Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 20 2018

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo brought up three items for discussion during his most

recent visit to Pyongyang,... but is yet to receive any response from the North.

According to Representative Roh Hoe-chan, floor leader of the minor opposition Justice

Party,... those items are a full declaration of its nuclear arsenal,... a denuclearization

timeline,... and an unfulfilled promise made by Kim at the Singapore summit.

That promise is likely to refer to destroying a missile engine testing site.

Roh said he was informed of this by acting U.S.

Under Secretary for Political Affairs,... Stephen Mull, during his recent visit to Washington.

He says that North Korea is demanding security assurances before making any concrete steps.

For more infomation >> Pompeo brought up 3 items for discussion with N. Korea, but hasn't received any response - Duration: 0:47.


Eight people killed after tourist boat capsizes in Missouri - Duration: 1:27.

eight people killed after tourist boat capsizes in Missouri at least eight

people died Thursday in a duck boat accident on Table Rock Lake near Branson

Missouri according to southern stone County Fire Protection spokesman Erik

Nielsen there were more than 20 people on the boat when it capsized Nielson

said earlier he said more than 10 people were injured we did have a severe

thunderstorm not sure if that is the contributing factor he said there is a

lot of storm debris a spokeswoman for Ripley entertainment the parent company

of ride the docks Branson said the company is in contact with their

employees at the scene said Suzanne snaggle UPOV said the company recently

acquired the vessel that was involved in the incident

there were other boats on the lake that returned to dock safely divers

representing various agencies are on scene to assist with the investigation

and recovery at least six patients were treated at Cox Health Medical Center

hospital spokeswoman Caitlin McConnell said McConnell can comment on the nature

of the victims injuries developing story more to come or to come

For more infomation >> Eight people killed after tourist boat capsizes in Missouri - Duration: 1:27.


आ गया 100 रूपए का नया नोट - Duration: 7:42.

For more infomation >> आ गया 100 रूपए का नया नोट - Duration: 7:42.


Life is Like a Box of Chocolates (LEGO Forrest Gump Animation) - Duration: 1:30.

My mama always said, life was like a box of chocolates.

You can't trust the dark ones.

Didn't anyone ever tell you life was like a box of chocolates?

It doesn't last long for fat people.

You know, I'm your mama's nurse.

She wants to see you.

For real?

Your son's here for a visit.

What! I told you life was like a box of chocolates.

Your kids only take it away from you.


Life is like a box of chocolates.

Gone before you know it. Heh heh heh heh.

For more infomation >> Life is Like a Box of Chocolates (LEGO Forrest Gump Animation) - Duration: 1:30.


Baru !! Katalog Tupperware Juli 2018 US & Canada - Duration: 10:56.

For more infomation >> Baru !! Katalog Tupperware Juli 2018 US & Canada - Duration: 10:56.


Starbucks Music: Best of Starbucks Music Playlist 2018 and Starbucks Music Playlist Youtube - Duration: 3:24:30.

Title: Starbucks Music: Best of Starbucks Music Playlist 2018 and Starbucks Music Playlist Youtube

For more infomation >> Starbucks Music: Best of Starbucks Music Playlist 2018 and Starbucks Music Playlist Youtube - Duration: 3:24:30.


Google App That Gives You Money | Google Rewards | How To Get Google Rewards - Duration: 4:01.

Google App That Gives You Money

Google Rewards

How To Get Google Rewards

For more infomation >> Google App That Gives You Money | Google Rewards | How To Get Google Rewards - Duration: 4:01.


КУКЛЫ ЛОЛ СЕСТРЕНКИ ДЕКОДЕР! Новая комната для девочек! МУЛЬТИК ЛОЛ Lil Baby Sisters TOYS AND DOLLS - Duration: 10:58.

For more infomation >> КУКЛЫ ЛОЛ СЕСТРЕНКИ ДЕКОДЕР! Новая комната для девочек! МУЛЬТИК ЛОЛ Lil Baby Sisters TOYS AND DOLLS - Duration: 10:58.


Rambo chơi kèo không top1 không ngủ và cái kết đá stream của fan - Duration: 14:27.

For more infomation >> Rambo chơi kèo không top1 không ngủ và cái kết đá stream của fan - Duration: 14:27.


China, Russia block U.S. request on cutting off oil to N. Korea - Duration: 1:50.

The U.S. last week made a request to the UN Security Council,... to halt all oil shipments

to North Korea, saying the regime has been violating sanctions.

China and Russia, however, are saying that they won't let that happen.... unless there's

enough evidence that North Korea indeed violated sanctions.

Our Park Hee-jun has the details.

China and Russia have turned down the United States' request to halt all shipments of refined

oil products to North Korea.

The U.S., who made clear that it will maintain maximum pressure on Pyongyang until it completely

denuclearizes,... made the request to the UN Security Council's North Korea sanctions

committee last week,... based on accusations that the North had breached sanctions.

It claimed that, as of May 30th,... there had been 89 illegal ship-to-ship transfers

of refined petroleum products by the regime this year.

The U.S. also asked for the committee to notify all U.N. member nations,... that North Korea

used illegal imports to allow it to exceed the 500-thousand barrels a year of oil imports

permitted by the resolution adopted by the council in December last year.

A report submitted by the U.S.,... says that North Korean tankers are assumed to have delivered

more than 1-million-367-thousand barrels, which is nearly triple the quota.

China and Russia's support is needed for any oil cut-off to be enforced as the two countries

provide large amounts of energy and oil to the North.

But they said,... they need more time and proof before approving the U.S. request.

Russia's UN mission said it's collecting information on "every single case" of illegal transfer

of petroleum.

And the Chinese mission,... asked the U.S. to provide the facts that are needed to them

to make the decision.

Their responses to the proposal are in line with their recommendations of easing sanctions

on North Korea.

Park Hee-jun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> China, Russia block U.S. request on cutting off oil to N. Korea - Duration: 1:50.


How to use YouTube subtitles on LinkedIn Videos // Video Marketing Tips - Duration: 5:29.

Alright, G'day Ben Amos from Engage Video Marketing here to help you grow

your business through engaging with strategic online video. I wanted to jump

on a quick video today and share with you a quick little hack. I guess - a tip

for how you can make use of LinkedIn native video subtitles. Now LinkedIn has

had native video on the platform for a little while now but only recently have

they introduced the ability to add SRT or subtitle files to your LinkedIn

videos which is awesome because it enables that the videos that autoplay in

the LinkedIn feed to have basically, captions for people who are watching

without sound - which most people on mobile devices are initially watching

video content without sound. So, my challenge here is if you're like me and

you've got quite a bit of video content on YouTube that already has captions for

those videos then it's a simple, easy way that I want to share with you today on

how to take those videos and those caption files that are already set up on

your YouTube videos and get them into the native LinkedIn video platform. So,

I'm gonna share with you a quick tip. It's only going to take a couple of

minutes so stick with me and let's see how simple this is to do. So, you'll see

here that I've got one of my videos which is public on my youtube channel.

This one's called brand character archetypes. This is on the Engage Video

Marketing YouTube channel. Now this one's already been set up, it's ready to go so

if I click over to the subtitles tab here this is in the video manager where

you edit them at the back of your videos and basically what we've got here is -

we've already got a published subtitle. If you haven't already got those

subtitles then you can use which is about a dollar a minute - a

dollar, one US dollar a minute to get those subtitle files created or one of

my favorite ways is actually using the auto transcription or auto subtitles

from YouTube and then just fixing it because sometimes there's a few little

errors in a few words in the auto transcription from

YouTube but once you fix that then you've got a perfectly formatted

subtitle file. So, once you're happy with your subtitles in YouTube it's simple to

download them and use them for use them for LinkedIn video. So, what you'll see

here is you've got this we're now in the editing section of the subtitle file and

we click on actions / download SRT and you'll see there it's brought down a

file called captions (1). SRT you can see that down the bottom so that's the

caption file for the video now if I click back into my video manager what

I'm going to be able to do is to download the mp4 file of that actual

video as well and the mp4 file is in exactly the right format for uploading

to LinkedIn video natively so if you've already got that mp4 files on your

computer somewhere then you can just upload that mp4 file you don't have to

actually download it from YouTube but it's quite simple to do or we're going

to do is to click on this drop down arrow next to that brand character

archetypes video click on download mp4 it's going to take a minute to download

and then we'll be ready to go jumping into LinkedIn. So, now we're in LinkedIn

what we're going to do is to actually add the video as a post so I'm going to

click on video it's in my downloads here on my mac in my Mac finder and it's

called brand brand character archetype s. mp4

Now what you want to do is to wait until this preview of the video comes up, so

when this preview of your mp4 video comes up in your post there's this

little pen icon here - we click on the pen and now we're going to add the SRT file

so we select the file remember this one was called captions brackets one and it's

again in my downloads folder obviously I could put it somewhere else if I needed

to but there it is there captions brackets one SRT open click on save. Now

I've just pasted it in there some text which I had already prepared to make

this video a bit smoother for you guys so I've got my post text ready to go on

my LinkedIn video I've added my caption file and I click post

It is as simple as that so hopefully that helps you guys if you are using

LinkedIn video native in the platform it is a fantastic advice to be using your

SRT files or adding those caption files and again you can just get those caption

files done through a platform like if you haven't got those caption

files already or if you're using YouTube you can't just download those SRT files

exactly as I've shown you there so let me know in the comments if that was

useful too thanks a lot again if you want to find out more information or any

further help on engaging with strategic online video head on over to Engage and jump into the other resources that we've got there

thanks guys I'll see you later

For more infomation >> How to use YouTube subtitles on LinkedIn Videos // Video Marketing Tips - Duration: 5:29.


Kazakh figure skater Denis Ten stabbed to death - Duration: 1:31.

Denis Ten, a Kazakh figure skater of Korean descent and former Olympic bronze medalist,

has been stabbed to death at age 25.

Choi Si-young has the details.

Kazakh figure skater Denis Ten has been stabbed to death in Almaty, Kazahkstan.

According to Kazakhstan news agency Kazinform, Denis Ten was stabbed by two unidentified

men who tried to steal his car on Thursday local time.

"He came to the clinic in a critical condition, clinically dead.

All efforts of the clinic, and the city were made to try to save his life."

His death shocked fans in South Korea.

Ten was a great-great-grandson of Korean independence fighter Min Keung-ho, who led three hundred

civilian fighters against the Japanese.

Ten used to tell people that he was proud of his Korean lineage.

"I always knew I am Korean.

It was something that you just know.

And you don't even ask how it happened and why.

On the table, you always have rice and kimchi.

You have soup."

Many figure skaters including South Korea's Kim Yu-na, Japan's Asada Mao and Gracie Gold

from the U.S. expressed their sorrow for the loss of the talented figure skater.

Denis Ten competed at the 2018 PyeongChang Olympics, and was expected to increase his

activity in Korea such as meeting his fans.

Choi Si-young, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Kazakh figure skater Denis Ten stabbed to death - Duration: 1:31.


telugu whatsapp status videos | telugu whatsapp status love | new whatsapp status videos - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> telugu whatsapp status videos | telugu whatsapp status love | new whatsapp status videos - Duration: 1:08.


✅ Dianggap Cocok, Antusiasnya Netter Jodohkan Nissa Sabyan dan Azriel Hermansyah - Duration: 2:48.

Inilah foto yang membuat netter antusias menjodohkan Azriel dengan si cantik, Nissa Sabyan

 WowKeren - Popularitas yang semakin meroket membuat grup musik Sabyan Gambus dilirik oleh sejumlah selebriti untuk berkolaborasi di akun YouTube mereka

Setelah belum lama ini digandeng Raffi Ahmad dan Nagita Slavina, sekarang Sabyan Gambus siap hadir dalam channel YouTube keluarga Anang Hermansyah

  Diketahui grup musik asal Jakarta ini sudah mengunjungi kediaman Anang pada Kamis (19/7) untuk syuting konten yang akan ditayangkan di YouTube

Hal tersebut diketahui dari unggahan Instagram Story sang vokalis, Nissa Sabyan dan juga para anggota keluarga Anang Hermansyah

  Nissa sempat membagikan video singkat berisi ucapan terima kasihnya untuk Aurel Hermansyah yang sudah merias wajahnya saat itu

Tak lupa, vokalis cantik itu juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Ashanty serta Anang yang sudah menyambutnya di kediaman mereka

  Nissa juga sempat berfoto dengan anak bungsu Anang dari pernikahannya dengan Krisdayanti, Azriel Hermansyah

Nissa yang lebih tua satu tahun dari Azriel nampak imut berdiri di samping adik Aurel tersebut

"Ya jamalu2 jamaluu @nissa_sabyan," tulis Azriel mengiringi foto dirinya dengan Nissa

  Siapa sangka, kebersamaan Nissa dan Azriel ternyata mencuri perhatian banyak netter di media sosial usai foto mereka dibagikan ulang oleh akun fanbase @genk_ijo

Banyak netter yang menyebut Azriel cocok dengan Nissa dan langsung antusias menjodohkan keduanya

  "Cocok lho sm azriel.semoga suatu saat berjodoh.Aamiin," kata etter. "Cocok banget jiel ama nissa (emoji cinta)," seru yang lain

"Serasi bamget kak jeil sm Nisa.ada miripxnya.smoga berjodohhh," harap lainnya. "Ciieh

ciehhh.saya kok girang bangett yak lihat ini yak," tutur netter lain.

For more infomation >> ✅ Dianggap Cocok, Antusiasnya Netter Jodohkan Nissa Sabyan dan Azriel Hermansyah - Duration: 2:48.


Nunca más parecerás un zombie sin fuerzas, pues estas bebidas te llenarán de energías - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> Nunca más parecerás un zombie sin fuerzas, pues estas bebidas te llenarán de energías - Duration: 5:23.



okay guys I've been getting some pretty good questions on my juicing and I just

want to answer that question that someone had asked me and it's basically

why am I so stuck on juicing I'm not only on a weight-loss journey

I'm also on a detox journey and I have law I mean gained weight three times in

my whole life 43 years on this earth I've only gained

weight three times in my life and the third time was a child because through

researching through YouTube thanks to youtube I hope it's around until until

my kids have kids and I'm a grandmother because you learn a lot from other

people by going onto YouTube and finding videos that you can relate to or you

have an interest in his father's weight loss and detoxing this time around the

third time that I've gained weight I wanted to not only lose weight but I

wanted to detox the body and I did so this is the best I've ever looked as far

as my skin like I always tell you it even even detox my eyes out I have light

brown eyes but I felt as though they were getting they were Brown but they

weren't as light as they were when I was a kid or a teenager or in my early 20s

so I find that the only thing that works is fathers when I'm on a detox and I'm

wanting to clean up my colon and my liver is juicing alongside with the

option to have a raw meal like a salad just giving you an example there's

probably other raw you know dishes that you can make but I make different kinds

of salads in cases when I want eats all foods while I'm juicing or

sometimes I just juice but the reason for me being so stuck on juicing is the

simple fact that juicing for number one is a detox juice in is an astringent

that gets on a cellular level all of the toxins that are in the tissues of the

body it also plays out the blood the liver the kidneys and then I'm able to

incorporate the salt water flush now my second love is dry fasting but as we all

know you have to wait to your body is regulated again and hydrated in order

for you to do saltwater flushes and one of the main reasons I also love doing

juice fasts and I'm gonna say it again is it just works so well juicing and

salt water flush and I can do one every day and I can also measure you know how

toxic my body is through the color of my skin also when you're doing your number

twos how it looks in the toilet bowl in my eyes there's other things that I

measure my tongue you know my tongue if it's really white has a bad smell to it

I can do all of that do my detoxing process I don't really get too much of a

white tongue anymore because I've been juicing for so long even after the 140 a

juice fast that my body is relatively cleanse not to the point of a hundred

percent but it's it's it's it's it's getting there and if I keep up on it

because consistency is everything I will definitely get my body to optimal health

but yes that's why I like to do juice fasting it mimics of

it gives your digestive system a break and also when I do my salt water flush

which I think work hand-in-hand juicing and salt water flush in the morning on

an empty stomach it just allows for that salt water flush to do its job and also

whatever the body was doing from the night before named and carried on to my

colon the salt water flush gets rid of that because believe it or not the body

does detox but sometime it needs a helping hand so you know herbal tea salt

water flushes taking some type of probiotics kidney cleanses liver

cleanses gallbladder flushes all those things are necessary to help you help

you you can't just rely on the body itself to detox every living thing out

of your body even if you did a five-day dry fast you still have to put in the

work and get out of your system dead skin cells and diseases that the body

may have left behind so with all that being said please subscribe to the

channel if you haven't already like and share this video and make it a favorite

and I'll see you guys in the next video

For more infomation >> I WANT TO ANSWER YOUR JUICING QUESTIONS❓❓❓ - Duration: 5:49.


S. Korean President Moon to receive briefings from Nat'l Intelligence Service - Duration: 0:42.

President Moon Jae-in is scheduled to be briefed by the National Intelligence Service on this


According to Seoul's presidential Blue House, the South Korean leader will be briefed on

the intelligene agency's ongoing programs which includes efforts to correct its own

wrongdoings from the past.

The agency, under previous governments, is accused of having swayed public opinion by

manipulating reply threads of news articles to meddle in political affairs.

Although Friday's briefing will mark the first official report from the nation's intelligence

service since President Moon took office in May 2017, the agency has been working closely

with the Blue House National Security Office in its engagements with North Korea.

For more infomation >> S. Korean President Moon to receive briefings from Nat'l Intelligence Service - Duration: 0:42.


Üç Harfliler - Marid ( With English Subtitle) - Duration: 1:14:58.

From all kinds of evil things.

From harmful things and wicked eyes I seek refuge in Allah.

Imam-i sibli's famous work "Escape of the jinn" was written in 880.

When the first Turkish edition of the book was published in 1979, it caused a great deal of debate.

The book's "Methods of exploiting jinn" books were discovered in the year 1980,

I am ready

Actually I had a normal childhood like everyone else.

So I was happy with my mother and my sibling, Hani .We all lived together with my father.

My father.

He die when I was 2 years old.

He was not there, when i was growing up.

When I am already 11 years old

One night, mother went out and was not at home.

That night.

My sister called her girlfriend to come over and play the game.

I guess she thought it was just a game..

That night

They called

Marid , from the realm of jinn

Accept my invitation

Accept my invitation

Accept my invitation

Take the oil

Ya Marid

Ya Marid

Ya Marid

After that day

I was in a trance state(unconscious) for 3 days in my life.

When I rethink about it, It is a nightmare.

I do not remember anything that happened in real life.



In the darkness

I heard my mother's voice

I opened my eyes.

My mother

was standing beside me.


I thought of it as a second chance given to me.

I lost my sister and her friend.

Playing this game

That we do not even understand

There's nothing I can do other than wait for the finish

A little girl who is desperate, weak and very frightened

I'm not myself anymore.

Inside the darkness, there is an entity in another world that follows me.

I prayed for days and begged him to get rid of it.

But i could not hear my voice.

Thinking about those days is really frightening me.

For the first time in years

Last night

I felt he was close to me , i felt him breathing near me.

I am desperate

I suddenly became as coward as a little girl.

I fear much worse things will happen.

I'm scared.

I'm so scared.

Serkan,try to get some sleep

Yes, queen


Ayla, Ayla. What happened?

Okay,its okay.

My experiences

I can not tell whether it is real or just my imagination.

I'm lost, in doubt.

Unsure whether everything that happened is real.

Ok baby,I'm going home now.

Come on before it's too late, okay okay honey, come on, give me a kiss.

Where is my wife?



Do you hear me?



Brother, is it ready?

Yes. Ok, thank you and good day

I lost

When she was 11 years old, Musallat( Jinn possession) was in her life.

Shee does not remember anything about it, she just know what her mother told her.

For God's sake, Meltem.

But in reality it is very scary. All of these.


It is over. It is over.

I am scared.

You scared me.

Are you better now?

I'm sick

Do you want me to open the window?

I want a little bit of warmth

You get some rest here.

Did you find it?

Do not direct me the location this time, the last time we got lost is because of you.

There is no connection with how i describe it.

I'm good, I'm at home.

Where are you?

I ordered pizza.

In your lifetime.

Wherever you are, they will be there among these people.

They have chosen you.

Always carry this amulet with you.

Do not lose it.

May god almighty protect you.

Im fine.

I'm sure it was there yesterday morning

You did not find it, did you?


It have not been seperated from me for 20 years.

I'm so afraid of what happened last night.

I will do something about it. I will get a new one for you.

I already invited a teacher to come friday evening. Meltem and Cem will come too.

How do you know him?

The teacher is doing something like that for a friend of mine.

That's why he knows everything about this.

Hopefully they will help us.

Come on already.

Come on, Meltem.

The elevator is not working.

Lets go up.

For god's sake.This is nonsense.

The blunder is bullshit.You woman believe of such things.

There is no such thing as jinns.

I am the lady

but look at your cowardliness.

Is it ingenious?

Girl, I love you.

The face was pale.

Well then you do it in your apartment

Are you okay?

It is ok. I think nothing of it.

Please forgive me.

I'm clumsy every day

What a shame my dear.

I'm trembling every day.


Thank you my dear.God bless you

When will your teacher come?

Ayla,how do you learn about these entities?

It was not like you were taught in college

Cem please

I will say France or something.

Now the teacher will read the future.

and an amulet.

So what are we afraid of?

I will show you.

I wish you could understand.

I wish that he did not come.

You may not believe,Cem.

But god knows, i have been living through these occurrences when i am a child.

It seems scary.

But you must have had this from a nightmare

Nightmare TV

I have experienced it all.

If you want to have a look.

Are you ok?

I am fine, honey.

For god's sake, this is full of lies.

There is no 3 letters(JIN) or 5-letters(Satan).

You do not write on top of the book about what you want to tell us.

Do not tell me.

Okay, now what have I said? Okay ,okay.

May peace be upon you.

Peace be unto you.

Welcome, please come in.

Thank you.


Can I use the toilet?

Sure,this way

Satan,the accursed.

In the name of Allah, the beneficient,the merciful.

Where is the teacher?

I do not believe in this type of things..

My teacher, my husband will discuss with you about it.

Of course.

Are you hungry?


A glass of cold water is enough


I was very impressed with what you did last night

God's willing.

I wish you could give us all the help you can.

I hope so too.

God's willing, Allah is great


We can start whenever you want.


I wrote 6 amulets in the name of God

You must keep the others at home

These amulets will protect you at home.

There is no abstention. You may do what you normally do.

But be very careful in these areas.

In the name of Allah, the beneficent,the merciful.

Heat these in a pan and bring them to me.

Do keep your head covered before we start.

A head scarf?


We will keep these house amulet.

Put in an appropriate place in the bedroom

Never change the place where you have put them.

Do not ever replace it

And also never open the amulet.

Do not open it.

Before i begin, I have to perform prayers of two rak'ahs.

Thanks you, girl.

I will take the prayer mat for you.


Oh,very importantly do not lose your amulet.

In the morning and evening, recite Surah Ayatul Kursi, recite Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas.

Is there something to happen?

Nothing at all, this is to take precautions.

Also do not smoke.

Is there anything you want?

I am bored.

You know


It would be a shame

I will go and play.

I intend to pray two rak'ah prayers for Allah

God Almighty

Serkan, can you come?



What is this


Satan, the accursed. In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful.

I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind,The King of mankind, The god of mankind,

From the evil of the sneaking whisperer, Who whispereth in the hearts of mankind, Of the jinn and of mankind.

I could not find any sugar.

Ayla,why dont you answer?

I could not find any sugar

Reciting prayers.

I am not kidding

You found the movie

Where is the remote control?

My husband is going down there

Ok , lets go there


Daughter Is everything ready?

FIll 4 glass with holy water(zem zem water).


Close the lights.

There is an affinity

What is your mother's name?


Reciting prayers

What is the name of your mother ?


Reciting prayers

What is the name of your mother?

Are you ok? You just fainted again.

Human events

Could be

Marid from the realm of jinn.

Accept my invitation.

Accept my invitation.

Accept my invitation.

Ya Marid

I do not remember what exactly happened that night.

I do not remember the things in the dreams

I do not remember details kid

Dream and Truth are intermixed.

They did something to me.

I am confused.

I do not know how to distinguish the real world and the dreams.

I'm starting to have anemia again

Then i fainted

I opened my eyes.

I was in the opposite side another realm.

My friends were there

Teacher was there

I have fainted and have hit my head again but nothing happened.

I believe

Then i looked.

Too bad

I tried to escape immediately

I'm trying to scream, I'm trying to get rid of it.

I have read all the prayes that I know

I do not know what else to do.

I wish I died too

i wish i do not recognize any of the photographs, I felt so alone

I have nothing to take refuge other than Allah.

Ok I will not tell you more, can we please stop.

And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.

As the creation of the Jinns in the Qur'an, we have created them from a Smokeless Fire

We can not see them, but their presence is a known true genie everywhere

You've always heard of our children in our home, our big ones told us

Do not sit on the doorstep at home, if you're alone tonight

Do not go in the bathroom or look at the night for a long time

Or they can look like many beings, how they love us as human beings

We have feelings of revenge when our tongue is hurt, and they are the same,

I think it will wait for her energy to fall If it does not fall another time insane full

What can you do to get closer to him ?So you are always looking for a person you know or do not know you.

The contact is discontinued as if it were hypnotized,

He does not know his brothers and he makes unexpected movements like speak to himself.

If you say you are crazy, but not the frequency, they you can talk to them now

If you do not hurt yourself directly, you may be harmful to your loved ones that are in a vulnerable state

Even if you do not believe It is of course the best to know.

Culture-art is the last sentence

See that this is the word that removes the ugly losers from Al-Falaq and An-Nas

The surahs have been brought down for these kinds of events. Eye is the evil intent of the devil.

Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas have been recited to protect themselves from the evil spirits of malicious people

I do not believe people who say that they are not absolutely ridiculous,

They talk strange things.What they do about it?

They live among us They live

No fear at all

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