Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 19 2018

Hi my Name is Laura

and everyone of you who follows me on my social medias knows that..

I have passed my final exams and gratuated from high school in Austria!


the most asked question currently is:

"what do you want to do after school?"

actually, I had no Idea for so long.

I considered going to university or get a job

but there was nothing (except music of course) that I really wanted to do for the rest of my life!

So I searched for alternatives.

and THAT is what today's video is about.


I am no professional YouTuber. I don't know if the lighting is okay, if I talk clear and loud enough, if the sound is good and so on.

I am no professional YouTuber. I don't know if the lighting is okay, if I talk clear and loud enough, if the sound is good and so on.

I am no professional YouTuber. I don't know if the lighting is okay, if I talk clear and loud enough, if the sound is good and so on.

I just wanted to talk about that because this is about a whole new part of my life and it would be a shame not to talk about it (in my opinion)

I just wanted to talk about that because this is about a whole new part of my life and it would be a shame not to talk about it (in my opinion)

I just wanted to talk about that because this is about a whole new part of my life and it would be a shame not to talk about it (in my opinion)

so, this is the reason for this video

And I don't want to beat around the bush anymore!

I will go to the United States as an Au Pair.

I've had this Idea for so long now.

since my cousin also went to the US as an Au Pair

I heard about being an Au Pair from her and it just fascinated me.

since than, I also wanted to do it.

this Idea never vanished.

I always wanted to learn about the life in the US, about the culture, the traditions.

simply how life is in the United States.

this had my interest for so long.

also the english language always fascinated me.

AND I love working with children

And this joy with working with children is requirement

if you don't like kids, the au pair program is definitly not right for you :D

but everyone who loves kids and also looked after kids regularly

and who has the driving licence

is perfect for being an au pair

I regularly watched after kids in and out of my family and I really enjoyed it.

the next big topic is: the agency

I will go to the US in cooperation with AIFS

AIFS in an agency, who organizes programs for staying abroad

they have an office in Vienna, and events all over Austria.

AIFS is the german speaking part of the big "Au Pair in America"

for more information visit:

But, I want to say that AIFS asked me for this cooperation when my application and matching process was already done.

But, I want to say that AIFS asked me for this cooperation when my application and matching process was already done.

that means, that I chose AIFS because of my belief, and not because of anything they offered me.

my whole application and matching process was done, and then afterwards AIFS offered me that cooperation.

I first heard of AIFS when my cousin told me that she also went to the US as an Au Pair with this agency.

she said, she never had any problems, and that convinced me to chose AIFS as well.

what I personally also like at AIFS is...

nearly every advisor / counselor is an former au pair

that means they knew exactly all me thoughts, fears and doubts.

another thing I really liked at this agency

I got a "own" austrian advisor to help me with my application

I had the chance to text her if I had any questions because of my application

that was so helpful, I really always had someone by my side to help me

I could always call her or text her

and as my application was finished, she also corrected some parts or helped me make it better

she told me what she liked and what parts I probably should correct

I also had a little interview with her

she looked through my application again to make sure everything is fine

and then afterwards

she helped "unlock" my application for american families.

then the matching process started.

where I really started to talk to american families for the first time

firstly, we only talked via email

but soon, I started to skype with some families

this whole "skype phase" was right during my final exams, this was pretty stressful.

but the families were really understanding

The first time skyping with an american family was kind of weird

I was so nervous! and scared of making mistakes

but there was no reason to be nervous or scared!

the families knew that english is not my mother language and that I'm trying my best

And that it's totally normal to make mistakes!

(and this is where I talked about having problems to speak in english but then even misspeak in german hahaha)

(then I got it right hahaha)

so I was nervous but there was no reason to be at all.

again: the families were just so understanding and nice

that I wasn't even nervous anymore at my second skype talk.

finally, I decided for a family,

they live near Seattle

and they have on beautiful daughter

and I still can't believe that I'm going to live with them in Seattle very soon.

but I am looking SO forward to it

because I had a lot of fun talking to them on skype

and I just really like them

first I thought I want to live in LA or Miami

but very soon I realized that the family is the most important, not where you life

If you have a good relationshio with the family, every city can be the best city.

and in the moment

I'm so nervous to finally meet them in person very soon!

And I am really looking forward to it.

My departure date is the 27th of august

firstly, I will fly to New York

I will stay there for 3 days for the "orientation days"

and after that, I will go to Seattle to my host family.

If you have any question, just ask them in the comments

or on my social medias (Instagram for example)

I really love answering your questions.

I will try to vlog in the US and also make some new music

thanks for watching this video and I just realized I have no idea how you end such a video :D


thanks for watching

see you soon! BYE

For more infomation >> Big news! - Duration: 7:28.


EMINEM Make Up Transformation – I'm becoming Eminem! - Duration: 3:48.

Guess who's back! It's me again with a new episode of "I'm becoming ...". Finally

after such a long time. In my last Video

you saw how I went to the Eminem Concert in Germany. I am a huge

Eminem Fan. (Funny Clip) Therefore I thought I have to do Eminem as my next

Make Up Transformation. And here is the Video!

So let's start. As always, you can have a guess about

how long this MakeUp Transformation took me in the comment saction.

The comment who is closest will get pinned.

My Name is Alicia Joe and today I'm becoming... Eminem.

If you liked that Video subscribe, follow

me on Social Media (aliciagermany) and we'll see us in my next Video, Ciao!

For more infomation >> EMINEM Make Up Transformation – I'm becoming Eminem! - Duration: 3:48.


Dax Shepard Gets Camping Advice From Kids // Omaze - Duration: 4:00.

All right, if you could go camping

with anybody in the world,

who would it be?

My mom, 'cause she makes me say that.

Let's pretend your mom's never gonna hear this.

Who would you wanna go camping with?

I don't know, my dad?

You can say the actor Dax Shepard.

I'm not gonna say you.


I barely know you.

All right.

Hey, guys.

Dax here, and I want you and your family to join me

for a hike to support the National Park Foundation.

It's all part of the Summer of a Million Miles Challenge,

where Nature Valley is challenging families

to hike a collective million miles.

No matter where your family is in that journey,

I wanna tag along.

And to make sure it's an awesome time,

I've decided to get some advice

from some of the world's foremost outdoor enthusiasts.

Ladies, gentleman.

I brought you here today

because I wanna become an expert

in camping and outdoorsmanship.

Where would you definitely not want to go camping?

I wouldn't want to go camping at my house

'cause that's not really exciting.

Okay, so you don't like your house.

No, that's not...

So you're saying you dislike your house and you hate it.

- Dax: Just jotting that down. - Kid: No, I'm not saying that.

So you think it's the worst house on the block.

No, I don't!

If you could go camping with anybody in the world,

who would it be?

Probably my dad,

because he can protect us from bears.

So your father could defeat a bear?


Dax: Does he have any martial arts training?

No, he doesn't.

Okay, so he would just be beating this bear

with pure heart?


Dax: Okay.

And have you ever communicated with a wild animal?

I mean, a wolf.

You spoke with a wolf?

I randomly howled in a restaurant,

and I heard another wolf howl.

What was this restaurant?

'Cause I wanna avoid it.

Now listen, guys,

you can really work up an appetite while you're hiking.

How many Nature Valley bars should I bring with me?


And when should I eat them?

Right now.

All four at once?

Sometimes you can share them,

'cause there's four of us.

Oh, I think that's the nicest thing you could do

is share your Nature Valley bars.

Okay, guys. What's your favorite creepy campfire story?

Dax: How about you Esai?

Count Dracula.

Count Dracula?

Hey, it's a 1933 classic Universal movie.

Oh, it is?


You're a bit of a film historian?

Little bit?

You just dabble in film history?

Have you ever been attacked by a Dracula?

No, but sometimes I feel like I am.

Yeah. Me, too.

But you were about to tell me

your favorite scary campfire story.

What is that?

First, when little children walk in the woods

with their family,

a bear jumps out and hunts them

and eats just the children.

Okay, okay.

So that is a very scary story.

And then a fox comes and eats the family.

Eats the remaining family members?

Okay, great.

That's great.

Those are very scary stories,

and I hope to never hear them again.

Is there anything else you wanna advise me

not to do or to do?

Don't disturb any animals there.

They would be attacking you.

They will be attacking me?

Okay, what should I do if I come across a cougar?

Stop and freeze and then run and then hide.

Stop, freeze, run, hide.

Like a porcupine.

Carry a porcupine with me...


And then when I see a cougar throw the porcupine

at the cougar.

You're gonna need some gloves for that.

That's a hiking hack.

Guys, this is great.

Thank you so much.

You've been very helpful.

So there you have it.

Now that I have everything I need

to start my Summer of a Million Miles on the right foot,

it's your turn.

Click the link, or go to

and enter for the chance to join me on the trail.

Best part is every donation benefits

the National Park Foundation

and their mission to protect America's special places,

connect people to nature

and inspire the next generation of park stewards.

So, let's do this together.

Go to and donate right now.

You bring your family,

I'll bring the Nature Valley bars and everything else.

Wait a second.

Hey, guys?

What do I actually have to bring on this trip?

For more infomation >> Dax Shepard Gets Camping Advice From Kids // Omaze - Duration: 4:00.


Visual Storytelling in "2001: A Space Odyssey" - Duration: 9:21.

This video was brought to you by MUBI, a one of a kind streaming service with hand-picked

cinema classics from all over the world.

Get your first month for free at

You've probably heard the phrase, "show, don't tell" when it comes to screenwriting.

Take for example this clip of Charlie Chaplin, without a single word being spoken, we know

exactly what's happening on screen.

It's in the framing, in the timing, and the visual action that are simple enough for anyone

to follow.

This is the foundation of visual storytelling, communicating ideas without the use of words.

Unsurprisingly, this was the preferred method of storytelling throughout the Silent Film

era, and you may recognize some of this techniques in many of the Hanna-Barbera or Looney Tunes

animated shorts.

The idea is pretty simple, film is a visual medium of storytelling, so you should make

use of that, instead of filming what Hitchcock called "photographs of people talking".

The problem with words is that they often fall short.

How are you feeling?

Can you put it into words?


"There are certain areas of feeling and reality" Stanley Kubrick states "--or unreality or

innermost yearning, whatever you want to call it--which are notably inaccessible to words.

Music can get into these areas.

Painting can get into them.

Non-verbal forms of expression can.

But words are a terrible straitjacket."

2001: A Space Odyssey has received both praise and criticism for its unconventional lack

of dialogue, but Kubrick understood that the only way to breach certain emotions was with

the non-verbal elements that film allow for.

To show us, instead of tell us, what the story is all about.

Much like the Charlie Chaplin clip I showed you earlier, it's all in the framing, the

timing, and the visual action on screen.

Of course with the addition of sound design seldom heard in films from the silent era.

Take for instance, the Dawn of Man sequence at the start of the film.

After a fade-in, we open to a shot of a wide landscape at Dawn, obvious symbolic relevance

aside, what do you think Kubrick is trying to tell us with these shots?

Remember, he has control over everything we see and hear for the duration of the film,

so you should always be asking yourself "why" we're seeing what we're seeing, why we're

hearing what we're hearing.

So let's try it this way.

What do you hear?

Nothing much right?

Just some nature sounds of insects chirping, eventually hearing wind and birds.

Compare that to the all music/black screen intro before the MGM logo, and the iconic

and bombastic opening credits sequence with Thus Spoke Zarathustra drumming in our ears,

this sequence is notably quiet, something to keep in mind for later.

Okay, now let's switch, what do you see?

I'm not talking about lenses or color palette or anything like that, just purely what occupies

the frame.

For roughly one minute and forty seconds, across twelve distinct shots, we see very

little of anything living.

We see the expanse stretching off into the distance, scattered with rocks and outgrowths

of weeds, but nothing else, until the final two shots of the sequence clearly depicting

animal bones.

Kubrick wants us to be aware of the sort of environment that our early ancestors had to


With limited food and water, in danger of natural predators and even others of their

kind, not to mention the environment itself.

The opening of the screenplay highlights as much describing a ten million year drought

with our ancestors facing near extinction in the African Drylands.

But in the pursuit of true cinema, Kubrick takes those words, and turns them into images

that convey the same message.

Alright, let's skip ahead a bit.

After an altercation with a rival tribe forces them to leave their source of water, they

retreat to saftey, and wait out the night all huddled together.

When they awake, we can immediately tell that something has changed by paying attention

to the sound.


It's no coincidence that the first music cue during the Dawn of Man sequence plays right

alongside the introduction of the Monolith.

And if we look at the design of the Monolith itself, it's cleary not something made by

nature, with its perfectly straight lines and smooth surface.

Again, no words spoken, and we can understand that something significant is happening, what

exactly isn't clear to us just yet but will be soon.

A quick cut takes us back to more establishing shots of the landscape, and then we come to

Moonwatcher, as he makes a new discovery.

It's not the environment that's changed, but the man-apes who've now learned how to conquer


This is the sort of cinematic language present throughout the entire film.

All of the depth of the story is told with subtlety, with each subsequent viewing revealing

more detail than the last, simply by asking ourselves the right questions throughout the

film you can find deeper meaning in almost every scene.

By asking why, we're seeing what we're seeing, and hearing what we're hearing.

For instance, think of how little dialogue is present in the film and yet there are two

separate dialogue driven scenes focusing on birthdays.

They may seem totally pointless at first, but the film devotes a lot of its time to

illustrating our biological limitations.

Age certainly being one of them, and what else does a birthday represent if not the

passage of time?

Or you may notice the film frequently focusing on breathing, eating, or sleeping, and even

at one point the simple act of using the bathroom, all normal every day activities that become

notably more complicated in space.

Attempting to show us, rather than tell us, the difficulties humans face when it comes

to space travel.

And how maybe some day, we can enter the next stage of evolution that will allow us to overcome

these obstacles.

Now, all of this could have easily been explained with narration or some other form of verbal


But instead, Kubrick wants you focus on the images and the sounds to understand the story,

to ascribe our own meaning to everything we're seeing and hearing because before too long

we wind up in a place that words would never do justice, a scene that's not meant to be

explained in the traditional sense, but rather, experienced.

And even if Kubrick were to offer a concrete explanation, anything he could provide would

hold meaning to some and completely ruin the film for others.

Sometimes things are just better left to the imagination.

"How could we possibly appreciate the Mona Lisa" Kubrick asks us "if Leonardo had written

at the bottom of the canvas: 'The lady is smiling because she is hiding a secret from

her lover.'

This would shackle the viewer to reality, and I don't want this to happen to 2001."

It's one thing for someone like me to offer my own interpretations, but it's another thing

entirely when the artist tries to explain everything, because they're seen as the authority

on the subject and it can betray the potential for personal interpretation.

Of course, many of you may be aware that recently there was an old interview with Kubrick that

was dug up where he does exactly that, but I would suggest holding off on watching it

until you've given the film a fair shake if you haven't already.

One of the things that makes 2001: A Space Odyssey so special is that it forces you to

think, it's not just a quick escape from reality that ties everything up at the end with a

nice little bow on top, it presents many questions and tasks you with finding the answers for

yourself, and for that the film becomes a truly rewarding cinematic experience unlike

any other.

Thank you to MUBI for sponsoring this video.

One of the biggest problems I have with other streaming platforms is never being able to

find something to watch.

It's like when I was a kid and I'd spend more time flipping through channels than actually

watching anything.

MUBI offers something completely unique to other streaming platforms that entirely removes

this problem.

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Each day, one gets added, and one gets removed.

And these aren't straight to the bargain bin picks either, these are hand-picked cinema

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Of course if you are looking for more options, they have a collection of films available

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Again, that's for

a 30 day free trial.

For more infomation >> Visual Storytelling in "2001: A Space Odyssey" - Duration: 9:21.


🔴 СУПЕР - МАНИКЮР С ПРОЗРАЧНЫМ ЛАКОМ ★ Women Beauty Club - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> 🔴 СУПЕР - МАНИКЮР С ПРОЗРАЧНЫМ ЛАКОМ ★ Women Beauty Club - Duration: 2:19.


How fast can you go in factorio? Speed comparison. - Duration: 5:01.

[F1 cars passing]

In this video I'm going to try to find out how fast you can go in factorio, vanilla.

We begin with regular walking speeds which is a measly 32 km/h (20 mph).

Let's add some legs in the following configuration.

We have more than doubled the speed to 68 km/h (42 mph).

Now a single reactor isn't powerful enough to power all these legs so we

put a second reactor in like this. We reach over 90 km/h (56 mph).

Legs only use power when running

so you can supplement the power with batteries instead of a second

reactor. We get a setup like this, now we almost reach a 110 km/h (68 mph).

Let's swap out the second reactor as well. We almost reach

130 km/h (80 mph), which is 4 times regular walking speed.

You can walk over belts to increase your speed even more.

Now we're going 135 km/h (84 mph).

if we swap out the yellow belt for blue belt we almost reached 150 km/h (93 mph) 4.5

times as fast as regular walking speed

we can add a stone surface and increase our speeds to over 185 km/h (115 mph)

If we swap out the stone for concrete we reach 200 (124 mph) km/h, six times as fast as regular walking speed.

And if we use refined concrete we get about 215 km/h (133 mph).

a regular train can reach speeds of up to 259 km/h (160 mph), but it has very bad acceleration.

If we use nuclear fuel the train goes about 300 km/h (186 mph) nine times as fast as

regular walking speed.

The experienced factor your players will think that we

have reached the end of the video but we can go a lot faster, we are still missing

a mode of transportation. As you can see we can move by just entering and exiting

vehicles. If we use a train network especially laid out for entering and

exiting we can reach speeds between 320 (199 mph) and 1030 km/h (640 mph). This speed is a bit

inconsistent you can expect an average speed of about 800 km/h (497 mph).

I would like to point out that the speed of sound on Earth's and regular

conditions is 1234.8 km/h (767 mph), we're getting close to that and were not done

yet. Because the speed of this new mode of

transportation is dependent on the size of the vehicle, the larger the vehicle

the further you can go upon entering. There is another vehicle

that is way bigger that can only be entered because of an Easter egg. You can

enter the rocket if you add a car as payloads this gives us again

inconsistent speeds, speeds between 25 times regular walking speed or about 800 km/h (497 mph)

and 60.65 times regular walking speed or about

1944.5 km/h (1208 mph) or mach 1.57. Now you can expect an average speed

of about 1,000 km/h (621 mph) or mach 0.8 that's fast enough to travel

from the center of a normal map to the very edge in about an hour. I hope you

liked these record-breaking speeds, if you did consider subscribing.

No really, if you haven't subscribed already... It really helps.

For more infomation >> How fast can you go in factorio? Speed comparison. - Duration: 5:01.


Oliver Nelson - Talk (Ft. Linae) - Duration: 3:36.

Oliver Nelson - Talk (Ft. Linae)

For more infomation >> Oliver Nelson - Talk (Ft. Linae) - Duration: 3:36.


Eleven [teaser] - Duration: 0:11.

For more infomation >> Eleven [teaser] - Duration: 0:11.


Tuto tricot : Lisières chaînette - Duration: 10:33.

For more infomation >> Tuto tricot : Lisières chaînette - Duration: 10:33.


"I'm Sorry You're Deaf" - Duration: 9:55.

(scratching, digital music)

Whoo, this is the fourth?

Yeah, fourth speaking video that I'm filming today,

and the deaf accent is coming out even more

'cause my throat hurts.

So, but actually, we're gonna talk about something

deaf-related, because right before I sat down

to film my videos, I actually got an email

that inspired this fourth speaking video.

And I got an email that said something along the lines of,

I'm sorry that you are deaf, and I feel very bad for you.

So we're gonna unpack why

stuff like that is just not really good to say,

especially, it's not good to send it

to somebody's business email, first. (laughs)

That's one thing, it's not good to send it

to somebody's business email, who uses a business email for

business, but also, just, I'm sorry that you are deaf

and I feel so bad for you, is just not good to say.

So I would like to make a disclaimer

that everybody feels differently,

this does not speak for every deaf person,

every disabled person.

This is my thoughts, my feelings, and the thoughts

and feelings of other people who have the same feelings.

So there are many of us deaf people

that are completely okay with being deaf,

and, of course, there are people who really hate being deaf.

Sometimes these are the people that were born deaf,

grew up deaf, and they may have either been, one,

mainstreamed, or two, grown up culturally deaf.

But I think, I think, I don't know,

that there's a less chance of hating being deaf

if you grew up in deaf culture,

because you grew up with a whole big family,

and all of that, so yeah.

But I think it mainly comes from, those who don't like

the hearing loss, or don't like being deaf,

come from the mainstream side of things,

where they don't have access to ASL,

or the sign language of their country,

and they never grew up in any sort of deaf culture,

they may be the only deaf person that they knew,

et cetera, et cetera.

I have experienced that in the past.

Before I was 20 years old, and finally finding out

that there was something out there,

more people that were like me,

I hated it, I hated it, I did.

But that was only because I was in a very country-like town,

with people that just didn't know what to do

with deaf people, wouldn't give 'em any jobs,

because they thought, oh, you can't do anything,

you are a liability, so no.

Schooling was out of the question, more than high school,

past high school schooling, higher education.

That can make a person feel inadequate, and that

has the chance of making people

hate being deaf or disabled.

But again, then you have people who may have grown up,

like me, mainstream, but at the end of the day,

maybe they still don't find deaf culture,

or ASL, or whatever.

Maybe they are very happy with the way they are,

maybe they have a hearing aid,

maybe they have cochlear implants, whatever,

and they're just fine, okay, cool.

And then you have, grown up mainstream, found deaf culture,

starts learning ASL, or sign language,

they're very, very happy, they feel better.

And then you have the fourth, or the third,

I've lost count now, fourth.

They either grew up with deaf parents,

or maybe they grew up in a hearing family,

but the hearing family did more research

and they weren't like, oh my God,

they're gonna fail in life, so we're,

but instead, they did their research,

and they put them in a deaf school,

put 'em in, say, they moved to

a place where there's a deaf community,

like Seattle or Washington, D.C.,

or somewhere in River-- is it Riverside?

No, Northridge, just in Los Angeles,

let's just say Los Angeles.

So places where there are strong deaf communities.

So they grew up, they flourish even more,

or whatever, and they're happy.

It's just, it's not a polite thing

to say.

Overall, it's just like, especially when,

if you're coming to someone who has expressed

time and time again that they're fine.

They may mention, in the past, that they were like,

oh no, but if they mention now that they're fine,

that they have no problems with it,

yes, sometimes it may be difficult, it may be hard,

there may be moments when we're just like,

wow, this sucks, but it's not because,

it's not necessarily, it could be, sometimes,

but it's not always necessarily because

the ears don't work properly.

It's because of the lack of accessibility in society.

So it's not because of the ears,

it's not because of the legs or the arms or whatever,

now we're kind of getting all general here

about disability and whatnot.

A lot of the time, it comes from the behavior

of people that are not the same as us.

It comes with the fact that there are no ramps,

there is no accessibility on the sidewalk,

no ASL interpreters, or captions,

and the plastic straw ban, and stuff like that.

And, of course, it's easier to say this type of thing

behind a keyboard, behind a computer screen.

I imagine that people probably

wouldn't go up to someone in person and say, I'm so sorry.

Actually, that is a lie, I've experienced it.

I do think that people would be less likely to do that,

but that does not mean that it has not happened.

I have experience, when I was out with my biological mother

and my biological mother is also deaf,

that's basically how, this is why I am,

and we were out at a kiosk, we were at the jewelry repair,

and she's also deaf, and he knew this,

because we were frequent, or she was a frequent customer,

and he looks at me, and he goes, oh, are you deaf too?

And I go, yeah.

And he goes, oh, I'm sorry.

And I'm like.

And it's not the first time it's happened.

If somebody, I'm trying to talk to somebody, and their

mouths are covered and whatnot, and I'm like, I'm deaf,

I'm gonna need you to not do that.

Then they're like, oh, I'm so sorry.

Of course, it could be because they didn't realize,

and it's like a reactionary, oh, I'm sorry,

'cause I've done that too.

I'm doing something awkward or not what I should be doing,

really, because it's not helping the other person.

Sometimes I'll be moving my hand out of the way

for whatever reason, I'm like, oh, sorry.

When you recognize it from the tone of the voice

or the facial expression.

You kind of can tell the difference.

Deaf people are good at this.

And disabled people, who can hear better, are good at this.

So we noticed when one is looking,

when one shows off the pity face,

or says it with a pity tone,

and the, I feel so bad for you, I'll pray for you

and your deafness, and whatever,

it's just rude.

First of all,

it gives off the feeling that you think that it's

a bad thing, and that there's something wrong with us,

when really, we could say, yeah,

our ears don't work too well,

which isn't necessarily the most positive thing,

but it's just, it's one thing when we say that

about ourselves, and crack jokes about ourselves,

and it's different when a random stranger

comes into your inbox, or in your personal space,

and says that kind of thing.

It's just, they're very different.

And even if you went up to a person who really didn't like

being disabled, or deaf, or whatever, and said that,

I still wouldn't recommend it, actually,

because it doesn't help. (laughs)

It doesn't help the situation at all.

But, especially, don't go up to someone at all.

It's like, you wouldn't go up to somebody,

or you shouldn't go up to somebody

and say something about their looks,

about what they're wearing, about what they're doing,

about what they sound like, or whatever.

It's just, it's rude.

If you have that kind of thought, please,

just keep it to yourself and don't project it out,

and say it to other people.

It's fine, I'm deaf.

I'm pretty much completely deaf in this ear,

basically, almost.

And I've got some hearing left,

it's getting worse by the day, but

it's not gonna bother me.

It doesn't, I go on about my daily life,

the same way I always have.

The only times I have problems with it

is when the behavior of abled society

is, basically,

making it like it's supposed to be a bad thing.

So not listening to me, or not accommodating me

when I'm asking them to write down on paper,

or type on my phone, or if I'm asking for interpreters

or captioners at events, or when there's no captions

on a video, that's when it becomes a problem,

but it's not because of me,

it's just because of the lack of accessibility in the world,

when there should be, because,

laws, most of them, most of it.

Some of 'em, some little itty-bitty things don't have laws,

so they can get away with it, unfortunately.

So that's all I have to say on the matter,

I'm sure there's a whole lot of videos like this,

probably some of my other disabled friends,

the other disabled YouTubers that you know,

will probably have similar videos.

If you have any experiences like this,

you're more than welcome to leave your stories

down in the comments below.

But after you do that, and before you go,

if you haven't considered being a pledge on Patreon,

I give you exclusive content like music playlists

on Spotify, and some writing that you won't see on Medium,

and pen pal letters, if you wanna go high enough.

And I will see you later, bye.

For more infomation >> "I'm Sorry You're Deaf" - Duration: 9:55.


Getting started with SiteGround - Printful - Duration: 5:25.

Let's look at setting up your hosting account on SiteGround

and connecting your WooCommerce store to Printful.

On the Printful home page, scroll down until you see a list of platforms we integrate with.

Choose WooCommerce.

Now click on "Go To SiteGround" tab, here.

It'll take you to the SiteGround landing page,

by pressing "Get Started", you're taken to the bottom of the same page

where you can purchase the necessary hosting plan.

I 'll chose the StartUp Plan.

Here you can choose a domain.

You have three options.

Either register a new domain, use an existing one if you have it,

or create a free address on

We'll do just that.

You can enter the name of your address down here and then press "PROCEED".

Next you'll need to provide all the necessary information

to complete the registration and the payment process.

Once that's done, press "PAY NOW",

wait for it to load and you'll be taken to the next page

that confirms your payment and shows the instructions on what to do next.

You'll receive a letter of confirmation on your email

with your unique username

that you'll need for accessing your website's admin page later on.

Now let's go to the SiteGround user area.

Here you can make adjustments to your account

by adding extra features,

upgrading your plan

or changing your account details.

In the Support section, you'll get instant help

with any inquiries about your domain and the hosting platform.

By pressing on "My accounts" under the Installations tab

you can access the website's admin panel by clicking here.

Now you're taken to the Wordpress login page

where you'll need to insert the username you received in the confirmation email

and the password you chose during the registration on Siteground.

When purchasing any of the three hosting plans on Siteground

your online store gets built on Woocommerce,

which comes preinstalled on your hosting account

together with the Printful plugin.

You can see them over here.

Let's select the Printful plugin.

Now you can connect your WooCommerce store to Printful,

so let's click on "Connect" here.

It asks you to allow Printful to connect to your Woocommerce,

so hit "Approve".

And now you're redirected to Printful.

Here you have the option to create a new Printful account

or connect to an already existing one.

I already have a Printful account set up so let's sign in.

Next up confirm the connection.

Wait a while.

And all done.

Your Woocommerce store is now connected with Printful.

Now you can start adding products to your Woocommerce store

directly through our product push generator.

Hit "Add product" and you'll see a selection of our products.

We'll add a men's T-shirt for example.

Choose "Men's clothing", "T-shirts" and the model you want.

Next, upload your designs.

We'll add a front print for this shirt, so hit 'Upload file"

and then "Choose file" here

and upload your graphic.

Or you can use our new feature

and choose a design from our sample files, by clicking here.

Now you can resize and reposition your print file

and make sure to follow along with the print quality information over here, for best results.

Once that's done,

under the "Product" tab select all the colors and sizes

you want to offer the T-shirt in.

And now hit "Proceed to mockups".

Here you can choose what type of mockups

you want to show on your store as product photos,

and also choose the image format.

For this example, we'll leave it as it is.

Then hit "Proceed to description".

Here you can add your product title.

You can also edit the product description in this field.

As you can see we already have the basic product info provided.

But you can customize it to your liking when adding your products.

You also have the option to attach a size guide

which will be visible on your storefront.

And choose whether it's in the imperial or metric scale.

I`ll leave these settings as they are.

Next, proceed to pricing.

Here you can edit the retail price by setting your profit.

We can find Printful's fulfillment price for this t-shirt in the second column

and let`s say I want to to increase my profit from each sale up to 70%.

So set it here and if you look closely at the third column,

the retail price gets automatically configured.

Lastly, make sure that the product visibility box is checked here

and add this product to any of your stores collections.

And hit "Submit to store".

Now wait a while for the product to load

if you go back to our Woocommerce store by pressing here,

in the "Products" tab you'll see the T-shirt we just created.

And if we pop back to the Printful plugin,

here in the dashboard view

you'll be able to follow along your order information once they come in.

Also here you have a selection of quick links for easy access,

that will take you directly to your Printful account.

Make sure to carefully go through the Support section on Siteground and our Woocommerce FAQ.

We also have a tutorial on how to set up shipping and tax settings for this integration.

There's a link to it in the description below, so make sure to check it out.

Hey, it's Wes from Printful.

I hope you found that video very helpful.

All the links that we've mentioned can be found in the description below.

And in the comment section

feel free to leave any feedback or suggestions

on other videos that you'd like to see.

Our channel is full of tutorials

so don`t forget to subscribe and check those out.

For more infomation >> Getting started with SiteGround - Printful - Duration: 5:25.


Counting Cars: Ryan and Horny Mike Ogle a '69 Charger (Season 8, Episode 2) | History - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Counting Cars: Ryan and Horny Mike Ogle a '69 Charger (Season 8, Episode 2) | History - Duration: 3:19.


Siostry Godlewskie - Cała Noc Przed Nami (Nowość Disco Polo 2018) Hit - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Siostry Godlewskie - Cała Noc Przed Nami (Nowość Disco Polo 2018) Hit - Duration: 3:32.


Skan & El Speaker - Never Gonna Catch Me (lyrics) - Duration: 3:19.

I ain't going in for murder Oh, pay attention mr Officer

Never gonna catch me You're never gonna catch me

(No no no no no)

You're gonna waste your time You're gonna waste your time

(Your time)

I won't go to Guantanamo You won't put me in that jail, oh no

You're never gonna catch me You are never gonna catch me

Ooh oh oh, 'cause I'm gonna run away Oh oh, far away from you

Never gonna catch me

Never gonna catch me

Ooh oh oh, 'cause I'm gonna run away Oh oh, far away from you

Never gonna catch me

I ain't going in for murder

I ain't going in for murder

For my thugs and my gangsta girls For the rebels and the punks

All around the world

I won't go to Guantanamo You won't put me in that jail, oh no

You're never gonna catch me You are never gonna catch me

Ooh oh oh, 'cause I'm gonna run away Oh oh, far away from you

Oh oh, far away from-- Motherfu**er's never gonna catch me

Never gonna catch me

Never gonna catch me


For more infomation >> Skan & El Speaker - Never Gonna Catch Me (lyrics) - Duration: 3:19.



For more infomation >> REACTING TO 'SOMETHING HUMAN - MUSE' - Duration: 5:09.


100 Balcony Planter Ideas | DIY Garden - Duration: 11:17.

For more infomation >> 100 Balcony Planter Ideas | DIY Garden - Duration: 11:17.


Introducing The Yellowjacket Suit | Marvel's Ant-Man (2015) IMAX HD - Duration: 4:27.

Why this revolutionary idea remained buried

beneath the dust and cobwebs of Hank's research, I couldn't tell you.

But just imagine,

a soldier the size of an insect.

The ultimate secret weapon.


An Ant-Man.


That's what they called you. Right, Hank?

Silly, I know.


Tales to astonish!

Trumped-up BS to scare the USSR.

Hank, will you tell our guests what you told me

every single time I asked you,

"Was the Ant-Man real?"

Just a tall tale.


Because how could anything so miraculous possibly be real?

Well, I was inspired by the legend of the Ant-Man.

And with my breakthrough shrinking inorganic material,

I thought, could it be possible to shrink a person?

Could that be done?

Well, it's not a legend anymore.

- (MACHINE WHIRRING) - Distinguished guests,

I am proud to present the end of warfare as we know it.

The Yellowjacket!


Oh, no.

The Yellowjacket is an all-purpose weapon of war

capable of altering the size of the wearer

for the ultimate combat advantage.

MAN: We live in an era

in which the weapons we use to protect ourselves

are undermined by constant surveillance.

It's time to return to a simpler age.

One where the powers of freedom can once again operate openly

to protect their interests.

An all-purpose peace-keeping vessel,

The Yellowjacket can manage any conflict

on the geopolitical landscape

completely unseen.

Efficient in both preventative measures and tactical assault.

Practical applications include surveillance,

- industrial/ sabotage, - (PEOPLE SCREAMING)

and the elimination of obstructions on the road to peace.

A single Yellowjacket

offers the user unlimited influence to carry out protective actions.

And, one day soon, an army of Yellowjackets

will create a sustainable environment of well-being around the world.

The Yellowjacket.

So, it's a suit?


Don't be crude, Frank.

It's not a suit, it's a vessel.

What's the matter? You're not impressed?

No, I'm impressed. I'm also concerned.

Imagine what our enemies could do with this tech.

We should have a longer conversation about that, Frank.

I really value your opinion.

Thank you for coming. Hope?

Thank you very much, everybody. I will escort you out now.

Thank you.

You seem a bit shocked.

Darren, there's a reason that I buried these secrets.

(SOFTLY) So you finally admit it!

We could have done this together, Hank. But you ruined that.

That's why you're the past and I'm the future.

Don't do this.

MITCHELL: Dr. Cross?

You sell to me first, 20% over your asking price,

I can have the cash here in two weeks.



HOPE: We have to make our move, Hank.

How close is he?

He still can't shrink a live subject.

Just give me the suit and let me finish this once and for all.


I have Cross' complete trust.

- It's too dangerous. - We don't have a choice.

Well, that's not entirely true.

I think I found a guy.


For more infomation >> Introducing The Yellowjacket Suit | Marvel's Ant-Man (2015) IMAX HD - Duration: 4:27.


Boruto - Naruto Next Generations 66.Bölüm Fragmanı TR - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Boruto - Naruto Next Generations 66.Bölüm Fragmanı TR - Duration: 0:31.


The artist under the water - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> The artist under the water - Duration: 2:34.


Stupid driving mistakes 235 (July 2018 English subtitles) - Duration: 16:32.

patriotic u-turn all people are alright

blyat slut fly!

talk on the radio: if you know what a laser disc is for music, then you are an old fart

yop tvoyu mat blyat!


Caution! (ostorozjno!)

And what was that? what?

stop stop, what is the reason for his maneuvers?

he spoiled his tires

he fell asleep or what?

no, I think the reason is that ... he was afraid ... (probably scared slut fly)

I do not know the reason

Mercedes AMG GT or SLS

incineration with the help of a glance

the proletariat is not inferior to the capitalist.

suppression of insurrection

the capitalist won)

Mishka and Khalyava, two dogs from Omsk are back on your screens

dear, Sasha, I fell into a crash near the polyclinic

probably now he has a plastic leg

for some reason - most of the tram drivers in Russia are women. (in an orange vest)

song I know, I'll lose you soon, But my heart does not understand, And it's hard for me to understand. I know, I vainly promise myself, That happiness will return again. You do not have to wait for me. vou vou vou vou

tvoyu mat!

freak! tvoyu mat!

Welcome to Serpukhov

Zombie Attack

maybe this is an ambulance driver? And he wants to eat homo sapiens?


how are you?

he did it on purpose

See what happens!


brakes refused

Come on in the bump! in the bump!

Look, the brakes failed!

it's good that I stopped the car on time

and this was also affected

adventures of Nostradamus

blyat I am surprised that no one cut in front of my way

stunned! (unprintable ohuenno!) blyat

Brazil - Champion. Russia - ohuenno! ohuenno bro!

e eeeebaaaat!

the truck for fear thought that he was a tram


Camel offender. ran out of a nomadic circus and caused a crash

armored pick-up of collectors was immobilized

hands up! show me where I can see that you do not have a gun! hey you, two-humped recidivist

they are resting? she scratches her ears, look! nyasha

Location - Kamchatka (near Alaska)

stunned !!

Mom, is it a daddy bear or a mother bear? this is Mom

it protects them. blyat! I turned on the wrong gear in the gearbox

Mama? what? Mum is better not to open the glass

hey go to the forest, catch the fish. furry bastards

scratching his ears

was frightened

Go into the forest quickly!

I will not swear when you record a video. it's a little scary

they were born in the winter. Wow!

you see how they beg on the road. assholes! their place in the forest or on the river

look into your glass

Mom, do not open the window completely. Mom, can I throw a bear for food?

no! Never feed a bear! see how small they are malicious, evil, clumsy, furry bastards

Now, today we saw them near

Alexander Sergeevich? yes yes yes, it's him

where did you go?

Well of course he did it

one went to heaven, the second to the hospital


nothing but a face injury

video with 3d effect?

volcanic bomb, it seems in Hawaii

South Africa, July 10, There were 19 people on board. 2 were lost. The Convair CV-340 was made in 1954. The plane was planned to be delivered to the air museum in the coming months.

2 people went to heaven. one of them seems to be a flight engineer

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