Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 21 2018


Relationship can be really complicated sometimes, and it boils down on those two phrases.

Loving someone and being in love are completely different things.

The former is actually an expression of love for something, but it goes without effort

to be in it.

Meanwhile, being in love is automatic expression when love is in the air for both parties involved.

There are still 9 differences between them, and here's the list.

But before we tell you about that, please subscribe, click the bell and watch this video

until the end to know the complete information.

#1 - How you spend your time.

If you love someone, you probably spend more time with them.

As you value your time, you have allocated some time to go with them.

However, it is completely different when you are in love with them.

In this situation, you will find a way to meet them no matter how difficult it is.

This actually can create spark in a relationship too.

#2 - How you see your partner.

Loving someone can be problematic as you see each other every day.

Sometimes, you don't see them as a lifetime partner.

Instead, you see them as just a roommate or just a friend.

This happens just because you love them, but there's no true love in it.

Compared to being in love, each tries the best to get the spark back.

The reason is simply because you care so much for the future, and will make the relationship


#3 - How close you want to be.

The next thing that may happen for those who just love each other is when they are faced

with possible long-distance relationship.

If it is more comfortable to spend time apart, then there's a great chance that the relationship

is no longer interesting anymore.

Thus, there's no true love in it.

It is completely different from someone who's in love because both want to be next to each

other every time.

#4 - When it comes to intimate.

There is a clear difference when it comes to sexual activity between couple who just

love each other and couple who are in love.

For the former, they don't feel the spark anymore every time they have sex.

At some point, there's no satisfaction in sex because there's just no connection in


It is completely different from couple in love because they can find other satisfaction

from other things.

#5 - Another things except for sex.

Couple who just loves only wants sex.

Sex is the main parameter of how far or how deep their relationship have gone through.

There's nothing more.

However, couple in love definitely can express their love through various connections such

as spending time together watching movie.

#6 - How romantic you are to them.

You don't really love them when you just treat the other just like regular person.

However, this happens more frequently than people can expect.

Unfortunately, this is not the sign of true love because you don't establish a romantic

relationship that lasts.

#7 - When it comes to respect.

In a relationship with fake love, there's no guarantee that the couple only respects

each other, and that's it.

There's also a pinch of care, but it is just as a sweetener.

It is completely different from true love which is filled with passion, sacrifice, and

real struggle as no one wants to lose each other.

#8 - How long your partner in your mind.

You just cannot stop thinking about your partner, and that's when true love is in the air.

If it is just a signal of admiration, you only think about the other person when you

need it or when you are alone.

#9 - About the feeling.

Couple without true love understand and care for each other's feeling.

However, it stops to that point.

It won't go beyond to feeling each other's feeling as your empathy is more attuned and

synced together in your love journey.

Well, those are the 9 differences between loving someone and being in love.

So, really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please

share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> 9 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN LOVING SOMEONE AND BEING IN LOVE - Duration: 5:16.


YouTube won't let me audio describe my videos - Duration: 5:14.

-YouTube does not want me to audio describe my videos.

(whoosh, film clapper sound)

Hey everybody, what's going on? So I kind of have some bad news to mention.

So a few uploads ago I uploaded a video which was just a short film just with audio descriptions.

I did it on purpose where I blurred out everything. All the visual parts and just had audio descriptions.

So even if you were sighted you had to rely on AD.

Now afterwards I had this plan to just upload audio described versions of some of my short films,

some of my videos, and I was planning to do this for the next few weeks starting this week.

The thing is I ran into kind of a bit of a problem. Well, kind of a major problem actually.

What do I mean by this? Well, let me refer to you just a few things here.

I was asking a few people a little while back if uploading

not an audio described version of a video but if I uploaded the same video with an added audio track.

Would it cause me problems on YouTube? Would I get some sort of penalty or anything like that?

and the answers I got was either, "No" or "I wouldn't risk it".

And this is where I recall and rewatched an interview with James Rath that he did a little while back.

Now if you don't know who James Rath is, he's a legally blind filmmaker here on YouTube.

Now in that interview or podcast. Whatever it is, I forget what it is.

He was asked why doesn't he upload audio described versions of his films. of his videos.

Now he did post a short film once where he had just a regular version and an audio described

version of the film, but the reason why he said he wouldn't do that afterwards is because, well...

There's a chance that YouTube is going to realize that, "Hey, you're posting duplicate videos"

and not only that but it'll likely cause the content ID system to, well, go after you.

Now for those of you who don't know how content ID works on YouTube, what happens is that.

Well, what it is it's basically kind of a safety feature for creators so their work doesn't

get stolen and posted by other people.Like let's say I post up a video with an audio track.

Like background music. I post it and then I get an email from YouTube saying, like.

"Hey, you're using this audio track which is copyright protected. Why are you using it?

We're gonna take ads off. You can't monetize this video so, this is a warning."

Now on paper this is good because like I said it's supposed to protect the copyright owner,

the original owner. Although this has mixed results cause it doesn't work extremely well.

It happens a lot with music and it happens a lot with just royalty free music. Music that is not copyright protected.

I've had this happen to me a few times.

Now apparently this can happen also when you have duplicate videos uploaded.

So if you happen to post duplicate videos like James said, this could happen as well.

It's like you're telling YouTube to tell you, "Hey you're stealing someone else's work".

Even thought that work is your own.

And like I said I wanted to upload some of my older videos especially my most watched short film.

That is very, that's asking to be audio described. The problem is that's a video with over 300,000 views

and I'm not willing to take that risk to have that video taken down if I happen to upload it twice.

Hey, voice over me again. So I just want to mention something real quick.

I actually do have another version of that short film. It's a director's commentary and it is uploaded.

The thing is it's an unlisted upload. It's not a public upload.

So that would likely get treated differently by YouTube. So I just want to clear that up real quick.

Now don't get me wrong. I don't think that posting duplicate videos

is automatically gonna get you in trouble on YouTube,

but like how James said, I just have to agree with him when you do this with multiple videos.

When you're doing this uploading multiple copies of multiple videos

I think the risk factor does go up quite significantly.

See it's unfortunate but see this is why I wish YouTube had

an option to upload an audio description track.

And I talk about YouTube adding audio descriptions and my thoughts about it in this video right here.

It's kind of annoying because, I mean yes I did post like I said an audio described short film.

but that's because it was only audio described. It didn't have just a non audio described version,

and if I were to post any other audio described films or videos that's all they would be.

I mean if you're a blind and visually impaired viewer who needs audio descriptions that's great

but if you're sighted and you don't need it it's going to be like,

"What's this annoying audio track that I can't turn off doing here?"

and at this point I just, I'm just thinking maybe I should just record the narration

the audio description narration and just post it up on Facebook. On my JC5 Productions Facebook.

I don't know, I mean is that a feasible option for you? Or, let me know in the comments.

I've said it before and I'm gonna mention it again, but I just think it's rather unfair and rather ironic that

I'm a visually impaired creator, yet I can't post content for folks who are visually impaired themselves.

It's's weird.

By the way, if you want to see that short film that I did audio describe it's up here.

and yeah check it out, it's pretty cool. Like I said I just blurred out all the visuals

so even sighted folks had to rely on the audio descriptions track.

Anyway, sorry about the rantiness of the video but I will see you guys next time and next video.

Hopefully it's very soon because now I'm trying to figure out what to do for next week.

Anyway I'll talk to you guys next time. See you next time.

For more infomation >> YouTube won't let me audio describe my videos - Duration: 5:14.


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For more infomation >> Etapas - Emex, Diego Diámond & Lles (Prod By. CloseStudio) - Duration: 4:38.


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wild animals finger family song for kids

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For more infomation >> #MarcelsPaintingChannel Milly, Final Wrap up - Duration: 3:17.


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Outcast • Cinemax on Hulu - Duration: 0:29.


- I didn't hurt Uncle Mark.

It was the black thing.

My dad says it's like you're a puppet

and the black thing's pulling your strings.



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