Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 8 2018

♪ Poppin bottles in the ice, like a blizzard. When we drink we do it right gettin slizzard. ♪

♪ Sippin sizzurp in my ride, in my ride, like Three 6, ♪

♪ now I'm feelin so fly like a G6. ♪

♪ Now I'm feelin so fly like a G...G... ♪


♪ Now I'm feelin so fly like a... ♪


♪ Now I'm feelin so fly like a G... ♪

♪ Poppin bottles in the ice, like a blizzard. When we drink we do it right gettin slizzard ♪

♪Sippin sizzurp in my ride, in my ride, like Three 6, ♪

♪ now I'm feelin so fly like a G6. Like a G6, Like a G6, ♪

♪ now now now now now now I'm feelin so fly like a G6. ♪

♪ Like a G6, Like a G6, now now now now now now I'm feelin so fly ♪

♪ like a G6. ♪

♪ Poppin bottles in the ice... ♪


♪ Poppin bottles in the ice, like a blizzard. When we drink we do it right gettin slizzard. ♪

♪ Sippin sizzurp in my ride, in my ride, like Three 6, ♪

♪ now I'm feelin so fly like a G6. Like a G6, Like a G6, ♪

♪ now now now now now now I'm feelin so fly like a G6. ♪

♪ Like a G6, Like a G6, now now now now now now I'm feelin so fly ♪

like a G6. ♪

For more infomation >> LIKE A G6 (Zulker & Folky Remix) - Duration: 3:34.


Either - FP in Kotlin with Arrow - Duration: 5:19.

Welcome to the series of videos about functional programming in Kotlin with Arrow. Arrow is a library that is packed with data

types and type classes bringing typed FP to Kotlin. In this video, we're going to learn about the either data

type and what it's used for.

Either is a data typing error that we used to model when a function may return more than one value

Can be either one or the other.

Either is frequently modeled as an algebraic data type in the same way we saw in Option, Either has many cases.

Algebraic data types are modeling Kotlin with sealed classes.

Either has two possible values either a Left or a Right.

In the left side, we usually encode the exceptional case, in the right side we encode the happy path.

This is important because Either is right biased this means that most of the functions like map, filter, and flatMap

will operate over the right case.

We have two main constructors to work with Either.

The Right constructor allows us to bring values into the context of Either placing them on the right.

Whereas, the Left constructor places them on the left.

As we can see here,

we are modeling unknown errors without using exceptions and putting that on the left side

because our computation is mostly going to happen on the end, which is the right side.

Arrow provides a extension syntax for Either. We can easily lift values to the right and left case,

provided the receiver declares a type, in which we know what the other case is.

We can transform the inner contents of Either with several built-in functions such as fold, getOrElse, map, and flatmap.

This might be familiar to you at this time

because we saw the same functions in Option. This is part of Arrow's unified model of programming.

We take all the functional combinators and try to apply them as many data types as possible,

so that all of them share the same API.

We can extract either inner values by using Kotlin's when expressions.

In this case, you can see how the result value will be of type Either<KnownError, Int>

can be easily placed on our one expressions, and then we can branch out logic based on the left and right cases

An easier way to deal with this case, is using fold. Fold allows us to pass two functions. The

first function addresses the left case.

Here we are saying that if we find a KnownError, we should return zero.

The second argument is a function that addresses the right case. Here we have the chance to transform the inner contents of right. A

concretion to the previous fold is getOrElse. In getOrElse,

we're just simply providing the function that addresses the left case. Here we're saying that if it's a KnownError, we should return 0 instead.

Map allows us to transform the values inside an Either.

It operates only on the right case, and that's why we say this Either is right biased.

If we were mapping and there was a left, in that case the transformation is never applied and the left is left untouched.

If we have multiple Either values

and we want to compute sequentially over the right case, we use flatMap. flatMap in the same way as map is right biased.

Instead of dealing with multiple nested flatMaps, an easier solution is to use

errors built in monad comprehensions.

The Either monad allows us to bind over Either results and then bind their results to the right case.

Once we have all of the values unbound, we can then add them up or do whatever transformation we wish in an imperative fashion.

Bind is a suspended function in the Kotlin coroutine system.

When we invoke bind, we delegate the chain call to flatMap. In this way, we can avoid

nested flatMap chains and imperatively compute over the results of Either.

If we bind over a left value the computation will short-circuit yielding the left case.

We can use the applicative builder to compute our different values of Either

That are independent from each other. With the applicative builder we can map or convert into tuples, a set of operations

preserving the type information and preserving their id.

As in with monad comprehensions if we ever find a left value, then we will short-circuit and then return the Left KnownError.

In this video, we learned about Either. In the same way as Option, Either serves a lot of the functions and different

functionality that Option did - fold, map, flatMap.

Arrow proposes a unified programming model for all data types where they all share the functional combinators that are usually expressed in type classes.

We'll learn more about those in the next series. Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Either - FP in Kotlin with Arrow - Duration: 5:19.


The Mystery of the Strange Situation Experiment - Duration: 9:57.

We've got a strange situation here... There's a mystery afoot my dear Watson!

In a previous video, I talked about the concept of attachment: how we study it

and what it means for the development of relationships between children and their

caregivers. One of the most well known research paradigms used to study the

somewhat mysterious nature of babies relationships with their caregivers

early in life is called the strange situation paradigm, developed by Mary

Ainsworth in the 1960s. Here's the basic scenario. There are three main characters

in this plot: a parent - usually the mother but could be a father too - a baby between

the ages of about 12 and 18 months of age, and a stranger - an adult that the

child and the parent do not know. To begin with, the parent and baby enter a

playroom and are encouraged to play together. Then the stranger enters the

room and interacts with the parent and the baby. The parent then leaves the baby

in the room alone with the stranger who tries to comfort the baby. If the baby is

upset, the parent then returns to the room, comforts the baby as necessary, and

they return to playing together. But different babies react very differently

during this scenario, and leave us clues that give us information to sleuth out

the nature of different babies relationships with their parents. So as

with any good Sherlock Holmes mystery, or research endeavor, we start by looking

for clues in this strange situation. We must 1) observe the circumstances, 2) discern

their essential elements, and 3) then deduce what is going on. So what about baby

number one? Initially, baby number one plays comfortably with the parent and

explores the playroom freely, but still checks in with the parent every once in

a while and engages with the parent in play. When the stranger comes in, the baby

checks in with the parent to sense whether or not it is safe for the baby

to interact with the stranger. The baby decides that since the parent is not

afraid or concerned, that the stranger must not be a threat and begins to play

a little with the stranger too. Then when the parent leaves, the baby, startled at

the departure, is upset and goes to the door to follow after the parent. The

stranger stays there calmly, and offers to provide comfort for

the baby. The baby seeks some comfort from the stranger, and eventually calms

down a little, but never seems fully comfortable. When the parent returns, the

reunion between the parent and baby is joyful! The baby runs to the parent to

seek comfort, and the parent scoops up the baby and says some comforting words.

The baby hugs, and practically melts into the parent. Soon, they return to playing

together. So now we return to what is elementary my dear Watson. When we look

closer at these behaviors what are their essential elements? Throughout this

interaction we see the baby: freely explore the play area, regularly check in

with the parent, express some wariness at the presence of the stranger, show

reliance on the parents emotional cues to sense whether the stranger is safe,

exhibit distress at separation from the parent, seek comfort from the stranger, be

joyful and relieved at being reunited with the parent, and seem comforted by

the parents presence. From these clues, we can deduce that the baby in this

scenario trusts the parent as a source of comfort and support, and is deeply

needed when the baby is uncertain or scared. But the key to this entire case

is found in the reunion between the parent and the baby.

The joyful relief in the loving reunion between the parent and baby in this

scenario signals the strength and security of their bond. The baby feels

safe and happy when the parent is near and the parent seeks to provide the baby

comfort and relief from distress. Indeed these two have the markers of a secure

attachment relationship. Now, let's see about baby number two. This baby enters

with the parent and they both appear generally lacking in enthusiasm to

explore the playroom. They play a little, but more next to, rather than with, one

another. The baby exhibits some wariness at the presence of the stranger, but

seems equally interested in playing with the stranger as with the parent. When the

parent leaves the baby hardly seems to notice or care at being left alone with

a stranger, but may show subtle signs of distress like searching for the parent

to try to figure out where the parent has gone. But when the parent returns a

few minutes later, instead jumping up and running to the parent

asking to be held, the baby seems to hardly acknowledge the return, as if the

parent's presence or absence matters very little. So when we look closer at these

behaviors, what are their essential elements? Throughout this interaction we

see the baby: explore the playroom very little, engage very little with the

parent, express some wariness of the stranger, play similarly with the

stranger as with the parent, exhibit little outward distress during the

parents departure, and show limited joy and relief at the parents return. From

these clues we can deduce that the baby shows a general avoidance and even a

disinterest in exploration engagement and seeking comfort from the parent. And

the key here in this case seems to also lie in the reunion. We note the baby's

avoidance of the parent upon the return, almost out of anger at the parent having

left in the first place. These are the hallmark behaviors of what we call an

insecure avoidant attachment style. Now we turn to baby number three baby. Baby number

three is altogether different curiosity. Like baby number two, baby number three

also lacks the drive to explore new surroundings, but exhibits the same

wariness at the presence of the stranger. When the parent leaves, baby number three

may seem distressed, and may seek some comfort from the stranger or may search

for the parent. But when the parent returns, baby expresses outward anger

toward the parent. The baby might go to the adult, but instead of settling in for

a comforting hug, pulls away in anger and frustration. Or instead of running to the

parent to reunite in search of comfort, the baby might stay where they are on

the floor and cry. So when we look closer at these behaviors, what are their

essential elements? Throughout this interaction we see the baby: show a

limited exploration of the playroom, exhibit some wariness of the stranger, be

distressed at the parents departure, express anger at the parents return, and

seem unable or unwilling to receive comfort from the parent.

So from these clues we can deduce that the baby in this scenario does not

regularly seek the parent as a source of comfort, and may often feel abandoned and

left to suffer alone. And again the reunion tells the story of

anger at being left, instead of searching for joy and comfort upon reunion. Baby

number three expresses what we call an insecure ambivalent/resistant

pattern of attachment. Lastly, we have baby number four, perhaps the most

curious and distressing case of all. Baby number four shows a non-coherent pattern

of behavior that doesn't fit any of our previous scenarios. Most notably when

distressed, baby number four doesn't show any ability to effectively seek comfort

from the parent or the stranger, and even expresses fear at the offers of comfort

from either adult. The baby may seek help from the stranger when the parent leaves,

or may curl up in a ball on the floor and cry alone. This baby shows a

lack of awareness of the parents departure, and then upon the parents

return, runs away and hides instead of running to the parent to seek comfort.

When we look closer at these behaviors, what are their essential elements?

Throughout this interaction we see the baby: express unusual and erratic

behavior, be distressed at the parents departure, show no coherent ability to

cope or seek comfort, and express distress or even fear at the parent's

return. From these clues, we can deduce that this baby expresses some highly

unusual behaviors. By this age, we would expect the baby to be able to show some

kind of strategy to help calm themselves down when they're upset, or to seek

comfort from an adult around them. Instead, we see very little coherence in

how baby number four acts, and even when the parent returns the baby may run and

hide or shrink away in fear. These behaviors may even indicate some history

of potential abuse or neglect on the part of the parent. Thus baby number four

expresses what we call an insecure disorganized attachment pattern. Using

our powers of observation and deduction, we have discovered four types of

attachment patterns in this strange situation. These patterns are not the

only ones that arise, and it should be noted that these

experiments are done primarily with people from Western European cultural

backgrounds. Over the many decades since the strange situation paradigm emerged,

there have been many subsequent studies that have looked at different

experiences, behaviors, and cultural backgrounds, and their effects on

attachment. But the bottom line remains the same: these interactions between

parents and children early in life set the foundation for how children will

trust and understand the world around them. Will it be a joyful or a scary

place? Will children learn to trust or be

fearful of others? But that that my dear Watson, is a mystery for another day.

Thanks for watching! If you like what you saw, give us a thumbs up as that

helps us out a lot. And if you liked what you saw and would like to see more, you

can hit that subscribe button. And if you click that little bell icon, you can get

a notification every time we upload a video to the channel. And if you want to

help this channel keep going and keep growing, you can always find us over on And as always thanks for

watching and we'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> The Mystery of the Strange Situation Experiment - Duration: 9:57.


Valentine's Day Glam | Sweet + Simple - Duration: 2:13.

Hey Guys, whats up it's Jazmin if you are new to my channel

Welcome! Today I am going to be showing you how to get this really


look for Valentine's Day.

For more infomation >> Valentine's Day Glam | Sweet + Simple - Duration: 2:13.


World's Worst Samurai | HelloRasmus - Duration: 12:25.

Ohh, stop it, stop it!

I'm the worst!

Stop it, stop it..

Hello internet, It's your best friend Rasmus!

- and welcome to Kyoto best Japan in case you're -

- wondering why these girls are dressed so nicely.

Kyoto has a ton of temples!

Do you think I have time to show you all of them?

No, I don't so we're picking the prettiest one -

- and it's this one, it's big and beautiful and nice -

- but let's do this..








Guys so this temple is called Kiyomizu-dera



Wauw, I have no idea what this is..

Okay so, apparently this is god's... statues of gods -

- and then they put on this red little skirt -

- to keep them warm..





Check it out!

Wauw, this feels like a Drake song..



You look very pretty.

Very very pretty..



What is this thing?

For real, what is this?

It's like a horse carriage, but with a human person..

I bought an ice cream, and it's green..

Mm-hmm it's really good..

It tastes like tea and ice cream.

What's not to like?

Ooh, so cold!

If this ice cream was a rapper -

- It's name would be Ice-T..

No, we'll cut that out..

Check guys!

We found a Flying Tiger Christmas party!


There's so much going on in here..

I like your outfit!



In my country we say: hi.

Oh my god, this is so cozy.

Everyone's wearing Christmas clothes, and I'm not I should change oh

This is much better guys, let's have some Christmas fun

Thank you

It's cold look. It's a very famous Christmas drink in Denmark its wine its Emmons. It raisins

It's all sorts of spices

And a lot of cinnamon

It's good

It's like Danish quick

Shoot see it kind of feels like a Danish Christmas party right Anton it kind of feels like yeah, weird face

And look what I just got this is Japan's way of trying to make liscus time we sweet potatoes

That's good

Everyone's watching me right now

They're dancing around the Christmas tree tour Danish song

So I think what's going on now is they're gonna play a very traditional Danish Christmas game called loculi

Everyone gets a present in Denmark not everyone gets a pressed Christmas time. It's over

Okay enough Christmas, let's go somewhere else fine

Good morning, guys and welcome to another beautiful day in Tokyo it's so quiet

and it's actually quite warm which is a

pretty amazing

Okay, it was quiet for a very short period of time

we are on a way to a

Musically Meetup we're gonna meet a bunch of musers from Japan

I'm in one already sees also a youtuber her name is Mari Rihanna on the YouTube go check her out link in the description

It is gonna be kind of exciting because I'm not sure

If everyone speaks English, so we'll be fine. We'll be fine. Let's go there ah


We're in Ginza this this place is called Ginza

This is like the since where all the fancy stores are and what is really fantastic is they shut down the biggest road so you?

Can walk on it. It's pretty cool, and you can do Backstreet Boys blows

Yeah, so basically you can go shop and you can just have fun and you can be like Backstreet Boys pose

It's a pretty nice place. We've got some some mall here. There's a mall here, and here's a Backstreet Boys pose

so everybody started watching me, but it doesn't matter because

Boys pose I think we're here at the Museum meetup in Japan yeah

Let's do this

So many people so many musically fans

I'm the top in Japan yeah

So great wait goodbye yes success

That's me I'm number one. That's a perfect day for a music meetup in Japan to be number one. Okay. Let's make some videos

What kind of song is that

What's this

We went out on the street to film some videos

We're gonna do a Christmas version of juju and the bead I think it's gonna be fun oh

Hey guys yeah, it's just me looking like an idiot in public again, huh, that's what I do

What an idiot it


No matter


Mean I can barely walk and these guys are dancing pros

I gotta practice

My mom

Good morning

I'm super super tired

But we're going so we're cool

Note to self

Don't get up early in Tokyo stay home. Don't go out in rush hour, which is like I know seven to nine

Stay home sleep sleep in have a good time watching Japanese TV in the morning and then go out

I'm gonna take a nap and I'll see you somewhere in a bit

Hey today. I'm learning to be a samurai

So the first thing we're gonna. Do is we're gonna change our outfits because we can't look like this if to look like this

Like a brother to the Dean

My name is blitzberg and the town will keep here here. Yes

As a box of keys I stand

Fancy suicide pat-down yeah, I'm an intern no samurai okay?

This is not easy guys, but it's a lot of fun, and they're really really good at it, and they're gonna show us now


Very good

Hey, how long did you practice?

Me yes, 20 yeah after 20 years before and I did karate oh

You're a killing machine

or a self-defense machine

So guy what is gonna happen now is we're gonna

Learn how to cut something with real swords, is that a real song. This is fake one, but we getting a real sword

We're doing this now guys

That felt cool

this some right

and the name

less than the name Rasmus Corbeau

We got a diploma it's pretty cool mother. Thank you so much. Yeah, thank you wait

That was a lot of fun if you want to try that there's a link in the description

Okay moving on oh

Wow, I'm all packed up cuz I'm going on

This trip has been pretty great. It's been a lot of fun. I met a lot of cool people and Japan you were wonderful

I'll see you later

I'm in the airplane leaving Tokyo as we speak or I'm speaking you're just listening

I want to give a big shout out to the a pen specialist such a pain specialist for helping me plan this trip

There's a link in the description

So go check that out because they are really cool, and they know all about Japan

Okay, that's it. I mean the thanks for watching this video and remember to subscribe

Just subscribe already, okay, bye so um I'm gonna read some one piece, so you are gonna do something else so bye


For more infomation >> World's Worst Samurai | HelloRasmus - Duration: 12:25.


mousesports Dr Pepper AMA - Part 4 - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> mousesports Dr Pepper AMA - Part 4 - Duration: 3:29.


Haustiere zum Kuscheln! Was man bei der Anschaffung und der Haltung eines Tieres beachten muss - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> Haustiere zum Kuscheln! Was man bei der Anschaffung und der Haltung eines Tieres beachten muss - Duration: 6:37.


New Nail Art 2018 💓💝 The Best Nail Art Compilation #26 | Nail Art Designs & Ideas - Duration: 10:03.

Hope you love its!

I love you

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> New Nail Art 2018 💓💝 The Best Nail Art Compilation #26 | Nail Art Designs & Ideas - Duration: 10:03.


Lo mejor de la Copa THC Valencia 2018, una de las copas cannábicas más importantes de España - Duration: 9:59.

- Thc Valencia is one of the most important Cups in Spain. This year, an emotive trivute to Goyo Fernandez

- was cellebrated there... He was an important and loved by everybody activist who died last year.

- Welcome to the Thc Valencia Cup 8th edition,

- increasing afluence like every year... We're really happy

- because we've broken expectatives... People is so much committed with the cause... They come to get some info

- because this is not only about getting high... This is like innaugurating the events season...

- There is always a lot of people... It always works really good because everbody

- asks... Everybody wants things... They're waiting... A lot of time since the last event,

- so people desires the start of this kind of events... We love it. It's our 3rd year

- and i think it's a must to be cup. Because of people's volume and growing knowledge of the zone.

- Well... Since we came to Valencia, we've been here every year... Since 2012 i think.

- We've been always collaborating with Thc Valencia... We're from the same neibourghood

- so... Maybe one of the best events i've seen... A great success. Well, other year here... Grassroots can't fail

- in this kind of events... We think being here outdoors is awesome... Thanks to

- God or the weed or... Today it's a great day... And it's awesome to enjoy these good vibes. Participation and

- vibes are every year better... And here in Valencia.

- We've got diverse artists and activities... Fernando Costa and

- and Mariah, that will make us enjoy with their music... Goyo's tribute... Conferences were great because

- because we're goin to treat a lot of themes... Specially medicinal because Forum Cannabico Valenciano comes,

- Thc Valencia lawyer too... Users everytime investigate more and they try to look for

- alternatives... We're really happy. We came to talk about drogo test... 2 processes just right now in

- constitutional court... We have recently obtained a resolution from Canary Islands that,

- as labs said, he had 13.5kg... Weight in was an error. It seems a few courts

- with more open minds... Well... We're obtaining absolutions including getting back their marijuana ...

- We're getting victories at some provintial audiences but, when it arrives to courts,

- all this kind of initiatives fall down even coming granted by city and province courts.

- Hi good afternoon... We are in Thc Valencia... We're from Cali Terpenes... We try to reproduce all these flavours

- that we really love from cannabis, to let consumers use it with multiple products.

- What can we get with Cali terpenes? In the most part of extractions, we loose flavour or fragrance,

- when we speak about cannabis, if it wasn't well dried, it keeps thc,

- but without its fagrance and flavour... We can add it back

- to return its original fragrances.

- We need to investigate it more... To get more knowledge, not as thc or cbd, about terpenes

- because it could complete the effect to treat thousands of patologies actually.

- In general, people knows us, only a few don't know anything about us...They maybe only know star products

- like Bud Candy or Big Bud... What we're doing is taking them to the 2nd level... Explaining them what they can get

- with our bases and root boosters... Voodoo Juice, Piranha, Tarantula... Expanding theyr knowledge about our line.

- We've got our own crew... They visit us every year... They want theyr Grassroots' cap...

- And everybody knows that.

- We've got a lot of more samples than in other years... Our categories are... Indoor, Outdoor, Hash, Bho, Rosin,

- and well... Really high quality samples... Our cup is growing up a lot and that's what we want... And we want a change

- about autocultivation right, and to get deeper in medicinal effects to paliate people who suffers and make them easier

- to access to a better quality of life. I've been judge this year... Well the samples we've received

- were completely high quality... Maybe a few were still a little bit green... But the most of them

- were high quality, really clean and... Well it depends of anyone's tastes but... Really nice weeds. Every year

- i've been coming a few years... And every year it's better. Another year i've been extractions judge...

- Hash without solvents... Maybe i wasnt's lucky... But the most part of the samples were not

- made here so i didn't want to valuate it... Honesty as the first value.

- We come as Cali Terpenes as judges and we're in bho category... We've been surprised. Really nice level, all

- samples were excellent... A lot of textures... A lot of equipment and nice weed to get it...

- Some extraction was really pure... Well finished... Really clean...

- Really difficult to get a winner until the last moment... There was even a draw... I recommend you to

- visit it... We must always support this kind of events... To have a nice day... Anyone can take its own product

- to share... It's always nice. I really recommend it. Thanks to all sponsors of this event

- Family Ganja and Thc Valencia... One more Cup... We hope something more for the next year.

- Not simply another cup... Greetings.

For more infomation >> Lo mejor de la Copa THC Valencia 2018, una de las copas cannábicas más importantes de España - Duration: 9:59.


"I removed your eyebrow!" PRANK ON HUSBAND - Duration: 4:01.

♪Like That - Wantigga♪

What's up, what's up, what's up YouTube?

I'm about to do an amazing prank on Julian I'm going to, basically, take off his eyebrows

with some hair removal cream I don't want him to hear me, so that's why

i'm whispering but, let's go

M: *laughs* J: Were you gonna shave it?

M: No J: You were gonna shave my eyebrow?

M: No!

J: What was that?

J: *laughs* J: You failed

M: I didn't fail J: You did

M: No I didn't, guess why?

J: What?

M: It's Nair J: My eyebrows gonna fall off?

M: It's hair removal cream J: My eyebrows gonna fall off?

J: No, no, no, no, no it's not.

It's not.

*laughs* J: Ah, it actually feels thin.

You're lying J: Awh, awh you're lying!

My eyebrows going?

M: *laughs* J: AWH!



J: No, it's not... why does my eyebrow look thin?

M: *laughs* J: Oh my gosh.

I'm gonna use your towel J: Ah!

It burns!

M: So say #mush go on.

I got you.


M: You've still got some on your hair!'s probably removing it right now!

J: You're tryna make me go bald M: *laughs*

J: What's wrong with you?

You know I've got my jacked up hairline already J: What's wrong?

M: Well peoples.

You already know how it is - I got Julian.

We're going hard this year!

M: Say it, you know I got you good.

J: I just said it though, didn't I?

M: ...You know I got you good J: #TeamBUBBA -

All day.


M: Whatever J: I'm coming back at you

M: Whatever M: Okay, so basically, the prank didn't go

entirely like I wanted (it) to - I wanted his entire eyebrow gone

J: I feel like it has a bit - I'm not gonna lie

M: No, you just have messed up eyebrows J: No I don't

M: Yeah, you do J: It's the best feature on my face

M: Julian, you've got a little...

J: No I don't M: Yeah, you do -

I told you to take it out quickly J: I washed my hair

M: Did I get him good?

- I got him good -

I got a good reaction, be honest J: You didn't execute it good enough

M: I doesn't matter.

Your reaction was so good!

J: For you to get me when I was asleep...

M: Bye!

J: It's ON!

♪Like That - Wantigga♪

For more infomation >> "I removed your eyebrow!" PRANK ON HUSBAND - Duration: 4:01.


The search for "aha!" moments | Matt Goldman - Duration: 14:13.

So it's 1969, New York City,

third grade music class,

and our teacher brings us into a room with nothing but a piano and chairs.

And one by one, he calls us up,

and he plays middle C, and he asks us to sing it.


And you're either instructed to go to the right of the room

or the left side of the room.


And when all 35 kids are done,

the left side of the room, which I was a part of,

was told to stand up and go back to home room.


And none of us ever received another music class again

in elementary school.

An in club and an out club was established,

and I didn't even know what the gating test was in the moment.

A few years later, English class ...


first paper of a new semester,

and I get the paper back,

and it's C+,

with the comment, "Good as can be expected."


Now, honestly, I didn't mind a C+.

I was just happy it wasn't a C- or a D.

But the "good as can be expected" comment ...

even at that young age, it didn't seem right.

It seemed somehow limiting.

Now, how many people here have had an experience similar to that,

either at school or the workplace?

We're not alone.

So I guess it might be ironic

that my life path would lead me to a career

of making music and writing for Blue Man Group


and starting a school.


But school was torture for me.

As someone who didn't have a natural proclivity for academics,

and my teachers never seemed to understand me,

I didn't know how to navigate schools

and schools didn't know what to do with me.

So I started to ask the question, even back then,

if these environments didn't know what to do

with people who didn't fit a standard mold,

why weren't we reshaping the environments

to take advantage of people's strengths?

What I've come to believe

is that we need to cultivate safe and conducive conditions

for new and innovative ideas to evolve and thrive.

We know that humans are innately innovative,

because if we weren't,

we'd all be using the same arrowheads that we were using 10,000 years ago.

So one of the things that I started to question is,

are there ways to make innovation easier

and happen more frequently?

Is there a way to take those aha moments,

those breakthroughs that seem to happen randomly and occasionally,

and have them happen intentionally and frequently?

When we started Blue Man Group in 1988,

we had never done an off-Broadway show before.

We'd actually done almost no theater.

But we knew what we were passionate about,

and it was a whole series of things that we had never seen onstage before,

things like art and pop culture and technology and sociology

and anthropology and percussion and comedy and following your bliss.

We established a rule

that nothing made it onstage if we had seen it before,

and we wanted to inspire creativity and connectedness

in ourselves and our audiences;

we wanted to do a little bit of social good,

and we wanted to have fun doing it.

And in the office,

we wanted to create an environment where people treated each other

just a little bit better,

just a little bit more respect and consideration

than in the outside world.

And we continued to iterate and collaborate and find solutions

to create things that hadn't been seen.

Over time, I've come to identify the optimal conditions

for these types of creative and innovative environments

are clear intent, purpose and passion:

this is working on something bigger than ourselves.

Personal integrity:

it's doing what we say we're going to do.

It's being our authentic self in all interactions.

Direct communication and clear expectations,

even when the subject matter is difficult.

Grit and perseverance:

iteration, iteration, iteration.

Establish collaborative teams.

Instill deep trust and mutual respect.

Everyone on your team is in.

There is no out club.

We rise as a team, we fall as a team,

and decisions are decisions until they're not.

Embrace multiple perspectives.

This means all voices matter, all emotions matter.

Address disagreements head-on.

People should feel seen and heard.

Take risks and celebrate mistakes.

A commitment to being a learning organization,

always trying to spiral upwards the innovation and learning curves.

And speak in one voice.

This is perhaps the glue that holds all these conditions together.

The concept is that we speak in the exact same manner

about someone who's not in the room

as if they are in the room.

Now this seems basic, but it's an aspirational practice

that helps deal with difficult situations in a more respectful way.

Sewing this practice in can have a profound effect on raising the bar,

on mutual respect, trust,

reducing gossip and politics in the office and the classroom,

and thus reducing the noise that gets in the way of the innovative process.

At Blue Man Group, iteration was essential for our creative process.

We were writing a piece

where we were trying to illustrate the consumption / waste loop

in a funny and creative and surprising way for our audiences.

Now, if you have yourselves thought about trying to do the same endeavor,

I can save you a lot of time right here and now.

I can definitively tell you

that oatmeal, Jell-O, Cream of Wheat,

Gak, pudding, clay, tapioca, Silly Putty and tomato paste

do not slide through a tube that's coiled up under your costumes

that's meant to come out an orifice in your chest

and spray towards the audience.

It won't happen.


After months of iteration, we finally happened upon bananas.


Who knew that bananas would have the exact right properties

to stay solid even when pushed through a tube with forced air,

yet slippery enough to have the dramatic oozing effect

that we were looking for.


This piece became a signature of the Blue Man show.

But we didn't throw out all the rules of theater altogether.

We had set designs. We had lighting designs.

We had a stage manager calling the shows.

But I'm fairly sure we were one of the very first shows

that was connecting with our audience in a respectful way,

by hanging them upside down,


dipping them in paint,

slamming them against a canvas,


putting their heads in 70 pounds of Jell-O,

and then making them one of the heroes of the show.


Besides that, we didn't reinvent what didn't need to be reinvented.


Years later, we took all this learning and we created a school --

a school for our children that we wish we had gone to,

a school where it was just as important

what happened in the hallways between classes

as what happened in the classes;

a place where you got music class even when you couldn't sing middle C.

At Blue School, teachers and parents and students

are equal collaborators at the table,

intentionally creating a safe space

where they can develop a lifelong, joyful passion for learning.

Again, we didn't try to reinvent the wheel when it didn't need to be reinvented.

We don't shy away from the more traditional methods

like direct instruction, when it's the best way into a lesson.

But we balance it with an integrated learning across all subjects approach,

and balance is the key.

In fact, Blue School was founded

on a balance between academic mastery, creative thinking,

and self and social intelligence.

I realize that this might sound like common sense,

but in some circles, this is radical.


And these qualities have brought a lot of attention to Blue School

as a truly innovative school.

Nearly 10 years in,

we announced the expansion of the middle school.

Our faculty asked our sixth graders

to participate in the development of middle school values.

Their process began with a question:

What do you need from our community to be happy and productive at school?

Students moved through a six-week process of individual work, collaborative work,

refinement, and consensus,

and the list they came up with is really extraordinary.

Be engaged and present with each other.

Respect and support what others need in order to learn.

Be inclusive of our diversity --

the way we look, think and act.

Cultivate the practice of self-awareness and awareness of others.

Honor and make time for fun and joy.

And challenge ourselves,

practice being OK,

making mistakes,

and support each other through them.

Remember, these kids were 11 years old when they came up with this.

They articulated what took us 20 years to identify.

One of the great by-products of creating these vibrant communities

is that we become attractors for people who want to prioritize these values.

They want to prioritize it above things like money and prestige and tradition.

We can all be on this road together,

you at your own values in your own companies,

in your own communities and families.

For us, for me, it was about prioritizing children's voices

to give them the tools to help build a harmonious and sustainable world.

I invite you to be on this exciting,

passionate, joyful journey together.

And together, good as can be expected

is limitless when the expectation

is that by reshaping our environments,

we can change the world.

Thank you.


For more infomation >> The search for "aha!" moments | Matt Goldman - Duration: 14:13.


Stock Market, Reptilians, Dracos, Qanon and the BIG Picture! In5 - Duration: 3:16.

Stock Market, Reptilians, Dracos, Qanon and the BIG Picture! In5D FB Live w Gregg Prescott

Ep. #16

by Gregg Prescott

The Nikkei stock market took a beating last night. Look for the Dow Jones to follow suit.

In the grander scheme, this is the Rockefellers and Rothschilds fighting back against the

swamp being drained.

These are also the same people who have been rigging the precious metals markets. Several

experts have concluded that there is about as much physical silver left on this planet

as there is physical gold. Soon, there will be less as silver is commonly used in many

ways. Some experts see silver going as high as $1000 an ounce (or higher) once the rigging

ends. This probably won�t happen until we see an end to the fiat currency of the US

Petrodollar that funds the military industrial complex.

In the bigger picture, there is still a war going on in the aethers but it�s a war that

we�ve already won. Similar to the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, the Reptilians and Dracos

are running scared and have nowhere to hide.

While it�s exciting to see the swamp being drained, please bear in mind that the US Military

Industrial Complex (MIC) is STILL running at full force.It wouldn�t surprise me if

Qanon is a backing factor from the MIC. Recently, US Armed insurgents from Syria shot down a

Russian plane which killed the pilot. It�s scenarios like this which could be the impetus

for WWIII, thus once again, supporting the MIC, which President Eisenhower warned us

about in his exit speech in 1961.

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds still control the money, which is what controls the MIC.

If the swamp is being drained, then drain ALL of it, republicans included, such as the

Bush family, Cheney, Powell, McConnell, McCain, etc�

Please remember that NONE of this is REAL (except the vibration of LOVE)! We are simply

consciousness experiencing life as co-creators and we are co-creating the reality for when

we wake up from this dream. As real as this all seems, it�s just consciousness having

the experience through our particular vessels and interacting with the consciousnesses of

everyone around us to create this �reality�.

Qanon is NOT your savior. YOU ARE!

If you want to follow along with the live comments, click the play button on the video

below, then click the Facebook icon on the lower right hand side of the video:

Sending you all infinite LOVE and LIGHT,

For more infomation >> Stock Market, Reptilians, Dracos, Qanon and the BIG Picture! In5 - Duration: 3:16.



okay guys I'm back today is day 28 of my juice fast and I wanted to check in with

you to let you know that I'm still on my juice fast I'm doing great I'm feeling

good I'm doing a test livestream this is a private one I used to do livestream

quite frequently when I first started my channel August 2017 my channel is

relatively new I only been on this channel for six months I want to start

off by saying you guys can you please support the channel by subscribing you

know that YouTube is studying this new rule that you have to have four thousand

hours of video or watch time and a thousand subscribers and I think ten

thousand views so there's like three pieces of things that YouTube needs in

order for you to stay relevant on YouTube platform or you'll have to

reapply to be in the YouTube program now the watch time is not a problem for me

I've been on this channel for six months doing my content and I have over a

million watched I'm Way over a million so it's unbelievable in six months I got

over a million watch time so I'm not writing about the watch time I just got

to get my subscriber count up so I can stay relevant so I just wanted to one do

this as a test video to make sure everything is going smoothly because on

the 30th and maybe each day I'm going to do a live so that you guys can talk to

me one-on-one

and switch it up a little bit from the tree recordings you know I'm not doing

it because I need the watch time I got plenty of watch time I'm Way over the

4,000 watch time I'm at a million plus watch time what's concerning right now

with me on my channel is my subscriber base and that's very low so I'm just

asking you to support the channel but before I begin with my weight loss

journey I just want to say to all of us in the weight loss community let's stay

at peace and let's not think that everything on this platform in the

weight loss community is about you it's about all of us if you start getting up

here making videos and it seems like you're doing a weight loss video but

it's really a beef with another youtuber or some certain way you feel about a

certain youtuber and you don't even know that person you have never seen them in

person you know nothing about them we did win there off camera YouTube starts

to look at this stuff so it's really important for us all to get along

remember what is important and that's our weight loss reaching our goals in

supporting one another that's all that matters at the end of the day all this

other BS is BS and we have to be mindful that when we lose sight or what we're

here to do which is lose weight get healthy and look good looking before you

know there to be spring its brain comes before somebody just want to look good

for spring then summer we don't want to be walking around with love handles and

big guts it's not a good look I know it's not a good book I started gaining

weight October this is the side of me I have not shared with you guys I started

gaining weight up over 16 I mean October 2016 I'm sorry I

noticed that I may have gained maybe 1520 pounds but it didn't make a big

deal so from October 16 to November December

January 2017 another three months went by and I did start to notice that my

weight was picking up another three months later into the new year January

17 then February January February March April

it wasn't until April 17 2017 that I started taking action I started working

out two hours a day on my stationary bike seven days a week and I have not

missed the day but a few times and I can count on one hand how many times I've

missed cycling on my bike you can commit yourself to doing or workout along with

the eating regimen to lose weight or people like to call their diet I don't

call it a diet but you can you can you can you can you know put the two

together working out eating is the most important is what you do in the kitchen

first and then the working out is to tone and really make yourself look sharp

you know it molds it all together but I started to do something about it April

2017 I started doing the intermitting fast 24 hour

I mean 23 hour fast one hour window to eat and I ate whatever I wanted I was

losing weight but not like I'm losing the weight now like in phase one of my

juice fast will be on the 11th that would be 30 days I've been on juice no

solid foods just liquids and I I've lost close to 30 pounds in 30 days doing the

juice fast and working out still 2 hours a day so honestly

December I was semi-serious I've been doing this journey for a year and I

wasn't getting any results or small results with the intermitting fast the

intermitting fast for me is not going to work into our reboot my system and lose

all of the way and use the intimating fast to maintain it because I have the

option of a tower window to eat with 16 hours that I can fast and eight of those

hours are usually when you sleep because you're not eating when you're I'm

sleeping and then that's what I'll do or one hour window to eat 23 hour fast

that's when I want to move weight throughout the week that maybe I've

gained saying I gained 5 pounds because I'm gonna watch out for that now and if

I gain it I'll do the intermittent fast 1 hour

window to eat 23 hour fast but this juice fast here I love it it took

control back of my life I don't wake up everyone and worrying about food what am

I gonna eat feeling hungry after like 72 hours your hunger goes away

I could literally like I did yesterday I you know what I had yesterday I had a

shot of dandelion what is it called dandelion leaf that you know fresh thyme

that you get in the salad sex on section and I had some celery it makes a real

green juice and I drink I drink a shot of that just a shot every single day and

then I drink some water with fresh lime or lemon juice in it and then later on I

might have some liver it's called liberty I get it from the Asian market

and I put some honey in it 2 tablespoons which is like 120 calories it's like 60

calories per tablespoon and I also put lemon in it cuz I like to have something

warm because I'm starting a juice fast in the wintertime picture

that but when you want something bad enough you don't care about starting a

fast in the winter time you just want to lose this weight I'm so serious about

losing this weight I haven't given anybody but time what I'm gonna stop

fasting because the time that I'm going to stop stop juice fasting it's not in

30 days it's when I lose all of the weight there's two special occasions one

coming up this month that I want to look good for and one being myself so in

order for me to get to that goal I must stay on the juice fast and why wouldn't

I I'm feeling great I'm sleeping better it's helping my anxiety I couldn't ask

for anything else I could not ask for anything else and I do a video seven

days a week usually in the morning but before the day is out you can come to my

channel and I'm always gonna have an update video of my progress and I'm

doing great I have three more days to go for my seven-day way in which is always

on Sunday I'm gonna tell you right now I am past the halfway mark there's only

seven days in a week and I'm already at 4 pounds down and I have three days left

so you do the math on what you think my weight loss is going to be for those

seven days which will be on Sunday

For more infomation >> DAY 28 OF MY JUICE FAST WEIGHT LOSS HACK HOW TO-MY WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY - Duration: 10:09.


Connect a Do-more PLC to a GS4 VFD via Modbus TCP - Duration: 2:47.

We want a Do-more PLC to talk to a GS4 Drive over Modbus TCP.

For this video, we'll be using this network setup .

You will also need the GS4 Drive's optional Modbus TCP com Card to communicate using Modbus


To configure the Do-more enabled PLC for Modbus TCP, you just go to the system configuration

and setup the IP Address to be compatible with the network the GS4 Drive is on, which

in this example is this.

There is a separate video showing how to configure the GS4 for Modbus TCP and I've already

done that.

So, all we need to do now sends commands.

Let's have contact C10 do a Modbus write.

We need the built-in Modbus TCP Client, our GS4 Drive is at address, and we are writing

to a single location.

In appendix B of the GS4 user manual we see that Modbus TCP frequency commands need to

be sent to address 8194 and since this chart uses the plus 1 addressing convention for

the decimal addresses and that's exactly what the Do-more PLC expects, so we put that

… here.

The Do-more pre-pends the 4 for us.

And let's set the frequency to 60 hz.

Let's copy and paste that rung and modify it so C11 changes the frequency to 45 Hz.

Copy and Paste again and let's have C12 run forward which we know from that appendix

B table is done at this address … and this binary value which is this in hex.

Copy and paste again.

And let's have C13 …. write to the same control Modbus address but set the bits to

run in reverse.

Copy and paste again and have C14 write to the same control Modbus Control Address but

set the bits to stop the drive.

And let's add the END Let's give each of these control bits a

name so they are easier to read in the data view.


Accept that, and write it to the Do-more PLC.

Let's bring up a Data View and add those control bits.

The drive is configured for Modbus TCP and it is in REMOTE mode so it's ready to go.

The PLC is running so if we activate the 45 Hz instruction, sure enough the drive changes


If we activate the 60 Hz instruction – the drive reacts accordingly.

If we toggle the run instruction the motor starts turning and we see it is in the forward


Toggle the reverse contact and the motor changes direction and toggle the stop contact and

the motor ramps to a stop.

Exactly what we expected.

Click here to learn more about the GS4 Drive.

Click here to learn about AutomationDirect's free support options, and click here to subscribe

to our YouTube channel so you will be notified when we publish new videos.

For more infomation >> Connect a Do-more PLC to a GS4 VFD via Modbus TCP - Duration: 2:47.


Integrating in Holland - Duration: 6:39.

Hey, Turkish! Other people.

Who are trying to pretend something they are not.

No, you will never love this country

I am very pleased,

that you are with me today.

that we agreed to meet up

and that...

You were one of the first people who supported me with my channel

I would like to ask you: what brought you to Holland?

How do you feel, living in Holland?

- In Holland I feel absolutely amazing.

I think for living, it's one of the best countries

Taking into account all pros and cons

minus and pluses.

What brought me? I got married.

At first , my mom moved to Holland

Later my sister,

Then I went to the Netherlands to visit them

and actually met my husband.

Now I live in Holland for 8 years a very happy life.

What was the most weird about Dutches at first?

For me it was weird that they are whisteling

Both men and women, right?

yes, that they are whistling while walking in the supermarket, just some funny song.

At the beginning it was also weird that people you never met are saying "Hi" to you

When I just came, supermarkets and shops were closed on Sundays

at least at the place where Iive, maybe in bigger cities they were working.

but now they are working so everything is just fine

It's difficult, when you are not used to...

for example, if here I need a doctor,

we are just going to the hospital and most probably that would be a private clinic

we are just calling and making an arrangement for today or tomorrow.

In the Netherlands is't different, you have to make an appointment with your family doctor,

then you are redirected to the spacialist you actually need.

- it takes quite some time, right?

- yes, but not always

I am lucky with my family doctor

I always get arrangements whenever I need, I do not have a problem with it.

While some people are complaining.

That the only thing that is prescribed to you is paracetamol - isn't true.

- What surprised you in a good way?

well I like that people are friendly, for example you are entering supermarket, and accidently dropped something,

broke the bottle...

No one will ever be rude about it, no one will talk to you, like you did something horrible

Staff is very friendly and helpful, you do not have to pay for this.

I like service in the Netherlands, it is much higher then here, in Ukraine.

Ukrainians are only learning how to be polite.

In some places staff members are smiling...

Service in the Netherlands is amazing

In general. no one cares that I am not wearing hills

No one goes outside to throw out the trash wearing makeup and louboutins

What are you doing in the Netherlands?

For some time I was trying to find myself, reselling the clothes from Odessa online through facebook

I just finished manicure courses

So now I am busy with arranging my own nail studio

Another question about mass immigration to Western Europe

One of the most discussed topics

It's hard to judge.

As in our town there are not that many immigrants

We are talking about immigrants from Syria, right?

- yes, right

so just what I've heard, is that together with people from Syria there are newcomers, who pretend to be someone they are not

I never faced with this problems personally

Among people I know I also never heard about problems

But I've heard from someone that somewhere someone is getting rapped,

someone got robbed.

I just wondering whether it's done my Syrian...?

I believe the people who are really running from war, they are just trying to save their lives.

at the same time they are getting labeled...

facing negativity and aggression.

It's not proved Syrian do this...

- Have you ever experienced any negative attitude, just because you are not Dutch?

-From Dutches?

- Yes.

No, but I remember one time...

It was somewhere at the carting I interrupted someone and took wrong line

I don't remember exactly how it was.

and someone, probably not even a Dutch person, said:

"Hey you, Turkish!"

Apart from this, I never experience not being accepted.

Probably it depends on community.

We are living in international environment

As long as my husband was born in Germany, studied in Hong Kong and now works and lives in Germany

So among our friends we do not even have that many Dutch people, mostly international.

maybe that's why I never faced this.

- What are your wished to people who would like to move to Holland?

or maybe experiencing some difficulties living there now?

In general, those who are immigrating are girls,

I would like to advise:

If you are moving, to get a visa - it's better not to.

you won't love this country.

Not because it's bad,

because any country won't be good,

facing difficulties you didn't use to:

kids, who are not getting homework,

doctors, who cannot cure you right away.

You will never be happy at the place, you do not belong to (which is not "yours".

But if, you are positive about moving from the very beginning,

see it as a good thing and understand, why you are challenging yourself,

It's one of the best countries to live in, apart from whether ;)

P.S. Difficult language

P.P.S. Especially for Eastern European

For more infomation >> Integrating in Holland - Duration: 6:39.


Adam Rippon open to meeting with Mike Pence - Duration: 0:47.

American figure skater Adam Rippon and Vice President Mike Pence appear to have set aside

their differences before the 2018 Winter Olympics.

Rippon said Thursday he's open to meeting with Pence after the games, as reports say

there's a rift between the two.

In mid-January, Rippon, who's openly gay, reportedly criticized the White House choosing

Pence to lead the U.S. delegation at the Winter Games — largely because of Pence's track

record with LGBTQ rights.

Then a news story surfaced this week claiming Pence "was so concerned" about the criticism

he asked to meet with the Olympian and that Rippon wouldn't do it.

Pence called that report false.

Still, Pence tweeted at Rippon on Thursday to not let the "fake news" distract him and

that he's proud of Rippon and all U.S. athletes competing in the Winter Olympics.

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