Sima, Sima. It can be dried with a hair dryer. I want to read a book.
Aya: Sima is so mad. Let's sit down. Aya: Galya will now read.
Why? You will now read. Malak: Do not tell me. I'll talk right now. Good?
C'mon, speak. Malak: I do not remember. What show. Where is the dog. Aya: Now I'll bring something for a minute.
Let's carry it. Malak: Here it is. Our dog.
The lock hung on the door. Malak: Yes. And what are you turning over? I have not finished reading yet. Turn the flip back.
Here it is. This page we did not read. The lock hung on the door. The Puppy was locked up. Everyone's gone And one In the house They locked him up.
We left Tresor Unattended, Without supervision, And so the puppy Spoiled everything he could.
Aya: This is my favorite, "Oh, you're nasty." Oh, you're ugly, oh, you're dirty? Aya: Yes, now.
Let's read it now. Aya: It starts here. This name. Moydodyr. Aya: Yes.
"Oh, you, nasty, ah, you, dirty, unwashed pig!
You have such hands, That even trousers have fled, Even trousers, even trousers Escaped from you.
In general, it begins: The blanket fled, the sheet flew away, And the pillow, Like a frog, Ran away from me.
I'm for the candle, Candle - in the stove! I'm for a book, That - to run And skip under the bed!
I want to get drunk tea, I run up to the samovar, A pot-bellied from me, Ran .. Aya: ran away, ran away. No. A pot-bellied ran from me, ran away like from fire.
God, my God, What happened? Why did everything around turn upside down, spinning and rushing with a wheel?
Irons for boots, Boots for pies, Pies for irons, Pocket for a sash - Everything is spinning, And spinning, And rushing by somersault.
Malak: I want to say something please, please. Come on. Malak: I want to say cockroaches.
Malak: Cockroach, cockroach eat jam ..... or you do not like
"Butterfly-beauty. Eat jam! Or do not you like Our treat?"
Correctly. Suddenly .... Malak: Suddenly some old man Spider fly Our Fly in the corner ......
Aya: Now she's here. Fly-Tarapukha. Welder - Wants the poor to kill, Destroy the Tsokotuhu!
Fly who? Aya: Fly-Tarapukha. The Fly-Tarapukha? Aya: Yes.
What's the fly called? Aya: Fly-Tarapukha. How? Fly of the Fly-Tarapukha. Tarapukha. Interesting.
Malak: Fly Fly Tsokatukha. Correctly. Tsokatukha is all right. (She laughs)
Fly, Fly - Tsokotukha, Gilded belly! The fly went around the field, found the fly.
The Fly went to the bazaar And bought ...... What? I bought a samovar. Eeyore: the samovar.
"Come, cockroaches, I'll treat you to tea!" Cockroaches resorted, All glasses drank,
And insects - Three cups With milk And a pretzel: Today, Fly-Tsokotukha ...... Malak: Birthday!
The birthday girl is right. They came to Mukhe .... Who? Aya: Eeee. Fleas! Aya: The blooms? Brought her ..... Aya: her ....... jam. No, they brought boots for her.
Aya: Ah, the boots. And the boots are not simple - they are gold fasteners.
Came to Fly Grandmother-bee, (Malak joyfully roars) Mukhe-Tsokotuhe honey brought ...
Suddenly some old man Spider Our Fly in a corner Wiggles - Wants the poor .... Aya: Eat. kill, kill the Tsokotuhu!
"Dear guests, help me! Spare the villain-spider and I fed you, And I gave you, Do not abandon me In my last hour!" She repeats: In the last cup.
Malak: She says not at the last hour, but in the last cup.
But the beetles-worms Were scared, In the corners, through the cracks Raned:
Cockroaches Under the sofas, And kozyavochki Under the benches, A bug under the bed - Do not want to fight!
And no one even from the place Will not move: Disappear, perish, Birthday!
A grasshopper, a grasshopper, Well, just like a little man, Skok, skok, skok, skok! For the bush, Under the bridge And silent!
And the villain does not joke, Hands-feet he turns the ropes to fly, The teeth sharp into the heart pierces And her blood drinks.
The fly screams, screams. And what does the spider do? A villain is silent, grins. Aya: The villain is silent. Smirks.
Cat. You've come? Aya: She's so ... She's so wet. Malak: And my dog is very wet. She will now be licked.
Now it's very warm, so it's okay. Malak: Look, I have a dog that is very wet.
Aya: It's not wet. Malak: Wet. Wet dog? Aya: Not wet. Not wet
Well, for Malak it is wet. Malak: Wet. You see? Hair like this.
Oh well. Okay. Aya: Yes. Malak: Only it's hair is small.
Well, thank you all. Malak: No, it's not. No, do not turn it off. Why not turn it off? What did you want to say?
You wanted to show something? Aya: Here. I want to show something. Show me. She jumps only here. She jumps here.
Well, on the floor? Aya: Yes, yes. But it is not very fast. The dinosaur. Dinosaurs.
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