Things Only Adults Notice In Thor: Ragnarok - Duration: 5:48.With 2017's Thor: Ragnarok, director Taika Waititi gave us something completely different
from the previous two Thor films, showing us places and characters unlike anything else
in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
The fantastic visuals and rapid-fire jokes were enough to dazzle movie fans of any age.
But while kids might be satisfied with spectacle, once older viewers really start thinking about
the movie, there are more questions than answers - especially once you factor in the events
of Avengers: Infinity War.
Here's a spoiler-filled look at some Thor: Ragnarok details that only adults notice.
Odin stinks at hiding things
The key villain for most of Ragnarok is Hela, the Goddess of Death who also happens to be
Thor and Loki's older sister, and the oldest child of Odin.
Hela, it turns out, was banished by Odin, hidden away in a secret prison until his death
abruptly frees her.
Suddenly, the secret ain't so secret, which is actually a recurring problem for Odin throughout
the Thor franchise, as the All-Father is apparently really bad at hiding things.
In the first film, it was the secret of Loki's Frost Giant birth.
In the second, it turns out there was a secret portal out of Asgard.
Now here comes a daughter that he apparently never told his sons about.
And in all three cases, once the secret got out, people got killed.
If Odin were a little better at hiding these things, Asgard might still exist today.
Where is Sif?
Both of Thor's leading ladies from the previous films are suddenly and mysteriously missing
in Thor: Ragnarok.
Jane Foster's absence is explained with a single throwaway line saying she and Thor
broke up.
That's a pretty casual dismissal for a star as big as Natalie Portman, but it's nothing
compared to what Jaimie Alexander's Lady Sif gets - which is, in fact, literally nothing.
Aside from an actress playing her in the drama Loki stages commemorating his own death, Sif
isn't even mentioned in Ragnarok.
In the real world, Alexander apparently had a scheduling conflict, but in Ragnarok, she
just vanishes and nobody really seems to give a crap.
Marvel later piled on even more, with Avengers: Infinity War directors Joe and Anthony Russo
revealing she died offscreen in Infinity War.
Seriously, guys?
Who is on Doctor Strange's watch list?
Though the film spends less time on Earth than either previous Thor adventure, Ragnarok
does depict Thor and Loki's unexpected encounter with Doctor Strange, who traps Loki in a pocket
dimension while he has a chat with Thor about why they've come to Earth.
"I keep a watch list of individuals and beings from other realms that may be a threat to
this world.
Your adopted brother Loki is one of those beings"
It's a fun scene, but it makes you wonder: who else is on that watch list?
Is Doctor Strange the Marvel equivalent of the TSA?
We have a feeling we haven't seen the last of this mysterious watch list of his.
Thor: god of… nothing?
In addition to extreme strength, durability and a lifespan much longer than that of a
human, Thor is the God of Thunder, which is a key plot point in Ragnarok.
"Are you Thor, The God of Hammers?"
"That hammer is to help you control your power, to focus it.
It was never your source of strength"
So if his body is naturally gifted with the power to channel lightning, why is he so vulnerable
to shocks?
He gets shocked by a net thrown on him by scavengers when he first arrives on Sakaar,
and then is repeatedly zapped by the neck implant placed on him by Valkyrie after she
captures him.
Maybe those don't run on normal electricity or something, but it's weird to see him get
shocked in one scene and then pull a lightning storm out of the sky in another.
Valkyrie has a drinking problem
The first time we meet Valkyrie, she falls off her ship after taking a big drink.
The moment is played for laughs, as are other moments involving Valkyrie and alcohol, but
as the story plays out we find she is using alcohol to block traumatic memories of her
friends being slaughtered by Hela.
Though her addiction is mostly played for laughs, when viewed as a whole, Ragnarok actually
presents a tragic view of a woman trying to drink herself into oblivion.
Where is Asgard exactly?
In the first Thor film, the Bifrost is the only way to get to and from Asgard, which
is why it's such a tragedy when it is destroyed.
In the second movie, though, we learn there are actually secret portals that sometimes
allow travel to and from Asgard as well.
Okay, fine.
In Ragnarok, though, all bets are off, as people seem to be able to come and go at will,
simply flying spaceships to and from Asgard.
Apparently, the rules for traveling to Asgard work however the plot needs them to at any
given moment, as seemingly anyone can just drive there if they want.
So… road trip, anyone?
Infinity what now?
Speaking of all those Asgardians on that spaceship, Avengers: Infinity War begins shortly after
Ragnarok left off, with the Asgardian refugee ship destroyed by Thanos.
In the carnage, we see the loss of numerous Asgardians, but we don't know anything about
what happened to Valkyrie or Korg.
In a Q&A at an Iowa high school of all places, though, Infinity War co-director Joe Russo
revealed that Valkyrie survived, along with half the Asgardians.
So where are they?
Well, one clue might be hiding in plain sight at the end of Ragnarok, as the Grandmaster's
pleasure cruise vessel, battered but still recognizable, can be seen parked on top of
the larger refugee ship.
It's not big enough to hold everyone, but Valkyrie could certainly fit - and maybe even
have room to bring Korg with her.
Here's hoping!
Huawei P20 Lite VS Samsung A6 (2018) | Enfrentamiento | Review | Unboxing - Duration: 14:35.-------------------------------------------
Can DNA Testing Tell You What You Should Be Eating? - Duration: 10:03.If you thought 23andMe testing was just for learning about your ancestry we've
got a lot to share today and to help us dig into this is Alyson Roux.
Alyson, do you want to tell us a little bit about what your specialty is here?
Sure, I am a clinical nutritionist. I'm a CNS and I work with people who are struggling with
their relationship to food and I use a variety of tools including nutritional
genomics where sometimes we take a look at their DNA and how we might just make
the way that their metabolizing food a little bit more efficient so I have
interpreted both of your 23andMe raw files using a couple of different
programs and we're gonna talk through a few micronutrient implications that may
be beneficial for preventative health or if you have any kind of health conditions going on.
Okay, and for those people who might be a little confused...
This isn't like you do your 23andMe tests and you get it back and it tells
you all this. This is we got our results back we downloaded the raw data which is
an option that you can do and then we sent it to Alyson and then you go through and decipher.
Exactly here's the other cool part is that genetics we used to
think in the 90s when we started doing the human genome project was that
we thought that genetics were destiny, we thought okay here's your code like a
computer it's what it is – but that's not actually the case and genetics and some
of these common mutations think of them more like light switches where as you go
through life the light switches get turned on or turned off so perhaps you
have a year where you're working really hard
you're not perhaps eating enough of a varied diet you try maybe a crash diet
and it's really limited and you missed out on some nutrients maybe you get
fired from a job it's a tough year and that might turn some of those light
switches on that stress might turn on some of these mutations perhaps you have
some time where you simply have had very low stress
you're cooking like a champion or you have a private chef or you just
found like a really good meal delivery service or whatever works for your lifestyle
and perhaps through that and gentle like joyful exercise you're in
good shape and those light switches get turned off so the purpose of figuring
out what these mutations are it's just to simply try to turn off all those
light switches and and allow you to live kind of a more optimal life.
Yeah or like if our body was an iPhone and our enzymes are like the apps you're saying
that these can be like the updates to the apps.
I'm nailing this!
That's amazing.
Okay, so let's start with our editorial warrior
and so we're gonna go through just a few key what I call micronutrient
SNPs so a SNP is it's basically just a single little mutation it's one little
SNP in the code that it's going to change how your body metabolizes a
certain nutrient potentially... if it's triggered. So you had a couple of
superoxide dismutase SNPs and there's a lot of these there isn't just one of any
of these was a lot of them that come together to code for these these enzymes
so when somebody has this kind of result I just tend to recommend increasing
antioxidant rich foods so bright colored vegetables and fruits awesome so here's
the area that I think is probably the most popular to talk about in
nutritional genomics...
Is it about weight gain?
What is it!?
It's about folate! Folate, also known as vitamin B9, and commercially known as
folic acid – folate is found in foods like dark leafy greens, broccoli, liver which
most people don't like but I grew up eating liver and I think it's delicious
I've been meaning to incorporate liver in!
Folate helps us make red blood cells it helps us actually even with some
making of DNA and it's something that generally when we have enough of it in
our diet we have reduced risk of colon cancer and reduced cardiovascular risk
so we want to make sure that we have adequate levels of folate
so then as far as supplements that we have here which ones are there any that
you would recommend for Zena to take?
So I think vitamin D would probably be a
good idea and then the other one some kind of B12, especially if you're
feeling low energy because of those SNPs might be helpful I tend to like to
make sure you have B12 as well as the B6 and B9 which is folate
Okay should we move on to you?
Super RD!
So one thing I wanted to point out for you that I find really interesting
there's this enzyme that
helps us convert Vitamin A that's from plants into Vitamin A that we can use
and do stuff with and when we eat Vitamin A in plants which is usually in
beta carotene form there's that just extra step couple steps that we have to
then convert it so we can help make collagen and support our skin and all of
those kinds of things and fight off oxidants so you have basically none of
the mutations in that enzyme so that's actually fairly rare and usually people
who don't have any of those mutations can get away with being a vegetarian
Oh, interesting...
So in terms of your sulfation SNPs they're in really good
shape so if you're having hormone balance issues it would potentially the
likelihood of it being related to that is low.
Okay. No, I think my hormones are okay.
My period comes like clockwork.
That's great.
And then I wanted to show you your Vitamin D
receptor gene so there's no mutation there it's totally wild type
which about 40 percent of the population has that is wild-type there so there you
have less of the risk of having a Vitamin D deficiency but that still
means you need to get it checked because it's so important with that I just covered those
basic kind of micronutrients so just a couple vitamins, the vitamin A, the Vitamin D...
the folate, B12 and then some of the minerals with magnesium and our amino
acids that we talked about it's like how to activate methionine into SAM-e so we
can metabolize our neurotransmitters efficiently
So what supplements would you recommend for Sarah then?
So for Sarah if your Vitamin D status is
healthy and and adequate you probably don't need to be taking any Vitamin D
also because you don't have the mutation
And then what about the... maybe the
Vitamin C also in this one for the antioxidant I think that's what it is
that's actually the the most important thing probably for you is to focus on
antioxidants and the cofactors that help in liver detoxification
Okay, cool
Well I think this is so cool I know when I got my 23andMe results you
know there's the health report in the system and mine just kind of said like
there were like two genes that were identified as off
maybe celiac and macular eye degeneration were the two that flagged so I
think this is such a cool resource I'm so appreciative that we got to do this
with you today I'm curious if other people are interested in this
how should they seek out this service?
So if other people are interested in this you
can upload your own 23andMe raw file to Genetic Genie
That's the nice free option
That's the free option or you can find a practitioner who uses some kind of other program
like the Methylgenetic Nutrition Analysis from DNASupplementation.com
or there's a variety of other tools
I think it's always better to work with a clinician who actually knows – who's
familiar with nutritional genomics it is a very new science and the literature is
is – it exists we know that we have some evidence for this but it's still
limited and new so it's really important to interpret with that caveat but it can
be a game-changer if you're really struggling with just that final piece to
optimizing how you feel
And where can people find you if they want to work
with you?
Oh! You can come to my website I'm at AlysonRoux.com
And we'll link it below too so if you want to talk to Alison and have her
help you interpret your results or dig into what's going on nutritionally she
can absolutely do that she's a great resource
Thanks so much for watching, guys.
If you like this video give it a thumbs up and comment below with
anything else you want to see. Bye!
Australia's biggest YouTube star makes a big splash in America - Duration: 7:18.-------------------------------------------
How Dermaflash Will Change Your Beauty Regimen | This Week in Beauty 8/3 - Duration: 11:22.(upbeat music)
- Hey, guys, I'm Roxette Arisa,
and you're watching this week and beauty with ipsy,
so today, we have Jen Chan with us from Dermaflash,
and she's here to talk to us about the best at home
tool bringing Dermaplaning to the masses.
So, Jen, thanks so much for joining us.
- Thanks so much for having me.
- Yes, I'm so excited to learn a little more about
dermaplaning, and also this at home dermaplaning
tool so that you don't have to spend so much money
at the salon, so, first off, can you just explain
what dermalaning is?
- Absolutely, so dermaplaning is a in-spa treatment
normally, you would go to a med-spa, you'd probably
spend two to three hundred dollars depending on what
city you're in, where they take a scalpel, something
that could actually slice your face, and
gently remove that outer layer of dead skin, debris,
peach fuzz, and the amazing thing is that your skin
will glow, and your make-up will go on better, but
it's an incredible treatment.
What are the benefits of dermaflashing at home?
- [Jen] Alright.
- With your at home device.
- So, dermaflash 2.0 lux is an at home dermaplaning
device that instantly removes peach fuzz, built-up
debris, and dead skin cells.
The benefits are that your skin will instantly glow.
You'll have the best skin, everyone will stop and
compliment you, your products will work more effectively,
so, your serums, your creams, your oils.
- [Roxette] Oh.
- Whatever you're investing in, and spending lots of money
to get perfect skin or whatever your concerns are.
They will all work more effectively because you're removing
that penetration to absorption.
So, everything will just really work and absorb better,
and best of all, your make-up will go on better,
so, your foundation.
- Oh.
- Your contour, - I like that.
- Everything's gonna look so much better 'cause you'll
have perfectly smooth skin.
- Well, that sounds like everything that we all want.
I feel like it's a big
theory that's, the old wive's tale of the whole,
if you shave your face, it will grow back darker or thicker.
Is that true, is there any truth to that little?
- There is no truth, let it be on record,
it's totally an old wive's tale.
- Here ya go.
- It's a myth, I don't know why we've been conditioned
to think that, but it's actually totally false.
I've been flashing with dermaflash for almost two years.
I don't have a beard, I don't have stubble,
I'm not hiding a mustache anywhere.
I have super smooth skin.
The reason why is because the hair on a woman's face
is called vellus hair, it's fluffy, it's soft,
it's like cotton, it's translucent, it's really not
like the same kind of hair on your legs,
which is darker and thicker, that's called terminal hair.
So, if you remove your vellus hair on your face,
it is not going to turn into terminal hair.
It's not going to turn into different hair.
- I see what you're sayin'.
- It's just science, so, don't worry, if you flash today,
and never do it again, your hair will grow in the exact
same way as it is today.
It will not turn into the dark hair
that you see on your legs.
- All in all, like this sounds like an amazing treatment,
but I know for some people at home, it might seem
kinda intimidating, are you at risk for cutting yourself?
Is is dangerous at all?
- No, dermaflash 2.0 lux is dermatologist recommended.
It is safe, it's hygenic, it's also patented, so there's
nothing to worry about.
It is made for the simple skin on a woman's face.
You're not going to cut yourself, there's no risk.
You're gonna have smooth, glowing skin, and
anybody can do it at home.
- Perfect, well, sounds like I need one.
- You totally need one, you'll love it.
- So, how often show we dermaflash?
- You should dermaflash once a week.
- Once a week.
- I'm super addicted, I kinda wait like five days,
if I can handle seven days, I'll do it, but
by the time, like day five or day six rolls around,
I'm like, itching to get my dermaflash.
- You gotta get that smooth, baby's bottom skin.
- Gotta get that glow.
- Alright, well, I think it's time to put this
baby to the test, let's see this dermaflash in action.
Now we have Ipsy's open studio member, Ditya from Glamdit
here to demo the dermaflash for us, so, Ditya,
thank you so much for being here.
- Thank you, I'm really excited.
- I know, we're excited to see it in action.
So, Jen, let's walk her through the process.
- Alright, so, dermaflash lux is a three step process.
The first step is you have to wash your face
with our preflash cleanser.
Our cleanser comes in the full kit, and I like to say
it's mandatory, it's really an essential part
of the entire treatment, to give you the very best results.
So, the reason why is that our cleanser is formulated
to actually dry out your skin, I know that sounds weird,
'cause your cleanser at home is very hydrating and
beautiful and lux, but this one is doing the opposite.
It is taking all of those oils out so that your peach
fuzz and dead skin is actually standing up so that
you can flash it right off.
So, if you're at home, wash your face in the sink
with preflash, with water, pat it dry, you never want
to do this on wet skin.
(upbeat music)
- Alright, I think we're good to go.
- Alright.
- Now, Jen's gonna demo how the dermaflash works
on the right side of Ditya's face, and then
Ditya's gonna do the same on her left side.
Completely on her own, so,
she's gonna try it out for herself.
Let's do it, let's walk it through.
- Alright, it's super easy.
I'm gonna show you how it's totally done.
We call these edges, we get a tray of edges, they're
single use, so once you use it once a week, you toss
it in the trash.
To load it, it's super easy, you take your device,
slide it up, pull straight out, and now you're loaded.
There a power button back here, and there's two speeds.
So, it's up to you whether you want it more gentle
or more invigorating.
All you do is press it on, and it's the first speed,
press it again, a little more invigorating, you can hear it.
So the proper technique for flashing is actually so simple.
You're gonna hold your skin nice and tight, so I'm
really pulling up on your face.
You never want your skin to buckle.
And then, I'm comin' in at a 45 degree angle and I'm
doin' short feathery strokes.
So, you know how when you shave your legs, you're doing
a long glide?
We're doing the opposite technique.
We're doing short little strokes, and you guys can see
in just a few, quick little swipes, dermaflash,
that little line of gunk that's dead skin.
It's a beautiful cocktail of dead skin, build-up debris,
peach fuzz.
- Oh my goodness.
- Isn't that insane?
- How does it feel?
- It was okay, you couldn't
really feel it. - [Jen] You can't feel it.
- Yeah, it doesn't hurt or anything.
- So, there's no wrong way to flash, you can go up, down,
right, left, this is probably going to fly right off
onto your clavicle right there,
and that's your fuzz girlfriend.
And you can actually see the device.
- Oh my god.
- Take it all off.
- Everything's coming off, everything's gathering
on the edge, this is why we only use the edge once.
We're not going to use this on your skin next week.
- Ah, I want to do it.
- [Jen] Yes.
- Oh my god, a lot is coming off, wow.
But it's so crazy 'cause in person,
like, when I was looking at Ditya's skin beforehand and
you couldn't really see that peach fuzz,
but so much.
- I know.
- Gunk is coming off, it's insane.
- [Jen] Exactly.
And if you ever have a break out, or a mosquito bite,
or anything raised, just avoid that area.
- Oh.
- You'll want to flash around it.
You don't want to flash on top of the raised surface.
- Okay, good to know.
- But you'll see as I'm flashing her face, I'm really
keeping her skin nice and tough,
I'm moving my free hand and following the device
as I'm moving down her face.
And you can even come up here on her forehead.
So, really we're exfoliating.
First and foremost, dermaflash is about exfoliating
skin, when I flash, I'm actually getting dead skin,
it's like snowing, it looks totally different than
the result you're getting.
It's like snowing white flakes of dead skin, but
every woman's different, but we all need to exfoliate,
and it makes us look more, much more youthful,
and more radiant.
You can even clean up the tops of your brows.
See that dead skin up there.
- I have a lot of dead skin on my forehead.
- And you'll never have to worry about waxing, threading,
plucking, leaching, whatever methods you were using before.
Dermaflash is a one stop shop.
- [Roxette] This is honestly so intriguing to me,
like, I really want this device.
- [Jen] Yeah, you do.
- [Roxette] You already sold me on it.
- [Jen] I'm so glad.
- [Roxette] You only did half the face.
- Oh, wow, there's definitely a difference.
I could definitely tell that this looks a little bit
lighter, and it feels softer.
yeah, I love applying make up like a fresh, like,
I think that the make up will look so good.
I really like how this is looking.
- Absolutely.
- There is definitely a difference, you can see all
the peach fuzz gone and the little bit of the dead skin
gone which I really like.
It's lookin' great.
- Okay.
- Great.
- And what's amazing is that dermaflash lux is for all
women of every skin tone, and every skin type.
We're one size fits all.
- I'm gonna go ahead and do the left side of my face.
It is my first time trying this.
I'm really excited with the results of the right side.
- So this is the power button.
- And then you used?
- I used one on you, but it's totally up to you.
(buzzing sound)
- Oh, I can see it right there, it was really easy,
you just, I just kinda held it, and yeah.
- It's not scary?
- It's not scary, it was just really easy.
- No, and there's no wrong way to flash, you can go
up or down. - It's coming off, look.
- Yeah, it's coming off.
You never realize that you have so much
on your face. - I know.
- Like,
- Girl, I didn't even realize that when I was looking
at you, like you had this much on your face.
- This would be so useful for my hairs, like.
- [Jen] Absolutely.
Especially the upper lip area.
Everyone has a little something going on there.
- [Roxette] Oh, I can see the dead skin.
- [Jen] Yes.
- [Roxette] Coming out right there.
- [Jen] The forehead is so good.
First time flashers, you're gonna find your rhythm and
your technique with flashing, the grooves of your face
are different, so every woman will probably flash
differently, but you'll definitely get the hang of it.
The organomic shape when you see the device,
there's actually a twist to it, so it's made for you
to hold onto it at a certain angle so that you really
can't mess up, and it feels like a little micro-current
massage, it doesn't hurt, you're not going to cut yourself.
THere's nothing to be afraid of.
- And I like how it's quick.
- [Jen] It's super quick. - You can't really feel
- [Jen] Yeah, - to get the job.
- Exactly, you don't have to run out to a salon, and
book an appointment for waxing or threading.
You can just keep your dermaflash on your vanity or
on your bathroom counter, touch up as you go.
Put on your make up and you're our the door.
So, after you flash, we have a groove right here
on the front, it's our eject button.
So, we're gonna throw this edge away, we're never gonna
use it again.
You would touch the groove, and it would actually
shoot right out, and I'm gonna point at the trash can,
and it pops right out.
- Oh.
- So, you don't have to touch anything, there's no gunk
on your hands, no peach fuzz flying around,
it's just in the trash can when you're done.
The last step of dermaflash is our post-flash.
It's our hydrating moisturizer, so you just flashed
your skin, you have brand new fresh skin, and I want
to bring that moisture back into your skin.
So, I'm gonna apply some moisture on you.
- I love when other people put
face products on. - I love that feeling.
- So nice, it's so luxurious.
- Right.
(upbeat music)
- [Jen] Feels like a baby's bottom.
And then you can imagine when you put your makeup on, and
everything's gonna go on super smooth and flawlessly.
- That was so exciting, honestly, I'm so intrigued.
I'm ready to get my dermaflash on myself, and we have a
special give away for our this week in beauty Ipsy
audience so we're gonna be giving away four of these
devices right here on this week in beauty, and one
also on Ipsy's Instagram, so to be entered to win,
all you have to do is follow both Dermaflash and Ipsy
on Facebook and comment down below, letting us know
why you want a dermaflash.
I feel like we gave you a bunch of reasons right now.
Soft skin, exfoliated, better make up
application, - make up.
- Better product absorption, and let us know what you
thought was best.
I'm Roxette Arisa, and thanks for watching this week
in beauty with Ipsy.
- Bye.
Homekeepers - Dr. Scot Gray, Deanna Naylor and Grace Taormino "Stem Cells Miracles!" - Duration: 28:30.-------------------------------------------
Anime Mashup/Anime Music Compilation/Anime Songs #129 - Duration: 10:01.-------------------------------------------
ASMR Role-play neck massage MASSAGES CENTER - Duration: 15:47.Good morning!
Welcome to our massages center
At what time is the appointment?
A momento that I control
yes, exact... Ok
You have to wait 2 minutes that we prepare the room
sit ere in the waiting room
while can I offer you a cup of tisane?
No, it isnt't not very hot
I realize that today It's a day quite muggy
It isn't very hot, you can stay quiet
It's an erbal relaxing tisane
I'll have a cup for you right away
Here's to you
You have booked a neck massage
But it is a decontracting or a phytotherapeutic massage?
I explain you:
If you have simply tension on neck
We do a decontracting massage
Do you feel stiff?
Or...Do you have problems? For example if you had a hit
or a traum
you have an accident
In this case a phytoterapic massage is necessary
So a decontracting massage
Yes, neck and shouders are areas
in which we often tend to accumulate nervous tension
resulting in rigidity in the area,
with a feeling of heaviness
of muscles
yes, afe
After this treatment you will feel totally regenerated
ready to face your busy and stressful days better
We are very experiential in this fiel
the clinic has been operating for 20 years
My parents opened it and now
I take care of it
It's a passion handed down from generation to generation
massage is an art
ehm.. yes, yes
your room is ready
follow me this way
you can sit here
on this armchair
yes, lean your shoulders in this way
ok, very well
while I prepare oil
while you try to cncentrate
and ear these sounds
relax you
abandoning every thought
at this moment
of intense relaxing
relaxing part
from the mind
and arrive
to each area of the body
you can't think
to relax a single area of the body
without relaxing mind before
we are connected
there is a direct connection
between mind and body
and soul
close your eyes
and abandone you completely
to the touch od my hands
concentrate you
to this fragrance
of lavander
that is very relaxing
very very relaxing
abandone you completely
to this moment of total relax
to this moment of total relax
feel how calm
pervades all the body
from the area that I'm touching with my hands
to arrive to each angle of your body
and of your mind
and relax
and relax
it's better, right?
I'm feeling how muscles
are loose
the sensation is that of a relief
like to be discarged from a weight
that previously oppressed
and made you feel oppressed
It's a gorgeous sensation
of regeneration
pervades all...all your body
how do you feel?
very well
I have finished
coated you
see you at the hall
Here, I'm happy you feel better
the next appointment?
I advice you in a month
but if you feel tensions before
of the date
call me
you have my number
ok, telephone me
and we establish a date before
there are not problems
we organize
we do not know how the body reacts
to external factors
of stress
I assume you du a stressful job
At office is terrible
staying for hous and hous seated
I recommend you
to combine these massages
with a good muscles stretching exercise
you can do it at home or at gym
I write you the appointment
we see what day is free
at next month
28 is ok?
at 4.30 pm 'o clock
See you day 28 at 4.30 pm
I wish you a good day!
Vickie Shannon Allen, Homeless Amazon Worker: 5 Fast Facts | Heavy.com - Duration: 8:29.Vickie Shannon Allen, Homeless Amazon Worker: 5 Fast Facts | Heavy.com
Vickie Shannon Allen is an Amazon employee who is currently homeless after being injured on the job and denied proper paid leave.
She has been posting her journey to YouTube, and also gave an interview to The Guardian about her experience working for Amazon, in a larger article about an epidemic of injuries for Amazon workers who are "being treated in ways that leave them homeless, unable to work or bereft of income.".
Allen's YouTube videos have been garnering tens of thousands of views as she details her experience trying to save enough money for housing while she continues to work out of her car.
In a statement to MailOnline about the allegations, an Amazon spokesperson said, "We don't recognise these allegations as an accurate portrayal of working at Amazon.
We are proud of our safety record and thousands of Amazonians work hard every day innovating ways to make it even better.".
Allen currently lives out of her car nearby an Amazon warehouse in Texas.
Here's what you need to know.
She Worked as a Warehouse Employee.
Allen worked as a warehouse employee for Amazon in Texas until an injury last year prevented her from continuing to work.
However, before she was even injured, Allen toldThe Guardian that her job as a counter in the warehouse had been far from glamorous.
"I noticed managers would ask you questions all the time about any bathroom breaks, performance and productivity," she said.
"What they do is code your time, and they are allowed to change it at will.
To me, that's how they get rid of people.".
She Was Injured on the Job Due to Ineffective Safety Precautions.
Allen suffered an injury to her back while she was counting goods at a station that was missing a brush guard, she told The Guardian.
Over the course of each day, Allen reported that the Amazon "medical triage" gave her a heating pad then proceeded to send her home each day without pay until she demanded workers compensation.
"I tried to work again, but I couldn't stretch my right arm out and I'm right-handed.
So I was having a hard time keeping up.
This went on for about three weeks," she said.
After three months and a period of physical therapy, Allen returned to work and was injured once again.
She eventually took two weeks of unpaid leave because she couldn't afford to drive to work.
She said, "They finally had that station fixed [in June.] It took them eight months to put one little brush guard on this station.".
She Has a GoFundMe Account Set Up to Help Find Housing.
Allen currently has a GoFundMe set up to help her cover the costs to move out of her car and find housing.
The GoFundMe reads,.
"Hi my name is Shannon.
I lived in Azle Texas.
I became injured while at work at Amazon.
After being on and off leave about 2 different times and workers comp wasn't paying me but $246 a week.
I got behind in my rent because I was using the money that I was getting every week from workers comp to go back and forth to my doctor's appointment.
They only pay for mileage if it's over 30 miles and they made sure that my doctor's appointments were over 20 miles but under 30.
Well now I am actually homeless I didn't raise enough money to satisfy the managers of the RV Park so I got my eviction notice and had to be out by July 2nd 2018.
My new address is 700 Westport Parkway Haslet Texas, Amazon fulfillment center.
I'm telling you right now this is been one big klusterfuk working for Amazon.
I was perfectly fine over a year ago before I started working for them now am I not only injured I'm homeless.
I never dreamed that I would actually be homeless living out of my car at the age of 49 working for the world's richest man and yet here i am.
I want to thank everybody who came out there are late that's a lie to my story that I have covers on they also have my YouTube channel titled my life as an Amazon employee.".
So far, Allen has raised over $3,000 towards her goal of $5,000.
She Was Only Given One Week of Paid Sick Leave for Her Injuries.
The cause for Allen's homelessness stems to the amount of unpaid leave Amazon never compensated Allen for.
Over her nine months of issues with her injury, including weeks of unpaid leave and hospital visits, Allen told The Guardian that Amazon offered to pay her a one-time buyout for $3,500.
Allen explained, "They offered me a buyout, only for $3,500, which meant I would have to sign a non-disclosure agreement to not say anything derogatory about Amazon or my experience.
Allen rejected the offer specifically so that she could speak out about Amazon's poor treatment of her.
She said, "They cost me my home, they screwed me over and over and I go days without eating.".
Allen Has Pointed Out That She Works for the Richest Man in the World, & Yet Still Is Homeless.
Allen's assertion that she worked for Jeff Bezos, the wealthiest man on earth, while she is currently homeless, has sparked outrage across the internet.
Yet another applauded Allen's "backbone" for standing up to Amazon, tweeting, "The backbone on this woman, saying no to a miserly but sorely needed payoff tied to a silencing clause, so she could speak up about corporate abuse on behalf of herself and others.
Mad respect".
DAY 4 OF MY JUICE FAST- UPDATES🍹🍹🍹 - Duration: 4:38.hey guys today is day four of my juice cleanse and I'm hanging in there
I do updates on my juice cleanse fats cleanse whatever you call it
because I just want to let you know that I'm still alive because people have
these false misconceptions that you cannot live unless you're eating solid
foods and I just want to let you know like I let people know in all my videos
that fool I mean juicing is a form of eating it's just in a liquid form but
yes I'm on day four my juice cleanse and I am sleeping well I have just the
clarity is just a hundred percent you know stuff that would otherwise
aggravate the shit out of me I'm not letting that aggravate me because people
will always try to shop steal your shine and if you allow them to do it then
that's on you but when you're juicing that's a clear sign that you're not
going to allow anyone to steal your shine because once you get those juices
in those nutrients and vitamins in you you're gonna just feel like a different
person you're not gonna have time for the bullshit you're not gonna even want
to be around the bullshit and you're just gonna succeed in whatever you want
to do I'm going to do a weigh-in on Friday
how many pounds I lost in seven days seven complete 24 hours each day you
know that'll be on the eighth day so I'll do a weigh-in and I will let you
know how much I lost since I started I'm doing my juice fasts but just within
what well yesterday I noticed I looked in the mirror because I thought that my
eyes are getting kind of dull umm they brightened back up and my skin started
to have like little bumps I would see them in like some of my
Instagram pictures and other pictures that I was taken and I knew that it was
fine when I was eating solid foods the toxins were getting back into my blood
and it was wreaking havoc on my skin and you know when you get breakouts that
means this toxins coming out the body yes but I'm on day five of my juice fast
and I'm going to start losing count of days because of the simple fact that
when you're on a juice fast you don't feel hungry so it's not like it's a long
drawn-out process where you're always thinking about food and you're just
stressed out because you can't wait to it's over yes you want to reap the
benefits from whatever the regimen you're doing
drive fast and water fasting whatever it is you're not thinking of those things
when you're on a juice fast because your body's getting the nutrients that it
needs so it's not giving our signals that you're hungry which gives you time
to do other things like working out if you work you can go to work and you do
whatever you do in your spare time you're able to do it would not have a
food surrounded around the brain now you're human so if you go to eat eat
oviedo on YouTube of course you're going to want to eat something but you're not
going to be hungry you're just gonna be tempted because you looked at that video
or that post on Instagram of that steak and cheese or that vegan steak and
cheese whatever you're you know fancy is when it comes to what you like to
indulge on when you're eating but I'm just checking in I like to some sort of
kinda keep my videos under five minutes because whatever message I'm trying to
send out to my viewers and my potential subscribers I don't want to bombard you
with a 15 to 20 drawn out video of half of the information you're not even going
to soak in I want you to soak in the information and
race it and use it in your your life so with all that being said please
subscribe to the channel like and share this video and make it a favorite and
I'll see you guys in the next video bye for now
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