Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 18 2018

[Spooky Music] Are You?

[Spooky Music] Afraid of the dark?

[Spooky Music] Are You scared?

[Spooky Music] * Child Laughs*

🎵whoo oh oh a a a ba ba ba ba oh oh whoo eh ba ba ba always aimin' paper airplanes at me when your around🎵[Spooky Music]


hey guys and welcome back to my channel

so today i decided to take

you guys along on another adventure

so we are exploring the centennial

tower in Owen Sound

and yeah ha

i hope you guys enjoy [static]

[Spooky Music]

[static] [Spooky Music]

[Spooky Music]

[static] [Spooky Music]

[Spooky Music]

[Spooky Music] * Child Laughs*

[static] [Spooky Music]

[Spooky Music]

[static] [Spooky Music]

[Spooky Music]

[Spooky Music] * Child Laughs*

[Spooky Music]

[static] [Spooky Music]

[Spooky Music]

[Spooky Music] *Howl*

[Spooky Music]

[static] [Spooky Music]

[Spooky Music]

[Spooky Music] * Child Laughs*

[Spooky Music]

[static] [Spooky Music]

[Spooky Music]

[static] [Spooky Music]

[Spooky Music] * Child Laughs*

[Spooky Music]

[Spooky Music] * Child Laughs*

[Spooky Music]

[Spooky Music] * Child Laughs*

[static] [Spooky Music]

[Spooky Music]

[static] [Spooky Music]

that is it for today guys i hope you guys

enjoyed make sure you give this video a big

thumbs up and smash that

subscribe button to join the journey

and make sure you follow me on my

other social medias those will be floating right here

so yeah ok bye guys

🎵us to sleep but now were stressed out [instrumentals]🎵[Spooky Music]

For more infomation >> Exploring The Old And Creepy Centennial Tower | A Sigle Jail Cell? - Duration: 3:38.


TORTA DE NUTELLA - ESPECIAIS MCHANNEL | CulináriaM - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> TORTA DE NUTELLA - ESPECIAIS MCHANNEL | CulináriaM - Duration: 6:31.


3D Model of Volkswagen Crafter Review - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Volkswagen Crafter Review - Duration: 0:21.


Vianna in Mexico - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> Vianna in Mexico - Duration: 0:28.


JÚPITER DIRECTO EN ESCORPIO, por Juan Carlos Pons López - Duration: 1:05:11.

For more infomation >> JÚPITER DIRECTO EN ESCORPIO, por Juan Carlos Pons López - Duration: 1:05:11.


Godzilla: King of the Monsters | "Reach Monarch" | Trailer Teaser | HD - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Godzilla: King of the Monsters | "Reach Monarch" | Trailer Teaser | HD - Duration: 0:52.


24 Reasons Summer Wars & Ready Player One Are The Same Movie - Duration: 4:12.

They say the best form of flattery is imitation.

I guess in this case, Warner Brothers is flattering themselves.

This movie's about a virtual world that starts with the letter O.

In this virtual world, users create avatars, a digital version of yourself that you could

design to become anybody or anything that you want.

The main character and his best friend are experts on the platform and nothing could

come between them until, (dun dun dun dramatic audio) they meet a pretty girl.

The main character experiences love at first sight and it's no surprise because he acts

like he's never seen a girl before.

He's extremely nervous and sweats bullets anytime he's around his love interest.

When you factor in his puppy love, all is well in the digital world.

It's the real world that's the problem.

The home scenes are throwback episode of Jerry Springer.

There's this one scene where the uncle gambled away all the money for the family property

and this sparks a horrible argument.

Kids are supposed to go into the virtual world to forget about real world problems, but that

all changes after the villain is introduced.

The bad guy is this muscular DC character Avatar looking dude.

The villain has an army and has recruited the best of the best players on the platform

to join him in his takeover.

After the bad guy starts taking over there's nowhere to run or nowhere to hide.

The main characters real identity is discovered and this blurs the line between fake and reality

since he's not able to really escape after that.

In the real world, a family member is killed and the death is the direct result of the

bad guy from the virtual world pulling the plug (audio).

This proves that he can hurt you whether or not you're on line or not.

One of the kids gets arrested even though the kid is innocent, the authorities start

pinning bogus charges on the hero.

Meanwhile, the villain is up to no good in the digital world.

A war between good and evil in on the way.

The tension begins when a forcefield that won't allow anyone out or in is created

and blocks access to the admin building.

The good news is the good guys find a way to bypass the forcefield, but the bad news

is, now they have to fight against the enemy and his evil army.

Instead of fist fights, the competitors decide to squash their differences with a game.

The villain is challenged to one last game and on paper, he's clearly the favorite.

There's no way hero could do this alone.

The only way they can defeat them is together.

The good guys team up and show little to no prejudice during the recruiting process.

One of their toughest new members is the little, young, asian kid (audio).

In addition to the little asian kid, almost everyone who has ever logged onto the platform

joins the good guy to take down the bad guy.

The bad guy releases his secret weapon and becomes a big black giant.

The fight gets intense and it's tough to tell who's winning.

The bad guy has a nuclear bomb that can kill everyone and with less people to keep track

of, the battle would be easier to monitor.

The hero survives because he or she was given a special rare item from the guardian of the

digital world and this saves his or her life.

Then Kaboosh! an explosion happens and all the avatars disappear.

After the explosion, the hero grabs a controller and plays and the whole entire world watches

patiently as the hero tries to save the world.

He cracks the code, but the game starts to cheat at the part where all one of the characters

has to do is put the key into the hole.

At first, it wouldn't let him put the key in because of some type of glitch, but by

the end, the hero gets the job done and everyone lives happily ever after in the digital world.

They live happily ever after in real life too and the two main characters love life

gets better and better and she gives him the best kiss a rated PG13 rating could afford.

Those are 24 reasons these movies are the same.

You agree?

Yes, no, maybe so?

If not, politely share your thoughts in the comment section below and click the subscribe

button for more 24 reason videos.

For more infomation >> 24 Reasons Summer Wars & Ready Player One Are The Same Movie - Duration: 4:12.


【太鼓の達人 Switch】なにこれ?! この星9難しくない?【ゆっくり小梅のNS実況#3】 - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> 【太鼓の達人 Switch】なにこれ?! この星9難しくない?【ゆっくり小梅のNS実況#3】 - Duration: 3:56.


Bridges should be beautiful | Ian Firth - Duration: 14:02.

The world needs bridges.

Have you ever thought about what it would be like not to have any?

It's hard to imagine a civilization without bridges

because they're so essential

for growth and development of human society,

but they're not just about a safe way across a river or an obstacle.

They shout about connectivity --


They reveal something about creativity,

our ingenuity --

they even hint at our identity.

And when bridges fail,

or are destroyed in conflict,

communities struggle,

development stagnates, people suffer.

Even today,

there are over one billion people living in poor, rural communities

around the world

that do not have safe, year-round access

to the things that you and I take for granted:

education, medical care, access to markets ...

which is why wonderful organizations like Bridges to Prosperity

build bridges in this kind of place -- this is in Rwanda.

And they make such a difference,

not only to those lives immediately around the bridge,

but the impact of these bridges is huge,

and it spreads over the whole community,

far, far away.

Of course bridges have been around for an awfully long time.

The oldest ones are stone because it's a very durable material.

I don't know about you --

I love to look at the development of technology

to learn about what people did with the materials

and tools available to them at the time.

So the Pont Du Gard in the center is a wonderful example --

Roman aqueduct in the South of France --

fantastic piece of technology built using massive stones put together,

dry -- there's no mortar in those joints.

They're just dry stone joints --


and almost as good as new today.

Or sometimes up in the mountains,

people would build these suspension bridges,

often across some dizzy canyon,

using a vine.

In this case, this is in Peru.

This is using grass which grows locally

and is woven into ropes to build these bridges.

And do you know they rebuild this every year?

Because of course grass is not a durable material.

So this bridge is unchanged since Inca times.

And bridges can be symbols of their location.

Of course, Golden Gate and Sydney are well familiar.

In Mostar the bridge was synonymous with the name of the place,

and to such an extent that in the war in 1993

when the bridge was destroyed,

the town all but lost its identity until the bridge was reconstructed.

And bridges are enormous features in our landscape --

not just enormous, sometimes there's small ones --

and they are really significant features,

and I believe we have a duty to make our bridges beautiful.

Thankfully, many people do.

Think of the stunning Millau Viaduct in the South of France.

French engineer Michel Virlogeux and British architect Lord Foster

collaborated together to produce something

which is a really spectacular synergy of architecture and engineering.

Or Robert Maillart's Salginatobel Bridge in the mountains in Switzerland --

absolutely sublime.

Or more recently,

Laurent Ney's beautiful and rather delicate bridge

for Tintagel Castle in the UK.

These are spectacular and beautiful designs

and we need to see more of this.

Bridges can be considered in three convenient categories,

depending on the nature of the structural system

that they adopt as their principal support.

So, bending, of course, is the way a beam will behave --

so, beams and bending.

Or compression is the principal way of operating for an arch.

Or for the really long spans you need to go lightweight,

as we'll see in a minute,

and you'll use tension, cables --

suspension bridges.

And the opportunity for variety is enormous.

Engineers have a fantastic scope for innovation and ingenuity

and developing different forms around these types.

But technological change happens relatively slowly in my world,

believe it or not,

compared to the changes that happen in mobile phone technology

and computers and digital technologies and so on.

In our world of construction,

the changes seem positively glacial.

And the reason for this can be summarized in one word:


Structural engineers like me manage risk.

We are responsible for structural safety.

That's what we do.

And when we design bridges like these,

I have to balance the probability that loads will be excessive on one side

or the strength will be too low on the other side.

Both of which, incidentally, are full of uncertainty usually,

and so it's a probabilistic problem,

and we have to make sure

that there's an adequate margin for safety between the two, of course.

There's no such thing, I have to tell you,

as absolute safety.

Contrary to popular belief,

zero risk doesn't exist.

Engineers have to do their calculations and get their sums right

to make sure that those margins are there,

and society expects them to do so,

which is why it's all the more alarming when things like this happen.

I'm not going to go into the reasons for these tragedies,

but they are part of the reason

why technological change happens quite slowly.

Nobody wants this to happen.

Clients don't want this to happen on their projects, obviously.

And yet of course they want innovation.

Innovation is vital.

As an engineer, it's part of my DNA.

It's in my blood.

I couldn't be a very good engineer if I wasn't wanting to innovate,

but we have to do so from a position of knowledge and strength

and understanding.

It's no good taking a leap in the dark,

and civilization has learned from mistakes since the beginning of time --

no one more so than engineers.

Some of you may have seen this film before --

this is the very famous Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse

in Tacoma, Washington state,


The bridge became known as "Galloping Gertie"

because she -- she?

Is a bridge female? I don't know.

She was wobbling like this for quite a long time,

and notice this twisting motion.

The bridge was far too flexible.

It was designed by a chap called Leon Moisseiff,

no stranger to suspension bridge design,

but in this case he pushed the limits just that little bit too far

and paid the price.

Thankfully, nobody was killed.

But this bridge collapse stopped suspension bridge development

dead in its tracks.

For 10 years nobody thought about doing another suspension bridge.

There were none.

And when they did emerge in the 1950s,

they were an understandable overreaction,

this sort of oversafe response to what had happened.

But when it did occur in the mid-60s,

there was indeed a step change --

an innovation, a technological step change.

This is the Severn Bridge in the UK.

Notice the aerodynamically streamlined cross section

in the center there.

It's also a box which makes it very torsionally stiff --

that twisting motion which we saw at Tacoma would not happen here.

And it's also really lightweight,

and as we'll see in a moment,

lightweight is really important for long spans,

and everybody seems to want us to build longer spans.

The longest at the moment is in Japan.

It's just under 2,000 meters -- one span.

Just under two kilometers.

The Akashi Kaikyō Bridge.

We're currently working on one in Turkey which is a bit longer,

and we've designed the Messina Bridge in Italy,

which is just waiting to get started with construction one day,

who knows when.


I'm going to come back to Messina in a moment.

But the other kind of long-span bridge which uses that tension principle

is the cable-stayed bridge,

and we see a lot of these.

In fact, in China they're building a whole load of these right now.

The longest of these is the Russky Bridge in Vladivostok, Russia --

just over 1,100 meters.

But let me take you back to this question about long-span and lightweight.

This is using Messina Bridge as an example.

The pie chart in the center represents the capacity of the main cables --

that's what holds the bridge up --

the capacity of the main cables.

And notice that 78 percent of that capacity

is used up just holding the bridge up.

There's only 22 percent of its capacity --

that's less than a quarter --

available for the payload,

the stuff that the bridge is there to support:

the railway, the road and so on.

And in fact,

over 50 percent of that payload --

of that dead load --

is the cable on its own.

Just the cable without any bridge deck.

If we could make that cable lighter,

we could span longer.

Right now if we use the high-strength steel wire available to us,

we can span, practically speaking, around about five or six kilometers

if we really push it.

But if we could use carbon fiber in those cables,

we could go more than 10 kilometers.

That's pretty spectacular.

But of course superspans is not necessarily the way to go everywhere.

They're very expensive

and they've got all sorts of other challenges associated with them,

and we tend to build multispan

when we're crossing a wide estuary or a sea crossing.

But of course if that sea crossing were somewhere like Gibraltar,

or in this case, the Red Sea,

we would indeed be building multiple superlong spans

and that would be something spectacular, wouldn't it?

I don't think I'm going to see that one finished in my lifetime,

but it will certainly be worth waiting for for some of you guys.

Well, I want to tell you about something which I think is really exciting.

This is a multispan suspension bridge across very deep water in Norway,

and we're working on this at the moment.

The deep water means that foundations are prohibitively expensive.

So this bridge floats.

This is a floating, multispan suspension bridge.

We've had floating bridges before, but nothing like this.

It stands on floating pontoons

which are tethered to the seabed and held down --

so, pulled down against those buoyancy forces,

and in order to make it stable,

the tops of the towers have to be tied together,

otherwise the whole thing would just wobble around

and nobody will want to go on that.

But I'm really excited about this

because if you think about the places around the world

where the water is so deep

that nobody has given a second thought to the possibility of a bridge

or any kind of crossing,

this now opens up that possibility.

So this one's being done by the Norwegian Roads Administration,

but I'm really excited to know

where else will this technology enable development --

that growing together,

that building of community.

Now, what about concrete?

Concrete gets a pretty bad name sometimes,

but in the hands of people like Rudy Ricciotti here,

look what you can do with it.

This is what we call ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced concrete.

It's a bit of a mouthful.

Us engineers love those kinds of words.


But what you do with this --

this is really superstrong, and it's really durable,

and you can get this fantastic sculptural quality.

Who said concrete bridges are dull?

We could talk about all sorts of other new technologies and things

which are going on,

robots and 3-D printing and AI and all of that,

but I want to take you back to something which I alluded to earlier on.

Our bridges need to be functional, yes.

They need to be safe -- absolutely.

They need to be serviceable and durable.

But I passionately believe they need to be elegant;

they need to be beautiful.

Our bridges are designed for a long time.

We tend to design for 100 years plus.

They're going to be there for an awfully long time.

Nobody is going to remember the cost.

Nobody will remember whether it overran a few months.

But if it's ugly or just dull,

it will always be ugly or dull.


Bridges --

beauty enriches life.

Doesn't it?

It enhances our well-being.

Ugliness and mediocrity does exactly the opposite.

And if we go on building mediocre, ugly environments --

and I believe we're becoming numb to that stuff --

if we go on doing that,

it's something like a large-scale vandalism,

which is completely unacceptable.


This is a bridge in Lyon in France,

which was procured through a design competition.

And I think we need to start talking to those people who procure our bridges

and our structures,

because it's the procurement which is often the key.

Design competitions is one way to get good design,

but it's not the only one.

There's an awful lot of procurement going on

that is absolutely prejudiced against good design.

So yes, technology happens a bit slowly sometimes in my world.

But I'm really excited about what we can do with it.

Whether it's saving lives in rural Africa

or stretching the boundaries of long-span technology

or just crossing the road next-door,

I hope we continue to build elegant and beautiful stuff

that save lives and build communities.

Thank you.


For more infomation >> Bridges should be beautiful | Ian Firth - Duration: 14:02.


XiaoPa Mini Kitchen & The smallest Sushi in the world! | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 5:46.

XiaoPa Mini Kitchen & The smallest Sushi in the world! | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> XiaoPa Mini Kitchen & The smallest Sushi in the world! | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 5:46.


6 charged in racially-motivated attack - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> 6 charged in racially-motivated attack - Duration: 1:46.


Fisherman reels in invasive 'frankenfish' in the Susquehanna Valley - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Fisherman reels in invasive 'frankenfish' in the Susquehanna Valley - Duration: 1:23.


Kids Games Bro vs Sis Water Battle Challenge Kids Workout - Duration: 9:32.

Kids Games Bro vs Sis Water Battle Challenge Kids Workout

Hey guys, welcome to Z extreme. Yeah

Got Avery, and I've got Logan good

And here on TV we do fun cool games top school courses all kinds of cool things

So you're gonna want to tune in to check this stuff out? Okay. Yeah today we got a fun game for you. Alright

So what we got here is we got two buckets here one green and one blue

We've got some specialized squirt guns guys gonna pick them up

This game is super easy to do at home if you want to do yourself

We literally got these from the Dollar Tree for a dollar each super team

So the whole idea is we're gonna get a little bit exercise and have fun and play game and be a little competitive

Okay, so the kids are gonna start their buckets and they're gonna run

To the swimming pool. The swimming pool is full of water

So they've got a minute to go back and forth as much they can and try and get as much water out of the pool

Into their bucket and whoever has the most water at the end of the game it wins. So we're gonna play a couple rounds

To kind of see how this goes. Okay

So if you wanna play at home, like I said super easy to set up you guys ready to go. Yeah. All right

So let's get them to their starting positions, right?

I've got the clock right here

So we're gonna do a minute on your mark get set go

And they're off

Trips it just depends on who gets the most water in their bucket at this point

It's getting tired

All right last trip

All right, let's take a look who do you guys think one that's Logan's baby got any breeze

Yes, I'm gonna put them side-by-side now, all right

Okay, let Logan settle

Avery is almost up to her second line

Logan's not quite there

So we have a clear winner. Avery is


Let's go

So, let's dump these out, okay just do another round


Avery was the winner this time I'm gonna jump in and I'll take on Logan the winner takes on Avery

Let's do a little double elimination. So

Clear that

Okay, alright ready set go


Go Logan seems a little bit ahead

Dad's falling behind because he's old go Logan you're why am I getting Rubeus? No


All right, are you guys decide let's

See we have dad's bucket. We have no clue

all right, I

Think Logan got me. Yeah, he's almost up to the double line. Yeah, Logan's the winner

All right, good. All right dump mouth

Guess that leaves you two. Yeah. All right for Logan to be the winner. He's got to beat her twice

All right, so she hasn't beaten yet

- my glasses up

to your interests here serious right now serious


Logan Avery round two ready set go

Okay, here they come

Both although second trips all about how much you get anything how much you actually transfer?

The third trip

Okay 22nd time

Back comes a race for Logan's house. So three times in a row

Okay, well bless your last one

Better hurry, you gotta get in there and stop

All right, but for you who has more?


So my lovely breeze off

Just to the bottom of that second ring there


This way it's almost to the top of the second ring. I think

Back to win twice. Okay. Good job

Yes, same so they're gonna go one more round they've each one once

I'm eliminated. Okay

We're gonna throw a little curveball in this one though, okay, so they've gotten a minute again

But this time I'm gonna run a little interference. You'll see by me. All right, and they won't know it

So let's get admitted on the clock okay you guys set yeah for Logan Audemars gets it

Okay forty seconds

Boise hurry, nobody's been in the pool yet

All right, let's take a look at our buckets guys, all right

So, let's level it out

Not quite the second row


Is the winner

And Logan's defense you have to go about four times

Amazing so guys you're gonna be doing all kinds of cool games. Like I said obstacle courses fun. Make sure you tune in. All right

So join the Z team they subscribe it's a notification bell-like share if you'd like, we'd really appreciate that

Check us out on Facebook you right guys. Yeah

All right till next time what do you say?

For more infomation >> Kids Games Bro vs Sis Water Battle Challenge Kids Workout - Duration: 9:32.


Raptors in the kitchen~BRING IT RAPTORS - Duration: 10:58.

I can do this right guys


I changed my mind. I don't know if I want to do this


Shit I'll talk lot. Okay, and then I see that


God it's been so long since I've sat down and do this

Other storytellers welcome to Raptors in the kitchen

Now this game was made by the same person. Who did the

T-rex breakout when I was in the car and I had two t-rex coming. So it's many PI same person

I actually found this game off of Reddit


Forget it's either

HIO or gamejolt? I forget

That's where the t-rex was. And so I looked and I couldn't find any other gains by this person

um I don't want to say if it's a guy or a girl cuz I honestly don't know but this is by the same person so

I'm really excited to do it. We're gonna get hunted by some floss Raptors. So

Coming soon. Okay, so we're in the kitchen. Ooh, okay, it's good to know. They're still developing. So



WASD to move I'd help if I could freaking talk. Let's shift to run mask this mask

Squirrel to crouch throw down, okay

Good - Kirk five you because I love dinosaurs Ashley loved dinosaurs. But uh

I'm gonna be a little bit creepy because the t-rex was creepy and I was just out of cars this there's no like

Cars to like protect me actually, okay before I do is I actually have an interesting fact that I wish I couldn't wait

I wish I had known before

and I would have put into your accident, but if you guys have seen the original Jurassic Park when

The kids are in the Jeep and the t-rex breaks out of it's closer out of the fence

with part where the t-rex head is going through the

Sunroof it's that what you call it with a glass and they holding the glass roof up that actually wasn't supposed to happen the

T-rex wasn't its head wasn't supposed to go all the way down. The glass wasn't supposed to shatter. So they're screaming

That's all real that actually was like that terrified me

But I just thought that as cool fact to know because I love I love dinosaurs

I can't name them all like my brother can but I a new name enough for them

I love the new movie - you by the way

Oh shit, I don't have

Wait, I don't have sound why is there no sound

Whoa, okay wait

Hold up. Why is there no sound?

They're supposed to be sound

Oh, I heard that Oh, what is that? Oh

My god is it's just the philosoraptor. All I hear is the philosoraptor

Oh my god, I don't even know where the hell I'm supposed to go

The exit

I supposed to go towards

Necks it has oh my god. I'm so scared. I'm so scared. Oh

That's terrifying oh

My god, oh my god, I'm gonna oh my shit. It's right there. Oh my god is right there

I'm assuming I have to get to the exit

I'm assuming you have to get that


Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god

What what's the run

Okay, I'm not supposed to

Do what kind of graphics

Okay doesn't like the t-rex, I don't know we're supposed to go but that is creepy just hearing

Like hearing nothing, but the philosoraptor is scariest crap

At all was a nightshift to run

Maybe this is the sexist what I'm supposed to go to

Do you hear that? That's so fucking scary

- oh, yeah. Oh my shit. I

Can't run

Whatever that but it is for rod. I can't do it. Oh

He's also, he's a lot more glitchy than the T Rexes though, I will see that

Okay, is there just no way out am I just

There must not be like an end to this game

Because like

Unless yeah, I can't like touch that or nothing

So I I

Don't think this gave me an ending. Oh my god

Please shit

I'm gonna die right away. I

Would I'm not leaving Wow, yeah, he's like

How my ears I don't know what this game actually has an ending

All right, so honestly none of the doors work so I and just

See how long I could can survive without being killed by the boss or after

I don't think cuz this is a

Fan-made and since it's not on it's terrifying. It's not on like angel or

Itch dot. Io I don't think there's actually like

Get here and get out. I think it's just pretty much to see what he can or she can do

And of course there's

My phone it's so

Creepy not hearing

Anything but the sound they're making like there's a no other other sound Oh


My good I thought he was gonna eat me. Oh shit. I didn't realize he got down

He doing

Yeah, he's a lot more glitchy than the t-rex was

But still it's just so cool. I wish there was more

dinosaur games where it wasn't

hunting them

You know like a lot of the dinosaurs game. It's all oh you're hunter get a gun go kill him

I was just more games like this

Where it was like a survival type game

Really cuz there's even some like battle Royales where it's all fighting

Fast bug. I was wondering if there's gonna be other

Velociraptors ever going to come in does it and the movie wasn't there like two or something?

Whoa, don't be okay

Let's just be that one


Feel like this is kind of to you. I'm just hiding in this one hole touch

Touch, oh

I think I broke it. I think I broke it

All right, I always video is short I don't think there's an agile way to get out

But uh, sorry my cats were distracting me but I just thought there was a fun fun

Fan mini Jurassic Park game

But I really this here I will leave the link in description if you guys want to try it for yourself

It's a real simple game. There's not a lot to it, but I still think it's very cool

But thank you guys so much for watching and I'll talk to you warriors. Later

For more infomation >> Raptors in the kitchen~BRING IT RAPTORS - Duration: 10:58.


[ASMR Daon] [ENG SUB] A boyfriend begging for dolls Role play ASMR - Duration: 10:55.

Honey, come here. Quickly, come quickly.

Quickly. Can you pull out this for me?

This one, isn't it?

Then just go to the store and buy me one.

Buy me.

Buy me one, really. I like things like dolls.

Just one thing.

Just one. Really, just one.

I didn't receive my birthday present last time. Quick, buy me.

Or pull it out for me. I heard this won't be pull out, so buy it in the store for me.

Buy me.

Age doesn't matter. These days, adults also have one thing like dolls at home.

Buy me.

I asked you to buy it.

If you don't buy me, I won't go. I'm not going.

You didn't buy my birthday present, didn't buy me a doll, and you don't want to spend money on me, right?

I think that's right.

Then buy me.

Buy me.

Buy me.

There are not many dolls in my house.

Buy me.

Very few. Buy me a quick one.


You decided to buy it for me? Let's hurry in.


Honey, please come here. Oh, come quickly.

Look at this, it's so cute.

It's so tender, honey. Feel this.

Wow! It is tender and soft.

Honey, there are so many pretty things here.

I'm so happy.

Oh, honey, look at this.

This is my favorite character.

Yes. This is so pretty.

I like something as soft as this.

It's so cute. I just want to live here today, here.

By the way, will the white ones be dirty?

I really like it, but I'm a little worried because it's white.

It's not good to get dirty, so I'll see something else.

Honey, look at this.

Look, it is too big.

I want to fall a sleep with this.

It's even soft.

Honey, this is it.

I love this one, I want you to buy me this.

Yes, I love it. I think sleeping with this would be great. Buy me this.

Don't say anything strange, buy me this.

Buy me,

buy me. I like it.

This? Price?

Let's see... how much is it?

The price tag is ...

98000 won, honey, 98000 won.

Are you going to buy it for me? Huh? I bought you many things.

Will you buy it for me?

I bought you a bag, a necklace, and ... I bought you a lot.

What do you mean by that suddenly? I heard you're buying.

I heard you're buying.

Of course I like you better than a doll. I like you better than dolls, but you can not always with me. But dolls can always be there for me.

And it will be better because you bought it for me. I think of you as I look at the doll, it's so good.

So buy it for me.

Buy me quickly. Open your wallet. Get your wallet out quickly.

Get it out.

It's only for sale here. It's not for sale other store. Buy me this quickly.

Buy me, buy me × ∞

Buy it for me?


No, no, no, I'll carry it. I'll carry it.

I named it.

I named it.

Name? Its name is "Ppujjung", Ppujjung.

Its name is "Ppujjung"

Hey Ppujjung, Ppujjung~ Come with me.

Yes, you are my sister, Ppujjung.

Ppujjung, now, we're going home. Ppujjung, isn't it good?

Ppujjung Ppujjung. Is it good? Honey, did you just hear that? Ppujjung was said now.

Didn't you hear that? She said ... Hey, Ppujjung. Ppujjung Ppujjung. Look~

You can't hear it because you're mean. I can hear everything that Ppujjung says.

Hmm~ pretty.

Our Ppujjung is really pretty.

No, it's like people are looking.

I forgot for a moment.

I suddenly feel embarrassed.

Come on, honey, let's pay for it and get out.

I must have been crazy for a while.

I'm sorry.

Honey, pay the bill now quickly.

Thank you.


Excuse me, how can I wash it?

Oh, yes, thank you.

My Ppujjung, Ppujjung.

Are you upset? Because I acted like you weren't there?

Is it right?

I like you Ppujjung.


It's my Ppujjung. If you buy, that's the end of it.

If you envy that, you should be as cute as Ppujjung. Ppujjung, Is it right?

Honey, thank you. Thank you for buying(bringing) me Ppujjung.

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