Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 20 2018

I do the...

breathing from the belly.

Show us one time.

So you see his chest. It's moving.

-So he does it from up here... -Yeah.

-And you do it from down here? -We learn it in free diving

and that's the theory that we need from the belly.


It's more efficient because you use your diaphragm

but... I'm not so sure now.

Is it better to learn it or to live it?


-Yeah. We go dive. -JON FRANKEL: Sure.

We go fishing now, yeah, together.

We've lost him already.

FRANKEL: Along with his trusty spear gun,

Imam Eldio holds onto weight.

That weight will help take him down to the ocean's floor.

Once he gets to his destination,

his partner pulls the weight back up with a rope.

He doesn't want to have the weight or the rope

close to him because it might scare away the fish.


FRANKEL: And about 100 feet below,

the waiting game begins.

At this depth, his internal organs

are constricted by the water pressure.

But because of his naturally large spleen,

he can stay down here as long as

five minutes before spotting a fish...

-(SPEAR GUN EJECTS) -and making his catch.

He'll do about 40 of these dives a day.


For more infomation >> The Art of Freediving | Real Sports w/ Bryant Gumbel | HBO - Duration: 1:30.


Những Câu Nói Thất Thủ Bá Đạo Nhất Của Heri - Gia Đình Là Số 1 Phần 2 - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Những Câu Nói Thất Thủ Bá Đạo Nhất Của Heri - Gia Đình Là Số 1 Phần 2 - Duration: 4:54.


THIS GAME IS TO GOOD - Duration: 4:41.

2:10 Is Montage


Mike what did I just do what I just do? Oh

Dude I

Just like went into crystal and

Yeah, I

Don't want to talk about it

What you're gonna be a pole dancer oh

Those beggars

See now. I think you're going at the right pace right now being go be a

pole stripper you said

Stripper pole dancer, all right


Just think that you should um, take it slow

Get a lot of routines and I could be


Might be a little stripper, right?

Wow, okay you're kidding

Fuck you

Okay, okay, yeah, you're becoming a boy finally jizz on me man

Man you ain't no grown-ass man. Oh

I got Dumbo ears of my ears heard right now

Okay, okay that is the way to farm, okay

There's so many trees had

Weight fit on a tree

So yeah

I just had a game where it was pretty good and me and I

Mean it wasn't one of those

15 or 20 kill frames that everyone puts on their YouTube videos and puts the whole game play

but I kind of want to just clip it and

Show you the good parts. So yeah, I hope you enjoy

But I don't fucking care

Look me in the face tell me that you love me even if it's fake cuz I don't fucking

So I was

going through my replay and I was recording it and I came across this guy and he was

twisted up and I was like

what the heck so I came back to it and when I did and I played it this dude straight up looking like

Luffy when he fights mumu and spins him in a circle. I mean look at this


For more infomation >> THIS GAME IS TO GOOD - Duration: 4:41.



For more infomation >> NO TE CONVENGO - GAVIRIA ( VIDEO OFICIAL ) - Duration: 3:28.


Tamales - Duration: 11:26.

A big welcome to Steve's Kitchen. Wow that is hot! we've just finished making

delicious Mexican Tamales. I've got that wonderful Mole we made. I'm going to go

through all the steps you need to make really really delicious tamales at home.

Now it's no wonder these are super popular around Christmas I think this is

something that the family can get involved with, let's get on and make

Mexican tamales.

So before we can make our tamales we've got to prepare a few things. Of course

I've got my lovely chocolate Oaxacan Mole I made in the last video, which

is going to be an important flavor in my tamales. YUM! In addition to that you're

going to need some dried corn husks. I have seen it done with banana leaves

that works as well but they usually come pretty dry. So what we need to do is

rehydrate these. I've got a pot full of hot water, I really think you need to

soak these overnight, at least three or four hours anyway, To get them nice and

soft. I've got some in here already soaking, what I've done is pop them in

and then I'm going to put a heavyweight or a plate on top of them and keep them

under the water until they're beautiful and supple. As I say overnight is ideal. Next

up you're going to want some meat to go with your tamales. Now I've gone for a

traditional slow-cooked pork, you could go for chicken, you could use almost any

meat or you could make this vegetarian. The Mole is going to add all the extra

flavor in there for us. The perfect cut for me is a pork butt or shoulder, it's

got lots of fat in. It's going to render down beautifully. Now rather than do this

in the oven, I'm going to be doing it in a stockpot. I'm going to be boiling it over

a period, what that's going to give us is a lovely succulent pork, that is just

perfect for tamales. It's also going to render the fat off of the pork, which

will float to the top and we'll be using that, this is sort of lard, we're using

that to make the masa, to make the dough for this and thirdly we're going to end

up with a perfect stock. So I'm not actually going to put a lot of herbs and

spices in this and there's a reason for that because at the end I'll have a

stock that I can use for other recipes that isn't tainted with the flavors of

different herbs and spices. I am going to add in some onions, celery and carrot. So

it's a sort of combination of a sort of pork and vegetable stock that we'll end

up with and we're going to simmer this on the stove. So I'm going to pop the

whole pork butt in there with the vegetables, simmer it with a little bit

of salt, for probably four to six hours, until it becomes lovely and tender and

it just falls off the bone. Now the pork has been simmering away for a good six

hours on the stove and it's literally falling apart, what I've got on the top

of the stock here is the fats, the lard. I'm going to skim that

off now with a ladle and I'm putting it into a jug because I want to use that to

make my masa. It'll get all the flavor and texture that I need and now we're

just going to gently take the pork out, it's absolutely falling apart it's so

soft and tender and we're just going to pull away the meat from the bone. A

little bit of fat in there as well. This is going to make such a good filling

for our tamales. The shredded pork is looking and smelling delicious, I've

added a lot more of the stock back in there to keep it nice and moist. Now you

can see here the fat that's come off of the stock that I scooped off there, that

is going to be used to make our masa. I've got my corn husks now they're

hydrated, the Mole is ready, I've got some masa flour, we're actually using dry

masa flour, so rather than using water to make our dough, I'm going to use this

beautiful stock and fat combination which is going to make a delicious masa.

I'm just going to warm this back up again, I can't use it solid like that, so

I'll heat it, come back in a second. So I'm going to take a couple of cups of

masa harina. Now it really is important to use masa harina for this and not some

sort of wheat flour. What really makes the flavor with tamales is the pork fat.

We want to get all of this, don't just get the stock, get all of that fat in

there it makes all the difference. So with 2 cups of flour I'm going to start

with a cup of stock and the fat off the top of the stock. So by pouring it like

that into the cup you'll get pretty much all the fat in there, add that in with

your masa. We're probably going to need a little bit more but I won't put it in

just yet. Just take a fork now and start to bind

this together, as it starts to bind get your hand in there and just start to

squeeze together until you feel whether this feels a little bit dry, which it

does at the moment. A little more stock, we're looking for a dough that

eventually feels like a very soft play-doh. Now the masa

is feeling absolutely perfect, this would make great tortillas by the way but what

I'm going to do is leave this for about 20 minutes to allow the flour to bloom

a little bit. Are you following along, are you ready to

construct your tamales. Now I've got my husks here, if you feel there's one side

that's got rough ridges on, one side thats smooth. The

smooth side is the side we're using to construct the tamales. I want you to lay

them flat out on your countertop or on a board.So we just take a scoop maybe

about a golf-ball size piece of our masa dough, just lay it down on the husk. Now I

do find a piece of plastic wrap really helps with this because it stops it

sticking to your hands. It also allows you just to sort of spread the masa

out. I'm going for a sort of oblong shape if I can, so I'm just pushing out the

corners, it's very forgiving if you've got this plastic wrap on here, just to

sort of pull the shape in. Now some people make this paper thin, I like it a

little more chunky because I think the flavor of this masa is so, so good it

doesn't matter. Take the wrap off. Now whether you decide to mix your pork with

your mole or go just with the pork itself, it's entirely up to you but just

get a pinch of your shredded pork, lay it onto your masa. Take that beautiful mole,

add it on there as well, this is where we're getting the heat and the seasoning

for our beautiful tamales. Don't put it on too thick, probably I've put that on a

little bit thicker than I should have done. Now the way I like to do this is

fold this seam over to this seam and then roll it up. So if we pull this over

now and I just touch down the seams. Pat it down a little bit and then what you

can do, you'll get a little mole sneaking out the edge, I'm just going

to wrap this round completely, pull it around so we get a beautiful traditional

tamale and then just going to fold over the back onto itself and that one's

ready .I got a bit of mole escaping out, I'm not worried about that, get another,

another piece, just check whether I've got it the right way up, pop it down

there. Again take our masa dough, a little bit on there, cover it over and then I'm

just going to ease it out close to the top, pull it back down, again we can peel

that back, take a pinch of our shredded pork, a good Mexican dollop of Mole.

Maybe I'll go a little bit lighter this time, pull,

get my little seam there and I can see the shape of the tamales starting to

form. I'm just going to fold that round again, a little bit of Mole's escaping,

I've got lots of this mole so I'm not too worried and there's the next tamale

we're ready to cook. To keep everything together we're going to take one of our

corn husks, I'm just going to pull off a strip like that, I'm just going to lay it

underneath the tamale, lift it up, tie a little knot, it's very simple to do and

that'll just hold it together while it's steaming.

Now I'm only doing a dozen of these beautiful tamales, as my channel trailer

says 'being in the kitchens getting people involved' but it's just Michele

and I around. I think a dozen will do, two for Michele, ten for me. That works out

just about right. We need to steam these now for about an hour. Now if you haven't

got a proper tamale steamer or a steamer there's an easy way around that. So put

an inch or so of water into the bottom of a pan, pop a ramekin in the center. I'm

just going to pop a plate on top of that, just to keep it off the heat and then

we're just going to lay our tamales in here. Now this isn't the traditional way

of doing it but I find it works pretty well and I'm sort of cross-hatching them

just to let a little bit of air run through between the tamales as they cook. I'm

just going to take a few extra husks, lay them over the top, just to sort of trap

the heat in. You could use a a damp tea towel, pop the lid, on pop this on the

stove, bring it up to a simmer and we want these to steam for about an hour

and they should be perfectly cooked. Our tamales have been steaming away for

about an hour now and I'm super looking forward to having a taste. I will just say now

we're going to end the Mexican series for the time being anyway, northern

Australia is calling. We've got a big trip coming up lots of fun to be had

there. There's loads of things I haven't yet done chili en nogada was one of my

favorite dishes I'd hoped to do. It's been really difficult to get hold of the

ingredients maybe if we go back to Mexico again we'll be able to do them. I

certainly hope we pick the series up again a little bit later on.

I'm pleased I managed to do the nixtamalized corn and the fresh mole, the

tortillas, the churros, don't forget the elote, the atole and of course

who could forget the dorilocos. It's been a great series, I hope you've

enjoyed it. By the way if you want to support us on the trip up north, you can

always become a Patreon on Steve's kitchen, every little helps but that's not so

important. Let's get these out now and have a try, I'll just take the husks off

at the top and I'm going to take some of the tamales out. Now if you haven't had

tamales before you'll see why they're popular at Christmas, like little parcels

they are. I'm just going to unwrap this one, just take it out of its little

parcel. Beautiful fresh hot tamales, look at the mole in there.

The lovely pork hot and steamy and if they're cooked they should hold together

pretty firm. Wow that is so hot. If you haven't had tamales before you're

missing out on something really great. Here goes I'm going to tuck in and give

this a try. I hope you've enjoyed the video, share the love as always.

Here goes, super hot! probably should have let them cool down just a little bit.

Heavenly, almost sweet chocolate, the savory, the spices hitting the back of my

throat from the mole. These are so good, the masa alone just tastes

absolutely delicious. If you haven't made tamales before you've got all the stuff

you need now from Steve's kitchen. All the different ingredients are out there

Give it a go, let me know you have some fun and some success. Share some

photographs across, share some photographs across with me on social

media and I will see you, a bit of Mole on my thumb, don't forget a big trip up

into northern Australia coming up, so if you want to see that, subscribe to the

channel. Be good and I will see you for another fun episode very shortly, take


For more infomation >> Tamales - Duration: 11:26.


The Problem With WhatsApp - Duration: 4:15.

hey and welcome

to my most

important video

I am going to call it

why I hate WhatsApp

so I have three main points I hate WhatsApp and

this is why

people say WhatsApp is safer because of its encryption

which is wrong

So the way encryption works is there's a public and a private key

that's both encrypted but whatsapp creates private keys without telling the

users meaning a government entity can come in and say we'd like that private

key and they'll give it to them and then shred the image it's no privacy here

sorry point number two images especially if

you have an Android phone there's only two options if you want to see pictures

on your phone either it doesn't download any of them

automatically meaning you can't see the pictures without downloading them

that'll give you this nice pointy arrow button and a blurry picture yeah

everybody wants that right the other option is to make it download every

single picture that's being sent to you through whatsapp and where do they store

them in your photo folder just the place you want all of those gifts that people

send when you need them my third reason is that it's isolated what I mean by

this is I'm forced to having messenger because I have Facebook I'm not forced

to have whatsapp there's nothing that talks directly to whatsapp there's no

reason for me to have it other than other team members wanting to use it

which I have of course respect I have it on my phone but I will delete it there

very second I graduate so there's a lot of social media but only one require a

phone number right I know so if you change the country the number you have

dialed have been cleaned it'll never be an issue suggest to clarify my three

reasons our encryption is not safer for users unnecessary download to private

gallery and it is isolated from other social services ever prior phone number

and yes I know hate is a very strong word it is just an app but I honestly do

hate it it's like I've never had a worse user

experience and it's like half the world prefers using this app so it just had to

make a video about why I dislike it so much and it's not that I love any of the

other messenger apps like messenger for Facebook is not perfect but at least at

least it doesn't mess up my phone and at least I don't have to tie it to a phone

number so if you like me have to change the country every few years every single

time I lose some of my contacts and a lot of people keep trying to text me but

then they hit the next person in for instance now there's in the United

States who get my phone number like that is such an outdated system and like I

just don't get it I just don't I just put yeah

let's bring my video I hope you enjoyed it I've spent like a week and a half

animating this I I think it turned out okay and still working on it still

getting better if you liked it if you'd like to see my tiny channel grow then

share it share it on social media share with your friends show it to that one

friend of yours who loves using whatsapp and that keeps sending text messages by

recording their own voice and then sending small voice snippets it is the

most frustrating thing for me in the world like if this like two hours during

the day where you can send me a recorded voice message where I can then listen to

it right away the hour that I wake up and the hour before I fall asleep any

other time I'll be in public on a bus in a classroom I'll be somewhere why I

don't want to be the guy who starts playing random audio in the middle of

the lecture like that's just it's just

so obviously I care way too much about everything in my life

subscribe to the channel if you want to hear more of that

unnecessary download of picture of priority hmm

For more infomation >> The Problem With WhatsApp - Duration: 4:15.


Rivem: O Início da Lenda (book trailer) Wattpad - Duration: 0:54.

Rivem is a demigod, and lives in peace on Earh, but this is about to change.

The myths are real, monsters and gods are among us.

They live in the shadows, but soon they will rise up and a big war will begin, putting the course of humanity at risk.

Rivem will have to protect his family and the world of this imminent threat,

carrying on his arm a powerful weapon that makes him the target of merciless beings, hungry for power...

And this is only the beginning of the legend.


Rivem: The Beginning of the Legend

Production of Peterson Padilha (writer) Thiago Odilon (editor)

For more infomation >> Rivem: O Início da Lenda (book trailer) Wattpad - Duration: 0:54.


[소원요] 짜장면 배달 온줄 알고 있는 오늘의 주인공! 드디어 두번째 주인공을 만나러 갑니다!ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 11:07.

For more infomation >> [소원요] 짜장면 배달 온줄 알고 있는 오늘의 주인공! 드디어 두번째 주인공을 만나러 갑니다!ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 11:07.


This intro is Despacito.. - Duration: 2:59.


For more infomation >> This intro is Despacito.. - Duration: 2:59.


Red Rubies Lyrics - Rich Brian, Yung Bans, Higher Brothers, Yung Pinch, & Don Krez - Duration: 4:11.

[Intro: Yung Bans] Aye, aye, aye Red rubies and they bleed Pop some percs, I might O.D Aye, yuh, aye

[Hook: Yung Bans] Red rubies and they bleed Perkys make me sleep Pop ten percs, I might O.D Tryna fight away the demons

[Verse 1: Yung Bans] I'm tryna fight em' away I mix the Sprite with the lean That nigga ride with it, uh That nigga ride with the thing That nigga ride with the cling That nigga ride with that .30 Choppa it doin' so dirty

Freaky lil bitch, she a squirter Fuck the lil hoe and I work her They give me head like a turtle Dive in the pussy, it's surfing All of the addies and perkys I sip the lean with no mercy I am so high I'm on Mercury Slim in the cut and he lurkin'

[Hook: Yung Bans] Red rubies and they bleed Perkys made me sleep Pop ten percs I might O.D Tryna fight away the demons

[Verse 2: Rich Brian & Don Krez] Rubies dancin' they help me take yo bitch But you still hit me up but I'd rather choose to ignore you What's the need for college at this point

We gon be on this fuckin' all night To stay up she can't afford a coffee Pussy ring, I could see the future change

I'm alone, she can see I'm not the same She want me to wait for her, then I said "No Thanks!" We really in the jungle 'cause I'm only seein' snakes

Don't know who to trust, I need a break I can feel my soul running away Hope the rubies don't rot in my day Pray to God that I won't ever fail

[Hook: Yung Bans] Red rubies and they bleed Perkys made me sleep Pop ten percs I might O.D Tryna fight away the demons

[Verse 3: MaSiWei] Red ruby jello on my strawberry I eat her out, make me stomach ache She wit me and oh, and she on my dick

Red like a block Haters suck Pussy so rich, she want me to stay Because she know what's up She kinda cute She dreamin' Chanel I'm making her drip You be hating but You just be look like a joke

Be who you wanna be Working, never sleep She don't even speak Chinese But she can still look at me

[Hook: Yung Bans] Red rubies and they bleed Perkys made me sleep Pop ten percs I might O.D Tryna fight away the demons

[Verse 4: Yung Pinch] Is this real or am I dreamin'? I need to know now You cut me deep, I can't stop bleeding I've been on the deep end, fighting all these demons

Don't think you can help me But that's just what they tell me Look, I've been on my own Ever since a youngin Supposed to be nobody's son Just living like "Fuck it" (fuck it)

Count up all these hundreds Stack bands in my pocket (yeah) Took off like a rocket (yeah) No way that you can stop it But they don't want to see us win They think that shit's obnoxious (They think that shit's obnoxious)

But I ain't got no option (I ain't got no option) But I ain't got no option (I ain't got no option) We ain't go no option

[Outro: Yung Pinch] Yeah they bad, yeah I just want to go to sleep, yeah yeah Oh no not me, yeah yeah

I just want to go to sleep, yeah yeah Oh no not me, yeah yeah

For more infomation >> Red Rubies Lyrics - Rich Brian, Yung Bans, Higher Brothers, Yung Pinch, & Don Krez - Duration: 4:11.


Guilty verdict in Birmingham bribery trial - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Guilty verdict in Birmingham bribery trial - Duration: 2:00.


The Oreo Cookie Was Created Inside The Chelsea Market 🍪🏢 - Duration: 3:48.

¡Hi Deltadianos! How are you doing?

Welcome to one more travel video.

We are arriving at the Chelsea Market

There are many shops in this place.

So let's start

The Chelsea Market is inside an old factory near the Hudson River.

The building has restaurants, shops and offices.

The market occupies a whole block.

From 15th Street to the 16th East and from the 9th to 10th Avenue.

To get there, the nearest station is at the 14th street and 8th Avenue

of line A, E and L

Every year 6 million people visit their 58 local

in which you can find clothes, chocolates, nuts,

tacos, sushi, burgers, snacks, lobster and much more.

The neighborhood has historically been a gastronomic zone.

Just one block away is the Meatpacking District.

In 1900 there were 250 packing plants and it was the third meat distributor

neighborhood in the country.

Its location was perfect since the High Line train brought the meat to the packers

and cooled it with ice cubes that they took out of the Hudson.

Taking advantage of having the train and the butter producers

In the same place

around 1890 Nabisco built his factory in Chelsea.

At that time they made 50% of the cookies consumed by Americans

and the masterpiece of this factory was the famous Oreo cookie in 1912.

The company left the building in 1959 because they needed space for more machinery

but they also had complications with the train.

The High Line started having les trips as before

because transporting the goods in trucks was getting cheaper.

The problem was that the location of the factory was complicated

for the trucks to enter and leave of the area.

At the moment the company left the property, the train closed the route of High Line

and the roads were abandoned.

The building remained unused for 30 years until the investor Irwin B. Cohen

bought the property and in 1997 inaugurated what we now know as the Chelsea Market.

4 years ago the old train tracks became a linear park of almost 1.45-mile-long

and now it is another great attraction of the neighborhood.

The current owner of the Chelsea Market is Google.

Before the company rented 400 thousand square foot of the 1.19 million square foot that the building has.

In February of this year they closed the purchase at $ 2.4 billion USD,

turning it into the second most expensive real estate sale in the history of New York.

Deltadianos, this is the Chelsea Market

I hope you liked it.

Follow me on all the social networks that are in the description

We will continue with more trips from New York.

See you. I'm Delta ... Bye

For more infomation >> The Oreo Cookie Was Created Inside The Chelsea Market 🍪🏢 - Duration: 3:48.


Wife of late husband has new mission: Become organ donor - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Wife of late husband has new mission: Become organ donor - Duration: 1:44.


Why Lobbyists Oppose Term Limits - Nick Tomboulides - Duration: 1:31.

Tomboulides: You know, Jack Abramoff is arguably the most corrupt lobbyist in American history.

(beep) Lobbyists hate term limits because, this is his exact quote:

"A politician who stays in office for life is worth his weight in gold."

I think with lobbyists, you have to follow the money. In every single scenario when there's

been term limits on the ballot at any level of government, lobbyists always

show that they're against it because they donate money to whichever side is

trying to prevent, weaken, or abolish the term limits. So lobbyists don't like term

limits because they don't like to see their relationships with elected

officials broken up on a regular basis. They want to lock those people in for a

lifetime. You know, Jack Abramoff is arguably the

most corrupt lobbyist in American history. Went to prison for several years

because he was giving bribes to elected officials. And when

Jack Abramoff wrote a book after that, he had commented that lobbyists hate term

limits because, this is his exact quote: "A politician who stays in office for life

is worth his weight in gold". Haitham: Right.

Tomboulides: Lobbyists don't want to have to repurchase elected officials on a regular basis.

It makes their job a lot harder. They prefer a lifetime subscription to one member.

So they don't like term limits. Haitham: Okay, I'm surprised they don't.

Tomboulides: No, not at all.

For more infomation >> Why Lobbyists Oppose Term Limits - Nick Tomboulides - Duration: 1:31.


Maine community worried about future of local hospital - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Maine community worried about future of local hospital - Duration: 1:56.


I'm sorry, what? | PLAYERUNKOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS - Duration: 0:16.

[Ross talks with buffer]

[Assassin coughs] [Ross talks with buffer]

[Ross talks with buffer]

[Ross] Alright?

[Day] Wow, your mic really doesn't like you.

For more infomation >> I'm sorry, what? | PLAYERUNKOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS - Duration: 0:16.


Expert says rescue divers faced challenges at Table Rock Lake - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Expert says rescue divers faced challenges at Table Rock Lake - Duration: 1:14.


An architectural adventure awaits at Polymath Park in Westmoreland County - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> An architectural adventure awaits at Polymath Park in Westmoreland County - Duration: 2:55.


Crankdat feat. Sara Skinner - Say It - Duration: 3:09.

Crankdat feat. Sara Skinner - Say It

For more infomation >> Crankdat feat. Sara Skinner - Say It - Duration: 3:09.


Joni's Corner: The Quilt - Duration: 1:35.

Hi, I'm Joni Eareckson Tada, and long ago I remember one year at the Howard County fair, my sister

Kathy purchased a blue-ribbon quilt made by a local farmer's wife. It was a beautiful cathedral

stitch quilt made up of hundreds of little patches: polka-dotted yellow next to red stripes,

next to blue plaid alongside purple dotted Swiss. Up close, one would never put those

crazy colors and silly patterns together; they clashed horribly. But when you stood back away from the quilt, it looked

completely harmonious, a delightful blend of color and pattern. And you know what? That's

a perfect description of all of us in the body of Christ. We are the many different colors,

the many different patterns and stripes and, normally, we would never choose to be together...but we are together, we are stitched closely

in Christ, we are one body. The Bible doesn't tell us to become one, we are one

in Christ.  So today, friend, let's start living and acting like it.

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