Hey guys, it's me Quick Richard Laverne aka Richard FireMancer!
Today, we're going to be reacting to "You Had One Job!"
This is a slide of people who had one job and they failed.
DISCLAIMER: I'm on a slide called "Ads vs Reality", I'm going to be going through "You Had One Job", but I'm not going to go through the "Ad vs Reality" slides.
I'm just going to go through the slides that are like "You Had One Job"
Let's go!
Now we're at "My Dog".
Oh my god! Someone used a cat on a portrait that says "My dog"?!
*more laughs*
But this guy still failed, I'm going to say this so loud!
Because this guy failed!
Woah, these blueberries in a strawberry box!
I sure love strawberries and blueberries!
I wonder what it would be like if I ate strawberry/blueberry jelly!
I like to mix them both in my jelly, but this guy still failed so.
We're at the slide called "I Guess I'm Not Making Salsa".
Well, whoever put peaches in this can must have some issues because tomatoes are supposed to be like, well a fruit, but people usually consider them vegetable, but peaches aren't like a vegetable, it's a fruit as we all know of.
And someone put in the comments, "Make peach salsa!"
I know, I wonder what it tastes like if it was peach, but this guy still failed so.
Ok, here we are at what, spoons!
There's 100 spoons!
Woah, it's filled with nothing but forks like how are you going to eat your soup if there's no spoon?!
All you're just going to eat is the solid parts of your soup, how are you going to drink the liquid then?!
If you're at a restaurant, it would be bad manners if you sip up the soup.
You're supposed to eat it with a spoon!
This guy is such a failure!
Now we're at the slide that says, "But I Want Coke!"
And this Coke pack was filled with Sprites, honestly I like Sprite better than Coke, but for people that like Coke better than Sprite and people that don't even like Sprite, this is going to be such bad luck for you.
I'm sorry for the ones who got Coke packs with nothing but Sprite.
This guy has failed a lot so.
YOU HAD ONE JOB, for the person who did this!
Fresh onions, more like fresh potatoes!
Like, potatoes are not even a herb, potatoes are like a starch, onions are like a herb.
Imagine what it would taste like if you ate potatoes as a spice!
It wouldn't even do anything but potatoes are still great on french fries, on your steak!
But this is still a big failure for people who need onions so.
Now we're at slide "Seems Legit"
Woah, there's Batman all over the box, and Spiderman inside and there's Spiderman outside the box too?!
Woah, this is so confusing on where to put it!
This is really confusing me now because it says Batman and Superman on the same box!
This guy is just confusing us whoever created this box!
Now here we are at "Lemons Indeed"!
Woah, the second after I saw "Organic Lemons", it's actually tomatoes!
Woah, lemons give juice and so does tomatoes, that makes sense!
But why would you use tomato juice for cleaning up your bathroom or cleaning up all those mold?!
This is just misleading, and it doesn't make any sense, and lemons can never be red so!
Ok here we are at the last one we have "Found in Primark"
Marvel Avengers and it says "Superman"?!
Oh my god!
This is so weird!
Superman's not even part of the Avengers, and it's a well known fact that Superman was the first superhero ever created!
And the Avengers was like few years after Superman was created!
*clears throat*
This guy has failed a lot in making it so!
Let me say it for the last time in this video!
I think this should be it guys, man I'm so mad after seeing all those fails in their job!
So guys this was me Quick Richard Laverne aka Richard FireMancer!
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