You know what makes me happy?
And guess what else makes me happy,
being massively productive
because I don't know about you,
but I don't want to work 100 hours
a week like I used to,
by the way.
I went from working 100 hours a week
to only having to work in that company
five days a month.
And I did it because I overcame
a lot of the productivity problems
that I personally was having,
but the productivity problems
that I know that are basically common
to all of us.
in my last series of videos
I talked about the six major
productivity problems,
but in this video I'm
going to share with you my
nine quick fixes
for these productivity problems.
And while you're not going to be able to implement
all of them at one time,
if you just work on them one
at a time, I promise
you that you might be able to go from
working however many hours
a week that you are right now,
to working a much less
amount of time...
Getting more done and making more money.
Which is really awesome because then you get to spend more time
with the people that you care about
and you get to have a little fun.
So, the quick fixes that I
have here for you,
I have nine are...
Number one.
So you're going to want to write down
and or categorize every
thing that you do.
And for those of you in the catalytic
team boot camp I have very
specific worksheets for you
that are going to
help you achieve this very
easily and quickly.
It's really important to understand every
single thing that you do every single
and you have to put it in the right category to
Understand your energy
and your time.
Then, You want to lump like
You know when you have,
and I just have these as examples,
let's say especially for the entrepreneur,
you know you have marketing
You know, creating presentations,
blog and social media posts,
market research,
public facing
things such as client meetings,
networking events,
live trainings,
things where you have to be out in the public,
and then there are administrative tasks,
right? Staff meetings,
payroll, preparing reports.
These are like activities that
have similar energy
to each one of them,
right? So,
if you look at these three things
you probably have a favorite of these
three that you like to do.
And you probably have one of these three things
that you absolutely despise doing.
No matter who's watching this.
And so,
this is really a part of the time,
energy, money connection is understanding that,
first of all, but you do want to lump
your like activities because then
what can happen is when
you have to do even the things you dislike,
you can just power through them,
and instead of
sprinkling them throughout your day
and week you can start
to take control of them
and just get through them,
so that you can then take your
and place it toward doing the powerful things
very quickly when you need to
And that's what I mean by that,
you sprint the things that you can't stand.
You know, one of the things I
always do
when I am working
on activities I don't like,
And I'll tell you this is more,
it's very different
for me today than when I started
doing these things,
This necessity
of this exercise is
pretty much almost gone from my
life. There are a couple things that I
still need to do that I don't like to do,
but there are very few and far between.
Whereas, when I started this
it was, there was a lot of things on
my plate that I really hated to do.
But what I did to take control of it
was, and what I would encourage you to do,
is just give yourself permission
to say,
"I am going to focus on this thing
for a half hour,
for 10 minutes," whatever
you can say to yourself,
"I can stomach a half hour if
I just focus on it
and power on it for a half hour
and then I have permission to completely
stop after a half hour,"
and set your timer
and do it. And really focus on it
and really do it for half an hour.
What you will find is that you probably
will get a majority of it,
if not the entire thing done
in the timeframe that you set
and just having the mental freedom
to know that you're allowing yourself to stop after
that time really enables
you to say, "OK I can handle,"
So you want to just tell yourself that something you don't
like to do,
set the timer for what you
know like you're like,
"OK I can get through this
amount of time," whatever that amount of time is.
Don't Make it too long though,
you know, give yourself a half hour at a time
or something like that
and then just really dedicate yourself
to being focused
and productive on it.
Set your boundaries.
Do not let people interrupt you
during that time. Turn off your phone.
Turn off your
Tell your staff to completely,
you know, do not interrupt you
during that time
and really power it out.
What I found is that
when I did that I actually almost always
got the thing done,
and/or there would only be let's say
10 more minutes before I'd finish it.
And so, I would be very willing
to spend that additional ten minutes because
I could see the light at the end of the tunnel,
and I just wanted to get it done.
And these sprints
and setting the parameters around the sprints,
I'm telling you, it can be a real game changer
when you are doing things that you really don't like
to do.
The fourth thing is really to schedule
every thing.
Oh my gosh. Everything.
Schedule your client
your marketing,
you know, your funnel building,
your time to think,
your time to read books
if that's something that you do.
Your time to
have any type of meeting
with anybody including
your staff.
In my office my team
can not just come in
and interrupt me ad hoc,
almost ever.
There are,
we have a specific way that people
are allowed to ask
me a quick question,
but whenever anybody has
something that they need from me,
what my team does as they schedule,
they sort of gather things throughout
a couple of days,
unless, because most things aren't that urgent,
right? And then
they have an agenda,
and they'll block out a half an hour
an hour onto my schedule,
and then we'll sit down and have a meeting,
and we'll power out all their questions,
and all the things that they need for my specific
team member.
They are not allowed to just walk
in the office interrupt me when
I am in the middle of my productivity.
And this is something that you really should
settle for yourself,
and as much as possible allow
it for your team as well.
Like, if they can schedule
in their activities,
and the idea is if it's scheduled
in that it is not interrupted time,
then they will be able to increase
their productivity exponentially as
well. So,
scheduling everything is a real game
changer, and I'll tell you I'm not the kind of
person that even likes initially
to do this. I was very resistant
to this because I don't like to
feel like I'm boxed into anything,
but to be quite honest this gave me so
much freedom that I would
never go back.
It actually didn't make me feel boxed in.
It gave me an amazing amount
of freedom because I knew exactly
what I needed to do when.
I was always it's always planned for.
And then I don't need to worry about
it. I just do it when it comes
u,p and that's the end of it.
The fifth thing is ask for
or hire help.
You know, sometimes you can't afford
all the help that you actually need.
But I will be willing
to bet that you have some people in your
life that could give you an hour
or two here and there if you simply
And I'm telling you I don't have
a real good ask gene
in myself either.
I'm very,
you know, Lone Ranger stubborn sometimes,
but it's really great
to ask for help
and to actually receive it
when you need it,
when you probably do need it.
And if you can hire help, oh definitely hire the
help. I mean, it's better than always
imposing on people by asking
them, you do want to ask people occasionally
to help you get over humps,
but eventually,
and ideally you're
hiring help
and not trying to be the lone wolf
that we talked about.
And Then number six is never do
anything that doesn't serve the goal.
I have this cute,
little picture of this
creature saying paperwork no can do.
And because that would be literally me,
like I am that creature right there.
I don't do any paperwork in
my office.
And when I say that you know,
you know one of my companies is a law
firm. I imagine that I'm telling you that I,
Nicole Wipp do not do any paperwork
at my office.
It's a true statement.
I do not do it.
I have a team.
They do the paperwork.
I review it as appropriate,
but I don't do it
and because
it doesn't serve my goal,
it saps my energy.
It is not something that gives me any
energy whatsoever.
It is something that I literally
dread and because I literally
dread it, I cannot do it.
And I therefore,
do not do it.
And that's a really strong boundary
that I've set around myself
and have asked for,
and or hired help for
that now has given me a tremendous amount
of freedom.
It doesn't serve my goal
in my company for me
to do it. It needs to be done,
but I am not the one to do it.
And so,
you can start to think about things
like that for yourself.
What are things that don't serve your
goal, don't serve your energy?
And can you set a boundary around that
and have an absolute that you are not
going to do it?
When you can do that it can be a really,
massive game changer for you
and for your team.
So, that's why
you want to start getting clarity
around this.
Number seven barricade
yourself when necessary.
Sorry, I can't talk.
Barricade yourself when necessary.
You know, Do not disturb.
This is an actual real picture
in my home office
of a sign that I have.
Do not disturb.
And really
make it clear to the people
in your life that there is
a meaning behind this.
That you are not to be interrupted.
That you are in work mode.
Your'e in productivity mode.
You are in production mode,
and then this time is sacred,
and then actually use that time appropriately,
like, Use it to do the thing that you said
you were going to do.
But, definitely
setting the boundary around yourself
to not be interrupted is just
As much as possible. I already talked about systems.
They're huge. You've got,
got, got to do them.
Systematize every single thing
that you can... the phone calls that come
into your work,
The emails
that you have to answer, the way that the phone is answered,
the way that the emails are answered,
the way that your time
is scheduled,
the way that you start
your day, everything,
systematize as much as possible is a massive
productivity leap.
And Then number nine is to
get real.
I just gave you these nine things,
I should say eight plus this one,
but just realize you cannot do
every single one of these things,
if you haven't already had all
these things in place,
doing all of them simultaneously
is impossible.
Okay? You just want to get real
about what you can,
do and the idea is that you work
toward doing all of them,
but that you're not going to be able
to change any of this
It first requires a major
mental shift for both you
and your team,
and then
it requires that you actually implement
it into the way that you do things,
if you're not doing it already.
And change is difficult,
Right? And so,
you have to really get
real about what's possible for you
and your team to change,
and just start chipping away at it.
But I can promise you,
absolutely without a doubt,
that when you do that,
and when you start implementing
these things in,
the amount of energy that it will give
back to both you,
and your individual team members,
you will be wanting to do more,
and more, and more,
and the energy for actually doing
the change will become
increasingly more powerful.
Because everybody will start
to see the absolute,
positive benefits of running things
this way and of protecting
the leaders time
and the leaders energy,
protecting their own time,
and their own energy.
Everybody is going to start seeing the positive benefits
of it, and it feels so darn good
that everybody's going to want to do it.
But when you start,
you need to be really real about
what the possibility is for you
and your team,
and not set unrealistic expectations
on anybody about getting
all these things into place.
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