Kim Kardashian Skin Tight Bodysuit | 2018 Video - Duration: 1:05.Kim Kardashian Skin Tight Bodysuit | 2018 Video
Sports News 03/8/2018 | Football news | PRESTON vs VAN MINH HAI DANG - Duration: 9:15.-------------------------------------------
Kritik, Saran, dan OwO - Obrolan Kamerad Wibu #2 - Duration: 4:55.-------------------------------------------
How to Stream on Youtube - Duration: 2:14.hey this is Dustin from Streamlabs today I'm gonna show you how to get
started with streaming on YouTube using Streamlabs OBS will cover how to make
sure your account is linked selecting your payment option and importing a free
overlay for your very first stream the very first thing you're gonna want to do
is get over to YouTubeGaming.com and create an account this can be done by
going to the top right of your screen and clicking the sign in button and
clicking the create account button on the bottom left of the sign-in page once
you've filled in your account information head back to YouTubeGaming.com
and click go live it will take you to a page where you'll be able to click
get started to begin streaming you can find Streamlabs OBS on Streamlabs.com
once installed launch the program and it'll ask you to sign in so it knows
what channel you're going to stream with click YouTube and fill out your login
credentials here this information is only used to link your account and
authorize streaming from the Streamlabs software next we'll connect payment
options so your viewers can tip you navigate to donation settings and click
PayPal and fill out your credentials so donations can go to your account you can
also enable other payment options like credit cards cryptocurrencies through
Coinbase and more make sure to grab the URL for your donations and place it
somewhere your viewers can see it on your channel there's a lot of things you
can do with Streamlabs OBS to improve the quality of your stream to keep it
simple we're just going to show how to import a theme to quickly add some
personality go to the themes tab and check out scene themes
once you gather the courage to hit that big green go-live button there's no
turning back be sure to download Streamlabs OBS by visiting Streamlabs.com
and hop into our discord server at discord.gg/stream for live
community support check out the links in the description below
3 Tips To Use YouTube Hashtags For Business - Duration: 5:48.what is this yes welcome on board I'm Angélique Binet Founder of social media love
I help anybody who has a message to share with the world to get skills
and the confidence to show up online every day to build a community to get a
bunch of raving fans and customers so today I want to dig in directly on three
tips on how to use oh I know I should say things I've learned about YouTube
ash tags because I didn't know that we could use them but it's been a long time
that you know hashtags on YouTube work together but this the new part is that
now hashtags for business are key on YouTube and I'm gonna tell you three
things that you should be applying to your business number one now to show you
after so first if you want to learn more stuff like that are trending or coming
up with your social media marketing make sure that you subscribe to my
channel and you click on the notification bell so that you get that
notification each time I go live or I post a new video on my channel okay so
number one is that now on YouTube you can put your hashtags in the description
of your video or in the title of your video so that's pretty cool because what
does it actually do it actually is a tool that we use in social media
marketing in different platforms so that people can gather around a similar topic
something they are searching for or something they'd like to be found for so
if you want to be found for what you have to offer to the world this is your
chance to are your actions on youtube so how many hashtags right now from what I
understand it's up to 15 but I these three cannot show up on at the top
of your title and I'll show you that in a second
and the last thing I want to share with you is that each action that you are
using that YouTube is displaying at the top of your video title these are shanks
are clickable which means that if you use your own branded act time for
example people click on it and they can see all your videos or if you use a very
trending you know very specific actions for I don't know video marketing or for
anything with skincare people are gonna see like related videos around that same
topic so this is pretty cool so I'm going to show you right anyway no let me
know in the comment with that thing here if you knew that you could use hashtag
on YouTube that way and so this is how it shows I'm gonna go to my videos here
I'm just gonna make it and I'm taking advantage of this video to tell you to
follow me on youtube at social media love let's go to my latest video I've
just been starting to use them this one here I click on this video look at what
you see here right at the top above the title here you have those abstract so I
use social media marketing YouTube hashtags more use so let's click on
social media marketing and see what happens
so it gives me like gazillion on video marketing video YouTube videos that I
can watch right so this is pretty cool so the same with YouTube hashtags so who
is talking about how to use ashtag on YouTube and you can see all those video
so don't forget then you can use up to 15 attacks but only three gonna show up
at the top of your title I'm showing you now where you put your ash tags right
there you bring the description and I put them
at the end but I better but about that all of this so the first 3 one's gonna
show up here right right there okay the other thing I want
to let you is that they are clickable as well from the description so if I go to
entrepreneur on YouTube it gives me a bunch of videos including Gary
Vaynerchuk and others talking about entrepreneurship so that's gonna be an
awesome tool if you want to be discovered by people who are searching
random not random like specific a shot I hope this opened a new door for you
and if this is something you're hearing about for the first time ever in your
entrepreneur life let me know in the comments and if you not something that
you find really cool just hit the like button and share with your friends if
you think they could take advantage of this but most of all I want you to know
that if you're really into like moving your business to the next level you need
someone to hold your hands like you don't miss the next step and stuff join
my free facebook social in hello group it's a private group where I'm gonna be
showing you stuff that I don't show anywhere else until then see you very
very very soon
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