Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 9 2018

Bogey approaching fast from the rear!

Orange coloring. Experimental, maybe?

Spare 8! Do not engage the enemy!


The Kingdom of Erusea declared war on the Osean Federation.

Osean launched a major attack againts the capital region,

striking Farbanti from their aircraft carrier and the Kestrel II warship.

This is HQ.

Are there any drones? Verify.

War is something I'll never get used to,

but tonight has been a total shock.

This is Princess Rosa Cossette D'Elise,

Osea attacks indiscriminately and has remorsefully injured countless of civilians

It's hard to say which side first pulled the trigger

that plunged us into this chaos.

At this point, who cares.

All that remained was chaos and confusion.

I wonder, which path you would choose?

Burn Osea to the ground!

Trigger, engage.

I managed to catch a glimpse of the three strikes!

Concentrate on him. Shoot him down!

I have visual! Arsenal Bird confirmed!

Ship is tilting!

This should prove to be fun.

Don't worry, stick with Trigger and you'll make it.

Oh really?

All aircraft, caution. Bogies!

Although I won't know for sure until I've tested them myself.

For more infomation >> Ace Combat 7 Skies Unknown but in BESIEGE v 0.60 | Theater of Flights #77 - Duration: 2:19.


Star Stable: Falling In Love ~ [1. episode] + Titulky! - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> Star Stable: Falling In Love ~ [1. episode] + Titulky! - Duration: 5:37.


Top 10 Hottest WWE Divas 2018, Famous and beautiful Female Wrestlers - Duration: 2:56.

Top 10 Hottest WWE Divas 2018, Famous and beautiful Female Wrestlers

For more infomation >> Top 10 Hottest WWE Divas 2018, Famous and beautiful Female Wrestlers - Duration: 2:56.


How To Learn English | 10 Expert English Teachers - Duration: 14:27.

For more infomation >> How To Learn English | 10 Expert English Teachers - Duration: 14:27.


Overwatch Moments #117 - Duration: 10:10.

For more infomation >> Overwatch Moments #117 - Duration: 10:10.


Dinozorlar Yaşıyor! - Duration: 11:47.

Merhaba Araştıran İnsanlar!

Dinozorların günümüzden 65 milyon yıl önce neslinin tükendiği düşünülmektedir.

İnsan oğlu gelişmiş teknolojisine rağmen dünyanın büyük kısmını henüz halen


Acaba düşünüldüğü gibi dinozorların nesli tükenmemiş olabilir mi?

Issız bucaksız ormanların derinliklerinde hayatta kalmayı başarmış dinozorlar var


Varsa bu bilgi bizden saklanıyor mu?

Dinozorlar hakkında belki de en kapsamlı Türkçe kaynak niteliğindeki bir videoyla


Dünya üzerinde şimdiye değin yapılmış dinozor gözlemlerinin ilk yazılı kaynağı

1700 lere dayanır.

Bu gözlemler tesadüfler sonucunda gerçekleştirilmiştir.

Bazı bilim adamları hayatta kalmayı başarmış bir sauropod dinozorunun hikayesi olduğunu


Bu yaratık yerel kabileler arasında Mokele-mbembe olarak bilinir.

Ekvator Afrika'sının engin ve keşfedilmemiş bataklıkları hayatta kalmak için bu hayvana

avantaj sağlamış olabilirmi?

Batı ve Orta Afrika'daki flora ve faunan bölgesi ortaçağ boyunca hıristiyan misyonerlerin

ve kaşiflerin sıkça seyahat ettikleri bir bölgeydi.

1896'da Abbé Lievain Bonaventure Proyart, ormanda daha evvel görülmemiş bir hayvana

ait kalıntılar bulan bir grup Fransız misyoner hakkında duyduklarından etkilenerek onlarla

bir söyleşi gerçekleştirdi.

Daha sonra 1913 senesinde bölgede bir keşif gezisine katıldı ve gözlemlerini 1914'te

bilim dünyasını ayağa kaldıran bir makale şeklinde yayınladı.

1913'te Alman hükümeti, Kamerun kolonisini araştırmaya karar vererek bir keşif görevi

düzenler ve seferi yönetmesi için Kaptan Freiherr von Stein'i görevlendirir.

Von Stein, Kongo topraklarında, Aşağı Ubangi, Sangha ve Ikelemba nehirlerinin zengin

bitki örtüsüyle ve ilkel kabileleri ile bilinen bölgesini sefer güzergahı tayin


Ekip bölgeye vardığında ilk temas ettikleri yerli kabilesinden çok korkulan Mokele-mbembe

adlı bir yaratık hikayesi dinler.

Yerlilerin anlattıklarına göre Hayvanın kahverengimsi derisi vardır.

Boyutu bir filinkine yakındır.

Uzun ve çok esnek boynuyla kolayca ağaç dallarına uzanabilmekte ve çok süratli

hareket etmektedir.

Ayrıca timsah gibi kaslı ve uzun bir kuyruğa sahiptir.

Yaratığın zaman zaman yerlilerin kanolarına saldırdığı ve kabile üyelerini öldürdüğüde

anlatılan detaylar arasındaydı.

Bu hayvanın, keskin kayalıklı kıyılarda nehire paralel mağaralarda yaşadığı söylenir.

Anlatılanlara göre yaratık ot oburdur ancak bölgesine giren insanları öldürmektedir.

Ekip yaratığın yaşadığı söylenen bölgeye gider.

Yaratığı bulamasada ağaçlarda ve toprakta 3 fit çapında pençe izleri ve 8 fit çapında

bilinen bir hayvanınkine benzemeyen ayak izlerini belgelediler.

Daha sonra programlarına devam eden araştırmacılar bölgede 24 yerli kabilesini numaralandırmış

ve pek çok yeni bitki ve böcek türünü keşfederek bilim dünyasına kazandırmıştır.

Bu gezinin ardından yayınlanan raporlarla bilim dünyası bir anda yaratığa ilgi duymaya

başladı 1920'de İngilterede faaliyet gösteren Smithsonian Enstitüsü Afrika'ya 32 kişilik

bir keşif birliği gönderdi; Seferin amacı; nehir boyunca yerlilerin anlattığı açıklanamayan

izleri tespit etmek bahsedilen yaratığı yakalamak ve kayıt altına almaktı.

Ekip çalışmaları sonucunda yaratığa ait olduğu düşünülen pençe ve ayak izlerine

rastladı bunların alçıyla kalıbını alarak sefer sonunda İngiltere'ye götürdü.

Bu kalıplar günümüzde İngiliz Kraliyet Bilim Araştırma Vakfının müzesinde koruma

altında tutulmaktadır.

1976 yılında Texas'lı herpetolog, James Powell, yağmur ormanı timsahlarını incelemek

için Gabon'a gitti.

Powell, Bölge yerlelilerinden Nangala adlı muazzam bir nehir canavarı hakkında hikayeler


Bu canavar hem nehirde hemde karada yaşayabilen anfibi bir varlıktı ve yerlilerin ataları

ona Mokele-mbembe ismini takmıştı.

Aynı tarihlerde Michael Obang adlı yerel bir cadı doktoru, dinozorlar üzerine yazılan

bir kitapta yer alan taslak resmini, 1946 senesinde gördüğü ölü bir nangalaya

tıpa tıp benzediğini James Powell'a anlattı Powell daha sonra bu bilgiyi Chicago Üniversitesi'nden

bir biyolog ve Uluslararası Kriptozooloji Başkan Yardımcısı Dr. Roy P. Mackal'a


1979'da, Mackal ve Powell, Mokele'nin, çoğu haritada boş bırakılan mevsimsel olarak

su altında kalmış bataklıkların bulunduğu Likouala bölgesinde yoğunlaşacağına inandıkları

Mokele-mbembe faaliyetini araştırmak için Kongo Halk Cumhuriyeti'ne gitti.

Ubangi Nehri'nin kuzeydeki Impfondo kasabasında, Mackal ve Powell, 1955'ten beri Kongo'da görev

yapmış olan Ohio'lu misyoner Rahibe Eugene Thomas ile bir araya geldi.

Thomas, Mokele-mbembe hakkında birçok hikaye duymuş ve birinci ağızdan görgü tanıklarını


İlk başlarda Mackal, yaşayan bir dinozor olabileceği konusunda umutsuzdu.

Ancak konuştukları her tanık, daha evvel hiç görmedikleri apatasaurus ve diplodokstresis

türü dinozorların iskeletlerinden elde edilen betimleme çizimleri en ince ayrıntılarına

kadar anlatıyorlardı.

Tanıklar, çoğunlukla baş, boyun ve kuyruk olmak üzere 15 ila 30 feet uzunluğunda olan

hayvanları tarif ettiler.

Kafa belirgin bir şekilde yılan benzeri, uzun ince bir kuyruk ve bir fil boyutuna yaklaşan

bir vücuttu.

Bacaklar kısadır, arka bacaklar üç pençeye sahiptir.

Hayvanlar renk olarak kırmızımsı kahverengidir ve başın üstünden boynunun arkasına yele

benzeri ibiğe sahiptir.

Bütün görgü tanıkları, mokele-mbembe'in nehirler, dereler ve bataklık göllerinin

kıyısında kayalık alanlarda bulunan mağaralarda yaşadıkları ve nadir olarak insanlar tarafından

görüldükleri konusunda hem fikirdiler.

3 Aylık araştırma süreleri dolunca Mackal ve Powell Amerikaya geri döndüler.

Bu süre zarfında 60dan fazla görgü tanığıyla konuşup detaylı şekilde raporlandırmayı


1981'de Mackal daha büyük bir ekiple Kongo'ya döndü ve bu sefer güneye yönelerek Likouala

aux Herbes Nehri'ni taramaya başladı.

Bataklıkların merkezinde yer alan küçük, sığ bir bölge olan Tele Gölü'ne ulaşmaya


Ancak su yolları buralarda çok dardı ve kanolarla seyri zorlaştırıyordu ekip üyeleri

bir bir sıtmaya yakalanmaya başlayınca seferi yarıda kesip geri dönmek zorunda


Geri döndüklerinde Bu geziyi Newyork Time's haberleştirdi ve Amerikan bilim dünyasında

ciddi bir merak yarattı.

Olayı merak eden biyologlardan bir taneside Benjamin Radford'du.

Radford uzun yıllar Dinozor iskeletleri ve dinozorların sosyal yaşantısı üzerine

çalışmalar yürütmüş ve pek çok teori yayınlamıştı.

Bir dinozorun hayatta olabilmesi ihtimali onu harekete geçirdi ve iş adamı Stephen

McCullah'ın sponsorluğuyla 1992 senesinde bölgeye bir keşif gezisi başlattı.

45 kişilik bu ekip O güne değin Afrika'ya sefer düzenleyen teknolojik açıdan en ileri

seviyede ki gruptu.

Radford henüz sefere çıkmadan evvel 1900lerin başından beri konuyla ilgili yayınlanan

tüm raporları tek bir metin olarak derlemiş, bölgenin detaylı bir haritasında hayvanın

olası yaşam alanlarını işaretlemişti.

Sefer'in rotası Sangha ve Ikelemba nehirlerini sırasıyla aşağıdan yukarı doğru tarayacak

biçimde şekillendirilmişti.

Görgü tanıklarının ifadeleriyle Nehrin etrafında ki yeşillik alanda hayvana ait

izler aramaya başladılar.

Uzun aramalar sonuç vermeyince ekipte moraller bozuldu.

Nehrin daha yukarısında bir köyde görüştükleri yerli onlara Avlanırken izler gördüğünden


Fakat bahsedilen bölgeye araçla gidilemiyordu ve yürüyerek 2 gün mesafedeydi.

Yaptıkları toplantıda 2 günlük mesafeyi yürüyerek bölgeye gitmeyi burada da bir

iz bulunamadığı takdirde seferi sonlandırmayı kararlaştırdılar.

Uzun ve zorlu bir yürüyüşün ardından yerlinin söylediği alana vardılar.

Fakat bu arada ekipten iki kişi zehirli yılan sokması sonucu hayatını kaybetti.

Bölgede yaptıkları kapsamlı taramalar sonucunda hayvana ait olduğu söylenen ayak

izleri buldular bunların kalıplarını çıkartıp izleri fotoğrafladılar.

Radford izleri ve dallardaki kırılmaları inceleyerek hayvanın yaşamsal alışkanlıkları

hakkında fikir yürütmeye çalıştı.

Tahminince Bazı bitkilere gereksinim duyan yaratık bu bölgede yaşamıyor ancak nehir

boyunca uzun mesafeler yüzerek ihtiyaç duyduğu bu bitkilerle besleniyor ve yaşam alanına

geri dönüyordu.

Ayrıca hayvanın ayak izlerinin yakınlarında dev boğa yılanlarına ait sürünme izleride


Dev bir pitona av olmak için bile bu yaratık fazla büyük ve güçlüydü ayak izlerinden

ve adım aralıklarından yola çıkarak hayvanın 3.5 4 metre boyunda kuyruğuyla berber 6-7

metre uzunluğunda olduğuna kanaat getirdi.

Köye geri döndüler.

Bir süre dinlendikten sonra Nehrin daha yukarı bölgelerine doğru hareket ettiler.

Uzun bir yolculuğun ardından vardıkları bir köyde çok şaşırtıcı bir gelişme


Yerliler öldürdükleri bir hayvanı yediklerinde güçlerinin kendilerine geçeceğine inanıyorlardı.

Bu yüzden ara sıra Aslan gibi güçlü hayvanları öldürüp yedikleri biliniyordu.

Köyden bir grup avcı 5 sene evvel Mokele-mbembe'yi avlayarak yemeyi tasarlamıştı.

Yerlilerin en çok korktuğu ve kutsal saydığı yaratık buydu.

Nitekim avlamışlardıda.

Ancak hayvanın etini yiyenler bir süre sonra ölmüştü.

Ya dinozorun eti zehirliydi yada büyük bir hayvanı birkaç hafta içinde yediylerse

et bozulup yiyenleri zehirlemişti.

Köylüler onlara hayvanın kemiklerini gösterdiler.

Radford kemikleri görür görmez bunun kesinlikle hala yaşayan bir dinozor türüne ait olduğunu


Yerlilerin anlattıklarına göre bu dinozorlar Nehrin kaynağınında bulunduğu Tele gölü

civarındaki devasa boyutta olan havzalarda yaşıyorlardı.

Radfordun haritasında da bu alan kırmızı ile işaretlenmişti.

Bölgeye ulaşmak çok zordu.

Geri dönüp ekipman takviyesi yaparak Tele gölüne gitmeye karar verdiler.

Ancak geri döndüklerinde Kongoda iç savaşın başladığını ve yabancıların ülkeyi

terk etmedikleri takdirde infaz edilecekleri haberini aldılar.

Hayvanın kemiklerinide alarak Amerikaya döndüler.

Chicago üniversitesinde yapılan incelemelerde kemiklerin 3 ila 5 sene evvel öldürülmüş

bir dinozora ait olduğu kesinlik kazandı.

Kongoda savaş günümüze kadar devam ettiği için güvenlik gereçesi ile tekrar bir sefer


Ancak Kongo'dan mütemadiyen dinozor gözlemi haberleri halen yapılmaktadır.

Tüm soru görüş ve önerileriniz için bana instagram hesabımdan ulaşabilirsiniz.

Araştırmalarımızın gelişerek devam edebilmesi için videoyu facebook twitter gibi sosyal

ağlarda paylaşmayı, yeni videolarımızdan haberdar olup araştıran insanlar topluluğuna

katılmak için Kült TV ye abone olmayı unutmayın gelecek videoda görüşünceye

kadar hoşçakalın araştıran insanlar!

For more infomation >> Dinozorlar Yaşıyor! - Duration: 11:47.


Last Chance Kitchen: Finale (Season 15, Episode 12) | Bravo - Duration: 15:28.

For more infomation >> Last Chance Kitchen: Finale (Season 15, Episode 12) | Bravo - Duration: 15:28.


How to Draw Medical Doctor Kit for Kids | Coloring Pages for Toddlers | Coloring Pages Kids Tv - Duration: 5:25.


Thanks For Watching

For more infomation >> How to Draw Medical Doctor Kit for Kids | Coloring Pages for Toddlers | Coloring Pages Kids Tv - Duration: 5:25.


Français facile la compréhension orale (VIDEO 2) - Duration: 5:52.

Easy French: listening

I insist once more on the pronunciation for FFL, French as a Foreign Language

or any other foreign language.

Please do not confuse pronunciation with accent.

You can speak French very well and still have a foreign accent, yet have

beautiful pronunciation, it will allow you to talk with a lot of self-confidence,

speak with ease, and make you understood.

Let's look at a personal example.

I'll start with German, that I speak fluently.

Again this is not to brag,

it's just to show you that we can reach a certain level.

I will switch to German a little bit to show you how I speak and after

I'll explain how I got to this level before moving on to other examples.

Like that in this French course you will identify yourself with one of my examples

and it will motivate you, I hope.

So now let's switch to German:


Das habe ich schon auf Englisch erklärt aber ja ... jetzt auf Deutsch!

Ich spreche fliessend DEUTSCH UND mehrere SPRACHEN fliessend.




Das ist alles.

Jetzt wieder auf Englisch .... "

So now I will switch back to French.

So with German, how did I do it?

First I was very lucky.

I will not lie to you.

In CM1 / CM2 we had an introduction to German.

It was only once a week, but I loved it,

I found it fascinating.

At this age we are not taught grammar.

There were pictures, we learned the vocabulary of Christmas

we learned songs, we played UNO.

That I thought was absolutely great.

We learned the colours, how to count, to give orders: "Du bist dran" / It's your turn.

Little things like that.

I was really fascinated, I thought it was great.

Our teacher, I do not know what her name was, I believe Ms. Olga.

We'll call her Ms. Olga, she was great.

It was very fun.

There were only two of us.

There was also the introduction to English, which was much more popular.

Everyone went to English classes.

There were only two of us who took German so it was almost a private class,

in CM1.

I was thrilled.

But I loved German so much, and I headed home with drawings, small things,

And I thought to myself: I want to do more.

My parents told me - at that time there was no Internet at least not commercially

So there was no Internet - that they would buy me cassettes (there

were no CDs at the time either, it was the era of cassettes).

So I had tapes at home with a booklet and I spoke aloud.

I spoke in German alone at home like a crazy person.

It was a great experience.

And then I went to Germany several consecutive summers and stayed with a host family

or "Gastfamillie".

It was once again great.

I was lucky because I was young, so I wasn't taught German with a traditional method

with the rules of grammar and then after we talk.

I spoke then I learned grammar.

Again this is like learning your mother tongue.

It does not require us to know conjugation tables (with the Bescherelle).

Grammar comes after.

So in this case it was really fun, it was natural, it was in context.

And then in the "6e" and "5e" I did German with the CNED and then later

"4e" and onwards I studied German.

So it is always based on hard work

a lot of reading, and speaking.

Even if you are alone at home or the other one that speaks French,

speak aloud because it makes you work the muscles, it makes you position the

teeth and tongue properly.

And if you have an opportunity to practise French, you are already warmed up,

you have already practised the words and their sound.

This is important.

So that was the first experience.

And as I told you grammar came after.

I had to study declensions, verbs...

So you have to go through that at some point.

But to start or to improve, we must return to this basic method:

learn as children learn their mother tongue, in context.

Learning a foreign language: Examples 2 and 3

So there: Second personal example (actually it's kind of two examples in one).

When I moved to Spain in 2006,

So at the beginning, I did not speak much Spanish.

I had studied Spanish (LV3, in "terminale").

So I tried to speak Spanish and I had English words that came to mind.

So I saw that it was a bit complicated.

My brain did not distinguish the languages.

It is also often the case with my students too.

I notice that when they begin to learn a language, French for instance,

and if they were studying German or English at school, their brain gives priority to English

or German, and not French.

So in the middle of a sentence in French me they will throw in a word in German.

There is a German word that escapes them.

So it's very common.

You must not worry.

It will pass.

The brain understands and it will give priority to the French language after perhaps a dozen classes.

So it is normal that words from other languages escape you at first.

It is the brain that is not distinguishing languages.

It is a situation I witness a lot, but not daily.

For more infomation >> Français facile la compréhension orale (VIDEO 2) - Duration: 5:52.


Hippie Hollow Experience - Story Time | Austin, TX - Duration: 6:13.

hey guys welcome to my vlog channel I'm hoping to do this all in one take

because this is more just me sharing my experience with you I'll try to keep it

short but informative but you know I did get some inquiries about my time at

hippie Hollow now I'm assuming it's because I might

have posted a little bit of a scandalous photo on Instagram but you guys are kind

of wondering because it's not every day that somebody gets to go to a nude beach

now when you go to Austin you can pretty much be topless and I don't know if it's

everywhere or just like multiple places but they're pretty friendly about that

but this Beach is kind of unique because it's all nude it is co-ed so you know of

course like I had to experience it you know it's kind of cool feeling like you

know you're like a nudist colony especially if you're not a part of that

you're just kind of intrigued by it or just the fact that like you know like I

don't want to say this and sexualized myself but I'm someone that like I love

clothes and you know my little outfits but you know like how can you not streak

on the beach of Galveston or skinny dip in the Red River like you know it just

makes sense and so you know I had to go like Olivia knew that I had to go she

had visited prior and she went with one of her girlfriends and it was kind of

weird because this guy was talking to them and just real casual and friendly

but the whole time he had a hard-on and it's like oh I don't want to deal with

that you know and so it's like whatever but you know I gotta go

so we do go and it is not like a sandy beach it's literally all rocks now I

would say it's my boulders so you know if you're laying out on a towel you have

to deal with like the hardness of a boulder underneath you but you're not

gonna have all these chunky rocks where it just like hurts so that's up to you

wait you want to bring but just have that expectation and I noticed that

there was no parts that we're really exclusive like you have all these

stairwells you can choose to walk down so of course we're walking to the end

that'll be less people but I'm pretty sure everybody else had that idea in

mind but every stairwell we passed we always saw someone it might be just like

the time of day or the day of the week I don't know but you know don't think it's

going to be like a sexy little getaway you know because you know if you want a

canoodle at the nude beach first off I don't know if that's legal in Austin the

second off you're gonna have an audience so if that's what you're into there you

go so Olivia and I go I you know of course

we enter clothes because you can't be naked in the parking lot so we find our

little spot and you know FINA kit was whatever but then of course you know all

people it's all guys like older guys that show up and I feel like my mom if

she's watching this she's like oh you know trust me mom I wasn't looking but I

think they were looking at us so I had some beef jerky so I was just like

sitting there naked in my water she was like not on beef jerky and this guy

starts to talk to us and I don't remember if I offer him my beef jerky

because that's like a really big deal if I offer that I think he was offering his

food which it was nice of him but I was like no I'm good like you stay over

there you know he wasn't creepy he was just friendly but I mean we're like

naked and so then I bring my Polaroid camera for a living I to take pictures

so again like this isn't for Facebook this is just like for our little she's

and giggles it's like take photos of ourselves and we don't like it we're not

rude about it like we don't include other people in the background like they

don't you know we don't know if they want to be photographed for just minding

our own business and you know the guy just here and there is still talking to

us and his funny at this point I'm like he sees taking these pictures and then I

offers like do you want me to take a Polaroid picture of you like it wasn't

even for like us to take a group photo or like me to be included or anything

goes literally like you know I'll walk over to you naked take a picture of you

get the Polaroid picture he to you as a souvenir um you said he was

okay like you didn't really care to have that photo so okay well you know I

offered so like that was an exchange I guess for him offering his food which I

was good and didn't take the water itself was like a lake there were some

waves but you know not powerful enough that there were you know if you got in

the water you just crash back in on a boulder like you could enjoy the water

and it seemed pretty clean to me I didn't see any signs about not swimming

so you know that part was a good experience especially if it's really

high you do want to get in the water and enjoy yourself so there's that but again

you're kind of dealing with like when you're walking on a creek or a river

you're dealing with a lot of rocks down below so you just got to make sure you

get into the deeper area before you start kicking around I don't want you

know I'm getting hurt by that other than that I think people wanted this to be a

juicier story it's not just because the city of Austin is so liberal and like

free like that that this nudity concept within them is it really a sexualized

it's kind of like a free the nipple movement but I figured I'd be honest

with you guys so you knew what to expect and get those dirty images out of your

head nonetheless though go to my Instagram photo of me at topless a

hippie Hollow and go like it because if I go back there maybe I'll be inclined

to take more photos wow that okay I'm really just trying to pull in some likes

and subscribers before I end this but have a great day guys bye

For more infomation >> Hippie Hollow Experience - Story Time | Austin, TX - Duration: 6:13.


Death Circle - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) - Duration: 10:16.

Rooftop, balcony

Ok I'm going up

Anyone coming to save me


There's someone below you guys

Just behind you

He's aiming you

2 People


There's still someone at north

I'm down

I think he's crawling

You can finish the other two first

He's running towards Clement

He's nearby the car beside Clement

There's someone on me

He's running towards you, running into the building


Do you think you will be able to save me?

Quickly revive Nic, he's dieing

I don't think it's possible

You'll need to crawl towards us

Eh? There's still more people

Nevermind, just run and hide

He's there

There was 3

Looks like no one

There are 3 at San Martin

There are enemies

Frank, around your left or right

He's here

I don't have any gun

Me too, he's chasing me

I'm going up 2nd storey

There is someone at the opposite

Killed 1

I killed 1 too

Is the area cleared?

I think so? Not sure

I think there might still be people around

You guys don't rush first, I'll go another building

O, he's still on the roof

He's throwing grenade

He proned down He' still on top, proned down

The sun causing me problem on spotting him

How did he climb up

No idea

Knocked him with frag grenade

He's knocked only?

There's still somemore

I think my side is clear, can loot (crate)

Not about is there anyone around You will be totally exposed if you go up


Go ahead, I'll cover fire

Let them shoot, I'll hide

Circle, 32 seconds

I don't see them, they're over the ridge

Someone running at 60

I can't with 8x

Are you able to climb down?

I think I'm confirm dead

Who is shooting you?

From the other side (hill)

I'm crawling

Don't shoot me

On top!

I'll revive

I'm dead

Shit, sorry

I got gun, take my gun

Nah, not enough time left

What gun did you get?

I have a lot of healing

What gun did you get?


Wa shit

He dropped down

Frank I'm almost reaching!


Enemies enemies

Waaa so many people, 2 people


Frank, there's someone in front of your house

Two people around your house

Where do you mean by in front?

He saw me

Around your house

Around here, you didnt hear footsteps?


Okok, you don't move

Did you hear the door opening?


Ok you look towards 200 ~ South

200. South

Wa. So far away?


He saw me, he's going to flank me

He's behind the rock, one enemy

Ya, behind the rock

Help me distract him

I'm near him

He ran back

I see him

He ran into the ditch

I see his friend

There's one at the balcony 2nd floor

There are 2 more below the balcony building

There's someone at the low wall of the blue building

1 down

Killed 1

They know where am I already

The problem is with the one in the ditch

I think the one in the ditch moved back

I have no visual

He may have prone down in the ditch

Eh? Who shot that

Balcony balcony

The one at the balcony

The one at the balcony was there all along

I headshot him previously and he went to hide


Who threw the flashbang?

Threw wrongly

Clement where are you?

Clement can you come down? We can rush the one in the ditch

Then we move on to the one at the balcony

Ok I'll lead, follow me

There is someone looking at you guys

The person is still in the ditch

He's near the wooden staircase

Oh no

Wa what happened

Why did you guys rush

We're having a party here

Both of you guys are down?

I don't even know what happened

I want to rush the one in the ditch, he keep hiding there

Crawl crawl

Balcony guy jumped down

I'm crawling to your house

Oh no no no

Luckily we didn't die

We can climb down here

I saw people running on our right side

I saw people running on our right side South west

I think it's the 4 people that I was mentioning

I only saw 1 person running

1 went into the compound

You saw right?

Yup, caught a glance

I'm nt sure if he spotted me. He's still running

Oh shit, he saw me

There's one at the tree of my 150

There's one at the tree of my 150

Around here

Don't save me from here Frank, there's someone on your left

Trees on the left

Move over

Can't, there people on the left side

He threw grenade, byebye

There's someone on your left

I know I know

He didn't see that's why I want to quickly save you

He saw

He saw me?

He was aiming you

They are from 1 squad

Let's go, run

He tagged me once with Kar98

I don't know where is he


He's at 150, around the trees

He's pushing towards you

3 people


For more infomation >> Death Circle - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) - Duration: 10:16.



For more infomation >> SLENDERMAN | ŞEYTANIN KURNAZ YARDIMCISI ! - Duration: 6:13.


New update security improvements from Nokia 8 and Nokia 3 - Duration: 2:33.

HMD Global, the current manufacturer of Nokia handsets, has a reputation for releasing timely

software upgrades to its smartphones.

It looks like HMD isn't planning on resting on its laurels, as it recently rolled out

a new update to its Nokia 8 and Nokia 3 models.

The update in question brings the Android Security patch for the month of February that

only went live a couple of days ago for Google's own Pixel and Nexus series.

It weighs in at 87MB for the Nokia 8 flagship and at 80MB for the budget-friendly Nokia


One of the important fixes included in the update addresses a critical security vulnerability

in Media framework that could enable a remote attacker using a specially crafted file to

execute arbitrary code.

The update is available OTA, but it might need some time to reach all compatible devices.

You can check for it manually by going to Settings > Other > Software Update.

As always, make sure that your phone is sufficiently charged and connected to a Wi-Fi network before

proceeding with the patch.

For more infomation >> New update security improvements from Nokia 8 and Nokia 3 - Duration: 2:33.


Fatima Jinah Story From Election To Mazar E Quaid | Fatima Jinnah Life Story - Duration: 5:09.

fatima jinnah

fatima jinnah life story

fatima jinnah wikipedia

For more infomation >> Fatima Jinah Story From Election To Mazar E Quaid | Fatima Jinnah Life Story - Duration: 5:09.


भारत में मिलेंगे 4g स्मार्टफोन 500 रूपए में with new plan and 5g phone launch in india ? - Duration: 7:14.

भारत में मिलेंगे 4g स्मार्टफोन 500 रूपए में with new plan and 5g phone launch in india ?

For more infomation >> भारत में मिलेंगे 4g स्मार्टफोन 500 रूपए में with new plan and 5g phone launch in india ? - Duration: 7:14.


Putin Admits: I Don't Not Have A Smartphone - Duration: 0:21.

Mr Kovalchuk, you said that everyone has a smartphone, except me.

You don't have one either. See?

But yes, everybody has one.

And about boiling water. If it is clean, boiling is not necessary.

Oleg Antonov will tell us about that.

Mr Sergeyev, please.

For more infomation >> Putin Admits: I Don't Not Have A Smartphone - Duration: 0:21.


Шекспир - 56 сонет - Проснись, любовь - Стихи о любви - Читает Николай Обабков - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Шекспир - 56 сонет - Проснись, любовь - Стихи о любви - Читает Николай Обабков - Duration: 1:39.


How to Repair North Bridge | fix VGA Chips | fix GPU card | no Display | Bangla tutorial - Duration: 24:18.

How to Repair North Bridge | fix VGA Chips | fix GPU card | no Display | Bangla tutorial

How to Repair North Bridge | fix VGA Chips | fix GPU card | no Display | Bangla tutorial

how to confirm north bridge is fault

how to confirm north bridge is fauly

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