Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 8 2018

the orders going on guys it is your boy Yogge here today are you guys a new

fortnite video today so have you guys haven't heard yet basically every game

each in lots probably made a video like this so far except for you know really

unique ones but anyways so today a new fortnite update came out well it hasn't

come out yet but news I'm gonna do for a night of they came out today this update

is coming tomorrow it is update version two point four

point two now for night update two point four point two is gonna be like a new

Valentine's Day theme thinking whatever you want to call it I don't know to me

it really doesn't matter but the things inside of this update are really really

cool I'm not gonna lie so yeah guys if you guys are interested another stay

tuned for the video but first we gotta roll that intro

alright guys so starting off let's read off the patch notes so it says

Valentine's Day is coming in for night is getting in the spirit feeling

lovey-dovey question mark now grab yourself Valentine's Day team skills at

battle royale gunpowder not your thing the crossbow allows you to hunt your

prey the old-fashioned way eliminate your target with stealth and fitness

with this new addition need more love for our save role fairs our new about

size demon quest starts next week it is a light week for patch notes but don't

worry we have plenty more to bring you in the coming weeks now first time I

just want to say for tonight is on their game bro like for a free game they're

actually really on top of the things that they're doing they're updating it

like really really frequently and you know they're watching up for the game

and stuff like that not gonna lie you know they still have problems here and

there with like the party and stuff like that but they're fixing that and getting

it better with it anyways let's look at the new things that are coming so the

main things that are coming is the new skins and the new weapon in four and I

battle royale so the new four nice skins or these now I'm sure you guys on the

screen right here right now there's a I believe that's called the cupid to do

with the arrow basically it's like a stone he's like a stone dude and

obviously has pink pants on you know showing off the Valentine's Day theme or

whatever but basically this dude looks clean he's literally like a piece of art

made out of stone and it's brought to life so that's really really clean I

like what they're doing with that that's the skin that I might actually buy cuz

out cleaner this is better than the Raptor the ski-doos are pretty awesome

but this is on a whole nother level this looks really really cool then there's

the bear one I guess that looks cool too I mean that looks pretty cool but it's

not something I would buy personally our highs where they get that butter yeah

and then there's a teddy bear to the right I have no clue what that is I'm

pretty sure that's gonna be like a pickaxe or something like that I don't

know maybe that's a maybe that's supposed to be like uh I really don't

know guys but I didn't get a little crossbow to

lift it but now let's talk about the crossbone fortnight so four nights new

crossbow is a newest weapon addition to the battle royale mode so basically this

is how it looks like here's a bigger picture of it so I'm not sure they're

gonna remove the hearts and the gold after the update because obviously

that's with a with a lot of other things like grenade launchers they made it look

like you know during the Christmas event that made it look like you know snow

balls especially with the rocket launchers they turn those and to literal

pumpkins so maybe they're gonna switch it after Valentine's Day

I'm not sure though I kind of doubt that they would keep you know hearts on there

and pink and gold on I just as a fit fortnight I mean four nice bright colors

but you know you know just this it has it has nothing like that but I wouldn't

mind the gold stay on there honestly the gold stays on there out fine within it

looks clean right now honestly yeah so there's there's really no other you know

news about this it's just you know it's coming this how it looks like it's gonna

have unlimited arrows and uh yeah I'll talk about it more later just stay tuned

alright guys so the first thing for you guys to know is the shooting test number

one limited time Oh has been switched to solo only now somebody's gonna fix the

issue where it does not save your progression in this mode and also they

are bringing you nervous to weapons but only in this game oh they bring you

nervous to the shotgun and a arse and stuff like that only in this game mode

to see how it works out and see people like you to actually put it in the

actual game I will say this again this is the smartest thing any company has

ever done call duty all they did was they was they would list at a community

right and then they would put out patches based on that and usually well

they sledgehammer does didn't listen to the you know the base community lists to

all the big people you know all the big youtubers that play Cod and stuff like

that and basically they messed up a lot of the weapons that's also a main reason

why don't play that game but yes I don't know why they don't use your brain I

should've done something like this but I did a game mode where you test you know

the the you know for everybody to test you know the the balancing and stuff

like that and if people don't like into the majority of people say they don't

like it they don't change it it's just that simple but I guess I don't know

give some company just really don't care no more so the audio they removed a

harsh frequency sound coming from the jump

Champa junior pickaxe that stone with the shark I'm guessing anyways a new

weapon so look this weapon fires arrows which are which is an unlimited and what

type I guess you pick it up and you don't need no bullets you just have a

Mon you from the start so this Weber comes in a rare and epic

variants which I'm guessing is blue and purple it's also found from the for and

in treasure chests so hey guys that's mainly there's other updates for the the

story mode but personally I don't play it I will put up so you know some

screenshots for those of you do who do have like the little campaign

single-player mode but most people do not have that and I personally don't

have that so that's why I'm not you know making a full video on that I'm just

showing guys that you know screenshots just in case you know maybe one out of

100 of you people see it I don't know I just don't want to feel bad that I

didn't make a video on it I saw it so yeah guys I guess everybody pretty video

it's only comes down below what y'all thinking about the crossbow I say I'm

gonna be honest with you guys I predicted this when I first seen the

news things that pop up when they updated a couple weeks ago where showed

you know new hunting weapon coming that was the first thing I thought it was a

crossbow and I was coming and I'll see you guys I'm excited really excited to

play with it but I guess I got everybody for the video guys you mentioned they've

liked the video let me stealth you know yeah I'll be I'll be like see you in

today also so make sure I turn on that bone subscribe but yeah guys on the

video see you guys on the next one

money they're mad tell them do so got three tennis chains and like to prison

three tapas fo Glocks this shit to hang to the peg get to the Rose key to the


For more infomation >> FORTNITE NEW CROSSBOW & NEW OUTFITS - FORTNITE NEW UPDATE 2.4.2 - Duration: 6:15.


সফল হতে হলে attitude তৈরী করুন || what is attitude || Success motivational video in bangla - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> সফল হতে হলে attitude তৈরী করুন || what is attitude || Success motivational video in bangla - Duration: 5:31.


Trump Declares Victory 'No Kneeling' at the Super Bowl - Duration: 4:51.


Declares Victory �No Kneeling� at the Super Bowl

President Donald Trump celebrated the fact that NFL football players did not take a knee

during the national anthem at the Super Ball.

�There was nobody kneeling at the beginning of the Super Bowl,� Trump said. �We�ve

made a lot of improvement, haven�t we? That�s a big improvement.�

�On top of that it was a good game, so a lot of good things happened,� Trump said.

�But there was no kneeling before that Super Bowl.

Former 49ers backup quarterback Colin Kaepernick might not have played in Sunday night�s

Super Bowl, but he did celebrate the pinnacle of the National Football League�s season

by raising money for a group named after convicted cop-killer Assata Shakur.

The Washington Times reports that as part of his post-football career Kaepernick has

been raising money for a variety of progressive causes through a program called Million Dollar

Pledge. Some of the groups are innocuous, such as pro-education organizations and campaigns

to help get kids off the street after school, but at least one, Assata�s Daughters, has

more concerning roots.

Assata�s Daugthers bills itself as a �direct action� group that �carries on the tradition

of radical liberatory activism encompassed by Assata Shakur.� But Shakur herself was

a member of the Black Liberation Army and in 1977 was convicted of killing a New Jersey

State Trooper in a highway shootout. She escaped prison and fled to Cuba, where she remains,

evading authorities .

The NFL has made headlines for all the wrong reason this season as hundreds of players

have protested during the national anthem in retaliation to President Donald Trump�s

criticism of those that disrespected the flag. Fans began boycotting, the NFL lost millions

in revenue, and the ratings ultimately plummeted.

Scoring a 41-33 victory over odds-on favorite Tom Brady and crew, the City of Brotherly

Love�s win Sunday also prevented the defending champion Patriots from claiming a sixth Super

Bowl to match the Pittsburgh Steelers for the most wins ever.

However, for the NFL and broadcasters pummeled with double-digit ratings drops this season,

the number that really matters right now is the 47.4/70 in metered market ratings that

yesterday�s Super Bowl delivered. Dipping by a slight 3% from the earliest numbers of

last year�s Patriots� 34-28 comeback victory over the Atlanta Falcons, Sunday�s game

is looking to be the eighth highest-rated Super Bowl ever. With more streaming options

than ever this year, last night�s game is up 9% in metered market results compared with

when the Patriots and Eagles last clashed in the NFL title game, at Super Bowl XXXIX

in 2005.

However, Sunday�s Super Bowl also saw a decline of 5% in metered market results from

the last time NBC had the big game on February 1, 2015, when the Patriots faced off against

then-champs the Seattle Seahawks. Overall, last night�s game peaked in the high-stakes

fourth quarter with a 52.2/74.

All in all, Super Bowl LII is currently the lowest rated since Super Bowl XLIV in 2010,

when the New Orleans Saints thrashed the Indianapolis Colts on CBS. That first Super Bowl appearance

and win for the Saints garnered a 46.4 in metered market ratings.

On Sunday night, the Philadelphia Eagles faced off against the New England Patriots to put

an end to what has been an incredibly political and drama-filled NFL season.

Hundreds of players have kneeled during the national anthem, President Donald Trump has

slammed players for disrespecting the flag and Vice President Mike Pence even walked

out of an Indianapolis Colts game after seeing players protest.

However, when three-time Grammy winner Pink opened up the Super Bowl despite announcing

that she had the flu and had an extremely rough rehearsal, not a single player kneeled

for the national anthem

For more infomation >> Trump Declares Victory 'No Kneeling' at the Super Bowl - Duration: 4:51.


Multani Mitti Face Pack For Oily Skin || Get Glowing, Fair & Clear Skin By Rani G in Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 5:32.

Please SUBSCRIBE Rani G Health and Beauty Tips

For more infomation >> Multani Mitti Face Pack For Oily Skin || Get Glowing, Fair & Clear Skin By Rani G in Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 5:32.


BREAKING: New FBI Texts Prove Obama Lied About Hillary's Email Scandal. - Duration: 4:06.

BREAKING: New FBI Texts Prove Obama Lied About Hillary's Email Scandal.

President Obama pulled the wool over Americans more than once, on a wide variety of subjects.

But now that he's out of office, it seems as if we're learning more about how shady

his presidency was, including his knack for lying.

The information that was revealed this morning just busted him in a massive lie about the

Clinton email investigation — one that's already getting national media coverage…

Breitbart reports:

The latest round of released texts between FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page reveal

that then-President Obama wanted "to know everything" about the investigation into

Hillary Clinton's secret email server, reports Fox News.

Page and Strzok, who were engaged in an extra-marital affair, exchanged the text on September 2,


The text reads, "potus wants to know everything we're doing."

This is written within the context of disgraced former-FBI Director James Comey wanting to

prepare talking points to give to Obama.

According to Fox, Senate investigators say "this text raises questions about Obama's

personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation."

The whole idea of an FBI director preparing talking points for the president on such a

sensitive issue is bound to raise questions.

So too Obama's apparent involvement in an ongoing investigation directly involving one

of his former cabinet members, and possible successor.

Moreover, this news directly contradicts what Obama told the public.

"I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations.

… I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation," Obama said

then, reports the Daily Mail's David Martosko.

Strzok and Page are the high-ranking FBI agents who despised Trump and exchanged thousands

of text messages, some of which have already been made public.

Incredibly, both were part of Robert Mueller's special counsel investigation against Trump

until it was revealed that they has exchanged texts that not only trashed the president

but talked of an "insurance policy" should he win the election.

Other revelations in this latest batch of texts include Strzok smearing Virginians as

"ignorant hillbillys" after disgraced former-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe's

wife (a left-wing Democrat who received hundreds of thousands of dollars from organizations

run by Clintonista Terry McAuliffe) lost a primary bid for state senate.

While his wife received this money from McAuliffe, McCabe was overseeing the investigation into

Hillary Clinton's secret email server.

"Disappointing, but look at the district map.

Loudon is being gentrified, but it's still largely ignorant hillbilliy," Strzok's

November 4, 2015, text reads the day after he loss.

The irony of Strzok misspelling "hillbillies" is worth noting.

Fox News also obtained texts written by Strzok in the immediate aftermath of Trump's presidential


"OMG THIS IS F***ING TERRIFYING," he wrote to his paramour.

"Omg, I am so depressed."

A week or so later Page wrote, "I bought all the president's men.

Figure I need to brush up on watergate."

The next day, November 14, Page texted something ominous, "God, being here makes me angry.

Lots of high fallutin' national security talk.

Meanwhile we have OUR task ahead of us."

"OUR task" again raises questions about Strzok's August text about the anti-Trump

"insurance policy," which many believe is the phony Russian dossier that was paid

for by the Clinton campaign but still used by Comey's FBI to obtain surveillance warrants

on those affiliated with the Trump campaign.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: New FBI Texts Prove Obama Lied About Hillary's Email Scandal. - Duration: 4:06.


Venus and Serena Williams in Asheville for tennis tournament - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Venus and Serena Williams in Asheville for tennis tournament - Duration: 1:22.


Dana Loesch, Jessica Tarlov on potential military parade - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> Dana Loesch, Jessica Tarlov on potential military parade - Duration: 5:30.


12 Signs you're Not Lonely, You Just Enjoy Being Alone - Duration: 4:46.

12 Signs you're Not Lonely, You Just Enjoy Being Alone

Being lonely is miserable.

It is a sign that you miss certain situation or emotion that you cannot attain.

That is, you feel like there is something missing in your life, and you feel miserable

because of it.

However, it is worth noting that sometimes, people accuse you to be lonely while in fact

you are just into being alone.

Indeed, there is a clear cut between lonely and being alone.

Being alone is a matter of decision while lonely is a forced condition.

If you want to make sure you are not lonely,

In this video, I'm going to share with you 12 Signs that you're Not Lonely, You Just

Enjoy Being Alone.

If you're new to our channel, make sure to click the subscribe button below, and don't

forget to like this video if you find this information is helpful to you.

So, here is the 12 signs that you just enjoy being alone.

#1 - You watch movie by yourself

Some people watch movie by themselves as a remorse or a reminder.

This is actually a sign of people who are lonely.

However, those who enjoy time alone watch movie by themselves because they don't like

the fuss, argument, and complication in selecting the movie.

No one suffers from less favorable movies because there is only you choosing the movie

for yourself.

#2 - You don't have to check in your partner People who are lonely may miss the time when

they check or care for their partner.

However, those who prefer enjoying time alone think differently.

They just don't like their life disturbed or interrupted with unnecessary chit-chat

just to know their updated condition.

It is like the earlier meeting is not enough.

#3 - You love your apartment

Lonely people have their apartment arranged in very weird way.

Additionally, they also may have scattered things all over the place because they are


However, people who prefer being single pay attention to details especially to make the

apartment room better.

You really love your apartment with its furnishing and you make the best for it to be comfortable.

#4 - You don't wait for text

Loners will always in constant worry to check their phones because their ex new guy may

text them.

However, people who prefer to be alone could worry less, and they can have even more productive

time for doing what they like.

#5 - No one is holding you back

Those who prefer being alone actually have a special perk in which they don't have

limitation on what they are doing.

They also can be criminals if they want to – to say the extreme, and no one will halt

that passion.

#6 - No guilt in drinking alone

People think it is sinful to drink alone.

However, people who prefer staying alone don't have to worry at all about that.

Popping a bottle of wine and enjoying it alone are absolutely good combo for the day.

#7 - Dinner alone

Having meal together is fun.

However, you may spend more unnecessary time with them.

You also cannot do your special ritual with them around.

#8 - A few close friends

Though you may be a complete antisocial, you still have real friends.

Those are friends who are real and won't stab you from the back.

This is another sign of people who prefer to be alone.

#9 - Spending day in nature is better

This is always the option that you will choose instead of shopping around the city.

Visiting Park, for example, is more relaxing and enjoyable since you don't meet many


#10 - Time for recharge

No matter how extravert you are, you still need to recharge yourself by being alone.

It is another sign that you are destined to be a person who like to be alone.

#11 - You are just comfortable

You don't worry about what you wear.

You don't have insecurity towards trivial things like that.

#12 - You prefer walking away from a conversation

Sometimes you can detect a meaningful conversation and trashing conversation.

That is why you frequently go away from conversation after knowing what kind of topic that will

be discussed.

It is just your choice to stay away from that kind of talk.

All in all, that's all the 12 signs you're not lonely, you just enjoy being alone.

Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 12 Signs you're Not Lonely, You Just Enjoy Being Alone - Duration: 4:46.


School Clapping PRANK!!! - Duration: 4:40.

What up guys it's Ashawnya and I am here with another video ok so basically today

I am here with another pranky prank basically what I'm gonna do today

obviously I can't do the prank because I'm gonna be the one recording and plus

I cannot keep a straight face but what we're doing today is just when we see

people like random strangers coming we just start clapping and following them

so I hope you do enjoy this video and stay tuned

so here we are just pretending that we're talking

he's laughing okay guys so I hope you enjoyed that video I will be coming more

with more Pranky pranks I want you to stay tuned subscribe rate and comment

give this video a thumbs up! oh my god and stay tuned for more Pranky pranks and

videos on this channel peace

For more infomation >> School Clapping PRANK!!! - Duration: 4:40.


5 For Good: First child with Down syndrome selected as Gerber baby - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> 5 For Good: First child with Down syndrome selected as Gerber baby - Duration: 0:40.


Arkham Origins 3-Pack Electrocutioner, Harleen Quinzel, & Lady Shiva DC Direct Action Figure Review - Duration: 15:19.

Arkham Origins 3-Pack Electrocutioner, Harleen Quinzel, & Lady Shiva DC Direct Action Figure

Review - Three of Gothan City's most dangerous villains stand ready to take down the dark

Knight with this special 3-pack action figure set based on designs from the best-selling

video game Batman: Arkham Origins!

Includes Lady Shiva, Electrocutioner and Dr Harleen Quinzel.

Dr. Harleen Quinzel, Electrocutioner & Lady Shiva - Batman: Arkham Origins - 6-inch Action

Figure 3-pack Each figure comes with multiple accessories!

Electrocutioner stands 7-inches tall.

Dr. Harleen Quinzel and Lady Shiva both stand about 6 1/2-inches tall.

Years before the Arkham incidents, the neophyte Dark Knight finds himself the target of an

open murder contract courtesy of Black Mask that draws eight of the world's deadliest

assassins and a new criminal named the Joker.

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For more infomation >> Arkham Origins 3-Pack Electrocutioner, Harleen Quinzel, & Lady Shiva DC Direct Action Figure Review - Duration: 15:19.


Why Church Hopping Doesn't Work - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Why Church Hopping Doesn't Work - Duration: 2:04.


The Time I Almost Killed My Dog - Duration: 1:45.

- So, I have a Pomeranian.

His name is Jax.

14 years ago, I thought I was going to lose him forever.

So, he was a puppy, I was a little kid,

and we were taking a road trip.

My parents were driving.

I was staying in the backseat.

His head was out the window.

The wind was blowing through his hair,

and then suddenly, the wind just carried him out the window.

Oh my god, Jax!

I thought my dog was gone.

And I don't know if you've ever,

if you ever seen that movie White Chicks,

it was pretty much like literally

like that scene in that movie.

At this point, I'm crying.

My mom is screaming.

My dad's trying not to crash the car.

But it turned out he was still on his leash,

and I look outside, Jax is just loving it.

I'm holding onto his leash,

and he's just smiling the whole time

as the wind is blowing against the side of the car.

If I wasn't holding onto him, he would've been gone.

I managed to reel him back in.

He made it back safely.

He didn't even realize that he was in so much danger.

Even though he's a lot bigger now, super protective of him.

If your dog is one pound and he's staring out the window,

hold onto him, please.


(cheerful music)


For more infomation >> The Time I Almost Killed My Dog - Duration: 1:45.


Awakening To Divine Human Consciousness - Duration: 11:54.

Awakening To Divine Human Consciousness

In our journey to become a higher expression of our true consciousness in Divine Being,

we often use language that includes words such as �healing,� �transformation,�

and �evolution� to describe a process of change.

Because we are moving from one frequency of consciousness to another, we perceive this

pathway as becoming something new�transforming into something that is different than what

we are expressing at present.

We see the journey to a higher consciousness this way because a false awareness of limitation,

separation, conflict, and external control has been conditioned into our consciousness.

It is this error in our vision, feeling, and memory that has been described as the fall

of humanity.

The conditioning in consciousness then emanates throughout the mind, emotions, and physical


True Humanity is God Consciousness The false belief structure of limiting thoughts

and dense frequency emotional encoding is at once a veiling, an overlay, and an infiltration

of our true essence as a soul in spirit expressing through a physical body.

Thus, our true being and nature is pure God consciousness.

We are infinite beings of unconditional love and creativity experiencing and expressing

through a body in the matter frequencies of consciousness.

The key is that we have no separation from the pure goodness and intelligence of Infinite


Our understanding of the word �God� is interchangeable with Divine Source, Divine

Being, Infinite Being, Infinite Intelligence, Divine Light, and Divine Energy.

The Source emanates through the spiritual realms and multidimensional existence in an

infinite range of frequencies.

Quantum physics terms such as zero-point field move us toward a unitary consciousness level,

but we do not here equate this level with the Godhead of Divine Being that as yet surpasses

the understanding of the human mind when in incarnate form.

We are awakening to the reality that we emanate from Divine Being, and are one with the Divine

as love, peace, harmony, and creative intelligence.

We are Divine Light.

The Core Error of Misperceived Separation and the False Search for Transmutation of

Being A conditioned and perceptual sense of separation

from the pure love of the Divine has been the human predicament on Earth for thousands

of years.

The misconception in our vision, feeling, and memory of not experiencing our absolute

unity with the Divine has been described using the concept of a �fall.�

This can be understood as acting in a way that is �less than� or does not reflect

our Being.

Closely allied with this understanding of �fall� is the human idea that we must

compensate by becoming or controlling something that we are not.

The core error of perceived separation enables this misguided search to become something

more as a way to fix the erroneous thought of separation.

Humanity has always been one with God.

This means that we have always been love, wholeness, harmony, and creativity.

Even in incarnate form, we have always been everything of God because of our oneness.

We are unique conscious souls of one Divine unity of love and creativity.

Jesus conveys this understanding in the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32).

Both the son that seeks to compensate for his perceived separation by squandering his

inheritance, and the son that stays at home must learn that everything that God has is


In our intentional creativity, we have all the blueprint capabilities of the Divine Source.

Jesus emphasizes this in saying, �Have faith in God.

Truly I tell you, if you say to this mountain, �Be taken up and thrown into the sea�

and if you do not doubt in your heart, but believe that what you say will come to pass,

it will be done for you.� (Mark 11:22-23).

However, the whole misconception of separation and its relation to becoming what we are not,

begins with humanity not accepting and understanding that we do not have the full understanding

of Divine manufacture.

In the Divine plan of humanity in Divine unity, the development into Divine manufacture would

organically ensue throughout a soul evolution and ascension to higher frequencies of love

and unity.

The temptation and fall of humanity was to not accept this understanding of Divine manufacture.

In our current human incarnate consciousness, our unity in God gives us full Divine blueprint

creative capability, but we must leave the full Divine manufacture ability to the Divine


In the Genesis story of the serpent tempting humanity, the serpent says that you can have

the full Divine manufacturing capabilities of God now.

By humanity believing and taking action on this misrepresentation, humanity has reinforced

a false sense of separation.

This is the feeling that something is lacking, that we are less than our true nature in God.

These errors have been conditioning our consciousness for thousands of years.

Because of this deep conditioning that has affected the mind, emotions, DNA, and the

cellular frequencies of the body, we view our process of awakening as a healing, transforming,

and evolving journey.

But this transforming is not becoming something new or different.

We are just transforming the conditioning to awaken to our true self in God that always


This misrepresentation of transforming our Being has crept into all esoteric, metaphysical,

alchemical, religious, scientific, and spiritual traditions.

It is part of the initial error of wanting to be something else in order to have full

Divine manufacturing knowledge right now.

This is the universal falsity of feeling separate or thinking that humanity is lacking because

it does not have immediate infinite knowing of God Source.

We are not separate.

We have always had the full creative ability of God, but we conditioned the misperception

that we needed full knowledge of the Infinite Mind in how it manufactures the creativity.

For incarnate beings, this knowledge comes in Divine timing.

Not accepting this has established an erroneous mind frequency of separation when in fact

we have always been Divine.

We can understand the process of awakening from our false conditioning as a transformation

or evolution, but we must not interpret the awakening to our God consciousness and shift

to our true multidimensional capabilities of the higher mind in the heart as an alchemical

or transformative movement.

We are awakening to our pure transparency and pure reflecting of the Divine love and

creativity of God.

Jesus says, �Is it not written in your law, �I said you are gods?�� We must return

to our knowledge of our oneness with the Divine within the heart.

Jesus says, �the kingdom of heaven is �within� or �among� us� (Luke 17:21), and he

prays that we will come to know that we are one in God as Jesus is.

(John 17:).

He says to be perfect in love as God is (Matthew 5:48).

Jesus sums up the whole illusion of separation from God and the human misunderstanding of

intention and Divine manufacture in saying, �to be perfect in love as God is and that

all our creative intentions will be given to us as well.�

Therefore, we can awaken to the God consciousness that we have always been�our full infinite

capabilities of love and intentional creation beyond the illusion of limitation.

As we continue to awaken to our true humanity of God consciousness, we will express our

true multidimensional capabilities of the higher mind within the heart through the body.

Jesus points to our full Divine human abilities in saying that �those who choose to awaken

will do the works that he does and, in fact, will do greater works than these�� (John


Infinite Human Creativity Humanity can create anything from within our

being in God.

We must only recognize that when we are expressing as spirit and soul through incarnate form,

we must exercise our infinite knowledge through participation in the Divine mind of God.

This is the whole challenge of incarnate existence.

By nature we are one in God.

We are God.

By nature we have the full creative capabilities of the Divine, but we do not always have the

full knowledge of organization and manufacture.

The Divine simplicity organizes an infinite complexity of expression as the universe.

For example, science understands that a human cell has over 100,000 chemical reactions per

second among billions of cells in the body.

This is a superconscious intelligence of a harmonic timing sequence of communication

and recognition that the Divine Mind arranges.

The unitary harmonic coordination of the universe is beyond human understanding in the full

details of its coordinated expression.

Not being able to see this manufacturing aspect has opened humanity to the error of separation

and the false human project of creating an artificial nature that is not the expression

of the true nature and Being of God.

Therefore, in our journey of awakening to a higher dimensional frequency of consciousness,

we reach a point when we must decide that we are our true nature�one in God.

It is the only way that we will not live by the falsity of separation.

As we awaken, we are healing and transforming all traumas and conditioning in the mind and

body from the system of fear, conflict, control, and separation.

We are clearing any resonance patterns with dense frequencies conditioned in the lower

chakras, and opening to the full capacities of the heart to radiate the powerful frequencies

of the infinite higher mind in the Divine.

As we decide to awaken to our true nature, we will allow our God consciousness to inform

our DNA and enable the harmonic flow of love and creativity as consciousness and energy

through all cells and systems of the body.

When we emanate our Divine consciousness in Being and expression, our incarnate form vibrates

at frequencies of a less dense physicality without the conflict of separation.

Our spirit and soul then expresses through a consciousness frequency that is a higher

dimension of matter.

When we awaken to our truth in God consciousness, we express our true nature of pure love and


Anything less is not our true being.

By essence of our spirit, soul, and incarnate body, we have all Divine capabilities within

our interior.

This includes harmonic cellular regeneration, telepathy, teleportation, living on light,

and full creative intention.

These qualities are our infinite and eternal Being of spirit/souls within God.

We no longer need to ascribe to the error that we must transmute humanity to falsely

become what we fail to see that we already are.

In this process of awakening and ascension, we are elevating our consciousness to the

highest and pure frequency of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding as Divine Beings.

May we continue to awaken to our authentic humanity in the integrity of love, peace,

harmony, and creativity.

This is who we are as a Divine consciousness of unique souls within the oneness of unitary


For more infomation >> Awakening To Divine Human Consciousness - Duration: 11:54.


Communication when traveling - Tip Thursday 01 | How to travel better - Duration: 3:18.

So today I'm starting a new series. It's 'Tip Thursday' and in this series I'm

gonna be giving you like two to three minutes of a video tip every Thursday on

the subjects on the themes that go with this channel which are of course travel,

languages and sometimes a little bit of romance thrown in to the mix. Let me know

below in the comments what you think of this new series. Whether you find it useful?

Whether you want the longer videos? Don't worry! They're still coming my travel vlogs and

my longer videos. So welcome to Tip Thursday with the Language Tsar!

So yeah communication, another huge advantage with respect to technology

that really transforms when you travel. So using messaging services like it can

be Whatsapp. It can be Telegram it can be facebook Messenger even just text

messaging in general this allows you to communicate with everybody. Skype I mean.

It lets you communicate with whoever you need to communicate for free. No

additional costs to your data plan at least so if you're in another foreign

country, if you ... if you're abroad and you need to traditionally send a text

message in the past, you would have to pay for it there will be some roaming

charge and it used to be reasonably expensive to do all these kind of things

but now with all these new apps for messaging it's become just a lot cheaper

and more convenient so when you're traveling make sure that you can you

figure out which messaging services or IMs that you can use the best

communicate with your friends or people that you need to speak to when you're

traveling in those countries to organise your trips to organise your

accommodation etc so it's really a boon for the traveler. This ease of communication

that used to be a problem in the past some would say yeah then you remain a

little bit too addicted to your phone and maybe stay in your normal habits that

you would have in your hometown before you start traveling because of course

you can still speak to everybody as if you were there. Instagram is another one

where you can use photos or videos to communicate, communicate your experience

to your friends who are gonna be watching it may be slightly jealous if

they're not in such a fantastic location maybe they're at a nine-to-five job and

they're in the office and watching you hang out at the pool somewhere in an

exotic location having a fantastic time because there any catching those moments

and communicating them, may upset them a little bit maybe might make you so

popular but just joking I'm sure your two friends will appreciate you sharing

those experience with them in real time that's the another amazing thing about

how you can use technology and just it just in the palm of your hand

you know it's just so easy right and here it is that's all you need your cell

phone and I'm using it even when I'm writing this thing huh

yeah it's that easy language.

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