Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 9 2018

Bogey approaching fast from the rear!

Orange coloring. Experimental, maybe?

Spare 8! Do not engage the enemy!


The Kingdom of Erusea declared war on the Osean Federation.

Osean launched a major attack againts the capital region,

striking Farbanti from their aircraft carrier and the Kestrel II warship.

This is HQ.

Are there any drones? Verify.

War is something I'll never get used to,

but tonight has been a total shock.

This is Princess Rosa Cossette D'Elise,

Osea attacks indiscriminately and has remorsefully injured countless of civilians

It's hard to say which side first pulled the trigger

that plunged us into this chaos.

At this point, who cares.

All that remained was chaos and confusion.

I wonder, which path you would choose?

Burn Osea to the ground!

Trigger, engage.

I managed to catch a glimpse of the three strikes!

Concentrate on him. Shoot him down!

I have visual! Arsenal Bird confirmed!

Ship is tilting!

This should prove to be fun.

Don't worry, stick with Trigger and you'll make it.

Oh really?

All aircraft, caution. Bogies!

Although I won't know for sure until I've tested them myself.

For more infomation >> Ace Combat 7 Skies Unknown but in BESIEGE v 0.60 | Theater of Flights #77 - Duration: 2:19.


HYLLS - All Over The Place - Duration: 2:56.

The art of getting over the things I can not change

It's hard to recover and overcome it's reign

The moon is on the rise I'll make the wrong things right

Don't give up on me Don't give up on me

Wept puddles of regret But I know you let me slide

Don't give up on me Don't give up on me

I know it's hard cause I can be too much

I'm all over the place and I take all the blame

but I promise you I'll try, I'll try

but I promise you I'll try, my best

My cards are on the table And you see my poker face

I like how you maneuver Call me out on all my games

The moon is on the rise I'll make the wrong things right

Don't give up on me Don't give up on me

Wept puddles of regret But I know you let me slide

Don't give up on me Don't give up on me

I know it's hard cause I can be too much

I'm all over the place and I take all the blame

but I promise you I'll try, I'll try

but I promise you I'll try, my best

but I promise you

but I promise you I'll try

but I promise you

but I promise you I'll try, my best

I know it's hard cause I can be too much

I'm all over the place and I take all the blame

but I promise you I'll try

but I promise you I'll try, my best

For more infomation >> HYLLS - All Over The Place - Duration: 2:56.


UCLA - Story of ENTER SANDMAN // METALLICA - Duration: 3:27.

Michael Jackson, etc. Yeah, there is no ...

Finally, you know, since we know how to count sales ...

The 3 biggest sellers in the US,

Those are :

Garth Brooks

The Beatles

and Metallica

In particular with ...

Back in 91, and it's on the album 'Metallica'

Finally, everyone calls it the "Black Album".

Which is funny, when you think about it,

as the 2nd biggest sellers, are the Beatles

who had released the "White album"


Think about the colors dude ...

The "Black Album"

This is the biggest commercial success of the band

with more than 30 million copies sold worldwide

It's mostly a record that marks an evolution in the band's career.

The rhythms are slower

The songs are shorter

and the structures are simpler.

So it's more "heavy metal"

than the "trash metal" they were doing in their early days.

And then there are walks ...

Ok let's be honest: the previous album had been more complex,

The group wanted to come back to a simpliest things ..

Larger public !

"Enter Sandman" was the 1st title composed for the album

With a riff written at 3:15 in the morning.

What's interesting is that the song is about dreams,

it goes deeper progressively.

First, a clear guitar.

Then toms.

Then the other guitar.

And all: under distortion.

To get this guitar wall,

The track of the guitarist-singer

has been multiplied 3 times.

The battery, it was recorded during several takes.

It took 10 days of mixing to find the right sound.

"Take that Freddy Mer ...."

Oh no!

Originally, the song was about death.

But the producer said: "Hey, oh, guys, death does not sell!"

That's why it turned a little more poetic

with particular use the myth of the sandman

But if, you know, it's the big clumsy with his little fluviau in "Good night little ones"

The guy who confuses your bed with the litter of the cat!

It's common to say we asleep kids with sand...

Why ?

Because in the morning, when you wake up, the little residue at the corner of the eye,

It looks like sand.

One month before the release of the track,

and it's still troubling

there is the release of the short film, "The Sandman"

from Paul Berry

So: influence?

We do not know !

The track speaks of a child falling asleep with open eyes.

no doubt to monitor a danger

and a sandman who takes him to the land of dreams

With an allusion to "Neverland"

Not the house of Mickael Jackson!

The fictional world of Peter Pan which symbolizes innocence.

At first, the lyrics look harmless

Except that's the way to sing them which makes them dark.

We do not know why the child is afraid.

Is the sandman bad?

Does he dread that his father could do when he falls asleep?

And precisely: it's the ambiguity wich works pretty well.

And then, the discomfort worsens when sounded

this 19e century prayer that closing the piece

and which still asks for the protection of God during sleep.

Well, imagine that nightmare become reality when, in 2003,

the US military uses "Enter Sandman" to torture the prisoners in Iraq ...

And especially to prevent them to fall asleep.

So that ! You can not make that up !

If not...

What are you doing tonight ?

No, because I am very sensitive

I think I will need someone to fall asleep ...


[* Voice from beyond the grave *] Good nigtttt little ones!

[* Voice from beyond falls *] And make some sweet dreams, little ones!

For more infomation >> UCLA - Story of ENTER SANDMAN // METALLICA - Duration: 3:27.


What Does Money Mean To You? A Money Tool with Dr Dain Heer - Duration: 2:41.

Hi everybody, this is Dr. Dain.

Here to invite you to the "How To Become Money Workbook" telecall.

Sharing with you one of the tools were gonna cover on the call and that is,

"What does money mean to you?"

So, just ask yourself right now, "What does money mean to me?"

Now you may have all kinds of weird stuff come up,

you may feel totally blank.

Guess what? If you get totally blank, that's what money means to you.

Which is why it's not showing up

because if you're blank, how's it gonna show up?

It doesn't even know where to find you.

You don't even know where to find you, when it comes to money.

So, you want to ask yourself, "What does money mean to me?"

and if you have the Access Consciousness tools

of POC and POD – the superheroes of consciousness.

What you want to do is ask yourself,

"What does money mean to me?"

Just be present with it for a moment,

you know do this if you must close your eyes you know be very,

"Oh, let it come in, oh...very good, ok..."

I hope that didn't seem offensive to anybody.

Then you want to POC and POD it.

Then ask yourself again, "What does money mean to me?"

You want to do this at least ten times.

Now, some of you may want to do it all day long.

This is an amazing and phenomenal tool

that we will be covering in the "How To Become Money Workbook" telecall.

You try saying that, who the heck can remember that?

It's "How To Become Money....."

It's "Becoming telecall"

Oh, "Becoming Money... Doing The....

"How To Become Money Workbook with Dr. Dain Heer"

Who's....with this brain?

How am I ever gonna remember that??

Anyway, got a telecall coming up.

Wanted to give you a tool and please use this thing

because what happens is "what money means to you?"

may not be at all what it actually is.

In fact, I'll tell you that's for me personally,

when I have gone and done the money book,

I did to seventeen years ago.

What I thought money was and what it meant to me

had nothing to do with what it actually was

and how it actually got created.

When I did it a month ago,

it was even more different and it was amazing.

So, "what does money mean to you?"

For some of you it's like, cars, houses, this and that...

Guess what – money is not a car.

Money is money, whatever money is.

We're gonna cover that too.

So, run this, POC and POD it afterwards

and see what changes for you.

Have fun changing your money stuff

because you don't got to have money stuff anymore.

What else is possible?

Look forward to seeing you on the call!

Bye, bye!

For more infomation >> What Does Money Mean To You? A Money Tool with Dr Dain Heer - Duration: 2:41.


BEST OF SpangaS: FAVO momenten JANUARI - Duration: 8:27.

For more infomation >> BEST OF SpangaS: FAVO momenten JANUARI - Duration: 8:27.


Những mảnh tình khuyết trong phim Vương Gia Vệ / Failed Romances in the World of Wong Kar Wai - Duration: 4:03.

We recognize a Wong Kar Wai's film the moment we see it.

Neon signs, vivid colors,

contemporary pop songs

and romances that go nowhere.

A lovelorn cop eats 30 cans of pineapple to bid his ex-girlfriend goodbye.

Two unhappily married people found soulmates in each other

but can't pursue their passion.

Instead of seeing two people overcoming obstacles to be together,

we witness their destined downfall.

What is with Wong Kar Wai's obsession with doomed romances?

Let's find out with Chuyen Bong Ngo.

Characters in Wong Kar Wai's films are ordinary people

who are alone in busy cities.

They are rarely seen with family and friends,

and don't have meaningful interactions with anyone.

They often chainsmoke and talk in monologues.

"I visit some 'friends' once in a while."

"But I hardly know anything about them."

Whatever they do, they seem lost in thoughts

and lost to the hustle bustle of their surroundings.

They are always searching, escaping or waiting,

haunted by the past and the expiry date of current relationships.

This helplessness when faced with the passage of time is reflected in In The Mood For Love's original title: Hoa Dạng Niên Hoa

– which compares our fleeting youth to a withering flower

or in Cop 223's soliloquy in Chungking Express.

"If memories ever come in a can...

...I hope that can never expires."

"If so, I hope it lasts for a thousand years."

This frustration with daily life is often the onset

of a blooming romance in other films.

But in Wong's films, characters always pass up the chance to love and be loved.

The man and the woman found each other when their marriages fall apart,

but can't overcome the barriers of social stigma and their own conscience

In Days Of Being Wild,

the heartbreaker Leslie Cheung jumps from one woman to another,

due to his fear of abandonment after being raised by a neglectful adoptive mother.

Leslie Cheung is equally promiscuous in Happy Together.

He traveled to Argentina with his boyfriend in search of a better life,

only to quarrel

and leave the other man to chase frivolous excitements.

In these films although the plot revolves around a couple,

romantic love seems only to serve as foil

for each character's personal issues.

Love neither offers a solution to their life problems

nor absolves their inherent loneliness.

In fact, these short-lived affairs highlight external and internal factors

that hinder two people from connecting.

Just like that,

viewers travel between the couple's drama

and the inner conflicts within each person.

"They say women are made of water."

"So are some men."

They meet, fall in love and part ways.

Wong Kar Wai does not attempt to tell an epic story with climaxes.

He only visualizes ambiguous feelings

and narrate trivial incidents,

through colors, smoke,

sweeping tracking shots

and the subtle performances of his muses.

Through stories about lost souls destined to never connect,

what does Wong Kar Wai really want to say?

It could be his pessimistic view of romantic love.

An attempt to materialize the pain of urban solitude.

The anxiety of being caught in a dramatic time of political transition in Hong Kong.

Whatever it is,

we cannot help but fully submerge into his sad and beautiful world

of neon signs, vivid colors,

contemporary Cantonese pop songs

and romances that go nowhere.

For more infomation >> Những mảnh tình khuyết trong phim Vương Gia Vệ / Failed Romances in the World of Wong Kar Wai - Duration: 4:03.


What Do You Think You're Worth? - Duration: 28:31.

TERRI: A recent study showed that women's magazines have

10 times more advertisements promoting weight loss than men's

magazines. They say the majority of people's problems are, we

don't like ourselves, and a poor self-image, low self-esteem, it

shows up in every area of our lives. I want to share with you

five tips to build your self-image and your body image.


TERRI: Hey. I'm Terri Savelle Foy and you're watching Live

Your Dreams. I pray that as you invest in yourself today, you're

captivated and you're catapulted to live your dreams. I want to

talk to you today about making improvements in your self-image

and even your body image. Why? Because it affects every area of

your life, and I believe God is speaking to you today that it's

time to boost your confidence. Why? So you can go after the

dreams that God has put in your heart. In fact, I heard this

story, I thought it was so cute, about this mayor who was on a

float with his wife going down the parade. They're going down

main street in this parade. They were waving at the crowd, you

know? Seeing everybody. All of a sudden, the mayor, he just

happened to point out there and he noticed his wife's former

boyfriend who now owned the local gas station. He kind of

snickered sarcastically and he said, "Aren't you glad you

didn't marry him? You'd be working at a gas station." She

snickered and said, "No, if I'd married him, he'd be the mayor."

I love that because she had such confidence in who she was,

didn't she? You got to change the way you see yourself if

you're going to fulfill your assignment. In fact, you may

have heard of a man named Jim Rohn who was a great motivator.

He's gone on to be with the Lord, but he's been a great

motivator and a mentor to other people. In fact, he was a mentor

to Tony Robbins. Well, Tony Robbins apparently grew up very

poor. He said he had a very poor mentality and he just didn't

expect much out of life. Jim Rohn began to mentor him, teach

him success and he told him right off the bat, he said,

"Tony, you've got to change your whole psychology about success

and about the way you see yourself." He said, "You have a

poor mentality and we've got to condition yourself to begin to

see more, that God has more for your life." So He said, "What I

want you to do is go to the bank and I want you to get $300 out."

He said, "Even if that's all you've got, go get three $100

bills." He said, "I want you to put it on the outside of your

money clip so that every time you get your money out, you see

wealth and you condition yourself to build your

confidence to succeed." He said, "I want you to program your mind

for abundance." He began to teach him stuff like, he said,

"You know, the Bible says, 'Come boldly to the throne and ask for

what you need.' Don't come with your head down, sheepishly,

cowardly, begging God for a few dollars." He said, "The Bible

actually says you have not because you ask not." He said,

"Why are you so intimidated to not ask the Lord for things?"

Well, you know, Tony began to learn these success traits and

he became a great motivator. He said one night he was walking

out of this conference in downtown Boston and he said he

saw this homeless man approaching him off in the

distance. He had on a trench coat. He had a paper bag in his

hand, and he's getting closer to him. The homeless man walked

right up to Tony Robbins and he just asked him, he said,

"Mister, can you loan me a quarter?" All of a sudden, Tony

just had this idea. He said, "I'm going to practice this on

this homeless man," so he said he took out those three $100

bills from his wallet, but he also took out a coin from his

pocket. He held them up in front of that homeless man and he just

said, "Listen, life will pay you any price you ask of it. The

Bible says, 'Ask and you shall receive. You have not because

you ask not.'" All of a sudden, he said that homeless man looked

at Tony, he looked at those hundreds, he looked at the

quarter. Then he did it again. He looked at Tony, he looked at

the hundreds, he looked at the quarter. He said he did this

about four different times. Then all of a sudden, he said,

"You're weird." But that's not all he did. He said he grabbed

the quarter and he ran off. Now I don't know about you, but when

I heard that story, that broke my heart that that homeless man,

he asked for what he thought he was worth. He didn't think he

was worth $300. He thought he was only worth a coin. You hear

a story like that and you think, "That is so sad," but what are

you asking God for? Are you asking God to put gas in your

car or are you asking God to pay off the car? You know, I've

heard Joyce Meyer say this. She said, "I'd rather ask God for

everything and get 50% than ask for nothing and get 100%." Well,

my point is we live in a world where there is an epidemic of

low self-esteem and the thing is it affects almost every aspect

of our lives. It affects your relationships, your health even.

It affects your appearance, the way you carry yourself. It

affects your children. Insecurity can come off on them.

It affects the career you choose. It even affects

your relationship with God, what you think He'll really even give

you. First of all, let me just define what a self-image is.

Your self-image is simply a mental portrait that you carry

of yourself. It's the idea you have of your abilities, your

appearance, your personality. It's like this mental image or

mental portrait that you have of you. It's the way you see

yourself. The thing is, it doesn't matter if other people

see you completely different. It's how you see yourself that

affects everything. In fact, I was reading something about the

effects of a poor self-image on your life. Listen to this, these

are just some of them. Negative emotions and feelings. You know

a poor self-image affects your mood? You might battle with

constantly feeling sad, ashamed, anxious, depressed or even angry

at times, and you don't even know why. People may even

comment, "You're so moody," and you can't even explain it. Those

are just symptoms of a poor self-image, or being

unmotivated. Maybe even watching a show like this on Live Your

Dreams, you're like, "Give me a break." Maybe you find it hard

to get excited about pursuing any new goals or dreams for your

life, and it could be because you automatically assume you'll

fail, so what's the point? It even affects relationships. You

have relationship troubles. Well, for one thing, there's

nothing more unattractive than insecurity. In fact, I read

where the most attractive trait that men and women find in each

other is confidence. See, if you don't like yourself, it's hard

for other people to enjoy liking you either, so it affects

relationships. It also affects comfort zones, being locked in

comfort zones. Well, we know that it's all fear-based. You

know, insecurity, poor self-esteem, those are all

fear-based. It's the fear that you're not good enough, you're

not smart enough, you're not educated enough, you're not

skinny enough, you're not pretty enough. Those are all fear-based

and because of that fear, you'll stay locked in a comfort zone

when God is saying, "Everything I have for you is one step

outside that comfort zone." Another symptom of it is just

not looking after yourself. When you already feel bad about

yourself physically, it's easy to just let things go like

eating healthy, exercising, because why does it even matter?

I read where eating disorders, substance abuse, addictions,

staying in abusive relationships, it's all linked

to heavy doses of a poor self-image. You know, many

people have what they call a distorted self-image, which I

can identify with that. I've shared on other broadcasts how I

had a very distorted self-image and it didn't matter what other

people said. I saw myself a certain way. I saw myself as

ugly and fat and worthless and insignificant, and because I saw

myself that way, you behave in a manner consistent with how you

see yourself. If you see yourself as worthless, you'll

let people treat you as worthless. Now you see why it's

so important that you build your self-image because God has a

plan for your life and He needs you to pull your shoulders back,

hold your head up and get serious about your destiny. I

recently read a statistic that said 91% of women are unhappy

with their bodies. 91%. We're getting close to 100% of all

women hate their bodies. 58% of college-aged girls feel

pressured to be a certain way. 95% of people with eating

disorders are between the ages of 12 and 25. Most of this stems

from experiences in our lives and some people, you would

assume they have it all together because maybe it appears that

way on the outside, but you never know what people have been

through and are hiding it. In fact, I wanted to read this

letter to you from a precious girl named Chris, from Canada,

who wrote to me. Her story, you may identify with some of it or

maybe just portions of it, but listen to this. She said, "I was

raised in a Christian home all my life, although some might

find that hard to believe. I was sexually abused, but my parents

never knew. I wasn't the same child." She said, "I've often

wondered who I was before the abuse started. I would flirt

with my dad's friends and do anything for their attention. I

was so confused, I hated myself." She said, "I became

best friends with the girl next door to us. Sadly, she was being

sexually abused by her brother's best friend and because her and

I were so close, I was dragged into it as well. Only for me, it

was her brother, his best friend and her cousin." She said, "At

first, I fought them off, but after a while I gave in. Then I

even looked for it. I convinced myself that if at least I do

some of what they want, they'll love me. My parents had no idea.

I started growing cold inside." She said, "I started to drink

and do drugs. I started dressing sleazy when I could. When we

moved again in the eleventh grade," she said, "it went from

bad to, 'I'll never get through this.'" She said," I began

cutting myself. The pain inside was so great. I was an

embarrassment to my father." She said, "He always labeled me as a

troublemaker and someone just looking for attention." Then she

wrote this, "If only he knew. I first started thinking about

killing myself when I was about 11 years old and still being

abused. We lived by a highway at the time and I would sit outside

my home and imagine jumping in front of a truck. At 16 I was

told that my boyfriend would leave me if I didn't sleep with

him, so I did and became pregnant." She said, "I was

happy though, because I thought, 'Finally someone will love me.'

However, my boyfriend bailed when I was seven months along.

After hearing your message about self-image, you opened my eyes

to so many things. I have never stood up and told anyone my

story. Your messages mean so much to me." She said, "I've

listened to them over and over, and I haven't missed a day with

God since hearing you. I'm truly allowing God to heal me from the

inside out. I feel so much happier." She said, "I want

girls to know that having a baby won't make the pain go away. I

want them to know that even when men or boys hurt you in horrible

ways, that hurting others won't take the pain away." She said,

"I want girls and boys with eating disorders to know that

God can heal them. I want cutters to know that they don't

have to bleed to relieve their pain. There's other ways." She

said, "I want them to know that God loves them." Then she said,

"Thank you, Terri, for making me believe I am princess in God's

eyes. I will never be the same." That blesses my heart, but what

I want you to know are the words that the Lord so gently and

lovingly told me, that things will never be right around you

until they're first right in you. See, God can't use you

publicly until you get victory privately, and I believe you're

watching this on purpose. There's a reason you tuned in to

this broadcast today, because I believe God's speaking to you or

maybe for someone you know, someone you love and care about,

and you see them going down this path of self-destruction and

it's because they have this rooted, deep-seated low

self-esteem, insecurity, poor self-image, but God is the cure

for the insecure. He can heal you from the inside out. I'm so

glad you're watching today because I'm going to share with

you a few tips to help you improve your self-image.

ANNOUNCER: You were fearfully and wonderfully made. You are

God's masterpiece and the apple of his eye and when you see

yourself the way God sees you, the limits on your life are

removed and your future comes alive. As a thank you for your

gift of $25 or more, Terri would like to send you the Build Your

Self-Image Package to help you grow your confidence and enjoy

your life. As you listen to your self-image affects your destiny

and 10 Tips to Build Your Body-Image and Self-Image,

you'll discover the truth about how your purpose can be limited

by your self-image. How to repair a damaged view of

yourself. How to live every day with a healthy self-image and

much more. Plus for a limited time, you'll also receive a

special declarations mirror cling to help you speak God's

Word over yourself every day. So don't wait, call toll free,

800-795-5597. Or visit us online at

TERRI: I want to share with you a few tips to

help you improve your self-image on the inside

and the outside, and these are the very things that

the Lord dealt with me about so that I could do what

I'm doing today. Number one is change your mind. Change your

mind. Now when I say that, what I mean is that your life will

never change until your thinking changes. Nothing will change in

your life until you begin thinking differently. You know,

Proverbs 23:7 says, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he."

Of course, that scripture can be positively or negatively. In

other words, if you see yourself as a loser, you'll act like a

loser. If you see yourself as insignificant, you'll actually

insignificant. You'll let people treat you like you're

insignificant. If you see yourself as trashy, worthless,

crazy, psycho, messed up, maybe words that have been spoken over

you, then you'll act that way, but see, if you see yourself as

forgiven, loved, valuable, confident, chosen by God, then

you're going to start acting like a person chosen by God.

Well, how do you change the way you've thought for 10, 20, 30

years of your life perhaps? Romans 12:2 says this. "Be

transformed by the renewing of your mind." First of all, you

have to ask, what do you renew your mind to? Well, it's the

Word of God, and here's the thing about renewing your mind.

It's a two-step process. It means you have to get rid of the

old way of thinking and replace it with a new way of thinking

about yourself. In fact, I've heard Joyce Meyer talk about

how, if you open up your refrigerator and

you have this horrible smell in there, she

said, you can't just spray something, close the door

and expect it to go away. I've tried that. It doesn't

work. No. You have to open it up, take out all the junk, all

the disgusting stuff, clean it up. Then you can spray something

and then replace it with the new, fresh, clean stuff. It's

the same with the Word of God. What you desperately need more

than anything is to hear the Word consistently, so see, if

your mind is tormented with fearful, insecure, debilitating

thoughts, then you're not hearing enough Word. If you lay

down at night and your mind is just racing with hopelessness

and fear and insecurity and painful memories, then you need

to get a plan to hear the Word of God more today than you did

yesterday. In other words, kick it up a notch. Here's the thing.

God's word is final authority. I love what T. D. Jakes said. He

said, "You can't take a person who feels ugly about themselves

and make them feel lovely." He said, "They cannot retain the

encouragement because they're leaking from the inside." Then

he said this, "Only the Word of God will get down on the inside

of your soul and fix the plumbing so you can retain what

God has placed in you." So only the Word of God can change a

poor self-image into the image of God, so I want to challenge

you, when you get the resources this week, set a goal that

you're going to make yourself listen to these teachings over

and over and over for 21 days straight because

God is the cure for the insecure. Here's

the thing. What you repeatedly hear, you will

eventually believe. Number one is change your mind. Number two

is speak positively about yourself. What I mean by that is

do not let one negative word or comment come out of your mouth

about yourself ever again. That's easy to say, it's hard to

do. I understand. Trust me. I told you, I only know how to

speak from experience. These are the things the Lord dealt with

me about, but it means you stop saying things like, "I'm so

stupid" or, "I'm too short. I look so fat. Gosh, look how old

I look. I look awful." The thing is, you believe yourself more

than anyone, so cut that stuff out of your vocabulary. Your

words create your image negatively or positively, and

I'm not saying this is easy to do. In fact, there's times I've

looked at the broadcast, I've seen it on my phone, and I

think, "Oh my gosh, look at me." Then I'm like, "Don't say it.

You might think it, but don't say it." Well, how do you change

the way you speak? Number one is stop putting your own self down.

Like I said, you may think it, but don't say it. Number two is

stop exaggerations. Stop saying things like, "I'll never get

that job. I'm always the last one chosen. I always make that

mistake." Stop those exaggerations about yourself.

Number three is stop trying to be perfect. Accept the fact that

you have flaws. It's okay that you're not perfect. I'm not

perfect. We have weaknesses. Maybe you get nervous, you're

shy, or maybe you're outspoken and bold. It's okay. Here's the

other thing. Start agreeing with what God's Word says about you.

You know, your words are vital to transforming your self-image.

In fact, the Bible says in James the tongue is a small thing, but

what enormous damage it can do. Well, the opposite of that is

when you start speaking positive things over yourself, you get

positive results out of yourself. That's why I've put

together this little cling, was so that you'd get into this

habit. Stick it on your mirror so you get into this daily habit

of making these declarations over your life, and these are

the very declarations and life changing scriptures that I spoke

over myself and still do. Remember, successful people do

consistently what others do occasionally, so a poor

self-image, it doesn't show up overnight. Well, neither does

renewing the mind, neither does a positive self-image. That's

why you need to make things like this just a part of your routine

where it's not even up for debate. You just say, "I brush

my teeth, I put mascara on and I make my declarations." Like I

said, your words create your reality, so I'm going to teach

you how to train your mouth to declare and start expecting the

favor of God on your life. I would have encouraged you to

make a list of positive declarations and maybe get a few

scriptures, but I've already done the homework for you. I've

put my declarations and my scriptures, so just start doing

it consistently. My next point, number three, this is something

you can change overnight. Is stand up straight. Just stand up

straight. Do you know that people immediately connect good

posture with confidence? Just the fact that you start

practicing good posture, just practice stand up straight, when

you sit in your car ... Someone told me, adjust the rear view

mirror with perfect posture and just practice driving around

with your good posture. If you start to slump, straighten up

again, but you're going to immediately feel and appear more

confident. Number four is look people in the eyes. Insecure

people, they avoid eye contact with people, they look away,

they look down and those are just signs that scream

insecurity. Here's the thing. You are a child of the most high

God. The blood of Jesus flows through your veins. You have

every right to look another person straight in the eyes and

carry on a conversation, so I just want you to practice that.

Practice making eye contact with people. Number five, this is

another one on a practical side, is exercise. Do you know

physical fitness has a huge effect on self-confidence?

Obviously, if you're out of shape, you'll feel insecure, you

feel unattractive, you feel lees energetic, but by working out

you improve your physical appearance, you energize

yourself and you accomplish something positive. In fact,

they've discovered that there is a direct link between physical

health and mental health, emotional health. When you just

start taking care of yourself physically, it affects your

emotions. Having the discipline to work out, it creates positive

momentum that you can build on the rest of the day. Let me just

tell you, don't listen to Satan's lies telling you that

you can't do this because you've done it in the past and you

quit, and you did it again and you quit. Yes, you can. In

fact, that's one of the declarations is, "I am

disciplined, spirit, soul and body. I'm full of energy." See,

when you start making those declarations over yourself, the

moment those lies come to you, "Stay in bed. What's the point?

You're not going to lose weight. You've done this before." You

just say, "Shut up. I am energetic. I'm in the best shape

of my life. I'm disciplined, spirit, soul and body." You may

need to get a partner to help you stay accountable, but here's

what I want to suggest, is get a plan to do something for 20

minutes a day. You know I tell people all the time, don't

look at the one hour you don't have. Let's look at the 20

minutes you do have and just put some effort into some physical

fitness for 20 minutes. It could be walking around your

neighborhood. It could be, if you have a treadmill, you get on

that treadmill for 20 minutes. You've got to decide too, when

are you the most energetic? Are you a morning person, you wake

up ready to go? Or does your energy really kick in when

everybody goes to bed? All of a sudden, you're ready to conquer

the world? Honor your energy cycles, but decide when you can

be the most consistent. Here's a funny little point. The average

American watches six hours of television every day. Six hours

every day. Well, what if you were to just take 20 minutes? I

mean, still watch your five hours and 40, but take 20

minutes to do something to invest in your physical health.

Do you know 20 minutes times 30 days in a month, that is 10

hours of investing in your appearance, in your physical

health? We can do that, can't we? I got a friend I met in

Denver. She said, "I took that advice instead of putting it

off, and already assuming that I'm a procrastinator and I'm

lazy." She said, "I started changing my dialogue, saying,

'I'm disciplined, spirit, soul and body.' And Terri said, 'Just

take 20 minutes. Don't look at the one hour you don't have.

Look at the 20 minutes you do have.'" She said, "I've lost 36

pounds in a simple dose, 20 minutes every day." I want to

challenge you this week to get this special package, Your

Self-Image Affects Your Destiny. Now I put this little bonus

teaching in here, 10 Tips To Build Your Body Image and

Self-Image. I believe you're going to get that boost you need

to get free from all those damaging emotions and effects of

the past that have caused you to feel inferior, insecure,

ashamed, low self-esteem. I believe God's telling you today,

"It's time to kick this thing." Get rid of these insecurities

because He has a plan for your life, and see, you'll never

fulfill God's plan for your life if you're insecure, have low

self-esteem, a poor self-image. That's what the Lord began to

deal with me years ago because I couldn't do what I'm doing today

if I continued to see myself the way I used to see myself, so I

want you to get this special package. It comes with this

cling that you stick on your mirror. Maybe you need to get

this for a child, a teenager, a friend, a coworker. Get this

package. Have them stick it on the mirror and just make it a

part of your routine every day. Let me remind you, at the lowest

point in my life when I was so insecure, I remember hearing the

Lord say, "God will change your circumstances, but He'll change

you first." Actually I heard another minister say that. God

will change your circumstances, but He'll change you first. You

may be feeling like God's calling you to have your own

ministry, to have a business, to get married, to move on with the

next thing, but God's saying, "I can't use you publicly until you

get victory privately." That's what He began to teach me, so if

you don't want the next five years to be like the last five,

embrace the change that needs to be made. Get this special

package. Invest in yourself, and I'm declaring by faith, you are

a new creation in Christ Jesus. Old things have passed away.

Behold, all things have become new including your self-image

and your body image, so don't look at the years you've lost.

Let's look at the years you've got left and

start living your dreams. Thank you for watching.

ANNOUNCER: You were fearfully and wonderfully made.

You are God's masterpiece and the apple of his eye

and when you see yourself the way God sees you,

the limits on your life are removed and your future comes

alive. As a thank you for your gift of $25 or more, Terri would

like to send you the Build Your Self-Image Package to help you

grow your confidence and enjoy your life. As you listen to your

self-image affects your destiny and 10 Tips to Build Your

Body-Image and Self-Image, you'll discover the truth about

how your purpose can be limited by your self-image.

How to repair a damaged view of yourself. How to live every day

with a healthy self-image and much more. Plus for a limited

time, you'll also receive a special declarations

mirror cling to help you speak God's Word over

yourself every day. So don't wait, call toll free,

800-795-5597. Or visit us online at


BRENDAN: Congratulations Terri-- CAMILLE: Yes! BRENDAN:

--On 10 years in the ministry. CAMILLE: Woohoo! BRENDAN: We

just want to say that all the way from Paris, congratulations.

CAMILLE: It is absolutely incredible to think about 10

years in Ministry. And we want to thank you for your love, for

France, for it's people, and for investing year after year here

in this nation and were so grateful for the impact of your

ministry. BRENDAN: So have a great day, a great celebration,

and all our love towards you ad were so excited for all that God

wants to do in the future-- CAMILLE: Yes. BRENDAN: --in and

through you. So have a great celebration.

CAMILLE: We love you! BRENDAN: We love you!



For more infomation >> What Do You Think You're Worth? - Duration: 28:31.


Woodturng A Valentines Vase From A Tagua Nut - Duration: 6:00.

Hi, Alan Stratton, from As Wood Turns. ( A few weeks ago, I saw a demonstration by

Clive Christianson who has turned hundreds of tagua nuts. What is a tagua nut? It is

this ugly little brown thing. It has been used as vegetable ivory. It has a very nice

ivory color. So I decided I had to turn one also. Here

is my tagua vase. It is huge, right? Well, no. it is only this size. But it has this

nice rich antique ivory color and is quite nice. It is actually quite a challenge to

turn very small instead of big. So let's turn this tagua nut into a vase.

Before actually starting to turn, I took one of my threaded wood faceplates and bored a

1.75" hole about ¼" deep. Then I turned a spindle with a tenon sized for the faceplate

and glued them together. After the glue dried, I reduce the end of the spindle to be more

of the size of the tagua nut. I sanded a small flat on the nut opposite the attachment end.

Then I sprayed the faceplate pedestal with CA accelerator, applied medium CA to the flat

on the nut and pushed them together. I let the glue harden a good long time.

Now I can "rough" turn the nut with a small spindle gouge. I have a rubber stopper

on my live center for gentle support. I took gentle cuts but there's not a lot to hog

off. Then I switched to a skew to use as a scraper. As I work, I'm expecting a while

color. Instead I'm getting a mellow color near to antique ivory.

I plan to leave just a little of the brown covering On a side to show that this is not

just plastic.

For the interior, I'm using my hollowing tools made from Allen wrenches. Even these

could be smaller for this project. Hollowing is difficult because normally I can measure

wall thickness with my fingers. But with this small vase, I cannot fit a finger inside to

feel it. Finally, I remembered the demonstrator using a side light to measure wall thickness.

Maybe not to measure it but to see how even the wall is by whether it is consistently

allowing light to pass thru it. Sorry, for the end camera. The little tagua

nut hid behind the live center or behind me when hollowing. This time we'll stick to

the overhead camera. This is a very different experience from hollowing

a larger vessel. It's tiny. I'm used to large movements; this vase requires small

careful movements. I sanded with 220 grit and 400 grit sandpaper.

The vase shined up very nicely. Finally, I parted it off mostly thru the wood

pedestal; just a little cleanup on the actual nut base.

I did not dare reverse mount this little vase. So I put a small burr in the Dremel tool and

ground out the foot just a little bit. It looks purposeful. And not simply sanded flat.

Finally, I buffed the little vase with Tripoli, white diamond, and carnuba wax. I could not

figure out how to sign a vase this small. This little vase is kind of cute. It was worth

doing if only to test myself on the other end of the size scale. It has a nice antique

color. It's a keeper and I'll have to turn more of these tiny projects. It will

be a great valentines gift for my wife. That's all for this tiny vase. Please give

this video a thumbs up, subscribe on my website and tell your friends. Please wear your full

face shield – you'll thank me later or cuss yourself for not wearing it. I am Alan

Stratton from As Wood Turns dot com. Come back next week for a new woodturning video.

For more infomation >> Woodturng A Valentines Vase From A Tagua Nut - Duration: 6:00.


ADIOS Amigos for Dummies - Duration: 4:30.

ADIOS Amigos is a astrophysics simulation.

hidden behind a cute comic book surface.

Where you explore solar systems

co-operate and use clever thinking

and orbital mechanics to conserve precious fuel

to find your way home.

With Rookie Mode

have made a deep and challenging game

more accessible for inexperienced players.

Rookies have fewer buttons to press and

we stop them from doing obviously dangerous things

like exiting their ship in dark and empty space.

[P1] Not the planet that is close to the sun

because it could be very very warm!

[P2] OK, then we will go the other planet.

[P1] No! Let's take that coolish thing!

[P3] Spaaaace!

The addition of Rookie Mode enables you

to play ADIOS Amigos together

with your whole family.

Parents can play with their children

and teenagers can play with their younger

brothers and sisters.

SPACE is a dangerous place.

But we have chosen not to give players

access to any types of weapons.

[P2] But there is something blocking me here...

You need to be clever and skillful.

But violence is never a solution.

[P2] Whoa! Many things inside!

[P3] Oh, something happened...

[P3] It it it's burning!

[P1] Yes, when you touch the engine it will activate.

[P1] *Gasp!* Quick! Pedal to the metal!

[P1] Great! You guys are awesome!

[P1] Everyone is inside!

Instead of a classical solution

we have turned split screen

into a gameplay mechanic.

The game starts in full screen.

If players go to far apart

we will split the screen into corners.

Then, if for example

two players enter a ship together

we will let them share a screen

The game will pick the best mix for every situation

In ADIOS Amigos just like in real life

everything moves

we are part of a big cosmic clockwork.

It's going on above your head

as you walk the planet surface.

Night becomes day as the planets orbits the sun.

This simulation controls everything.

Let's zoom in and have look

at a typical day of an unfortunate alien.

We are proud of the features that we have in ADIOS.

But it pales in comparison to the game's music

by Maestro Joakim Kanon.

For more infomation >> ADIOS Amigos for Dummies - Duration: 4:30.


Californians Plan to Block Oil Shipments, Setting Up Fight with - Duration: 3:37.

Californians Plan to Block Oil Shipments, Setting Up Fight with (and Likely Loss to)

Trump Admin

California officials plan on preventing the federal government from transporting oil and

gas using existing pipelines in the state, according to a report Wednesday from The San

Francisco Chronicle.

Officials on the California Coastal Commission are urging the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy

Management to rescind plans allowing companies to drill for oil off the coast.

They are still hoping for an exemption from the oil drilling plan, that Florida has received.

�Given how unpopular oil development in coastal waters is in California, it is certain

that the state would not approve new pipelines or allow use of existing pipelines to transport

oil from new leases onshore,� coastal commissioners Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, State Controller Betty

Yee, and state Department of Finance Director Michael Cohen wrote in a letter Wednesday

to the BOEM.

The agency will also be holding a meeting in Sacramento Thursday to take public comment

on President Donald Trump�s administration�s offshore drilling plans.

The public question session will not be enough for a state with a population of nearly 40

million people, officials say.

Trump issued executive orders in 2017, nixing former President Barack Obama-era regulations

on offshore drilling that are worth $288 million over a decade.

Obama put the rules in place after six years of study into the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil


A natural gas leak caused the explosion and released millions of barrels of oil into the

Gulf of Mexico

The California Coastal Sanctuary Act bans new oil and gas leasing in state waters and

the state has not issued a lease for offshore drilling and gas development since 1968.

Newsom, a Democrat, blasted Trump�s support of the fossil fuel industry, as well as his

decision to open California up to oil production.

�President Trump�s offshore oil drilling plan is a step backward in time, toward an

energy policy that blindly handcuffs the nation to an unsustainable future,� Newsom said

in a statement after the commission sent the letter.

California�s decision could set it on a collision course with the Trump administration.

The state has control over the first three miles west from the coast, and the federally

owned Outer Continental Shelf includes waters up to three miles out from that line.

California officials can therefore control pipelines, transportation of materials, terminals,

and refineries built in coastal areas.

The federal government could pull out the U.S. Constitution�s supremacy clause to

create a regulatory framework that would override California law.

For more infomation >> Californians Plan to Block Oil Shipments, Setting Up Fight with - Duration: 3:37.


Star Stable: Falling In Love ~ [1. episode] + Titulky! - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> Star Stable: Falling In Love ~ [1. episode] + Titulky! - Duration: 5:37.



For more infomation >> LITTLE NIGHTMARES - UN JEU À L'UNIVERS DE TIM BURTON - Duration: 6:27.


紹興醉蝦。 Shaoxing wine shrimp - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> 紹興醉蝦。 Shaoxing wine shrimp - Duration: 2:26.


Siamese - Fogoza [ Webclipe ] - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Siamese - Fogoza [ Webclipe ] - Duration: 3:45.


Stock Market Crash 2018: Is It Time to Panic? - Duration: 4:50.

Chris: Welcome to Dr. David Eifrig's Health & Wealth Bulletin.

This is Weekly Update.

On Monday, the Dow Jones dropped 1600 points, the biggest one-day drop in history.

Since then, stocks have had a massive rally, the biggest in the past 15 months.

So we wanted to know what caused it and what it means for our financial security.

With me today is John Gillin, analyst for Stansberry NewsWire, to help explain what


John: Hey Chris.

Chris: Hey John.

So why don't you tell us – what triggered this drop?

John: Oh wow.

A myriad of things, but – I'm going to refer to some notes here because I don't want to

miss anything for you guys.

Inflation scares have been the biggest concern.

Last Friday you had the employment data, jobs were fine.

Wage growth better than expected.

Productivity was a little shy of the pot.

And then you had a spike in interest rates.

So, what that caused was, stocks trade on present value or future cash flows, so if

rates are going up, then funding costs are as well, and that put a real crimp in technology,


Also, the dollar rallied.

The dollar has been weak of late.

Multinationals have loved that because they sell their goods and services overseas – in

the local currencies.

They make more money with a weaker dollar.

Anyway, everything got offsides pretty quickly.

And then you've read a lot and heard a lot about the volatility index.

Now, there were some gunslingers out there who'd been short the VIX for years and had

made fortunes.

However, when this reversed, as it did… when it started to reverse on Friday and then

on Monday, there were billions, literally billions lost.

And that panic ensued and as a result, algorithms kicked in to sell stocks and algorithms are

price agnostic.

So spreads widen out on stocks, meaning bids and offers, and when it was for sale, every

buyer just took a hike and that's why you have that massive down drop of 1600 points.

And that's, in a nutshell, what did happen.

Chris: Okay, so with the rally then, are we back to bullish or should we worry about a

bear market coming soon?

John: We should… whatever is going to happen happens quickly in this day and age that we

live in.

And one of the keys, well the keys going forward…

Earnings have been great.

70% of companies have actually raised guidance.

Stocks are trading at about 18, 19 times, which is not historically expensive, so the

case for calm is there.

But a lot of global issues that are taking place can continue to put pressure on equities.

One of the keys is on Tuesday, I wanted to tell you guys about, was as markets moved

up and down a couple hundred points at a clip, at 2:45 every day margin clerks make calls

to their prime brokers.

If they've got to square their accounts.

Now on Tuesday, there was a lot of concern, much like Monday, there was going to be a

callout, that there would be a heavy for sale into the close.

There wasn't, so the margin clerks tell their bosses, they make calls to the hedge funds

who then have an edge, little inside baseball, and then that's where all the buying came

from and why it exploded up into the close because there really wasn't anything for sale.

Yesterday a little different story as tech came for sale.

I'm a little concerned about tech because of what I mentioned earlier.

If inflation is going up and interest rates are going up, cost of funding becomes an issue.

So that was definitely a source of funds yesterday.

Chris: Okay, so what is the takeaway for investors – are there any places that are safe right


John: I think that as you saw, defense stocks, Boeing and United Technologies, Lockheed Martin,

all led the cheers and that's because of a big budget increase for defense.

We like to see that.

Materials typically do well when interest rates are going up.

Anything paying a 4% dividend, you're paid to wait and there are plenty of those now.

Banks, regional banks, they look fine to me, particularly in an interest rate environment

that's bumping up a better economy, their low interest margins, their capital growth

appears fine.

As I said, be careful with technology.

Consumer stocks, it's like they're having difficulties with organic growth and at all

cost, I'd avoid mall retailers because they've become tumbleweeds in February and March.

Chris: Well, thanks, John.

If you don't already follow NewsWire, please do they have great analysis during the day,

whatever is going on, they're on the pulse of it.

And that's it for today so keep the questions and comments coming to our feedback line.

And like, share, and subscribe.


John: Thanks very much.

For more infomation >> Stock Market Crash 2018: Is It Time to Panic? - Duration: 4:50.


New Beginning - Nathaniel Drew - Duration: 4:58.

As a creator, and I'm not speaking of video alone here,

I've evolved immensely over the last two years.

Momentos of a lot of inspiration and growth, and then also points where

I was no longer happy with my work and with myself.

Very often dumbing myself down for fear of not being understood,

or hoping that I would reach a bigger audience.

Focusing on numbers, focusing on others.

I was playing a fool's game.

I think that, consciously or not,

I decided to take some time off to reflect on everything.

I needed perspective. I was exhausted,

making content for 3 channels.

And I was worried about the reactions I would get.

I was pursuing something intangible,

impossible. I don't know how I ended up

so far from my original goal.

And look, just like everyone, I wanna be happy.

But we live in a confusing world.

Instructions are not included.

Maybe you feel the same way?

And so I took a long break without publishing basically anything in all of social media.

The only issue with all of that is that at the root of things,

I'm a creator.

And I think my happiness is largely based in precisely that:

telling and sharing stories.

But not just any story... extraordinary stories, that impact me.

So in recent times, I've been feeling that

Someone is getting it on!

So in recent times I've been feeling that need to create come back.

But that also means that I'm returning to the struggle of creating in real life what lives in here,

which, quite frankly, I haven't been able to do yet.

Clearly I still have a lot left to learn.

Man there is so much that I want out of life, and I feel like I can say this for most of us.

We are our own greatest obstacle.

We all just have to stop being so afraid to be different.

So here I am again.

I'm not rushed.

No more pressure.

No expectations.

Only with the desire to create beautiful things.

For more infomation >> New Beginning - Nathaniel Drew - Duration: 4:58.


macOS High Sierra - Bootable Disk and Installation (USB Flash Drive / Pendrive) ✔ - Duration: 6:20.

In this video tutorial, I will demonstrate to you in a simple, fast and efficient way,

how to create a boot disk and operating system install "MacOS High Sierra".

Using a "USB flash drive". Also known as "Pendrive".

Okay okay

Okay okay

It's Junior in here, from JR Tech Junior.

Although this procedure is super simple,

a good tip and make "Backup" your files, for security reasons.

Remembering also that only logged in as "Administrator"

you can perform this procedure.

Our, USB Flash drive, also known as "Pendrive",

should be at least 8gb.

Let's start?

Insert the USB flash drive into the computer.

Download MacOS Operating System High Sierra at Apple's online store.

Now confirm, if the installation app is in the "Applications" folder inside the Finder.

Open a new Finder window and locate again, the install app

MacOS High Sierra in the Applications folder.

On top of the application application icon, right click button and select

"Show Package Contents".

Open the "Contents" folder.

Select and open the "Resources" folder.

And find a file called "createinstallmedia".

Leave this file accessible, because we will use it then.

All ready!

We can go to the next steep!

Open a terminal window;

Type in the lowercase letters the "sudo" command,

s-u-d-o and a space;

Then go to the file "createinstallmedia"

that we leave available to the side, and drag it into the terminal window.

In front of the command line that appeared,

write the "--volume" command and a space with lowercase letters.

Now locate the "USB Flash Drive" icon

and drag it also into the window the terminal.

Soon after, following the command line that is being created, write in letters

lowercase the "--applicationpath" and of a space;

And to end our command line, locate the "macOS High Sierra" installation app

and drag it into the terminal window.


That's it!

You have successfully done all the preparation.

Now, just hit enter, enter your password administrator, and then click enter again.

Enter the letter "y" and click enter to confirm formatting of USB flash drive

and start creating the installation disk.

This process takes around 15 minutes, depending on the settings that each machine.

And taking advantage while you wait, Subscribe my channel.

There's a lot of good videos in here.

Leave your questions and comments here at low.

Enjoy the video and share with your friends.

This way you will be contributing to creation of new videos.

Well, let's continue!

We can see that it is already ending!

All ready!

If all went well, it will be a window like this one, that you will see on your


Note here, that the USB Flash Drive icon, who previously had no name, went on to call

"Install macOS High Sierra".

We can double click on the USB icon to confirm that the installation app is properly saved.

Now just double-click the icon from the installation app and follow the instructions.

Another way to install the program is, with the USB flash drive connected to the computer,

restart the machine, and at the time of reboot, press and hold the "option" key,

to enter the boot selection screen.

Select the USB icon that contains the app and follow the instructions.

Okay okay guys

This is what I have for today.

I hope I've helped.

Thank you very much and see you next time.

For more infomation >> macOS High Sierra - Bootable Disk and Installation (USB Flash Drive / Pendrive) ✔ - Duration: 6:20.


Top 10 Hottest WWE Divas 2018, Famous and beautiful Female Wrestlers - Duration: 2:56.

Top 10 Hottest WWE Divas 2018, Famous and beautiful Female Wrestlers

For more infomation >> Top 10 Hottest WWE Divas 2018, Famous and beautiful Female Wrestlers - Duration: 2:56.


Frodo & Sam Meet Gollum | The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) CLIP 9 (+Subtitles) - Duration: 5:00.

It's ours, it is, and we wants it!

This is Sting.

You've seen it before...

...haven't you, Gollum?

Release him or I'll cut your throat.

It burns!

It burns us!

It freezes!

Nasty Elves twisted it.

- Take it off us! - Quiet, you!

It's hopeless. Every Orc in Mordor's going to hear this racket.

- Let's just tie him up and leave him. - No!

That would kill us! Kill us!

It's no more than you deserve!

Maybe he does deserve to die.

But now that I see him, I do pity him.

We be nice to them if they be nice to us.

Take it off us.

We swears to do what you wants.

We swears.

There's no promise you can make that I can trust.

We swears... serve the master of the precious.

We will swear on...

...on the precious.

Gollum. Gollum.

The Ring is treacherous. It will hold you to your word.


...on the precious.

On the precious.

I don't believe you!

- Get down! I said, down! - Sam!

He's trying to trick us.

If we let him go, he'll throttle us in our sleep.

- You know the way to Mordor? - Yes.

You've been there before?


You will lead us to the Black Gate.

To the Gate, to the Gate! To the Gate, the master says. Yes!

No! We won't go back. Not there. Not to him.

They can't make us. Gollum! Gollum!

But we swore to serve the master of the precious.

No. Ashes and dust and thirst there is, and pits, pits, pits.

And Orcses, thousands of Orcses.

And always the Great Eye watching, watching.

Hey! Come back now! Come back!

There! What did I tell you?

He's run off, the old villain.

So much for his promises.

This way, Hobbits.

Follow me!

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