Hey! Got a minute? Good because it's time for... a One Minute Wednesday
One cache... One minute. Cue the title... and start the clock
Hello Dumbo
We're with a supporter of Cache Canada and your name is...
Scout Mom 5
And she watches us every week!
Hey look who we bumped into, this is Tony and Ashley on GeoTrail
We're on the trail and we met them here at the Geobash - hey hey - Canada all right
and don't forget to check out their channel it'll be a link on the bottom -
and maybe at the end - Cache Canada get the GeoTrail
and that's only one minute of the Midwest Geobash. Look for these guys
channels Kneel More Cache Tales and Geocaching with Halemeister for longer
versions of the Midwest Geobash you guys having a video on that yes
absolutely so we'll put a link to their channels at the end and down below and
thanks for watching one minute Wednesday and there's another one next week on
Wednesday on
Cache Canada!
Yayyy, see ya
Did you remember to look for the secret code? This is one of the videos for the
watch and win contest that could have a secret code in it. Either four letters or
four numbers check it out again if it had a secret code write it down watch and win
Okay is this is for Friday?
No it's for Wednesday
Okay I gotta take my sweater off
It doesn't matter
No, I started with my sweater off
For more infomation >> Geocaching - One Minute Wednesday - A MEGA Minute - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
HOW TO DOGFIGHT #2 - HOW TO GET OUT SOMEONE OF YOUR 6 O´CLOCK (DEFENSIVE) English Subtitles - Duration: 11:35.
he what happen panda!!!??!!! Welcome again to revientor reborn in the dogfight tutorials
Today I am going to speak about evasion, how o try to avoid that enemy behind you
the first situation is the one situation that you never never ever you have to do....
right now we are at 500 knots, and we can see the target in front of me, is Crashius, how are you?, HI THERE!!!!
again in this situation we see that Crashius is doing a sustained turn... all the time , you must not do that
because is very easy for me in this position to aim and finally shoot the target
and there is my shooting... versus that "steady"target...
is very easy to hit that target, that is the only situation that you must to avoid, "be steady" or predictable
other situation that is not good do... you can do it but could be good or not so good...
is perform this kind of combat at 700 knots... thee is no chance to overturn when flying at 700, only do that to escape from the combat
at this speed you have very poor turn radio... you will not defeat the enemy with that....
remember this is a video and is prepared, forget about that 2G load factor that you see now in your screen
please crashius change the turn
imagine that we are in 700 knots, is this kind of speed when changing the turn.. really easy to do not loose the track of the target...
that means the turn radio is so big that I am all the time inside the circle
inside the circle I can use less fuel and power to keep the track and shoot
in this scene we´ll see something that you must do, we are going to try to keep same speed,
and you must notice that Crashius in this case is maneuvering, and I follow him, he is performing that turn to force to me to maneuver and according my maneuver
and that can make that I do some mistake, each mistake is increasing his possibilities to survive and negate my shoot
as you can see now I am close, of course I can fix that using less power in the engine
the only way to escape in this "picture" is force to the enemy to overchute him...
now I am going to overchute...
because I was no paying attention to my speed finally Crashius force me to overchute...
and now is a neutral fight
because when I was in offensive I forget to check the target speed and my speed
that is the idea
Basically what you have to do is always looking the contact behind you, now I am going to change roles with Crashius
this is what you have to NOT DO NEVER
Wait a sec I am going to turn off the RwR audio
in this case, I am turning steady... very predictable ... you must not do this...
in this moment I know the target have not aiming on my
because I do not see the belly of the plane
but I can have shoot very soon. look the zoom,
as you can see you see the upper part of the plane, is not just in front like this
this is How I am watching the plane, this indication say hes is not able to fire guns Vs us
in the moment you see some belly that means he will soon shoot at you
now from the cockpit.... please Crashius...
there he can shoot at me
in that moment I have to change my posit ASAP
all the time try to change your altitude a few feet
then is more difficult to be shooted down
change the side of the turn when the target is getting shoot opportunity
finally all this movement are accumulative error in one plane or other.. to finally one of them make the big mistake an loose the game
you not have to way to see the belly of the airplane... you can change your heading any time, but always be unpredictable...
you can combine this movements, using the air brakes or slow down the airplane, to make the enemy to be closer and closer to finally break my energy to make the enemy overchute me
remember the airbrake is visible also the afterburner flame...
with the G load you can brake the plane
finally Crashius overchute me
this is a neutral fight and I can escape or fight
because he have move energy than me he got the vertical and again is at my six
that was the view from inside and outside
that is all you must know to take someone out of your six, every combat is a accumulative decision and error.. more errors you will loose
in this maneuvers at 500knots and 4gs, if you in that moment use IDLE , 9 Gs, changing the turn you are giving away your energy to force to the enemy to do something
the enemy is not all the time watching your speed, in that moment if he do not see that... you are getting what you want
remember to keep some energy you still in the bad position you need to have something to use and maneuver
normally if you overchute someone you have to go to the vertical with your excess of energy and then come back to the 6 of the enemy
someone that is not experienced in dogfight will try to brake more than you and finally he will overchute you with no energy and you will kill it
now we are going to perform the same as the previews one, but more realistic
everything afterburner, idle, airbrakes.... dirty stuff....
only no guns xD
try to be real.. a real pilot can not manage all the time 0 to 9 Gs movements...
and there is the neutral position
I lost visual two times, that is important...
as you can see Crashius was overchute but manage to get 2 more shoot opportunities
that is all,
I hope you liked today´s video, as you saw there is no much tactics in there... may be a few more tips but all the time is overchute thing
of course you can do the turn in the vertical or other axis...
in this case train that, be at the six of someone and the other scenario, have someone at your six...
the common mistake is use afterburner and forget you speed , remember the rudders and the airbrake
subscribe, thumbs up, commend below, tips or things that you need, thanks Crashius to be here, bye bey and be happy!!!
[ MATCH 105 ] du FIVE SONGS - Duration: 5:46.
Darısı Başımıza Final - Duration: 1:07.
The Most Dreadful TV Shows Of 2018 - Duration: 5:50.
Even a few years after the conclusions of all-time classic shows such as Mad Men, Breaking
Bad, and Parks and Recreation, we're still in "The Second Golden Age of TV," also known
as "Peak TV," also known as "There is Far Too Much Good Stuff to Watch on Broadcast
Television, Cable, and At Least Four Streaming Services."
There's just so much to watch: Game of Thrones, Westworld, The Walking Dead, Atlanta, Silicon
Still, despite all this can't-miss TV, there are plenty of other series you can go ahead
and skip.
The following are our picks for the very worst shows of 2018… so far.
Alex, Inc.
ABC promoted Alex, Inc. as the triumphant return of Zach Braff, away from TV for almost
a decade after Scrubs finished its nine-season run.
But it didn't quite work out that way.
This is partly a typical family comedy about a goofy dad, his long-suffering wife, and
their kids.
But it's also about a guy who has a midlife crisis, starts his own company, and documents
that journey through podcasting.
Based on the true story of StartUp host Alex Blumberg, Alex, Inc. reveals to audiences
the not-very-visually-entertaining world of people talking into microphones.
While podcasts are mainstream at this point, the show treats the concept like it's cutting-edge
technology, and people treat Alex like he's a genius for making one.
Simply unbelievable.
"I hate to disagree with you.
I hate it enough to make two fists."
Child Support
Ricky Gervais is a TV legend for co-creating and starring in the original British Office,
as well as the show business satire Extras and the nursing-home dramedy Derek.
But his latest project isn't a single-camera comedy or nuanced character study.
Instead, Child Support is one part Kids Say the Darndest Things, one part overly convoluted
game show.
In a TV studio, host Fred Savage asks adult contestants trivia questions.
If they answer correctly, their responses are compared to the answers given by a panel
of adorable children.
Gervais asks the kids the same questions in a creepy-looking focus group.
It's more unusual than amusing, and as The Laughing Place has noted, the questions are
"painfully easy" and the show "tries too hard to be funny."
"Benjamin Franklin said, 'Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy,
and' what?"
The early 2000s are over, but that era's biggest contribution to television endures: the crime
procedural with a sassy twist.
The likes of Bones, Castle, and The Mentalist are all gone, but they continue in spirit
with ABC's Deception.
It's about a celebrity magician with the very celebrity-magician name of "Cameron Black."
After his career is destroyed by a scandal, he teams up with the FBI to solve crimes.
That's right, he uses his gift for "illusions" to somehow get into the minds of criminals,
which is a pretty weak premise.
But winning over viewers is one magic trick Cameron has not managed to pull off.
Add in meaningless supporting characters, and what's been described by Variety as "a
fatal lack of surprises," and there's not much left to watch.
Life Sentence
The breezy CW dramedy Life Sentence offers up basically the same setup as the 2001 Disney
movie Max Keeble's Big Move.
But in this case, it's about a young woman named Stella who thought she was dying of
For years, she lived everyday like it was her last, only to have her cancer cured, leaving
her to deal with the ramifications of her impulsive decisions.
There's a decent premise here, but the execution just feels too cruel to its main character,
while leaving other moments overly sentimental.
Ultimately, it's just an uneven mix.
Living Biblically
Based on humorist A.J.
Jacobs' book The Year of Living Biblically, this CBS sitcom is about a critic who decides
to live out every last detail of his life according to the Holy Bible.
While that's a refillable premise, it's difficult to make religion funny and palatable to a
broad audience.
Secular audiences are alienated, while the show also skirts offending the faithful, never
really finding an audience.
Ultimately, Living Biblically commits the cardinal comedy sin of just not being very
The Resident
Matt Czuchry stars as Dr. Conrad Hawkins, a medical rogue who plays by his own rules.
Dr. Hawkins makes rash decisions and ignores directives from his superiors because he has
gut feelings about what crazy medical procedures to use.
Except he doesn't come across as heroic; just arrogant and smarmy.
Instead, he's just another antihero who thinks he can get away with anything like we've seen
so many times before.
And that is The Resident's biggest flaw: it doesn't offer anything new to the TV landscape.
This Starz series follows naive Tess, who leaves her hometown behind to move to the
Big Apple.
New York is unexpectedly tough, until Tess is taken under the wing of colleagues at the
fancy restaurant where she finds work almost immediately.
She reminds them of themselves, only younger and more optimistic.
Except cliches are a big problem on Sweetbitter, a very slow-moving show where nothing much
happens beyond a woman working in a restaurant and making friends.
Robert Lloyd of The Los Angeles Times called it:
"A meal that looks great on the plate but makes little impression on the tongue."
Splitting Up Together
This ABC family sitcom is at least an innovative, if not vaguely depressing, twist on an old
format: Mom and Dad are in the process of divorcing, but rather than have one of them
move out, both parents stay in the house, keeping separate living quarters so as to
still provide their kids with an uninterrupted and stable home life.
While that's a modern and progressive solution, it's a hard sell for a silly little sitcom.
And according to the Orlando Sentinel,
"It feels like a long, forced push to get [the main couple] back together."
Here and Now
Set in the progressive city of Portland, Oregon, Here and Now is about a progressive family
made up of a philosophy professor, his therapist wife, and their four mostly grown children,
adopted from around the world.
Their one biological child is in high school, where she encounters many didactic conversations
about social issues, offset by weird dreams and prophetic hallucinations.
Basically, imagine if Portlandia wasn't a comedy, but was instead just as serious and
ominous as The Leftovers.
According to Joel Keller of Decider,
"Here and Now is so overwrought that it makes The Handmaid's Tale look like a light-hearted
romp by comparison."
10 nombres de barcos de pesca - los mejores nombres para barcos - www.nombresdebarcos.com - Duration: 1:14.
10 fishing boat names
Namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.
Homekeepers - Ginger Hubbard, Parenting "I Can't Believe You Just Said That!" - Duration: 28:31.
Beautiful Piano Music for Studying and Sleeping (August 2018) - Duration: 3:00:01.
Music can have a profound effect on both the emotions and the body.
Faster music can make you feel more alert and concentrate better.
Upbeat music can make you feel more optimistic and positive about life.
A slower tempo can quiet your mind and relax your muscles, making you feel soothed while releasing the stress of the day.
Music is effective for relaxation and stress management.
Research confirms these personal experiences with music.
Current findings indicate that music around 60 beats per minute can cause the brain to synchronize with the beat causing alpha brainwaves (frequencies from 8 - 14 hertz or cycles per second).
This alpha brainwave is what is present when we are relaxed and conscious.
To induce sleep (a delta brainwave of 5 hertz), a person may need to devote at least 45 minutes, in a relaxed position, listening to calming music.
Researchers at Stanford University (press release 2006) have said that "listening to music seems to be able to change brain functioning to the same extent as medication.
" They noted that music is something that almost anybody can access and makes it an easy stress reduction tool.
So what type of music reduces stress the best? A bit surprising is that Native American, Celtic, Indian stringed-instruments, drums, and flutes are very effective at relaxing the mind even when played moderately loud.
Sounds of rain, thunder, and nature sounds may also be relaxing particularly when mixed with other music, such as light jazz, classical (the "largo" movement), and easy listening music.
Since with music we are rarely told the beats per minute, how do you choose the relaxation music that is best for you? The answer partly rests with you: You must first like the music being played, and then it must relax you.
Some may relax you, some may not.
Forcing yourself to listen to relaxation music that irritates you can create tension, not reduce it.
If that happens, try looking for alternatives on the internet or consult with Counseling Service staff for other musical suggestions.
It is important to remember that quieting your mind does not mean you will automatically feel sleepy.
It means your brain and body are relaxed, and with your new calm self, you can then function at your best in many activities.
A Moment of Peace Meditation, (Aneal & Bradfield, "Heaven and Earth Spirits" track from Life & Love), YouTube, lovely contemporary piano music with accompanying instruments and nature scenes.
• Quiet Mind, (Nawang Khechog, "Quiet Mind" track 3 from Universal Love,) YouTube, relaxing Tibetan meditation flute music.
• Echoes of Time, (C. • Carlos Nakai from the Canyon Trilogy), YouTube, serene Native American flute music, with a picture of Nakai backlit by the sun at the Grand Canyon,
• The Winding Path, (Ken Kern from The Winding Path), YouTube, highly rated, beautiful piano music with accompanying instruments with pictures of exquisite flowers and plants
• Classical Indian Music for Healing and Relaxing, (Gayatri Govindarajan, "Pure Deep Meditation" track), YouTube, lovely and rhythmic music played on the veena, the most ancient of the Indian plucked-instruments, with nature scenes, •
• Angels of Venice - Pachelbel's Canon in D Major, (Angels of Venice from Music for Harp, Flute and Cello), YouTube, classical with 3 instruments with nature pictures,
• • Earth Drum - "Spirit Vision," (David & Steve Gordon), YouTube, serene and lovely contemporary Native American informed-drumming music utilizing Taos Log Drum and Incan Pan along with other instruments and ocean/forest nature scenes,
• (Other David & Steve Gordon music automatically starts after "Spirit Vision," which you can listen to if you want).
• • Buddha Spirit, (Aneal & Bradfield from Light & Love), YouTube, reflective but strong contemporary music utilizing various instruments and occasional humming voices with colorful oscillating fractals,
• • Spa Relaxing Music Long Time Mp3 with Candle Light, YouTube, tranquil contemporary instrumental with piano and a fixed candle light,
• • Relaxation Music - 1 Hour Meditation Candle, YouTube, serene contemporary instrumental with piano and one flickering candle.
• • Sleep Deeply, (Dan Gibson, multiple cd's) YouTube, nature sounds and instrumental, tranquil sleep music,
how to make a horn out of a straw - Duration: 2:39.
hi experimenters and welcomeback, in this video we're going to do
a whistle using a straw
what we are going to do for this is flatten
a bit the tip
of the straw and then we're going to cut out at an angle
the tip forming a triangle like this and now we are going to place in
our mouth and blowing
and that's how our whistle sounds
now we made it much shorter let's try how it works
the short one sounds like this and the long like this
Why is this happening? Why is this difference in sounds? leave it in the
thank you very much for your attention see you in a next video
see you soon
2line sad love best urdu hindi poetry painful udaas heart touching new poetry 2018 - Duration: 2:44.
ওমা একি ? বিশ্বের বড় নামীদামী হোটেল গুলোতে বিনোদনের নামে এ কেমন উলঙ্গ বেলী ড্যান্স | KHULNA MUSIC TV - Duration: 5:58.
বিনোদনের নামে এ কেমন উলঙ্গ বেলী ড্যান্স
বিনোদনের নামে এ কেমন উলঙ্গ বেলী ড্যান্স
বিনোদনের নামে এ কেমন উলঙ্গ বেলী ড্যান্স
বিনোদনের নামে এ কেমন উলঙ্গ বেলী ড্যান্স
বিনোদনের নামে এ কেমন উলঙ্গ বেলী ড্যান্স
বিনোদনের নামে এ কেমন উলঙ্গ বেলী ড্যান্স
10 fishing boat names - the best names for your boat - www.namesoftheworld.net - Duration: 1:16.
10 fishing boat names
Namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.
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