Hello, my name is Henrik Jönsson.
Today's video is in english due to its international relevance
I'll be back to Swedish with english subtitles next week.
Earlier this week, a young Swedish activist managed to suspend a
Turkish Aircraft carrier from departing Gothenburg airport by refusing to sit down.
The reason for this was to prevent a 52-year old man from Afghanistan who was also on the plane, from being deported.
I'll use this incident as a starting point for a discussion on the law
subjective opinion and civil disobedience in Sweden.
Stay tuned!
The identity crisis of the formerly self-proclaimed "humanitarian superpower" Sweden
has in recent years been playing out for open curtains.
Providing the world's most generous welfare system
combined with an open borders policy proved unsustainable in 2015
when the left wing government was forced to implement border controls
on the Öresund bridge, which connects Sweden with the European continent.
"The best way to help my local Green Party council representatives"
"Is... to do something after all."
The border controls were controversial
and has led to an increasingly polarized debate climate in Sweden.
A vocal and influential identitarian minority across the political spectrum is now advocating civil disobedience
claiming the less open borders to be a violation of human rights.
On the other end of the spectrum, a seeming majority of voters are now turning to the authoritarian right
and siding with the Sweden Democrats on the issue of increasingly restrictive immigration.
In order to understand the present state of conflict
some background is necessary.
During the fall of 2015, the flow of asylum seekers and immigrants to Sweden reached unsustainable levels
with more than ten thousand refugees arriving weekly as the crisis peaked.
"It is not quite on a biblical scale, but an exodus it certainly is."
In total, Sweden received over 162,000 refugees during 2015
overwhelming the department of immigration and vital infrastructure.
As a result, the asylum application processing times slowed to a crawl
as the majority of the asylum seekers had no way of proving their identities.
A large majority were also claiming to be under the age of 18
legally making them eligible for status as "unaccompanied children"
granting them a higher probability of permanent residence status.
In another controversial move, age controls were gradually implemented during 2016
"Should refugee children and adolescents who arrive unaccompanied to Sweden"
"be put through medical tests to determine their age?" "Should refugee children and adolescents who arrive unaccompanied to Sweden"
"be put through medical tests to determine their age?"
and a vast majority of the asylum seekers had their age adjusted upwards
no longer deeming them acceptable to be defined as "children".
"The majority of this group has had their age adjusted upwards by the immigration office"
"It has been adjusted upwards, but we can't be sure that they've deliberately lied about their age."
This led to massive protests from the left wing and the refugees
who initiated a month long strike in central Stockholm
refusing to accept the decision of the immigration court.
As deportations of those not deemed eligible for asylum are beginning to be carried out
the identitarian fringe is getting increasingly confrontational.
Last Monday, 21-year old activist Elin Ersson bought a ticket for a flight bound for Afghanistan via Istanbul
and refused to be seated unless she and the 52-year old Afghan man scheduled for deportation
were escorted off the flight together.
Miss Ersson filmed the whole incident on her smartphone, and the video quickly went viral.
"What I am saying is that I am not going to sit down until this person is off the plane."
Swedish activists who engage in this type of "civil disobedience"
view themselves as operating in tradition of Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks
heroically and selflessly putting themselves at risk
opposing an oppressive and morally bankrupt system for the sake of the greater good.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The civil rights movement activists were intensely knowledgeable about the law
and on how to work within the system to bring about change
letting activists stunts serve to draw attention to their issues and the work they were actually doing.
"All we say to America is: be true to what you set on paper!"
The Swedish identitarian movement is ill educated
and there is little actual work being done aside from the hot air blown about during
demonstrations, protests and civil disobedience like the one conducted by Ms Ersson.
In fact, Ms Ersson falsely believes her action to be "perfectly legal".
"This is all perfectly legal. I have not committed a crime."
Let me emphasize that it is absolutely NOT legal at all to prevent an international aircraft carrier from taking off.
Not only is it incredibly expensive, with each hour of delay incurring the carrier hundreds of thousands in airport fines
it is also arbitrarily inconsiderate for all the hundreds of people with connecting flights on the plane.
Actions like these are in violation of the aviation law
chapter 13, paragraph 4, section 10 and should result in heavy fines or prison up to 6 months.
This information is readily available on Google
and servers as an illustration on how ill-prepared and devoid of practical knowledge large parts of the Swedish activist movement really is.
Activist activity with no legal grounding render attention
but attention must not be confused with what effects real change
It is just noise.
On a side-note, it is a sign of the times that Ms Ersson the day after her video
set up a new facebook page establishing herself as a "lecturer".
In my book, she actually scores some points for capitalizing on her virality here
but as for affecting change: no. it is all words and feelings.
In Sweden this type of activism is generally put on a pedestal of virtue
which both publicly elected officials and journalists engage in.
In 2014 representative of the Left party Malin Björk performed a similar protest
preventing a plane headed for Iran from taking off.
This move - paried with a wide-eyed conversation upon being confronted with its illegality
rendered her a lot of press and catapulted her political career into the European Parliament.
In 2011 member of parliament of the Centre-party, Abir Al-Sahlani
conducted an equally illegal deportation protest at Stockholm Airport.
Al-Sahlani was subsequently relieved from her duties on embezzlement charges.
In 2017, three journalists working for Public Service television were convicted for illegal people smuggling.
The list goes on.
There is nothing wrong with empathy and humanitarianism
on the contrary. But the decision to oppose the law requires through deliberation
preparation and deep knowledge in order to achieve the desired effect.
"I want the TRUTH!"
"You can't handle the truth!"
The rule of law is difficult to change for a reason:
it is meant to withstand short-term opinions and feelings in order to uphold a principle of objectivity before which all citizens are deemed equal.
This is not to say that the law is infallible.
On the contrary, it is often very flawed indeed.
However if we wish to maintain a parlamentarian democracy
it is imperative that we respect the law and diligently and expertly work to change it through democratic processes.
"The world is perishing from an orgy of self-sacrificing."
"My terms are: a man's right to exist for his own sake!"
An activist protest like that of Rosa Parks became a powerful instrument of change because
it brought attention to the legal work being done by the civil rights movement.
Preventing random planes from taking off are superficial publicity stunts with no lasting effect
except for sacrificing the status of rule of law on the altar of arbitrary self righteousness and disrespect.
In fact it is likely counter-productive as the blanket of protection and freedom these activists rise and sleep under
gradually grows thinner as a result of their own doing.
Do you think the rule of law is more important than the feelings of individual citizens?
Please share this video and subscribe to my YouTube channel.
Have you had experiences of activism, civil disobedience and legal change?
Please write me a comment, I appreciate all respectful communication.
If you enjoy my videos, please feel free to support my work using Patreon.
There is a link for that purpose down below.
I'm Henrik Jönsson. I defend the rule of law.
Thank you very much for listening.
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