Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 8 2018

(Jazz guitar music)

- Hi everybody, my name is Jens Larsen.

We spend a lot of time practicing our arpeggios,

so it makes sense to have a few different ways

to use them in our playing.

In this video, I'm going to go over three different ways

that you can insert arpeggios into your jazz licks,

and it's gonna help you come up with some new melodic ideas

and also get more out of all the time

that you spend practicing arpeggios.

If you want to learn more about jazz guitar,

about improvising over chord changes

and checking out some interesting chord voicings

and jazz phrases, then subscribe to my channel.

If you want to make sure not to miss anything,

then click the little bell notification icon

next to the Subscribe button.

(Jazz guitar music)

In this example, I'm using the arpeggio to really bring out

some of the notes in the line that I'm playing.

And this is a great way to add some emphasis

to an extension or an alteration.

So the way I'm doing it, all the examples that I'm playing

in this video are on a II, V, I, in the key of Eb major,

so that's F minor,

Bb 7,

to Eb major.

What I'm doing here is I'm using an ascending arpeggio

to really bring out the 9 on the F minor 7.

So the way the line works is that I'm playing first,

I'm just starting on the root of the scale,

and then I'm playing the Ab major 7 arpeggio

that has this G as a top note.

And to add even more emphasis, what I'm doing is also

that I'm changing so that the pace,

by playing the first part of the arpeggio

as an eighth note triplet,

making this the target note,

and then just having a little bit more

velocity before I get there, is really helping

bring out that sound on the chord.

This idea of using ascending arpeggios

to really bring out certain notes, is something

that we've been doing in jazz since Charlie Parker.

A recent video that I did on a Wes Montgomery lick

is actually also about this, because he uses an arpeggio

to really bring out the 11.

So if I transfer that to this II, V, I,

then that could be something like this.

(Jazz guitar music)

In this example, the emphasis is on the 11,

so on the Bb on the F minor,

and I'm still using the same arpeggio to get there.

So that's an Ab major triad, and then I'm leaving out

the seventh and then skipping up to the Bb

to really let that ring.

And also in this line, really do let it ring

so it's not continuing in an eighth note line

before it gets to the Bb 7 altered,

and then (Jazz guitar music)

continues in a descending run.

(Jazz guitar music)

If a solo line is just a long scale run, then it can quickly

become kind of boring and predictable to listen to.

So it's very useful to be able to add some larger intervals

and just change direction once in a while.

And in this example, I'm using an arpeggio to do just that.

So I have the descending scale run from C on the F minor.

(electric guitar music)

Then when I'm on the F, I'm using an F minor 7,

first inversion arpeggio right here.

So I'm on the F, skipping down to the third, so Ab,

and then up the arpeggio.

(electric guitar music)

And then transitioning into the Bb here,

(electric guitar music)

adding another arpeggio.

And this is, of course, more interesting to listen to

than if I just kept the same direction going

the entire II, V, I, so...

(electric guitar music)

This works the best if you're inserting

the arpeggio on a chord tone.

So another place on an F minor where you can insert it

would be on the third, so on the Ab.

That could be something like this.

(Jazz guitar music)

So here I'm starting first with a descending chromatic run.

So from C, then all the way down to the Ab.

Once I'm on the Ab, just to break up the direction,

I'm skipping down, and then playing

an Ab major 7, first inversion arpeggio.

So first the Ab, and then down to the C,

up the arpeggio, and then on the Bb 7 altered,

I'm starting on the G flat, so...

(electric guitar music)

So G flat, E, D,

on the b9, 7,

and that scale run to resolve to the fifth.

(electric guitar music)

The beginning of this example is coming straight out

of a John Coltrane solo on the song Cousin Mary,

off the Giant Steps album.

And the idea here is to have a descending scale run,

and then add arpeggios in between

as a sort of embellishment.

And it becomes sort of a cascading effect,

which is a really nice effect to have in there.

So the scale run is extremely short

because it's only three notes long.

So it's Bb, Ab and G,

and then I'm adding arpeggios in between these notes.

So I start on the Bb,

and then nothing happens, and I go down to the Ab,

and under the Ab I add a second inversion F minor triad,

so just a descending arpeggio like this.

(electric guitar music)

Then I go back up to my scale run.

So the first note, that's up there as a G,

and then I have a descending Ab major 7 arpeggio

under there, so then I have...

(electric guitar music)

Then from here I move into my own altered line,

which is Bb 7 altered,

and it's coming, sort of, out of an ascending

Bb minor-major arpeggio.

And then resolving to the third,

and finally the fifth of the Eb major 7.

If you have an approach to insert arpeggios

into your lines that I didn't talk about

in this video, then leave a comment.

I think that a lot of useful information is actually being

shared in the comments, and I'm certainly very curious

about different ways of applying arpeggios

and making lines, and coming up with some fresh ideas.

And I'm pretty sure that everybody else

who's checking out the video is as well.

So check out the comments and see what's going on

down there, because there's often

a lot of useful information.

If you want to learn more about jazz guitar,

and this is the first time you see one of my videos,

then subscribe to my channel.

The videos that I publish here are on exploring

jazz guitar, finding some solid methods,

and good strategies to get new things into your playing.

If you like this video and you wanna help me

keep making videos, then check out my Patreon page.

I'm very grateful for the support that I'm getting

from my patrons, and it's because of that

that I can keep on going and publish videos every week.

If you join us over on Patreon, I can also give you

something in return for your support.

That's about it for this week.

Thank you for watching and until next week.

For more infomation >> Three Ways to Add Arpeggios to Your Jazz Guitar Licks 💥 - Duration: 6:47.


How to Get Away with Murder 4x12 Sneak Peek "Ask Him About Stella" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> How to Get Away with Murder 4x12 Sneak Peek "Ask Him About Stella" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 1:01.


Selmer #607 School - Une visite chez Rocky Gresset - Duration: 1:52.

- Hi everyone

welcome in the Selmer #607 school

today we're going to Rocky Gresset's house

and I bring you into a real gypsy field

Gypsies used to travel more

and now they tend to settle a little bit more

they buy plots of land

they bring the caravan and the car

and some like Rocky and as most people here, build a chalet

Rocky is going to welcome us here

we can't wait to be there and learn a lot of guitar stuff

Rocky is already waiting for us

I'm certain your wife already made the coffee

You're ready?

- Let's do it

- We have a big day ahead

- Seems like it

- I am certain he will teach us a lot and speak right into the mics

We're at your place? That's your caravan?

- Exactly

- And you told me that we will shoot in the chalet back there

- Is that your mom?

- It's my mother, yes

- The Selmer #607 school is a family business

For more infomation >> Selmer #607 School - Une visite chez Rocky Gresset - Duration: 1:52.


Langue de Vénère - "La non-mixité est excluante !" - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Langue de Vénère - "La non-mixité est excluante !" - Duration: 4:48.



For more infomation >> O EPISÓDIO PERDIDO DE CUEIO - Duration: 1:41.


Lionware - Oye Guapa - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Lionware - Oye Guapa - Duration: 2:36.


Samsung J5 PRO VS Huawei P9 LITE 2017 | Enfrentamiento | Review | Unboxing - Duration: 12:12.

For more infomation >> Samsung J5 PRO VS Huawei P9 LITE 2017 | Enfrentamiento | Review | Unboxing - Duration: 12:12.


Pokémon Shuffle - Todas as formas de Pikachu (até agora)! - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Pokémon Shuffle - Todas as formas de Pikachu (até agora)! - Duration: 1:41.


দেখুন এ্যানীর বাড়িতে হামলা ভাঙচুর, সাংবাদিক আহত l Anne's home assault vandalism - Duration: 2:29.

bangladesh topnews

For more infomation >> দেখুন এ্যানীর বাড়িতে হামলা ভাঙচুর, সাংবাদিক আহত l Anne's home assault vandalism - Duration: 2:29.


Supernatural | Inside: Devil's Bargain | The CW - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Supernatural | Inside: Devil's Bargain | The CW - Duration: 1:38.


Wir sind im FUT Champions Channel Absolut heftiges Spiel - Duration: 22:47.

For more infomation >> Wir sind im FUT Champions Channel Absolut heftiges Spiel - Duration: 22:47.


Un moment avec Manuel Osborne-Paradis - Équipe Canada - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Un moment avec Manuel Osborne-Paradis - Équipe Canada - Duration: 0:55.


Joe Calhoun - Philly native, Eagles fan and our Weatherman is on Cloud 9 - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> Joe Calhoun - Philly native, Eagles fan and our Weatherman is on Cloud 9 - Duration: 5:04.


15 Psychological Tricks To Get Her To Like You | How to make HOT girls deeply attracted to you - Duration: 13:00.

Matt: Many guys think that a woman wants a man with boatloads of money, Brad Pitt looks, and a huge c**k…

but that's not the whole story.

You just need to understand the "Psychology of Attraction" and what women instinctively

look for in a man.

My name is Matt Artisan from The Attractive Man, and here are 15 psychological tricks to

get a girl to like you:

-ABC Intro-

Matt: Before we start, make sure to subscribe to this channel. If you're not already subscribed,

then go ahead and do it now.

Over the past 8 years I've personally coached guys live in 40 different countries, and my students

get results because what I teach is simple and based on science and psychology.

And keep in mind that each one of these can be an entire video on it's own.

#1: Emotional Contagion Numerous studies have shown that your emotions

can trigger the same emotions in another person.

In other words, she can feel what you feel.

If you are feeling excited about something, she'll feel excited too.

This is a powerful principle that can also be used against you and this is where most guys screw

up the attraction.

A guy will go up to a girl and if he feels a bit awkward and nervous, then she'll feel

it too, and women hate that awkward nervous feeling.

Now on the flip side, you can also use this to get women turned on and aroused.

If you're feeling turned on, then by definition, she will feel turned on as well

So don't hide your feelings for her.

If you are feeling turned on by her, then allow it show through your body language, facial expressions,

and voice tonality. You can also show your attraction to her through your behavior.

Flirt with her, touch her, get close to her, etc.

#2: Social Proof Social proof is when the people around you

influence your attitude or behavior.

It's the idea that if other people like something then it must be good.

When a woman first spots you in a social context she doesn't know if you're worthy to talk

to or not.

So she'll look at how other people are responding to you to determine how she should respond.

Are there a group of people enjoying your presence?

If so, then she'll assume you're an enjoyable guy.

But if you're sitting alone, or people are responding negatively to you then she'll

assume the opposite.

So be the "Social Butterfly."

Even if you are alone, mingle and have fun conversations with people

Women WILL notice.

You can also apply this online on Facebook, Instagram or dating sites.

Make sure to have pictures of you with other people.

She'll assume that if other people like you then you must be a cool guy.

#3 is Preselection. Preselection, similar to social proof, states that if a woman sees you with other women,

then she will naturally become more attracted to you. Because she'll assume

that you must have qualities that other women desire.

The Journal of Experimental Social Psychology found that women were more attracted to men who

were already in a relationship than those who are single.

That being said, you don't need to be in a relationship to use "preselection."

An easy way to apply this is to go out to bars with your female friends.

You will become a lot more noticeable and get better reactions from women if you are

with other women VS being alone or with your guy friends.

But what if you don't have any female friends?

Go to the bar early and start chatting up groups of girls and just befriend them.

When more women arrive they'll see that you are hanging out with women and become more interested.

Another way to do this is to casually mention other women in your life throughout the conversation.

Just don't overdo it or you might come off as a player.

#4 is Exclusivity.

The Journal of Applied Psychology found that humans place a higher value on objects that

are scarce and lower value on objects that are abundant.

Based on the same principle, if you're willing to sleep with any woman, then your value will drop.

And if you are always available at her beckon notice then your value drops.

So don't always be available at any moment. Have other things going on in your life.

And make sure to have standards beyond her looks.

An easy way to convey this is to ask her a qualification question such as, "besides

your cute looks tell me one thing interesting thing about you" or "I really am into fitness do you like to work out?"

This shows that you have standards and that you won't date her based on her looks alone.

#5 is Oxytocin. a.k.a. The "Love hormone"

Oxytocin is a hormone that causes people to become attached and grow close personal bonds.

Research shows that after women give birth, they have high amounts of oxytocin, which

makes them feel love and affection for their newborn. Without this survival mechanism,

mothers would be more inclined to leave their kids.

This same hormone is applied to the bonding and affection of couples.

One way to release oxytocin is through physical touch, so become the "hugging type."

Give her a giant bear hug and twirl her around in a circle.

Or just become a guy that is comfortable touching women.

Notice things she's wearing and use that as a way to touch her.

#6 is The Extended Gaze

Social psychologist Zick Rubin discovered that two people in conversation normally make

eye contact only 30% to 60% of the time. Couples who are in love, however, look at each other

75% of the time or more.

When you are looking directly at your partner, you show that you're totally focused on what

she is saying and that you feel relaxed and open with this person.

How much we look into someone's eyes not only helps establish intimacy and is another way

to release oxytocin, but it also reveals how much intimacy might already be present.

So when in conversation with a woman you like, maintain

strong eye contact with her. About 75% of the time or more.

#7 is the Status Trigger. The Journal of Psychology of Sexuality found that women prefer men

with status and resources.

This is based on evolutionary psychology where a high status man can provide a better future

for her and her offspring.

One of the biggest indicators of status is leadership.

The leader of a group of primates tends to have the highest status.

So be the one who in your group that takes charge, makes decisions and leads your group.

Create the plan for the night. Decide where to go and what to do.

#8 is The Instant Status Signal. When you dress high status women will assume

you are a high status man and be more attracted to you.

And nothing screams high status more than a well tailored suit.

A suit can suggest monetary success, security, and women often say that a man in a nice suit

is the equivalent to a woman wearing lingerie. So suit up!

Barney: Suit up!

Matt: But even if that's not your style, class up your attire, wear quality clothes, and make sure

they are well tailored because women will notice.

And it's one way they determine your status.

Real quick, remember, if you want to know exactly what to say to

turn things sexual, make sure to check out my free Escalation Cheat Sheet

that lists some of my best ways to spark sexual tension, turn a girl on, and escalate to the bedroom.

Its filled with advanced escalation techniques that turn a friendly vibe into a more sexual

"I wanna rip your clothes off!" vibe. You can download that now by clicking the link down in the description.

#9 is The Personality Hack. A study in 2014 found that having a positive

personality actually increases the attractiveness of your face.

I mean, think about it... are you more attracted to women with fun, bubbly personalities or

women with depressing personalities?

So simply have fun and project a more positive vibe with the people around you.

Women will notice and find you more physically attractive.

#10 is The Proud Face. Now here's where it gets interesting.

Researchers examined the relative sexual attractiveness of individuals showing emotional expressions

of happiness, pride, and shame compared with a neutral face.

The study found that too much smiling can actually be perceived as feminine or shy.

This most likely is because too much smiling releases tension and can make you seem nervous.

So smile, but don't over do it with a prolonged ear to ear grin. (It just looks fake anyway)

The study also found that women find a guy with a "proud face" most attractive.

So the next time you are about to approach a woman you like, recall something you are

proud of and start the conversation while gleaming with pride.

#11 is Sexual Tension. In physics, "tension" is defined as a

force created by pulling in OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS.

When it comes to creating SEXUAL tension with a woman you need to apply two "forces"

to her emotions at the same time.

She needs to feel your attraction towards her and she needs to see you as a challenge.

This creates tension and curiosity because she's never quite sure if you are 100% into her or not.

So show your interest then put up small, fun challenges in order for her to want more of

your interest and attention.

An example would be looking at her lips and saying, "I didn't hear a word you were saying,

All I could think about was kissing you, but that would be so bad." or "Alright, let's go back to my place but

you have to promise me you'll behave, okay? No funny business."

Whenever you make a move to take things to the next level physically… whether it's

holding hands, going for the kiss, or taking things bedroom…

PAUSE and back things up a step or two before moving forward again.

This is also known as "2 steps forward, 1 step back" and can save you from moving

too fast too soon.

#12 is Open Body Language. According to a study by Evolution and Human

Behavior, men with closed-off body language come off as less attractive, less active and

less persuasive.

So always display open body language.

Have a wide stance.

Stand tall and confident and Take up space.

#13 is Consistency Bias: The cognitive bias of remembering one's past

attitude and behavior as resembling present attitude and behavior.

You can use this to your advantage by getting her to agree to having a specific positive

quality, for example: "You know, you seem really fun."

She's then more likely to act more fun and friendly around you.

You could also say, "You seem really adventurous, are you the adventurous type?" or

"I like that you are really comfortable with your sexuality".

If she agrees she's likely to keep displaying those characteristics.

So if she sees herself as being adventurous and comfortable with her sexuality then she will likely stay

consistent with those attributes as you start to escalate things further.

#14: Preparation To Engage. Sexual psychophysiologist and neuroscientist,

Dr. Nicole Prause studied the human brain when you feel those ~butterflies~ we like

to call sexual tension and describes sexual tension as "our pleasurable interpretation

of the general body arousal and preparation to engage."

In other words, your body is feeling the heat and is using that sexual tension as motivation


When the brain starts thinking that the possibility of sex may occur, dopamine floods the system

and gets us excited.

So get her thinking about sex.

You can do it directly by asking a question like "I'm curious, where's the craziest place that you've

ever had sex?" or indirectly by talking about a story that involves sex.

I actually like to take my dates to a sex shop as we just casually walking by

one I say "Hey come on, let's go in here!"

Talking about sex can get her thinking about the possibility of having sex with you in the near future.

So make it a point to bring up the subject on the date.

Trust me, most girls love talking about it.

#15 is The Negation Principle.

Negation works twofold.

First it's a fundamental principle that humans want what they can't have.

Second it allows you to implant an idea into her brain and get her to think about it because

the subconscious brain cannot process negative commands.

It's like the classic example of saying, "Don't think of a pink elephant!(3x)" your

brain cannot help to think of it even though the instruction was not to.

So when you say: "You can come over for a little while, but we cant have sex tonight,

okay? No sex." Not only are you creating a psychological

barrier which instinctively creates more desire, but the unconscious brain can only processes

"We CAN have sex tonight."

Now some of were are cool tactics to

take your skills to the next level, and others were complete personality hacks

to improve your social life and self-esteem.

Attracting women should simply be a byproduct of improving yourself daily, feeling grounded and confident,

and just having an overall great personality.

And remember, I created a "Free Escalation Cheat Sheet"

that lists some of the best ways to create sexual tension, turn a girl on,

and escalate things to the bedroom.

It's filled with Advanced Escalation Techniques that will help you turn a platonic - friendly

vibe, into a more sexual – "I want to rip your clothes off" vibe.

This is very useful when you're talking to girls and it's going nowhere.

Click the image in the bottom right of the

screen right now to download your free Escalation Cheat Sheet.

There's also a link down in the description.

Get it because you'll want to keep it handy before you go out.

And if you're not already subscribed, hit that subscribe button.

And if you want us to work with you infield, make sure to check out our boot camp schedule.

My name's Matt Artisan from The Attractive Man, and I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> 15 Psychological Tricks To Get Her To Like You | How to make HOT girls deeply attracted to you - Duration: 13:00.


ZENИN - Детка (2018) - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> ZENИN - Детка (2018) - Duration: 2:50.


Plumbing Camera Inspection Aliso Viejo CA 800-538-4537 Plumbing Camera Inspection Aliso Viejo CA - Duration: 1:10.

Plumbing Camera Inspection Aliso Viejo CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every

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For more infomation >> Plumbing Camera Inspection Aliso Viejo CA 800-538-4537 Plumbing Camera Inspection Aliso Viejo CA - Duration: 1:10.


Nitro śmieje się z Treningu DanielaMagicala xD - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Nitro śmieje się z Treningu DanielaMagicala xD - Duration: 2:00.


Im Back For 2018 & It Feels Good - Duration: 7:50.

Sup people I'm gonna go ahead and rerecord the video I made yesterday cuz

you know what yesterday I just BaaARRGGHH Uhhhhh Look at that shit boy I'm bout to split them lanes before... I TAKE SOME NAMES BOI HAA AAAHHHH! SSSSSSSS AAH

I take off though, I was tired yesterday you know what I was fuckin so monotone I

was like well today I want to update you guys on this video that I was going on I

forgive that and your boy don't get down like that

just an update video just like yesterday this one it's not meant to be funny at

all I just wanted to update you guys and I want to try to finish this shit before

I get on the freeway real quick like what my plans are this year and just

where I've been and why I decided to stop making videos in the first place

which I mean if you follow me on Instagram you already know about me and

shit and you've been keeping in touch with I just I wanted to spend more time

with my wife and kids and the last two years have been amazing because I did

exactly that not that I want to stop doing now I'm gonna continue doing that

just real quick I mean when I was growing up my dad I mean my mom and dad

are still together but he was more of a provider he never really played with me

or top

and I don't want to be that with my kids I'll just leave you're watching this you

already know a lot about me if you don't

I've had a career for the past 10 years I'll just leave it at that so I mean

I'm really but I'm really busy with that stuff I mean I when I'm not at work

sometimes I have to take work home and just normal shit but say I work and then

family life YouTube just doesn't come first you know I hope you guys

understand that I'm just trying to be a better dad that's all as far as my plans

go for the future I for 2018 boy I don't think I will ever return the way I used

to be and do like two videos a week because that was intense

that was a lot of work even though my videos sucked ass it was still a lot of

work for suck acid you know I'm saying you guys know what was that I don't

think I'll post frequently I don't even know if I'm gonna commit to a schedule

at all I'm just gonna post whatever the fuck I want

I mean I guess if I can set a real realistic goal maybe twice a month if

that I don't know I want to do better things for you guys I don't want to just

make videos of me talking commuting to work like that sucks I know

you guys like hearing my stories of shit but I just don't like editing and I

don't know it could be better it'd always be better

and with that said I can't justify I'm gonna talk about donations now I I don't

like selling shit I don't like accepting donations I don't like any of that stuff

but you know what I have just I've just I've come to the realization that that's

just what you do if you want to make a better content and grow

creator like you got it sell shit you've gotta accept donations like everyone

does it that's just that's just the way this shit works right I'm gonna separate

my just my job the finances not that I need

money but I just I can't justify spending my money lank and spending on

the kids so I'm gonna separate my work life and my social life if that makes

any sense I'm pretty sure it does whatever I make selling shirts I I just

I hate selling shit you guys always ask me like when are you gonna sell shit

like what are you gonna like relist your stickers into it like I haven't YouTube

for like two years and still like you guys are fuckin oh man HD DVDs 4k

co-wallow T's subscriber baby news I just invented that word let's pretend

that's real though is it Ryan you know that shit was pretty dope so I

won't be car blogging I just I just don't care I'd rather like listen to

music or something when I'm like in my fart relax and I feel it this is more

interesting right

also be twitch streaming again and again the donations will be on there because

okay instead of doing car vlogs I would much

rather just sit and play a video game and talk to you guys I would rather do

that then do a car blog hell I'd rather do that then write this bike and talk

cuz it's the same shit right I'd be talking about the same thing

then bullshit so yeah those are my plans for 2018 I hope you guys will join me I

promise the next video will be a story and I'm sure you guys will laugh at that

story because I'm right now that's pretty funny

yeah obviously like I don't know how many people are gonna even watch this

video is it's been two years

and if all attentive you come back and watch this bitch around happily


let me call her

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