Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 20 2018

-I want to ask about this,

because one of the things that happened this week --

we all remember famously July 27, 2016,

Donald Trump said if, "Russia, if you're out there listening,

I'd love to see Hillary Clinton's e-mails,"

basically invited them to hack her server.

And it came up this week that Robert Mueller basically said,

that day, they tried. -Yes.

-So you confronted him at the rally that day

about his comments. -Yeah.

-What was it that he said to you?

-It was the -- By the way, it was the weirdest --

one of the weirdest moments in what was a very weird campaign.

-Yeah, it's very -- Be careful with the --

-I know. I know. -Yeah.

There were a lot of -- Now I'm thinking back,

and there were a lot. -[ Chuckling ] Yeah, right.

-But this one was particularly weird -- particularly weird.

We were in the middle of one of his golf courses.

We're in a ballroom, this very gaudy ballroom

with this patterned carpet. -He has a -- All right.

-Yeah, I'm just gonna say it. [ Laughter ]

It was -- It was a little over -- over-decorated. Fine.

It was also really freezing in there.

It's like he was trying to freeze us

or send us to Siberia. -[ Laughing ] Okay, got you.

-And he comes out.

It's the middle of the Democratic National Convention.

Usually, presidents or presidential candidates go dark

when they're not having their convention,

but he wants the attention,

and there had been some rumors about hacking --

the DNC had been hacked, some e-mails came out,

it was very embarrassing for the DNC,

and there was talk about maybe it being Russia.

Nothing had been confirmed yet.

It was all kind of bubbling out there.

Donald Trump comes out

and starts talking about Russia all of a sudden

and how everybody thinks that Russia is hacking.

"They're not hacking.

And, oh, by the way, I want to see those e-mails."

And I remember sitting there and thinking, "Uh, wait. What?

Did Donald Trump just ask a foreign government

to hack into Hillary Clinton's e-mails?

Did that just happen?"

That's even weird by Donald Trump's standards.

-Sure. -And -- And I remember thinking,

"I got to ask this guy about it,"

and at this time, he kind of hates me,

so he's not letting me ask questions.

And the next couple questions that came out

were about something else, about the economy

or something just totally not on the topic of Russia.

And I remember thinking, "Well, maybe I'm the crazy person.

Maybe that's a totally normal thing,

and that's just part of politics, and I'm naive.

But eventually, I decide that, no, it's a big question,

and I've got to get his attention.

So I'm waving my arm frantically,

and he's not calling on me.

And so I go back to my tried and true strategy,

which is to flatter him

in order to get him to pay attention to me.

And so I said, "Your poll numbers are really great!"

And he turns and looks at me, and he says, "Katy!"

[ Laughter and applause ]

"Katy, is that you?

Are you wearing a disguise?

Oh, no, that is you."

I said "Yes, your poll numbers are great.

Let me ask you about Russia.

Does it not give you pause

to ask a foreign government to hack into the election?"

He doesn't even let me finish the sentence.

"No, it does not give me pause.

What should give you pause

is Hillary Clinton and her missing e-mails."

And I said, "Hold on. Hold on. Hold on."

You are asking a foreign government to meddle."

And he's like, "You're just trying to save her."

And I said, "No, no.

You're asking a foreign government to meddle."

And he keeps steamrolling over me,

and he, at the end of it, says,

"No, I would really like to see those e-mails."

So that was a huge day.

This is an American presidential candidate

asking for help from a foreign government,

doing it very blatantly.

It was very weird.

But then, the campaign continues on,

and he says a whole bunch of other totally crazy things.


-And the intelligence community...

[ Light laughter ] -Yeah, we just have to like --

Then we just throw stuff away. We don't have room in there.

-Everything gets -- gets totally buried by the next controversy,

which is what actually ended up really helping him,

because you couldn't focus on just one thing.

And a lot of folks asked,

"Well, why didn't you press that harder?"

We had no indication whatsoever

from anybody in the intelligence community.

Peter Strzok wasn't texting any of us and saying,

"Hey, I got this information on Donald Trump."

We had no idea.

The only hint we had to it

was that press release that came out on October 7th,

which was also the day that Donald Trump --

well, the tape came out where Donald Trump was bragging

about grabbing women by certain parts.

-Yeah. No memory. No memory of that.

[ Laughter ] -So that got buried.

That got buried.

And it was only a press release

that said Russia wanted to meddle.

It had nothing to do with -- with Donald Trump's campaign.

Fast-forward to today,

and, oh, my God, that date is so significant.

We had it come out in the -- in the indictment that Russia --

that Mueller put out on Friday, saying July 27th,

the day Donald Trump said, "Russia, if you're listening,"

that is the day that the conspirators in the indictment,

these 12 Russians, started for the first time --

and it says it in the indictment --

for the first time -- tried to get into

Hillary Clinton's e-mails and server.

For more infomation >> Katy Tur Got Trump to Answer a Question About Russia by Complimenting Him First - Duration: 4:41.


Toned Abs Workout For Women | Burn Belly Fat Fast! - Duration: 9:59.

today I'm going to show you seven ab exercises that you can do at home

three times a week to tighten strengthen and reduce your belly fat over the age

of 50 so if you'd like to know more please keep watching hi I'm Schellea this

is fabulous 50s a lifestyle channel that explores fashion beauty and lifestyle

for women over 50 and if you're a woman over 50 click subscribe and click the

bell and you'll be alerted every time there's a new video and they'll all

relate to you today we're going to burn some fat and tone and strengthen our ABS

if you haven't worked out for like 20 years it doesn't matter because you're

going to start today take it very very slow and gentle and make sure that you

do something every single day to keep your body strong and healthy so when you

think I couldn't be bothered exercising just see yourself in ten years time and

decide what kind of health you want to have and if you follow this ab workout I

can guarantee you will start noticing a difference my son Nathan and I are going

to show you seven exercises that are really going to reduce your belly fat

and tighten the muscles underneath the bellies to get toned abs it takes a lot

of work doesn't it Nathan it's not something that you can just do a quick

10-minute workout once a week and you'll start getting abs it's way more than

that getting a 6-pack isn't the issue

everybody's gonna have a six-pack for sure it's a part of who you are you need

it to breathe and digest food and regulate your posture and things like

that but the belly fat on top of it you know makes it very difficult to see okay

so by doing ab exercises with strengthening and toning that but we've

got to burn the fat as well when you've done this workout afterwards when you

feel the muscles burn that that feeling of the burning is burning body fat so

that's that feeling is your muscles recovering and while they're recovering

they're burning body fat hours and hours now

after their exercise okay so if you saw after this exercise it's a good thing

right very good sign okay so the aim is to do this really

well and to do it properly so that you can get some burn and be sore in the

morning and aside from sort of building the

muscle what you want to also do with these exercises is get to the point

where you're short of breath and sweating that's your body letting you

know you're in the zone where your burning body fat and I guarantee you

this ab workout will make you sweat for sure I was doing a lot of ab exercises

and they weren't making a difference because I was doing the wrong kinds of

exercise so we've broken down just to these seven to give you a really good

chance of getting some results fairly quickly just be mindful that it's your

body and you know what's going to work for you if it's dads hurting stop and

for each exercise we do 30 seconds of the exercise 30 seconds break and then

30 seconds again of the exercise so that's if you're starting 30 seconds on

30 seconds off 30 seconds on stop move to the next exercise when you've built

yourself up to you can handle it you do 4 sets with a 30 second break in between

you can use your stop clock on your phone just to set 30 seconds or you can

get a nap and I'll leave a link to what sort of app you can get for that ok

let's get started okay the first exercise is a plank and we'll do it two

ways one for if you're beginning and the second way will be if you're a bit more

advanced okay so this is the easier version of the plank so you want to keep

yourself very straight and the elbows bent so if you have your elbows bent

it's gonna be much easier on your upper back and shoulders that way you can just

focus on your lower back and core so if you're doing it too low it's gonna put

stress on your lower back if you're doing it too high you just there's no

benefit there for anybody so this second way of doing the plank is much harder

because you've got your arms straight here so it's putting some more stress on

your upper back and shoulders but if you've mastered the first version of

like and the second version show us a yoga stuffed shell this tiny little

difference of coming forward doesn't look like much at all but it makes the

exercise so much harder so if you want to try and really go the extra mile go

for this one second exercise is a mountain climber and this is really

great so why are you doing this you've got to keep your core tight okay so this

is one of my favorite exercises because it gets both through your obliques

and your abs at the same time but I was very disappointed when I found out that

it didn't actually help you climb mountains at all okay the third exercise

is one of my favorites because once I started doing this I started seeing some

definition down the side here in my obliques so I'll show you how to do that

so with this exercise you want to take the side of your hips and bring it down

as close as you can to the floor and it's really uncomfortable and it doesn't

feel great but it's super effective so when I'm finished that exercise I do a

counter pose for the thirty seconds like this fourth exercise is leg raises so

the the simpler way to do this is to be back on the ground hands under your bum

to balance you so that will keep everything steady and then you bring

your legs up 90 degrees and then really slow down so when they're coming down

you want to feel your abs because you'll definitely feel very very strong when

they're coming down

just go slowly at this point and that's where all the work is done the fifth

exercise we're going to do is toe taps these are probably the easiest to do out

of everything so you put your back at this angle and your buns slightly off

the ground and you tap your toes and you hold your core in very tight while

you're doing it thirty Seconds on and thirty Seconds off

x to the sixth exercise is called a Russian twist and it's a really great

one for your obliques again so it gives you that shape so so with with this

exercise you want to keep your feet together on the floor yeah and then you

want to twist your body so your shoulder and you need a parallel on the opposite

sides and you can feel this so much if you want to increase your level here you

can lift your feet up and you could use some hand weights or a medicine ball

Nathan thinks that you don't know what I mean so I'm gonna use his shoe but you

do this with your legs above the floor oh you can feel that

okay the seventh exercise is scissors and I've left this to the end because

it's hard it's hard so if you get to the end and you've got nothing left just do

a couple of these and work your way up to it so what you want to do is have

your hands flat to balance yourself lift your legs up and then you want to keep

the toes pointed more pointed and legs straight so it doesn't really

matter how well you're doing it or what your range of motion is but you need to

keep your toes pointing your legs straight because that'll keep all your

abs doing this thing okay so that was our seven exercises I'm really puffed

out that was a hard workout but set realistic goals for yourself so don't

push yourself too hard particularly if you haven't exercised for maybe twenty

years take it very slow your abs will start toning but you've got to put the

work here it's not something that's just going to happen overnight and like

Nathan said there's no ten-minute miracle is there even though you see it

everywhere advertised yeah if you can do this 20 minutes a day you'll get results

overtime 100% it's a really good workout yeah

but anyone selling five minutes a week this miracle product or this

seven-minute workout here it's all marketing and and none of that stuff

works yeah and as we're getting older we just have to work a little bit harder to

get the same results as we got when we were Nathan's age that's for sure but

it's worth it because whatever effort we're going to put in now we're going to

start seeing results and then in a year's time you'll look back and you say

I'm so glad I got started when I did please give a thumbs up if this was

useful to you and please share with any of your girlfriends who might be

interested in an ab workout thank you so much for watching and have a beautiful

week all right now ladies and gentlemen

we've found a Sydney Fitness mum in her natural environment here today

I'm going to try get close to her just just watch me back there Daveo I don't

know how these things are reacting the wall really ever seen you captivity

isn't this a beautiful look at this

For more infomation >> Toned Abs Workout For Women | Burn Belly Fat Fast! - Duration: 9:59.


Brandi Carlile: The Joke - Duration: 4:44.

-Her critically-acclaimed album "By the Way, I Forgive You"

is nominated for three Americana Music Awards,

including Artist, Song, and Album of the Year.

Performing "The Joke" with Benicio Bryant,

please welcome Brandi Carlile, everyone.

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ "The Joke" plays ]


-♪ You're feeling nervous, aren't you, boy? ♪

♪ With your quiet voice ♪

♪ And impeccable style ♪

♪ Don't ever let them steal your joy ♪

♪ And your gentle ways ♪

♪ To keep 'em from running wild ♪

♪ They can kick dirt in your face ♪

♪ Dress you down ♪

♪ And tell you that your place is in the middle ♪

♪ When they hate the way you shine ♪

♪ I see you tugging on your shirt ♪

♪ Trying to hide inside of it ♪

♪ And hide how much it hurts ♪

♪ You let 'em live while they can ♪

♪ Let 'em spin ♪

♪ Let 'em scatter in the wind ♪

♪ I have been to the movies ♪

♪ I've seen how it ends ♪

♪ And the joke's on them ♪


-♪ You get discouraged, don't you, girl? ♪

♪ It's your brother's world ♪

♪ For a while longer ♪

♪ We gotta dance with the devil on the river ♪

♪ To beat the stream ♪

♪ Call it living the dream ♪

♪ Call it kicking the ladder ♪

♪ They come and kick dirt in your face ♪

♪ Call you weak and then displace you ♪

♪ After carrying your baby on your back across the desert ♪

♪ I see your eyes behind your hair ♪

♪ And you're looking tired ♪

♪ But you don't look scared ♪

♪ Let 'em live while they can ♪

♪ Let 'em spin ♪

♪ Let 'em scatter in the wind ♪

♪ I have been to the movies ♪

♪ I've seen how it ends ♪

♪ But the joke's on them ♪


[ Cheers and applause ]

-♪ Let 'em live while they can ♪

♪ Let 'em spin ♪

♪ Let 'em scatter in the wind ♪

♪ I have been to the movies ♪

♪ I've seen how it ends ♪

-♪ And the joke's o-o-o-o-on ♪

♪ And the joke's on them ♪

-♪ Yeah, it is ♪

-♪ Oh, you know it is ♪


[ Cheers and applause ]

-How about that, everybody?

Brandi Carlile and Benicio Bryant!

The album "By the Way, I Forgive You" is out now.

For more infomation >> Brandi Carlile: The Joke - Duration: 4:44.


Mysterious Personal Shopper | 인형의 집 EP.99 [SUB : ENG, CHN / 2018.07.20] - Duration: 33:58.

(Episode 99)

Selected to be the leading brand representing Korea,

Winners will work with

the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

to find a young enterprise with

original business ideas.

The startup company,

which will be selected through a contest

will become Winners' business partner

and pioneer the international market.

Through this business,

Winners will develop into a global fashion brand...

And into the group that designs

the future of Korea.

Your support is appreciated.


You're good at stealing things

that are precious to me.

My mom.


This company.

And this time, my clothes.

I said I would.

Want me to tell you again?

I want to take what's precious to you

and ruin it as well.

But you don't have anything you hold precious.

I pity you.

Shut it.

But there is...

Just one thing that's precious to you.

The thing you were dying to have.

The thing you wanted from me

and begged desperately for.

Your sincerity.

95. 100.

We're done!

- Miss. / - Wait.

Can't we keep her?

Aren't these friendship rings?

Call me by my first name from now on.

Friends call each other by their first names.


Yes, Seyeon.

I wanted to throw them away countless times.

When you locked me up in the mental hospital.

When you caused Grandpa's death.

When you abducted my mom.

I wanted to throw them into the sewer.


I didn't.

Why not?


I thought you had a bit of goodness left.

Because I knew that you saved my mom...

When Hyojeong tried to poison her.

I knew it all.

I thought, although you did terrible things...

You were struggling to stop yourself

from going all the way.

That's why, like a fool...

I couldn't...

Throw away your sincerity...

Eun Gyeonghye.

Look at your sincerity

which made you shine...

And happy, albeit for a brief moment.

They've became garbage.

Look at them.

You will...

Never be able to...

Give or receive

sincerity from others for the rest of your life.

Until the day you die...

You will watch others get hurt

and die because of you...

And realize just what a demon...

You truly are.

I've heard...

Much worse than curses and criticisms.

I need to have...

Everything I want.

There's nothing I can't do.

Wipe your tears.

You're making me sick.

These are the last tears I'll ever shed.

So be prepared.

As you say...

I'll become a demon to you.

Hold the elevator!

I'm sorry.

(Fashion Business Idea Contest)

If I make clothes and sell them again...

What happened today will keep recurring.


I'm going to make something else

instead of clothes.

You'll make something else?

I'll make a company.

As in...

You'll become a businesswoman

rather than a designer?

(Qualifications: Future or new entrepreneur)

I'm sure Gyeonghye never imagined

I'd make a company, rather than clothing.

She always looked down on me

that I knew nothing about business management.

Designing and business planning are very different.

It's something you know absolutely nothing about.


But I have this now.

Grandpa's wisdom and experience

in creating Winners.

I have...

An invincible ally now.

What's wrong?

Is this the business you got

by using that White Paper?

To think, you can still use it 20 years later...

You have to give him credit for his business skills.

That's why I'm telling you

to get the White Paper back from Seyeon right away.

I thought about it.

I need assurance that I'll get the $100 million...

That you promised in exchange for the White Paper.


Send me $10 million as a deposit.

I'll get moving as soon as I get it.

If you don't like it, give up on the White Paper.

That feels so good.

This would be perfect for Seonhui and Seyeon,

who work standing all the time.

I wish money would fall from the sky.


You scared me.

I thought you were Gyeonghye.

Come down and have lunch.

The table is set.


Gyeonghye won't suddenly come home, will she?

She makes me uncomfortable.

She may not be friendly to you...

But she's still your sister.

To be honest,

I was disappointed in her.

She told me to move out of our house.

She said she despises our house

and totally looked down on us.

She kept insisting

I was her sister and not Seyeon's.

So what did you say?

I said I'm going to live in our house.

It may be tiny and cramped but I like it.

Even if you can't see me often?

Why can't I see you often?

Mom, let's meet outside.

We can watch movies together,

go to hot restaurants and eat yummy food together.

We should do that.


I'm so sorry to you for so many things.

I wasn't there for you, and couldn't do much for you

but you were always cheerful.

And you gave me love.

Thank you.

That's nothing to thank me for.

And sure, it's true that you weren't home much

but I have a dad, a brother

and two sisters.



How long will you give me the silent treatment?


Don't you have something to say to me?


Why did you do it?

Why did you give Seyeon

grandpa's White Paper?

Because it belongs to her.

I knew it.

You really did give it to her.

I'm going to take it back from her.

Why would you do that?

Other people may not know how valuable that is

but I know you do.

You knew

but you gave it to Seyeon?

The late chairman left it to his real granddaughter.

Of course, Seyeon should have it.

The person who needs it more should have it.

Even if you need it, if it isn't yours...

You shouldn't try to have it.

I won't ask you to take it from her.

Myeonghwan will do it for me.


Do you know...

How much he wants in exchange?

$100 million!

If I can make sure

that Seyeon can't have a single

speck of dust from my house or my company...

I'm willing to pay much more.

So that's why you let him go.

To make him carry out your evil bidding.

Please leave.


Should I go instead?


take a look at this.

Grandpa wrote down

why he invested a portion

of the company profits

into a business creating natural burials.

"In the future, products that help

the environment will become an important keyword.

Companies must research and develop

various products that are environmentally friendly."

Environmentally friendly products are the rage.

Grandpa's intuition was correct.

Why don't we search for an idea

that merges fashion and the environment safety?

That sounds good!

You could've called me to the house.

Isn't it strange for us to meet

at a place like this

and drink together?

You told Gyeonghye...

That you'd take the chairman's White Paper...

From Seyeon for her?

Gyeonghye needs to stop

hiding behind her mommy's skirt

whenever anything happens.

It's not like

you will live with her forever.

Did Gyeonghye send money with you?

What are you trying to pull?

I sent your written confession...

To your family in New Zealand.

Lady Geum!

It will arrive a week from now.

Receive it yourself...

And hide it before your family sees it.

Otherwise, your family will know

what you're truly like.

Assault, adultery, embezzlement. All of it.

Even if you take a non-stop flight to New Zealand,

it'll take half a day.

I booked your flight so that

you have plenty of time

so be grateful.

And leave.

I just met with your mom.

She is threatening to send

my handwritten confession to my family.

She says if I don't leave Korea within the week,

my family will find out everything I've done.

I don't know

which of you came up with that idea but...

You and your mother won't get your way.

Take this first.

(Bank check for $1 million)

It's my mom's idea and hers alone,

to send you away.

I'll take care of your confession that she sent.

So you...

Focus on how to

get the White Paper back from Seyeon.

Get out.

Mr. Ma

set up a blind date for you?

I thought he liked you.

He changed his mind already?

I feel like he said that

out of anger because I've been so cold to him.

So what did you say?

You should've thrown a bucket of water on him.

He was teasing me

and I got so angry, that I said

I'll just go on the blind date.

It's almost time.

But to be honest, I don't want to go.

I'm so annoyed.

I don't know what's wrong with me.

What don't you know?

You're angry and confused because

he told you to go on a blind date.

It means you like him too.

To be honest,

it is true that I was drawn to him when I saw him

treat Ung as if he were his dad.

Still, I'm in no position

to go out with him.

Why not?

It's not your fault your husband died early.

You raised your son well all alone.

You deserve an award.

And to be blunt,

it's not like he should be proud

of being single all these years.

What would you do if you were me?


I would've moved forward

without thinking about anything.

You know

I got divorced 3 times already.

But still,

I dream of a new love.

Do it while you can.

Don't regret it later. Okay?

There you go again!

You should listen to the person

with more experience.

Okay, Suk.

Since he set up the blind date,

it'll make him look bad

if I cancel last minute.

So I'll go and politely refuse.

Is anyone here?

What a nice place.

They have a live pianist too.

My dream guy was always

someone who sings well and plays an instrument.

I wonder if he owns this place.

I doubt he's being paid to play.



♪ Is there anyone out there ♪

♪ Who will cry with me ♪

♪ Is there anyone out there ♪

♪ Who will accompany me ♪

♪ I want to love you ♪

♪ Until I fill this empty heart ♪

♪ I want to love you ♪

♪ Until the day I die ♪


Even the dead have their wishes fulfilled.

So please grant me one wish.

Let me devote...

Half of the rest of my life to you.

And the other half to Ung.

Let's get married.

Let's give Ung a sibling.


grant him his wish.

I want a baby brother.

A baby sister would be nice too.

You two...



Thank you.

Let's all live happily ever after together.


Are you free tomorrow?

The all-natural dye artisan agreed to meet me

so I made an appointment.

Can you go with me?

Thank you.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Is that you, Jaejun?

I look weird, right?

Not at all.

You look really good.

Jaeyeong picked it out, didn't she?


You should ask her to keep picking out your clothes.

We'll be late.

Let's get going. Come on.

All-natural dyes

do not use any chemicals

so it does not pollute the air or water.

It's not only good for your skin

but it has a pretty color

and they don't fade much either.

I heard that's why

the demand for natural dye products

are on the rise.

Seeing the fabrics here dyed with all-natural dyes,

the colors are so beautiful.

This fruit may be yellow

but when it's ripe, it turns red.

It's yellow,

but it bears red within the yellow.

It's because we dye them using ingredients like this

that you don't get just a single color like with

chemical dyes. Rather, you can see various colors.

That's amazing.

Feel free to look around.

This is yellow chrysanthemum.

"I wove together the wind, water...

And light

and clothed you with it.

Thus, whenever it rains,

the sun rises...

And the wind blows...

I will know that you visited me."

Did you write this yourself?

I wrote it for my wife

who left this world before me.

Then she's...

It's my wife's portrait.

You asked before...

How I found such beautiful colors.

My wife was color blind.

I used her favorite flowers and fruits

and created the color of nature,

which she always wanted to see.

"The orange color from the cape jasmine

is the color of the sunset.

You're wearing the sunset now."

Then she would...

Smile like the happiest person in the world.

I was never good with words and didn't speak much.

I wonder...

If she understood...

My way of telling her that I loved her.

I'm sure she did.

She smiled happily.

Seyeon and Jaejun went to see

an all-natural dye artisan.

Since I said not to make clothes,

is she opening a dye factory?

(Fashion Business Idea Contest)

The company that wins this contest...

Will become our business partner.

Seyeon may be

using this as a ladder

to climb up and dethrone me.

Seyeon will enter

the contest with a new business idea

using all-natural dyes?


You must be a company in order to enter.

Individuals can't enter.

The dye factory victims' families

are working together to form a corporation.

It wouldn't be unimaginable for them to

appoint Seyeon to be their CEO.

Even if she does qualify to enter...

She doesn't have the brains...

To put together a business plan.

She was removed from being the CEO of Winners...

Because she lacks business management experience,


She has grandpa's White Paper now.

She may use that as a manual

to submit the perfect business plan.

You said...

If I remove Jaejun from her...

You can get the White Paper, right?

Tell me your plan.

It's simple, violent...

And Seyeon may get hurt.

Tell me in detail.

I'll beat her up and take the White Paper from her.

Simply put, a mugging or assault.

If Jaejun finds out we did that to Seyeon...

He'll lose his mind.

He'll probably try to kill us both.

That's why you need to get rid of him first.

It's possible if we make sure

he gets hurt because of her.


Even when he was almost beaten to death...

He only cared about protecting her.

He wouldn't dump her just to save himself.

Jaejun won't do it, but his sister Jaeyeong, will.

We'll show Jaejun getting hurt because of Seyeon.

And just as she lost her parents because of grandpa,

we'll make her fear the possibility

of losing her brother because of Seyeon.

Do both simultaneously.

Assaulting Seyeon to get grandpa's White Paper.

And hurting Jaejun because of Seyeon.

Do them simultaneously.

It seems beautiful and amazing.

Relaying his love...

Through colors.

I once struggled with the same thing.

I'm not good at expressing myself...

So I was worried

that it would be awkward if I tried to express my love.

That was my concern.

That's why...

I thought of another way

to express my love other than using words.

What was that?

Mine wasn't as amazing as these colors.

Still, tell me.

I want to know.

Come here.

Sign language...

That's sign language, right?


What did you say?

If you...

Feel cold...

I want to hug you warmly.

If you...

Feel sad...

I want to make you smile.





What was that last part?

The name...

Of the person I love.

Hong Seyeon.

Did you know that your brother

almost died several times because of Seyeon?

I don't know how powerful you are

but my brother won't be had by someone like you.

Things fell through.

We have to be careful of Jaejun.

It's the only way to make Winners completely mine.

It's mine!

You'll realize later on that what I do from now on

is for you.

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