Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 8 2018

This is a whole new area.

Where you had an analogue speedo in the past,

you now have full screen, widescreen displays.

With all different sorts of information you can get.

The new hot thing is that you can really make it, you can configure it the way you like it.

You can even save it.

My name is Marco Santi, I work as a user experience engineer at Mercedes-Benz in Stuttgart.

I'm designing the new MBUX for the new A-Class.

In my free time I'm a volunteer firefighter.

When you want to compare the new A-Class with me being a firefighter,

it seems to be a strange question.

But it turns out there are quite some similarities between both worlds.

I developed the instrument cluster and the head-up display.

The head-up display, there you get information projected into the sight of the view.

Just to be there and to help someone else is my motivation to be a firefighter.

User interface designers consider humans and users as their main thing they like to work for.

Most people always think about technology.

User experience designers and engineers, they have a different mindset.

All you have to understand is that humans are different.

So when you design a system that reacts to this diversity,

then it's really human.

It is you who defines what you want to see.

And I wanted to make a system that can be configured as differently as you are.

So everything we do is focused on what humans need.

For more infomation >> The new Mercedes-Benz A-Class 2018: MBUX | I made it (Part 1) - Duration: 2:08.


N. Korea holds military parade on eve of Winter Olympics in S. Korea - Duration: 0:54.

North Korea decided to go through with the military parade this morning at 10 A.M.

North Korea, time -- that's 10:30 here -- at Kim Il-sung Square in Pyongyang.

It's not clear how big the parade was, how many troops were involved or which weapons

the regime brought out since it wasn't broadcast by North Korea.

But in recent days there were reports that almost 50-thousand people, plus tanks, artillery

and jets... were practicing for the ceremony, which would include an air show.

There was speculation that the parade would be massive because this year is also the 70th

anniversary of the regime's founding.

Then again, North Korea knows it's being watched closely right now and there's a different

atmosphere because of the Olympics.

The occasion for the parade was to be the anniverary of North Korea founding its military,

which it moved from April 25th to February 8th.

For more infomation >> N. Korea holds military parade on eve of Winter Olympics in S. Korea - Duration: 0:54.


GALATASARAY | Günün Galatasaray Haberleri | 8 ŞUBAT 2018 | Youtube - Duration: 11:19.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Günün Galatasaray Haberleri | 8 ŞUBAT 2018 | Youtube - Duration: 11:19.


Sexual Assault. What is the Percentage? - Duration: 11:48.

some men spend so much money on women while their home is hungry their wives

and their children are hungry their future is even hungry hello you guys and

welcome back to my channel my name is Laraddiji, if you're watching for the

first time you're most especially welcome to this family did you see the

Gated Pony hairstyle video did you try it out yet unless you don't have hair

then you know maybe you can't don't forget to like this video and subscribe

if you've been inspired by what you hear today it's freestyle week so I'll be

talking about the sexual assault and sexual cases that that are plaguing

America today well let's just get right into it to begin on the topic today well

we'll first define what sexual assault is it is an unwanted illegal sexual contact

that is forced and without consent while sexual misconduct is an unwelcome

behavior you know sexual in nature committed without consent they're

almost similar what is common to both is the lack of consent which is defined as

the permission for something to happen or agreement to do something let's say

you went to a hospital and God forbid they wanted to cut your leg and you don't

consent to it they can't cut your leg you have to say yes you sign a document

that says you know you can't cut my leg you know

consent you want to do a procedure a an invasive one you need consent you gotta

sign yes it's okay and they'll tell you the advantages of doing this thing or

the disadvantages if you don't do it and you know they give you the option

you are the one that can make decision over your life okay you have to be 18 but

in the case of sexual assault sexual harassments if some all these cases have

been going on if you don't say yes you can do this yes you can't do this then

it's sexual misconduct sexual assault okay, good so um

watching the news about the allegations made of the powerful man being accused

of sexual misconduct and sexual assault it really had me thinking lately I think

because of my forgiving nature I couldn't even blame them right let he

who is without sin be the first to cast a stone John 8:7 I'm a Christian I'm a

sinner whether I like it or not so Who am I to judge a fellow sinner it is so

unfortunate that these things have happened and to the victims only God can

help them heal totally so that they can you know move on with their lives

like my dad always says forget about the problem problem what is the solution

right now so you know so that it doesn't happen again

what do Bill Cosby you know Donald Trump Harvey Weinstein Kevin Spacey Matt Lauer

and all the others what are they all have in common you know that

differentiates them from the other guys in this country you know these are these

guys are very rich they are very powerful

you know powerful men they are also in positions where they can call the

shots you know they are also men who have a lot of people working with them

you know fine these people have been accused and hopefully they're deeply sorry

for their offense how do we fix this it's a societal problem so how do we fix

it because it isn't only these guys problems their action you know affects

every one of us look at the president of our country now and the decision he

makes so we need to fix this problem pronto but how can we do that unless we

find the root cause so what is the root cause of the problem there are so many

sexual references and innuendos and everything we watch on TV today you know

that is very different from you know what I watched many years ago when I was

younger from unrelated adverts to video games to movies to music videos sex is

everywhere it's like a game now in our house now we try to guess what they're

advertising they could be advertising toothpaste on TV it will come up yes you

know so when kids are open to this style of living from their young age you know

being exposed to a life of nakedness fast life instant gratification you know

then self control will become a hard topic to teach

if I believe if we had clean media outlets there will be a different amount

of our men unfortunately there are many more men who don't know that there's a

thin line between a regular discussion or or a touch or a hug or even a

nonverbal action and discussion that could lead to cases of sexual assault

and misconduct you know so can we rightfully say that media is a

root cause you know deep in our subconscious thinking you know some of

the reasons women will go naked or close to it in front of camera is because of

Fame you know money money for their families or money for material things or

even because maybe they're young and their hormones are raging I don't know I

can't say for them you know I'm not in the entertainment industry but I was

thinking who makes all these dishes are decision decisions about the fashion you

know for women and how naked they need to be for a movie to sell you know and

who decides what women can and can't do in their own movies you know this is

wink wink so you know Weinstein I mean it's like women don't even have a voice

to say you know they don't want to dress in certain ways or maybe they like

dressing naked for the public I don't know you know does that make women the

root cause of why we're having these cases today some people will argue I was

thinking also you know what is the percentage of men who have movie

industries compared to women right and what is the percentage of men behind the

camera for movies or music videos compared to women you know when women

are naked what percentage of women are actually pleased about it compared to

women most likely more than sixty percent it's time for us women to stand up for

our rights no more hiding no more shame no more guilt however us women need to

hold ourselves to a very high standard so that these type of these types of men

will not use and dump us you know thank God for hashtag me too and all the

other things that's going on right now you know women are we're holding our

power you know I've been watching the news lately and I'm still waiting for a

man to say he's been sexually assaulted by a woman it will never

happen because men believe women you know after their pleasure

you know this is why it's sometimes hard for these men to think there are assaults

in women in their heads and in their minds they are having fun and they think

it should be fun for the women as well even if they do not consent to some acts

we thank God for the women who fought greatly in American history for women's

right and it's so unfortunate that we still need a revolution today you know I

was watching a show accidentally called Third rail and the incinerator that

Hollywood was to blame for why there's so much violence in America we know

today in terms of gun violence so my thinking was in the right direction you

know regarding this sexual misconduct and sexual assault cases because they are one

and the same the big question is why do men do it when they know it's not right

the truth is when you're doing something wrong for for a long time it starts to

look right do they do it because of their power you know or how much they

have I remember someone from my church and my pastor said if you want to know

the true character of a person give him a lot of money then he will show his

true pepper right some men have spent a lot of money to

fuel their addictions and they're loved for material things of this world Who am

I to judge right another pastor said if you buy a lot of something you're like

you can only use one of that thing at a time

some men spent so much money on women while their home is hungry their wives

and their children are hungry their future is even hungry and they spend all

that money on a short time of enjoyment a lot of people's future is suffering

because of our men's greed us women have our own issues but it's the men that

have put themselves out there for now so with these discussions hopefully people

can think twice before engaging in things of this nature do they do it for

fun the thing about fun is when it is not a type you know the right type of

fun when you get caught or when the fun is over

the disgrace will be such that it should have been better not to have even

started with it I'm sure these accused men are thinking of you know they're

thinking about why they started this behavior in the first place you know now

that they have a lot of time on their hands you know why do married men

do it are their wives not paying attention as someone mentioned to me in one of our

discussions what he meant was maybe their wives were too busy for their

husbands and that's why they were engaging in these untoward behaviors I

still have a lot of questions but what are your thoughts we will get nowhere as

a people if we look at the wrongdoings of our fellow brothers and sisters

because that's what we are fundamentally under all the colors and the hair

textures and accents and traditions if we understood this in the beginning I

feel we will be at peace let us remember that at the end of the day we all have

done something wrong you know that we are not proud of it will be very

hypocritical of us to point fingers at them you know I hope victims the victims

will be strong enough to forgive them you know because forgiveness will bring

forth healing you know let us respect ourselves as individuals and remember

that our actions eventually affect all the people around us you know it's not

only about you you know whether directly or indirectly it will affect

people it will affect everyone around you regardless of what religion we

practice regardless of where we're from you know regardless of who we are in the

society with power or without power let us do things you know that will make

people remember us in positive ways you know God willing we on this earth for an

average of 75 or 80 years let's not wait waste any of that precious time on

things that will not help us grow positively in some ways you have a

decision to make if not now maybe later the ball is in your court thank you very

much for staying with me till the very end I hope you've learned something

today you know that's all for now you guys don't let me get started if you're

new to this channel once again my name is Laraddiji ask questions if you have any

you can leave a comment as well in the disc you know in the comment section

also you can like this video you know if you think I did a good job like this

video by giving it a thumbs up to get notified of newly posted videos I keep

saying it don't wait just do it now just do it now

right subscribe the next video will be about parenting and punishment you know

it'll be about the art of disciplining our children you know so that they can be

productive in the community in a near future do check out my suggested videos

in the description box below I'm definitely hoping to read from you

beautiful people very soon you know don't forget to love your neighbor as

yourself and remember to rest in peace we all need to be living in peace stay

blessed stay blessed stay blessed.

For more infomation >> Sexual Assault. What is the Percentage? - Duration: 11:48.


9 Reasons People Who Like to Be Alone Are More Likely to Be Successful - Duration: 4:10.

9 Reasons People Who Like to Be Alone Are More Likely to Be Successful

Success is determined by many factors.

However, one factor that should not be ignored is basically to understand yourself better.

In order to achieve such goal, one should consider being alone.

Being alone actually boosts yourself to be a better person which turns to be a successful


That's because of self-reflection that you do to improve yourself.

Therefore, it slowly shapes you into a better person with so much better chance to be successful.

It is the first reason why people who prefer being alone are likely to be successful.

There are still 8 more to come, and here they are.

But before we jump to the lists, If you're new to our channel, make sure to click the

subscribe button below, and don't forget to like this video if you find this information

is helpful to you.

#1 - They are not anxious

People who like to be alone are not anxious.

They can take break from fast-pacing experience with many kinds of people and interaction.

This allows them to stop and realize this that prevent them from performing better.

This also allows them to fix everything that hinders them.

#2 - Better memories

Solitude gives a great opportunity to store particular experience.

There are so many studies indicating that, and it absolutely worth to try if you want

to be a successful person.

Moreover, it suggested that being alone also sets your perspective in the right position,

allowing you to remember things in detail and see problems clearly.

#3 - Creative

Success is usually linked with creativity.

Fortunately, people with ability to live alone has such ability.

They obtain it from observing the world in details, something that other people miss.

Moreover, minimal distraction also helps them to be creative.

#4 - They understand themselves

Successful people know themselves better through reflection as we have mentioned in the beginning.

However, it is more than just a self-reflection.

It is all about understanding your ability in comparison to others.

Though you think you are lacking on something, it is still unique and it can be developed

and refined.

#5 - Better relationship

People who can live alone have better relationship which eventually make them successful people.

They know what kind of relationship that is good or toxic, and they can choose properly

depending on what they really intend.

#6 - More focused

People who prefer being alone are more focused on tasks at hand.

The reason is simply because they are not surrounded by chatty and cloudy distraction.

They can enjoy their time in completing the task, and it makes them successful person

to do the assignment.

#7 - Boosting energy

This kind of people are full of energy especially after they recharge themselves.

This allows them to work professionally and effectively, making the successful person.

#8 - They can make smarter decision

Decision is crucial for any kind of problem.

However, it is worth noting that it won't happen if there are too much distraction and

unnecessary suggestions.

Fortunately, people who spend time being alone can easily dehaze everything that is not related.

Thus, it makes the decision worthy.

#9 - Problem solver

As noted earlier, people who prefer being alone have great capability in seeing things

in detail and accurate manner.

This is crucial for solving problems because they will resolve the issue effectively.

All in all, that's all the 9 reasons people who like to be alone are more likely to be


Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 9 Reasons People Who Like to Be Alone Are More Likely to Be Successful - Duration: 4:10.


Bangla Waz New Short video || আমি কোন দল করব ? || শায়খ মতিউর রহমান মাদানী - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Bangla Waz New Short video || আমি কোন দল করব ? || শায়খ মতিউর রহমান মাদানী - Duration: 5:00.



There are only 8 dragons left.

But remained the coolest dragons.

And they continue to fight for the title




See the battles on the channel Monstroved

and vote for the strongest dragons....

The Screaming Death and the Submaripper fought in the last battle.

And the winner is... Screaming.

This tournament is very easy for this dragon.

He had only one tough fight with the Skrill.

And he won without problems in all the rest-fighting .

The Screaming Death in the semifinal.

And today we will determine his next rival:

the Bewilderbeast or the Fireworm Queen?

I can guess who will win in this battle.

Let's see how it is really....

So, today's dragons are fighters....

The Bewilderbeast.

He won all the battles.

And he won all his battles very easily.

The most difficult battle is against Rumblehorn.He took away only

17% of the votes from the Bewilderbeast.

The other dragons took even less....

Today the opponent is the Bewilderbeast

– the Fireworm Queen.

This dragon took second place in the group, but, nevertheless,

reached the quarter-finals.

And today, it will be a hard fight....

The battle begins....

Of course, the opponents are not equal today.

Look at the Bewilderbeast....

At his size, his power...

his characteristics....

And now look at the Fireworm Queen...

she has no advantage over the Bewilderbeast.

I don't even know how to fight.

Maybe not to do it, and give victory to the Bewilderbeast?

Perhaps, will we vote and will we finish this fight?

Yes, indeed.

Do so.…

In the upper right corner there is this icon,

click on it and vote for the strongest dragon...

although wait, take your time!!!!.....

I see the Queen's help is coming.

The pack of fireworms are approaching

How many of them?

10, 20?

No, there's more....

one hundred!!!

The Queen just won't give up.

It will compete with the Bewilderbeast.

Well, the Great Dragon.

Can you defeat the small fireworms?

We will know that now....

Fireworms attack at once and all together

attack the Bewilderbeast.

100 small lights sit on the skin of the Bewilderbeast.

Their task is to burn the skin, burn the dragon.

And the Queen also begins an attack – she is flying to a Bewilderbeast

and she is preparing to release his hot salvo

How can a giant dragon will react to Fireworms.

Will he feel them?

If not, the fireworm's attack failed.

And the Queen will be defeated.

And if, after all, burning lights on his skin

will be painful?

What then?

He won't even be able to throw them out.

Horses and cows can chase away the flies with his tail.

And the Bewilderbeast will not do it.

In what ways do I see?

First, if there is water (and it should be,

since he's a water dragon),

he can simply dive into the water and all fireworms will go out

and choke.

And, secondly, it is possible to let your cold water a volley up

and calculate the force so

that he fell on the ice or just cold water

(well, if its not much freezing)

and then the majority of fireworms will be defeated....

There is another option of attack (if Fireworms can't burn the skin

of a Bewilderbeast) .

The Queen and the swarm of fireworms attack

with one hand –

and they choose the weak, unprotected part - the eye.

Queen with their Pets flying attacks the Bewilderbeast.

In this case, the Bewilderbeast will be easier to repel the attack.

He'll just throw his volley in a pack and the attack repelled.

But if fireworms will attack the eyes of a Bewilderbeast,

like a swarm of bees: from different perspectives, but one goal.

After all, some fireworms can break through the defense of the Bewilderbeast

and sit on his eyes.

This is sure to be effective.

On the eyes of no armour there is no.

And what will be the battle with the blind Bewilderbeast

– a mystery.

It can happen anywhere.

Here is now can be vote.

Do you remember, where is the badge voting?


In the upper right corner.

Cast your vote for the strongest dragon that is worthy

to fight in the semi-finals with the Screaming Death.

In the next video we will identify the dragon who will take

the fifth place in the tournament.

And the first semi-final battle will take place on February 16.

Night Fury vs Triple Stryke.

That's all for today.

The tournament is about to end and if you're a new subscriber,

you can view all the battles in order

in this playlist.

And here I have collected the best dragon battles.

To subscribe to the channel, put likes and write comments.

See you later.

For more infomation >> BEWILDERBEAST vs FIREWORM QUEEN. DRAGON"S BATTLE - Duration: 5:48.


마술사가 된 나린이와 다린이가 여러분이 궁금해하던 마술의 숨겨진 비법을 대공개 합니다!! Magic showㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 6:46.

For more infomation >> 마술사가 된 나린이와 다린이가 여러분이 궁금해하던 마술의 숨겨진 비법을 대공개 합니다!! Magic showㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 6:46.


【Kman夾娃娃】居然在百哥地盤撒野!我只是要教學阿...金冠k88小海螺。クレーンゲーム Claw crane UFOキャッチャー#239 - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> 【Kman夾娃娃】居然在百哥地盤撒野!我只是要教學阿...金冠k88小海螺。クレーンゲーム Claw crane UFOキャッチャー#239 - Duration: 2:29.


PyeongChang 2018 events start with mixed doubles curling - Duration: 3:01.

The opening ceremony of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics is less than 36 hours away.

The host city and the sub-host city of Gangneung are bustling with athletes from around the

world,... ready to give their best possible performances on the ice or snow.

Even though the opening cermeony is still a day-and-a-half away, a number of sporting

disciplines have already started their qualification rounds.

For more, let's connect to our Lee Ji-won, who is standing by at the Gangneung Curling


Ji-won, so most of us were expecting the sporting action to start this weekend, but we got a


Hi Devin, the first actual competition at the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics started

this morning,... with four round robin preliminary rounds of the mixed doubles curling.

Over the next four days, eight countries will compete to qualify for the medal round.

South Korea grabbed its first win this morning against Finland,... along with the U.S., Norway,

and Switzerland.

But mixed doubles in curling is new at the Olympics this year, so we're still unsure

who's likely to be standing on the medal podium in the coming days.

The next rounds will take place at 8 in the evening, with Team Korea taking on China.

There's also ski jumping starting tonight -- qualification for the men's individual

normal hill will be held at the Alpensia Ski Jumping Centre in PyeongChang.

Sounds like some exciting stuff lined up for the day.

Well, here in Seoul, we've been seeing freezing temperatures, and I'm guessing it's worse

for you guys in the mountains.

But despite the cold, can you feel a buzz around town?

Devin, it was freezing cold earlier this week,... but starting yesterday the temperature has

improved a lot.... thankfully.

It now ranges somewhere in the low negatives here in Gangneung.

And despite today being a weekday,... a lot of people came to watch the games and cheer

for their teams.

I was able to talk to some of the spectators, let's have a look.

"Curling isn't a game you see often, so I thought it'd be a great chance to watch it

in person.

Also, it's the first event of the long-awaited PyeongChang Olympics.

Watching it was thrilling and it made me feel that the Olympics have really started."

"It was really cool to watch the athletes compete We were really happy that we won the

first match.

I don't know much about curling, but it was really intense and the atmosphere was really

great so I had a lot of fun."

The excitement is expected to build throughout the day, as there will be various performances

and events held later,... or even as we speak,... including the Olympic torch relay.

The torch will visit different parts of Gangneung and the city's major tourist attractions today,

like Gyeongpo Beach, before it finally heads to Pyeongchang and the Olympic Plaza for Friday's

opening ceremony.

That's all from me for now.

Back to you Devin.

For more infomation >> PyeongChang 2018 events start with mixed doubles curling - Duration: 3:01.


Implications of North Korea's actions ahead of Pyeongchang Winter Olympics - Duration: 14:26.

For a more in-depth discussion on North Korea's Olympics participation and more,... we're

joined by Shin Sang-hyup, Professor of Pan-Pacific International Studies at Kyung Hee University.

Good to see you again professor Shin.

Q1 A large-scale military parade on the eve of

Winter Olympics hosted by South Korea.

Why after making efforts to show the world that it's a peace-loving country by participating

in the Olympics?

Q2 We are

short of information about the parade and we're unable to verify what types of military

hardware were showcased as of yet.

But could you tell us what kind of weaponry were likely presented?

And why?

Q3 We'll have to see how things unfold later

in the day, but it appears North Korea has scaled down the military


a bit while also keeping it rather quiet unlike in the past.

Could this mean that Pyongyang is making concessions for

the Olympics?

Q4 President Moon Jae-in has said he will take

this opportunity to build up inter-Korean talks in the future and ultimately aim to

denuclearize North Korea.

But many point out that holding a military parade on the eve of Olympics gives off quite

the opposite signal to nuclear disarmament.

Your thoughts?

Q5> North Korea surprised many around the world

on Wednesday, announcing that its leader Kim Jong-un's influential sister Kim Yo-jong

will make her way to South Korea for the Olympics.

As far as I know she'll be the first member of the Kim family to ever visit South

Korea and so the significance speaks for itself.

Could you tell us more about who she is, and the implications of her visit?

Q6 Now to U.S. Vice President Mike Pence's visit

to Tokyo.

From the statements made by Vice President Pence and Japanese PM Shinzo Abe, we could

see that the two reiterated their hard-line North Korea policy.

But were they also trying to send a message to South Korea?

Q7 The U.S. is making it crystal clear that it

will not be fooled by North Korea's Olympics charm offensive.

Washington has even invited the father of Otto Warmbier, a student who died in North

Korea, in an apparent move to remind the world of the grave human rights situation in the


Do you think South Korean leader Moon Jae-in could successfully play the mediator?

Q8 Vice President Pence has arrived here in South

Korea today and he's scheduled to hold talks with President Moon Jae-in.

What kind of topics do you think will take center stage during their talks?

Q9 Do you

think there already is a gulf between Seoul and Washington as, according to some experts,



had intended?

Seoul is getting quite flexible with the sanctions

imposed on North Korea, and the United Nations is also reviewing whether it

can give an exemption to one

of the visiting North Korean delegation.

For more infomation >> Implications of North Korea's actions ahead of Pyeongchang Winter Olympics - Duration: 14:26.


Welcome to WhatsApp Cloud - Duration: 0:54.

Welcome to WhatsApp Cloud

For more infomation >> Welcome to WhatsApp Cloud - Duration: 0:54.


WIN News Illawarra - Montage (8.2.2018) - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> WIN News Illawarra - Montage (8.2.2018) - Duration: 6:05.


ESCKAZ in Kyiv: interview with LAUD - Ukrainian National selection 2018 - Duration: 6:57.

and we continue to do interviews with participants of this year National Selection in Ukraine

first semi-final is coming

and today we have with us participant who will perform at number 3 in the first semi-final

previously known as Vlad Karaschuk, now we know him by name LAUD

Can you tell our followers and viewers what's the difference between Vlad and LAUD

LAUD is different from Vlad in music first of all

This is a completely different musical project with Roman Cherenov (aka Morphom)

Katya Rogovaya is our songwriter. She writes texts for most of songs

and that is what difference about

then let's talk about your team. Who wrote song "Waiting", what is the message of the song, the idea, the genre

(translates into russian)

the song is about human imperfection, about different ways to fight this imperfection

about the search of the individual way of living

about finding a way to cope with all the difficulties in life

I wrote that song with our sound-producer (Morphom), text by Katya Rogovaya

your name also some people associate with name Igor Tarnapolskiy

who is Jamala's producer. Also you work with Jamala's team

Are you goin' to Eurovision to win?

of course, in any case!

we've started this process in order to achieve the result

main goal is to win, to represent the Country at Eurovision

How do you feel about the fact that many Eurovision fans see a certain trick in that Jamala is a jury of national selection?

firstly, she had not heard the song yet

I know that she has not heard most of the songs

She wants to hear them on the air

to have the first impression as it is

I know that she is always objective and always speaks from the heart

she will be objective to us also

Can you tell us a little bit about your staging? What we will see?

Performance will be very colorful. There are will be 5 persons with me, back-vocalists

We need this amount of voices 'cause the song is sufficiently large

and those guys will be also involved into the staging

the performance will be unusual, interesting, associated with the concept of the song

I will not say what exactly will be shown on the screens

but what I can say that Kostya Tomilchenko acted as a director of the staging

He is really one of the best people for this

Do you see someone as your direct competitor in the semi?

all participants are competitors

we work in different styles with some: Kozak System, The VYO etc

it's hard to say

With CONSTANTINE we work in roughly the same style for example

- but draw separated you from each other - yes, that's true

How are you going to surprise at Eurovision, if you go?

we will surprise with music and vocal, first of all

because the main advantage is the vocals and the song

the song is vocal as it is

this is our priority

What plans do you have after Selection?

there will be a concert on March 21 in the club "Bel étage"

I invite everyone to my concert in the club "Bel étage" on March 21

and now let's play in associations game

The rules are simple: I will name 10 words, and you must answer the first association that comes to your mind








expectation (waiting)


and that's how we will end our interview. We thank you for the interview and wish you a good luck!

Friends, if you are from Ukraine please support me on February 10, I will performe on number 3

and if your are not from Ukraine please support me by your heart and watch the Show on February 10

For more infomation >> ESCKAZ in Kyiv: interview with LAUD - Ukrainian National selection 2018 - Duration: 6:57.


N. Korea holds military parade on eve of Winter Olympics: sources - Duration: 1:47.

As the world gets ready to celebrate a festival of peace and sport tomorrow in South Korea,

it appears North Korea forged ahead a military parade this morning like many had anticipated.

With North Korea remaining rather quiet about it, unlike in the past,... the scale of the

parade and showcased weapons are still under the wraps.

Here's Arirang's Defense Ministry correspondent, Oh Jung-hee.

A day before the Winter Olympics begin in South Korea,... North Korea went ahead with

a military parade... to celebrate its official military foundation day.

South Korean government sources say...

Pyongyang held its military parade at 10 a.m. North Korea time... at Kim Il-sung square.

But the North did not broadcast the parade live,... so there are no details about its

size or which weapons were revealed.

The military parade comes after North Korea announced last month that it designated February

8th as the official founding day of its Korean People's Army -- moving the date from April


Reports say that through this Wednesday, the North had almost 50-thousand people, several

jets, plus artillery and tanks... practicing for the ceremony and an airshow.

The South Korean military had also detected mobile launchers and missiles.

Thursday's military parade is the first of its kind since Pyongyang declared early this

year that it had completed nuclear weapons program.

Speculation arose that the parade could be massive in scale... since the regime is also

celebrating 70th anniversary of its establishment this year.

But it might also have been smaller than expected... since the regime is paying attention to the

international community's response and the Olympics atmosphere.

Pyongyang had invited foreign press to cover the parade... but that was later canceled.

Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> N. Korea holds military parade on eve of Winter Olympics: sources - Duration: 1:47.


ఇప్పుడు బ‌ట్ట‌బ‌య‌లైన ఉద‌య్ కిర‌ణ్ భార్య అస‌లు భాగోతం | Facts About Uday Kiran Wife Vishita | News - Duration: 2:47.

Facts About Uday Kiran Wife Vishita

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