Thứ Bảy, 21 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 21 2018

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with the Three Little Pigs and Ice Cream Popsicles - Duration: 3:40.


কত দিন কোরবানী করা যায় || Koto din Qurbani kora jay Tin Naki Car din By Sheikh Motiur Rahman Madani - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> কত দিন কোরবানী করা যায় || Koto din Qurbani kora jay Tin Naki Car din By Sheikh Motiur Rahman Madani - Duration: 3:21.



Now. Talents will arrive in a moment

And they have seperated us into two groups. We are group black.

And they are group red.

Now we will play a card game with the talents.

We will try to make houses with cards.

It is a funny game

We will play with this one. One is small...

And there is also this game. They got a small version for everything.

It's so funny.

God I'm excited. Then, I'll see you later.

Yes friends, now we start to play.

These doesn't stand...

-But these doesn't stand -They don't!

I don't get it why they fall?

We played the game. It's over.

It was nice, so much fun. They were really sweet.

It was a bit rushed.

You don't know what to say in a rush, I stayed silent :D

Because I couldn't know what to say

Anıl is stealing a drawing. Why you're stealing Anıl?

Because I couldn't get a sign, so I steal a drawing by Evangeline Lilly :D

- She drew an ant? - An ant!

There is a Premiere tonight. The movie hasn't been released here yet.

So I can give spoilers, but I don't. Why? 'Cuz I'm a nice person.

What do you think?

I mean I approach to them like I can say so much...

Everyone stands next to you and there is a time given to you...

Like I couldn't say anything when we play

I was excited already

I laughed a lot!

Of course! And you are so happy, you're playing a game with Paul Rudd!

I mean, I am a bit sad that I couldn't had a chance to talk with Evangeline Lilly much.

Yeah me too, I'm sad 'cause I love her since Lost.

But it's O.K, I talked a bit when we take a picture.

I was amusing.

Alright now we head to the place where we will play games.

It seems like it will be funny.

Yeah I don't expect normal stuff.


SUBSCRIBE and Don't Forget to Watch Next Videos! It will Continue! :)

For more infomation >> PLAYING GAMES WITH ANT-MAN: HE OWE ME! - Duration: 5:02.


श्रावक का कर्तव्य क्या है ? : आचार्य श्री सूर्यसागरजी गुरुदेव | वडोदरा | गुजरात - Duration: 29:05.

What is the duty of Shrachar ? Acharya Shree Surysagarji Gurudev

For more infomation >> श्रावक का कर्तव्य क्या है ? : आचार्य श्री सूर्यसागरजी गुरुदेव | वडोदरा | गुजरात - Duration: 29:05.


Смешные волки - видео для детей с игрушками! Самые новые игрушечные мультфильмы 2018 - Duration: 6:11.

For more infomation >> Смешные волки - видео для детей с игрушками! Самые новые игрушечные мультфильмы 2018 - Duration: 6:11.


Sirf 12000 Muslman Pori Dunia Fateh Kr skty hain Molana Tariq Jameel - Duration: 17:43.

Latest Bayan by Molana Tariq Jameel

12000 Muslim Army in World with firm faith vs Entire World Army other side They Cannot be defeated on basis of numbers

If Muslim Armies defeated from Worlds Largest army they only will loose because of less faith, there relation to Allah must be weaken so they get defeate

No one can defeat Unite Muslim Armies Strength 12000

Molana tariq jameel new bayan

For more infomation >> Sirf 12000 Muslman Pori Dunia Fateh Kr skty hain Molana Tariq Jameel - Duration: 17:43.


借火 麥浚龍 | Rico Chung, Fiona Ip Cover - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> 借火 麥浚龍 | Rico Chung, Fiona Ip Cover - Duration: 3:55.


How to Gain 10K Instagram Followers in 24 Hours | Trick To Get Unlimited Instagram Followers 2018 - Duration: 10:01.







For more infomation >> How to Gain 10K Instagram Followers in 24 Hours | Trick To Get Unlimited Instagram Followers 2018 - Duration: 10:01.


How To Be A Great Telemarketer - Duration: 8:18.

Okay, you're thinking about telemarketing or making sales calls, you're scared

about it but you want to do it right, so in this video we're going to talk about

how to be a great telemarketer. Hi, here with Nate Woodbury. Be The Hero, right?

Oh it doesn't say Nate on the show... it's just Be The Hero is the

company. I'm Scott Christopher. We're talking

about telemarketing because Nate has a great background in telemarketing sales

and I'm curious as to why we would talk about that today. Given the thrust and

nature of other videos that we've done that have to do with YouTube marketing

and social media, where does telemarketing fit into this whole idea of marketing

and sales in this day and age? I'll be upfront and fully admit I don't like

telemarketing. As far as I don't enjoy it. You're not alone. As far as do I like it...

I like it because it's effective. Okay. But I but it's it's no fun. Nobody likes

it but in the beginning, I quit my job and was able to... I was behind on bills

that's why I quit my job. It just wasn't paying me what it used to and so... What

was your job? I was a telemarketer for another company. So you quit from

telemarketing, okay. But I started my own company and I did telemarketing to

market my own services and I was able to survive that next month and get ahead

and pay off all my debts. So it was... So you're a believer. The reason that I

highly recommend telemarketing is because you can get results today. You

start making calls and you'll make a sale today. You just have to

have the right people to call and have something to sell, follow up you know

follow a system. The sales cycle is pretty quick. Yeah. The sell cycle is immediate

because I've got so many friends or acquaintances that want to grow their

YouTube channel to generate leads, it takes time. It takes time to build that

momentum. what are you saying do telemarketing to get people to watch your YouTube

channel? Kind of. You can do telemarketing to make sales right now. If you won't get...

Like if I have.... I've had people that come to me and want my services but they

can't yet afford my services and I asked them, I talked to them about their

business. It's like how much revenue are you generating right now? Where are

you getting your sells from? and are you doing this and you're

doing that. And I find out they're not doing a whole lot. They're just expecting

the social media and their YouTube channel to start bringing in more and

more customers. And I thought you know if you spent one day a week just put in a

full day of telemarketing, one day a week, you'd be making a lot more money, than if

you weren't. Just put them one day a week. This is a business. This is real. Telemarketing can get your results and

while while we might want to phase it out because we don't enjoy it or we

might want to hire it out, it's so effective. You know you operate under

certain constraints? I mean I know there's do not call lists and I know we

get calls at home, you know there's a lot of... That's a great question. In my world,

all my clients and customers are always business owners and so when you have a

phone number that's registered to a business, you can't be on to do not call

list. Oh.. is that right? I had no idea. So businesses and I guess that makes sense

business-to-business telemarketing is simply another business calling you to

say, "hey, is there a potential relationship here and even if

it's the cellphone, if you're calling the business owner's cellphone and they've

got that phone number listed on their business card, you can't put that onto do

not call list. I see. Okay, let me just share some tips about how to be a good

telemarketer because before I had my own company, I worked as a telemarketer for

for two other companies. In both cases I was selling search

engine optimization. Oh. And one of the companies they had me on an auto dialer

which I recommend. If you're going to do telemarking, an auto dialer can help you

be more efficient as soon as you hang up it's automatically dialing the next

person. And you don't get to think about it, it just brings up on the computer

screen, it brought up the information about that person and so it's ringing

while I'm reviewing that info and it helped me to be on it. I don't remember

the exact things that I did but I know that I made more calls than anyone else

out of the the 200 people in the company. I was making the most calls. It

was required that you did at least 200 dials per day and there were

days that I got about 500... Just because so many people were hanging up

on you so quickly? Hey, this is Nate, I just want to click!

Well, it really is a numbers game. If people hang up on me, you got to go right

through it and just get to the next one. And I would have enough conversations

that I'd get enough of the right people. So you hear about that all the

time that it's a numbers game. Yeah, of course. The telemarketing, yeah it

really is a numbers game and I think I have good sales ability but I think that

I was in the the top person or two or three because I did more sales calls.

Precisely more hard worker. Maybe you're not a natural-born salesperson like this

guy over here. But you put in more of the effort. I'll mentioned my friend Justin. Justin was an

amazing seller on the phone. He was really persuasive. He could close sales

way better than me but the skillset that I had, is I could just... I was just

efficient and if I was there at work, I'm just going to dial, dial, dial, dial. Yeah. And

so if I don't have an autodialer or a system like that and I'm you know making

spreadsheets or a list of people to call myself, here's what not to do. You don't

dig through LinkedIn and say, "okay, here's Bob Sausage." I don't know I got that name

"So here's here's Bob sausage. Here's his phone number. Oh let me go take a look at

his website. Oh, he does this, maybe I can mention that on the call and oh, okay is

he on Facebook? Does he use Twitter?" Okay, 15 minutes later, I'm going to dial the

phone number and he doesn't even answer. Have no one picks up. Okay. So

the right way to do it... Because everyone knows that you make sausage at night

that's why Bob sausage company... Oh Bob sauce is actually a hair salon. The right

way, Are you sure? Because that sounded totally real. Of course you're making it up. Alright,

go. So the right way is to go through and say, "okay, Bob, phone number.

Mark, phone number. Sarah, phone number. Suzie, phone number or

you have an assistant go through and just prepare a list of phone numbers and

then you dial and as soon as the phone call is done, you dial the next

one. While it's ringing maybe entering a note

for the last one, did not answer or not interested. So you're constantly, you got

to get... because there's time for the phone to ring and while the phone is

ringing, you can say, "oh, okay this guy is a lawner and here's his company.

Obviously, the more numbers you dial, if you're only dialing you know 6...

1 call every 10 minutes, that 6 calls an hour, you can increase

that up to 20,30,50 you know with an autodialer or something like

that. So yeah, because it is a numbers game,

I recommend competing with yourself or competing with others but if you're a

solopreneur working on your own, I like to compete with myself and just keep

stats. If I'm going to you know, a specific day make this many dials, I want to see

if I can make that many dials in less time or more dials or something like

that. You know that really works because it is a numbers game just use

the numbers to your advantage and that's my recommendation. Statistically speaking,

it makes sense. You're going to have a bigger sample size that you're more

likely the probability is higher, you're going to get sales. So a big question then.

Do you still employ telemarketing techniques today? Are you still calling

and autodialing and doing all these things? I'm only taking inbound,scheduled

appointments now. So I still do those, but as far as outbound,

telemarketing or cold calling or anything like that, I don't do it. So

is it something where I'm recommending you to do something that I don't do? Kind of

sounds like it. I did it in the beginning and I'm recommending that you

do it in the beginning because it is so effective. That does make sense.

Thank you for clarifying. It's not a hypocrite. Alright, so I really do hope

you found that helpful and if you liked it, like the video. You can subscribe,

comment below about topics that you'd like me to share about because I feel

like I've got a lot of experience and I like having Scott here if you can kind

of pull something. It's kind of broad especially with my questions because I don't know the

answers anyway. Yeah, so comment below and we'll see you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> How To Be A Great Telemarketer - Duration: 8:18.


DER ERSATZ FÜR ELEKTRISCHE SLIDER - Neewer elektrischer Dolly Review|Phone Facts - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> DER ERSATZ FÜR ELEKTRISCHE SLIDER - Neewer elektrischer Dolly Review|Phone Facts - Duration: 3:21.


Babblarna malarbok - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Babblarna malarbok - Duration: 2:11.


Why The Rich Borrow Money - Duration: 5:20.

So I found this question online that I think is brilliant, it's totally worth

making a video about. The question is, why are rich people always borrowing money?

I would explain to you why rich people go into debt and borrow money and to do

that, you got to understand first of all that there's an opportunity cost to

everything in life like what am I foregoing with the choices that I'm

making? So for example, why would a rich person borrow money? I want to give you

an example right now. I'm doing this real estate deal right now, it's a commercial

deal, this commercial deal needs about a million dollars to get off the ground

and then it's gonna make me about a million dollars every single year like

would you do that deal? Totally, you would do that deal. If I showed you the numbers

on this deal you would do this deal. This is a deal that I need a million dollars

and then I'm gonna.. So I can either put in a million dollars or I can borrow a

million dollars. Well, if I borrow that million dollars and let's say it's at

10% interests then that million dollars gonna cost me $100,000 a year but guess

what. Even though that costs a hundred

thousand dollars a year, what am I making a year? A million dollars so guess what.. I

don't have to put up a million dollars but I get a million dollars and the cost

of it, it's a hundred thousand dollars so check it out. Why are rich people always

borrowing money? It's because the question is, it comes down to a

magic word called arbitrage. Now don't you now, I want you to tune in, this is

really important. Arbitrage is the Delta or the difference

between what you're earning and what the money costs so for example in the

example I just gave you, if that money cost me 10% but I'm making a

100%, the difference is 90% so why would I put out a million

dollars when I can borrow it so cheap and make the difference of nine hundred

thousand dollars? So at the end of the day, when do you just pay something off

or when do you borrow money, well, it all comes down to that

arbitrage shows up in the form of what's called the cash flow so for example

here's another way of looking at it.. Let's say I want to buy a real estate

deal and it requires me to put a small amount of money down but I'm gonna

borrow this big loan against and that big loan is gonna cost me

$1,000 a month. I just went into debt, I borrowed money, it's costing me $1,000.

Some of you are like, dude, why would you ever do that? Who wants an

extra thousand dollars in debt? That seems crazy, right? Guess what I'm gonna

do with that house. I'm gonna rent it out to a nice friendly couple that are gonna

pay $1,500 a month and every month, they're giving me $1,500 and every month

I have a liability of $1,000, $1,500 in, a thousand out. What's the difference? Well

the difference is $500. I've done so many deals where the cash flow is $500 a

month and I want to ask you.. What could you do with an extra $500 a month? Would

that cover minimum payment on a credit card bill? Could that get you out of debt

faster or could it cover your car payment? Could it do a million

different things? Could it send you to Disneyland? Could I buy you lunch for the

next two months? Dude, $500 a month for a lot of us,

for average normal financial people, that's a really big deal so in real

estate, I created my wealth because I borrow money. I didn't have the money to

buy a house but the bank was willing to loan on it so I used the bank's money,

the bank gives me money 3% 5% 6%. Dude, that's cheap. So if you can find the

right business or the right real estate or the right whatever or you can get a

higher amount, the arbitrage there and something at cash flow, five hundred

dollars a month. I paid one thousand, I received $1,500. Now

I get it, you're watching they're thinking, but Kris, there are risks. Like

what if the house goes unrented? Well, you're right, I'm gonna have $1,000

payment and, oops, no money came in. Or Kris what if this, Kris what if that?

You got to write down all those what if's and you need a business plan. For example,

when I do a house I do a lease option, it's a very special type of seller

financing deal or I'll put a family in a home and that family actually they won't

eventually buy that house so they're gonna give me $5,000 up front

non-refundable and then they're gonna give me $1,500 a month and I paid to make

a thousand a month. Well I got five thousand dollars sitting in the banks.

Now five thousand dollars ahead, that's a buffer that gives me a margin of safety.

Dude, why do rich people borrow money? Dude, I was poor and I borrowed money and

it got me ahead. Now that I have more money, do I just

want to buy everything cash? No. Why? Because it actually cost me more money.

As long as people are willing to give me money for less and I can invest that

money and make more then I'm gonna invest with their money, they're always

gonna require I put a collateral or some amount of money but I'm usually gonna

borrow as much of theirs as possible for the same reason that rich people do. Why?

Because I want to make money with other people's money. If I showed you deal

worth a hundred thousand and you can borrow the money from the bank and

create five hundred dollars a month the cash flow, would you do the deal? Dude, I

like you, you should subscribe to the channel, check out some of the other

videos and for sure come visit me on my website where I can fast track what it

takes for you to get that money, put it to work and make the difference.

For more infomation >> Why The Rich Borrow Money - Duration: 5:20.


Serve It Up - How It Can Make You Happy - Duration: 9:27.

Hey Scott and Jeff here with another great episode of how you can be happy. If

you ever thought about service? Huh. So we're going to be talking about right now.

Hey it's Scott and Jeff. Once again here to talk about how to be happy, happier, happiest

and some of the ways to do that. So the two of us are here standing in the

wind and the sun yeah out in front of what appears to be a thrift store and in

fact it is called Deseret Industries. And you can see we're just kind of here at

the donation drive through where people much like yourselves are coming through

and dropping off old clothes, books, shoes, motorcycle helmets, yeah.

Old television remotes, furniture, dollies, unwanted pets,

yes. Nasty, you can't do that no. But why do they do it? Well,

it's all because the service just makes you feel good right? Well then they get a

lot of extra clutter and yeah and it's a tax write-off we all know that. But

interestingly about happiness, is that the more you've stopped thinking about

yourself and think about others, the happier you actually become. Yeah hardest

thing for me is just getting to be unselfish with it, right? You know it's

like yeah but I just sat down to do this thing or I'm just right in front of the

bowl of Ben & Jerry's. You want me to go out and clean up someone's yard. That's

the hard part for me. Once I do it though I'm so happy I did it. The fact of the

matter is, is that really at the core of your own personal happiness and it's

this interesting phenomenon that occurs. It's very natural. We've all been there.

We've all seen it. We all do it. We've all felt it. We're just here to remind you

one quick way, what I would call a "quick upper" as it were, is to actually do

something for someone else. So serve it up. Now this could be, for

example in my own home, right? Something as simple as changing

the trash out for my wife without having her have to ask me. Anything at all

without her having to ask? Yeah. Is a great way to serve and people would

argue. Well, really it's not her job. It's not her place, it's your house too, we

agree. That's a given. We understand that we're just saying for guys like me and

Jeff, sometimes that really is a big deal to actually do something that they

didn't ask us to do. Absolutely. Yeah. You know and a lot of times people think

that okay, so I have to go out and do something. No, not necessarily. You can

just do it right? In the confines of your own home, your own neighborhood. We're not

talking about you know signing up for some expedition on Everest to clean up

trash. I mean that's why... Well that will be great. Yeah. So if you got the you know

resources to do that. But look inside of your own community, right? There's plenty

of opportunities. That's right. Volunteer opportunities are everywhere.

In fact, you can find them online. There's an app that you can get on your phone

that's called "Just Serve". That's right. That's right. I've got that on my

phone. So anywhere that you go in the world literally, it will find you

know GPS automatically, find my location or allow, what is that? Location services?

Yeah, yeah location services. Right and the app will tell you within a certain radius of

miles where you're at, all of the opportunities where you can serve. So what

we're talking about... Look, if you think a vacation is a lot of fun and it makes

you happy, it does, no question about it. Especially if you've really been working

really hard up till that vacation. But if you get on vacation for a

week to ten days and you find that your happiness even on the vacation is waning

a little bit, this is a perfect opportunity. Yeah. You could be on

vacation in Cleveland, Ohio which is the vacation capital of the world. Wooooh it's the first place

I always think of. You already been to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 17 times.

Yeah. Well, pull up just serve and look and see geographically, the opportunities

that are there, right there in Cleveland for you to do some extra service of the

community and talk about having a fulfilling and fun

happy vacation. Absolutely. I mean what are your favorite ones? As we talked

about our top three, what are some of the ones that really stand out to you?

Visiting old people at convalescence I started doing that when I was a young

man 12,13 years old. When we weren't out stealing from people's homes and

cars, we were actually at an old folks home. Just visiting random old people.

They loved it and I loved it more than anything. Remember we're talking about

our first person happiness. The way it made me feel was incredible as a kid

that age I didn't know you could feel that from surface. That's my number

3. So gosh I'm thinking my number one, well number number 3 for me is

you know the shelters. Donating time to shelters, especially during

Thanksgiving. If you want to have a great family experience or even during

Christmas as well you go down to the local food shelter and your kids will

remember that experience for as long as they live. That's my number 2. Yeah.

Forget the toys for once, right? You know they're always going to be there but man

give them an experience outside of the walls your own home. Number 2 for me is

taking my kids down to two shelters on to Thanksgiving a few years ago and

having them put on the aprons and go in serving the homeless people at their

tables. Related to that, we also took a bunch of McDonald's gift certificates.

Spent $200-$300. Each of the kids wrote out a

Merry Christmas or a Happy Thanksgiving card and then we put these $20 gift

certificates in. We took it down to kind of the heart of the homeless part of

town and distributed those somewhat randomly. Although once the

people found out what we were doing, they were gone pretty quickly. Yeah. But that's

my number 2. Number 2 for me is pay for the person's groceries. That is

standing in front of you in that line. I mean that's a really cool thing.

And again, you're going to have to kind of have a little bit of intuition on this.

Well obviously, you're not going to do it every single time. If you want to,

fantastic. But sometimes, you know you're just going to get that feeling where this

person you... based on you know, maybe their their posture or their demeanor, you know

they need a hand. So, just pay for their stuff for them and you know it's just

it's an incredible thing. A variation on that I've heard of course people going

through the drive up windows at fast-food restaurants and saying, "what is

the person behind me owe? Yeah and paying it. Oh it's cool. It's already been taken care of and they

can't stop you, you're long gone, yet totally anonymous.

They can't call the cops, why would they? Number 1 for me

is Special Olympics. Nothing can compare with the spirit and the feeling of

spending 6-7 hours helping judge events, being timers at the end of the hundred

yard dash, measuring the jump and the shot put, the hugs, the love you get there

and you kind of feel a little weird because you don't know how to react. But

within 10 minutes, this spirit of service and of joy and happiness is so

unbelievably palpable that it will leave a mark on you for the rest of your life.

I mean it's my number 1 and I've done a lot of service

that makes me happy. Nothing made me shine with happiness more than being

with those kids and adults with Special Olympics. So the number one for me

happened on my LDS mission, Barcelona, Spain. We both went there. And me and

my companion we get done preaching at the end of the day. You know,

teaching and going out and talking to people and all that. And we noticed

outside of our fifth story window, there was a beggar going through the trash and

we kind of looked at each other said, "if we got any things that we can give". So

tell me you dropped food on him from... No, no, no, no. We had to you know, there were

no elevators in this building, right? So we had this dish of pesetas. You remember

pesetas, right? This is before euros right? These things are less than a penny

right? We had a bowl and said let's go give him. So we run down give it to

him and his whole countenance just brightened up. So we go back all the way

up to the top and we're just kind of sitting and looking at each other and

then you're like what else do we have? So we're grabbing you know, clothing that

we don't use anymore and other things and stuff. Yeah. We go running back down

because it felt so good and then he's like, wow this is just fantastic and I'm

telling you yeah sure we had success on our missions. You know talking to people

and teaching them about Christ and baptizing. But I'm telling you that

moment for me, was the pure gospel. That was just it. It was just so awesome. Isn't

that fun? Yeah. So if you're looking for ways to be happy

and maybe you're at a point where you're thinking... if you've typed into Google and

you've found us. You know how can I be happy now? Right? An instant upper. Forget

about yourself and just look for something to do for someone else. Whether

it's organizationally, whether it's a big you know global charity. It's some place

that you can give money or whatever. But perhaps even more immediate look in your

home for someone who's a little sad. Maybe is dejected or maybe just hasn't

cleaned their room in a week and so you're going to take it upon yourselves to

make their bed and shine their shoes and put their stuff away for them. Maybe with

a little note, "someone loves you" whatever. Not only is it great for them. It's great

for you and that's what we're talking about is making you happy. It's happening.

It's good about them. Yeah. They're just pawns. You use them to make yourself happy. It's

all about you baby. See that? Alright, see you next time.

If serving other people makes you feel good, then for heaven's sake go and do

it today and you can serve us of course by liking this video but that's not

important. That's neither here nor there. We just want you to be happy. So don't

like it. Don't share it. Don't comment. See if we care.

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