Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 9 2018

the italian Julien Bam - Kaio

For more infomation >> The Italian Julien Bam | Kaio - Duration: 3:46.



For more infomation >> EKUMENICKÁ SVATBA NEVĚSTKY & falešné spojení PAPEŽSTVÍ a ODPADLÉ PROTESTANSKÉ CÍRKVE!!! - Duration: 40:54.


Essence Of Murli 10-02-2018 - Duration: 6:26.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 10th February 2018

( In today's Murli, the Sweetest of all 'Baapdada" says.. )

Essence: Sweet children, you have received the saccharine of knowledge. A drop of that saccharine is "Manmanabhav".

Continue to serve everyone this nourishment.

Question: What is the real hospitality and welfare? What spiritual hospitality must you offer everyone?

Answer: To give each one the Father's introduction is true welfare and hospitality.

You have to continue to feed everyone the nourishment of happiness according to shrimat

Continue to give everyone the nourishment of a life of liberation that you have received from the unlimited Father.

Stay in supersensuous joy and serve everyone the first-class nourishment of knowledge and yoga:

this is the best spiritual hospitality.

Essence for Dharna: 1. Practise seeing souls as brothers.

Consider yourself to be a soul and give knowledge to your brothers. Become a mahavir and obey this order.

2. If anyone says anything wrong, just remain silent.

You need two hands to clap.

If one says something and the other one remains silent, the first one will then automatically quieten down.

Blessing: May you have love for the yagya and accumulate in all your three accounts of service you're your thoughts, words and deeds.

BapDada has accumulated with Himself every child's account of three types of service.

Those who have love for the yagya are always co-operative in service through their thoughts, words and deeds and body, mind and wealth.

There are 100 marks for each account.

If someone has the duty of serving through words, let the percentage of serving through thoughts and deeds be no less.

Serving through words is easy, but it is a matter of paying attention when serving through your thoughts.

Serving through your deeds is not just doing physical service, you also come into connections and relationships in a gathering.

This too is accumulated in the account of deeds.

Slogan: To be a self-sovereign is to be one who is able to rule oneself, not one who rules his companions.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence Of Murli 10-02-2018 - Duration: 6:26.


Скорочтение для коучей и консультантов в Академии Нейроника/Квантовые Скорости Мышления - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Скорочтение для коучей и консультантов в Академии Нейроника/Квантовые Скорости Мышления - Duration: 1:06.


Mini Militia League by KingAnBru and MiLiTian | First Time Ever | Doodle Army 2 - Duration: 11:09.

Hello Guys! It's MiLiTian and Welcome back to my channel Multiplayer GamePlays

So, Today I have an announcement related to Mini Militia League and

before getting into that topic, I'd like to say you about

''MiLiTian on iOS''

So, There are two MiLiTian{wtf dude} one is on 1+5T and Second one is on iPhone 7

So the MiLiTian on iOS is GAMX7 so please make sure you also support him{1 sub=1 blessing}

and...let's continue to the topic!

So....! What is this league about?

Basically this league is about** all about to prove yourself that you are a freaking pro{Not apply for KingNoob} but!

It won't be that easy because we four emperors Hydro, Apollo,Fade and Vengeance!

Also we have 8 Guardians so before challenging these 4 emperors!!

You have to challenge these 8 guardians and if you defeat 8 guardians

You will get 1 badge from each, Similarly You've to collect 8 badges from all 8 guardians

Then You'll be able to challenge all 4 emperors (Hydro,Vengeance,Fade,Apollo)

So Please don't hope any gameplay with Hydro and Vengeance if you don't have 8 badges!

So it's time to proove youself that You are a pro!

So Please Join Our Mini Militia League. Link is in the Description:)

All You have to do just join our Discord Server{1300+members}

and you will get ahh other help in that server

ahh I am talking too much

okay! so Enjoy this Gameplay! KingAnBru{KingNoob} just called me to play with him

I was damm busy at that time but I played with him {Big Heart MiLiTian :)}

So Please! Enjoy this video it was my first gameplay on 1+ 5T and

Now I will continue my gameplay on 1 + 5T

SO Please be subcribed to get the 1+5T gameplay in HD

{RiP English Mode Activated}

For more infomation >> Mini Militia League by KingAnBru and MiLiTian | First Time Ever | Doodle Army 2 - Duration: 11:09.


TOP 10 Staré triky, které stále fungují - Duration: 10:10.

For more infomation >> TOP 10 Staré triky, které stále fungují - Duration: 10:10.


Kids Play Gooey Louie | Kids Play | HiHo Kids - Duration: 3:45.

- And when I pick your boogers,

make sure you eat them,

that way Helena could lose, okay boogers man?

All right. I could try (inaudible)

(upbeat Music)

- Hi. - Hi.

- Hello. - Hello.

- My name is Oscar. - My name is Alex.

- We're brothers. - Duh.

- [Together] Today we're paying Gooey Louie.

- [Together] Gooey Louie.

- [Together] Gooey Louie.

- Oh ...

- It's just, okay.

- It's an interesting concept. - I think this is for kids

who just can't stop picking their nose

and need some sort of therapy.

♪ Boogers. Boogers. ♪

- Yeah, take that ...

(cheer together)

- His head fell off.

- Ew. EW. (inaudible)

- [Together] Find the booger with the hook ...

- And then try to hook it on there.

- I got it. I got it. - That's the one booger doom.

So if you grab it, you're dead.

- Shove them all in there.

- Do we, like, spring load his brain in here?

- Can you push this down?

- Now, Helena.

- Got it. - Okay, now release your hand

and see if it stays.

- How do you play?

- Okay.

- Time to start. - Time to start.

One, again.

- So, pull one out.

- Ethan ...

- Ethan, that's cheating.

- My turn.

- Boo-yeah.

- I'm going to be so frightened when his brain pops

out and hits my dear face.

- [Together] One ...

- Oh, lucky.

- [Girl] You have to pull out two goobies.

- I can't really get it.

- Do you have green boogers?

- No.

- Okay, then they're yellow.

- They're mostly red because I usually hurt my nose.

- I'm empty.

- Whoa.

- Oops.

- Huh?

He was all like ...

- That scared me.

- She lost. I won. Let's play again.

- [Together] Round two.

- Are you ready?

- No.

- Okay. Are you ready now? - No.

- How about now? - (whispers) Yes.

- Okay.

- [Together] Two.

- One. Two.

- He has two tongues on the side.

Nobody can do that.

- One.

- (whispers) Pull out the bad one.

- Oh, gosh.

- Whew.

- That is so sati-fying.

- Whoever wins this is the all time champion

booger puller, so.

- You're the booger puller. I'm the all time.

- I don't feel good about this.

I can't reach it.


(cheers) - It's tied.

- I win. I win.

Da-dup. Da-dup. Da-dup, da, da.

- This game is awesome.

- Ah-choo.

- Thank you for watching us pull boogers

out of Louie's nose.

- [Together] See you next time

and don't forget to subscribe.

- Bye. - Bye.

- Ta-da.

- Yuck.

For more infomation >> Kids Play Gooey Louie | Kids Play | HiHo Kids - Duration: 3:45.


НАГРАДЫ ЗА ИСПЫТАНИЯ - Warface - Duration: 14:01.

For more infomation >> НАГРАДЫ ЗА ИСПЫТАНИЯ - Warface - Duration: 14:01.



For more infomation >> IL MIO NUOVO DRONE! UNBOXING PHANTOM 4 ADVANCED DJI! By SimoneSc97 - Duration: 6:49.


"Bereit für Honeymoon": Heirats-Wunsch bei YouTube-Ischtar? - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> "Bereit für Honeymoon": Heirats-Wunsch bei YouTube-Ischtar? - Duration: 0:53.


Judge who Trump attacked is assigned border wall case - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Judge who Trump attacked is assigned border wall case - Duration: 3:00.


EN KOMİK ANLAR 2018 DERLEME / en komik şakalar - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> EN KOMİK ANLAR 2018 DERLEME / en komik şakalar - Duration: 10:01.


【yi起去旅行】就是想不一樣 yi教你拍出不一樣的藍晒圖打卡照 - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> 【yi起去旅行】就是想不一樣 yi教你拍出不一樣的藍晒圖打卡照 - Duration: 2:49.


Dragon Ball: Divine Power | #12 The mentality | - Duration: 3:26.

So.. This is a Potara Power..

Bra: Do not miss your nice part, do not you brother?

Ehi, Bra!

But where were you?

Pan: We were on Namek to search survivors..

I promise you that everything will come back as before..

Both: We hope..

In the meantime the training proceeds..


Uff.. I can not make it..

I can help you!

Who are you?

I'm the Zayarow's Brother... And before his master.. But now is a God.. And stronger than me..

God?! Oh.. God.. Ok.. Anyway, I accept your help, thank you!

Perfect! Now focus on your mind! All the darkness and goodness!


Good, very good! You will arrive where you want with this enthusiasm! Ugh.. Ugh..

Not feeling well? We can host it!

Okay, thanks! I am of divine blood, now, and I can not die..


Meantime in the Eleventh Universe..

Toppo: Do you like attacking the Seventh Universe, so?

GO ON...

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball: Divine Power | #12 The mentality | - Duration: 3:26.


Apprendre le français écouter (VIDEO 3) - Duration: 6:15.

Learn French: listen (rule 1)

And a third example, more personal this time, is when I started learning

Spanish. I found it quite hard because the French and the Spanish language are very close.

I understood a lot and I could not express myself.

One can understand everything and not manage to make simple sentences.

We think that basic mistakes are not acceptable because of the similarities between the languages.

If I make a mistake... If I don't conjugate my verb properly...

I was a bit scared.

And not to fall into the trap of hiding behind studying grammar,

I tried to find a way to learn to speak.

Through YouTube I found many videos that interested me.

After six months I started to read the news too,

to follow the news in Spanish.

And that helped me.

So always with the same approach,

combining understanding and speaking with writing - which is just there to help consolidate.

Writing is not the priority.

That was my experience with Spanish.

And after a year I got to a point where I was very much at ease.

It's been 10 years now that I speak Spanish, I work in Spanish.

So we can get there. But it is a myth:

"Languages are easy for you."

Yes maybe to a certain extent that may be true but there is a lot

work behind.

You have to study hard and in an effective manner.

That's why in these four videos,

I'll tell you simple but effective things.

One can learn a language through repetition but not mechanical repetition

but rather finding things that bring you closer to the culture,

something that interests you.

If you are a film buff and start watching movies in Spanish, I

mean films in French.

I'm getting confused here with all the languages.

So you need to find something that interests you and that you will push you

to learn French, persevere with the language.

To summarise

here are some activities to practise listening comprehension with

French online, so listening activities.


So of course, all listening exercises that are offered in textbooks

are not authentic dialogues.

But they have still a lot of positives.

This is controlled.

It means there will not be many tenses used.

All levels will not be represented.

You will see that there is a progression and that's important when you start.

Do not just listen to random recordings as you will end up with something you do not understand

This can be discouraging.

So still practise with listening-based exercises in textbooks (school).

These can be extracts of an interview on the radio, it can be a video, it

can be snippets from a news report.

So try to vary this kind of exercises.


Dictation is like being back at primary school.

Dictations help us to develop our listening, listen

to nuances, and understand how to use punctuation.

Instead of waiting why not do it from the beginning?

Because we use commas and semicolons differently from one language

to the other.

And then add simple items in dictation, like the alphabet, acronyms ..

this is very useful.

So find something online with a script and impose yourself a dictation



Learn poems - once again it is like going back in college, or high school.

But try to learn short songs or short poems.

It will help you once again with pronunciation and punctuation.


I told you about my language trips.

This is something that can't be done all the time.

We can not always travel to a French speaking country.

But other ways of finding an immersion in the language can be found.

So try to find language exchanges, in small pairs.

Also try to listen to a variety of French accents.

There are many different accents.


Why not try - it's somewhat related to oral expression -

to make a phone call in French?

So that's also getting used to much more authentic conversations

with a much more frenetic pace at times, and difficulty significantly less


These won't be controlled FLE textbooks, for French as a foreign language.

The difficulty lies in the fact that we are bombarded with information

and can be exposed to a lot of tenses, and a lot of vocabulary.

So those are some examples of activities for you to practise listening.

That's all for today on how to learn French!

I hope you enjoyed this first rule, that you have learned something

new and something that you will be able to put into practice.

I give you therefore invite you to join me for rule number 2 which will focus on repetition.

So there we will move onto another rule that is as important.

But we will go from a somewhat passive state (today was on how to understand,

how to do listening, how to listen) to a much active state

where we will repeat.

We will begin to express ourselves in French, to speak French,

in writing and speech.

And always with a focus on pronunciation.

That's it.

I wish you a wonderful day!

And see you soon!


For more infomation >> Apprendre le français écouter (VIDEO 3) - Duration: 6:15.


Trik Bertahan Satu Lawan Satu Bikin Musuh Susah Gerak PES 2018 - Duration: 4:48.

have you see this video?

if havent, watch it first

Defend trick how to survive one on one and make the enemy difficult to move

Pursue towards the ball using R1

Combine with R2 to have good position placement

when clash body use X+R2 to disturb enemy movement

use R1 if needed to pursue enemy (use it wisely to make it same rhythm)

when the enemy is out of guard, use square+X to double press

press R1 if needed

1,2,3 looks move backwards, cause i use all out defend and area middle

middle make your forwarde move back help till middle area

use square when other area safe, in this video i use square when no.1 approaching

Pursue your enemy here using R1

the use of R1 is adjusted in order to get close

if the opposite player is side by side with us, use X to snatch the ball

dont forget using R2 to make our potition good

(R2 is very important in use to manualy our position)

tackle can succeed if the opponent side by side with us or face to face

adjust with timing, press circle

dont forget using R2 to make our potition good

(R2 is very important in use to manualy our position)

as ussual use R1 to pursue enemy, combine with R2

if there is a turn from enemy, release your R1, use R2, and then R1 again to pursue enemy

when bodies side by side can use R1+R2 to snatch ball without stopping

use the way of example 4 before, by using R1 + R2

Guard the run of opponent and secure empty area (up)

Anticipate one two from the enemy by using square to guard and pursue an enemy who holding the ball

same with before using R1+R2 to snatch the ball

okay guys, after you watch this video

all this trick i always used againts opponent in training or tournament

no hard trick here, the important is all of you always train, dont just watch

only watch can make all of this become only theory

dont forget share like and subscribe, thank you

For more infomation >> Trik Bertahan Satu Lawan Satu Bikin Musuh Susah Gerak PES 2018 - Duration: 4:48.


Talking Tom Gold Run Super Tom Vs Pirate Ginger Android/IOS Gameplay Cartoon Youtube Kids - Duration: 12:00.

Talking Tom Gold Run Super Tom Vs Pirate Ginger Android/IOS Gameplay Cartoon Youtube Kids

For more infomation >> Talking Tom Gold Run Super Tom Vs Pirate Ginger Android/IOS Gameplay Cartoon Youtube Kids - Duration: 12:00.


হাসতে হাসতে মরে গেলে আমি দায়ি না | Unlimited Funny video | BD World - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> হাসতে হাসতে মরে গেলে আমি দায়ি না | Unlimited Funny video | BD World - Duration: 3:50.


Low Inventory Of Homes On The Ottawa Real Estate Market.Sell Your Homes Now Don't Wait Until Spring - Duration: 2:18.

Hi My Name is Tom Witek With Your Choice Realty Corp. Brokerage

Brokerage And You Can Find More Information About Me At

This Is Just A Quick Update.

So we've received data for Ottawa sales activity for January 2018 and.........SURPRISE!

You...As A Seller Need To List Your Home Right Now.

Don't Wait Until Spring.

There Is Actually A Shortage Of Homes On The Ottawa Market And You Can Surely Capitalize

On That.

So, If You Need To Know What's Your Home Worth?


And Let's Get Together To Get The Pricing For Your Home.

Ottawa Real Estate Board Members Sold 712 Residential Properties In January Through

The Board's Multiple Listing Service® System

In Comparison With 664 In January of Last

Year, Which Is An Increase Of 7.2% The Five Year Average For January Sales Is 638 Ottawa Houses Sold.

The Most Sales Were Done In A Price Range Between $300,000 and $449,900, Accounting

for 47.5% Of The Whole Market.

While The Most Active Price Point In The Ottawa Condo Market Is Between $150,000 and $249,900

Which Accounts For 55% Of The Whole Ottawa Real Estate Market.

If You Need January Sales For Your Ottawa Neighbourhood, In Your Area, Please Contact

Me At And Again My Name Is Tomasz Witek With Your Choice

Realty Corp.


Thank You

For more infomation >> Low Inventory Of Homes On The Ottawa Real Estate Market.Sell Your Homes Now Don't Wait Until Spring - Duration: 2:18.


Rank Your Youtube Videos In Trending In 5 Seconds - Duration: 4:05.

hello friends

welcome to my channel

in this video

i will

tell you

about trending

seo topics

of youtube.

so you dont kniw

about seo tricks

so follow this video

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