Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 9 2018

right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show

all right so there's another big issue for men as we age and invested the

decrease in the amount of testosterone that's produced let's talk real quickly

for you know that athletic guy out there that guy who wants to maintain an active

lifestyle what the loss of testosterone means to the average male as we age

we're excited about testosterone booster loti is a major problem in the United

States now we're finding it and younger and younger men the men that come into

the office and have a testosterone checked it amazes me how many are low

this will decrease their energy level their muscle mass their ability to

create erections or sexual drive and so when we created empower testosterone we

did this very simply by using the precursor to testosterone DHEA is

converted into testosterone and this will increase the levels and naturally

increase the men's testosterone lowers the bad cholesterol it raises a good

cholesterol it's really a cardiac protective there was only one study that

came out about three years ago that tried to say that there was an increased

risk of heart disease with testosterone all the other studies say that

testosterone is good for the heart so the other thing it does is it protects

the bones okay from getting osteoporosis so you hear women losing their hormones

and their bones get week which is osteoporosis same thing happens with a

man the fish testosterone level gets low and it stays low for a persistent period

of time he's got weak bones and then as they age

you know could have a fall and have a fracture whereas if they got really

strong bones you haven't fought yet Bruce and I am a personal consumer of

the empower testosterone booster that you all have formulated and made

available for us here and inspire network and so between the empower

testosterone booster and the max life prostate care plus I can't even touch

the blue peel I think I'm about that I think I'm pretty potent but I've had

great results with great results with those products and another thing some

people think by supplementing testosterone that it's going to cost

someone to have a testosterone rage yeah I've had wives that the

try to insinuate that that might happen but all we're doing is taking a

precursor DHEA a precursor to testosterone naturally slowly boosting

the testosterone level not trying to get a patient out of the normal range we're

just trying to get them up in the normal range so it's not going to be causing

that and like Rick said it's a cardiac benefit actually yeah DHEA is actually

made in the adrenal glands so it's a natural substance that they're going to

be taking they're just getting a little boost to give convert that into

testosterone in like all the other formulations again this is not a

one-and-done this is something that you need to make a part of your daily

regimen to get into your system mm-hmm

For more infomation >> right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show part 4 - Duration: 2:52.


Amira Willighagen **O Mio Babbino Caro** Iceland/Steenbergen (CC/Subtitles) - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> Amira Willighagen **O Mio Babbino Caro** Iceland/Steenbergen (CC/Subtitles) - Duration: 4:37.


right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show part 6 - Duration: 1:53.

right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show

For more infomation >> right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show part 6 - Duration: 1:53.


right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show part 5 - Duration: 5:39.

right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show

now we get to another product that we're excited to add to the inspire network

product line that I think really broadens the spectrum and that is what

we call our total recall memory booster my son just started Georgetown and now

seeing him steady and spending long hours really hidden the book said it's

such a challenging University this is something that can benefit everyone I

guess from college the college age on up so let's talk a little bit out the

formulation of total recall memory booster with age people get memory loss

and this can be as simple as you forget where you laid your glasses or your keys

to his major is you don't know what glasses or keys are for so it can be

just some minimal common cognitive impairment but it can go all the way up

to full dementia or even else how much disease you know there's a actually

there's a memory center in the brain it's called the hippocampus and as you

age that does shrink other things that we've talked about like obesity and

sleep apnea diabetes any kind of decreased blood flow helps the

hippocampus shrink so what you want to do is do things that make that grow

which a lot of our products if you have a heart-healthy lifestyle you know you

may not need the product but most of us don't have that heart-healthy lifestyle

so so exercise you know mental training you can build the hippocampus and then

the first ingredient we have is bacopa monnieri and that product helps with

nerve cell repair transmission of signals

it actually works as an antioxidant for the brain cells Wow okay now that's the

one that's probably most important in the younger people who are one to take

that to have better focus better learning ability better retention

information processing so they did a 12-week study and all those areas were

improved in younger people so your son may start getting on this

product to help you get would be fantastic they get better focused better

retention now test-taking ability could be affected okay

it was a 12-week study and they made the emphasis that there were no results

before twelve weeks Wow so you have to stay on this product for

a while for it to work but it does work and then the other ingredients include

huperzine which is actually used in China as a first-line drug for

Alzheimer's okay and what it does is it it raises the acetylcholine in the brain

acetylcholine is the major neurotransmitter for the brain cells

okay and actually that's the way a lot of the Alzheimer's disease prescription

drugs work so they recommend that this huperzine is so potent they recommend

don't take it with other Alzheimer's medicines it's it's perfect to start

before they get to those medicines and it definitely helps by increasing that a

synthetic elements a neurotransmitter and it comes from a from the club moss

and there's a there's actually a plant in the club moss family called the

resurrection plant in the thinking look dead bee look that way for months and

months months you put a little bit water on it comes to life and that's what this

product does for the brain it wakes up the brain Wow

okay I can probably use it every every day we can all use it and so for me it's

been very natural for me to recommend this to to my circle of friends I yeah

we're in the home of a former professional athlete and we all are big

into health and wellness and in cycling and working out and spending time with

the family and so health is a big part of our lifestyle so this is real easy to

share kind of personally with people around us and ultimately that's what we

want with inspired Network we want to have products that you don't have to

sell people on you simply just share with individuals and this is something

that they should be doing anyway we're proud to be with you and

working with you dr. Richard and Steve miner have taken great care in producing

this exceptional line of dietary supplements the manufacturing plants

producing these supplements are FDA registered and compliant GMP certified

NSF certified and qai organic certified the manufacturing process is done in a

state-of-the-art facility with the most advanced manufacturing equipment the

facility has an in-house quality assurance lab that ensures results

beyond the FDA regulations after the completion of the manufacturing process

the Minot's tests the product batches in two of their own independent labs to

ensure absolute quality and quantity is in every capsule so you know you are

getting the best product with exactly the right amount of ingredient that you



For more infomation >> right to fight prostate cancer maxlife BPH beta sitosterol saw palmetto on Kathy Ireland show part 5 - Duration: 5:39.



For more infomation >> YA TAIBA MISHARY RASHID COVER SABYAN GAMBUS - Duration: 2:38.


Swain Rework Montage #6 - Swain 200 IQ Plays 2018 | League of Legends Top - Duration: 10:08.

Swain Rework Montage #6 - Swain 200 IQ Plays 2018 | League of Legends Top

For more infomation >> Swain Rework Montage #6 - Swain 200 IQ Plays 2018 | League of Legends Top - Duration: 10:08.


El DEMASVATAR ha regresado ¿En donde andaba? ¿Que paso? - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> El DEMASVATAR ha regresado ¿En donde andaba? ¿Que paso? - Duration: 4:28.


Valentine's Day in a Single Box Facility - Duration: 2:57.

Where am I? What is this place?

Hello Hello Can anybody hear me?

Hello! Hi! Welcome to this Single Box Facility. You have been taken here for

obvious reasons. This facility is very well designed to keep you away from feeling sad and lonely on Valentine's Day.

Okay how are you going to do that? Distraction! We are very well aware of

your favorite things and wants in life and you're free to enjoy those things while your

stay here. WOW! That sounds good! But first we want you to eat this cookie. Ooo I like


Thank you

What's happening to me? What's in the cookie? What did you do to me? What did you do to me?

There are special chemicals in the cookie that will activate your ability to predict your destiny for the next Valentine's Day.

ooo I can see it now I can see it

yeah I'm gonna have a beautiful girlfriend next year yes

yeah oh my god I can see I can see myself having the most amazing

Valentine's Day yes yes yes

Where am I? Hi! Welcome this Single Box Facility you have been taken here for obvious

reasons. This facility is very well designed to keep you away from feeling

sad and lonely on Valentine's Day

For more infomation >> Valentine's Day in a Single Box Facility - Duration: 2:57.


chikkudukaya egg curry/chikkudukaya egg/egg with chikkudukaya/chikkudukaya tomato curry - Duration: 8:51.

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please subscribe

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For more infomation >> chikkudukaya egg curry/chikkudukaya egg/egg with chikkudukaya/chikkudukaya tomato curry - Duration: 8:51.


Jon Hamm Movies List - Duration: 1:24.

Jon Hamm Movies List

For more infomation >> Jon Hamm Movies List - Duration: 1:24.


MILITARY FILMS "BORDER OFFICER" 1941-45! Military Movies # military films - Duration: 3:01:31.

MILITARY FILMS "BORDER OFFICER" 1941-45! Military Movies # military films

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