Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 21 2018

I'll be there~

And I know when I need it,

I can count on you like

Four, three, two

And you'll be the-e-e-ereee :3

For more infomation >> Raxwhisker Friendship Map |【PART 18】 - Duration: 0:13.


T-rex Run From Extinction 🦖😂 Dinosaur Costume Race - Duration: 0:13.

[T-rex Run From Extinction - Dinosaur Costume Race]

For more infomation >> T-rex Run From Extinction 🦖😂 Dinosaur Costume Race - Duration: 0:13.


How to use "MUST" & "HAVE TO" [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 3:27.

Hello everyone and welcome back to ForB's English lesson video.

My name is Richard and today I'm going to explain the difference between "must" and "have to".

Let's look at two example sentences.

You must stop smoking.

You have to stop smoking.

Alright, so the only difference between these two sentences is "must" and "have to".

You must stop smoking.

When you use "must", it's coming from the speaker's opinion.

So in this case, the speaker thinks that you need to stop smoking, because, for example,

it's not healthy.


You have to stop smoking.

When you use "have to", it's coming from a situation.

So in this case, you need to stop smoking, because, for example, you are in a non-smoking area.

Let me give you a quiz.

I will read a sentence and you try to guess if the answer is "must" or "have to".

Alright, so number one.

I blank return the DVD because the deadline is today.

I blank return the DVD because the deadline is today.

The answer is "have to".

So in this case, I need to return the DVD by the deadline.

If I return the DVD tomorrow, it will be pass the deadline and I will have to pay more money.

So it's coming from a situation.

Number two.

You blank eat vegetables because it's good for your health.

You blank eat vegetables because it's good for your health.

The answer is "must".

So in this case, the speaker thinks you need to eat vegetables because it's healthy.

It's coming from the speaker's opinion.

Number three.

He blank stop drinking alcohol.

He blank stop drinking alcohol.

So the answer is "must" or "has to".

In this case, both answers are okay.

When you use "must", it's coming from a speaker's opinion.

So in this case, the speaker thinks he needs to stop drinking alcohol, because, for example,

it's bad for his health.

When you use "has to", it's coming from a situation.

So in this case, he needs to stop drinking alcohol, because, for example,

he is too young to drink alcohol, and he is not allowed to drink alcohol.


So now you know the difference between "must" and "have to".

I hope you find this video helpful.

Remember, my name is Richard and please click like, share, and subscribe.

And, I'll catch you next time!

For more infomation >> How to use "MUST" & "HAVE TO" [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 3:27.





"I was going to say, don't touch me."


"Your hands are like, real cold.

Hey guys, it's Sher."

Hey guys, it's Sher.

I'm with my boyfriend Ryan, yayyyy!

So whenever we go on trips together, we.....well, I...."Exactly."

I tend to force him to sit down and film a video with me because I think they're funny

and we always get some pretty funny footage.

No, we don't.

Ryan says, no we don't.

So today we are in Pigeon Forge, again, because this is the place we like to come sometimes,

and I thought that it would be funny to film a "Boyfriend Doing My Makeup" challenge because

he's never done anyone's makeup in his whole life.

He literally probably knows nothing about besides what he sees me doing all the time.

Um, also the lighting in this cabin is not going to be the greatest because it's not

natural lighting so everything looks really yellow and red, but um, you get the gist.

"So are we ready to start?"

So we have everything laid out here.

"Just to go over the products that we do have."

We don't need to go over all of them, it's going to be too long.

"We have a Gwen Stefani - Urban Decay, oh it's the Gwen Stefani name on an Urban Decay


The part number is 83M09J, I know that.

I know part numbers."

Oh my god!

"And then we have this Naked Urban Decay Heat that was purchased somewhere in Florida.

Part number JTP07W.

I bought this.

This one smells good.

I also bought this.

Is anyone else noticing a similar theme here with all of this?"

Yes, you buy all my makeup and supply my habit, thank you babe.

"This is Benefit, I indirectly bought this."

If you want to watch me try these things out in videos, I'll link them all at the end of

this video because actually, I do have some pretty cringey makeup videos on my channel

if you haven't noticed by now.

"See this?

This is by Elf, I did not buy this.

She bought this herself."

Okay, don't make fun of my Elf palettes because they're actually pretty decent sometimes depending

on what you use them for.

"Still waiting on that branding deal, huh?"


Anyway, so if you want to watch...

"We've got several brushes."

If you want to watch my boyfriend do my makeup and see how it turns out, then let's get into

the video!

"Okay, so if you were getting up to tackle the day, and when I say that, I mean....What

do you do every day?"




When you wake up at like, 3 in the afternoon to tackle the day and do a Youtube video."

Mhm, uh-huh.

"Where would you start at?"

Okay, so I'm just going to go ahead and give you a heads-up, foundation is like, what is

supposed to make your skin look more just like skin and not all this redness that you


"So maybe that's why they call"

Foundation, good job!

"Now we're going to use a beauty blender.

"Oh my god, you're doing so good.

Okay is there anything you need to do to the beauty blender before?

This is an off-brand beauty blender too by the way.

Is there anything you need to do to the sponges before we use them?

"You would probably want to clean them right?"

No, we don't do that on this channel.

"So moisten them?"


Did you...are you cheating somehow..are you googling something?

"It just feels wet."

Oh, that was from yesterday when I used them.

"There are a ton of other great Youtube channels to watch, um."



"I would suggest watching any of the other ones other than this one."

They already know that.

A fake off-brand one, I think these are Real Techniques and then there's a little beauty

blender so it's up to you to figure out what they're used for, how they're used.

"So does this go over your whole face?

Do you apply this directly to your face?"

Oh my gosh.

"So this is Infallible Pro-Glow, part number."

There is no such thing as part numbers!

"This one's got a barcode so I guess this came from Walmart.

This is too close.

It's too close for comfort.

Where, where you going?"

I'm trying to get out of this video!

That's where I'm going.

Okay, uh, this is, that's closer.

Oh my god.

Okay, hold, slow your roll, this stuff is expensive!

"You're not supposed to, it's expensive?

It's Loreal Paris..and you got it from Walmart.

So this is not going to be enough."

Thank you for the insensitive comments about my skin and how bad it is.

Would you not die if after this, you became like, a makeup artist because you realized

you had a secret passion for doing makeup and you became Ryan MUA?

I know, it's really hard to get that redness, isn't it?


This is kind of the 'you have to get up at like, 9 or 8am to go to work, so."

I wouldn't know anything about that.

"You're right, she wouldn't but anyway.

This is a function 9 to 5 Sher, not the dysfunctional 3 to 3 Sher." 3pm to 3am?



"You should have pinned your hair back for this video."

Oh my gosh, flashbacks!

That one video that you put makeup on me in like, the 6th grade?

"Oh yeah."

Where is the bobbypin?

Insert clip here!

"Now, hold still."

I'm trying!

"Hold the hair back!

I need a bobbypin.


Get up here.

Now hold still."

"So what's this for?"

Okay, that's eyeliner.

"Well I don't know what would come next but I would imagine that you probably darken your

eyebrows, right?"

Did you google it?

Be honest.

These are hard to do, I know.

"I mean, it's not terrible but don't look at yourself."


I can't see very well but from what I can see, it looks dark.

"Oh, it's dark."

Oh, okay.


"Yeah, I mean, it's like."

Going for a bold, going for a bold vibe, right?

Eyebrows done.

"Okay, so let me ask you this.

When you do wings, do you, there's no under the eye?

Okay we're just going to go for it."

Okay, wait you put no shadow on first.

I would just shadow, I just wanted to clarify like, like no eyeshadow for this


"Let's go with a red eyeshadow."


Oh wow, he actually swatched it to see what color it was.

That's pretty good, I don't even swatch things, you're more of a makeup guru than me.

"Can you not do that twitch thing you're doing right now?"


"It's freaking me out."

I'm not doing a twitch thing.

Okay, I zoomed it in a little bit, oh, okay I zoomed it in a little bit so you could see

my face.

"You got 'he-devil' on your arm."

"So it kinda looks like you've been hit."

"Alright everybody else."

Alright everybody else?

"Alright, I don't know about this."

Okay hold up because I like how my face is like, a completely different color than my

neck but that's not my fault.

What's up with the lighting in here?

That's the lighting, right?

"I think I've somehow given you a tan."

You know what?

I like it, I needed a little bit of a tan because I'm...because I'm so pale.

"We're just going, we're just going to go for it."

Just go for it, that's what I do every time.

I feel dotting motions on my...

"It looks terrible.

I just want you to know."

I feel dotting motions on my eyes.

"It looks, it looks real bad."


"This thing's too bendable for me."

Hmmm, you heard it here first ladies and gentlemen, a critique on the Wet n Wild, I don't even

know what it is actually.

"Yeahhh, there's no saving that.

I guess we could do a contour right?

Want to dirty up the sides of your cheeks?"

Absolutely, let's do it!

This looks....better than when I do my own makeup.

"Does it?"


I never realized that that said 'Galifornia'.

"That's a 'G'."

I thought it said 'California'.

"No, 'Galifornia'."

Okay, now that's a blush.

"This is an eyeshadow?"


It's interchangeable.

"We're just going to go with our original, what we thought was right, so we're just going

to throw that on."


I love a red face.

I mean, I love how much product is coming off on these brushes too.

"Isn't that what...?"

Oh my god!

This was the brush that came in the contour palette and it's this pink.

Okay now I went ahead and did some damage control on this one and I didn't get lipstick.

I didn't bring lipstick because I just think that's the way that this could get bad.


But I do have lipgloss.

"Is there anything else you're supposed to do?

Are you supposed to spray this setting spray on?"

Yeah, actually, yeah, if you want it to stay all day.

"Close your mouth!"

I'm scared.





I think we're done."

"Why does it look like you just came in out of the rain?"


"It's in your teeth.

Don't get it on my shirt!

Oh my god, okay, are you ready?"



"Original thought: I'm just going to say, it doesn't look that bad.

Other than the wings that look like they were drawn on by some kindergartner."

10/10 for the creativity.

I mean, the eyebrows could be a lot worse, the skin makeup like, the face makeup looks

like, really good actually.

Okay, not the blush everywhere on the face, although I will say it's very similar, it's

very reminiscent of how I put blush on in high school.

You did so good babe.


I love you.



Hey guys, I don't know why the camera cut off when it did, but we do not have an outro

for that video so I'm filming this in the future, hello, to say thank you so much for

watching my boyfriend do my makeup.

We hope it made you laugh and if it did, then make sure you give it a thumbs up before you

leave and subscribe to my channel if you haven't done that yet.

And I will see you guys in my next video, bye!

For more infomation >> BOYFRIEND DOES MY MAKEUP CHALLENGE - Duration: 9:48.


Twenty One Pilots - Jumpsuit Karaoke Instrumental - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Twenty One Pilots - Jumpsuit Karaoke Instrumental - Duration: 3:54.


"Ich starrte nur auf ihre ... Augen" - Duration: 8:37.

 Die Videoplattform YouTube ist nicht gerade als freundliches Netzwerk bekannt. Das gilt insbesondere für Frauen, die auf YouTube über Wissenschaftsthemen sprechen, ergab eine Studie, die im Fachblatt "Public Understanding of Science" erschien

Die australische Wissenschaftskommunikatorin Inoka Amarasekara und Will Grant, der an der Australian National University lehrt, untersuchten dafür über 23

000 Kommentare unter YouTube-Wissenschaftsvideos.  Insgesamt sind die Kommentare unter Videos von Frauen emotionaler - sowohl positiv als auch negativ

Sie handeln viel häufiger vom Aussehen der Moderatorinnen, sind beleidigender oder sexistischer als die Kommentare unter Videos von Männern

Zwei Beispiele: Ein Nutzer schreibt: "Geh' zurück in die Küche und mach' mir ein Sandwich

" Ein anderer kommentiert: "Sie ist so hässlich, dass ich fast kotzen musste."  Dazu kommt, dass unter Videos von Frauen deutlich weniger neutrale Diskussion über das eigentliche Fachthema stattfindet

"Wenn Frauen vor der Kamera sind, unterhalten sich die Nutzer weniger über Wissenschaft", sagt Amarasekara dem SPIEGEL

  Wenige Wissenschaftskanäle von Frauen  Laut der Studie ist das ein Hinweis darauf, wie die Gesellschaft insgesamt mit Frauen umgeht, die wissenschaftlich arbeiten und darüber sprechen

Die Forscher kritisieren, dass auch deshalb weniger Frauen motiviert werden, natur- und technikwissenschaftliche Fächer zu studieren

 "Wenn Frauen keine anderen Frauen sehen, die über Wissenschaft sprechen, dann kommen sie auch seltener auf die Idee, selbst in die Wissenschaft zu gehen", sagt Amarasekara

 Erste Schwierigkeiten der Studie ergaben sich bereits bei der Suche nach Kanälen, in denen Frauen von Wissenschaft erzählen

Amarasekara durchsuchte die Top-500-Liste der YouTube-Kategorien "Wissenschaft und Technik" und "Bildung" und fand 32, bei denen eine Frau vor der Kamera stand

Um eine größere Stichprobe zu bekommen, nahm sie noch weitere Kanäle hinzu, die nicht in den Toplisten auftauchten

 "Mich hat überrascht, wie wenig sichtbar Frauen in diesem Bereich auf YouTube sind", sagt Amarasekara

Dieser Diskrepanz wollte sie auf den Grund gehen und untersuchte Abonnenten, Likes und eben auch die Kommentare von männlichen und weiblichen YouTubern

 Absolut waren die männlichen Moderatoren erfolgreicher - sie hatten mehr Abonnementen und mehr Zuschauer

Allerdings bekamen Videos von Frauen mehr Kommentare und Likes pro Videoaufruf. Für die Analyse las Amarasekara außerdem insgesamt 23

005 Kommentare und teilte sie Kategorien zu, beispielsweise sexuell und sexistisch, feindselig oder neutral

  Die Situation in Deutschland  Die Studie hat nur englischsprachige Kanäle untersucht

In Deutschland gibt es noch weniger Frauen, die überhaupt vor der Kamera über Natur- und Technikwissenschaften sprechen

Eine der wenigen ist Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim, die den Kanal maiLab bei funk betreibt, dem Onlineangebot von ARD und ZDF

 Nguyen-Kim ist Chemikerin und neben ihren YouTube-Videos ist sie auch Moderatorin für Terra X und Quarks

Auch sie bekommt regelmäßig negative Kommentare, sexuelle Belästigung zum Beispiel

imago/ Lumma Foto  Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim  "Ungefähr einmal im Monat muss ich jemanden blockieren", sagt sie dem SPIEGEL

"Ich frage mich dann: Würde meine Mutter sich Sorgen machen, wenn sie den Kommentar liest?" Wenn ja, dann löscht Nguyen-Kim den Kommentar und blockiert den Nutzer

 "Menschen gehen bei YouTube oft davon aus, dass sie in den Kommentarspalten sowieso allein sind und schreiben können, was sie wollen", sagt Nguyen-Kim

Sie reagiert deshalb auf viele Kommentare, um zu zeigen, dass die Nutzer nicht allein sind

 Der Großteil der Kommentare unter ihren Videos sei positiv und die Diskussion unter ihren Videos sehr fachbezogen

Häufig kommen wissenschaftliche Fragen auf, die sie auch beantwortet. Deshalb will Nguyen-Kim weiterhin Videos auf YouTube veröffentlichen, trotz der manchmal negativen Erfahrungen

 Amarasekara findet es gut, dass die Videoplattform YouTube jedem die Möglichkeit gibt, selbst Videos zu verbreiten und Menschen auf der ganzen Welt zu erreichen

"Frauen sind dort aber leider kaum sichtbar", sagt sie. "Man bräuchte mehr Diversität


For more infomation >> "Ich starrte nur auf ihre ... Augen" - Duration: 8:37.


Video de papá y niña que cantan emociona las redes sociales - Duration: 2:13.

 Estados Unidos.- Un video que emociona en redes sociales y lleva miles de reproducciones es el grabado por una niña de tres años y su papá Dave Crosby, quienes interpretan la versión de "Yo soy tu amigo fiel", de la película Toy Story y que al subirlo a Youtube le cambió la vida a ambos al convertirse en uno de los dúos más populares

 Leer más: Video Niña casi es arrollada por el tren, quería una selfie  Leer más: El eclipse de Luna más largo del siglo ocurrirá este 27 de julio La pequeña de nombre Claire Ryan grabó el video en enero de 2017 y su vida era como cualquier niña que jugaba con normalidad y un día se les ocurre grabar cuando cantaba la canción de una de sus películas favoritas

   La decisión de publicarla en Youtube es la razón de que ahora son tan famosos en redes sociales, que desde ese momento la pequeña Claire pudo ser vista por muchas personas, que quedaron impactados con sus acotaciones entre cada estrofa

 Ya en 2018, se nueva cuenta el video apareció en redes sociales y se convirtió en viral y ahora lleva más de 21 millones de reproducciones

 A su récord se puede suma las visualizaciones en Youtube y se agrega más de 30 millones de reproducciones que registra Facebook y más de un millón de interacciones con el video

   Pero la pasión por la música se despertó en la niña, cuando vió por primera vez la película animada Frozen y a partir de ello, su papá y ella se divierten cantando la música de la misma y realizan versiones de los temas de Disney

   Este dúo seguirá dando de qué hablar y disfrute la emocionante música que entonan y que la niña presenta con su tierna voz "Claire y papi", y que invita a los usuarios de las redes sociales a reproducirlo


For more infomation >> Video de papá y niña que cantan emociona las redes sociales - Duration: 2:13.


荒廃未来探索記【フォールアウト3】シーズン2 #17-10 - Duration: 8:01.

PS3 Fallout 3 SEASON 2 # 17 - 10

For more infomation >> 荒廃未来探索記【フォールアウト3】シーズン2 #17-10 - Duration: 8:01.


Fear The Walking Dead intervista cast Comic Con 2018 TVLine - SUB ita - - Duration: 7:20.

For more infomation >> Fear The Walking Dead intervista cast Comic Con 2018 TVLine - SUB ita - - Duration: 7:20.


荒廃未来探索記【フォールアウト3】シーズン2 #17-11 - Duration: 8:01.

PS3 Fallout 3 SEASON 2 # 17 - 11

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