Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 20 2018

Happy Kids TV

For more infomation >> Play Game Finding Animals With Cute OWL || Learn Name Animals Habits For Kid - Duration: 2:44.


Going NUTS! How To Cook That Ann Reardon - Duration: 6:42.

Welcome to How To Cook That I'm Ann Reardon and today we're going to make

chocolate coated nuts. I bought a mixed bag of nuts 🌰🥜🔩and separated them all out

into their individual bowls and I want to know if you know what each of these

are ... so if we call this one number one two three four five six seven and eight ...

can you list in the comments for me the number and the name of each of these

nuts? So that's one two three four five six seven and eight.

What are they? I'm gonna use some of them but I am NOT going to use all of them

today. Let's start with these ones which to give you a clue are ... walnuts 😊Crack the

hard shell and this is what they look like inside they look a bit like a brain

to me 🧠 Okay so I've got a plastic container lid and I'm going to take each

of the walnut shells and put some hot glue on it and stick it to the top of

the inside of the container like that. The reason that I'm using whole ones is

that they're very hard to break without damaging the shell and all the shells

are slightly different sizes. Pour reusable food safe molding gel into the

bottom of the container then take that lid flip it over and place it on top so

that the walnuts sit half covered by the molding gel. Once the gel is set you

should just be able to pull off the lid from the container and because the lid

is smooth the hot glue should just come right off leaving the lid unharmed.

Take the mold out of the container and then remove the nuts and you can see

there the imprint of the shell and all those details are on the molding gel.

Fill each cavity with tempered milk chocolate ... if you don't know how to

temper chocolate just ask in the comments and one of my lovely

subscribers will link you to the chocolate secrets video that shows you

various methods of tempering chocolate at home. Once all the molds are full or

nearly full agitate it to smooth off the tops and get rid of any of those air

bubbles and then add a walnut 1/2 onto the top of each one and push it down gently.

And then we've just got to leave those to set. While they are sitting

I've always wanted to make chocolate coated nuts but to do that properly you

need a panning machine and I obviously don't have one of those but then I saw

this video where they put a stand mixer on a slope and added an attachment that

you can use for panning which sounds great and then I saw the price hmm 🤔

So I've decided to try and make my own instead ... so firstly I'm going to unscrew

another attachment that I have for my mixer so I've got that bit that goes

into the top of the mixer. I don't even know if this is gonna work but let's

give it a go. So I'm gonna take a hemisphere baking tin and to make it a

bit bigger or a bit longer I'm adding the sides of a loose based baking tin

around the top and just using gaffer tape to put that into place. Then using

hot glue I'm adding a plastic ring to the top of the hemisphere. Now this is

the side that goes into the mixer and that will turn it so the other side is

the one we want to attach to the bowl right in the centre. Now I don't know if

this is going to be strong enough but I'm using hot glue so that I can take it

off again later and reuse all these parts for their original purpose. Here we

go put the mixer onto a slope and add that into place and then shall we test

it out ... my main concern with this is that this join here won't be 💥strong enough

and indeed it's not. Oh dear so we're going to need another way of attaching

that and I think I'm gonna have to sacrifice my hemisphere mold here and

drill a hole right through it. Model version number two I now have a hole

through the hemisphere mold and the 'joiny' piece is hot glued into the

centre and success ... it is spinning and after a few minutes we have a light

coating and then you can add a little bit more chocolate at a time to make that

coating thicker but it looks like the hot glue is still not strong enough. I

really don't want to weld this together because I want the piece for my

other attachment for the mixer later. So time for model number three ... this time

I've reduced the amount of hot glue on the outside to a smaller amount and

glued a screwdriver attachment around the piece that goes through on the

inside. I also got rid of the slope because the mixer works with the head

tilted up so there's not really any need to put it on a slope it can just sit

flat with the head up. This seems to be the most stable model that I've made so

let's leave that tumbling and check on the walnuts. Push each of the walnuts pop

out of the mold and I think they look lovely ... a box of those would make a

beautiful gift for someone or just a bowl that a dinner party would be lovely

for dessert and once you've got the mould made it is easy to make more of

these. Then finally after two hours of panning just leaving them to go around

on each other to make them smoother we have milk and then I put a layer of dark

chocolate on the very outside and we have coated hazelnuts. They're not as

smooth or as shiny as I was hoping for but considering that this was a homemade

panning machine on the spur of the moment I actually think they're pretty

good and a life update for you we are back home from the hospital. James is

still on IV antibiotics and a whole bunch of other medications with an

amazing service we have in Australia here called Hospital in the home. So

basically he is still a hospital patient but they come to us instead of us being

in hospital, so he's out of dangerous waters now he's getting stronger and a

little bit less pain each day. So thank you all so much for your love over these

last few weeks 💕 I was getting really teary last week reading all the comments

and the Friday before as well when I was in the hospital reading them all

and thank you for all the virtual hugs you sent to your support just means a

lot so much to me to know that you guys care for us and for those of you who are

asking where you could send James a get-well card 💌we've got the PO box

listed in the description below I'll put that on there as well and if you missed

last week's video and you have no idea what's going on you can catch up on that

here see more of the chocolate truffle videos here and other cool stuff here.

Make it a great week and I'll see you on Friday 💝

For more infomation >> Going NUTS! How To Cook That Ann Reardon - Duration: 6:42.


Future U.S. Elections, Mayonnaise-Flavored Ice Cream - Monologue - Duration: 3:03.

-Let's get to the news.

In an interview last night, President Trump said

that he told Russian President Vladimir Putin

not to meddle in any future U.S. elections.

So good news.

Apparently there are going to be future U.S. elections.

[ Laughter ]

No small thing.

The White House announced today that President Trump

plans to invite Russian President Vladimir Putin

to Washington this fall in what is sure to be

the worst ever episode of "Undercover Boss."

[ Laughter and applause ]

Russian state media showed video today of nuclear weapons

being tested despite President Trump and Vladimir Putin

talking this week about avoiding an arms race.

Even worse, they showed the Helsinki summit

with a laugh track.

-There was no collusion at all. [ Laughter ]

Everybody knows it.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Former White House press secretary Sean Spicer

said in an interview this morning

that he thinks President Trump is a truthful person.

Said Spicer, "I mean, he said he was going to fire my dumb ass,

and then he did."

[ Laughter ]

According to Politico, it cost the federal government

$250,000 per month last year to provide

Secret Service protection for Eric and Donald Trump Jr.

Well, if you want to save some money in the future,

just put the Tide pods on a higher shelf.

[ Laughter and applause ]

"Dad, it happened again. It happened again.

I ate the candy and it turned out to be soap."

[ Laughter ]

"And Eric did it too.

I did it too, Dad, I thought it was --

I thought it was candy, and it was soap."

[ Laughter ]

Bruce Springsteen made a surprise appearance

at Billy Joel's 100th show

at Madison Square Garden last night.

"Only in New York," said a guy getting robbed by a rat.

[ Laughter ]

"Slow down, rat, I'm gonna give you my money.

Well played, rat."

Aviation companies are reportedly considering

recruiting more women to help combat

a growing shortage of pilots and mechanics,

which came as a shock to Spirit Airlines.

"Wait, you guys have pilots and mechanics?"

[ Laughter and applause ]

An ice cream shop in Scotland

has created a new mayonnaise flavored ice cream.

[ Audience ews ]

And if you're dying to try it,

you were probably dying to begin with.

For more infomation >> Future U.S. Elections, Mayonnaise-Flavored Ice Cream - Monologue - Duration: 3:03.


The Kind of Story We Need Right Now: Grandma Strangles Bobcat to Death - Duration: 4:13.

-A grandmother in Georgia was attacked

by a bobcat with rabies recently,

and she strangled it to death with her bare hands,

which brings us to a segment we call

"The Kind of Story We Need Right Now."

♪♪ [ Cheers and applause ]

This is DeDe Phillips.

She is a grandmother.

And she was standing in her driveway recently

when a bobcat with rabies leapt at her,

and she strangled it with her bare hands.

This is the kind of story we need right now.

Seems like every news story these days is about

treason and betrayal and helplessness,

which is why we need a good old-fashioned story

about kicking ass.

I'm gonna tell you that story right now.

This woman was standing in her driveway

when she spotted a mangy bobcat,

and she knew right away that it was trouble.

Seconds later, it leapt at her face,

so she grabbed it by the shoulders and "...took it down."

This grandma... [ Cheers and applause ]

This grandma right here

caught a bobcat in midair.

That's insane.

My grandma can't even catch the bus.

This is the kind of story we need right now.

Every day, every news organization is like,

"Blah, blah, blah.

We're all gonna die."

And this woman's like, "I'm not."

By the way, just in case you're picturing a regular house cat,

that's not what we're talking about here.

This is a cat named Bob.

This is a bobcat.

Phillips told police that, during the attack,

her 5-year-old granddaughter was inside the house, sleeping,

so Phillips didn't make any noise,

because she didn't want to wake her.

Look, I know grandmas are supposed to be nice,

but that is some next-level [bleep]

"My grandma made me cookies."

"My grandma wrestled a bobcat to death

in silence so I could nap."

[ Cheers and applause ]

Imagine. Just imagine, if you can, for a second,

what was going through that bobcat's head

while this was happening?

"Not only is this old lady killing me,

she's not making a sound."

The scariest thing I can imagine in the world

is a quiet grandma strangling you to death.

"Grandma, why?

Why, Grandma? Just tell me why."

Now, you're probably wondering what this woman was doing

out in her driveway in the first place.

Well, it's simple.

She was -- and I'm not making this up --

putting a bumper sticker on her truck that said...

[ Cheers and applause ]

That's real. That's real.

First of all, of course, she has a truck.

This story's [bleep] great.

Second of all, I think this proves once and for all

that bobcats can't read, because if you were a bobcat

and you saw that, you'd think,

"I'm gonna find a different grandma."

After the incident was over, Phillips was taken

to the hospital, where she was treated

for several broken fingers.

She didn't make any noise

while breaking several of her fingers.

This grandma -- this grandma right here --

went face-to-face with death and came out a winner,

and that made me feel like a winner.

So, to DeDe Phillips, I say, "Thank you."

And to the rest of you, I say,

please get out there and do some kick-ass stuff

to distract us from all the terrible stuff.

This has been "The Kind of Story We Need Right Now."

♪♪ [ Cheers and applause ]

For more infomation >> The Kind of Story We Need Right Now: Grandma Strangles Bobcat to Death - Duration: 4:13.


Japan'18 - #1 Shinjuku OMOIDE YOKOCHŌ & NINJA Restaurant - | by Tania Sofia de Andrade - Duration: 5:46.


Tobi: "What? Me not!" Me: "I for sure.."

That's how it looks like, when the luggage didn't arrive.

Tobi's luggage is missing..

It's still in Kuala Lumpur..

Let's hope, it arrives sometime, quickly...

Me: "Ah, simply slide off?"

Irina: "This was the sheet between.."

.. the rice and the "nori" (algea leaf).

So it doesn't get soggy.

Now we're going to eat in a..

Ninja Restaurant!!

After I slept while everyone was..

Me: ".. gaming." Tobi: "gamed!"

Me: "Gaaaming" Irina: *in purpose horrible accent* "Horizon Zero Dawn"

Tobi: "Wait, how did we say..?? Horizont.."

Irina: *translates word by word into Swiss German* "Horizont, Null, Dämmerung!"


For more infomation >> Japan'18 - #1 Shinjuku OMOIDE YOKOCHŌ & NINJA Restaurant - | by Tania Sofia de Andrade - Duration: 5:46.


Las Kardashian tienen un vientre plano gracias al truco que le enseño su abuela - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> Las Kardashian tienen un vientre plano gracias al truco que le enseño su abuela - Duration: 5:31.


Los pechos grandes y firmes que tanto quieres los conseguirás con estos consejos - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> Los pechos grandes y firmes que tanto quieres los conseguirás con estos consejos - Duration: 5:11.


Банные веники./ Банные веники и их полезные свойства. - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Банные веники./ Банные веники и их полезные свойства. - Duration: 1:58.


※緊急公開!!【風化はさせない】ゲーセンで絶対にやってはいけないこと 夏休み編【Japanese Game Arcade】Vol:番外編(夏休み) - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> ※緊急公開!!【風化はさせない】ゲーセンで絶対にやってはいけないこと 夏休み編【Japanese Game Arcade】Vol:番外編(夏休み) - Duration: 3:21.


7 desconocidos beneficios de la canela - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> 7 desconocidos beneficios de la canela - Duration: 7:25.


CLIC ET SA BANDE - À la recherche de Sally - Duration: 12:16.

For more infomation >> CLIC ET SA BANDE - À la recherche de Sally - Duration: 12:16.


En 4 semanas crecerá tu cabello y quedará muy largo gracias a este tip natural - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> En 4 semanas crecerá tu cabello y quedará muy largo gracias a este tip natural - Duration: 6:40.


SAGWA, LA CHATTE SIAMOISE - La tortue et le chat - Duration: 13:01.

For more infomation >> SAGWA, LA CHATTE SIAMOISE - La tortue et le chat - Duration: 13:01.


33歳の(キモイ)アメコミコレクション&アメコミ収納方法 My Comic Book Collection 2018 - Duration: 5:13.

Hey, kids and welcome to PDRsan's Rubbish Bin

Can I see your comic book collection

I was actually in the middle of sorting my comics

so today I'll show you my collection and how I store my comics

The last time I showed my collection in a video was

3 years ago?

I think I have a lot more now...

and before I show my collection

What are Amecomi (what comics are called in Japan)

Amecomi is short for American comics

basically their version of manga

There's lots of different types single issues, annuals, graphic novels, hard backs, trade paper backs etc

but here are the two basic types

This is a single issue

sometimes it has a whole story, but for the most part it has a part of an ongoing story

it's like a part of a story from Shonen Jump

these usually come out once to twice a month


we have

the trade paperback

it's like a manga book

it usually

collects 4-5 single issues

Now here's my collection

Still not sorted pile 1

Still not sorted pile 2

Box of comics I got online...unopened

that was my (too large for Japan) comic book collection

Now I'll show's like a comic book fort

Now I'll show you how I store them

This is a single issue I talked about a moment ago

and then we have these poly bags that are made for comics

you can buy these at comic stores in Japan

we have this

and then there's this backing board

You can also buy them at comic stores

you put the board in here

then after you've read the comic, you slip it in

then close it with tape

I store my comics in this thing called a long box

They don't have these on sale in most comic stores in Japan

but if you ask the clerk, I think they can order some for you

there's also this

it's about half the size of a long box

a short box


they have ones with characters on them too

I think you can find those in comic stores in Japan

I got this plain one online form a store called Mamegyorai

I think they also might have some on their store

I'm not sure if they have these though

so I put all of my single issues in here

in alphabetical order

before I had all the publishers separate

but recently I got rid of a bunch of comics

so I got rid of a bunch and just decided to have them all together

in alphabetical order

except for Spider-man and Batman

I have a ton of Spidey and Batman comics

Spider-man is like 3 boxes and Batman is like 2? I think

so Spider-man and Batman get their own boxes

Do you have anything that's worth anything?

I'm not sure if anyone's going to ask that, but I'll answer it anyway

I collect things I like

I don't really buy comics thinking "This might be worth something in a couple of years"

I buy things I want to read and enjoy collecting

I did recently get some old Daredevil comics

I don't know if they're that much, because some of them are pretty beat up

these are from the late 60's

When Stan Lee was still writing the stories



13, 14, 15, 16, 17

this one is a crossover with Spider-man

I do have some old Spider-man comics

I don't have any that are worth a shit ton of money

I do have a bunch that are probably worth a coupe of hundred bucks

somewhere in these boxes

Hey, kids and welcome to PDRsan's Rubbish Bin

*cicada crying*

*cicada crying even louder*

Dude, why do you start crying the moment I press the record button?...

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