- Sometimes the universe just says here you go.
It's our time to shine, man.
- [Child] Cool.
- [Woman] It's about connection--
- Yeah. - and it's about life.
(crowd cheering)
(upbeat, joyful music)
(train whistle blaring)
It's like watching magic.
It's pretty cool.
For more infomation >> 2018 PBS Online Film Festival Winners - Duration: 0:31.-------------------------------------------
Hello friends how are you:
Our topic today: "How to care for and heal your liver"
Welcome to my channel: Ana CONTIGO Liver cancer is on the rise and for
that you have an idea only in the United States the number of deaths from cancer in this organ,
between 2000 and 2016 it increased by approximately 41%.
Worldwide, hepatocellular carcinoma of liver cancer is the second leading
cause of death from cancer due to its high prevalence and the difficulty of treatment.
The researchers warn that by 2030, the global rate of liver cancer will double.
In other diseases related to the liver such as cirrhosis, which is scarring
of the liver and non-alcoholic fatty liver are seen more and more frequently.
Cirrhosis has increased in a very important way among people with ages in the range
that goes between 25 and 34 years old, that is, extremely young.
And what is driving this increase? According to the researchers, the increase
of mortality due to cirrhosis is due exclusively to excessive consumption of alcohol in people
young boys. Cirrhosis that is an irreversible scarring
of the liver can also be caused by obesity, by non-alcoholic fatty liver
and for hepatitis, it can cause fatal liver failure and / or liver cancer.
Food, exercise, our weight, smoking and alcohol consumption
they can also play an important role either in the increase or in the reduction
of the possibilities of developing some form of liver disease, that is our
lifestyle has a lot to do with the health of our liver and with our health
general. Within the group of people who have more
risk are also people suffering from an autoimmune disease,
people who already have a chronic inflammation of the liver and people who have their liver
damaged due to episodes of hepatitis B or C.
The good news is that fortunately, liver damage related to alcohol can
be reversible whenever it is detected on time and if you stop drinking forever.
While alcohol-related cirrhosis is increasing mortality rates,
in the case of liver damage that is not caused by alcohol consumption, the damage
may be driven by excessive sugar consumption, so unfortunately now
you can even see this damage in young children; so imagine the magnitude
of this problem. Liver damage usually does not present
symptoms, although it can cause fatigue, jaundice which is yellowish coloration
of the skin and mucous membranes due to an increase in bilirubin that accumulates in the tissues;
swelling of the legs and abdomen may also occur, mental confusion
and more. If left untreated, it can cause inflammation
of the liver, called non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and can cause liver cancer or failure
hepatic However, in the same way that happens with
Alcohol-related cirrhosis can be reversed in its early stages by carrying
proper nutrition and exercise. The most important thing is that we must eliminate
Processed fructose and other added sugars from our diet.
Fructose affects the liver in very similar ways to how alcohol does.
Unlike glucose, which can be used by virtually all cells
of the body, fructose can only be metabolized by the liver.
As all fructose is transported to our liver, if you consume it in large quantities,
you end up causing the same damage that both alcohol and toxins produce.
The way in which the liver metabolizes fructose is similar to that of alcohol, so they become
in fat and this can not only cause fatty liver but can also cause
Insulin resistance and dyslipidemia that is when we have abnormal levels of fat
in our blood. Excess fructose oxidizes our body
and can cause inflammation. Remember that fructose is also found in
processed foods, one more reason to eat real food.
On the other hand, when your body is exposed to a chronic excess of glucose, of sugars,
these sugars are also finally metabolized into fructose.
Then the first thing we must do is to clean up our diet; the body can learn
to find another source of energy, will start to burn fat as fuel as well
that you will do a huge favor to your liver and your body, it will help you with being overweight
or with excess body fat, eye that although you look thin on the outside, inside
You can be what I call "a skinny fat man", you look thin and that's why you think you're
good and healthy but inside your body composition is not healthy, the important thing is the relationship
that you have between your muscle mass and fat. We can also observe people who are
thin but have belly, fat in the abdomen.
In the description box of this video I'm leaving some interesting links that
They talk about these issues: the one that talks about "Chronic Inflammation"
and the diseases it produces "; the one who talks about "insulin resistance"
and the one that talks about the keys to thin part 1 and 2 "where I deal with the subject of composition
bodily. Below where the description of the video appears
I leave a comment with the links of these videos, select and take you directly
let's see. Also if you open the description where it says "Show More" you will find
with the links of other series that may interest you.
Do not forget to subscribe to the channel and from there you will always be able to access all my videos.
That said, we continue; There are herbs, vitamins and some supplement
which are good for the liver, for example: The milk thistle: the milk thistle is a
grass that has been used for thousands of years not only to promote the health of
liver but also for the kidneys and the gallbladder.
It has an active ingredient, a flavonoid, which is called silymarin, which is responsible
of the antioxidant, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects.
Protects the liver and promotes a healthy function because in addition to other effects
A bit more complicated to explain: • Suppresses cellular inflammation.
• Reduces liver damage caused by various medications and environmental toxins,
such as paracetamol, chemotherapy, psychotropic medications and alcohol.
• Increases glutathione which is a powerful antioxidant that helps with detoxification
of heavy metals and other harmful substances. We also have the supplement called
N-acetylcysteine: Alcohol and paracetamol are two compounds
commons that are metabolized by the liver and that are related to liver damage
because they reduce the glutathione that I just mentioned as a powerful antioxidant.
It is a powerful protector of the liver, this supplement "NAC"; is an alternative for
support liver health in people suffering from hepatitis C and other liver diseases
Chronicles. There is also a vitamin that helps protect
Liver function is the natural form of vitamin B-9, folate.
Increasing your consumption decreases the chances of liver damage occurring
It gives the liver a certain degree of protection against damage and can also
decrease the one that is related to pesticides. On the contrary, having folate deficiency
It can increase the risk of liver cancer. Folate can be found in vegetables
of green leaves like spinach, Swiss chard, on asparagus, Brussels sprouts,
in avocados and especially in broccoli.
However, we must also say that it is recommended to avoid acid supplements
folic because, although it is easily absorbed, the intestines can not convert this form
in the same way they do with folate that comes directly from food; as
the liver is who is responsible for converting it can produce an overexposure if
We consume many vegetables but at the same time we supplement with folic acid.
As I always recommend, it is best to eat varied and real food and in any case
If you need a boost your doctor is the one who should recommend it to you.
And I ask you: like me, do you like to drink coffee?
you'll be glad to know that it seems to have a protective effect against hepatocellular carcinoma
which is a serious form of liver cancer. Drinking a cup of coffee a day reduces the
risk by 20% .; two cups reduce by 35% and five cups by up to 50% clear
Drinking too much can also have negative effects especially if you are pregnant
It might be a good idea to avoid it. It is best to take it black, without milk or sugar
and if it's organic better. Friends understand that all this information
It may be a bit dense to digest, but finally the main message is that for
to have good health we must take great care of our liver, we must consent because
He is one of the main detoxification factories of our body.
If we recharge it with alcohol, processed products that are full of chemicals, food
contaminated with pesticides and if we also consume a lot of sugars, a lot of fructose, we'll have
undesirable results in our health at some time.
Whether you already have a problem with your Liver or not; please be aware,
The damage is reversible if we treat it in time and better if it never occurs.
Here I leave the link of this other video that is related to our topic today;
and also in a comment and the description box. If you liked this video, like it and do not forget
share it, subscribe to my channel Ana CONTIGO, and let me know if you want us to talk about any
another issue related to health and well-being. The invitation as always is to: "Take care
our Body, Care for our Temple. " A big hug and until next time, Ciao!
The Untold Truth Of Kitchen Nightmares - Duration: 5:05.
There's nothing quite like turning on a cooking show and hearing the soothing sounds of Gordon
Ramsay screaming at a befuddled chef.
One of Ramsay's most popular profanity-riddled shows was Kitchen Nightmares, where the hot-tempered
Scottish chef helped struggling restaurants mainly by shouting at them about fresh produce
and frozen appetizers.
By the end of each episode, the restaurant's inedible food and sub-par service were usually
transformed and saved from extinction at least temporarily.
Even though it went off the air in 2014, there are still plenty of behind-the-scenes secrets
that you probably never knew about the popular restaurant makeover show.
Here's the untold truth of FOX's Kitchen Nightmares.
The nightmare's over
Although Ramsay spent a glorious six-and-a-half seasons transforming restaurants from one-star
duds into passable eateries, apparently his professional magic wore off quickly.
In 2014, shortly after Kitchen Nightmares ended, The Daily Mail reported that 60 percent
of the restaurants that appeared on the show had closed.
A spokesperson for Ramsay said at the time,
"You don't ask to take part in a show called Kitchen Nightmares if your restaurant business
is booming and therefore it is not surprising that many of the restaurants which Gordon
has visited over the ten years are now closed."
As of 2018, only 15 out of the 77 that appeared on the show between 2007 and 2014 are still
The unluckiest restaurant
While most of the restaurants didn't exactly go on to have successful runs, some of the
restaurants fared worse than others.
According to The Daily Mail, one restaurant The Black Pearl in New York actually closed
just four days after their episode aired.
"Homarus americanus, same animal, right?
… Humanus americanus My Ass-us."
But Lela's , in Pomona, California, takes the cake they closed before viewers even saw
the episode.
According to Screen Rant, the restaurant already faced struggles before Ramsay got in the door,
and was facing bankruptcy after only eight months in the business.
After the episode was over, a message flashed on viewers' screens saying,
"The restaurant's debts were too much and it closed."
"Ruined" restaurant
Although many of the restaurants featured on the show were happy to receive Ramsay's
help, one chef in particular didn't mince words when it came to criticizing the changes
the chef and his team made.
Season 6's John Chapman, the owner of Chappy's on Church, told The National Enquirer,
"It was truly a kitchen nightmare for me.
Gordon Ramsay destroyed my business!"
"It looks like Chappy took a crappy in my gumbo."
Chapman said that Ramsay redid the entire menu, and that business subsequently went
from about 200 customers a night to a mere table of patrons per evening.
Chappy's on Church closed in June 2013 for nonpayment of taxes, only a month after the
episode aired.
Not staged
The "Amy's Baking Company" episode of Kitchen Nightmares is probably the most infamous in
the show's history, and the conflict was so severe that the crew didn't even get to complete
their transformation.
The owners of the now-closed eatery were notorious for threatening customers who left bad Yelp
reviews and for posting long rants on social media.
"You are a little pansy, get out of here, don't you ever come back here.
You little weenie, keep walking."
Apparently, the drama in the episode wasn't heightened for entertainment purposes, either.
One Medium blogger who was there during the filming of the two-part episode said,
"[The] epic blowouts were 100% true to form and not doctored for TV."
"I am going to really hurt somebody if they send back my cakes."
Real Ramsay
Ramsay may be infamous for his nightmarish behavior on his shows, but apparently most
of his on-air tantrums and profanity-laced rants are hammed up for the camera.
"You work like a pig.
You French Pig!"
According to one of the show's crew members who did an Ask Me Anything on Reddit in 2013,
you'll rarely see Ramsay get angry when the cameras are turned off.
The crew member explained,
"He only gets mad when he has a reason to, otherwise he's a very funny and nice dude.
You can even see that in all of his UK shows.
The US versions like to selectively edit to play up drama."
Additionally, Ramsay may not actually be as involved with the participants as you'd think.
One couple, who appeared on the show in season three, told The New Jersey Record in 2010
that they barely conversed with the chef at all, saying,
"You have no interaction with Ramsay at all.
He comes with a very big machine of assistants and helpers.
The only time that I ever spent any time with him was on camera."
Ramsay's regret
If you're a Kitchen Nightmares superfan who misses the show, Ramsay feels your pain.
The popular show that launched Ramsay's TV career ended in 2014 in part because Ramsay
was tired of the restaurants he fixed reverting back to their old ways and failing.
He told The New York Daily News in 2017,
"I got fed up with Kitchen Nightmares because I was getting s---.
So I woke up one morning and I thought 'f--- it, I'm done.'"
He added his remorse at the decision to pull his show off the air, which was admittedly
made in anger, saying,
"Yes it was wrong to pull my own show off air, but that's it."
The good news?
Fans don't need to rely on old reruns to catch glimpses of their favorite restaurant makeover
show Kitchen Nightmares is back in a new form.
Gordon Ramsay's 24 Hours to Hell & Back premiered on FOX in June 2018.
The Sims 4 Waterfall - Download link in the description - Duration: 4:43.
Hi hi everyone, how are you? This is Naya Fonseca talking to you
Welcome to another video on this channel
On today's video I bring you the download of a lot. I wanted to say
that I did heard all the sugestions you guys left in the
comments. Thank you very much for answering my questions from the
previous video, and the next building videos will have the creation of the lot
from begining to end. But this lot was made while ago
And I'm just sharing it now. Like many of you
probably already saw on Nat's channle, she's making a serie where she tells
how Vitor and her met, in this serie, more specifically on
episode 5, we, because yes Naya is in this serie as well, if you haven't checked yet
go to her channel and check it out, we went to a camping trip
A camping trip and also a trip to a waterfall. And me and Nat are going
to share these two lots for you. So come with me that I
need to show you some "things" about this lot
First, when you place this lot, you will need to press Ctrl+Shift+C
then type "testingcheats on" and press enter
Right after that, you'll type "bb.moveobjects on" and press enter
That way, the lot will appear
as it should. Well, almost, when I built this lot
I put several rocks around the pool to cover its edges
And also rocks on top of each other to build the waterfall
So here's what you're going to do, you're going to lower the viewing mode
until the ground, then you'll grab this rock right here
and will move her up until the gound level, and then do the same with this rock right here
After doing that with both rocks
Can you see this plataform right here?
You'll grab this rock there and will move just a little bit, can you see how
it went up in the plataform? Done. But give a quick look around
the lake and the waterfall and check if you want or need to "fix" anything else
Maybe you want to put the rocks a bit higher, or move a rock to hide
the pool edges, because it's possible that when you place this lot, some rocks
don't show up where they should. Specially if you don't activate the
"moveobjects" cheat, alright?! And as you can see, your sims can swing just
fine in the waterfall, just put them near the
grass that is near to the bridge and tell them to swing near the bridge
then you'll be able to make them swing all around the lake
I also added in this building some animated animals and
bugs, like birds, butterflies, and even a snake going around the lot
I thought it gave an extra charm to the waterfall making it look more "alive"
I really liked it, and of course, you can add other stuff you want
like a fire, or some benches for your sims
to sit on, and like I said on my other video, feel free to use this lot
as you wish. I hope you like this love and enjoy it
a lot. Well, in the begining of the video, you saw not only a waterfall but also
a camping ground right? So, my friend Nat has a message about it
for you. Nat: "Hi guys, how are you? This is Nat
Cavalcante and today I'm stopping by to invite you to check out
my channel and watch the video with the details about the camping ground lot
Link here in the card and also in the description of the video. See you there!"
That's it guys, don't forget to follow me
on social midia, if you're not a subscriber, please subscribe and turn on the notification bell
Press the like button and leave your comment
That helps me spreading the world about my channel. And I see you in the next video
Tumbler Chase Scene | Batman Begins (2005) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:59.
I've gotta get me one of those.
- He is in a vehicle. - Make and color?
It's a black...
Stay calm.
You've been poisoned.
I'm on him.
Breathe slowly.
Hold on.
- What are you doing? - Shortcut.
Air One to ground, block that ramp.
He's got no way off that roof.
Turn off your engine. Step away from the car.
- Trust me. - Weapons system activated.
Who is this guy?
- Where's he going? - He's on the roof.
- What street is he taking? - He's not on a street.
He's flying on rooftops.
At least tell me what it looks like.
Never mind.
Got him.
Coming right up on his butt.
We're tracking suspect vehicle heading west on l- 17.
- Air One to ground. - I lost him.
We've lost visual. Exit 9 is blocked.
We'll loop back to check the frontage road.
Stealth mode activated.
Stay with me.
What...? There he is.
Just hold on.
TẠI SAO MÌNH KHÔNG SỬ DỤNG KEM CHỐNG NẮNG NỮA? | Chăm sóc da | GrowwithMoth - Duration: 9:57.
EWG nhaaaa
Oxybenzone, Octinoxate (Octylmethoxycinnamate), Homosalate Octisalate, Octocrylene, Avobenzone, Petrolatum, petroleum jelly, mineral oil, Silicones, alcohol
8 Finales Secretos en Los Videojuegos que No Creeras que Existen - Pepe el Mago - Duration: 11:12.
What If A Saber-Toothed Tiger Fought A Titaniboa Snake? - Duration: 5:01.
Monster snake versus ginormous tiger?
Well this sounds interesting.
Who would win?!
Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, the channel that likes to talk
about a whole host of topics from politics to science, to pop culture, to history and
At the moment we're on a weird trend of virtually fighting extinct super animals.
Just cause.
I am your host, Rebecca Felgate and TODAY we're asking what if a sabre toothed tiger
fought a Titaniboa Snake.
As a Slytherin, I am forever team snek, but what about you?
Are you snake or are you tiger?
Let me know in the comments section down below.
Okay – The Sabre Tooth Tiger, or Smilodon, to use its official name, lived between 2.5
million years ago and 10 thousand years ago.
Fun fact, despite its name, it isn't actually closely related to the toger.
Anyway, the old sabre tooth was, as its colloquial name suggests, a toothy ol chap with fangy
canine teeth that measured around 28 cms long, almost as long as a medium ruler stick.
The biggest of the sabretooths would come up to an average human males bicep – measuring
roughly 120 centimetres in height and weighing a heft 880lbs.
Honey was an adept killer known to take down large herbivores, including beasts like bison
and camels.
The Titanoboa lived 60 million years ago for roughly 2 million years.
When its fossils were found in Colombia it was confirmed to be the largest snake to have
ever existed.
This great snek was 12.8 metres long, so over ten times the height of the sabre tooth, and
it weighed around 2 thousand 500 lbs.
Right…so early on, we can see that the Boa is bigger and heavier than the tiger, although
so were bison and camel, so maybe the tiger had a trick up its stripy sleeve.
Both the Sabretooth and Titanoboa's were thought to be apex predators – top of the
food chain – with no natural predators, so it is unlikely they would get into a fight.
Yah, yah, Rebecca, but what if they did though?!
Well the only common ground they possibly shared would be Colombia, the only known habitat
for the Titanoboa…although the closest the Sabretooth was known to be was Brazil.
Anyway, whatever….get em gighting.
While we suspect that the Sabretooth killed by holding its prey down with its forelimbs
and biting it, we aren't too sure how the Titanoboa would kill, if it was anything like
the boa constrictor, it would likely have squeezed its prey to death and swallowed it
It wasn't thought to be venomous, which is a bit of a shame for our snakey trump card,
but still….I think chappy still has the upper hand.
It is hard to tell exactly what would go down and how the fight would start, but let's
say snakey baby is waiting in a watering hole – snakes are much better at hiding the tigers
and in water could be a perfect time to strike.
While the sabretooth could take a sizable bite of the titanoboa, it is much bigger and
thicker, so probably wouldn't cause irreparable damage.
We know the main tactic for the Sabre was holding prey down with its paws, but here
that would be impossible, again, because he is too big.
We don't know exactly how big the snakes fangs were, so I don't know what the bite
back would be like, but being much bigger than the tiger and uncontained, I have no
doubt the boa could wrap itself around the sabre tooth, squeeze, and feast for days,
all the while recovering from any injuries sustained during combat.
Fun fact for you, though – this may be snakeys first taste of mammal as it is though they
ate fish!
Eitherway, in the death match in question, good old snake wins.
That was then and this is now, though.
Evolution has leveled the playing field and although the titanoboa would have obliterated
the sabretooth, these days tigers and boas do occasionally come to blows, and the tigers
tend to come out victorious, but they're now bigger than Mr snek.
Well, we have had fun, haven't we.
Who else do you want us to pit against one another ? Let me know in the comments section
down below!
Also let me know what other questions you might like me to answer?
Also, don't forget to let me know whether you are team tiger or team snake and to leave
a thumbs up on this video!
Thanks for tuning in to this episode of LBQ – I am your host Rebecca Felgate, I'll
catch you in the next video, but until then stay curious, stay alert and never ever stop
Who Should Direct Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3? - Duration: 8:09.
Hello Internet - and welcome back, to Top 10 Nerd.
My name's Jack Finch, and I'm absolutely thrilled to be popping up - right here on
the nerdiest channel on YouTube.
Today, I'll be your host as we ask quite a controversial question - Who Should Direct
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3?
If you haven't already - make sure to check out Roya's Top 10 Superheroes With Dark
Pasts - she's killing it as usual.
And if you like this video, kindly hit that subscribe bell and leave a thumbs up.
With further adieu, let's begin shall we?
As you all probably know, Guardians of the Galaxy is a trailblazing frontrunner of the
MCU - and since 2014, when Peter Quill first propelled onto the big screen - the franchise
has won itself a special place in the hearts of viewers.
But recently - things haven't gone so great for old Jimmy Gunn.
So join me for a moment, as we dissect that - and figure out exactly what went down.
Written and directed by James Gunn, Volume 1 grossed an insane 773 million dollars worldwide,
and clinched the highest grossing superhero film of 2014 - as well as the third highest
film overall.
Gunn managed to weave a rich tapestry of humour, visual effects and gut-wrenching action sequences
- all alongside an absolutely killer soundtrack, which even reached the top of the Billboard
200 chart as a standalone release.
Volume 1 quietly reached critical mass, and the outstanding titular cast of Chris Pratt,
Zoe Saldana, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper - and the outrageous Dave Bautista - soon became
the MCU's wickedly cool step-children.
James Gunn had become Marvel's golden child, but his early career was a bit of a mish-mash
to say the least.
With writing titles under his belt such as 2002's Scooby Doo, and the 2004 sequel Monsters
Unleashed - as well as his 2006 directorial debut with the equally hated and loved, Slither.
Gunn wasn't exactly the safest pick for Marvel Studios.
But here's the thing - it paid off, and it paid off bigger than Bruce Banner's wardrobe
Because in April 2017 - Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 hit the screen - and both Disney
and Marvel popped their collars and whispered, "hooked on a feeling" in unison.
Gunn became everyone's favourite Missouri boy, and Guardians 2 wracked up an even bigger
863 million dollars worldwide.
It was the eight highest-grossing film of 2017, behind The Last Jedi and Spider Man
Now, critics were actually pretty miffed by Volume 2 - and were kinda split down the middle
with their reviews.
Some said that it lacked the magic of the first film, and missed out on some of that
Star Lord freshness that had captivated the audience back in 2014.
But, while I'd argue that while Volume 1 had spirit and charm - Volume 2 had /soul/
- and was one of the most exciting sophomore releases in recent years.
You know why?
Because James Gunn is a damn good filmmaker.
He understood the importance of a well done sequel, in an industry of half-baked attempts
at beating a dead horse - I'm looking at you, Ghost Rider 2.
Gunn knew that a good sequel expanded on the universe, and propelled it's characters
forward in ways that we hadn't seen before - but still adhered to the rules set out in
the first film.
We had a new kind of villain, that wasn't a carbon copy of Ronan - but the final boss
version of manifest daddy issues.
Also - Kurt Russell.
And don't even get me started on Yondu's role in the film, because no one can make
my cry those kind of tears like Michael Rooker can.
Guardians Volume 2 had so much heart that it hurt - and James Gunn makes great films
for the MCU.
Here's a fact about Gunn.
His last name is actually derived from the Irish surname, MacGilgunn - which translates
to - sons to the servants of the gods of the dead.
Which, while that's the most metal thing I've heard all week - is just a distraction
to the real elephant in the room.
Because, recently, in July of this year - the Walt Disney Company fired James Gunn from
the Guardians franchise amid a controversial scandal.
Phew - I mean, it's heavy.
There's a lot of stuff to unpack.
Disney essentially fired Gunn over several jokes that he'd made on Twitter in 2008.
Ten years ago, I mean - to me, that's a little insane.
We could do a whole breakdown on the topic, but that's not the point of this video.
At the moment, the third Guardian's film is just floating around in the cosmos - in
a difficult casting situation, you know - with the whole Avengers thing - and set to begin
production in early 2019.
Here's the kick in the teeth, because Gunn had been setting Guardians 3 as the epic conclusion
to Star-Lord and pals story - there was even chance we'd finally see Adam Warlock.
Gunn told the press that Volume 3 was planting the seeds that will lead to the next ten years
of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
He was literally setting the stage for Disney to finally buy out the rights to X-Men and
Fantastic Four - and link the whole thing together in all its galactic glory.
And that's not going to happen now, or not the way that Gunn intended it at least - and
that kinda sucks.
But we have to move on, and take a look at whatever could save this sinking starship
better than a brooding Rocket Racoon.
So let's take a look at the contenders, because I think there might be something here
And - while I said contenders - in my opinion, there's only really one filmmaker that I
feel could do justice to the Guardians franchise.
That man's name - is Taika Waititi.
This guy is a powerhouse, and has quickly become one of my favourite filmmakers of recent
Taika Waititi is a director, writer and comedian from New Zealand - and if you haven't seen
Boy, or Hunt for the Wilderpeople - you should really, really check them out.
Although, the film that really cemented him for me is 2014's What We Do in the Shadows,
which is Spinal Tap but with ancient vampires - and it's absolutely brilliant.
Because, here's the thing - Gunn and Taika have a similar brain.
They grew up on low-budget B-movies and pulp horror magazines like Fangoria - and you can
see that bleeding stylistically through their work.
It's organic, it's innovative and it's - more importantly - it's fun.
We see this most in Taika's directorial debut for Marvel - the outstanding, Thor:
There's so much that I could say about this film that it could take up a whole video,
but in my opinion, 2017's Thor: Ragnarok is the best cinematic piece released by Marvel
Studios to date.
It's for one reason, and one reason alone - Taika Waititi.
What he did with that film far surpasses the likes of the Russo brothers, Jon Favreau and
Joss Whedon.
Although fantastic filmmakers in their own right - Taika just oozes soul, and it makes
up the very DNA of Thor: Ragnarok.
Before the films release, Taikia told press that he felt like a guest in Marvel's universe
- but with the creative freedom to do whatever he wanted.
And in essence - that's exactly what the Guardians are.
They're a weird little offshoot that never fully intended to be in the same spotlight
as Cap and Tony Stark - or even Thor himself.
They can exist in a similar world - the junkyard of the universe - where the not-so-evil-but-charmingly-creepy
semi-villain can be played by Jeff Goldblum, of all people, who somehow turn's Grandmaster
into a loveable foe,
And it's great - because they're cut from the same cloth.
If we're holding a job interview for Guardians 3, and Taika Waititi's resume is Thor: Ragnarok.
Then he's got the job.
Because, for me, he's the only guy who could pick off where James Gunn left off - and do
the franchise the justice that it deserves.
Well - we can speculate all we want, but I guess only time will tell.
SO guys, who do you think should direct Guardians Volume 3?
Do you agree with our conclusion?
Do you think it absolutely sucks?
Well - please speak your mind in the comment box down below, because you know we love hearing
from you.
While you're down there, make sure to leave a thumbs up if you enjoyed this video.
If you'd like to carry on the MCU theme, make sure to hit the playlist floating above
and take a look at some of Kelly, Ron and Roya's fantastic Top 10 lists.
You've been watching Top 10 Nerd - I've been your host Jack Finch.
And until next time, take it easy.
Benedict Wong & 'Deadly Class' Cast on Adapting the Graphic Novel | MTV News - Duration: 5:02.
- [Master Lin] What if I told you
there's a home for people like you?
A school where you'll be surrounded by your peers,
to master the deadly arts?
(fast-paced music)
- What happened was I was filming this massive scene
on Avengers and then Joe Russo pulled me to the side
and we went into the woods and he...
(all laughing)
- That's where Joe has all his meetings.
- He gave me an offer I couldn't refuse
and I met this reprobate.
(all laughing)
And they're amazing.
They're, like, omnipresent.
And it's good to have them in the fold.
- Yeah. Yeah, they've been huge.
I mean, it's not something they just put their names on it
and walked away, they're creatively very involved.
You know, like Joe and I spent a number of nights
in the editing bay till 3, 4 in the morning.
He's very passionate. And, frankly, how he finds the time
without substance abuse I'm not quite sure.
But the man is a TNT keg and so I think a lot
of the quality in what we ended up with is a direct result
of the love that the Russo Brothers have put into it
and the faith they've put into us.
It was always about trying to capture the authentic
teen experience in a way that didn't have the veneer
or the polish that, as a parent, I want to give it.
I didn't wanna remember it the way it existed.
But I think in doing so that's when art
achieves something that matters.
I think that's when it matters the most, is that people
can identify with the truth of it.
And that when you don't try and give them a product
that has that polished veneer,
that they feel some identification.
And for me that was punk rock in the '80s.
That was the Ian MacKaye and Henry Rollins
and that stuff made me feel not alone.
And so the goal of this has always been
to really focus on that emotion and that heart.
- [Benjamin Wadsworth] I would describe his journey
as being this lone wolf in the beginning,
who all he wants, really, is a family.
And he's sent to a school full of...
- We're not monsters. We treat you well.
- Some people are good.
- Some people aren't quite that monstrous to Marcus
and some people are.
- Definitely.
- Getting to know this dude has been great,
but our characters don't really quite like each other--
- The feeling's mutual.
- at, you know, from the start.
- Yeah.
- But it's been fun being able to play with that dynamic.
- It's been so much fun, yeah.
- They've done their best to inhabit the characters
in a way it's very fulfilling
to see it all kinda come together
and watch what started off as this unpack in this
as we sorta grow it out and see what they've done.
They've really put in the work, yeah.
- He sent us all a bunch of playlists for our characters.
And we also did a little bit of research. And that was fun.
- You gotta do some research for that.
- Even the comics are a great research for like the APs
in general, you know?
- And even for me, my character is Mexican
so I had to go back to the '80s in Mexico
and that was something.
- And for me I had to go get in the mind of somebody
who grew up in a very urban area.
Willie grew up in Compton so I'm listening to NWA
and Public Enemy, stuff like that.
Really helps you get in the mindset of a young man
who's living in that environment and that neighborhood.
- I got a song that's called like "Shut the Eff Up,
the World is On Fire" or something really intense
and I was was sitting here listening to it
like, "Oh God, what did I get myself into?"
- [Benjamin] It goes pretty dark sometimes.
- We actually celebrated Lana's birthday at an '80s bar.
- Oh, yes!
- Yeah!
- My 21st birthday, we celebrated at an '80s bar
because we were like, "We can party and we can do karaoke."
- [Maria Gabriela de Faría] We've been working out so much
and training for the show that we're so fit right now,
I don't know what to tell you.
No, it's really good and it's an honor to bring this
amazing graphic novel to life, really.
- It's an honor to have you bring it to life.
- Yeah, it's been so exciting because it's school
and it's familiar but it's also classes we never took.
- No.
- We never learned how to handle weapons
and how to take care of violent situations.
But this right here,
this is something that's really exciting.
- They didn't teach poison where you went to high school?
- No, we didn't have Poison 101, nah.
- That's weird.
- [Lana Condor] When I worked with the katana,
I wasn't aware how heavy it is.
They didn't give me, the set didn't give me like a fake one.
It was real when I picked it up. So it was very, very heavy.
But I hope to work with it a lot more
as the season progresses. I think that would be amazing.
And she's also my favorite character too, so thank you.
- And Lana's agreed to lose a few fingers.
We've realized that trying to get the fingers off
and the VFX, it was very expensive.
- Right.
- And so we're just gonna cut,
we're taking a few fingers off.
- We're gonna cut it off.
(soothing techno music)
Stoneman Douglas shooting survivors hold rally in Greensboro to protest guns in schools - Duration: 4:45.
Dave Filoni Talks Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Episode IX Begins Shooting! - Duration: 10:12.
Star Wars Episode 9 begins shooting today.
And I sit down with Dave Filoni to talk Clone Wars.
This is The Star Wars Show.
From the Lucasfilm headquarters in San Francisco, here's your hosts, Andi and Anthony!
Hello and welcome to the Star Wars Show, the only Star Wars show on the internet that Lorem
ipsum dolor sit amet.
I'm sorry. What?!
What did you just say?
I read what was on the screen.
That is Latin placeholder text.
Scott, did you finish the script?!
[Off camera] Huh? What?
[Off camera] What?
Let's see if the news is at least in the prompter.
Ah, see!
Words are on the prompter.
Thought I was going to have to rattle off all of this news off the top of my head.
Like we always do.
[Crickets sound]
The fourth and final season of Star Wars Rebels is available now on Blu-ray and DVD.
Extra features include the entire final season of Rebels Recon hosted by the wonderful and
talented Andi Gutierrez, whereas the Blu-ray has 3 behind the scenes featurettes and
6 episode commentary tracks featuring executive producer Dave Filoni.
Who, is on the show in a few minutes.
Synergy, baby!
For more on the release and Star Wars Rebels check out StarWars.com
Star Wars Episode 9 began shooting today at London's Pinewood Studio.
The film reunites cast members Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Lupita
Nyongo, Domhnall Gleeson, Kelly Marie Tran, Joonas Sutomo and Billie Lord with director
J.J. Abrams.
Also returning to the cast are Star Wars veteran actors Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, and
Billy Dee Williams reprising his role as Lando Calrissian.
Joining the cast this time around are Naomi Ackie, Richard E. Grant,...
Personal hero!
...and Keri Russell.
The role of Leia Organa will also once again be played by Carrie Fisher, using previously
unreleased footage shot for Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Director JJ Abrams said in a statement,
That is really wonderful.
Yeah, I'm very happy.
I love that.
Mark Hamill took to twitter over the weekend to discuss Carrie Fisher with a heartfelt
statement, saying,
But the tweets celebrating the start of production on Episode 9 didn't stop there.
Director JJ Abrams tweeted this morning,
Along with a trademark cryptic image from behind the camera and what looks like John Boyega smiling.
Analyze away internet.
Star Wars Episode 9 is due out in theaters in December 2019.
And for more breaking news from around the galaxy check out StarWars.com
Much to learn you still have.
Aaah, Weequays.
You know, the species that claims Honodo Onaka and his pirate crew, the Skiff guards, or
this Weequay who was named after Keira Knightley!
These wrinkly, sunburnt sentient beings first appeared on Jabba's sail barge in Return
of the Jedi and later in his palace in the Special Editions.
They spend a lot of time with gangsters because the Hutt's control their homeworld of Sriluur
and actually made a lot of them into slaves.
Weequays have tough leathery skin making them ideal for dangerous business.
They're commonly employed as bounty hunters, bodyguards, and pirates, but they're not
all shady characters.
This Weequay was a Jedi in Attack of the Clones, and Ak-Rev was a super cool drummer in the
Max Rebo Band!
And what pirate crew would be complete without some sort of animal companion?
Some weequays like to make pets out of Kowakian Monkey-Lizards and even train them to take
care of their dirty deeds.
Want to learn more about Weequay like what famous Lucasfilm movie inspired the name of
Hondo's yacht?
Check out StarWars.com/MuchtoLearn.
[Crowd] Star Wars Show!!
[Crowd cheering]
Really glad we finally got some time with Dave Filoni cause you're probably one of
the busiest guys in this building right now.
Pretty busy.
Pretty busy.
I hardly ever see you anymore.
So, tell me about what you've got going on.
There's a lot going on.
Any news that we should discuss?
Obviously now, more than one animated show.
Clone Wars is coming back.
Is it?
It is.
I know.
12 episodes coming on up.
You've been working on this for a while and I am so shocked and happy that it didn't leak.
I know.
You got the reveal that you wanted.
Oh my gosh.
That was an effort.
I got to tell you that was an effort.
I just really happy that you got to experience it that way, that the fans got to experience it that way.
It was really powerful.
I wish I could have been in the room. I wasn't there.
I just don't think anyone believed it was going to happen.
And that made it maybe easier to keep it a secret.
Because even when we showed the trailer I think there was some people that didn't
believe it was happening.
I wanted it to be a surprise kind of within the trailer.
They'd have to know this is really happening.
Even like down to the night before the panel I was reminding everybody on it that nobody knows.
You have to do the whole panel like this show is not coming back.
Everything has to be past tense.
No slip ups about, oh we just recorded this thing.
None of that, which would cause a gasp.
Even Amy Ratcliffe had no clue.
Amy had no idea?
She had no idea.
I think the biggest thing that helped was at the end of the trailer Matt Lanter just
went berserk with excitement.
I mean that's how I wanted people to feel and Matt was kind of conveying it and bringing
everyone along with him in his excitement.
But the actor becomes a major part of the character.
You have to let them embody it.
You have to encourage them to be a big part of it.
And they're such a wide variety of personalities.
From Sam Witwer, to Dee Baker, to Ashley.
And if we're going to talk about character growth and arcs, we can't not talk about Ahsoka.
I mean who started kind of a not popular character.
Absolutely not.
You know people didn't understand her and now she's legitimately one of the most beloved characters.
Any time she's on screen people freak out.
Yeah, I think because they grew up with her too.
This generation is being very vocal about her.
One of her secrets superpowers is that she is Anakin adjacent.
And that relationship is everything because for the old fans it means insight into a character
they knew and for the young fans it means inside to a Star Wars that they are not as
familiar with.
So she is tremendously important bridge character that way.
And when we are working on her it's like I notice the shift as we went along.
But I know what happens in the end.
I have worked that out finally.
When it came up and when Carrie Beck really first started saying, I think we could find
a way to do more Clone Wars.
I wanted to make sure there was a story there worth telling that I could really get into
and find the emotional center of it.
What was the piece that people needed to see that they didn't have?
The difficult thing I think as a storyteller in Star Wars is I often times can relate to
what the fans want to see because I want to see it too.
I just want to make sure that when I do these things they are done as well as they can be done.
And that takes time.
So last week at the end of the episode we put a call out to fans asking what Clone Wars
meant to them.
So now I'm curious what Clone Wars means to you.
Hah, gosh.
It was the greatest time sure for a lot of us, I think.
It was like a master class or getting your doctorate in filmmaking directly from George Lucas.
He was teaching us just what he liked.
Not so much about Star Wars.
Sometimes it was but it was really just about the way he thought about films, saw films,
films he watched.
And so it was the greatest kind of learning environment that I've ever had in this job
and I absolutely loved it.
I knew every day that one day it would be over so I never lost sight of that.
And I loved the people that I worked with.
And the fans.
I mean I know fans now for over a decade because of my relationship with the show.
When I don't say things it's not cause I'm trolling them really, though they say I am.
It's because I'm trying to hold out my excitement to give them that experience, that
feeling that I think we all associate most with Star Wars.
Which is this euforia and this excitement.
When Obi-Wan says, use the Force Luke, and the theater erupts.
Those feelings are so rare now.
And that's what I think is the greatest thing about telling these stories is you could
get people back to that place and bring people together in this place.
And I've always believed that Star Wars is something that brings people together.
Man, lets just keep this Clone Wars love fest going, shall we?
Yeah, sounds good to me.
As a brief reminder, last week we asked you to share what The Clone Wars meant to you
using the hashtag #CloneWarsSavedMe, and we got an overwhelming amount of responses.
Kendra Davis said Ahsoka helper her feel better about the way she looked, saying that seeing
a character that resembled her and others is always a great thing.
Continuing the Ahsoka love fest, @CallMeSnips said Ahsoka gave her strength to make a difficult
decision to move across the country, while Moira has not one but two Clone Wars tattoos.
That is dedication.
Ange Longo said the show helped her enjoy life more, George Stebbins learned the very
important lesson that you can hate a new character and then learn to love her over her years
of stellar character development.
@Rosa2187, @KennyBechtel, @RexOnLeave, and countless others all shared stories about
how Clone Wars was their first introduction to Star Wars and the basis for a lifelong
passion for the fandom.
Turns out, The Clone Wars were the friends we made along the way.
Truer words were never spoken.
If you have time we sincerely hope you go check out the hashtag, there are tons of stories
we wish we could continue to share here.
And as always, remember to like the video, subscribe to the channel, follow us on Twitter,
Facebook, and Instagram, download the Star Wars app.
Which somebody reached out to let me know that there is now a Thamm emoji in there.
So, download the Star Wars app.
Talk to us on the community tab on YouTube, and remember, there are only 253 more sleeps
until Star Wars Celebration Chicago.
Not that we're counting or anything like that.
I have already ran out of time to pack.
I'm freaking out.
Thanks for watching and may the Force be with you.
There's no time left.
I know.
It is so scary.
It is upon us.
I tend to roll.
You gotta roll.
Cause you get less wrinkles.
If you're folding you're a sucker.
We'll so a whole thing on how to pack next week.
Come on, Frank.
[Off camera] Ready, 3, 2…
Okay, now make a face.
Boop, boop, boop de doop.
Star War.
Herman and Sharron - Katharina R. Lowe "My Liberian Memoirs" - Duration: 28:31.
List of those accused of abuse includes 71 names - Duration: 1:03.
Attack on Ttitan Season 3 - Ending Theme - Duration: 1:30.
Why did the earth and the sky separate?
This world is so beautiful, yet so cruel
Those who threw stones and those who were hit by them
Between them is a fence that cannot be easily overcome
If positions change, Justice shall reveal its fangs
Is its roar also trapped within a Cage?
I Dedicated my heart with my back turned to the twilight
Towards the end of the night that kept on going forward
Where is Paradise...?
"Requiem! Requiem!"
To That Nameless Flower that scattered throughout the night;
Please, Rest in Peace...
The Live Justice app has new features,
games, and a super cool new look to it.
Let's take a look at some of them.
When you look at the home news feed,
you see super cute photos and videos
from Justice Girls With Heart Ambassadors.
You can heart your favorite posts,
or participate in a brand new "This Or That" feature,
which allows you to vote on your favorite products,
looks, and more.
When you see Alita,
you can shake your device to reveal a fun joke of the day.
In our new game section, you can make your own shirt design
using the Justice stickers.
Or take one of the super cute quizzes with your friends.
To download the Live Justice app,
just visit the App store and search for Live Justice.
Have fun, and happy apping.
they're besties
what does everyone hope you guys are doing well that title is not a joke not
a drill not clickbait we really are giving away a Nintendo switch to one of
you all you do is break one of these four records well you are new here my
name is Josh Horton this is Cassie every single Wednesday on this channel we
break or set some sort of world record but on the first Wednesday of every
month we try to set some achievable world records for you guys to beep then
we do a giveaway so in the past you guys have had a lot of fun with this we've
got a lot of entries but last month we only got a few entries so thank you to
the rayner's and the Tucker's for sending in their videos but I think but
part of the problem was was the prize maybe wasn't as cool last month so we've
upped the prize a lot and we also want to make sure that the records this month
all have things that you can just find in your house so the first of these four
records is how many toothpicks can you stick into a potato
98, 99 we don't have a hundred toothpicks we must have bought this in that exactly
we used one I used one all right well the record is now set at 99 so if you go
buy a box of 100 and have a potato you could break this record hold on
now looks just like raisin yeah hold on one second like it even has a nose and
like space where the I would be okay
guys look at the resemblance this is our pet hedgehog raisin they're besties oh
they love each other so much or she's gonna eat them one or the other so that
is record number one of four keep watching for details on how to submit
your record and how the whole contest works record number two you've seen Josh
balance things on his head but now it's my turn so I've got a pretty decent
collection of books this is like a small fraction of them but I'm going to try
and balance them on my head I've got to hold it for 10 seconds for it to count
though 3 4 6 8 should we have to pay I'm not gonna count this this book is only
91 pages let's say the minimum is 100 pages I love that concentration face
one Oh dragon got it one two three four right on the computer
time you did it Basti so the record there is nine books on your head you
have to hold them on your head for 10 seconds to qualify the balance and the
books all have to be 10 pages or more
100 pages each and that's it so those are two of the four records we're going
to show you so far but real quick how to enter the giveaway you'll need to film
yourself doing these records and then post it to twitter or instagram with
hashtag JJ off the record the JJ used to Stanford Jake and Josh are IP right now
it is juggling Josh or you can email us at world-record Wednesdays at gmail.com
each submission whether that's email or posting it will give you one entry to
the raffle for the Nintendo switch so if you attempt all four records your
chances of winning are much higher you got a BS it's true if you beat us and
you post it or email us that is one submission for the giveaway let's get on
to the third record record number three is going to be kind of cups to all not
kind of it is cup stacking but not like the crazy cup stacker is I don't know
how to do any of that stuff but it's going to be the fastest time to
stack fifteen plastic cups that can be Solo cups the red cups whatever but 15
cups all the way up and then all the way down like those cups actors do I guess
it's kind of like the cups back in people time yourself and then stop this
clock as soon as you get back to a stack of 15 just like this
Ready Set
oh boy oh boy I'm not good at this I'm not cups hacker but here we go
well this is my legitimately first try ever and stop twenty seven point nine
nine are you laughing at me as if that's bad I'm sure that there's a lot of like
eight-year-olds out there that can beat it but let's see if you guys can break
this record again this is not like a world record this is just something that
we are laying out as a record for the community of the Josh Horton YouTube
channel so send us a video and I will leave one submission to the Nintendo
switch giveaway okay apparently Cassie thinks she could beat my twenty seven
point nine nine so let's see if cats can beat it and then if she beats me and
then you guys have to beat her for the submission to count laughing at me
giving me a hard time twenty seven point nine nine all right here is Cassie's uh
attempt to beat me oh yeah you look a little bit faster than me okay
Oh having some trouble the spacing uh-oh not so easy into Cassie
I think those cups actors have stuff of comes back and comes pretty sure is this
satisfying it makes me want to be a cup stacker Oh 25 point one seconds the
fourth and final record is most 360s in 30 seconds with a water balloon your
time will stop if you fall over or if your water balloon pop back when I
competed in the world championship of juggling we would have 360 competitions
so I don't think it's there if I set this record so Cassie this one's gonna
be all you let's see how many 360s you can do with a water balloon in 30
seconds to 1 begin one record to beat is one everybody good luck you one go one
three two one go
three two one go
1 go 1 2 3 4 4 s 4 that would be a little bit higher than that maybe I
should demonstrate but my record won't count
all right so just like that right now the record to beat is four set by Cassie
so don't do that no I already got splashed with water and
catch it what is that so anyway they're good beat is four and that's your four
records for today so each of those attempts again if you
submit a video on Instagram or Twitter or email us
each sub each time you beat one of those records is one submission to win them to
no switch we want to see your videos guys this is a lot of fun we the goal
for this video series is for you guys to get outside to have fun to do stuff with
your friends or your parents or whoever so good luck and your video
that is all we have you guys today thank you so much I can't wait to see your
videos and I'm excited to give one of you a Nintendo switch we've got videos
every Monday every Wednesday every Saturday make sure you subscribe and to
be a winner you have to be subscriber so make sure you hit that subscribe button
give this video a thumbs up you want to see more videos like this we have
instruments every single video here the two for today follow Cassie and I Hear Of
Horton and Jugglin Josh crew chants with Instagram shoutout by juggling stuff at
juggling warehouse comm and that's all for now let's go to the beach
Ihre Kids rasten aus: Nicole Kidman rettet Riesenspinne! - Duration: 1:09.
Krabbeliger Besuch am Pool von Schauspielerin Nicole Kidman (51)! Ihre Töchter fürchten sich lautstark – eine dicke Riesenspinne ist zu Besuch
Statt sich, wie Sunday Rose (10) und Faith (7), zu ekeln, greift Mama beherzt zu einem Glas und fängt das Tierchen ein, wie sie via Instagram zeigt
Ob die Beauty so angstfrei ist, weil sie aus Australien kommt? Schließlich lebt dort das gefährlichste Getier der Welt
Da kann ihr so ein harmloses Spinnchen keine Panik verursachen.
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