Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 9 2018

hey guys! it's Hashtag Zoe! welcome back to my channel! so for today's video I'm gonna

be telling you the things that single people do when they don't have a BAE on

Valentine's Day so when you do have a Valentine on Valentine's Day normally

they get you presents like chocolate or flowers or whatever, but chocolate is like

the main thing. like the chocolate hearts really cute super cute I like that idea

except I don't have a Valentine to get me chocolates on Valentine's Day so I

just get them for myself so obviously after you buy the chocolate for yourself

naturally you need to eat two chocolate by yourself and you can't just eat it

like normal like just have oh well just have one you're gonna try every every

single candy in that box because you need to know the flavor of each one


no you know what I bought this for myself I'm gonna eat myself

it just takes time so this is the kind of thing that happens before Valentine's

Day when someone is hoping me to have a Valentine or to have their crush ask

them to be there Valentine or something like that and a lot of times it doesn't

it doesn't really turn out quite the way that you want it to oh my god I forgot

to tell you you know that really cute guy Justin in our science class the

other day he asked for my phone number yeah no he hasn't called me yet but I

hold on I'm getting another call hello hi Zoe

hi I hope you are having a be a beautiful day today thank you yeah

actually I'm having a lot I'm having a really beautiful day mmm I'm sure you

are with your sunny personality at all ah speaking of sunny for today only we

have a 50% special of solar panels for your home might you be interested I'm

sorry is this just I'm not interested so

the next one happens a lot in movies and TV a lot but this is kind of the one

where you know if no one else is gonna send you flowers set yourself some damn

flowers okay self-love is important guys love yourself! Be your own Valentine

Flowers for Hashtag Zoe! thank you

the next one is so lovely um when your mom calls you to a wish you a Happy Valentine's Day!

because you don't have a boyfriend, so she feels bad and she needs to call you

instead. dude it wasn't even Justin I know whatever it's fine it's fine

wait I'm getting another call I'll call you back I'll call you bye bye I'm here

hi mom! wait what number are you calling from?

Oh Judith's house! no no I still don't have a boyfriend and I don't really want

to meet Judith's grandson! it's fine yeah it's really okay so if you guys didn't

know the other name for Valentine's Day is #singleAwarenessDay

#ValentinesDayismybae #ValentinesDay

#single4Ever #single5ever #HashtagZoe anyway you guys thanks so

much for watching if you enjoyed this video please give it a big thumbs up and

if you don't have a Valentine this year I'll be your Valentine you can send me

chocolate any way all my social media links are down below and I will see you

guys in my next video bye

When You Don't Have a Bae on Valentine's Day!

Hashtag Zoe

For more infomation >> When You Don't Have a Bae on Valentine's Day! | Hashtag Zoe - Duration: 5:14.


Recipe of the Day: Giada's Beef and Cheese Manicotti | Food Network - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Recipe of the Day: Giada's Beef and Cheese Manicotti | Food Network - Duration: 3:38.


HBC Kit Launch: Behind the Scenes - Team Canada - Duration: 0:58.

Every time you get to represent Canada in your home country it's a huge honor and I'm part of the kit launch

It's it's very inspiring. It's another step towards the Olympics

just really proud of wearing the colors of my country and the most exciting part is always when you

When you first see the kit when you arrive at them to go check

It's usually waiting on your bed, so I think for me unpacking it seeing it for the first time

That's that's part of the most exciting moment for sure I am wearing the onesie. It's got all the sports on it

I'd say the reason people want it is well. It's super casual super

Relaxed trendy for sure this opening certainty kit

This is more kind of my style with the tall fit jacket thing the product looks really good

We're one team we're heading in we have to wear it everything the same

Wearing this attire together walking into the opening ceremony. It's gonna be a riot. It's awesome. It's so fun

For more infomation >> HBC Kit Launch: Behind the Scenes - Team Canada - Duration: 0:58.


Pelosi Stands 8 Hours for Illegal Aliens – When Did She Ever Sta - Duration: 1:11.


Stands 8 Hours for Illegal Aliens � When Did She Ever Stand 8 Hours for American Workers

Minority leader Nancy Pelosi stood for eight hours today on the House floor in support

of amnesty for illegal aliens.

Eight hours for Illegal amnesty.

Has Nancy Pelosi ever stood for eight hours straight for American workers?

The answer, of course, is �No.�

For more infomation >> Pelosi Stands 8 Hours for Illegal Aliens – When Did She Ever Sta - Duration: 1:11.


Actor Terry Crews Still Fights For #MeToo Acknowledgment | BET's Mancave - Duration: 1:39.























































For more infomation >> Actor Terry Crews Still Fights For #MeToo Acknowledgment | BET's Mancave - Duration: 1:39.


MMORPG Bot Reverse Engineering and Tracking - Duration: 9:46.

This video is about a fun little side project that I did.

We are going to have a look at an Auto Trading Bot that is being sold, or actually was sold,

to people for the game Guild Wars 2.

Which is awesome btw.

Play it.

So a friend mine told me that this bot has a funny little design issue I should check


And so that's what we are going to do.

Guild wars 2 Auto Trading Bot, is a fully autonomous buying and selling trading post

bot for Guild Wars 2.

They offer a free trial and it can be run in the background, and obviously its supposed

to make you a lot of gold.

They also claim that because it doesn't do any memory reading or writing, like hooking

into the engine, that the bot would be hard to recognize by ArenaNet - the developer of

Guild Wars 2.

And there is a video how it works.

You can see that you have a lot of different ways to configure it and when it's running

it will basically simulate clicks in the game as if you would perform those actions.

So a very simple bot that doesn't do anything really advanced.

Obviously I don't want to run this binary on my regular machine, because I don't trust

it, so I'm downloading a free Windows VM that microsoft offers for developers.

First I want to get some tools I might need to analyse this binary.

It's very likely that it will communicate with a server, for example the Guild Wars

2 API to pull item prices.

But yeah, I admit, I already know from my friend that they also have their own server

they communicate with.

And a great free windows tool for that is Fiddler.

On the download site of the bot it also says that the .net framework is required, so I

assume it might be a .net binary, so I'm also downloading .net reflector, which is

a tool to decompile and analyse .net code.

Ok, so then we can download the bot and have a first look at it.

We unpack the archive.

And we find a couple of interesting files.

There is the main .exe, here is a libarary to parse JSON data, a OCR, optical character

recognition library, along with a folder named tessdata, whcih reminds me of tesseract which

is a popular OCR framework.

And they probably use to analyse the text in the game window.

And there is a MouseKeyHook, which they might even inject into the game to simulate the

mouse clicks?

Well that would certainly be fairly easy for ArenaNet to identify, though I believe ArenaNet

actually doesn't care, because fighting against these kinds of things is always an

arms race you just pour in money and cheaters will always find new methods.

I think they are clever enough to fight cheaters and botters, that have actual negative impact

for the game, on another level.

You will see later that these botters here are absolutely irrelevant for ArenaNet.

Ok so let's have a first run.

We start Fiddler and make sure we have SSL interception enabled and then start the bot.

Uh, Windows Defender prevented the app from being run, because it's not know.

SmartScreen knows the hashes of programs a lot of people use and trust, so this is probably

an indication that this bot is NOT a wide spread thing.

Only a few people use it.

Ah look there is a first request going out to the auto-trading-bot website.

Check version.

And it displays a Terms of Use prompt.

So cute.

As if they run any kind of legit company that cares about legal matters.

Ok and then there is a login window, but we obviously don't have a subscription for


If you try to login we can see another request going out to check_login_data.

Cancelling the login will start the trial.


So let's do that.

Mh it asks us for our API key.

GW2 offers a JSON api that you can use to query your account's information.

For example there is this AMAZING site called gw2efficiency where you can use your API key

to see all sorts of statistics and information about your character.

Of course the bot would use it to look into trading post things.

Maybe pull the current buy orders or so.

And we can click a bit around and investigate the possible features.

But we see no new requests so far.

Ok, so far nothing too interesting.

Like I already mentioned a friend told me about something funny here, so I know what

to look for and we haven't found it yet, so I keep exploring.

It has to do with the server they are using.

So far we have seen two API request to their server, but we don't really have a full

running bot here where we could see more.

So let's try to find other endpoints.

Next I decided to see what .net reflector does with the .exe file.

I pull it into here… ehm…

GW2-ATB.exe is not a .net module?

Oh Oh….

That's not what I was hoping for.


Ok next I download IDA free 5.0 which can disassemble 32bit applications.

BTW there is a new free version now, version 7 which can disassemble 64bit.

But here I have to use the old one for 32bit.

Then I load the .exe into IDA and try to get a first feeling of it.

I'm looking for hints if it might be packed or obfsucated, or maybe I can even find already

what I'm looking for with the strings.

I don't have a lot of experience with Windows binaries, so I have a lot more assumptions

and guesses than when I would look at a linux ELF binary.

But I find the patterns up here kind of irregular and weird and I think that should be a sign

that something fishy is going on.

And especially because I can't find the auto-trading-bot website or the API calls

in the strings, which we know must be in there is most likely evidence for obfuscation.


Let's try something else.

Let's start the bot again and have a look at the task manager.

We can actually create a dump of this process.

I have never done this before, I actually don't know what it does but I assume it

dumps the process memory, I just knew the menu item was there.

Please wait while the process is written to the file.

And now we have a .DMP file here.

It's over 300MB, so I assume it's a full memory dump.

My assumption is that, if it's a basic packed binary, then once the bot is running all the

strings are unpacked and in cleartext in memory.

So I hope that we can now fairly easily extract the strings from the dump.

Though I'm bit unsure about it, because I don't know if that's like a raw binary

dump or if it's some kind of compressed file format that requires tools.

But anyway next I'm getting a hex editor to look at it, and I think HxD is pretty nice.

After installation just when I thought about opening the dump, I also noticed another functionality

of the hex editor.

Under Extras you can select "Open RAM", and then I can select the Auto trading bot.

So we can apaprently direcly read the RAM which hopefully contains the unpacked strings.

And now we can simply perform text searchs in there.

For example we know the API endpoints had /scripts/ in the path, so we can search for


And look we find instances of that.

Here is even the http url with the check_version API call.

So looks like in this general address area we have interesting strings.

So I'm just copying that part into a new file to more easily work with it.

I call it now simply memory.dump.

And then I can write a bit of python code to extract those strings.

So we read the raw bytes.

Each character has 2bytes, and so it's always a null byte and the character byte.

And each string is separated by a null byte, which means between each string are three

null bytes.

Makes sense right, so we split the whole data up like that.

And then we we write out all strings that are in ascii range.

And the output file is now easier to explore and we can search for the API calls.

And there they are.

There are the official guild wars 2 APIs, and there are also the auto-trading-bot script

api calls.

And look, we haven't seen those calls before.

Set and get_online.

So we can extract all new endpoints we have found and have a look at each of them.

Get online users sounds really interesting, so let's see what happens when we visit

the link.

But it's nothing.

But if you have a look at the API calls that we know, then we see that they were POST requests

AND included an authentication parameter.

So what we can do with fiddler is we can select one of our previous succsessful calls and

select "Replay" and we want to edit the request.

And then we change the API call to get_online_users.php And that worked!

The response contains all online bots.

And the crazy thing is.

It returns them with their GW2 API KEY.

This is ridiculous.

The bot developers gave us an easy way to track each bot user, not only the amount of

online users, but also gave us their official Guild Wars 2 API key, so we can look up their

characters, how much gold they have, what kind of items they trade, their character

names, the guilds they belong to, everything.

So this was in november 2017.

And I have written a script that checks every hour the logged in users, and then uses their

API key to pull their currently traded items.

Knowing the items they are ordering and selling, and how much gold they have, I can calculate

a liquid net-worth of the account and track how effective this bot actually is.

So we can see how rich these players are, and how long they were active.

Now in february 2018. about three months later, the bot has actually shut down and is not

being sold anymore.

Which is kinda sad, I had hoped to collect data for much longer timer, but at least we

got some data.

But the video is getting pretty long now and I would like to show you a bit more, so I

create a part 2 bonus video talking about the findings.

For more infomation >> MMORPG Bot Reverse Engineering and Tracking - Duration: 9:46.


What You Don't Know About The Mother Of Tom Brady's Oldest Son - Duration: 4:02.

Bridget Moynahan is a force to be reckoned with.

She started her career as a model, and before long, she transitioned into television and

film acting.

Her ex, Tom Brady, is the father of her son, so gossip about her personal life has sometimes

overshadowed her career.

But her life goes far beyond tabloid headlines.

Here's what you may not know about Bridget Moynahan.

Single mom

Football superstar Tom Brady and Moynahan were in a relationship for three years before

splitting in 2006.

Brady had already moved on to his now-wife, Gisele Bündchen, when Moynahan revealed she

was pregnant.

In addition to her initial fears associated with being a single mother, the actress also

felt nervous to tell her family.

She told Harper's Bazaar,

"When you're suddenly pregnant and no one is standing by your side …it's a hard conversation.

I'm a traditional girl, and I believe in marriage, and I just always thought that's the way I'd

be doing this."

It didn't take long for Moynahan to adjust to being a mother.

She relished her pregnancy, saying that she felt, quote, "beautiful" while, quote, "creating

life on a daily basis."

Once her son was born, the proud mom admitted to being the kind of person who can't stop

talking about their kids, saying,

"I have become that mother I used to dread.

Every time he does something, you think he's a genius."

When she spoke to Parade about the challenges of balancing motherhood with a social life,

she shared,

"I'd rather spend time with my son than anyone in the world.

But I think it's also important to take care of yourself.

Make time to see your girlfriends or get to the gym.

If you're only working or only spending time with your family, you're out of balance.

You have to make you a priority."

45 over 25

Some people age gracefully.

For others, like Moynahan, age isn't even a factor.

After being asked whether she viewed her 45th birthday as a milestone, she told Parade in


"I really don't pay attention to age.

I got married last year, I look good and I'm having a lot of fun, so I don't really know

when age matters."

"I finally figured it out in my 40s that when it works it works, and there doesn't have

to be drama."

The actress went on to say that she'd "rather be 45 than 25," adding,

"I think of things that really bothered me at 20, it's like, 'Why did I waste so much

energy on that?'"

Moynahan says she has her mother, who is, quote, "Grace Kelly beautiful" to thank for

her youthful looks.

She also eats healthy, doesn't smoke, and drinks a lot of water.

Hidden talent

Eating healthy doesn't mean shunning your favorite foods — and Moynahan thinks the

key is simply to have balance.

Though she avoids junk food, she told the Los Angeles Times she does love anything "salty,

and buttery and creamy."

Luckily, she has a knack for making homemade treats, a skill she learned from her mother.

The actress turned her love for food into a second career as an author when she wrote

The Blue Bloods Cookbook, which was heavily influenced by recipes from her mother.

"There's a lot of recipes from my family of what I grew up on.

There are some that were inspired from the dinners that we actually had on the show,

No ditzy roles

Moynahan has played strong characters throughout her career.

She told Irish America that she gravitates towards material where the women are intelligent

and powerful, adding,

"I think in a lot of the romantic comedies the women are portrayed as being kind of ditzy,

and I just can't relate to it.

So I think it is harder for me to pursue those parts."

President Smith?

Moynahan has nothing but good things to say about her I, Robot co-star, Will Smith.

When asked by Future Movies in 2004 if she thought her leading man should run for president,

Moynahan laughed, saying,

"I think about anybody should at this point."

She does think her friend and fellow actor has some serious leadership skills, though.

She explained,

"He impressed me so much in the running of his life, business, his commitment to his

family and friends.

So he is a role model and there are not many of them around.

To have someone like him as a politician would not only be great — but unusual."

Navigating tabloid fodder

Life as a celebrity can be difficult, especially when your private life becomes tabloid fodder.

Moynahan told Self,

"My personal life has been so public, which is an oxymoron."

She said that in all situations, she tries to follow her mantra, which is to "find the


In order to keep her spirits up, she put up a "Keep Calm and Carry On" poster in her house.

She added,

"It's amazing how easy it is for everyone to talk about the negatives.

The negative drama is just going to bring you down.

You just have to rise above and take the high road and focus on the most important and positive

aspect of the situation.

There's always a positive part.

It's life."

Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> What You Don't Know About The Mother Of Tom Brady's Oldest Son - Duration: 4:02.


GTA 5'Ee En çok Benzer 10 Bedava Oyun (BELEŞ AMA GÜZEL OYUNLAR:) - Duration: 10:18.

For more infomation >> GTA 5'Ee En çok Benzer 10 Bedava Oyun (BELEŞ AMA GÜZEL OYUNLAR:) - Duration: 10:18.


Pias Tipp für Aloe Heat Lotion - Duration: 8:57.

For more infomation >> Pias Tipp für Aloe Heat Lotion - Duration: 8:57.


President Trump signs budget deal; "Our Military will now be stronger than ever before" - Duration: 1:06.

President Trump signs budget deal; "Our Military will now be stronger than ever before"

President Donald Trump has signed the budget deal.

President Trump tweets, "Just signed Bill.

Our Military will now be stronger than ever before.

We love and need our Military and gave them everything — and more.

First time this has happened in a long time.

Also means JOBS, JOBS, JOBS!"

The House narrowly passed the budget accord in the pre-dawn hours, ending a brief government

shutdown and clearing a path for huge spending increases for both the Pentagon and domestic


Passage came over the objections Democratic leaders who demanded the promise of a vote

to protect "Dreamer" immigrants brought to the country illegally as children.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> President Trump signs budget deal; "Our Military will now be stronger than ever before" - Duration: 1:06.


Black Superman Suit DELETED Scene Gets RELEASED & Where's The Darkseid Scene!? - Duration: 5:12.



what is good you to warstu here with a video on the Justice League damn

it feels good to say that again so just like we said multiple times there was

meant to be a black Superman seen inside the Zack Snyder version of the Justice

League movie and you know everything that happened with the reshoots with

Joss Whedon and Warner Brothers getting involved in taking a lot out so if the

clip actually didn't get blocked before the video start you would have seen mr.

Henry Cavill walking through the fortress of solitude some pods open up

and him having a cheeky look at the black Superman suit which looked mighty

fine but it doesn't actually confirm that he was ever supposed to get in it

and were all murmuring and walking past in it fanboy thinking why didn't they

put his scene in the movie now this trailer appeared online and it looks

like this is a promotion for the actual Justice League release so is this one of

the Superman scenes that's gonna be on the blu-ray now I think if it would be

on that's that kind of movie with the extended scenes it would be cool but it

isn't enough there is over one hour of footage and towards the end of the clip

you see Superman looking at something and we can infer or theorize that it's

most like you're just gonna be the Superman suit see suit and that is where

he gets on the suit and then goes to help the Justice League it's very odd

that this is supposed to be rumored Lee supposed to be just an easter egg but

why would they make a complete Superman suit but you just to walk past it have a

wink in it then look past it and if you know it's right at the end

you have the light coming through the contrast it goes from dark to light I

mean obviously that Superman returned but guys are you triggered are you

annoyed it's a bit weird that the black Superman suit was actually made just

like the YouTuber would you yes and talking about my cell into a person just

like I said but now I really really really want to see the dark side scene I

just want to see what is going on with Darkseid now we have two black Superman

scene and the biggest issues people had with the movie work the black Superman

Seaton scenes were cut and everyone kept saying war suit you're wrong there's no

black Superman suit well or this in first and does imply that you

Jewboy wast you yes I'm talking about myself in third person again because

this is a freestyle video I was right now we need to see the dark side scenes

I mean they could just release the Zack Snyder cut this coincides with

everything that elites and the room isn't everything the saying that was so

much more footage we had first we had to Steppenwolf scene that was cut will not

cut but Steppenwolf looks completely different in a version that was supposed

to be in the movie looks pretty scary then we had the kind of D Snyder in it

where it was when Warner Brothers and Joss Whedon came in and took Zack Snyder

out the movie pretty much so I'm actually pretty annoyed that we have got

the black Superman suit but he didn't put it on I mean hopefully we may get

seen when he puts it on I can't see him making the black Superman suit I mean it

could just be complete CGI they might even be real but guys let me know in the

comments down below I've seen Twitter it's absolutely blowing up instagrams

blowing up with a scene people were like what the why isn't the C why did they

shoot it's not make it in the movie obviously because Warner Brothers wanted

to keep it two hours long which is pretty weird so all we need now is to

get Henry Cavill mr. Carroll in the suit because Henry Cavill T's to suit so many

times and we never get got to see him wear it whether saving it for Man of

Steel to man of tomorrow is neither here or there it's just a bit strange so now

all we need to see him put the suit on so many more people would buy that just

to seek home release if you put the suit on and please for God's sake let us see

the Dark Side seed we all just want to see the oxide in the DC extended

universe anywhere eyes please like scrub and comment let me know what you think I

look like Superman suit let me know what you think about the scene if you've seen

it I don't know if it's gonna get blocked to start this video most likely

will because you know Warner was like but anyway if it does so we'll edit out

anyway guys please like scribe and comment and I'll catch you in that

comment section and we'll see you in another video very soon guys catch ya


For more infomation >> Black Superman Suit DELETED Scene Gets RELEASED & Where's The Darkseid Scene!? - Duration: 5:12.


Moneybagg Yo Type Beat 2018 | "SWITCHING LANES" [prod by STICKUPBEATZ] 🏍🏍🏍 Lil Baby Type Beat - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Moneybagg Yo Type Beat 2018 | "SWITCHING LANES" [prod by STICKUPBEATZ] 🏍🏍🏍 Lil Baby Type Beat - Duration: 3:09.


Top 10 Strange Food Combinations That ACTUALLY Work - Duration: 6:16.

Hoooohello there Most Amazing viewers!

I hope you are feeling hungry as I am Rebecca Felgate and this is the top 10 strange food

combinations that actually work.

For any of you that follow me on social media, or have just heard me talk….ever… you

will know that I heart food and food hearts me and one day we may sit in that tree, but

we wont be kissing…I will be devouring that food…did I get weird?

Did I make it weird?

Maybe… weirder still are these food combos… but they leyt's be having them.

I take no prisoners, get ready for Strawberry on Pizza at number 10.

Move over pineapple, pizza has a new fruit on top!

Strawberry on pizza is queen.

You need to get pretty specific as to what type of pizza you wanna wang a strawberry

on, let me tell you the perfect environment.

Thomato base, then fresh mozzarella, basil and strawberry with a little drizzle of balsamic.


9 - Salty Crisps and Nutella I say crisps, you say chips….

Whatever you wanna call them, they go veeeeeerrrry well with nutella….which some of you call


I guess cause its made with so many hazel NEWTS….

No wait…nuts.


Anyway, now isn't a time to be pompous because we have eating to do….eating salty crisps

dipped in nutella…

I think there is some magic in the union of salt and chocolate, which is why chocolate

covered pretzels work so well!

Meat lovers, listen up, because you are going to wanna try this!

8 - Peanut Butter on Burgers Yuuuuhuu!

Peanut butter instead of cheese on a burger with bacon is where it is at.

The sweet of the peanut butter with the saltiness of the bacon cuts through the meaty taste

of a beef burger.

Its perfect.

If you want an extra crunch, try it with chunky peanut butter.

I don't eat meat anymore, but I am wondering if there is a way I can recreate this treat.

A classic from my homeland….


Let me introduce you to a chip butty at number 7

So, a chip butty is french fries in a baguette….

Carb on carb…its sinful….

But its so wrong it is right.

If you want a lil seasoning, a little summin summin to wet up that pretty dry beast, maybe

try some ketchup, vinegar or curry sauce.


Warning, eating too many of these will make you kinda resemble a chip butty…so… go

easy on them.

They're maybe a once a year thing….

Chip Butty day!

Why isn't this more of a thing… it sounds great…coming in at number 6 we have popcorn

and marshmallows!


Next time you are popping that sweet sweet corn then shove some little marshmallows in.

In my opinion this works best with salty popcorn because with sweet it is just too sweet, but

each to their own.

I feel like cinemas and movie theatres need to sell this as a standard.

OH HELLO and welcome to my favourite at number 5 we have Blue cheese and honey.

TRUST ME, I know my cheese, and blue cheese with honey is a king of kings.

If you're having a cheese party (if you're not…why not) then try having a slice of

blue with a drizzle of honey.

I am going to share one of my favourite lunch recipes with you now… so… seedy bread

under the grill for a minute, then shove a few slices of blue cheese on the top, grill

for a few more minutes until it is melted, then drizzle honey over the top and also top

it with a few basil leaves and cashew nuts.


Honey, we aren't one with you yet!

Coming in to number 4 we have Honey and Fries.

Dip those chips.

I feel like we have solved the food pairing puzzle here guys, it's not rocket science

it is salty stuff with sweet stuff.

Why dip your chips in tomato ketchup when you can dip them in a pot of honey.

What would winne the pooh do.

Eat the honey, that's what!

Kay, this sounds weird, but it is good….

3 - Vanilla Ice Cream and Soy Sauce Vanilla bean meat soya bean.

Really it's a bean fusion.

Sweet yummy creamy vanilla meets the salty beany flavour of soy… like don't get me

wrong, you just need a small splash, but it works.


Okay, you guys may freak out over our top two… but you have to trust a honey… coming

in to number two we have 2 -Fish Fingers and Custard

If it's good enough for the doctor, its good enough for me!

It totally depends on the custard, but it works….ish…fish.

This became a thing after an episode where the 11th Doctor regenerates and the only food

he seems to enjoy is fish fingers dipped in custard.

Since then, whoovians have got on board…and…I mean..I am game!

Finally, coming in at number one, the only one on this list I haven't tried but I am

up for it… we have..

1 - Grilled Cheese with Bananas Landon production and most amazing Top 5 host,

Courtney McGinley has tried it and she says it is delicious….

As does a lot of experimental people on the internet and honestly I am up for it.

Cheese pairs well with fruits such as apples, grapes and pears, so why not banana.

Load me up, I am having a grilled cheesed with banana mushed in.

Anyone else?


So guys, that was the top ten food combinations that actually work!

Which of these have you tried and which do you like?

Do you have any more weird combos that work?

Let me know because I love trying new things!

REBECCA OUT ETC Thanks for watching to the end!

If you liked this video, why not watch our Top 10 Craziest Foods That People Eat Around

the World and for something a bit cheekier, we have Top 10 Foods that look sexual!

Oi oi.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Strange Food Combinations That ACTUALLY Work - Duration: 6:16.


5 Creepiest Supernatural Unsolved Mysteries That Can Not Be explained - Duration: 11:06.

For more infomation >> 5 Creepiest Supernatural Unsolved Mysteries That Can Not Be explained - Duration: 11:06.


Don Lemon breaks into fit of laughter over Omarosa on 'Big Brother' - Duration: 3:16.

Don Lemon breaks into fit of laughter over Omarosa on 'Big Brother'

CNN host Don Lemon broke into a fit of laughter on Thursday over former White House aide Omarosa

Manigault-Newman's recent comments on "Celebrity Big Brother," in which she slammed the Trump


"Don, it's Black History Month.

We gotta talk about Omarosa?"

CNN political commentator Symone Sanders said on "CNN Tonight," as Lemon began to laugh.

"Carter G. Woodson did not go to the mat to get Negro History Week that eventually turned

into Black History Month for us to talk about Omarosa on her apology tour and her attempt

to salvage her reputation on a reality television show.

Not during Black History Month, Don," she continued while smiling, as Lemon laughed.

"All right, sorry the guys in the studio are going to kill me," Lemon said, composing himself.

Manigault-Newman, who resigned from her White House post in December, told her roommate

on the reality television show, Ross Matthews, that she was "haunted" by President Trump's

tweets and that the U.S. would not be OK under Trump's leadership.

"I was haunted by tweets every day," she said.

"Like, what is he going to tweet next?"

"It's going to not be OK, it's not," she said when asked if Americans should be

worried about Trump.

"It's so bad."

The White House fired back at her comments on Thursday in a press briefing, saying she

no longer has contact with Trump.

"Omarosa was fired three times on 'The Apprentice,' and this was the fourth time

we let her go," deputy press secretary Raj Shah said.

"She had limited contact with the president while here.

She has no contact now."

For more infomation >> Don Lemon breaks into fit of laughter over Omarosa on 'Big Brother' - Duration: 3:16.


How to Save Lettuce Seeds (Quick & Easy Technique) - Duration: 6:05.

how's it going everyone so saving seed is a great way to save some money in the

garden and today I'm gonna be bringing you guys along as I'm gonna be saving

some lettuce seeds just behind me here so I'll be bringing you guys along and

showing you my method for that and if this is your first time here then I hope

you're doing well and welcome to my small backyard garden YouTube channel

and here I make videos all about trying to help you guys grow as much of your

own organic produce as well as videos on saving money in the garden just like

this one so please consider subscribing so before I get too sidetracked I guess

we'll just jump straight into saving seeds so I'll just change up the camera

and we'll get straight into it okay so here we are at the lettuce and this was

a fruit coral lettuce I think it was like a green coral lettuce I think and

it does really well it just pops up everywhere around here it's volunteers

and I do really want to save the seed from this as it does really really well

so the seed heads you can see here hopefully that will focus or if you can

make that out enough this variety those seeds are black and

it has these little almost like feather like umbrellas at the top that is to

help the seed will the plant disperse its seed so it carries on the wind but

all you have to do is just pick these off and then just quite simply pull out

the seed and then put it in your container it's also a good idea when you

actually picking your ripe see just to roll it in your fingers a bit as you're

dropping it into the container this way the seed does separate from

that little feather a bit so when you get on to the second step which is

winnowing it'll be much easier to blow off all the light stuff that isn't the

seed so I'll keep on doing this just pulling out that ripe seed and you know

it's ripe when it's black if the seed isn't black then it isn't ripe and you

won't get a very good growth from it so Otis hops some more and then I'll just

get on to the next step I forgot to mention as well that not all lettuce

seeds will be black when they are fully matured a lot of them especially things

like coal um cause lettuce and other popular varieties they'll actually be

like a white or cream sort of color when matured but you can

easily tell when they are ripe and ready to pick because you just be able to

pinch that little feathery bit and without any effort at all the seeds will

just easily come out and so that's how you know that they're right okay so this

is all the see that I have collected about Oh probably most of it is like

there's little feathery bits or other just dry paper chafe but now is on to

the next step I did also actually collect a bit of a red coral I think

lotus seeds and also some cos lettuce seeds so I have a mixed salad sort of

batch so the next step is to winnow off the chafe or the light stuff that sort

of papery feathery stuff so all you do you just get two containers so hold the

lower one and just a bit of distance between them slowly pour it in and you

can see that the lighter stuff blows off with the wind you can also get a little

fan and do this or even just blow on it very lightly and that has already

reduced it down a fair bit so I'm going to keep on doing this and then I'll just

share with you guys the best way to store with your save seed okay so

finished off when doing I only had to do it about ten more times until I was left

with this hopefully you can make that out clear enough but it is nice ripe

clean seed and so next is the best storing ways and for me personally I

like to use just a paper envelope I do prefer the real small sort of orangey

brown color ones which are specifically for seeds they are really good but this

is all I had on hand I'm just going to quite simply pour that in and then that

is ready to plant whenever I want you can also store them in little network

bags but that's it's really important to make sure that they are right so any

moisture in there dozens or evaporate and cause it to rot and also you just

got to make sure that they do stay dry if you do store them in little plastic

bags or like little snap lock bags or does it lock bags however you call them

but I've I do really like paper because it just

hopes to see to breathe and also if there is any moisture the paper will

absorb it and the seeds won't so that won't go off or they won't actually

germinate inside whatever your story it in so there you go guys that is how easy

it is to save your very own lettuce seed not only saving me money but even just

being able to give some to your family and friends or even possibly selling a

little bit just to make a few extra dollars but I'll pretty much leave the

video as it is right there but first I do have to give out a massive shout out

and thank you to my patreon so thank you guys so much if you want to check out

patreon basically all it is is a crowdfunding site where if you want you

can financially help me by donating a few dollars a month and in return you

get some pretty good rewards so if you want to check that out I'll leave a link

in the YouTube card as well as in the description below which you can check

out and also at the end there will be a tile popping up up here somewhere

otherwise if you did like that video then please give it a big thumbs up and

if you have any comments suggestions or questions about safe saving or anything

to do with the garden or you just want to say g'day pop it down below and I

will get back to you as soon as I can and if you did like that video then make

sure you subscribe to stay updated so whenever I post a new video that way

you'll be notified you can come along and see what I am talking about so I

hope you're all having a crack over week and your gardens are booming and you are

happy and healthy and I will catch you all next video cheers OH

have a good one

For more infomation >> How to Save Lettuce Seeds (Quick & Easy Technique) - Duration: 6:05.


Uganda to Utah: Building an Olympic Dream Run - Duration: 5:31.

Looking at people's generosity and how they open up their hearts, and you know,

looking at the family that was able to take me in and give me an opportunity to grow as an

individual and also attend college. You know, they did not have to do that; they

did not have to open up their house their hearts and their, like, love and

offer it to me. The Olympics is going to give me the platform that I

need to reach out to other Africans that get to move to countries like America

and to show them that you can enter sports that are outside your world. I'm

currently working on getting the qualifications and the criterias needed

to secure a spot and be a contender in the Olympics.

I'm Brolin Mawejje, I live in

Salt Lake City, Utah. I was born in Uganda, I moved to the states when I was 12.

I moved to Boston, Massachusetts and joined an after-school program that takes

kids around the inner city and takes them out in the mountains and introduces

them to the winter sports. And in our program I found some friends and

actually the family I live with and my foster brother right now, his family asked

me to live with them and for last nine years now I've lived with the

Hesslers and I've been a Hessler for ... I guess for the rest of my life I'll be a Hessler.

I think Utah is the coolest place ever

I mean if you look at all other snowboarding or skiing areas you do not

get a 20-minute drive to the airport, 20-minute drive to class, 20-minute drive

to the mountains. So I moved to Utah in 2011 to attend Westminster College and as well

as snowboard. I wanted to place that had mountains that I can continue being a part

of the community — the mountain community — and also a college that would

accommodate what I needed. Having grown up in the East Coast a

little bit and in the West, hearing about Park City and where all the athletes go;

it's where all the best snowboarders at the time go. I really had this image of

Park City as the mecca of snowboarding. It has become that because you see the

likes of Sage [Kotsenburg] you see you know Chris Grenier, Sam Taxwood and all

the people that were molding the sport as it went along.

Park City you always have that going for it. Versus Brighton [Ski Resort] what do get it almost feel where you can hang out your friends

it's more laid-back but you still have a lot of fun futures you can hit and a lot

of progression they can go down I mean when I wake up when I think about is

what trick can I do today to improve my overall tricks that I have in my bag for

snowboarding I guess it's trying to gain consistency and trying to gain and

arsanov tricks to become a contender of this World Cups and to eventually you go

through to the Olympics

you can never stop learning my goal is to become a doctor I've always had that

dream since I was a young child in Africa also giving back to Africa so I

have another goal of trying to build a hospital in Uganda being able to go back

to help the Ugandan medical system improve

February 4th I I was in Kazakhstan for World University Games I had a little

bit of nausea and I went into the hospital hospital they told me that I

was having heart failure how it was at 20% flow the conclusion was my heart is

a little bigger than my body said beat slow and some phone down in Kazakhstan

that I have an irregular heartbeat it made me realize I should become an

Olympic snowboarder I really want to die in Olympia snowboarding my dream of a

front flat a twelve working on the building pieces to

build that run out and being able to you know and it's time to go just pull the

trigger pull out the trick I still need a little more time to build my dream run

and I believe that if I give myself some more time I'll be able to perform better

and be a contender for the 2022 games rather than be able to just show up and

go through the motions of the 2014 games as an African that just made it to the

gaps because a lot of us know the journey has become more important than

the destination whether I make it or not I want to be more than the Olympics or

more than the historical tag that it will created I want to be seen as a new

feature that you know get back to the world that getting along I'm ready to

turn that page and give back to others

For more infomation >> Uganda to Utah: Building an Olympic Dream Run - Duration: 5:31.


A Candid Look at NASA's "Living Planet" - Duration: 5:30.

I'm Alex Kekesi. I'm the data visualizer with

the NASA Goddard Scientific Visualization Studio.

I'm Compton Tucker and my responsibility in this is the interpretation

of what's happening on land.

And I'm Gene Feldman, I'm an oceanographer at NASA Goddard

and I'm responsible for everything wet. And I'm Lauren

Ward. I'm a video producer here at Goddard Space Flight Center

and will be moderating the conversation. So with that, let's jump

right into it - what exactly are we looking at?

What we're looking at is the abundance of plants on land and in the ocean

and in the ocean we're looking at microscopic plants called phytoplankton

on the land its sort of an aggregate of all vegetation.

But they breathe, they

they respire and the follow the sun in terms of their seasons

Can you describe the changes that happened in twenty years since this data

set first began?

Yeah, as crazy as it sounds, even though we have twenty of data

we're still at a point of - in my mind - just the wonder

of it. I could just sit and watch this for hours.

And for me, I've got look at it two different ways. One is just to take

a big step back, and look at the world as whole

Don't focus on anything in particular, but just - what am I seeing?

What are the patterns that I'm seeing? And the main thing

is that there's this seasonal cycle moving north

and south. The land and the ocean

the both bloom with the rising sun.

If you just set back and watch it you'll see this wave of green

move north and south with the sun.

Back and forth, and you see that

so dramatically in this visualization.

And Gene and I have been studying this for a long time using satellite data

But what's really cool for us is that you see it for the oceans as well as the land

Yeah, which we never saw before the satellites

Is that what makes this viz so special?

What's so critical about this, this is the only data set

that we have that really shows the biological response

to environmental change. We have we all these other instruments

that measure how the Earth changes, what the temperature,

the winds, the currents, rainfall - things like that. We have

all of that. But this data set shows what does the Earth's

biology do in response to that environmental change

And think that's one strengths of the SVS is being able to show that data

in a way that a normal, average person can respond to.

And we you've been able to do, Alex, is you make it beautiful.

It is very attractive.

We're looking at the Living Earth, we're looking at our home planet

change day in and day out

and there's a visceral connection that we have to this

home of ours.

We know, there's only planet we know that has

and active biosphere, or a biosphere, and that's our

planet. We know from the Hubble Space Telescope there are one to two trillion

galaxies in the universe - galaxies - and this

only planet that we know which as life, and its very special and its very

dear and this representation to me, captures that.

I mean, on my part, I mean really the challenge here was kinda

wrangling all this twenty years worth of data

so I mean, you guys did an amazing job at collecting

it all, and creating

data sets that can be easily be used together. I mean with the biosphere

its primarily SeaWIFS, VIIRS

Aqua, is it Aqua? Modis - yeah

You look at this image and there's so much here that

we still don't understand.

I agree with Gene. We're looking at the consequence

of instruments on satellites not looking away from Earth, but

looking at Earth through time, how thing change, how things

vary or don't. It's just fascinating to look at

and its so dynamic and this is what's great about time series

Well that's one of the thoughts I had was that the people in this room right now

if you ask yourself the question, "What have I done to make sure

that the Earth is a healthier and safer place?", I think the people in this room

can fairly say that they've done quite a lot in collecting

the data and then creating the data a in a way people can understand it

What I love about this is there are no country boundries

there's no distinction between land science and ocean science

It's one world, one planet, one home

This is our Living Planet.

Exactly, and the more we as humans

on this planet, inhabitants of the planet, look as this as

one entity that we are all responsible for, I think

I think the sooner we will be able to come up with solutions to a lot of the problems

that we're facing right now. We have to look at this as one planet

where what happens in place effects what happens in another place

One planet, one climate, one people

we're all in this together.

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