Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 20 2018


For more infomation >> This intro is Despacito.. - Duration: 2:59.


[WancoBeads] How to make Snowman - Duration: 20:24.

Beads abacus 4mm transparent 66 Beads abacus 4mm red 15 Beads abacus 4mm yellow 8 Beads abacus 4mm brown 2 Beads round 4mm black 2 Nylon string 0.23mm(dia.) 130cm 1

At first, Add 4 beads(red) to red nylon string

It crossed in the last addition beads

The number of beads that are in a ring is 4

Add 3 beads(red) to red nylon string, It crossed in the last addition beads

The number of beads that are in a ring is 4

Pick up 1 bead in red nylon string

Add 2(red) to blue, cross

The number of beads that are in a ring is 4

Pick up 1 in blue

Add 2(red) to red, cross

ring (4)

Pick up 2 in red

Add 2(red) to blue, cross

ring (5)

Add 4(transparent, black, transparent, transparent) to red, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 1(red) in red

Add 3(transparent, transparent, red) to blue, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 1(red) in blue

Add 3(transparent, transparent, red) to red, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 1(red) in red

Add 3(transparent, black, transparent) to blue, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 2(red, transparent) in blue

Add 2(transparent) to red, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 1(black) in red

Add 3(transparent) to blue, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 2(transparent) in blue

Add 2(transparent) to red, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 2(transparent) in red

Add 2(transparent) to blue, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 2(transparent) in blue

Add 2(transparent) to red, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 3(black, transparent, transparent) in red

Add 1(transparent), cross

ring (5)

Pick up 5(transparent) in blue, cross

Add 4(transparent) to blue, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 1 in blue

Add 3(transparent) to red, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 1 in red

Add 3(transparent) to blue, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 1 in blue

Add 3(transparent) to red, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 2 in red

Add 2(transparent) to blue, cross

ring (5)

Add 3(transparent) to red, cross

ring (4)

Pick up 1 in red

Add 2(transparent) to blue, cross

ring (4)

Pick up 1 in blue

Add 2(transparent) to red, cross

ring (4)

Add 5(brown, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow) to red, put the right hand

Add 2(transparent) to blue, cross

Pick up 1 in blue

Add 2(transparent) to red, cross

ring (4)

Pick up 1 in red

Add 2(transparent) to blue, cross

ring (4)

Pick up 1 in blue

Add 2(transparent) to red, cross

ring (4)

Pick up 1 in red

Add 2(transparent) to blue, cross

ring (4)

Pick up 1 in blue

Add 5(brown, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow) to blue, put the left hand

Add 2(transparent) to red, cross

Pick up 2 in red

Add 1(transparent), cross

ring (4)

Pick up 1 in red

Add 3 to red, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 2 in red

Add 2 to blue, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 2 in blue

Add 2 to red, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 2 in red

Add 2 to blue, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 3 in blue

Add 1, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 3 in blue

Pick up 1 in red

Tie the nylon string

After connecting, through the nylon string to 2 or 3 beads

Cut a little pull state the nylon string

It was completed

For more infomation >> [WancoBeads] How to make Snowman - Duration: 20:24.


I'm sorry, what? | PLAYERUNKOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS - Duration: 0:16.

[Ross talks with buffer]

[Assassin coughs] [Ross talks with buffer]

[Ross talks with buffer]

[Ross] Alright?

[Day] Wow, your mic really doesn't like you.

For more infomation >> I'm sorry, what? | PLAYERUNKOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS - Duration: 0:16.


What Am I Doing Here? - Duration: 3:38.

It's been a while since I had a public YouTube-based existential crisis, so let's just do that today.

What am I doing here?

On YouTube?

I don't know.

I've recently realized that I make YouTube videos for a lot of different and unrelated reasons.

Number one.

I make YouTube videos because I like listing things.

Here are the Top Three Things I Like Listing.

Number one: Lists.

For example, the list of the Top Three Things I Like Listing,

on which number one, coincidentally, is lists, including the Top Three Things I Like Listing.

This joke could go on for hours.

But there are other, arguably more important reasons, that I make videos too.

Like I started out because I was a bored eleven-year-old,

and I made, like, puppet shows with stuffed animals and mediocre stop motion animations,

and nobody watched them.

And I didn't care that nobody watched them

because it wasn't really an activity that necessitated other people.

I was just bored and making videos for fun.

And yes, we have abandoned that list that I just started.

It's okay.

Many of the best lists in history have had only had item.

In fact, here are My Favorite Lists With Only One Item.

Number one: My Favorite Lists with Only Item,

that item being, number one, My Favorite Lists With Only-

Let's just cut that one off right away!

As I uploaded more videos, my primary reason for YouTubing shifted to community.

Largely because of the vlogbrothers and nerdfighteria,

I met people through this platform and started collaborating and participating in projects

and having conversations,

and it helped me feel less alone.

Which I am very grateful for.

And that sense of community is one of the main reasons that I've kept doing this.

But there are lots of other reasons that I make videos, too.

I make videos for creative fulfillment and to try to make polished,

as-close-to-perfected-as-possible final products that I can feel proud of.

I make videos as an excuse to do weird, goofy things that I find amusing but have no logical

reason to do.

I make videos because I think I'm pretty good at it, and it feels good to feel like

I'm good at something.

I make videos as a portfolio of my work.

Like I put my YouTube stuff on resumes.

I talk about it in cover letters.

I guess I should take this stuff off my face.

I make videos for the numbers.

I do.

I try not to.

But I do.

I don't know how to tie this tie.

I make videos to ruin people's lives.

I know that a lot of YouTubers say that their goal on YouTube is to comfort people or make

them feel better.

My goal on YouTube is to just make your day a little bit worse.

And I make videos because I like listing things.

Even when I'm not numbering them.

But what I'm realizing is that I can't always do all of those things at the same time.

There's some dissonance.

Like if I'm trying to make a polished final product, it doesn't really lend itself to

community or conversation.

You can talk about the video, but you can't really talk with the video.

The video can't talk back.

It's a final product, not a back and forth.

And if I care too much about videos being good, it means that I don't upload as often

and then people stop watching.

And if I do too much of the goofy, fun stuff, it doesn't ruin people's lives as effectively.

I just don't know how to balance all of the different things that I want to do on


and I don't know if they can be balanced.

Or if they should be.

Also this really hurts.

Please leave a comment to let me know what you think!

For more infomation >> What Am I Doing Here? - Duration: 3:38.


Mario Marathon: Odyssey 2018 Official Teaser - Duration: 1:34.

There has been an awakening.

Have you felt it?

The dark side.

And the light.

I don't see nothing wrong with the Mario Marathon.

I don't see nothing wrong with the Mario Marathon.

I don't see nothing wrong with the Mario Marathon.

I don't see nothing wrong with the Mario Marathon.

Brian finds it hard to kick us out, his heart is bigger than his house.

We'll turn off the mics...

For more infomation >> Mario Marathon: Odyssey 2018 Official Teaser - Duration: 1:34.


XiaoLing quiz & Magical Barbie's Flower Dress?| Xiaoling toys - Duration: 5:15.

XiaoLing quiz & Magical Barbie's Flower Dress?| Xiaoling toys

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