Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 20 2018

- How many languages do you speak?

I think five or six.

Norwegian, English, Dutch, Spanish, French and some Catalan.

It's very impressive.

He's just a really clever guy with a good family and clever parents.

He gives the average of the team an enormous boost.

That's for sure.

I think it's fun and very interesting.

In the beginning, while learning the language, I read a lot of books in Dutch.

I started with Asterix and Obelix, things like that.

Comic books.

Now I'm reading a Spanish book.

My girlfriend is Spanish.

You're never done learning a language.

I just keep reading and try to improve.

- The language of love is the most important language, right?


That's true.

He's a teddy bear-like person.

A big Viking.

Last year, I did a lot of races with him at the end of the season.

I was really very enthusiastic about him.

People laughed.

I was in awe of Amund.

He made a big impression on me at the end of last season and this season too.

He lost quite some kilos at the end of last year and from then on he started to ride very well.

Then we lobbied a bit.

Maybe he should go to the Tour.

I didn't expect my first grand tour to be the Tour de France.

Now I'm here. That's a good thing.

During the first days, I kept my eye on him a bit.

During the team discussions he looked a little nervous.

And now he's already a permanent fixture actually.

He's a neo, but he's a permanent fixture.

For sure he has the potential and the capacity.

He's an astute rider.

He's a hard-working young guy and I think he's

shown some impressive improvements as a rider.

He's the future of Norwegian cycling, especially regarding the classics.

He's really played a huge part in Dylan's victories.

He also kept him in the race for a day.

That was particularly his merit.

He has a very high level.

- Amund, congratulations boy.

Things are going well.

It's going in the right direction. And I hope I can stay for a few more years.

And then become one of the best in the world in the classics.

For more infomation >> How many languages Amund speaks... | Team LottoNL-Jumbo - Duration: 3:11.


The Best Automatic Transmission Fluid | Burn Rubber Brewing Co. - Duration: 4:09.

hey welcome on sir transmissions we get all the questions about fluid types of

fluid which is best for my application and there is a variety of fluids on the

market there are still some mineral oil fluids are still available for your

older vehicles and of course today's technology we have synthetic fluids

which is a much more dependable better lasting product for your transmission

and each manufacturer has designated different types of fluid for their

application Ford's use a type F type F type fluid GM

uses add extra dextran type of fluid from a dextran to three all the way up

to a decimal six with a which isn't synthetic and then Dodge has their own

brands of fluids that they recommend and Mopar for the Mopar products and then

you have the imports imports have their own fluids whether it's an Asian import

or two European import you wear this Mercedes Audi Volkswagen all of them

have different types of fluids because they run a different viscosities they

have different friction modifiers to take advantage at the performance of the

clutches in those particular units you know we're here like it is a regular

Merc on you need a very common fluid we have the merc on decks so now the

industry started picking on that hey we don't need a specific fluid for a

specific type of transmission and so they started mixing blending fluids

together and then we have the regular type f24 type that fluid and then we

have the max ATF which is the beginning of the synthetic fluids and again

there's different fluids for different applications so you have to look up your

manufacturers recommended fluids to know what is best for your particular

application so and then they have the the ATF plus four so that means is they

have mixtures of different dextran and merkon fluids with the combination of

the synthetic multi application which means it will fit let's say for Dodge GM

and then they have other ones that fit just imports that are synthetic fluids

and then they have the regular deck six which is a synthetic fluid for the GM

products so you have all these different fluids and many more this is just a

small sampling if you go into in other parts

of the different fluids that you need for your application so here at monster

guess we did you mean it's so simple we have a fluid there's not just multi

plane or multi use it's a fluid that fits all of these applications and it's

one fluid so you don't need none of these fluids just give it all this stuff

you know go to play what fluid do I need that's too confusing what you'll need is

burn rubber brewery it's a specially engineered design fluid to fit every

application where it's foreign domestic high-performance towing whatever

application you have this is the fluid it's also on the very few fluids on the

market that you only have to change that a 100,000 mile interval so that's right

you'll need to eat your fluid every twenty thirty thousand miles on the

conventional fluids even synthetical 250 this goes to a hundred thousand and

guess what it runs at a very low viscosity which means that it dissipates

the heat much faster than the traditional fluids that were just

presented to you it also has a much better oxidation principles so that

means it will not oxidize as fast as traditional fluids and and has a steady

temperature guide which means that it doesn't fluctuate in viscosity based on

temperature so just think of your transmission give it a new twist upgrade

it to the burn rubber brewery synthetic cider and buy yours today you can buy

them on our website here at monster one eight hundred seven oh eight zeros are

eight seven and have any further questions as anybody tech support our

sales team and they give you all the benefits of converting to the synthetic

cider buy burn rubber brewery thank you you

For more infomation >> The Best Automatic Transmission Fluid | Burn Rubber Brewing Co. - Duration: 4:09.


Fixer Upper - Dramatic Master Suite Makeover - HGTV - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Fixer Upper - Dramatic Master Suite Makeover - HGTV - Duration: 1:21.


Receta del tradicional pastel de cachapa venezolano - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> Receta del tradicional pastel de cachapa venezolano - Duration: 5:09.


How To Keep a Text Conversation Going with Your Crush - Duration: 4:56.

Heya playa, be honest here.

Do you suck at texting?

Is texting something you're just not good at?

You don't really send interesting messages, you don't keep that person engaged, overall

it's just boring?

Don't worry, in this video, I'm going to share how to not have boring conversations, how

to make them more lively and interesting so you can keep that person engaged.

For those of you that are new here my name is Josh and every single Monday through Friday

I make videos sharing tips, ideas and stories teaching you how to be your best self, now

the best way not to have a boring conversation is to have something planned a little ahead

of time before you message them.

What I don't mean by that is to have fully scripted conversations and stories that you

can tell.

You want things to flow honest and naturally but I think it doesn't hurt to have openers

that you can use just to keep the conversation from falling flat.

And to me the best openers are questions, they're things that you can ask that person

to get a natural and real response from them.

For example, you might want to ask them something like "What's your most favorite movie?

Of all the movies you've seen over the years, which is the one that really sticks with you?

Or say something like "I've never been one to really believe in ghosts but there's been

a lot of freaky things going on so I wanted to get your opinion, do you think ghosts are


These are fun and unique ways to start a conversation.

It breaks from the traditional role of just going "What's up?", "How's your day going?",

"What are you up to?".

Now if you're interested in learning more openers, I've put together a free guide of

20 ice breaker conversation starters, I'll link it up at the end of this video, you can

check it out, it's gonna give you what to talk about, what to say afterwards and how

to respond if they give you different types of answers.

But avoiding a boring conversation is more than just having a good or fun opener, it's

really being able to keep a conversation going.

So it's on you to kind of bring fuel into it.

To kind of having something to talk about with them so that things just don't run dry.

An easy way to keep that conversation going is to just follow up with a story based on

the question that you initially asked them.

Share your experience and your thoughts on what you asked them to share their thoughts


Another thing you can do is to ask them deeper questions, so let's go back to the movie example.

Let's say you ask them what their most favorite movie of all time and they give you whatever

as their answer.

From there you can always ask them, "Well, what was the last movie you saw in theaters?"

or "What was the last thing you watched on Netflix?"

see how you're just breaking down that movie question into smaller more detailed questions?

That's a good way to learn more about them and in those detailed answers, you might come

across something that you really really connect with and that could be the perfect segway

into you sharing your thoughts.

Another thing that I don't really like that a lot of people do and this might just be

a me thing is that they ask permission to ask you a question or ask permission to tell

you a story.

So instead of saying something like hey, what are your thoughts on this?

They'll ask beforehand.

"Hey can I ask you a question?" which means I need to respond to that and then I need

to respond to their question and I feel like it just kills time.

It makes the conversation longer and it kind of just makes it a little bit more boring.

To me in a normal conversation, it displays a lack of confidence.

The only time I see it making sense to ask if you can ask them a question beforehand

is if it's something deeply personal that might actually trigger something or offend

them or hurt them in some way.

But other than that, if you're just trying to figure out what their favorite cereal is,

just ask the question directly.

Another thing that can make a texting conversation boring is just dropping way too many compliments.

Saying tons of things like "you're beautiful", "you're gorgeous", "you're amazing" over and

over and over can get kind of repetitive, even just seeing tons of those messages in

a row, it can just be a little overwhelming.

Compliments are a little bit like spices, you put a little bit in just to flavor the

meal but if you overspice your meal, you completely ruin it all together.

And finally the most important thing you need to do to not let that text conversation become

boring is to make that transition from texting to talking in person.

People will spend days and weeks and months just constantly texting, never giving that

person the hope that hey, I really like you, this is going well, let's meet up in person

and do something about it.

If you just stay in that texting stage, you're missing out on a whole world of new experiences

you can have with that person.

Conversations work entirely differently when it's face to face versus over text.

And you're just not really allowing you guys to flourish in that way.

So the key there is to take it offline when you feel like the time is right.

You can always say something like "You know, you're a really fun person to talk to.

Let's continue the conversation in person".

Now I know, a lot of you guys are nervous about taking it to the next step but I think

it's a crucial thing for you to do.

That's why I want to know, what do you guys think, what do you feel is holding you back

from moving the conversation from text to in person?

Leave your comments down below and we'll talk about it.

On that note guys thank you so much for watching, hit the thumbs up button if you enjoyed this

video and definitely check out the playlist over there on the side it's all my best videos

on texting.

If you really want to be a texting master that playlist is gonna get you up to speed

so, check it out and on that note, I'll catch you guys next week.

As always, love and peace.

For more infomation >> How To Keep a Text Conversation Going with Your Crush - Duration: 4:56.



I can't really see anything from here so I hope my hair looks okay if not we're just

we're just gonna go with it hey guys it's Amanda and welcome back to my channel

*swipe sound*

today I'm going to be answering a few

questions that some of you guys sent in mostly my boyfriend my friends because

I'm irrelevant but

yeah there's no but after that so I asked on Twitter for

y'all to ask them some questions um if you don't follow moans when I ready and

my twitter is itsamandawan go check it out

um yeah so I'm just gonna find the place that actually has questions I'm

unprepared so the first question is which countries and/or cities do you

want to travel to in the future that is a really good question if I answered all

of the places I wanted to go to we would literally be sitting here for like years but

one place I really want to travel to in the next five years is going to be a

hundred percent um actually let's think I

I really want to go to Iceland um I really want to go to Spain I want to go to

Greece I want to go everywhere in Europe um I want to go to Chicago I want to go

to a lot of places um but like my number one spot right now would probably be

Iceland or Thailand I want to travel a lot so yeah

is my shirt clean


favorite book right now um I don't really have I don't read um I would love

to read but I get too distracted so right now I don't really have a favorite

book a book that I can read all the time is Perks of Being a Wallflower but

um willl you be premiering your rap career at the VidCon 2019 cypher I mean

what career

what's your favorite quote or saying I don't really have a

favorite one but I literally I think that like my favorite saying or my

favorite motivational thing is to just be yourself and be who you are because

no one else is gonna be like and no one else is you therefore just own that and yeah

if you could work with any actor in any medium photos video interview fashion

etc who would you want to work with I would die die die to work with Shay Mitchell

literally I've been like like she is my girl crush okay like if I can have

only one girl crush for the rest of my life it would be Shay Mitchell i'm

obsessed with her work I'm obsessed with everything that she does um yeah so

I'd love to work with her I would love to have like an interview with her like

just talk about her life and everything like that because we're both from Canada

so I think that would be really cool so I know you're never gonna ever ever ever

ever know who the fuck I am but if by slight chance you ever come across this video or

anyone that knows Shay Mitchell, tell her to hit me up would you ever consider

not living in Canada I mean I wouldn't mind moving somewhere for like a month

or something like the state's a month or like Europe for a month but like

I would never be able to like dead ass just live in the States because the

states is corrupted right now what is your biggest goal for YouTube or

filmmaking I just want to send a message out I want to be Who I am like 100% of

the time um I would love to have this as my full-time job not just like youtube

but like creating stuff as a full-time job so I guess that's the biggest goal

what was your favorite moment from California and do you think you'd ever

live there um my favorite part I think was just like seeing friends and taking

photos and stuff like that if I would ever live there um I wouldn't like a

hundred percent move from there because because of a lot of reasons um but I woud

like totally like book an Airbnb for a month and chill there and stuff I would do that type

of stuff but I wouldn't like a hundred percent devote myself to living there

how do you deal with the pressure of this generation to have everything

secured by the age of twenty five

if y'all didn't know I'm 20 years old I look like

I'm 12 but I'm 20 and the fact that like in five years I'm supposed to have my

life together my shit together like everything together is one hundred percent

impossible I'm probably might be still in school or I might have just graduated so

having like everything secured and locked down by 25 is highly impossible but

I don't think you ever have to like have a certain date where you have to have

everything fucking like a hundred percent done and down ok my nose

piercing but I don't think there's a certain age that you need to have

everything like settled down and stuff take your time don't feel like you

have to like finish everything in a certain time frame like just take your damn time

what do you plan to be doing in the next

five years I just I want to be done school forever like

a hundred percent forever and I want to just be creating I want to own my own studio

one day so fingers crossed

and the last question is what motivates you to get

out of bed and who's your biggest inspiration motivates me to get out of

bed is probably my work my boyfriend and food my biggest inspiration don't know

um all my friends inspire me my boyfriend inspire me people that are

in the creative field really inspire me so I don't have like one sole person

that like inspires me but a lot of people do so yeah so I hope you guys

enjoyed this video if you did please give it a big thumbs up and subscribe to

me below and I'll see you next time and remember live life don't think twice I'm

outta here

*music for the rest*

For more infomation >> I WANT TO MOVE TO CALIFORNIA? - Duration: 5:27.


Nightcore - Anna Mulle Siivet - Duration: 2:36.

When dark clouds cover sky and earth,

It is difficult to see where to go

The wind is blowing against my face,

It does not feel like there is any visible light

Give me wings on my back to fly to you with an invitation

I will fly over sea, earth and sky

Give me wings on my back, for when I cannot cope,

Because of your love you just miss her

The cold rain soaks me,

Like many of the forgotten tears

Only you hear my cry

I'm give you my all, you're my security

Give me wings on my back to fly to you with an invitation

I will fly over sea, earth and sky

Give me wings on my back, for when I cannot cope,

Because of your love you just miss her

Yeah, you just miss her

Yeah, you just miss her

Give me wings on my back, for when I cannot cope,

Because of your love you just miss her

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Anna Mulle Siivet - Duration: 2:36.


Flowers left on vehicles of victims of duck boat accident - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Flowers left on vehicles of victims of duck boat accident - Duration: 0:42.


Bitcoin BTC Price 7375 USD 🚀 LIVE Crypto Trader News 2018 - Duration: 17:30.

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For more infomation >> Bitcoin BTC Price 7375 USD 🚀 LIVE Crypto Trader News 2018 - Duration: 17:30.


Thomas VS James! TrackMaster | Thomas and Friends #80 - Duration: 4:03.

Hey, guys! Today we have a face-to-face battle!

Thomas and James will be competing against each other to find out which one of them is better!

Now we will check out which of the engines is more agile!

James is scaring Skiff aaaand Thomas manages to catch the chest!

What a perfect catch! Good job, Thomas!

Now James will try his luck in demonstrating his agility!

Skiff got scared aaand excellent!

James is repeating Thomas's result!

After the first contest the score becomes 1:1 Well done, engines!

And now let's check which of the engines is more powerful!

It's a TUG-of-War challenge!

James is doing his best to resist, buuut… checkpoint!

The score becomes 2:1 to the favor of Thomas!

Let's see if James can take a revenge now!

Thomas --- James now… What a tight struggle!

And James is managing to pull Thomas towards his checkpoint!

The score becomes 2:2

So far we can see Thomas is trying his best to win but James is not willing to give it up too!

Good job, engines!! What a show!

And now it's time for the spiral challenge!

We will find out which of the contenders is better at pushing trucks!

Hey, Thomas! That's not racing challenge! Be more careful!

As a result, Thomas is finishing with three trucks!

Lets see if James can show a better result!

He's trying to ride more carefully but it's not really helping him….

Oh, James!! How could that happen to you!!?

Don't worry! We'll help you out! Continue your ride and be careful!

And James is finishing with three trucks!

So, the engines are still even!

The score is 3:3

Now we have the final contest - racing challenge!

The winner of this contest will become the winner of the whole competition!!

Come on, engines! Show us what you've got!

Oh, it seems like James is taking lead…

Now Thomas is shooting ahead…

They are almost equal!

But Thomas eventually is crossing the finish line first!


The final score becomes 4:3 to Thomas's favor!

Thomas is the winner of today's challenge and he gets the CUP!

Wow! We witnessed an incredibly tight challenge today!

We hope you liked it too!

Thank you for watching our videos!

Subscribe to our channel, put like and share this video with your friends!

Press on the bell to always check our newest videos!

Good bye!

For more infomation >> Thomas VS James! TrackMaster | Thomas and Friends #80 - Duration: 4:03.


FREE GlokkNine Type Beat 2018 - "Blue Faces" | Nino Fresco Beats - Duration: 3:26.

Listen to this GlokkNine type beat produced by Nino Fresco Beats.

Free type beat 2018 does not mean you own the beat.

This 2018 GlokkNine type beat is for demo use only.

Feel free to download FREE GlokkNine Type Beat 2018 - "BLUE FACES" from youtube.

Nino Fresco Beats hold full ownership of this instrumental.

For more infomation >> FREE GlokkNine Type Beat 2018 - "Blue Faces" | Nino Fresco Beats - Duration: 3:26.


HOW TO MAKE ANT FOOD - Duration: 14:50.

For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE ANT FOOD - Duration: 14:50.


Best crime fiction books released in 2018 - Duration: 8:53.

  Crime fiction has become the biggest-selling fiction genre, boosted by the glut of television detective dramas

 Sales of crime novels have increased by 19% in two years, selling 18.7 million copies in 2017, according to Nielsen Bookscan data, more than the 18

1 million copies sold of "general and literary fiction" titles, a category which had led the market for the past 20 years

 Here are the best and most anticipated crime fiction titles of 2018:Hellbent, by Gregg Hurwitz Described by the Daily Mail as a "masterpiece of suspense and thrills", Hellbent is American novelist Gregg Hurwitz's latest entry in his international bestselling Orphan X series of books, which tell the story of Evan Smoak

 At the age of 12, he was enrolled in a top-secret operation known as the Orphan Program, designed to train orphans to become assassins for government agencies

 In Hellbent, the former Orphan X has cut his ties with the program and has reinvented himself as the Nowhere Man, helping those with nowhere else to turn, according to Penguin Books

 "The latest in Hurwitz's Evan Smoak series may be the best yet," says Book List Reader

"The story moves as fast as a bullet train, and we've never seen Smoak as emotionally exposed as he is here

As the character becomes steadily more complex, the humanity at the core of the man emerges forcefully

"Give Me Your Hand, by Megan Abbott A gripping, unsettling account of secrecy, betrayal and murder, Give Me Your Hand is the latest psychological thriller from Megan Abbott, the Edgar Award-winning author of Dare Me

 "Kit Owens harbored only modest ambitions for herself when the mysterious Diane Fleming appeared in her high school chemistry class," reads the book's blurb

"But Diane's academic brilliance lit a fire in Kit, and the two developed an unlikely friendship

Until Diane shared a secret that changed everything between them." Give Me Your Hand was listed as one of the Most Anticipated Books of 2018 by Cosmopolitan, Book Riot and Entertainment Weekly, and The New York Times says the book "should cement [Abbott's] position as one of the most intelligent and daring novelists working in the crime genre today"

Lullaby, by Leïla Slimani "Her murderous nanny thriller gripped France, winning its top literary prize and the attention of President Macron," says The Daily Telegraph

  And with her seismic novel Lullaby now translated into English, 36-year-old Moroccan-French author Leïla Slimani looks set to take the crime fiction genre by storm

 "Slimani's style, enhanced by Sam Taylor's graceful, unobtrusive translation, is calm, matter-of-fact and controlled, with only a hint of the deranged unravelling to come," the Financial Times says

 The Guardian calls Lullaby "a novel that skewers gender, class and racial stereotypes, but so gently we barely notice, Lullaby looks set to become a publishing sensation, having already sold 600,000 copies in France and with film versions in France and the US under way

"Eye for an Eye, by Kerry Wilkinson "17 years ago, Damian Walker abducted five women because the voices in his head told him to," begins the ominous synopsis for bestselling crime author Kerry Wilkinson's newest effort Eye for an Eye

"Within hours, there is another attack similar to his previous ones. Walker has proof it's not him – but is he reliable, and, if so, who is trying to frame him?" Wilkinson's previous novel Ten Birthdays won the Romantic Novelists' Association award for Young Adult Novel of the Year and he remains a fearful young force in the crime literature sphere

 "Wilkinson's story spreads like a pool of blood as his talent becomes ever more obvious," writes the Daily Mail of Eye for an Eye, released in January

The Woman in the Window, by A. J. Finn Released just after the new year, The Woman in the Window has created quite a ripple in literary circles since its release, with debut novelist A

J. Finn garnering praise from critics and fellow authors alike. "The Woman in the Window is one of those rare books that really is unputdownable

The writing is smooth and often remarkable," says Stephen King. "The way Finn plays off this totally original story against a background of film noir is both delightful and chilling," he added, while other reviewers have described the book as "Hitchcockian"

 A deftly told and riveting story of an agoraphobic woman who believes she witnessed a crime in a neighbouring house, The Woman in the Window is one of 2018's most exciting releases in the crime genre

Dead If You Don't, by Peter James The 14th novel in Peter James's Roy Grace series, Dead if you Don't, tells the story of a father whose son goes missing, only to then receive a message that someone has his child

To get him back alive, Kipp will have to pay. Defying instruction not to contact the police, Kipp reluctantly does just that, and Detective Superintendent Roy Grace leads a covert manhunt, but "starts to realise that not all is what it seems", says Pan Macmillan

 Dead If You Don't is out in hardback, ebook and audio on 17 May 2018.The Blinds, by Adam Sternbergh The Blinds tells the story of a dusty town in rural Texas "populated by misfits who don't know if they've perpetrated a crime or just witnessed one", the book's synopsis says

"All they do know is that they opted into the programme and that if they try to leave, they will end up dead

" "Intrusions from the outside world up the ante, and the uneasy peace is violently shattered," The Guardian says, adding that Adam Sternbergh has crafted "an intriguing premise, strong narrative hooks and a brisk pace that make The Blinds a riveting read"

 The Blinds was released in February.Need to Know, by Karen Cleveland Need to Know, by American author and former CIA analyst Karen Cleveland, is a chilling psychological thriller with all the hallmarks of insider knowledge

"In hot pursuit of a Russian spy ring on US soil, a CIA analyst uncovers a deadly secret that will test her loyalty to the agency - and to her family," says it summary

"The Expats meets The Americans meets The Girl Before." The Times says that Cleveland "deftly brings together old-school espionage and contemporary cyberwar in a novel that may well be the best fusion of the two to date"

 Need to Know was released in January.

For more infomation >> Best crime fiction books released in 2018 - Duration: 8:53.


Forza Horizon 4: map, trailers and release date - Duration: 6:13.

  The fourth instalment in Playground Games's popular Forza Horizon racing game series is set to be one of the biggest releases of the year when it hits UK shops this autumn

  Announced at the Electronics Entertainment Expo (E3) last month, Forza Horizon 4 takes the form of an open-world racing game set in Britain

  Players can drive some of the fastest cars on the planet, including the new McLaren Senna and Lamborghini Centenario, in locations including the Scottish Highlands and the city of Edinburgh

  Fans will have to wait until the first week of October to get their hands on Horizon 4

Until then, here's everything you need to know about the open-world racing game: Video of Forza Horizon 4 E3 2018 Announce Trailer When does it come out? Forza Horizon 4 launches on 2 October for the Xbox One and PC

Those with a more powerful Xbox One X can choose to run the game at a 4K resolution and 30 frames per second (fps) or at 1080p at 60fps

Are pre-orders open? Yes. Amazon has the standard version of the game for £49.99 on Xbox One, while a downloadable for PC costs £59

99.  Above that, at £69.99, is the Digital Deluxe version, which gives players access to six downloadable packs containing new cars, with the releases spread over the game's first six months, as well as a day-one car pack

  The most expensive copy is the Ultimate Edition: a £79.99 bundle that comes with a steel case for the disc, access to the game four days early, a pair of game expansions, two car packs and VIP bonuses in the game itself

 Whats new in Horizon 4?Video of Forza Horizon 4 - Seasons Change Everything | Autumn Quite a lot, it seems

The standout feature is the debut of seasons, with the virtual world changing according to what time of year it is in-game

 The changing seasons can also have a impact on the map itself, says racing game news site GTPlanet

The large lake in the centre of the map, for example, freezes over during the winter, allowing players to drive on it

 Along with dynamic seasons, Horizon 4 puts a far great focus on multiplayer gameplay than the preceeding versions, says GamesRadar+

Players will share the open world with other players in real-time, which should make it easier to start multiplayer races or events

  There's also a greater emphasis on character customisation. A player's avatar can now wear different clothes and act out poses, such as Usain Bolt's signature celebration stance, when they win a race

How big is the map? Horizon 4's scaled-down version of Britain is about the same size as the game world in Horizon 3, IGN reports

  However, the game's director, Ralph Fulton, told the Red Bull site: "Seasons change the world around you, with each bringing its own striking beauty and impact on gameplay through new driving experiences, events, challenges and rewards

  "You'll feel like you're exploring a completely different world after each season change

" The full map has yet to be revealed by Playground Games, but a Reddit user who goes by the name masterzh has compiled footage from several gameplay trailers to create a near-complete preview of the world

 Will there be a demo? Possibly. Trialling a game before it releases is rare these days, but Playground Games is among the few game developers who sometimes do provide a free demo for players to try before they buy

  The demo for Horizon 3 arrived in September 2016, around three weeks before the final game launched, so a similar time frame might be expected for this year's instalment

For more infomation >> Forza Horizon 4: map, trailers and release date - Duration: 6:13.


Kickstarter Games 2018 | A Pokemon Inspired Game & More! - Duration: 6:17.

Two Kickstarter games have finished and yeah... holy crap did they reach their goals.

Now That's Kickstarter Gaming!

The next Binding of Isaac game is in development, but it's not what you might expect.

This is a card game, The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls based on the characters, items

and other crazy stuff that you might expect from the video game.

It's being developed by the creator himself Edmund McMillen and of course an awesome supporting


The card game is set to release in November 2018, so this year, after reaching an unbelievable

amount of $1,423,000+ at the time of this video.

The original goal was only $50,000.

That is insane how many people is dedicated to not only The Binding of Isaac or card games

but just the creator himself.

As a fan of collectible card games and as someone who's played a crapton of The Binding

of Isaac, at first I was like this can't be real.

As I'm thinking about it more, a lot of the items you use in the game can be translated

into the card form, really well.

There is going to be hundreds of different cards that the team really wants to put in

and hopefully within this short time frame, they are able to complete what they envisioned.

It's going to be interesting to see how this is played with multiple people as that

is one of the things that changes it up along with the other crazy things like having your

friends become enemies and enemies forming alliances the closer you get to the end of

the game.

2-4 players can go at it and I can imagine the crazy combinations from these cards making

it a really fun game to play with friends and family members.

Honestly I can see people backing it just for the artwork and having it to display.

Are you someone who enjoys the Binding of Isaac series?

If so what do YOU think about this card game?

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

Are you a fan of Pokémon?

Maybe even wanting to play it on PC or another console that's not Nintendo?

Well, this could be for you.

Temtem is an upcoming game in development by Crema that's inspired by the PokéMon

franchise and aims to mix it up by having it be multiplayer.

So, if you aren't familiar with it there is a game called PokeMMO out there where you

are able to see other players and play with them while going through various past games

in the Pokémon series.

This looks to be sort of like that, but a bigger version, hopefully.

But, don't let that throw you off if you aren't a fan of Multiplayer you have the

option to play the game solo since I know that might of a lot of players.

You can also play it in co-op throughout the story.

So there's multiple options which is really interesting.

The games main focus in terms of battles are 2v2 battles with some exceptions to having

2v1 or 1v1 depending on who you face or untamed Temtem in the wild.

Of course there are some differences like crystal or digital for the Temtem types.

But, they also want to keep random factors out as much as possible since those tend to

cause frustration in the competitive scene.

People have been wanting an official Pokemon MMO or even a MOBA type game for years and

this is really the closest you'll get to it besides PokeMMO.

I think it's good to have some competition for the PokeMon games, you seen recently games

like Dauntless coming out to give their version of the Monster Hunter series.

This could spark something in Nintendo to actually create something similar to this

in the future or heck, even have it as a feature in their upcoming PokeMon game.

But, there are some things that I know other people are concerned about and myself.

This is a Kickstarter game and it's going to be a MMO, mainly focused on that.

So, that is really risky and I have like mixed feeling on if this will do good or if it will

do bad.

As I was thinking about it more and more before I recorded this video I feel like this game

is either going to do extremely well or extremely bad.

The game has reached over $573,000 dollars in Kickstarter and that is a CRAZY amount,

like way past their goal.

And it's just scary to have a lot of people be disappointed if the game isn't up to

their expectations.

So, I really hope that the developers can do the best that they can do.

There will be an alpha that you can play next year in September 2019 and the game will be

coming out in 2020.

This will have crossplay for PC and Switch, its pretty unsure about PS4 and Xbox One since

they don't get along right now, but it would be cool to see everything connected and that

would be like crazy and I think that would be a huge selling point to a lot people.

What do you think about Temtem?

Do you think it will succeed or come up short?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

And if want to discover something new, you can get started right now by clicking this

playlist which has the past Kickstarter games I've covered on my channel.

Thank you so much for watching everyone and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

For more infomation >> Kickstarter Games 2018 | A Pokemon Inspired Game & More! - Duration: 6:17.


Sorteo !! en colaboración con Solcito Gomez - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Sorteo !! en colaboración con Solcito Gomez - Duration: 3:14.


Slow Swedish #3 - Morning routines - Duration: 4:28.

Hi everybody and welcome to a new episode

in slow Swedish.

My name is Joakim as always.

Good morning, you guys!

Today I wanted to talk a little bit about what to do in the morning.

A lot of people probably wake up in the morning

to go to school or to work for instance.

One would probably use an alarm clock

since one would want to wake up on time.

Hopefully you would get up

but it's not always that you would make it and you'd get back to sleep

with the risk of being too late.

When you then get out of bed,

you'd maybe go to the toilet first or get dressed first.

Then you'd maybe have breakfast.

You do know, that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

As a Sweden, you eat a lot of different things for breakfast.

There is of course no right or wrong

but it's common to have, for instance, boiled eggs with caviar.

Caviar is really a caviar paste

that is common in Sweden.

One could also make a sandwich with caviar and cheese.

Such a sandwich is one of my favorite sandwiches.

It is also common to eat, for instance,

fermented milk or yogurt with cereals.

After the breakfast, you would probably brush your teeth.

and one does that in the bathroom with a toothbrush and toothpaste.

You must brush thoroughly or else the tooth trolls will come.

When you've brushed your teeth and maybe put on some makeup,

it's time to go to school or work

or whatever you're going to do during the day.

And then you take your stuff, put on shoes

and clothes and walk out and lock behind you.

Then you can either walk, take the bus, take a taxi,

take the train or take the car to the place you're going to.

Alright, guys, that was all for now.

If you want to learn more Swedish, there is

or if you speak German

and if you want to talk to me or practice your Swedish

you can do that on our, or my, Discord server

or on social media.

You'll find the links in the description.

We'll see eachother in the next video.

Until then, take care. See you. Bye!

It looks so stupid when I bend down towards the mic like this.

Oh, well.

I think it's time to give the back some exercise.

For more infomation >> Slow Swedish #3 - Morning routines - Duration: 4:28.


Sarah's Playlist for Thinking Critically about Visuals - Duration: 0:55.

[ ♪ Intro ]


My name is Sarah Suta and I am a videomaker for SciShow and Scishow Space.

This is another in our series of playlist videos

where folks at Complexly pick out some things that we think you might enjoy.

Absolutely nothing comes out of a vacuum,

from movies and television to the symbols that you see so often you don't even notice them.

I love that youtube has opened up a space for people to dig in to critical thinking

and the academic critique of these symbols.

As someone who has been to a few pop culture conferences,

I dream of the eventual scholarly papers delving into the way cultural analysis is done in youtube videos.

So here are some videos about the visual world around us

and some deeper thoughts about what those images might mean and where they come from.

It will be easier for you to see this list if you are watching in Playlist mode,

so there is a link to that in the description.

Thanks for watching the Complexly Channel and Don't Forget To Be Awesome.

For more infomation >> Sarah's Playlist for Thinking Critically about Visuals - Duration: 0:55.


Πρωταγωνιστής του Prison Break στο νησί των ανέμων - Duration: 1:09.

Πρωταγωνιστής του Prison Break στο νησί των ανέμων  Ένα ακόμη καλοκαίρι που το νησί των ανέμων έχει κυριολεκτικά «βουλιάξει» από celebrities

 Στο υπέροχο Κυκλαδίτικο νησί αυτές τις ημέρες βρίσκεται και ο Rick Yune.  Ο γοητευτικός ηθοποιός τον οποίο γνωρίσαμε μέσα από τον πέμπτο κύκλο της σειράς Prison Break, απαθανατίστηκε από τον φωτογραφικό φακό του gossip-tv

gr να περνά ξέγνοιαστές στιγμές κάτω από τον ήλιο απολαμβάνοντας τα καταγάλανα νερά της Μυκόνου

 Φωτογραφίες ndp

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