Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 19 2018

Marina: Very well.

Casandra: Thanks

Marina: My cousin Marta and my friend Casandra are with me today.

Marina: And we are going to eat Turkish food.

Marina: I have to be fair and I have to make different people try Turkish food...

...In case there are different opinions about it.

Marina: Do you like sweet things?

Marta: Not so much.

Casandra: I do like it.

Marina: Ok, our hopes are in Casandra today.

Marina: We will eat this Turkish food thanks to my friend Hikmet.

Marina: He sent so much Turkish food that I still can bring new people and keep eating it.

Marta: Send salty things next time.

Marina: Let's start. Oh...You wanted tea, right?

Casandra: Do you want tea?

Marta: Ok... we are going to eat and also drink.

Marina: It's quince tea sent by Engin.

Marina: So we will have to evaluate it too. Ok, girls?

Marta: Ok, thanks Engin.

Marina: What do you want to start with?

Marta: The softer flavour first...and the strongest one at the end.

Marina: I don't know how it tastes.

Marina: Coconut...chosen by Casandra.

Marina: Casandra likes coconut. She's the first person I know that likes coconut.

Marina: You took two, Casandra. She eats double.

Marta: Delicious!

Marta: I love them, they taste similar to ours.

Casandra: It tastes of coconut a lot.

Marina: I like them, yeah. Although I don't like coconut.

Marta: I don't like it either, but...

Casandra: It can be eaten.

Marina: So what points do you give? From 0 to 10

Casandra: 6.5

Marina: Just that?

Marta: 8

Marina: 8 too. I liked them.

Marta: smells so good.

Casandra: How is it called?

Marta: When do we taste the tea?

Marina: You can try it now, if you want.

Marta: It's so hot. I'll leave it for later.

Marina: Let's go for "Puf". Do you like marshmallows?

Marta: Yes, it's going to be delicious.

Casandra: It has a biscuit.

Marina: It's soft, isn't it?

Marta: It's tasteless if we compare it with the previous one.

Casandra: It only tastes of biscuit.

Marta: It's not bad. But I prefer the Spanish marshmallows. They are more spongy.

Marina: Who wants more?

Casandra: No, thanks.

Marta: Me!

Marina: It's not exactly a marshmallow.

Marta: It's similar, but with biscuit.

Casandra: It's not as soft as a marshmallow.

Marta: If chocolate chips are added, it's not soft anymore.

Marina: I don't remember the points I gave to the first "Puf" I tried, but I liked this one more.

Marina: My points are 4

Marina: My points will be 4

Marta: I had in mind 4 points too.

Marina: But you liked it more than I did.

Marta: I know, but I wouldn't buy it.

Marina: Me neither.

Marta: Ok, so 4.5.

Casandra: 5

Marta: Ah, we are a little inconsistent in our thinking. But the tea is amazing, I love it. It's my favourite tea in the world.

I could drink it every day, even tho I don't like tea that much. I really love it.

Marta: It's a pity we can't buy it here.

Marina: So you've lived your whole life without knowing THIS ONE was your favourite tea in the world.

Marina: Let's hear Casandra's opinion. She must be an expert in teas, because she is Chinese.

Marta: I wonder if I can buy it online.

Casandra: It's good. It's not bad.

Marina: Let's open this.

Marta: I don't like peach flavour.

Marina: You better say you don't like any fruits.

Casandra: It smells like Chinese food.

Marta: I like the smell.

Marta: They are stuck.

Marina: They've made a long trip.

Marina: This is all. No more than this.

Marta: It looks like...I don't know.

Marta: I don't like it at all.

Marta: Its texture is horrible.

Marta: Is this bird food or something?

Marina: I totally agree. The previous one I tried, made of figs, was the same.

Claudio: I told you that you wouldn't like it.

Marina: The first one Lorena and I tried looked like chips.

Marina: But this one is tender...But at least it must be healthy.

Casandra: Just 54 grams.

Marina: Calories.

Marta: It makes sense. If it's healthy, it can't taste well.

Marta: What is it made of?

Marina: Do you want more?

Marta: No, thanks.

Casandra: It reminds me of a food I used to eat when I was a child.

Casandra: Enough!

Marina: At the end it is not so bad. The problem is in its texture. It's not nice when you give it a chew. It was not so bad, after all.

Marta: If you drink tea while you eat it, it tastes better.

Marina: Really? Then take another one. Come on.

Marta: I won't be hungry for the rest of things I have to try.

Marina: Do it for Hikmet.

Marta: Ok.

Marina: I will do it for Hikmet too.

Marina: So what's your marks?

Casandra: 7

Casandra: It's healthy.

Marina: I get surprised with Casandra every time.

Marta: 6, just because it is healthy...

Marina: For me it's 5.5

Marina: Let's try the last one. We leave sweet things behind and we pass to the salty ones.

Marina: Barbecue flavour.

Marta: This is going to be delicious.

Marina: You both like barbecue flavour, don't you?

Both: We do

Marina: It's called cracks.

Marta: It smells like Turkey.

Marta: It does! Like kebap...

Marina: It smells like barbecue.

Marta: I love this one.

Marina: It's so good.

Casandra: We should have eaten it before the sweet things.

Marina: I love it.

Marta: Don't you think it's Turkish flavours?

Casandra: It is just barbecue flavour.

Marina: So tasty. It's delicious.

Marta: You won't be hungry for lunch time.

Marina: A little bit more.

Marta: It's already late.

Marina: I will give high points to this. 9

Marta: Hey! Me too.

Marta: I swear I have it in mind before you say yours.

Marina: What did you say?

Casandra: 8.5

Marina: Not bad at all.

Casandra: It's the best we've tried today.

Marina: And what do you say about the tea?

Marta: 10

Casandra: 7

Marta: Wow, what a surprise!

Casandra: Marta, you said 10. Why is it a surprise?

Marina: How should be a tea for you to give it 10 points.

Casandra: I like...Chinese tea.

Marina: So I will give 10 points too. I love it. And the apple tea too.

Casandra: Come on, cheers!

Marina: To the health of Turkey

Both: To the health of Turkey

Marina: Pretend it's not empty!

Marina: Thanks girls for coming to my channel.

Both: Thanks to you.

Marta: I like this! I prefer to eat than guessing Turkish idioms.

Marina: Are you suffering?

Marta: Of course. It's so hard.

Casandra: Thanks to Marina's friends.

Casandra: Because they sent everything.

Marina: Let them send more, right?

Casandra: Yes, please! Send her more Turkish food!

Marina: Click on LIKE and suscribe if you are interested in Turkey...

...And you like to see such cool people like them in my channel.

Marta: Did you just say "cool"?

Marina: So let's say goodbye.

Both: Bye.

For more infomation >> 4# Probando Snacks Turcos | Türk Aburcuburlarını Deniyoruz - Duration: 8:47.


Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years? - Interview Sample Answer - Duration: 4:36.

In this video, you'll learn how to answer the common interview question "where do

you see yourself in five years?" and if you stay around until the end, I'll show

you how not to answer this question and how to answer this question. Hey there, if

we've never met before, I'm Heather Austin from

and The Career Club on Facebook and on this channel I provide simple

solutions to help you build a business or launch a career you love so if you're

new here consider hitting that subscribe button down below and the bell

modification so you don't miss a thing. The interview question "where do you see

yourself in five years?' is a tough one. Most of us aren't thinking about where

we see ourselves in a year, let alone five years so when this question it

comes up in an interview it can really throw you for a loop.

Now interviewers are asking this because they want to gauge your long-term

commitment to the company so in this video I'm going to share three simple

solutions that you can use to answer this common question. Tip number one, know

the career progression before interview day. Make sure you've learned everything

you can about the natural and logical progression of someone that is in the

position you are applying for. This will help you better tailor your answer to

this question so that you're not saying something that you'll regret later. For

example, let's say that you are applying for a position as a project manager. Most

project managers start out on a team that is led by another senior level

project manager. Within time, a project manager can make a smooth transition

into a senior level project manager or even a chief operating officer. Use

resources like Google and the Bureau of Labor Statistics to find out the job

outlook and the advancement for the position that you are applying for. This

leads us to tip number two to answer the question "where do you see yourself in

five years?" and that is to show your passion for the position. One

of the best ways to tackle this question is to let the interviewer know that you

are extremely passionate about the position you are applying for. This will

help you keep your focus on the current position rather than pinpointing other

positions within the organization you would like to move into. You'll want to

elaborate on the impact you make and express your interest in taking on more

responsibilities in the future and even leadership. Tip number three to answer

the common interview question "where do you see yourself in five years?" and that

is to show your long-term commitment to the company. Chances are you'll advance

in your career over the next five years. Meaning you'll out grow the current

position, but employers want to know that you'll be there for a while. Now it's not

cheap for a company to recruit and hire new talent so they want to know if they

make an investment in you for the role that it will be a wise investment so to

demonstrate your long-term commitment to the company, make sure you mention the

value you'll provide to the company and what you would like the company to

experience as a result of you being in the role so when it comes to answering

this question make sure you avoid answers like "in five years from now I

want to see myself in your shoes" or "in five years from now I see myself running

this place." Rather answer the question like this: "In five years from now I see

myself perfecting the role of project manager. I am very passionate about

ensuring all departments are functioning effectively in staying on task. In the

long term, I'd like to assume more leadership responsibilities by using my

strengths in management, organization and communication. You'll notice in this

example that the first part of the answer focuses on the candidates passion

for the position. The second part focuses on how the candidate can help the

company with long-term growth and the candidate also mentions their desire for

advancement without being too overboard. Now if you haven't had the chance,

join me over on Facebook in my community The Career Club, where you'll

network with other professionals just like you to learn solutions and

strategies to navigate your career. I'll go ahead and link that up below and if

you know someone that might benefit from this video, please share it with them.

Don't forget to hit the like button below. Be sure to subscribe and I will

see you guys next time.

For more infomation >> Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years? - Interview Sample Answer - Duration: 4:36.


Not Learning Anything, Episode 1: Dresses and Frills! - Duration: 6:32.

Hi-yah! Welcome to not learning anything with Sarah! It's a new series, and the

first series on my channel, where I attempt to force you to learn how to

draw with something I definitely don't think I know how to draw. Do I know how

to draw? Well yeah its all I do. But do I know how to edit? (awkward laugh)

So I'm hiring an editor

to travel along with me with something I barely even think I'll keep up with. So I

wanted to give a moment to introduce my editor! his name is Jmore and you can

find him here (check the right corner of the screen)

He's not going to be doing all the editing though it'll probably be...

most of it, so go give him some love! Let's stop me before I start rambling! So

let's start!


Like I said before, welcome to not learning anything with your host,

me, Sarah! The show where I attempt to show you how

to draw things I barely even know how to draw myself. Today's episode is on

dresses and frills, let's go!

Dresses! Those weird flowy things

attached to girls bodies. Maybe it'd be easier just to not draw them; but don't

you want to show off them thighs?! Hell yeah, you do! So obviously we can't just

keep giving girls stiff t-shirts. I'll show you how to draw those! Obviously

there are tons and tons and tons of different dresses, and we can't go

through all of them, but we can start with a small beginners guide on how to

draw any sort of flowing fabric. When drawing fabric there's always something

grabbing on to it and causing that flow and distinct shape. In this case it would

be the strap on this dress. When there's stress on the fabric, it needs to be

shown. Physical objects have to be shown to react to such things, so you'd need to

add some lines to indicate said stress. Enough to show that something's tugging

at it but not enough to show the amount of stress on my mental state. Now that

stress needs to be leading to something. If we were to just draw the dress like a

curved line, that obviously doesn't look right. Everything reacts to everything so

the end of the dress needs to react to the fabric being folded and tugged. So we

need to create the distinct shape for the folds created by the flow in the dress.

This can be done as easily as drawing lines according to what it is in the

front and what it is in the back. this looks rather stiff, doesn't it? just as

stiff as my... wait I can't say that on YouTube... (Cough) Anyways! let's fix that stiffness!

So obviously these are just straight lines, so how about we redraw them, but

with curved lines! now try and making the flow a little more free a little less

orderly - see now you've got it! now let's apply that to the dress we're working on.

We want it to react to the folds in the stress we've already applied, so try to

imagine where things would be in the front, and where they would be in the

back. Just try to flow your drawing accordingly. Don't be afraid to be quick!

Trying to be precise can sometimes lead to stiff artwork or movements. Obviously

don't be afraid to erase or control-z either. I won't lie I always keep one

hand on my tablet and the other on the undo button. Now applying this rule to

other dresses should make things much easier. How many folds, and how much

stress all depends on the dress. Never be afraid to have references pulled up to

help you learn how these dresses work in the real world, as that's what we're

trying to mimic. Try to figure out both where those flows are, and where your

eyeline is or the point where the viewer can see. You have to figure out whether

your viewer should only be able to see the flows, or if they should be able to

see under the flows as well, or the back of the fabric. It all depends on the

dress, and if I were to go through as many as I could... we'd be here forever. I

still want to cover another thing very close to both dresses and my heart so

let's move on to our next lesson in this episode!

So, moving on to something that a

lot of dresses have, and it's honestly the one thing I always want to drag my

fingers through, we're going to talk about frills! This part of the video is

going to be the easiest, because they follow practically the same rule as

dresses, just on a much smaller scale. a dress has a bit of a long design with a

decrease in the stress the lower you go. frills, when attached to something, are

very short, yet the stress as large as it ends very close to its beginning. It

stress is practically constant, just like the stress of our impending dooooom.


So we take the lesson that we learned before about lines affecting folds in fabric.

The folds are going to be much closer than before but still relatively

following the same rule. Of course with any rule and art you can add a creative

aspect. You don't need to follow the rules exactly, and you shouldn't.

As mentioned before, things will become stiff so let your hands draw freely. Hell,

when I really start messing around my lines look random at best. Now

obviously you can't just wear frills. I mean unless you have a lot of frills, or

you just want to cover the important stuff. most people like the frills on

things and nine out of ten times they be on dresses. Most notably it's probably on

the bottom. When trying to put them on the bottom of the dress, you may realize

that it looks a lot harder than before... While trying to create folds on the

dress, you're also trying to have your frills follow the folds of the dress,

while also trying to create folds in the frills. really screwing with your mind

isn't it? Well don't worry! it's not as threatening

and scary as it seems. It does take practice but it's not too hard to start

out with. At first just start with simple frills,

then once you become comfortable you can start to work on making them flow with

the dress. Don't let things that look difficult scare you, and definitely don't

be scared to be sporadic with your movements when you become comfortable.

So, did you learn anything? no? well too bad, I'm still gonna make more of these.

Thanks for joining me on Not Learning Anything! I hope to see you back here to

learn even more of nothing! and thank my editor Jmore for helping with

editing my script, editing my audio, and editing the video; go look at him please!

he is amazing and a good friend.

now... how do I end this?


For more infomation >> Not Learning Anything, Episode 1: Dresses and Frills! - Duration: 6:32.


FIFA WORLD CUP RUSSIA 2018 France vs Croatia in Paris ワールドカップ2018 フランス-クロアチア パリを歩く Paris Walk - Duration: 13:53.

For more infomation >> FIFA WORLD CUP RUSSIA 2018 France vs Croatia in Paris ワールドカップ2018 フランス-クロアチア パリを歩く Paris Walk - Duration: 13:53.


The Dorset | Short Horror Film | Crypt TV - Duration: 4:01.

(woman whimpering and sobbing)

(rumbling ambient tones)

(gunshot cracking)

(blood bubbling)

(phone jingling)

- [Man With Phone] Yeah?

- [Caller] You do it?

- [Man With Phone] Yeah, it's done.

I'm walking back right now.

- [Caller] Where are you?

- [Man With Phone] Couple miles out in Dorset.

- [Caller] Why the hell did you go all the way out there?

- [Man With Phone] Well, no one ever comes out here.

- [Caller] Yeah, probably because of the creepers.

- [Man With Phone] What the fuck are creepers?

- [Caller] It's some legend about Indian souls

entering anyone that gets killed out there or something.

They said they could only attack you

when you're not looking.

- [Man With Phone] Uh-huh.

And, uh, well, what happens if I look at 'em?

- [Caller] I don't know.

They just stop I guess.

How'd you find out about that place anyway?

- [Man With Phone] Uh, Angelo told me about it, actually.

- [Caller] Angelo?

- [Man With Phone] Yeah, he's the guy

that does jobs with a crossbow.

- [Caller] Oh, yeah!

I haven't heard from him in, like, four months now.

- [Man With Phone] That's about the last time

I talked to him.

Said he was coming out here to handle his ex.

- [Caller] Yeah, he told me the same.

Said she was cheating on him.

Last I heard, though,

they both skipped town and got married.

- [Man With Phone] Oh, well, you heard wrong.

- [Caller] How's that?

- [Man With Phone] 'Cause he shot her in the fuckin' eye

with one of his arrows.

- [Caller] Shit, seriously?

- [Man With Phone] Yeah, passed her up on the way out here.

- [Caller] How'd she look?

- [Man With Phone] Well, what do you think?

She'd been pinned to a tree for four months

with an arrow sticking out of her head.

- [Caller] You get any pictures?

- [Man With Phone] Of course, I got pictures of it.

- [Caller] Jesus!

You know, it's about time Angelo grew some balls

and killed that fuckin' slut.

You know she even slept with Gay Tommy?

Gay Tommy, the guy's gay for fuck's sake!

- [Man With Phone] Hey, lemme, uh, lemme call you back.

- [Caller] Why, what's up?

Oh, did you fuck her, too?

(phone beeps)

(footsteps crunching)

- Jesus Christ!

(ominous ambient tones)

(brush crunching)

(gunshots cracking)

(groans) Fuck!

(ominous ambient tones)

(brush crunching)

(ominous and tense ambient tones)

(man gasps)

(ominous and tense ambient tones)

(eerie electronic accent)

- [Announcer] Watch new scary bits

every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.

(throbbing electronic music)

For more infomation >> The Dorset | Short Horror Film | Crypt TV - Duration: 4:01.


The Truth About Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives - Duration: 4:54.

Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives is one of the most recognizable Food Network shows.

Whether you're a big fan of Guy Fieri or more of a Guy basher, you need to know the whole

story behind how Triple D went from practically nothing to a flagship show for Food Network.

So how did it get started, how do they find those funky locations, and what happens to

those food spots after the crew packs up and leaves?

Here's everything you wanted to know about your favorite foodie show.

We're rolling out!"

Guy Fieri and his frosted tips won Season

2 of Next Food Network Star, which led to his own show, Guy's Big Bite.

Around that same time, David Page had an idea for a program that would focus on, well, diners,

drive-ins, and dives.

The Food Network decided to give Fieri a shot at hosting.

The pilot took 21 days to shoot and did well enough to lead to a full season the rest is


Have you ever been to a restaurant and thought,

"This place should be on Triple D!"

Well, there's a way you might be able to throw your favorite local joint into the fray.

A fan site called FlavortownUSA has a section for Triple D suggestions.

According to the site: "When you recommend a restaurant to Guy Fieri,

it goes to his film crew and also gets promoted to other fans on this site."

Or there's always the option of sending an email to: story ideas at Triple D info dot


But that obviously isn't the only way the Triple D team comes up with filming locations.

One Denver restaurant owner told Thrillist that producers had called a bunch of local

food writers to find a list of good places, after which the restaurant essentially had

to sell themselves to the team.

The theme they're looking for is pretty basic: something off the wall.

As Guy often says: "If it's funky, I'll find it!"

You probably realized that Guy doesn't literally

roll up to an establishment, hop out, and start dropping catchphrases and scarfing down

a meal.

Recording television programs takes time.

According to Heavy Table's behind the scenes look at Triple D, a crew will arrive at the

chosen restaurant a few days or so before Fieri to get some required close-ups and general


When you notice that Guy is narrating the chefs' actions during those 48-hour sequences

of smoking meat, it's because they already filmed most of the prep work.

The shooting also follows a tight script, but there's some improv.

That madcap, off-the-cuff weirdness is all Guy doing his thing.

"This is what it's like when the huge weenie starts to have a meltdown."

Should your restaurant make it on the show,

get ready for the wave.

Southern Soul Barbecue on St. Simons Island, Georgia, didn't believe it when they were

warned of a 200% increase in business.

But it happened, and that's par for the course.

The allure of eating at a joint where Fieri ate is huge, and being on the show comes with

a badge of honor of sorts.

But nothing in life is guaranteed, and even a visit from the Frosted Tips Fairy can't

keep everything going.

A significant number of Triple D alums have shuttered their doors.

Of course, that's out of Triple D's control.

But when you think about it, at over 260 episodes and three restaurants per episode, around

780 restaurants made an appearance.

You're bound to have a few close down through the years.

Calling David Page simply a producer is quite

an insult.

At minimum, he's the creator of Diners, Drive-ins and Dives.

From the pilot episode of Triple D up to Season 11, Page served as an executive producer.

He came from a news background, has a couple Emmys on his CV, and had a reputation for

being a bit… confrontational.

At one point, Fieri stopped taking Page's calls and stopped showing up for voice-over


Page was fired, and subsequently sued Food Network and Fieri.

Food Network countersued to the tune of $1.5 million.

So, what happened?

The Food Network claims said Page was such a jerk that working with him became intolerable.

Page said it was all Fieri's fault, because he didn't show up to do his job.

As it usually happens in these situations, the two sides settled and the show went on

without Page.

But gone was the original red '67 Camaro, which was owned by Page.

But fear not : it was quickly replaced by Guy's own '68 model.

Guy Fieri seems to love the food everywhere

he goes, but how can that be possible?

Some people think there's a Guy Code: tiny little ticks, words, and reactions to tell

you what he really thinks.

If Fieri takes a big bite and immediately starts talking about the decor of the place,

or the plates, or how tall the chef is, the dish is probably really not good.

Occasionally, Fieri will actually prepare the meal for the chef in a different way than

the chef did.

He's essentially saying, "Do it this way" because he didn't like their way, or something

was missing.

"See I have my method.

Thai basil, jalapeños bean sprouts for sure and a litte bit of lime.

And a touch of sriracha."

But if he really likes the dish there are two stages of Guy nirvana.

The first is an extra bite.

If Fieri only takes one bite, there's a good chance he didn't like the dish.

If he takes two, you can guarantee it's a winner.

"Honestly, I could have 18 or 75 of these."

He'll suddenly start talking about how good he feels while eating the dish.

If he takes it a step further, and he gives "that look" that's an award-winning dish.

Those are the places you simply must try because that's the top of the Triple D mountain.

"Mouth is starting to water already."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Mashed icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Truth About Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives - Duration: 4:54.


The KING of RANDOM & the Hacksmith! - Duration: 20:22.

My frustration with YouTube is the the projects I'm really passionate about and

feel really good about, don't get watched don't get promoted

they don't get any revenue you and then I'll do something where I'm like this is

really stupid I almost feel bad about posting it and then it'll just go viral

James: Yep I have the exact same issue and that's why we're trying to do one-day

projects as well because it's just like why do we spend hundreds of hours

Engineering something to have it fall flat on its face cause that's the problem

yeah it doesn't matter how much time you put into a project it's how you present

it and how cool it is yeah

Hey do you guys remember that time Grant Thompson came to visit Hacksmith

industries? Of course you don't because that's happening right now this video is

sponsored by Nord VPN, start protecting yourself on the web today using my

coupon code below and save 77% off a three-year plan

James: Grant, nice to see you! Grant: Brought you some Tim Hortons stopped by for

some Boston cream so this is the place James: Yeah come on in, this is the spy car in progress

Grant: This is legit, a spy car

James: you'll see that like that's the that's the test we're

doing today

Grant: I haven't seen any previous videos coming out tomorrow oh really

yeah oh no kidding this is cool like a James Bond

James: yep take this start just

start there's gonna be a whole series of videos I'm talking rocket launchers under

the headlights a grappling hook launcher in the grill dispensers for tire spikes

and oil slicks and for romantic nights out a built-in projector so you have a

movie theater wherever you want and what I'm most excited for is jet

engines in the trunk okay doing the ejection seat today

Grant: Check this out the sleeping pod yeah I recognize that on the way here I also

notice the train tracks and the walking path of that how you doing man good to see it

recognize you Ian good to meet you guys okay is this the one that you actually

have to be worthy?

James: Umm, this one's just really heavy

Grant: This is awesome, see this is what I love about your workshop is like you're doing all the things that I wanted to

Grant: I just gotta take a second to just take this all in there there is so much stuff

in here it's insane you got like your sleeping pods up here full on Iron Man

suit wonder women see which I'm guessing you use for like occasional parties on

the weekends yeah it's fun some of this stuff I don't even recognize I haven't

played video games since a Nintendo 64 so I don't recognize half this stuff and how many Thor's Hammer's

have you got cause I see them out front I see them...

James: I think we own about six right

now or making a few more so yeah try picking up

Grant: Okay so feels like lead?

James: yeah that's about 75 pounds

Grant: Dude that's that's got some weight to it

right uh it's not a one hander for sure you know what you need to do is almost

make a set of barbells dumbbells you know go to the gym and work out with a

thor's hammer wouldn't that be the coolest thing just like in the gym just

crank it this out that actually is really heavy what else you got okay so I

reckon it's funny I've seen a lot of your videos so I recognize a lot of

things it's not coming together I feel like I'm

James: Have you seen the blitz shield yet?

Grant: yes I didn't see you test it though

James: So we're still trying to find a gun range that

will let us shoot it through but the neat thing with this besides how

heavy it is is we got this little dial here

Grant: I know that reminds me of the world's brightest flashlight

James: yeah so this is this is getting up there like this is a 16 LEDs there apparently 9,000 lumens each

each okay it's r18 so that's like 165 thousand lumens yeah which is three

times the brightness of an IMAX projector okay yeah although an IMAX

projector is much more focused

Grant: How long can you run them?

James: It's actually not too bad I think I think we could probably get like half an hour

really out of the battery pack

Grant: See it you could hack in it yeah so it gets

pretty warm like if you feel here it's already getting a bit toasty that's what

I was wondering like could you hack an LCD screen to make your own like hundred

inch projector you could really your own IMAX screen for that matter yeah okay

Grant: so I have heard how heavy this is

James: So we actually did take it to an airsoft game

we were able to run slightly with it but Bogdan went a bit too crazy with it and

he actually trips and fell and like flipped over it because it was so heavy

so they'll be in the test video as well

Grant: And that's because you built it out of steel?

James: Yeah solid steel

Grant: Did you bend it too?

James: Bent it with Thor's hammer

Grant: Did you really?

James: Yeah we literally we put

on the table clamp it down I took Thor's hammer and smacked it, we've literally managed to use

that for like the past four projects for some element of the project we've hit a

project with the hammer

Grant: You know what you need to do is use that as a

counterweight for your flying like Iron Man project this new one it's really

Grant: That is really cool yeah I haven't actually seen the movie yet, I've heard that it's one of the best

James: All right so if you pull that extend

Grant: Well that's got some weight to it you

James: Yep everything we make super heavy alright and then you want to go back you

just flip this the other direction and then pull the switch again yeah so actually over here

That's our Han Solo blaster okay and we're planning on blowing up the Death

Star with the blaster that's just a flare gun

Grant: Good for you, it just shoots flares yeah awesome

I would love to talk to you about legalities in

Canada it's a bit of a gray area I've learned a lot about legalities recently

I actually sat down with the city yesterday before I flew up here

oh I'm sat down with the entire city chief of police all the fire marshals

the risk assessment manager the mayor of the city yeah so I learned a lot about

what the city thinks is legal what like very interesting system where like

nobody knows and it's a gray area for everybody there's no right way to do

anything it's just like do you get caught and do you get prosecuted or not

James: That makes a lot of sense actually

Woah woah, Riley if you're gonna watch potentially dangerous stuff on YouTube

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Yes Riley a VPN in this day and age

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Riley: Time to do some private banking on a public

Wi-Fi network, oh...

James: Free Wi-Fi is the easiest way for hackers to steal your

personal information or money

Grant: So you got a great great setup here you could pretty much do everything

James: Yeah let me show you the plasma cutter then so yeah this is oiur new baby and we

have literally used it for almost every single project since we got it it makes

everything so much easier especially for welding.

Grant: Could this double as a waterjet table also

James: No only yeah

Grant: Did you use this for the Han Solo blaster?

James: Yep so we got at the Han Solo blaster we've got

Frostmourne it's a sword we're building part of the Captain America shield


Grant: That explains why it's heavy it's like really heavy

So I see the color scheme its kind of like you got the fire engine red and the gold, is that anything to do with

James: So that is kind of Iron Man themed

Jarvis: The render is complete

Tony: Little ostentatious don't you think tell you what throw a little hotrod red in there

Jarvis: Yes that should help you keep a low profile

James: And then everything else is

yellow and red which is very just a comic book okay right primary colors

Grant: I always wondered why instantly comical because you very much there make it real

yeah I'd say like you probably got to handle on make it real I mean I think so

I'm saying even the Wonder Woman lasso ooh uh-huh all you need to do is attach

electrodes to the end that does a lie-detector test

true yeah

James: And then back here we have some more of our really nice equipment this is a

tormach PCNC 440 milling machine so it's a small CNC machine Tormach's been

really great to us they've given us all these machines

Grant: Okay so I got a question for you you have some pretty impressive pieces of machinery in here okay is

there anything in your workshop that you don't have the you wish you had

James: So the plasma table was like I keep saying it was the last piece of the puzzle and I

truly believe that because we have literally used

like almost every single project since we got it in here and I've wanted one for

years because my very first piece of equipment that I ever bought was a CNC

laser cutter which can only do plastic and wood but because it could do plastic

and wood it opened up so many possibilities for projects that coupled

with a 3d printer so I saw the plasma table as the next evolutionary step

where you can make stuff out of metal

Grant: Let's check out upstairs

James: Our motto

So the actual ones have started shipping so I'll be getting my actual

boring flamethrowers soon and I'm really excited I'm I'm just curious how he even

did it

Grant: Can we expect that as a video on the Hacksmith Channel?

James: Oh yeah and then obviously a comparison to show that this one is much better

yeah obviously this is where we film stuff we've got one camera set up here

constantly just as it's easy because we always do the intros and outros here did

Grant: Did you build this shop?

James: No so this shop was built back in the 80s actually so it was

actually built by a trucker that's why it's got the huge door

he's need to actually pull a transport truck in here

Grant: it looks like it's in pretty good shape

James: Yeah so it was very well built we're lucky that it was in decent

shape because before I bought this place the previous owners rented it out to

some rather sketchy clientele and literally when we got this place it was

like a hoarders nightmare my guys really there's a piles of garbage everywhere

and we had to clean it all out but luckily the bones of this place were

fine and we painted all the walls to there for the dirty ceiling still kind of

Grant: I remember when you're starting out your wall had nothing on it except

your Wolverine claws

Are these the pans you're talking about yep from PUBG yeah

James: So we made a few mini ones to do as a giveaway

Grant: Oh interesting what would you say the

project you're most proud of

James: Probably the Captain America shield the new one because that was a good solid

weeks of like six weeks of design-build and the whole team like I spent the

first one or two weeks designing it and then it was almost a month straight of

the entire team working full-time to build it like each of those shields

probably took maybe like a hundred hours of labor at least just inlike welding and grinding

Grant: And you've got 3 of them okay there's a prototype up here on the wolfpack wall

oh wow is this the railgun this is the wait a

minute it's the crossbow style yeah oh that's right you shot a red hot rebar

through like a zombie head yeah yeah right and that stayed monetized no


James: It did actually and really yeah

Grant: Okay this looks familiar I got one of

these I actually just started using this the Lulzbot TAZ6

sat in my workshop for a year and collecting dust it's because I don't

know how to do any 3d model on your 3d mock-ups yeah I finally got into fusion

360 okay I still feel like a beginner but I designed a couple Lego bricks nice

and printed them lock and I've almost got them to fit together so I'm really

interested in picking your brain on the whole 3d modeling for sure cuz I feel

like once you once you get that lock down then it opens up access to all

these tools

James: yeah so we got more printers into there yeah we have four of them actually

Grant: Are you working with the manager

are you negotiating all your deals

James: Pretty much all self-managed

it's a lot of work

Grant: What did you used to do?

yeah so I was a product developer at a company that made projectors but I helped work on

designing digital projectors by the company that used to make IMAX

projectors okay so imax actually when imax went

from film to digital they had their projectors made by

Christie digital which is actually a local Kitchener company which is the

world leader in digital projection technologies maybe they're one of the

biggest most movie theaters you go to it's a Christie projector and then this

is the original laser cutter

Grant: How often do you use this?

James: Oh we still use it probably on a daily basis so it's it's still super useful

Grant: That's what i wanted to ask you, what's your must-haves like which tools would you consider like the staples

James: yeah if I was to start again I'd probably get a 3d printer, plasma cutter, and welding

equipment if I had enough money plasma table right so yeah

Grant: So yeah this is for cutting wood and plastics yeah so even I kind of like little puzzle

boxes yeah

James: So it's great for doing electrical boxes for like little

projects and whatnot and the neat thing with this is this is generated from a

website called you very say I want a box that measures 8 inches

by 12 inches by 4 inches and automatically makes the plans for you

with the cutout you hit print you can hot glue it together really so it's just

another one of those like super convenient things

My frustration with YouTube is the the projects I'm really passionate about and feel like really

good about, don't get watched yeah I don't get promoted they don't get

any revenue you and then I'll do something where I'm like this is really

stupid I almost feel bad about posting it and

then it'll just go viral

James: yeah I have the exact same issue and that's why we're

trying to do one-day projects as well because it's just like why do we spend

hundreds of hours Engineering something to have it fall flat on its face

that's the problem yeah it doesn't matter how much time you put into a

project it's how you present it and how cool it is yeah

Grant: I want to know about your Captain America suit though that's legit where do you get something like that?

James: yeah that came from the killer body Chinese company it's licensed so it is it's a pretty legit costume and we we

weathered it to make it look even better so when we walk over there you'll see we

uh we actually tore holes in it and rub it in the dirt and a bit of black

spray-paint brown shoe polish

Grant: You know I was looking at your pictures from your photo

shoot and I was like this yeah it looks very realistic yeah

James: so what one of the cool features we added which we saw in a screenshot from the movie before the

movie came out is this yeah so some people said it was like vibranium scales

or something it was something that was never even mentioned in the movie but we

literally ripped holes and found this material glued it in and made it look

like it's actually inside the entire suit so it's funny you

mentioned this so we are looking at industrial properties now because we

want to expand we don't have enough room like this is actually only half the team

right now and it's already getting crowded here

this is Evan he's our Video Editor Evan and then we've also got Benjamin

who does electronics engineering as well Oh awesome

but anyways we're torn between trying to find a farm to buy because a farm means

we'd have lots of outdoor space for big projects or an industrial property in an

actual industrial district well I'm totally not planning that

Grant: I'm gonna be honest man I'm pretty impressed and pretty jealous it's a setup that you got

here looks amazing this really is and I love how secluded it is it's so

there's your next trick is to make an Iron Man suit it's got muscle definition

James: That would be quite the challenge

Grant: Can I see your pod yeah

James: This was actually this is the very first example

of being able to build a really cool project because of a sponsorship and we

were really excited about it so just like I love wait we can get paid to make

something cool that we get to keep afterwards

Grant: like literally in my house

I'm gonna have one of these just cause sometimes you just need to get away

where it's quiet and air conditioned there yeah can I step up and

take a look again yeah if I wanna see what motors you're driving it with

James: It's actually a garage door

opener it's literally a garage door opener strapped to the bottom really yep

and then all the tech in it is literally just consumer tech that has apps for

Android or iPhone or whatever and we just have it all controlled by that


Grant: Now this isn't a one day build now did you conceptualize it

James: Ian actually designed this one I j

Grant: That's something we can talk

about like when it's more casual like the companies are working with ad

agencies experience his numbers definitely awesome

James: And with that we'll cut

secret meeting time!

all right so you guys wanna sign my robot arm let's go

just like a big NR

well I hope you guys enjoyed that video grant came up for a few days to learn a bit more about engineering and taught me a bunch about

how to run my business better unfortunately we've got to shoot an

outro so let me be the first to say if you're not subscribed to the king of

random yet head on over to his channel and do so he's a great guy and his

channel produces some awesome content let's give him over ten million

subscribers and if you guys want to see some more behind-the-scenes content

check out our vlog channel we have another video right here featuring both

grant Thompson and Evan frickin kale and yes we might do a collab someday

For more infomation >> The KING of RANDOM & the Hacksmith! - Duration: 20:22.


The story of 'Oumuamua, the first visitor from another star system | Karen J. Meech - Duration: 13:25.

NASA's always on the lookout for possible asteroid collision hazards,

so the Pan-STARRS telescope is scanning the sky every night.

Each morning, candidate objects are examined by Pan-STARRS staff

and usually discovered to be no big deal.

But on October 19, 2017,

Pan-STARRS spotted an object moving rapidly between the stars,

and this time the usual follow-up measurements of position and speed

showed something completely different.

By October 22nd, we had enough data

to realize that this object wasn't from our solar system.

Holy cow.

That's when I got the phone call,

the phone call that all solar system astronomers are waiting for.

Let me tell you how exciting this was.


NASA's been expecting to see an interstellar comet

pass through the solar system since the 1970s,

but until now, we'd never seen anything.

Our own solar system is huge,

so even getting a package from the nearest star system

4.4 light years away

would take over 50,000 years.

So this is a really big deal.

The interstellar visitor entered our solar system

from above the plane of the planets,

coming from the direction of the constellation Lyra,

and it passed closest to the Sun on September 9th,

passing inside the orbit of Mercury.

Now this isn't a particularly close approach or unusual distance.

It's just much easier to see objects close by.

On October 14th,

before we discovered it, it made its closest approach to the Earth,

within about 15 million miles.

This is really close by astronomical standards.

Now rather than call this by its unwieldy catalog name,

we briefly called it "Rama,"

after the cylindrical spacecraft that passed through the solar system

in Arthur C. Clarke's classic science fiction story in 1973.

But this wasn't quite right either,

so in honor of it being discovered by a telescope in Hawaii,

we consulted two experts on Hawaiian culture --

a Hawaiian navigator and a linguist --

to propose a name.

And they suggested "'Oumuamua,"

which means scout or messenger from the distant past reaching out to us.

Now this discovery was important for many reasons,

but to me the most significant is for what 'Oumuamua can tell us

about the past of our solar system.

The process of the birth of a new solar system and the growth of planets

can be a violent and messy business.

Leftover icy and rocky debris gets ejected from the new solar system

as the giant planets migrate through the dusty disk

out of which they're formed.

Now have you ever felt an emotional chill,

something that's so exciting that a shiver runs up and down your spine?

Or something that's very emotionally moving?

Well this was it for me.

This was my wow moment.

We actually had a piece of material from another solar system

coming close enough for us to observe.

So what would you like to know about 'Oumuamua,

the very first visitor from another star system?

Well, I could think of a million things,

but there's what you want and what you can have,

and 'Oumuamua was moving away and fading very rapidly.

In the span of about a week,

it had dropped in brightness by a factor of [10].

So this is about all the time we were going to have

to study it easily.

So we had to distill the process of getting telescope time --

normally a very competitive, peer-reviewed proposal process

that can take up to months --

down to less than a few days.

So began a "polite" competition for resources.

OK, let me not mince words. It was a fierce battle.

We dropped everything,

working around the clock,

trying to craft perfectly crafted proposal words

to send to the observatory directors.

Well, good news. We got the time.

Now, from a perfectly selfish point of view,

the first thing we might like to know is how massive 'Oumuamua is.

Because after all, it passed very close to the Earth,

and we didn't know about it until afterwards.

How bad would this have been had it not missed the Earth?

Well, the impact energy

depends on the square of the velocity times its mass,

and the mass depends on how big it is and what it's made of.

So how big is 'Oumuamua, and what's its shape?

Well, we can get this from its brightness.

Now, if you don't believe me, think of comparing the brightness

of a firefly in your backyard

to the navigation lights on a distant airplane.

You know the airplane is much brighter --

it just appears faint because it's so far away.

We're also going to need to know

how reflective the surface of 'Oumuamua is,

and we don't have any clue,

but it's reasonable to assume it's very similar to small asteroids

and comets in our solar system,

or in technical terms,

something between the reflectivity of charcoal and wet sand.

Nowadays, most of the big telescopes are used in what's called a service mode,

meaning we have to carefully develop all the instructions

and send them to the telescope operator,

and then anxiously wait for the data to come back,

praying to the weather gods.

Now I bet most of you don't have careers

that critically depend on whether or not it's cloudy last night.

Well, we weren't going to get any second chances here.

Because the weather was great, 'Oumuamua decided not to be.

Its brightness wasn't constant.

Now here we see 'Oumuamua racing between the stars.

It's centered in the middle.

The stars are trailed out because the telescope is following its motion.

It started faint and then it got brighter, fainter, brighter, and fainter again,

as sunlight is reflected off of four sides of an oblong object.

The extreme brightness change

led us to an unbelievable conclusion about its shape.

As shown in this artist's impression,

'Oumuamua is apparently very long and narrow,

with an axis ratio of about 10 to one.

Assuming it's dark, this means it's about half a mile long.

Nothing else in our solar system looks like this.

We only have a handful of objects that even have an axis ratio

bigger than five to one.

So we don't know how this forms,

but it may be part of its birth process in its home solar system.

'Oumuamua was varying in brightness every 7.34 hours,

or so we thought.

As more data started to come in from other teams,

they were reporting different numbers.

Why is it the more we learn about something,

the harder it gets to interpret?

Well, it turns out that 'Oumuamua is not rotating in a simple way.

It's wobbling like a top.

So while it is rotating around its short axis,

it's also rolling around the long axis

and nodding up and down.

This very energetic, excited motion

is almost certainly the result of it being violently tossed

out of its home solar system.

Now how we interpret the shape from its brightness

depends very critically on how it's spinning,

so now we have to rethink what it may look like,

and as shown in this beautiful painting by space artist Bill Hartmann,

we think that 'Oumuamua may be more of a flattened oval.

So let's get back to the energetics.

What is it made of?

Well, ideally we would love to have a piece of 'Oumuamua

into the laboratory, so we could study it in detail.

But since even private industry can't manage to launch

a spacecraft within a week

to something like this,

astronomers have to rely on remote observations.

So astronomers will look at how the light interacts with the surface.

Some colors may get absorbed, giving it a chemical fingerprint,

whereas other colors may not.

On the other hand, some substances may just reflect more blue

or red light efficiently.

In the case of 'Oumuamua, it reflected more red light,

making it look very much like the organic rich surface of the comet recently visited

by the Rosetta spacecraft.

But not everything that looks reddish has the same composition.

In fact, minerals that have tiny little bits of iron in the surface

can also look red,

as does the dark side of Saturn's moon Iapetus,

shown in these images from the Cassini spacecraft.

Nickel-iron meteorites, in other words, metal,

can also look red.

So while we don't know what's on the surface,

we know even less about what's on the inside.

However, we do know that it must at least be strong enough

to not fly apart as it rotates,

so it probably has a density similar to that of rocky asteroids;

perhaps even denser, like metal.

Well, at the very least, I want to show you

one of the beautiful color images that we got

from one of the ground-based telescopes.

All right, I admit, it's not all that spectacular.


We just don't have the resolution.

Even Hubble Space Telescope

doesn't present a much better view.

But the importance of the Hubble data was not because of the images,

but because it extended our observations out

to two and a half months from the discovery,

meaning we get more positions along the orbit,

which will hopefully let us figure out where 'Oumuamua came from.

So what exactly is 'Oumuamua?

We firmly believe it's likely to be a leftover archaeological remnant

from the process of the birth of another planetary system,

some celestial driftwood.

Some scientists think that maybe 'Oumuamua formed

very close to a star that was much denser than our own,

and the star's tidal forces shredded planetary material

early in the solar system's history.

Still others suggest that maybe this is something that formed

during the death throes of a star,

perhaps during a supernova explosion,

as planetary material got shredded.

Whatever it is, we believe it's a natural object,

but we can't actually prove that it's not something artificial.

The color, the strange shape, the tumbling motion

could all have other explanations.

Now while we don't believe this is alien technology,

why not do the obvious experiment and search for a radio signal?

That's exactly what the Breakthrough Listen project did,

but so far, 'Oumuamua has remained completely quiet.

Now could we send a spacecraft to 'Oumuamua

and answer this question once and for all?

Yes, we do actually have the technology,

but it would be a long and expensive voyage,

and we would get there so far from the Sun

that the final approach trajectory would be very difficult.

So I think 'Oumuamua probably has many more things to teach us,

and in fact there might be more surprises in store

as scientists such as myself continue to work with the data.

More importantly, I think this visitor from afar

has really brought home the point that our solar system isn't isolated.

We're part of a much larger environment,

and in fact, we may even be surrounded by interstellar visitors

and not even know it.

This unexpected gift

has perhaps raised more questions than its provided answers,

but we were the first to say hello to a visitor from another solar system.

Thank you.


Jedidah Isler: Thanks, Karen.

I of course enjoyed that talk very much. Thank you.

As I recall, we found it pretty late in its journey towards us.

Will future technologies like the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope

help us detect these things sooner?

Karen Meech: Yeah. We're hoping that we'll start to see a lot of these things,

and ideally, you'd love to find one as it's approaching the Sun,

because you want to have time to do all the science,

or even more ideal,

you'd get a spacecraft ready to go,

parked somewhere in the L4 or L5 position,

somewhere near Earth,

so that when something comes by, you can chase it.

JI: Awesome, thanks so much. Let's thank Karen again.


For more infomation >> The story of 'Oumuamua, the first visitor from another star system | Karen J. Meech - Duration: 13:25.


TYuS - Room 655 - Duration: 1:52.

Textin' your line

Call you, I get declined, yeah

I don't need to see you there

And I don't have to make it there

I been real I been tryna make it clear

Baby don't say that I don't care

Don't say that I don't care

I been tryna make it there I been tryna make it there, yeah

Ain't one of them other jokes

Who you think I am?

I'm bein' truthful, come on over, come one over, ay

I send a Uber, I send a Rover

With thirty candles and thirty roses

I'm comin' clean and I'm startin' over

For more infomation >> TYuS - Room 655 - Duration: 1:52.


Чаво там Евро нам готовит ? Забугорный рестрим с ПТСА - Duration: 1:39:05.

For more infomation >> Чаво там Евро нам готовит ? Забугорный рестрим с ПТСА - Duration: 1:39:05.


This claim about donations to Clinton is wrong - Duration: 1:13.

During his news conference with President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin

said he wants to look into alleged tax evasion by associates of American-born financier Bill


Putin claimed Browder's associates made $1.5 billion in Russia, never paid taxes on it,

and then donated $400 million to Hillary Clinton's campaign.

$400 million seems like an awful lot, especially considering Clinton's campaign raised a total

of $563 million.

Putin is likely talking about Browder's partners at Ziff Brothers Investments.

Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya mentioned them in a June 2016 meeting with Donald Trump

Jr., explaining their connection to Browder.

The Ziff brothers gave $17,700 to Hillary Clinton in 2016.

They gave $297,000 to the Democratic National Committee.

That's way less than $400 million.

If Putin is talking about donations to the Clinton Foundation, too, he's still off.

In years past, the Ziff brothers haven't given more than $110,000 to the Clinton Foundation.

In all, the Ziff brothers gave $1.7 million to political causes in the 2016 cycle.

Not $400 million.

For more infomation >> This claim about donations to Clinton is wrong - Duration: 1:13.


White House walks back another Trump comment - Duration: 0:54.

The White House is walking back another controversial statement

President Donald Trump made during his press conference with

Russian President Vladimir Putin. "And what he did is an

incredible offer; he offered to have the people working on the

case come and work with their investigators with respect to

the 12 people. I think that's an incredible offer," Trump

said. Those 12 people are the 12 Russians indicted by special

counsel Robert Mueller for hacking-related charges. Putin

reportedly offered to let U.S. officials talk to them, but in

exchange Russia wanted to question some Americans it

believes interfered in Russian politics. In a unanimous vote

Thursday, the U.S. Senate passed a resolution saying the U.S.

shouldn't make government officials available for

questioning by the Russian government. Also Thursday, The

White House reversed Trump's "incredible offer" comment. A

statement from press secretary Sarah Sanders said Trump

"disagrees" with Putin's offer.

For more infomation >> White House walks back another Trump comment - Duration: 0:54.


Shivsagar-Csp Ham Ho Gaye Aap Ke (Official Music Videos) - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Shivsagar-Csp Ham Ho Gaye Aap Ke (Official Music Videos) - Duration: 0:30.


Driver faces careless driving charges after crash in Conewago Township - Duration: 0:19.

For more infomation >> Driver faces careless driving charges after crash in Conewago Township - Duration: 0:19.


Osorio dará decisión a la FMF entre hoy y mañana - Duration: 3:01.

 A su llegada a Colombia, el técnico Juan Carlos Osorio reveló que la Federación Mexicana de Futbol tendrá su decisión sobre continuar o no al frente de la Selección Mexicana este fin de semana

 "Lo prudente es que entre hoy y mañana en México sabrán nuestra decisión y a partir de ahí será la decisión de otras personas", respondió a El País de Colombia

 "Este fin de semana tenemos que darle una definitiva a nuestros jefes en México. Como siempre lo he expresado, lo he manifestado, estamos eternamente agradecidos con la Federación Mexicana por la oportunidad que nos dio

Nunca ha sido un secreto para nadie que llegar a la Selección ha sido un sueño, después le pusimos un proceso y se convirtió en un objetivo profesional", añadió al mismo medio

 La Federación Mexicana de Futbol y Osorio se habían dado un plazo de entre 8 a 15 días para resolver en forma oficial la continuidad o no del técnico colombiano al frente de la Selección Nacional

 El pasado 11 de julio ambas partes se reunieron para determinar la situación contractual y acordaron dicho plazo para dar una respuesta negativa o positiva de seguir o no al frente del Tri

 Hasta el momento, en forma oficial, la Femexfut no ha expresado ningún comunicado o declaración que confirme la inminente salida del estratega, quien se encuentra en su país luego de la participación de México en el Mundial de Rusia, donde se ubicó en la posición número 12

 ESPN sabe que fuentes cercanas a ambas partes desconocen que haya una postura oficial al respecto

Se tiene conocimiento desde Colombia que personas allegadas a Osorio que entienden que las posibilidades de que el timonel siga con la Selección son improbables, pues incluso tiene ofertas de dos representativos sudamericanos, así como también de la federación de Estados Unidos

 Se espera que en las próximas horas o días la FMF ofrezca una postura oficial, pero hasta el momento no existe, aunque todo apunta que desde la conclusión de la participación de México en la pasada justa, Juan Carlos estaba prácticamente fuera del combinado mexicano

Sólo es cuestión de tiempo para confirmarlo.

For more infomation >> Osorio dará decisión a la FMF entre hoy y mañana - Duration: 3:01.


FAKX News – Is It Real? - Duration: 5:34.

Hello, I'm Jane.

And I'm still George.

Welcome to Jane and George.

Strange weather we've been having, eh Jane?


Tsunamis every week!

Can't catch a break.

Well then, I suppose we should get to it, shall we?


Today on I Declare Tsunami:

Auto Incorrect

Slow Motion Shenanigans - a classic!

Great Pineapple Spirit Divinations

Oh, I wonder if he ever found Barbara?

and, FAKX News!

Oh no! Another news show. Whatever will we do, Jane?

I suppose we'll just have to evolve too, George.

I'll get my tail!


Oh, right.

Tune in now for:

I Declare Tsunami!

Well that was different!


Oh goddangit!

(layered mouth sounds imitating didgeridoo)

(post production blunder!)


Great Pineapple Spirit!

Oh, Great Pineapple Spirit!

Great Pineapple Spirit,

we humbly ask

for your wise gifts

and for your



Tell us of your greatness...

...on pizza!

Let us once again witness

your awesome smarts,

and amazing intellectualness!

Come! Into your statue.

Oh, Great Pineapple!

I, am the...


You guys again.

(affirmative hm)


You've gotta stop doing this.

I have to get home to Barbara!


I see now!


(cry of utter despair)

Whoa, man!

Whoa, man!

(dissonantly) Whoa, man!

Has the Great Pineapple Spirit departed?


Oh, Great Pineapple.

Oh, Great Pineapple!


I'm Geoffrey.

and you're watching FAKX News – Get your FAKX here.

In today's news – walnuts are marsupials! Who knew? Well we did.

And now, to our field reporter, Sarah.

Sarah, how's it looking out there?

Well Geoffrey, not great! We have a level 5 horse-iccane over here!

A what now?

A level 5 horse-iccane! There have been 20 reported casualties. 2 missing, 5 ran off.

Sounds serious.

It is! It is.

Oh my! I think ...

I think!

… they're coming!



Uh, it looks like we've lost Sarah.

Remember to tune in nightly and get your FAKX here!

Hey everyone, Leanne and Alex here!

Thanks so much for watching!

And remember to like and subscribe if you liked this video!

Please let us know your favorite section in the comments below!

And as soon as you figure out that Slow Motion Shenanigan, post it in the comments, as well.

We'll catch you next time on Tsunami Thursdays!

For more infomation >> FAKX News – Is It Real? - Duration: 5:34.


Marches - Duration: 1:16.

Hey guys, Gabby and Cory here from Anytime Fitness Gig Harbor!

Today we're demonstrating an exercise that we call marches.

There's a couple different variations you can do. We're really going to be working the hamstrings, glutes and a little bit of your abs today.

So Cory has a supportive yoga ball next to the wall here.

With both of his feet on the ball.

He's going to lift straight up, just like we do with bridges.

Really flexing his abs.

Then the next step he's going to do, he's going to straighten one of his legs straight out.

Notice that his leg isn't coming all the way up, it's just coming straight out.

And then he's going to switch and do the other leg.

This is a really great workout for the hamstrings and the glutes.

If this ball is too hard or too easy against the wall you can go ahead and move it away from the wall.

Or you can go ahead and switch over to the box. The box is a little bit more stable.

You might get a better feel for it, if this is your first time trying it out.

I would recommend these, they're one of my favorites.

Have fun!

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