this list is The Artist's Way.

I did get part way through this. This is basically a manual for yourself, uh, to basically take

yourself on artist dates, and learn how to train yourself into actually being the creative

person that you wish you could be instead of being like, "well, I wish I could write novels".

No, you should actually just do that thing.

This particular edition is a bind up of three of her books. It has The Artist's Way, Walking

in the Woods, and Finding Water. I was only ever interested in The Artist's Way. Like

I said, I got through part of it. I don't know if I'll pick it up again. It's one of

those books that gives you homework, and if you don't necessarily want to do the homework,

you don't feel like really reading the next chapter.

Number four on this list is another one I got at that huge book sale, and it's Reconstructing

Amelia. I just thought the title was interesting. I don't actually know what this is about because

I like to go into my books without knowing much about the plot. Number three on this

list is Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. I did read some of this. And then while I

was reading it, my roommate noticed it on my bedside table and went, "Um, Twitter's

pretty made at that person right now for being a TERF" - a trans-exclusionary radical feminist.

So I went and looked at some of the things that she was saying, and it just, kind of,

turned me off of picking up the book again. This was about a year ago. I should probably

get back into it, but [sigh]. Number two on this list is something I accidentally

picked up in large print, and that's I Am Malala.

Obviously, she has had an extraordinary life, and she's still very young, and she's still

having that life, and I wanted to know more about it, which is why I picked this up. But

haven't actually read it yet. And the number one book on this list was not

at all a surprise to me,. That's The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. I haven't

read this or the second book yet. I kind of want to read them when the third book is announced

and close to being published, so that I don't have to do a reread, because everyone I've

talked to - as soon as they've finished this one, they've wanted to pick up the second

one. As soon as they've put down the second one, they want the third one to exist. It

doesn't yet. And I just don't need that stress in my life. So, I'm waiting and just hoping

that it'll be announced with an amount of time that lets me get through these chunkers,

because this is very thin paper, and these are very thick books.

And there you have it. The ten most popular books that happen to be on my Goodreads to

read profile that I just haven't gotten to yet and happen to own.

It's a heavy stack. How about you? Are any of these books on your

TBR, or have you read them? Let me know about it down in the comments below. On the way

down to the comments, if you hit that Subscribe button, that would be very nice of you.

You can like and share this as you see fit, and I will see you next time. Bye!

[outro music]

I don't actually know that this about because I- fruit fly!!!

For more infomation >> Ten Most Popular Books on my TBR | #StrikeBackVideoAThon - Duration: 4:51.


These Will Be The Worst Movies Of 2018 - Duration: 10:02.

2018 is shaping up to be an intense year at the cineplex, with numerous superhero movies,

Star Wars, and Harry Potter spin offs all on the horizon.

But for every film worth getting excited about, there's another that we're absolutely dreading.

From sequels and reboots that nobody asked for to Biblical B-movies and poorly-timed

horrors, we're betting that the following films will be the worst of the worst in 2018.

Woody Woodpecker

If you're a fan of the classic Woody Woodpecker cartoons, then you'll definitely want to give

the upcoming live-action hybrid from Universal a wide berth.

"Guess who?"

This family-friendly adaptation of the screwball 'toon pits a CGI Woody Woodpecker against

a big-city lawyer who intends to tear down his woodland home to create space for a new


Woody decides to takes matters into his own hands and violently defends his home against

the construction crew, taking snaps on his smartphone as he does.

The trailer truly is the stuff of nightmares.

The whole thing is clearly meant to be cheap and cheery, but in the end it just comes off

as cheap, with the character so poorly rendered in CG that his presence is completely jarring.

Bizarrely, the film is already a hit in Brazil, where an early release inexplicably grossed

more than $6.5 million.

Go figure.

"Here's Woody"


The faith-based production company behind the God's Not Dead trilogy are back with an

all-new biblical blockbuster this year, bringing the tale of Samson to the big screen.

Pure Flix has been making inroads in the Christian market over the past few years, thanks largely

to the success of their family-friendly home streaming service, which offers gems like

the Jeff-Foxworthy hosted The American Bible Challenge.

Chief executive Greg Gudorf told the New York Times:

"We've been blessed with really strong growth.

Our God-given dream was to provide content on a consistent basis to be an alternative

to what Hollywood was putting out."

While the God's Not Dead films didn't require much in the way of visual effects, Samson

relies on them heavily, and the lack of funding is highlighted by the substandard CGI.

According to the Bible story, the Hebrew strongman fought his way through 1,000 Philistines with

an animal bone and beat up a lion with his bare hands, all of which is included in the


Sadly, the effects on show in these pivotal moments seem pretty dated—the whole thing

looks like it was put together using deleted scenes from The Mummy Returns.

Add in some Billy Zane in a toy crown, and you've got what looks to be a cinematic failure

of Biblical proportions.

"Never really understood what that meant until right now."

Teen Titans Go! to the Movies

Cartoon Network's Teen Titans Go! has divided DC fans since it started airing in 2013.

Many viewers are of the opinion that the show is an insult to both the original Teen Titans

animated series and the much-loved comics of the same name.

Some have even petitioned the network to cancel Teen Titans Go!, citing the bad messages it

sends to young viewers and the fact that it more or less ignores the source material.

"We blew it.

All that goofing around and being silly ruined this mission."

Co-producer Michael Jelenic told Comics Alliance that he's well aware of the "internet hate,"

even though it's never slowed him down.

He and his team have managed to thrash out over 200 episodes in just four years, but

the move to the big screen will likely prove to be a step too far.

Teen Titans Go! to the Movies will follow Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven and Beast Boy

to Hollywood as they go in search of a director to make them famous with their very own superhero

movie—an idea that probably would have worked better as a double episode rather than a full-length

feature film.

Unfortunately, kids will probably clamor to pay for an hour and a half of the same stuff

everybody hates about the show.

"How you like that President Nixon?


Back on the standard, baby!"

Slender Man

In 2009, a Something Awful user posted a made-up horror story and some doctored photos to the

website's forum, unaware of the chain of events he'd set in motion.

Before long, the faceless man he'd created, with the ability to turn children against

one another, had become a genuinely popular meme and, tragically, would go on to inspire

a real-life crime.

Unsurprisingly, people have reacted angrily to the news of a Slender Man movie.

Even if it wasn't a totally insensitive move by the studio, Sony still wouldn't be coming

out of this well, because the trailer makes the movie look downright awful.

From creaking doors and jerking heads to creepy forests and screaming schoolgirls, they break

out every worn-out trope a horror fan could think of, and then some.

If you want to be scared this year, you're better off looking just about anywhere else.

Alita: Battle Angel

Robert Rodriguez changed the way indie filmmakers thought about GCI when he created the stunning

visuals in 2005's Sin City from his home studio, faithfully adapting Frank Miller's beloved

graphic novels.

The director has taken a similar approach to the upcoming Alita: Battle Angel, his live-action

take on the manga Battle Angel Alita.

The cyborg heroine is being played via motion-capture by Rosa Salazar, whose eyes have been enlarged

to look as though they're straight out of the pages of the comic.

Talking about the bizarre concept, Robert Rodriguez said:

"The early artwork I saw that [James Cameron] had, before it was even technically possible,

had that in her.

It was so striking and so arresting, I thought, 'My god, we have to do that.

We have to be the first to bring a true manga and anime character to life.'"

"The eyes are the window to the soul.

She's got some big windows to see, you know, of the soul that goes on within that character,

cause the character has such great heart and great soul."

While the filmmakers' intentions might have been good, fans of the source material haven't

been as positive about the design decisions.

Considering the sordid history of live-action manga adaptations, we're not holding onto

a lot of hope for this one.

Peter Rabbit

While it's now considered a classic of children's literature, British author Beatrix Potter

actually had trouble getting The Tale of Peter Rabbit published when she wrote and illustrated

it in the late 1800s.

In 1901, she decided to self-publish 250 copies of the book with her own money.

It went on to become a hit via word of mouth, prompting one of the publishing houses who'd

previously turned her down to come crawling back.

In the years that followed, Potter turned down plenty of offers to turn Peter Rabbit

into a feature film, even rejecting offers for an adaptation by Walt Disney himself.

We'll never know what Disney's Peter Rabbit might have looked like, but it's probably

safe to say that Potter would have hated the brash party animal that Sony has turned him


Potter's relative, Nadine Hanwell, told The Scottish Mail on Sunday:

"Beatrix Potter would be turning in her grave.

I hope parents don't take their children to see the film.

She would absolutely loathe this."

Reviews don't get much worse than that, but it looks like there's a good reason for the


Peter was always mischievous in the books, but in this interpretation, he's less cuddly

critter and more arrogant frat boy.

"You must be Peter Rabbit.

Yeah that's right."

Judging by the early reaction to the trailer, this one is likely to be another major miss

for Sony.

Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation

Like the majority of Adam Sandler movies, 2012's Hotel Transylvania went down pretty

badly with the critics, only managing to score 44 percent on Rotten Tomatoes.

Predictably, reviews for the 2014 sequel didn't fare much better.

After that flop, most people probably expected the franchise to crawl back into its coffin.

"Why don't you just put a stake through my heart."

So why are we staring down the barrel of a third Hotel Transylvania movie?

Basically, because they make a ton of money.

The first two films were made for around $85 million each, yet they've pulled in staggering

amounts at the worldwide box office—$358 million and $473 million, respectively.

A series of leaked emails in 2014 confirmed that Sandler and the studio had fallen out

over Hotel Transylvania 2, with the star apparently wrestling control of the animated project

away from director Genndy Tartakovsky.

Despite that giant mess, Sandler, Tartakovsky and Sony all came back together to make a

third Hotel Transylvania, putting financial gain over professional pride.

We can probably expect Summer Vacation to be the worst Hotel Transylvania yet.

Fifty Shades Freed

Mocking the terrible dialogue littered throughout the Fifty Shades of Grey novels was the internet's

favorite game for a while, and it's hard to argue against the haters when you actually

sit down to read the books.

"He grabbed me suddenly and yanks me up against him, one him at my back holding me to him,

and another hand… oh my god, I'm not going to say that."

To be fair to author E.L.

James, she spotted a gap in the literary market and plugged it, so to speak, cleverly tweaking

what began as a bunch of Twilight fan fiction for the mom audience.

A big-screen adaptation seemed inevitable after the success of the raunchy trilogy,

and there were more than a few fans who hoped that the books' kinks would be ironed out

in the process.

It hasn't happened.



Reviews for the first movie bashed almost everything about it, and the second picture

went down just as poorly.

Judging by the trailer for the final installment, Fifty Shades Freed, the filmmakers haven't

changed their approach one bit.

Yeah, it'll probably rake in just as much money as the first two installments in the

trilogy, but that doesn't mean it'll be a pleasure to watch.

Viy 2: Journey to China

This adventure fantasy sequel pits action stars Jackie Chan and Arnold Schwarzenegger

against one another.

In Russian.

And Arnie is Captain Hook.


Well, to properly explain this wacky looking Russo-Chinese production, we need to first

mention that the previous movie, Viy: Forbidden Empire, was the highest-grossing Russian film

of 2014.

The swashbuckling fantasy epic is based on a classic horror novella first published in

1853, and the movie was even on track for a U.S. release until a lawsuit between co-producers

derailed it.

That may have been for the better, considering that the few American critics that actually

got to see it weren't exactly blown away.

But considering how much money the first film made, a sequel was inevitable.

Only instead of concentrating on the positive parts of the original, they seem to have embraced

the crazy.

Chan and Schwarzenegger take top billing over the original film's star, Jason Flemyng.

They both appear more than him in both trailers, even though they're only supporting characters

in the continuation of his tale.

The first film was guilty of favoring style over substance, and that doesn't seem to have

changed for the sequel.

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