Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 20 2018

[ ♪ Intro ]


My name is Sarah Suta and I am a videomaker for SciShow and Scishow Space.

This is another in our series of playlist videos

where folks at Complexly pick out some things that we think you might enjoy.

Absolutely nothing comes out of a vacuum,

from movies and television to the symbols that you see so often you don't even notice them.

I love that youtube has opened up a space for people to dig in to critical thinking

and the academic critique of these symbols.

As someone who has been to a few pop culture conferences,

I dream of the eventual scholarly papers delving into the way cultural analysis is done in youtube videos.

So here are some videos about the visual world around us

and some deeper thoughts about what those images might mean and where they come from.

It will be easier for you to see this list if you are watching in Playlist mode,

so there is a link to that in the description.

Thanks for watching the Complexly Channel and Don't Forget To Be Awesome.

For more infomation >> Sarah's Playlist for Thinking Critically about Visuals - Duration: 0:55.


Nurko & Last Heroes - Promise Me (Lyrics / Lyric Video) (feat. Jessie Chambers) - Duration: 4:23.

Nurko & Last Heroes - Promise Me (feat. Jessie Chambers)

For more infomation >> Nurko & Last Heroes - Promise Me (Lyrics / Lyric Video) (feat. Jessie Chambers) - Duration: 4:23.


☑︎Service - One of the Primary Decision Makers of a Purchase💰 - Duration: 9:42.

hello so now we're gonna discuss service and why services one the primary

decision-makers of anyone making a purchase and what you can do to upgrade

the service that you offer hi this is John Ruman if we have not met before I'm

with the sales training Academy and with the real double-oh-seven mr. Roger Moore

so thank you for checking out this live today so what I wanted to do was go over

first of all the five primary reasons or the five top reasons why people actually

make a purchasing decision these are not in any particular order and I did a

video previously we are just one over them in general but I'm just gonna

rehash them and that will go deep into service first is service second price

quality quality the product confidence of the sales person is number four and

then last would be the actual choices of the customer and their ability to feel

like they have that they have options versus being pigeon-holed into a choice

so now I'm gonna go into service so here's why service is so important first

of all many many businesses are very short when it comes to the quality of

what they offer meaning they have nothing in place to

take care of people before they become a client or customer or after and if this

is you don't fret because there's always an opportunity to upgrade where you are

because in life and business improvement is the natural state you should be

constantly expanding and growing so what I would invite for you is to ask

yourself what am i doing before a customer before I have a customer so in

other words they're a prospect if I have a store they've entered my store what do

I do that makes them feel welcome what do I do to the environment that makes it

conducive for them to enter and this starts by the way with the outside with

your physical sign if your your driveways clean if you have a parking

lot if the parking lot is clean and easy to get to and and if you're in an area

that may be dangerous if it's secure and these are just considerations that

you need to look at from an outside and then as you walk in it's important that

for example the window panes if you have a glass door or glass window that the

windows cleaned daily by your staff and this is a a there's no option but to do

this because this is you'll have a higher level of credibility with a clean

environment and location than something that's dirty once they enter it should

be well lit it should have it should be clean and organized and neat it they

should be feel like they're kind of naturally guided in a certain direction

so if you have a big store you may have someone who welcomes people and ask them

to help we have a small store you still may have some sort of front desk person

but it's important that they feel again welcomed and they're kind of taken

through a journey and lead and that they know people are there to take care of

them so whatever your company whether it be online or not it's important to have

this consideration if it is online you have a website you may have a chatbot

every website has to have some sort of journey so you have only an online

organization or hopefully you have a website regardless the website should

take someone through a journey so I would encourage you to get five to ten

people who really don't know the product or service that well and have them take

and go through the website maybe sit there behind them and watch them and

hear the responses and feedback some areas are confusing because when you're

in the business things just don't have the level of confusion that they do when

you're a third party so let's go through the experience with their eyes very

important and again they should be going through some sort of journey and you

should be guiding them through the journey and ok so let's go back to the

physical proximity because many people have some sort of physical presence your

staff should be welcome they should be well represented and clothing they

should probably have a nametag and they should have some sort of greeting that

they say when people come in and then help

be there to be of service to help the person buy so there's maybe a few other

things to do before the purchase but that's one side post purchase and maybe

during the purchase but let's pretend you have an amazing salesperson takes

care of the during process thing during sales thing and then the sale has

happened what happens after that point and this is where a lot of people drop

the ball in other words they don't take care of people post sale there's no

process to take them through there's no onboarding as it's called an

onboarding simply means steps that a client a new client goes through so they

understand your process answers a lot of questions make a feel very welcome and

basically you want to make it so it's conducive for them to come back and make

them feel like they're part of something special so this is the onboarding

process post and this can be partially done with a physical person calling them

walking them through things it could also be done with an email marketing new

series of emails going out to them but it's important you take them through

this journey and so that's in-house before and after so these are two

important things a third area is the phone I'm assuming that people call they

have questions they have challenges they don't know how to work or they need

instructions whatever it is a phone calls an easier way or facebook or ebay

sorry website chat bots are also common ways for people to ask for help

so make sure you have a system in place for the website for the Facebook and all

these kinds of things maybe Instagram or LinkedIn or YouTube so people can have

challenges and get them answered and again you want to make it as easy as

them for as possible so I would encourage you have an FAQ section on

your website an FAQ section of your email response so that people can when

they email you get an automated response as to things they can

you themselves without your input because people do like to be easy as

easy as possible so that that's another nice one once you get comfortable with

that then it's important to creating a good phone script as well which is when

people do call how you welcome them how you take them through challenges how

people answer certain things I'll give you a small one in Trinidad they

commonly say no problem I'm in Trinidad to Southern Caribbean and I kind of

noticed it's a regional thing but here's the challenge with the word problem

problem even though you say no in front of it psychologically and subtly is does

not have that positive of a connotation so what people will do and high-quality

like for and five-star establishments I've realized that they'll say things

like my pleasure I understand of course absolutely some sort of positive

affirming thing as opposed to no problem which is just again it's a culture habit

thing but what I've done is in sales training for example I've for most of

the classes assuming I remember I'll harp on that to a certain extent just

because it really can subtly make someone feel less comfortable than if

you say of course absolutely I'm there to help you what else can I do to be of

service so that kind of language really helps if any of this resonates with you

with the challenge of having quality service and such Roger Moore and I are

actually in the process of low rate about to launch a customer service

module or series of modules and some will be focused purely on in-house so

physical proximity people come in all that kind of stuff and then we'll have

another module or modules the phone creating a phone script for the customer

service team so if this is of interest to you shoot me a message on again

Facebook Instagram that I stream this all over the place so any wherever you

see this just reach out to me and I'll be happy to answer your questions we'll

be happy to help you and your team to upgrade your your service because

service is again one of the five reasons that people actually make the buying

decision and if your service is subpar you will not do as well as you could so

this is an easy way to improve your numbers and honestly it makes everyone

who's on the team happier because they're having a better time customers

are more positive and it can you can actually create an environment where

people feel this is where they work so so take the time to do that reach out to

us look out soon if you probably by the time you've seen this you'll see the

course is launched and we would be more than happy to help you and your

organization take care of this thank you and please share this like it and ask

any questions or feedback I'd love to hear from you bye-bye

For more infomation >> ☑︎Service - One of the Primary Decision Makers of a Purchase💰 - Duration: 9:42.



you know I feel like a lot of dietitians you know we don't even think of the

inmate population needing our services so when I found out that you are worked in

the prison system... I actually see every prisoner that's convicted that's on dialysis in the

state of Louisiana so they actually have a dialysis center in the prison

Hello everyone welcome back to my youtube channel today I have a guy dietitian so

we're just gonna jump right into it so Germaine tell us about yourself

alright so my name is Germaine Guy and I'm a Registered Dietitian in Baton

Rouge, Louisiana I've been a dietitian for five years now I specialize in

renal nutrition so dealing with people with end stage kidney disease and especially finding a guy dietitian is few and far between even

though I feel like men are becoming more and more interested in the field of

nutrition and dietetics so definitely to have a male dietitian speaking with us

today is a real treat. -I had no idea that that field was

predominantly female until I got into my first nutrition class and I was like one

of the only men in the class I think other guys that were in a class with

like kinesiology majors that have minors in nutrition so I thought I was going to be in class

with a bunch of athletes guys that are into weightlifting and stuff I was

really blown away by the amount of women in this occupation. -Earlier you mentioned that you do work

with individuals that have end-stage renal disease so tell us um even though

that is a very common role for a dietitian to have you do work in an

atypical setting so tell us what non-traditional setting you work at as a

renal dietitian?

The company I work for they have dialysis clinics all over my city and is the

predominant company and when I first got the job they told me that I was going to

be covering two clinics which I do right now

but one is the regular dialysis clinic that's in a community and the second one

which is the special one is a dialysis clinic in prison in Louisiana so I

actually see every prisoner that's convicted that's on dialysis in the state

of Louisiana so they actually have a dialysis center in the prison.

-You know I

feel like a lot of dietitians you know we don't even think of

the inmate population needing our services so when I found out that you

worked in the prison system I said oh wow that's that's quite interesting

We have a wide right; most of the people are uh, there mostly men they're not I

find like they're a little bit younger than my patients in my other clinic and I think I only have

like three women right now and it's a lot of people like I think right now we

have around 75 inmates that are on dialysis.

-so do you have any interaction

with the food service staff at the prison system.

-not really because I'm

contracted just to see the dialysis patients the food service is separate

and that's one of the problems that I have there because the biggest complaint

is to quality of the food and I don't really have a real food service manager

the person that's over the kitchen is a correctional officer and the prisoners

cook the food as well as serve the food and so I've educated them in the past I've even

had the doctor go with me to the kitchen just to emphasize how important it is for

them to follow the renal diet; I've made menus for them but they kind do what they

want to do over there. -what is what is the hardest thing is

like the phosphorous high or the albumin low what do you find that you're

preaching constantly as a dietitian? -That facility phosphorus which is probably

the hardest thing to control in dialysis patients is actually really good and I

think it's because they get their medications they don't have to worry

about dealing with insurance and things like that, but the biggest thing right now that's

hard to control is fluid for one; in their dorms they don't have

air-conditioning so this is burning up hot in south

Louisiana so they use water to cool themselves off as well as drinking ice and

for those who don't know dialysis patients a lot of times they

lose the ability to urinate so they can build up fluid really easy so they have

fluid restrictions so that's a big deal. They also complain about having a lot of

fluid in their food which I tried to educate the kitchen staff on that's like

I said those inmates that cook the food they don't have any culinary experience.

-Do the inmates receive commissary. -Yes

-How do you tackle that? -okay so when I first started working

there I had one of the inmates to give me a list of all the foods that they can

buy from a commissary they usually go once a week it depends on how much money

the inmate has and most of it is junk food so I just took that list and split

it up with the different food groups like and I pretty much just stay here if

you go to commissary I know y'all gonna get junk but these are

the foods that are gonna be lower potassium and phosphorus and things like

that just to make it a lot easier because a lot of them because they don't

like the quality of the food they eat most of their food from the commissary

and they actually made different things they call it hookups so they'll buy

like tuna and cheese and all this stuff and just make their own meals and stuff

they're creative. - how do you see the field of night

evolving to involve more renal dietitians not working in the prison?

- I thought about that question I'm pretty sure that there's other renal dietitians

in other states like that it has to be there's gonna be dietitians, I mean renal

patients that are prisoners in every state I know they do have federal

prisons in some states that have dialysis centers so I think I think it's

just gonna be the same but like in terms of having dietitians that work at a

prison and not contracted to dialysis I'm not sure if that's gonna change because I think

most prisons actually just contract dietitians instead of having a dietitian as a food service manager.

-it's like definitely a growing field it's something that I'm personally

interested in I'm just waiting for it to just spark in my area so in closing what

is your favorite part about working in the prison system?

-I think my favorite

part is I feel like it's easier compared to like the other clinics because I

don't have to deal with insurance. -How receptive are the inmates to your education?

it's kind of like on the streets some of them

really are into it and some of them are not but I find like a lot of the new

patients they don't really know a lot about kidney disease a lot of them don't even

know why they're on dialysis so they are very receptive like when I go and do my

initial education because they're just curious on why they have all these these

food restrictions and things like that and then some of them I actually like

really curious about their labs like they can't wait to see me also so they can

know how they're doing and they can make improvements but then you have some that

don't even care.-

So thank you very much Germaine for sharing with us your role

in a non-traditional setting so in closing

tell us the social media handles that where we can find you? -

On Instagram it's eat

right guy so just one word: @eatrightguy and that's on

Facebook pretty much any kind of social media I have that same handle but I'm

mostly on Instagram.

-Well thank you very much Germain and remember to comment like

subscribe bye

For more infomation >> THE PRISON SYSTEM: NON-TRADITIONAL DIETITIAN ROLES - Duration: 8:40.


Brandi Carlile: The Joke - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> Brandi Carlile: The Joke - Duration: 4:44.


The Best Fantasy Films On Netflix You Haven't Seen - Duration: 6:51.

From swashbuckling swordplay to supernatural sorcery, Netflix is a trove of hidden fantasy

treasures just waiting to be discovered.

You may have seen the big titles on the streaming service, like Pirates of the Caribbean or

Stardust, but that's just the edge of the map as far as Netflix's fantasy selection

is concerned.

We're heading into uncharted lands to seek out the best Netflix fantasy films you should

be watching.

Legend of the Naga Pearls

Centuries after an ancient war between two races, one descendant of the losing race discovers

a way to restore their former glory through mystical objects known as the Naga Pearls.

That's the start of the action-packed adventure in Legend of the Naga Pearls, which sees a

common street thief and his CGI animal sidekick caught in the middle of the battle to take

possession of the mystical objects.

Whoever ends up with them could change the fate of the world.

If that all sounds convoluted and ridiculous, don't worry, it is.

But it's also a ton of fun for anyone who enjoys martial arts fantasy in all its CG-heavy,

wire-fighting beauty.

Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant

If we're all being honest with ourselves, Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant looks

downright horrible.

From that overblown name to a release poster that looks like a student film parody of Twilight,

there is nothing about this movie that would entice you to hit "play."

But anyone who does give it a chance is in for a treat.

With a diverse cast that includes John C. Reilly, Salma Hayek, Willem Dafoe, and Josh

Hutcherson, The Vampire's Assistant is a bizarre mix of fantasy, horror, and comedy that offers

one of the more original vampire movies of late.

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen I am so excited to be here in this anonymous small town that

used to have character but is now just a bland suburb filled with chain stores and surrounded

by slums."

After two friends sneak into a traveling freak show in their hometown, one of them becomes

convinced that one of the performers is a real vampire.

That fateful night leads to the two friends joining a secret vampire war.

Even that description sounds terrible, but Vampire's Assistant pulls it off well enough

to make for a unique viewing experience.

"Here fill that hole."

"I can't do that.

I'm all cramped up.

My legs are still numb."

"Can you feel this?"


Dragonheart: Battle for the Heartfire

Somehow, like the slow creep of a respiratory infection, the 1996 fantasy adventure movie

Dragonheart quietly became a franchise.

Maybe it's because we live in a magical world, or maybe it's just because studios love them

some sequels, but there are now four Dragonheart movies.


They all follow the same basic premise: a dragon shares a heart with a human, and through

their bond they save a kingdom, or something equally important.

Fortunately, you don't need to catch up on any of the other sequels to understand what's

happening in 2017's Dragonheart: Battle for the Heartfire.

This 2017 prequel to the original film sees a king pass away, leaving his dragon without

a heart-buddy.

It turns out that the king had two estranged grandchildren, though, who go to war with

each other over the throne.

Add in Patrick Stewart as the voice behind the dragon, and you'll be surprised just how

much fun you have with it.


I like the sound of that."

Mojin: The Lost Legend

Equal parts archaeological adventure and supernatural epic, Mojin: The Lost Legend follows three

grave robbers who are hired by a shadowy cult leader to search for the tomb of an ancient


To reach the tomb, they'll have to use their wits to make it through a series of increasingly

dangerous challenges.

You won't find many critics praising Mojin: The Lost Legend, but don't let that steer

you away.

While the plot may be bare-bones and the characters fairly one-dimensional, there's a lot of fun

to be had in these underground catacombs as wave after wave of supernatural terror descends

on our protagonists.

If you get a kick out of archaeologists kung fu fighting undead demons, you're bound to

have a good time with this movie.

Solomon Kane

The story of a bloodthirsty pirate who turns to a life of peace after the devil tries to

claim his soul, Solomon Kane is a rare combination of action, supernatural thrills, and fantasy

that doesn't get too bogged down in the spectacle.

"You can tell your master that I am not yet ready for hell."

Kane fights hellspawn demons and regular bad guys in equal measure, but grounds the action

with quieter glimpses into his own struggle to change his ways.

Critics found plenty to like about the movie, even if audiences barely gave it a second


The Monkey King 2

While the first Monkey King is enjoyable, the sequel is where the story really comes

to life, following the simian deity as he protects a traveling monk from supernatural


Don't get us wrong, everything about these movies is cheesy.

But The Monkey King 2 loads that cheesiness with better visuals, better pacing, and a

better overall story than its predecessor, making it a must-watch for anyone looking

for a pure, unrestrained fantasy adventure.

And true to form for these kinds of Chinese productions, the climactic battle is a visual

jumble of ridiculous CGI that alone makes this movie worth the price of admission.

And since that admission price is zero to begin with, what do you have to lose?


In just a few short years, director Yeon Sang-ho's Train to Busan has become a modern zombie


With that kind of pedigree, you'd think that his 2018 fantasy-superhero mashup Psychokinesis

would have made more waves, but sadly it slipped under the current for most people.

When a despondent security guard unknowingly drinks water tainted by some sort of mystical

meteor juice, he suddenly gains the power to move things around with his mind.

With his newfound abilities, he sets out to reconnect with his estranged daughter.

While it takes awhile to get going, Psychokinesis rewards viewers with an epic finale that makes

the whole journey worthwhile, and proves again that Yeon is as skilled behind the camera

as he is at writing, heartfelt, emotional stories.

Vanishing Time: A Boy Who Returned

For a twisted, mind-bending fantasy experience, look no further than Vanishing Time: A Boy

Who Returned.

This South Korean film opens with five children who stumble on a mysterious cave deep in the

forest, where they find magical egg at the bottom of a lake.

According to local legend, the egg holds a monster that can devour time.

When the kids decide to break open the egg, they unleash an unexpected supernatural force

that changes each and every one of them.

While the central premise of Vanishing Time has its basis in fantasy, the story that plays

out afterward is a remarkably gripping drama about friendship, trust, and betrayal.

It's a quieter, more brutal take on the fantasy genre, but it's just as gripping as any action-packed

spectacle you're likely to find on Netflix.

Give it a chance and you won't be disappointed.

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

The story of a traveling troupe of performers led by a man who's made a bet with the devil

to see who can collect the most souls, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus is a unique

fantasy adventure that most mainstream audiences missed in 2009.

Imaginarium straddles a thin line between magical surrealism and over-the-top goofiness,

but to its credit, it never goes too far in either direction.

Heath Ledger does a lot to keep the film grounded, even as it goes deeper and deeper into dreamlike


If you missed Imaginarium when it was first released, you should definitely give it a

shot now that it's on Netflix.

For more infomation >> The Best Fantasy Films On Netflix You Haven't Seen - Duration: 6:51.


Gentleman's Box Review - July 2018 Unboxing Monthly Subscription - Duration: 6:38.

welcome back guys thank you for checking this video I have July's gentleman's box

right here one of my favorite men's subscription boxes you get your

bracelets your ties your socks your nice men's essentials you know really nice to

add to your wardrobe when it comes to getting dressed up in a suit casually

you get a lot of cool products this is the month of July all right

the code Santos five will save you five dollars off your first month so

definitely just take a look all the links and codes will be in the

description down below but let's get right into this box so we're opening it

up and we have this right here is the magazine right here this is that go-to

guy this is the how-to for everything in this box how to wear it how to style it

how to match it and also the price values just different little stories a

nice little pamphlet magazine type of thing right here and this month we're

honoring the Calvin kid so it's a Calvin Klein Jeans themed box this is like I

said before this is July alright let's see what the tip is a gentleman's tip

number 140 all right the greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he

acquires but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him

positively I like that tip right there gentleman's box but like I said you open

it you get a little welcome letter for the for the new members you have why the

theme was like that did a little bit more about the Calvin kid themed box and

then you're gonna have how to wear the items but I don't want to show you too

much alright so packaged really nice as always you have the little seal the

gentleman's box sticker still look good feel good be good we also have a

Lawrence hunt this right here I believe is a gift card I've I think another box

I've received this I also want you guys to know that with this subscription

you're also getting GQ sent to you so you're getting this box you're getting

GQ magazine sent to you that's a really really good deal so this right here is a

Lawrence hunt really nice dress shirt and it is a $50

card right here so that's a great deal already the box is worth it obviously

but they have some great partnerships they do some great you know

collaborations and let's see what we have here so this is what the box looks

like folded so nicely alright so the first I'm gonna take out is the tie

alright this time right here is the gentlemen of the north geo TN all right

you can see this so this brand right here gotten multiple

items from man this is a 39 dollar tie alright retail value I told you how to

match it tells you a little bit more about the brand which is good because

I've mentioned this before a lot of the times you get these items that you don't

even know how to style them alright if you're trying to you know dress nicer

than you have in the past it might be a little bit difficult you could turn to

pinchers for ideas but you know gentleman's boss lets you know exactly

how to match these items so that it's a little bit easier for you but this is

100% cotton it's a nice ties a little you got the burgundy and the blue then

you also have like another stripe in the pattern so you can see that right there

so this is a really nice tie like I said valued at $39 this box is 25 we already

got a gift card for $50 and then we have some socks now this is from lock-step

apparel alright socks are always around the twelve to fifteen depending on the

material alright these right here are valued at $12 this is lockstep apparel

we have 80% cotton 50% polyester 3% spandex 2% nylon a nice dress sock nice

and soft matches perfect with that tie so this will be a perfect you know these

items are gonna be a nice outfit right here that's so weak as we keep going

through the box we have the soft landing pocket square

so this pocket square right here is valued at $15 so as you can see it's a

white and a baby blue all right the Sox have a baby blue the

tie has some blue so all this stuff goes perfectly together so this like I said

$15 so we already have $39 twelve dollar socks $15 pocket square

and then we have a product in here this product isn't even valued at anything

it's more like a sample sizes it's one ounce all right it's for all skin types

naturally scented this is a natural and organic body lotion from East of Liberty

all right so let's see is it open not too much of a simple this is a nice

organic I like to use organic processes a nice little sample if you like it and

you can go to their side you know buy some items from them you know see what

other what else they have it also has their website like I said this is east

of Liberty and let's keep going through all right so from honorable so from

honorable beasts we have a passport case and also a luggage tag all right usually

once a year that you get a lump a luggage tag or something so this is a

nice little let me know let me let you know now that the passport case is

valued at 25 and the luggage tag is valued at 15 all right we've partnered

up with honorable beasts classy men's shop imported from Italy South Korea and

Japan to bring you a brown leather duo that is perfect for all your upcoming

adventures so really good really nice I mean you got a leather luggage tag all

right your luggage tag it has it says honorable beasts on the back and then

also your passport holder so you'll be traveling with some nice you know nice

little accessories like even your suitcase is gonna have something

attached to it and then your passport will have a nice little leather case

I've gotten in the past I've gotten a couple products from gentleman's box

where I have a wooden luggage tag and also a passport holder but this one is

newer so I'll probably swap them out and so that is July's gentleman's box

guys thanks guys for checking this video out check out my last month gentleman's

box you can check that out right here and

also I have a whole playlist of all my other journalist box down here that you

guys can check out so thank you guys have a good one

For more infomation >> Gentleman's Box Review - July 2018 Unboxing Monthly Subscription - Duration: 6:38.


Desafío Innovación: Vivero Guayacán 1x03 - Duration: 8:49.

For more infomation >> Desafío Innovación: Vivero Guayacán 1x03 - Duration: 8:49.


Top 5 Reasons People Buy - Reviewed & Explained - Duration: 9:52.

hello good evening my name is John Ruman. I work at the real double-oh-seven

mr. Roger Moore of sales training academy in the beautiful country of

Trinidad Tobago helping you achieve sales excellence and make the numbers

better than ever so I'm gonna go in today the top five reasons why people

buy from you and I'm gonna go into each of them in depth with the time allotted

and I'll explain them and what I'll do in future videos is actually go into

each one of these in depth and then I'll actually from there ask you for which

one you think is the most popular so I'm gonna give you the five and I'm gonna

ask you to rank them if you can so here are the five and these are not in any

particular order but this will be helpful for you so basically the first

one is having a feeling of control or many options so you can say option /

control would be number option one option two would be the confidence of

the person in the sales position option three would be the quality option four

would be price with the actual pricing of the item is and item 5 would be

service so again we have service price quality confidence and options and

control and I'll tell you why this is so important hey Hayden how you doing man

is it's important that you understand people don't buy on price of these top

five price is one of them I want you to let me know which you think is the top

and if you're missing this and you're catching this live later on cool but

write these down and let me know what you think is most important because I

will in the future video actually rank these for you so I'm gonna go over them

no particular order let's hit the most common one price that is how you price

your item how it may be competitive or not competitive relative to the marking

price place when it comes to its price point

how you have maybe done research on that to come up with the price so price is a

perception of any consideration for any purchase service hopefully speaks for

itself services how well you take care of people how well you love them up how

well before you buy and after a person buys from you they think this is an

amazing experience and most importantly you actually build a relationship so the

person has a strong incentive emotionally to buy from you over and

over again which is what you want you don't want a one-time purchase okay so

we have price serves quality so that would be the perceived how nice

something is how good it looks how long does it last this may have to do with

warranty so if you have an item that has a warranty or guarantee around it that's

kind of where this would play role but it's also important to understand the

perceived quality of the product so if you have a service there are things you

can do to upgrade the perceived quality that could be anything from

certifications accreditations people you're involved with could be the

process you take people through it could actually be your price believe it or not

you should believe that if I charge ten times as much as the typical person in

an industry you're gonna assume there's a higher level of quality okay next one

is confidence that is how much bravado how much I believe in what I sell you

you need this because you have a desire and I could fill that desire so that is

the confidence in the salesperson to project what they feel is the reason

this person should be making the purchase so that's the confidence side

of things last but not least a feeling of control the feeling of the options

that you when you go into a place whether it's online or physical or mix

and you have choices you may have no choices

you may have lots of choices you may feel like you have too many choices but

what this comes from is there's been a lot of studies

that people have felt that they've been pigeon-holed into buying something so

they've been not given enough choice they said oh here's your two options

that's it and you're like wow that's great but I

want more choice so that's you give them you give them options on the online

space you usually see a minimum of three options is usually a premium chippie

chippie maybe even freemium meaning no real cost and then like the moderate one

which they say is the one that's the most popular again choice and that

there's too many choices it can actually deter so a quick thing on this they

actually did a study of a it was two options for jams for like jelly and

there was a I'm gonna give you rough numbers I know one was six options and

the other was 25 or something the person who had six options was ten times more

likely to buy than the person with the mid-20s so six options versus mid twenty

option let's say twenty five ten times more likely to buy ten times and think

about it you get stuck in indecision like I don't

know what to do with I mean we can only make so many decisions in a day if it's

hard to make the decision and we feel like there's too much it can be bad so

on both directions both sides of the spectrum too many choices like fifty one

flavor Baskin Robbins too too few you must do this here's your only option and

no one likes to feel trapped or like the salespersons try to bottleneck them into

this one thing so it's important that you understand you give people options

and they have lots of choice so briefly I'm gonna tell you how you can improve

these things and then again I will go in-depth into each of these at some

point so okay so the feeling of feeling of control and options again give people

options give them a sense of control do not give them too little but give them a

to ideally three or more confidence this is you so this is how you feel about how

you present yourself you must feel powerful confident

steadfast with need you have and you can you know

without a shadow of doubt the value of what you're bringing to the table that's

you you the person the sales position quality again if it's digital or

physical doesn't really matter service or a physical product that doesn't

matter what matters is the perceived quality and actual quality and you can

back that up with some sort of guarantee service this is you taking your business

to a higher level if you give crappy service good luck it will hurt you in

the long run and a company that has better service and similar product will

blow you out of the water eventually so even with fast food chains like I'm in

Trinidad some of the chains locally service so because of that I actually

think there's a high chance that higher quality service providers of similar and

products can actually take over it'll take them time and they'll need to build

a trend but hey Daryl but it's important that you understand service is huge and

then last but not least price so you can adjust your prices you can be below the

market I would encourage you never to make yourself broke test out pricing so

if you are having a new business test out pricing interview those who are

target market for you and they are helpful for you to come up with a price

point that they good feels comfortable and you can test this out and a great

book is called the Lean Startup by Eric Ries I think it's RI es or re is and

that's a great help for you to help you come up with the idea of testing what

you have going on to see if it's valuable for those who want to buy from

you so if you have any questions on these again price service quality

confidence and a feeling of control our options on the buyer's perspective when

you have your your business and if you're in sales you have to make sure

you have these things understood because these are the reasons people actually

make the purchase so if you find that you need help in any way when it comes

to sales again I work with Roger Moore on the sales training academy and we

have a simulated based approach to help individuals there

teams large groups large big companies small companies to grow their sales and

to help them make sure they understand the client and most importantly as we

harp over and over again you must build relationships not sell people love to

buy but they saw people hate to be sold but they love to buy so make sure you

give them a buying atmosphere and when you understand these five things you

will be super helpful in your actual long-term success so let me know any

questions you have please share this with your friends if you have friends

and sales or friends at business because most business owners don't understand

what's happening here and business owners are often the biggest sales

person for an organization our next course starts up the 13th of September

the six week six week course and we have another cold calling course coming up I

think the 2nd of September have an awesome night thank you for watching

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