Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 20 2018

- [Brad] Our boat's leaking. (plane engine roars)

(Brad laughs)

- [Robyn] Who hoo.

(Brad laughs)

- [Brad] We gotta do this device to get the water out

of the boat, it's absolutely bucketing with water here.

- Bucketing.

- [Brad] Bucketing, we're heading to the eye of the storm.

What time is it? - Oh, hello.

- [Brad] Seven o'clock in the morning, we're about

to go into torrential rain. - [Robyn] Yeah, it's rainy.

- [Brad] This is the boat ride, back to Waisai,

and it's about an hour.

- [Robyn] Fuck (laughs).

- [Brad] Hey, I'm really hoping by this time we get there,

it's gonna thin out though but it's moving across,

it's moving down there.

("Brotato Chips" by Mikey Geiger)

- [Brad] How're you feeling?

- I'm feeling so inspired, like I'm lapping this right now.

- [Brad] We're dripping wet, look.

- No, I'm not loving this right now (Brad laughs),

I'm trying to be optimistic, but look,

("Coconut Island" by Triads) look at this.

We got an hour left.


- [Brad] Quick, hurry up. (laughs)

Keep going.

- What, just using (mumbles)--

- [Brad] Don't stop, don't stop.

(background noise drowns out other sounds)

- Ah, man, this is crazy, this is crazy,

I've never been on a boat like this,

in the middle of the ocean, pouring down with rain.

Man this is insane, this is insane.

We're so wet right now, and it's like another half an hour

on this boat, it's like a one hour boat ride

from the homestay to Waisai, and then we gotta get

a ferry from Waisai to Sorong.

[Brad] Where are we?

- We're in a boat, it's pissing down with rain,

in the middle of Indonesia, on the way to the site

to catch a ferry.

- [Brad] She's in the foetal position (laughs).

- It's so cold, really really cold.


(Brad laughs)

How much longer?

- [Brad] An hour.

- They're getting low,

look they're opening the clouds (laughs).

- Who hoo! - Who hoo!

- Okay, what just happened?

- [Robyn] We just came through a massive storm, massive.

- [Brad] Yeah.

- Massive torrential rain fall, six metre swells--


- That's not true.

- That's how it felt, that's how it felt.

- The ocean's flat but man, it rain's so much,

it rains so much, that we had to get a bucket

to bucket the water, you gotta bucket to bucket

the water over the boat, we're lucky to be here.

- We've come out the other side, there's an opening

in the cloud, the sea is pretty rough, it's not exactly--

- It's not rough.


- [Robyn] The guy who got scared by this--

- That's not rough, that's not rough (laughs).

- No, it's actually right, it's not rough,

but we did, we are drenched, about absolutely drenched.

- Now we're freezing and still got ferry to catch

after this which is how (mumbles) two hours,

an hour and a half? - An hour and a half.

- An hour and a half, no (mumbles) in the ferry to Sorong,

and we're soaking wet and this is the first lake,

of how many lakes?

(Robyn cries)

I don't know how many lakes there are--

- Well, I remember it was like nine.

- Nine lakes.

- Maybe we have one more because we're actually staying

in Serong for the night.

- Yeah, so we got a lot ("Brotato Chips")

of travelling ahead of us.

We're soaking wet but we're here,

we're finally pulling into Waisai.

Ah, finally, okay pull that, okay we're pulling

up to Waisai and now, anker girl (crosstalk), anker girl.

(foreign language)

- This one?

(foreign language)

- [Brad] Hey, very good girl (laughs), do dance.

This boat is like the Titanic compared to ours,

look at the size of it, we're in this little tiny--

- [Robyn] It is a ferry.

- Yeah, I know, but it's like look at this,

look what we're in though, we're in a fishing boat.

(boat engine roars)

- [Man] Okay, so you can step in here, ja?

- [Robyn] Okay, thanks.

- Alright.

- [Man] Careful.

("Brotato Chips")

- [Robyn] Ah, (Brad laughs).

- [Brad] Look at all the crabs.

(foreign language)

Good morning everybobdy, it's close past eight

in the morning, the 30th of May, 2018,

it's raining here, I'm in Waisai, with Robyn.

"Welcome to Raja Ampat Island", so literally just arrived

here on the small fishing boat, literally this is the privat

own, and we just come from (mumbles) Island,

it's raining right now,

("Brotato Chips")

I've just changed my clothes,

Robyn and I got absolutely saturated.

Catch a flight from Serong back to Denpasar, Bali,

so it's raining, I've changed my clothes,

because before we got absolutely saturated

on that little fishing boat that brought us

from (mumbles) Island to here in Waisai, Raja Ampat,

so this is where I am right now, check this out.

This this sign Raja Ampat behind me, just bought two

ferry tickets, 100 thousand rupee each,

and about to jump on this little boat,

hopefully it doesn't rain.

Hopefully we don't get wet on that,

and than, I think it's about an hour

and 40 minutes back to Sorong,

and it was just nice to have a good shower.

("Brotato Chips")

Nice, hot shower after six days of cold bucket showers.

(pop music)

They play the loudest music on this ferry.

The loudest music, they've turned it down now.



We almost...

We're over it guys, we just wanna get home.

("Brotato Chips")

(Indian music)

Everything's wrapped in plastic,

it's a brand new car or something?

Or you kill people?

Alright, so it's 10 o'clock in the morning, 30th

of May, 2018, we're back in Sorong, we're off

to our hotel, Fave Hotel.

(car beeps)

it's been very tiring

and we just want a warm shower, that's it.

("Casing Light" by Rob Fleming)

Just a warm shower, would be nice.

Cool, thank you so much.

Look at this proper, proper, proper food.

20 past 12, 30th of May, 2018, we're staying

at Fave as in favourite, Fave Hotel here in Sorong,

Indonesia, I was gonna say Philippines (laughs).

We're so relieved (background noise), sorry,

they do a soundcheck in the other room,

we're so relieved, we're so happy that

the first time in a week, six days we're actually

eating the resemblance of food (laughs).

(Robyn breathes)

Seriously, we're been eating green pancakes, rice,

mixed vegetables, which I don't mind--

- Sorry guys, I'm just going ahead,

I'm not waiting (laughs).

- We're haven't eaten anything, except, what did we had?

Rice, what's that been typical--

- Rice, green, bright green pancakes with chocolate inside,

breakfast we'd have that, we'd have Nasi Goreng.

- [Brad] Every day, three times a day.

- Well, rice everyday, but Nasi Goreng we'd have

in the mornings, if there was an alternative

to the pancakes.

We'd even have vegetables for breakfast.

- Three meals a day.

- [Robyn] Same thing really.

- The same shit everyday,

("Coconut Island")

the same shit, everyday.

- [Robyn] Yeah.

It's not effective.

- So, (mumbles).


- You gotta already knock me out with that,

don't you, you gonna hurt me.

(Brad mutters)


- Not with a pink pillow (mumbles).

(Robyn laughs)

This is your pillow.

[Brad] Aright, here's my money, just use all my money,

you know the drill, haven't you done that before,

haven't you?

- Sure--

- [Brad] She's--

- I'm looking for--

- [Brad] Ah, of course, you don't have enough,

that's always the case.

- No, no you see (Brad laughs), you're terrible.

Horrible, horrible.

- Yeah, so alright we've just left the airport,

now we're looking for a driver in Bali,

to take us to accommodation,

do you have any idea, where we're staying?

("Coconut Island")

We've made it to our hotel, we're both very tired, cheers.

(glass clicks)

To us.

- To us.

("Coconut Island")

For more infomation >> FISHING BOAT VERSUS A TROPICAL STORM (RAJA AMPAT) | INDONESIA VLOG #26 - Duration: 11:37.


Welcome To My Channel!! New Edit | What You Can Expect To See - Duration: 2:12.


🎵Tell me, can you see the stars?🎵

🎵(stars, stars, stars...)🎵


🎵We're just runnin' forward in the dark🎵


🎵Talking bands,🎵

🎵I got it Benjamins 🎵

🎵in my pocket i🎵

🎵traded in my Trues for some Robins🎵

🎵Then he playing Batman, Fetty's gon' rob him, Yeah🎵

🎵I got the Glock in my 'Rari 17 shots, no .38🎵

🎵Yeah, I got the Glock in my🎵

For more infomation >> Welcome To My Channel!! New Edit | What You Can Expect To See - Duration: 2:12.


G1 CLIMAX 28 Night4 (July 19) - Post-match Interview [1st match] - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> G1 CLIMAX 28 Night4 (July 19) - Post-match Interview [1st match] - Duration: 3:44.


PAADAABHIVANDANAM |పాదాభివందనం|Latest Telugu Short film 2018 |A film by NIKHIL JOGI|REBEL STUDIO| - Duration: 6:35.

Hello Daddy

I will come home in 15 min

I have been jogging in the park

I booked the cinema tickets, we will go there first

after that, we will go to bar and have a couple of drinks

ok dad

will come in 15 min

ok bye

Why are you looking at me like that?

Old Man - Was that your dad on phone? Young Man - Yes Uncle

Old Man - Are you guys so close? Youngman - Yes

You guys go to cinemas and also drink together?

Actually we are friendly to each other. Aren't you and your son are close?

No, We aren't that close

Not at all like you people

He doesn't even attend my calls

Not that he completely neglects me

He takes care of all my needs every month

But, he doesnt even dare to look at my face

What your son does? Software?

Ya ! He does Software job

May be due to the work stress in Software job, he is not able to spend quality time with the family

As if we didn't do jobs, we dont know stress..

When I was doing business,

you cant even imagine how busy i was

I used to go home only once a week

Those times, my son would fear looking at me

Why fear? You would beat him?

Sometimes i would beat him when he is mischeavous

As he would not study well, you cant even imagine how I worked hard to get him join a boarding school

Boarding school? Which Class was he studying?

May be 4th or 5th Class

I would get lot of complaints from his teachers

They suggested me that he should be sent to boarding school

So, I have spent 50000 rupees in those days

and have him put in a boarding school

And after that even in Intermediate, I joined him in FreeChaitanya Junior College

and spent few lakhs on his studies

I gave him best studies in order to beat the competetion

I have spent lakhs on his studies

and he got EAMCET rank in lakhs,

All my ill-fate..

By the way, What do you do?

I am an Actor, Uncle!

Didn't your father warn you?

He agreed

Even my son wanted to become a Photographer

I didn't agree to doing Photography

Forced him to join engineering and become an engineer

Now he is earning lakhs of rupees

Even though I did these many things for him, he doesn't even lift my call

Is he married?

Ya .. Why bother asking it

Was it love marriage or arranged marriage?

He was about to do love marriage

he brought a girl who is of different caste and asked me to marry them

I didnt agree and house arrested him for a week

In that week,

that girl's parents married her with someone else

I felt relieved

and married him to another woman

What does he know about dishonour he is bringing to the family because of intercaste marriage

Can I show my face to my world? Does he understand all my struggles?

All my ill-fate

Speaking to you for two minutes, I am able to understand

why your son is not speaking to you

I am unable to understand how you are not getting it

Mistakes are not always done by others. We ourselves do mistakes also and wont even realize it

You were saying ill-fate

its not fate .. its your KARMA

echo - Sometimes i would beat him

echo - have put him in boarding school

echo - I didn't agree to doing Photography

echo - What does he know about dishonour he is bringing to the family because of intercaste marriage

echo - What does he know about dishonour he is bringing to the family because of intercaste marriage

To those parents who force their children to study the courses which they are not interested

and forcing them to do jobs which they dont like

and feel like they gave best life to them...

a BIG 🙏 to you

Those parent who didn't care about what their circle says

who respected their kid's dreams and opinions

and gave them freedom to do any job they love


For more infomation >> PAADAABHIVANDANAM |పాదాభివందనం|Latest Telugu Short film 2018 |A film by NIKHIL JOGI|REBEL STUDIO| - Duration: 6:35.


Deadline extended to vacate tent city downtown - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Deadline extended to vacate tent city downtown - Duration: 1:46.


Pompeo brought up 3 items for discussion with N. Korea, but hasn't received any response - Duration: 0:47.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo brought up three items for discussion during his most

recent visit to Pyongyang,... but is yet to receive any response from the North.

According to Representative Roh Hoe-chan, floor leader of the minor opposition Justice

Party,... those items are a full declaration of its nuclear arsenal,... a denuclearization

timeline,... and an unfulfilled promise made by Kim at the Singapore summit.

That promise is likely to refer to destroying a missile engine testing site.

Roh said he was informed of this by acting U.S.

Under Secretary for Political Affairs,... Stephen Mull, during his recent visit to Washington.

He says that North Korea is demanding security assurances before making any concrete steps.

For more infomation >> Pompeo brought up 3 items for discussion with N. Korea, but hasn't received any response - Duration: 0:47.


Eight people killed after tourist boat capsizes in Missouri - Duration: 1:27.

eight people killed after tourist boat capsizes in Missouri at least eight

people died Thursday in a duck boat accident on Table Rock Lake near Branson

Missouri according to southern stone County Fire Protection spokesman Erik

Nielsen there were more than 20 people on the boat when it capsized Nielson

said earlier he said more than 10 people were injured we did have a severe

thunderstorm not sure if that is the contributing factor he said there is a

lot of storm debris a spokeswoman for Ripley entertainment the parent company

of ride the docks Branson said the company is in contact with their

employees at the scene said Suzanne snaggle UPOV said the company recently

acquired the vessel that was involved in the incident

there were other boats on the lake that returned to dock safely divers

representing various agencies are on scene to assist with the investigation

and recovery at least six patients were treated at Cox Health Medical Center

hospital spokeswoman Caitlin McConnell said McConnell can comment on the nature

of the victims injuries developing story more to come or to come

For more infomation >> Eight people killed after tourist boat capsizes in Missouri - Duration: 1:27.


आ गया 100 रूपए का नया नोट - Duration: 7:42.

For more infomation >> आ गया 100 रूपए का नया नोट - Duration: 7:42.


9-year-old cancer survivor raises millions for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> 9-year-old cancer survivor raises millions for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute - Duration: 1:50.


Life is Like a Box of Chocolates (LEGO Forrest Gump Animation) - Duration: 1:30.

My mama always said, life was like a box of chocolates.

You can't trust the dark ones.

Didn't anyone ever tell you life was like a box of chocolates?

It doesn't last long for fat people.

You know, I'm your mama's nurse.

She wants to see you.

For real?

Your son's here for a visit.

What! I told you life was like a box of chocolates.

Your kids only take it away from you.


Life is like a box of chocolates.

Gone before you know it. Heh heh heh heh.

For more infomation >> Life is Like a Box of Chocolates (LEGO Forrest Gump Animation) - Duration: 1:30.


BLCK GRLS ROCK: Jacqui's Story - Duration: 8:09.

so today we are meeting Jacqui Du Toit she is an artist she's a social activist

she is a storyteller she is our next feature on the black

girls series that we're doing committer

hey Jackie hey Jax hey so we are doing we're carrying on

with our feature our black girls series and I wanted to start by actually

speaking to you about how you feel about being a part of it like to feel any kind

of attention with it does it feel like totally comfortable how's your feeling

it feels ok mmm yeah I think labels is something that

I've never really liked and I think people will always label things just do

help I suppose put things in organized ways yes you know yes to make them feel

comfortable to make them feel yes and I think growing up in a third date and

going after partying and going to mix schools you know and being a colorful

person trying to blend in with this group or that group eventually I just

thought no but I'm just me you hit on something that is like exactly on point

with what we're trying to do with this this series trying to say the notion of

you know the labels that have been put on us and we don't necessarily fit into

those those boxes you know we we are individuals and I

want to come to what is it about you that makes you you being in nature but I

think just being able to express myself here in all forms yes so even as an

artist I don't think I can be labeled as an actress yes storyteller because I do

it all and I love doing it all and I love being really good at doing it all

what is it that connects all of those things for me it's channeling I think

it's really in those moments as an artist I can it's almost as if Jackie

steps out of the way uh-huh and all of a sudden source steps in yes God universe

what and whatever you want to call it steps

in and that pure divine expression can flow through and there's those modes I'm

sure you've also had it those moments where you just you how did that come

about yes and it's just pure channeling and I

think those moments for me are so beautiful as a human being to have those

experiences yeah said that's why I do what I do for those moments do you think

one needs to identify as an artist in order to to get in the flow of those

moments you know everybody's an artist yeah I think everybody is an artist it's

just finding what works for you yes where you find that that magic here that

magic moment that we know flows and you get lost in time stamps so and you don't

you not aware of your whereabouts you just in this moment you so please a yes

in the flow in the flow yeah and no you don't have to identify as an artist I

think because everybody's an order in my eyes that bird is an artist yes we

chilling in the past and we it's so beautiful nature is so with us you live

in Canada yeah yeah and you've lived there you live there for a while tell us

tell us a little bit about the nature of the of some of the work that you do that

I know you do you do workshops the storytelling workshop fish tell us a

little bit more about that so I've created storytelling workshops and

particularly more for women and for children because I found that women in

particular haven't really had a platform to truly express themselves yes and in

my point of view in from my experience women are fantastic storytellers but

haven't really had opportunity opportunity to fully express themselves

saij with big bodies with movement and vocals and so I created this workshop

where women come together and we listen because I think the art of storytelling

is not the telling it's the art of listening first and really listening to

what echoes and and feels true to you so what story are you identifying yourself

with yes because often we can identify ourselves as a victim but with this

workshop I'm it's created to see yourself as your own hero uh-huh if the

hero of your own story hero of your own story because everything happens for a

reason but you choose how you choosing to see yourself in that story is how you

can love your life yeah and really getting deep and digging deep into the

truth and not many people want to go there cooties yes scary going there yes

your body shakes you either start coming out with an angry and because you don't

want to go in there but once you tap into that and you allow you and how it

to come out what I think is such an amazing and a very important part of it

is that at the end of these workshops people perform their stories or tell

their stories in a public forum they and and they tell their stories today

families elect their community yes thank you

and I'm interested in and why that is so important I mean I have my own feelings

about why that's important but Tom tell me why why you've included that because

it's often the were those who are closest to us that we've hidden parts of

our truth that's not true and you know we take on

another identity oh we we hide pieces of ourselves when you are fully able to

express that and you are heard yes but not just heard as in the you know as a

as a story because I'm sorry to say but like it's the truth like a lot of women

we make tell a story or something that's all she's nagging or she's like this

yeah this is like no yeah is your platform you get on that sacred space

get on that stage and claim your space is brace yourself fully without any

judgment because this is you it's so powerful because even family members

come after me afterwards and say thank you so much never knew never knew that

my mother was so incredible I never knew that this happened yeah you know thank

you for opening the doors for my wife or you know mothers coming up it's just

it's a beautiful beautiful experience

I'd love to see this kind of work being done like on a national scale Hey I mean

it was so incredible to to hear each other's stories and about where we're

coming from you know I think in South Africa and all over the world there's so

much that we need to see about each other and that is definitely a part of

why we're doing this series so thank you very much for joining us

if you love these stories please consider subscribing please consider

subscribing to the channel and tell your friends be read the words spread the

love tell the story

For more infomation >> BLCK GRLS ROCK: Jacqui's Story - Duration: 8:09.


Omega speaks with a champion pride and dignity in Japanese to the Korakuen faithful!! - Duration: 4:38.

Nice champion!




B Block keeps delivering, doesn't it?

I don't know about A Block, though…

All of the wrestlers in B block are pretty great, though.

Even though I'm a heel, I'll say that they're great.


But they are not number one. They are not champion.

Here stands the champion. This treasure is all mine.

So then…

I will keep rolling through B block and get to the final for the 3rd straight year.

But that's not because I'm from Bullet Club, or The Elite, or The Golden⭐︎Lovers...

I'll get there because I'm number one in the world.


I know that you guys want to see the best match in the world, right?

I'm sorry, everyone… I'm sorry, Ibutan...

I'll be the one make it to the final and win once again.

And you know what I'm going to say now, that phrase in English, right?





今が過去最高にベストの コンディションだと思う。



後藤、お前のおかげで超燃えた。 楽しかったよ。


お前は頑張ったよ。もう少しで IWGPのレベルに届いたかもな。


見てよ… ボロボロだ... 傷だらけだ…

あまりにも疲れ果てて、この重いベルトを 持つことすらできなかったよ。


新日本のチャンピオンらしく 誇りをもってこのベルトを巻き続けるよ。

でも俺は俺のやり方でいってやる。 ヒール?ベイビーフェイス?そんなものどうでもいい。

大事なのは俺が世界一だという 揺るぎのない事実だけだ。


俺はタイガー・ウッズ、ラリー・バード、 マイケル・ジャクソンの人気にも引けを取らない…

間違えた… 気にしないでくれ…





後藤は2年前の決勝で俺に負けた。 これがリベンジするチャンスだったのに。

タマ・トンガ、お前は自分の方がバレットクラブの リーダーに相応しいと思ってるようだが、





ただのレーザービームだ。 でも当たると痛いぜ。

For more infomation >> Omega speaks with a champion pride and dignity in Japanese to the Korakuen faithful!! - Duration: 4:38.


Reylo vs Finnrey - The Leia Podcast (Episode 3) - Duration: 34:43.

And hello!

And good evening, good morning, afternoon, or whatever it is wherever you are when you're listening to this.

Welcome to The Leia Podcast. Leia podcast number three, attempt number three.

That's right. You heard it first.

I've already recorded the podcast two other times

Well they didn't go so hot.

(Harp sound effect)

(Hux) The Leia Podcast. It sounds like a five-year-old came up with that title.

(Leia) I don't recall asking for your opinion. What the hell would you call it then?

(Hux) The Leia Podcast Goes Wrong

(Leia) Get out!

(Harp sound effect in reverse)

And we'd only been recording for about ten minutes, so needless to say, that one didn't work out.

So I tried another time with my two current guests today.

However, I thought if I have a couple of drinky-poos it might make the podcast more fun. (Harp music)

There's many ways to keep a wiener clean.

There's the platonic version of keeping your wiener clean.

And then there's the saucy version of keeping your wiener clean.

This should be Leia's 101 about how to keep a wiener clean! (cackles)

(harp in reverse)

Well, let's just say third time's the charm.

Here we go

I have two very special people on today, one from the light, one from the dark.


He's kind of, I don't know...gray?

So let me introduce to you

Kylo Ren, Ben, Organa-Solo.

And Finn...uh...Finn.

Welcome, gentlemen.

(Finn) Hey, how ya doing?

Damn, this thing is too hot. Every time I speak it's in the red!

Hello, how y'all doing?

How ya all doing?

How are you all doing today?

(Leia) Are you drunk today?

(Finn) I never drink for a podcast or anything else.

(Leia) Right.

(Kylo) I'm drunk.

(Leia) Oh, well that fills a mother's heart with jealousy. I wish I was drinking something at the moment.

I had several technical issues before we started this and it got my blood racing, kinda boiling a little bit so I'm trying to simmer down now.

(Finn) Well you sound like everything's just fine.

(Leia) Oh good. That's good, 'cause uh...

Because I've got residual anger kind of at the corner's of my eyes

But I'm just breathing through it.

(Kylo) I totally can relate, like totally.

(Leia) Yeah, you often have rage simmering just below the surface, don't you Benny?

Yeah, like always.

So the reason I brought you two fine young men to my show is because I had a topic I wanted to talk to you two about.


(Kylo) We're gonna talk about Rey? WE are going to talk about Rey?

Mom, why would you do that?

It's good for the views! Give 'em something...

(Singing) Give 'em somethin' to talk about!

Oh, Mom don't do that.

(Leia) Whatever.

So, Rey. That little buttercup of the resistance.

You know that little smiling "rey" of sunshine!

(Leia cackles)

(Finn) Dad jokes? You're not a dad.

Well, I'm still allowed to have my bad corny jokes, it's my podcast!

So if I'm a dad on my podcast, so be it.

(Kylo laughs) You're so funny, Mom.

(Leia) How much did you drink?

I don't remember. I think maybe four or sixteen I'm not sure.

(Leia) Oh, ho! This should be fun!

So um yes, so anyway...feelings about Rey. How 'bout you Ben? You can start first.

You want me to talk about Rey?

What are your feelings about Rey, this new protagonist of the Star Wars adventures?

Doesn't everybody already know?

I mean I know I can be kinda moody, but isn't it kinda obvious?

(Leia) Why don't, for the sake of the podcast--

use some words, take your time

Let's not have Hux break the record for the longer podcast with us, okay?

(Kylo) I can't believe you had him on, that little

Okay, I won't say anything else because someone out there is gonna get offended.

(Leia) Oh I don't know, do you mean potentially other redheads?

No, I was going to go on about something that had nothing to do with his hair color.

And more to do with which way he butters his bread.

(Leia) Now you sound like me!

(Leia and Ben laugh)

(Leia) I was gonna ask if it had something to do with his lips attached to your butt.

(Kylo) Well, it's in the ballpark.

(Leia) Oh is it? Is it in the ball or ballspark?

(Kylo) Ha! That's ssssss....silly.

(Finn stammers) Do I even...can I even get a f--

Do I even need to be here?

(Leia) Yes, yes!

Are you sure, because I'd really like to get outta here.

(Leia) No, you're not allowed! This is part of your resistance time, did you not notice that it was scheduled into your itinerary of duties for the day--

was to appear on Leia's Podcast and it for another thirty minutes, so keep your butt in your chair!

(Finn) Yeah, but you didn't say who I was gonna be sittin' with!

(Leia) I don't have to tell you s**t, I'm the one in charge!

(Finn) You sound just like your son right now!

(Leia) Uh, I don't know if I should be insulted or not.

(Kylo) You should totally be honored, Ma...I guess.

Thanks, son.

So Finn we'll go back to you since neither of you are being cooperative.

Go on! How do you feel about Rey as the new protagonist of Star Wars, her as a person, as the desire of your loins?

You know, I'm just gonna turn around and face the other way when I answer this question.

(Leia) Oh sure, turn your back on him. That's much safer.

(Finn) Dammit!

(Leia) Look, I will intervene. He is not going to hurt you!

(Finn) Okay, if you say so. Alright.

Okay, how do I feel...

(Leia) Yes I "stay" so.

I didn't say "stay" so.

Yes, you did.

Oh, we'll see about that.

(Leia) As my dead husband said, wind back the tape! Wind it back and you'll see!

(tape sound effect)

(Finn) Okay if you say so, alright.

Okay if you say so, alright.

(Drumbeat plays) Okay if you say so, alright.

Okay if you say so, alright.

Okay if you say so, alright.

(tape sound effect)

(Finn) Mmm. Okay. Alright.

I'm going to say this very calmly and maturely.


is a very intelligent

very athletic

very good-natured wants to do the right thing

and I find those qualities

rather a positive.

(Leia) Wow, yawn!

That was the, you're speaking in front of a judge testimony.

When she was biting that guy's arm and whacked him with her big long fighting stick, we all saw your reaction to that was kind of...oh, hey!

(Finn) I was impressed (Leia burps over him)

(Finn) Really?

Well, I'm sorry! When it comes up it's better to let it out, or else you're just gassy for the rest of the day.

(Finn) Oh, it'll come out the other end eventually I'm sure. But now that I think about--

(Leia) It takes its time!

You'll be one giant bloated belly looking like you're pregnant again when there's no chance in hell that that could be the case.

(Finn) I was just gonna say, if you have to choose between burp or fart with you I think I would choose burp.

(Leia) Well that's what you got, so why don't you just...

Well, don't shut your mouth, just continue talking about what I want you to talk about and not my...


Not my, uh...

What would you call it?

(Finn) Oh man, I don't know. Does it matter? Does it really really matter?

(Leia) Geez Finn, why are you so touchy? Is it that time of the month?

(Finn) What was I even gonna say? What the hell were we even talking about? This always happens on your podcast!

(Leia chuckles) Well, it's just one of the quirky qualities that people tune in to listen for.

(Finn) Oh, they're gonna get bored with this really quick.

(Leia) Okay, one more word out of you, sonny Jim

and you can just stick your thumb up your butt and sit in the corner.

(Finn) And you look stupid.

(Leia) It's not gonna work! Now here.

Face Kylo and tell him how much you love, love, love Rey and why she should be with you and not him.

(Finn) No.

(Leia) Yes.

No, I will not do that.

(Leia) Do that.

(Finn) I do not wanna die today and when I said you looked stupid I was just trying to get myself thrown off the podcast in case that wasn't apparent.

(Leia) How stupid do you think I am, anyway?

You're just looking for a good spanking is what you're doing.

(Finn) You wanna spank me? You wanna spank me? Go ahead and spank me! I don't care. I just don't wanna answer that que--(sound of smacking)

(Finn screams)

(Kylo) Wow!


That was ninja spanking!

We don't have ninjas, sorry. Jedi spanking!

(Leia) Why thank you, son. My hand is now rather tingly.

(Leia) You have quite the bodacious bottom there, Finn.

(Kylo) She's probably been wanting to do that for a while.

(Finn) Oh don't tell me that!

(Leia) Look! The viewers have tuned in because they want to hear some men fighting over Rey!

Now give 'em what they want!

(Finn) Oh! Oh! Oh!

(Leia) You don't have to be physical, just talk about your feelings and why she belongs with you and not the other guy.

(Finn) Okay, let me get this straight. You're just going into some Jerry Springer s**t just to get some more views and subscribers. Is that what's going on here?

(Leia) Look, I attempted to have a completely unrelated podcast before. You know, it didn't work out.

The one that we had last time didn't work out and you know, I don't know I'm getting desperate here!

(Kylo) Okay, so what do you want us to do, like mud wrestle?

(Leia and Ben laugh)

(Leia) I said it doesn't have to be physical. Just talk about your feelings!

(Kylo) I feel like when I look at Rey...

I can see a future that is so wonderful

When we touched hands I saw some amazing s**t, you know along with snooping in on her past and everything.

I saw some other stuff too, I just didn't bring it up.

'cause you know, it makes me look too vulnerable.

(Leia) Yeah, you might've gone for that approach instead of the other one.

(Kylo) Well, I know that now!

(Leia) I know, hindsight, all that.

(Kylo) Yeah.

Yeah, what would you have done differently, I've answered that question before, so anyway!

One of the things I saw was us standing on a cliff.

Not about to fall off. Not killing each other.

(Leia) Or committing suicide together.

(Kylo) No nothing like that.

And the sun is setting. I'm not even sure where we are but there's an ocean (cheesy romantic music plays) and it's this beautiful color.

And we're just looking into each other's eyes.

And she says to me

(Kylo immitates Rey's accent poorly) Oh Ben, I'm so happy I chose you!

You're the most wonderful man...okay this might not have been her exact words but it was something to that effect.

And I'm drink.

So...and then...I woke up.

Because Luke blew up the hut.

I guess I was awake. I mean I snapped out of it because Luke blew up the hut.

(Leia) Yeah. He blew up...yeah.

Uh, that was something. That was very nice, son.

Okay, uh Finn?

(Finn) Can I get a puke bucket?

Is there one available here?

I mean, I think we should have one on hand.

(Leia) You could use your shoe.

(Finn) Would you like me to respond to what he said?

(Leia) Sure! Go for it.

(Finn) Okay.

First of all, I think you're gonna regret saying that as soon as you sober up.

(Leia) Probably. Oh, he's gonna hate me again.

(Finn) Oh, that's guaranteed.

He's probably going to get even darker and more evil and really be scheming on how to destroy us all once he realizes what he's done.

(Leia) Once he listens you even listen to my podcast? Will you know?

Oh I'm sure someone will tell you.

(Kylo) Oh, Hux will tell me because he listens to it.

Hux listens to my podcast? I don't know how I feel about that.

(Kylo) He listens to it while he knits.

(Leia) Alright, now you're just making s**t up.

(Kylo) I don't know what he does, but I somehow envision him knitting and sitting in a room in a rocking chair with his cat on his lap listening to your podcast.

He's a d**k.

(Leia) Okay, so. Finn continue.

(Finn) Okay, so my personal feeling about that whole thing is

I don't know who was putting that in your head

It could've very well been Snoke.

Something tells me Snoke liked to watch a bunch of cheesy soap operas.

And he probably thought that that would do the job

suckering you in to thinking you had some kind of future with Rey.

I'm surprised you didn't see through that.

Because that future ain't happening. I'm just saying.

(Leia) Ben, stay on your side of the table.

(Kylo laughs or cries)

(Leia) Are you laughing or crying? I can't tell.

(Kylo) I don't know. It's one of those in-betweens.

Oh good. You broke him, Finn.

(Finn) Uh, good?

(Leia) No!! Not good!

(Finn) Not good, what today? On another day it'd be good?

(Leia) Well, I don't know. If he was swinging his lightsaber at us, maybe then he could be broken temporarily but no! He's on his good behavior.

(Kylo slurring) I'm on my good behavior!

(Kylo) How am I getting drunker? I'll tell you why. I smuggled in a flask

of some secret ale

from the outer reache...

Is it regions or reaches?

(Leia) It's the unknown reaches, the outer rims, uh...

unknown space?

(Kylo) So yeah, that's where it came from and it's good!

(Leia) Yeah, you didn't have to sneak it in, you know.

It's not like this is school.

(Kylo) Oh.

Well, you are my mom so it felt like the appropriate thing to do.

(Leia) You're still trying to rebel against me? How old are you at this point?

I'm trying to not rebel because I'm being sneaky! If I were rebelling I'd have it in your face.

And have a tattoo.

(Leia) Uh huh.

(Kylo) I wanna get a Rey tattoo. I'm gonna get a tattoo of Rey and put it...

Where should I put it?

(Finn) I'll tell you where you should put it.

(Leia cackles)

Put it on your face! It'll be like looking at Rey and you at the same time!

(Kylo) Um

That might be off-putting to her.

(Leia) Good, I'm glad you're not that drunk.

(Kylo) I think I should put it...

across my chest.

(Leia) That still might be off-putting, son.

(Kylo) But I could hide my nipples because I think they made her uncomfortable.

And she could just look at a beautiful portrait of herself...disguising my nipples.

With her beautiful self.

(Leia) What would the nipples be? Are those going to be her eyeballs?

(Kylo laughs) They'd be way too far apart!

Unless she was really big!

She'd be covering my whole torso!

And wrapping around the sides of my body.

(Leia) And then depending on what sort of shape you keep yourself in

her eyes will be a little different. They'll be looking in different directions.

(Finn) Oh my god, why am I here?

(Leia) Will you stop complaining Finn! All you've done since you got here is complain!

(Finn) You're right. I'm having the best time ever!

When is this gonna be over?

(Leia) Never!

(Finn) Hmm. I'm starting (Leia coughs and drowns him out)

Every time I talk you're coughing!

(Leia) Well, I don't need to hear the kind of s**t you're about to say right now. Mr. Negative Nanco.

(Kylo) I never met a guy named Nanco.

(Leia) Doesn't that just sound like a name that could be in Star Wars, though?

(Kylo) I was thinking. It totally could. General Nanco.

(Leia and Ben cackle)

(Leia) General Negative Nanco.

(Kylo laughs slow and drunkenly)

(Leia) Well what do you want to talk about, Finn?

(Finn) Oh let's see, um. I don't know, um...

You're putting an awful lot of pressure on my right now.

(Leia) Mmm. It's not so easy is it, smarty pants?

(Finn) Well, I'm not the one in charge of your podcast. It's YOUR podcast as you keep reminding us.

(Leia) Right, so you shouldn't have so much attitude.

(Finn) Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

(Leia) I'm opening up the floor to you. I'm opening up the floor.

(Finn) Alright, alright! I've got something!

Perhaps what we should be talking about is Patreon.

That would be a great time to tell people we want to take their money.

(Leia) See! You just have to start things like that! Button up, buddy!

(Finn) What? I think if we're honest...

(Leia) Would you just! Will you let me do my spiel?

(Finn) Oh my god, nobody's gonna give us anything if we do it your way.

(Leia growls)

(Finn) But go ahead, it's YOUR podcast.

(Leia) You know you're bringing feelings out of me that were usually reserved for Han!

(Finn) I am?

(Leia) So!

Patreon you say?

Well, it's funny you mention it.


'cause we just so happen to now have a Patreon page!

(Kylo) Wow!

(Leia) As all the people say oh hurray!

I've had just five dollars left over every month that I didn't know what to do with

so I used to use it for toilet paper, but now instead of doing that, I can give it to you!

(Kylo) Yay!

Give us your toilet paper, yay!

(Leia) But in all seriousness, folks.

We are a couple of broke ass bastards.

and we would like to make some higher quality cartoons.

Some more frequent cartoons

which is difficult to do when one of us is having their soul sucked out through their ears and eyes working at a restaurant.

(Kylo) Let me just say, the quality probably won't go up that much, because you know. It is what it is.

But you know. They'll get out more frequently.

(Leia) Well, I mean better microphones maybe?

(Kylo) Oh, the audio will be better quality for sure.

(Leia) No, I'm not saying we're going to change who we are, I mean f**k that.

You're here because you like us.

(Finn) You like cheesy bulls**t, apparently.

(Leia) You know what, Finn?!

(Finn) Yes?

(Leia) Be a little d**k all you want, I'm not letting you leave!

(Finn) Dammit!

(Leia) Anyway...

We are going to offer different levels of patronage.

(Kylo) Rewards.

(Leia) But you know, what, eh, patronage.

(Kylo) You gotta tell them about the rewards.

(Leia) That's what I'm trying to do, son.

(Kylo) That's good because they want rewards.

(Leia) Well who doesn't? I like a reward, you like a reward, we all like rewards!

Well, you're going to get a sticker

(Kylo) Woo!

(Leia) Woo!

(Kylo) You can put it on your car!

(Leia) I have one on my car!

My car? Wait a second, what the hell are we talking about?

(Kylo) Your speeder, sorry.

(Leia) Thank you!

But everyone who becomes a patron to our Patreon page will receive a shoutout on this very program here, The Leia Podcast.

I will say your name and thank you very much.

(Kylo) Why don't you give an example of what it will sound like.

(Leia) Okay.

So it looks like Cheezy Cheezeberger donated this month and thank you very much Cheezy, you're one hell of a burger.

(Finn) That's gonna entice them.

(Leia) Shut up!

(Finn) Just tell me to leave, please! Just tell me to leave!

(Leia) No! Why should I reward you, you little assh**e!

And anyway!

Some different levels will also include never before heard audio

from different skits we've done that we recorded but never got up.

(Kylo cries)

(Han) Maybe you should spend some time with Rey!

(Kylo) Huh?

(Rey) Me?

(Finn) Rey? Why Rey?

(Han) She'd be a good influence on you.

(Finn) He doesn't need to spend time with Rey!

(Han) Don't mess this up for me, kid. And besides, it's pretty obvious you've already been friend-zoned.

(Leia) Some deleted scenes from cartoons that are up.

(Poe) Look, I'm not gonna tell anybody that I saw you two out on a date.

And Rey maybe you can keep it under your hat that I was out with

the amazing

the wonderful Captain Phasma.

(Rey) Yeah, yeah, I'm not gonna tell anyone.

(Phasma) I don't give a s**t what you do.

(Leia) And then there's also gonna be never before seen cartoons as well.

And who doesn't want some of that? And who knows, some of it may be kinda racy.

(Kylo) A little bit dirty. Maybe even pornographic.

(Leia) No! Don't make empty promises, or don't whore us out as makers of porn.

(Kylo) Hey, I'm gonna tell them...alright. One of the cartoons we recently did, we've already got the uncensored version and there's a scene added that's slightly pornographic.

I mean you don't see what's going on but you know it's--

(Leia) It's not pornographic, it implies that something maybe could happen which would be naughty.

(Kylo) Yeah, so like that. That sort of thing.

(Leia) You know, so there's things, you know. (laughs)

(Leia) There could be an unblurred crotch or something, you never know.

There'll be things. It's all on our Patreon page. It'll explain it all better than we can.

Basically you'd be helping us out a lot.

The more that gets contributed, you know I could actually drop some shifts and concentrate more on cartooning, you know. Who knows?

The sky's the limit, 'cause you know space doesn't count and...whatever.

(Finn) Oh you know what you get on the highest tier?

Once a month you get to have a live chat with us!

(Leia) That's right! You can ask any character from The Farce Awakens, you know that would be us and the others, questions.

It's a live chat kinda thing.

(Finn) But it's really expensive, so probably no one's gonna wanna do that one.

(Leia) What is wrong with you guys!

(Finn) What! I just know what it's like when you got only a certain amount of money to spend every month.

(Leia) We have the tier that's a dollar a month.

If anyone does that, I will still be f***ing happy, and I will thank the pants off you on The Leia Podcast, seriously.

If anyone contributes anything, it'll be amazing!

So anyway, we would genuinely, genuinely appreciate it. All jokes aside. All assh***s covered with underwear.

Right guys?

That'd be you two.

(Kylo) Are we supposed to be covered with underwear right now?

(Leia) That's right. Just imagine them with underwear on their heads right now.

Um, anyway. We would totally appreciate it. And that's our Patreon blurb.

(Kylo) Yeah, give us money!

(Finn) Yeah, give us some money!

(Leia) Shut the f**k up!

(Kylo) Well, that's what we're saying. Give us money. I mean--

(Leia) Well, of course that's what we're saying, but we're also saying there's rewards and we would actually would so totally completely appreciate it!

(Kylo) Well, yeah. Yeah.

But I don't think we talked enough about Rey. I wanna talk about Rey some more.

(Leia) Ugh, why do I actually not want to hear that now?

(Kylo) Oh why? You're the one who said we should.

(Leia) I wanted it to be more antagonistic, like you guys saying, okay...

For our ending number

So to speak

Rey. Tell us...

Wow, I feel like this is Rupaul's Drag Race again with, "Why should you be crowned the next lover of Rey and not him? Go!"

(Kylo) Um. God, when you said Rey, I thought she was going to jump out of the closet and you were gonna start talking to her.

I'm totally thrown off. Alright!

Why Rey should love me and not him.

Well, because she already does love me and not him.

I mean, she loves him as a friend.

Like a brother, you know. Because that's the chemistry they had in case no one noticed.

I mean they had that long hug at the end of the last movie, but did it look sexy?


It was like, oh my brother I haven't seen you for so long!

How I love you.

But it's not like...

It wouldn't work!

He's too nice and girls don't like guys who are too nice!

You know, it's like evolutionary or something.

So, we have chemistry.

It's really hot.

And it's not just that, it's like I love her!

(Leia laugh snorts) Okay, thank you Ben.


(Finn) Do I even have to say anything after that?

You think she wants this?

This mess? You think she deserves this?

Oh I suppose she's gonna wait around for him to have his epiphany and turn to the light

and then all of a sudden she's gonna love him forever, oh that's bulls**t!

I mean come on! She deserves someone who, oh I don't know, hasn't murdered a bunch of people.

How 'bout that?

And I would treat her with so much respect and I would never call her nothing!

(Stammers) What the hell were you thinking?

(Leia snort laughs again) Yeah, that is a hard one to live down.

I think you both had some pretty good points.

And it's just going to be up to Rey to decide

Who's the next drag superstar!

I like that show!

(Kylo) What if she chose someone completely different?

(Leia) Oh well you two would be super butt hurt!

(Kylo) Don't say "butt hurt" Mom!

(Leia) What!

Only young idiots say butt hurt.

(Leia) Hey I'm staying hip with the kids.

(Kylo) No you're not. (laughs)

(Leia) That reminds me. I was just having a conversation with someone earlier.

There's a girl who decided to get a giant tattoo on her ass

that said "butt slut".

It said butt on one cheek and slut on the other

And it kind of had a spl***y design behind it.

(Finn) Was she in the pornographic industry?

(Leia) I don't care if you are in the porno industry!

That's gonna be on your butt when your butt is sagging down to your knees!

And no one can read what it says anymore. It's just like this weird splattered saggy butt.

(Kylo) Well, she probably won't live that long.

(Leia) Who puts "butt slut" on their butt!

(Kylo) Someone who doesn't wanna live very long.

(Leia laughs) Oh gahhh.

Ugh! Anyway.

(Kylo) Yeah, give us money and you'll get more quality content like this on a more frequent basis.

(Leia cackles) Isn't it everything you dreamed of?

They'll give us money to stop making cartoons.

(Kylo) Oh, that'd be great because then we don't have to do anything! We can just sit around and collect the money.

That would be great.

I'd feel a little guilty, but hey.

(Leia) Yeah, I don't think that's how that works, son.

(Finn) Here's ten bucks, take a break.

(Leia) Here's ten bucks. I never want to see Kylo Ren and Hux kissing and breathing into each other's mouths ever again!

(Kylo) Yeah, we did lose a few subscribers after that.

(Leia) Well, and then we gained several.

(Kylo) Yeah, we're losing the people who are a little too prim and proper and we're gaining the filthy people.

(Leia) I don't understand! How could you have subscribed to us ever?

We've never had anything that wasn't weird in one way or another.

(Kylo) Yeah, but that was just going too far!

(Leia) Whatever!

(Kylo) It was fairly disturbing. You know, I would've unsubscribed after Love Letters to Rey.

But that's just me.

(Leia) I wouldn't have unsubscribed, I just would've been...okay.

(Kylo) I totally would've been, thumbs down! What the hell was that!

(Leia) Well, you're very moody and negative and you like spreading that negativity around.

It was fine! That cartoon, it was fine!

It was...cute and...weird.

(Kylo) I liked Poe's part, that was funny.

It should've just been that.

Our bits went on way too long, but Poe was funny.

(Leia) Eh, whatever.

(Kylo) Which one would you have unsubscribed after?

(Leia and Ben laugh)

(Leia) Uh, let me think, let me think.


Uh, I actually can't think of any.

I happen to like our channel, thank you very much.

(Kylo) Well, that's good to hear.

(Leia) It's good that one of us does, apparently!

(Kylo) Hey, I like it! It's just, you know...

(Leia) Yeah, just don't ever expect it not to be weird.

And then sometimes it might be disturbing. But hey, that's the way the "crookie"

Uh, crookie crumbles?

(Kylo) The crookie cumbles.

(Leia) Ew!

(Kylo) Cumbles, ew.

(Leia) Oh! Stop that!

(Kylo) Cumbling, cumbling, cumbling.

(Leia) Okay, stop that! That's it!

Both of you, get out!

(Kylo) Rey makes me want to cumble!

(Leia) Oh god!

(Finn) Okay, that's why she doesn't want him. Right there.

(Leia) Okay, well...

(Finn) Wait a minute. Who do you pick? Me or him?

(Leia) Me?

(Finn) Yeah, you. This is your podcast. Who's Rey supposed to chose? Who would you choose for Rey if you could?

(Leia) I think she should choose herself and go girlfriend!

(Kylo sighs) That's a total copout!

(Kylo burps)

(Leia) Alright, get out!

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