Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 8, 2018

Waching daily Aug 2 2018

Jaka Twoim zdaniem jest najsilniejsza cecha naszego kanału?


Nie! Mam na myśli

wiesz... naszą osobowość albo tematy, które podejmujemy - coś takiego.


Wiecie co - tak się składa - znajduje się

po drodze stąd do Polski?


No nie jest idealnie po drodze, ale można zrobić sobie przystanek w Islandii

lecąc ze Stanów do Polski

i tak właśnie postanowiliśmy zrobić.

Był to również najtańszy sposób

na dostanie się z USA do Polski tym razem.

Ponieważ jest lato, gorący sezon. Wielu ludzi kupuje bilety.

Więc siedzieliśmy długi czas szukając naszego połączenia.

Nie teraz, to było kilka tygodni temu.

Ostatecznie na coś takiego się zdecydowaliśmy.

Nie było tak, że praktycznie za pół ceny polecieliśmy dzięki temu?

Praktycznie tak.

Dwie różne linie lotnicze i przystanek w Islandii.

Na to praktycznie wyszło.

Ale ten odcinek nie jest o poradach od Blonnie i Dejwida na temat jak podróżować taniej.

Ten odcinek jest o czym innym, ale zanim dotrzemy do głównego tematu

chcemy Was zapytać i zrobić mały eksperyment. Zobaczyć czy wogóle jest to możliwe,

że jest ktoś pomiędzy Wami, którzy teraz nas oglądają...

Czy są jakieś szanse... ale może jest szansa!

Ktoś z Islandii, kto być może mógłby nam trochę pomóc.

Szukamy porad, być może miejsca gdzie moglibyśmy się zatrzymać.

Znalazłam kilka w miarę niedrogich AirB&B, ale kosztowna część to samochód żeby gdzieś pojechać.

Bo wynajem samochodu tam kosztuje o wiele więcej niż tutaj.

A jeśli chcesz pojechać do najładniejszych miejsc to musisz zapłacić jeszcze więcej

za ubezpieczenie i ochronę samochodu.

A zatem... ptrzyłam na camper-van'y.

Mielibyśmy wtedy zakwaterowanie i transport w jednym.

Ale... nikt z oferujących camper-vany do nas jeszcze nie odpisał,

a czas zaczyna naglić - że tak powiem.

Ponieważ będziemy w Islandii

4go i 5go sierpnia.

Więc już za kilka dni.

Więc to jest mały eksperyment, żeby zobaczyć czy kanał który właśnie osiągnął 10,000 subskrybentów

ma dostateczny zasięg, żeby znaleźć kogoś w Islandii

Wiesz o tym, że największa grupa imigrantów w Islandii to Polacy?

Widziałem film o Polakach w Islandii zrobiony przez Kubę Witka.

Wiesz, dlatego dokładnie

mam ciche nadzieje, że może uda nam się nawiązać kontakt z jakimiś Polakami w Islandii.

Może oni nam pomogą?

Skoro tylu ich tam jest!

Ale chętnie nawiążemy kontakt z kimkolwiek.

Być może dacie nam jakieś rady albo jakoś nam pomożecie.

Although it is the evening it's still humid and hot but from what you guys are writing in the comments

Poland is the same.Here's a picture that was taken earlier today by

the older Mr Mielcarek in Tarnowskie Góry.

Temperatures as you can see remind the ones from California.

From Death Valley in the California desert.

And since we are talking about this here's something that made me chuckle.

In Hong Kong recently, maybe you remember

We had recently a short conversation with the couple that lives in Hong Kong.

With the family that moved to Hong Kong recently.

Nasza praca wymagała przeprowadzki do Hong Kongu.

Jesteśmy zaraz za granicą z Chinami.

Za czym tęsknicie?

Za pogodą. Bardziej sucha pogoda jest fantastyczna.

Tu jest bardziej sucho?

Dla nas tak, tu jest sucho.

In Hong Kong it's so hot and humid all year long

that recently they had a warning

a winter advisory warning.

and they encouraged people in this warning to check on their elderly.

Meaning just have them in mind, monitor their situation.

Make sure they're not too cold, they are ok in regards to this serious winter weather.

And then it turned out that the temperature they were so worried about was like 50˚F.

Too bad these folks couldn't experience winter

from the times I went to school as a little kid.

Snow piles were this high and they wouldn't close schools

unless it was -20˚C for two weeks.

Nie wiem czy damy radę to pokazać dośc wyraźnie, ale

rejestracja na samochodzie przed nami mówi "połamania nóg"

więc to jest dobry omen zaraz przed

naszym wyjazdem na tą wycieczkę do Islandii i Polski, ponieważ

Amerykanie często tak mówią.

I jeśli po prostu chcesz komuś życzyć


w tym co robią.

Co nie ma żadnego sensu, nie mam pojęcia dlaczego.

Dlaczego się mówi "połamania nóg"?


To tak na przekór.

Wiem, ale to dziwne jest.

My mamy takie samo...

Spadnięcia z klifu i śmierci!

Mówi się tak bo to jak zaklinanie rzeczywistości.

Wiesz... mówisz na przekór życząc komuś szczęścia

żeby złe rzeczy się nie stały. Mamy dokładnie to samo powiedzenie w Polskim.

Break your legs.

Co ma dokładnie takie samo znaczenie. Dosłownie: połamania nóg.

Co znaczy, że wiadomo - życzysz komuś żeby nie połamali sobie nóg.

We were thrown for a moment to a place named Wallington, DE.

Where Blonnie is doing another portrait session, it's a quick one before we leave.

What it's like in Wallington...

Personally, I have to admit I felt more emotional about

the 10,000 subscribers than

I thought I could ever feel about something like this.

I'm not sure why this happened but somehow...

it made me...

it was very emotional for me, somehow.

Very strange feeling.


Widziałaś nasz film na 10,000 subskrybentów?

Może połowę.

Tylko połowę? Dlaczego?

Bo pracowałam nad bransoletką.

Aaa pracowałaś nad bransoletką?

Dostałaś ją od mamy?

Dlatego, że... to jest prezent bo nas nie będzie tak długo?

Będziesz za nią tęsknić?

Możecie rozmawiać przez Skype'a itd.

Nie używamy Skype'a.

A czego używacie?


Że co?


A co to jest?

To jest... jak FaceTime ale na Android i... iPhone.

Czyli coś jak Skype?



Nie wysyłasz przez to wiadomości.

Ale jest do video rozmów?


Czyli miałem rację - jest jak Skype.


Jaka Twoim zdaniem jest najlepsza cecha naszego kanału?

O co Ci chodzi? Dlaczego ludzie oglądają?

Nie, co nas wyróżnia?

Fakt, że robisz go po Polsku i Angielsku.

Tłumaczysz wszystko więc ludzie mogą kompletnie czytać i rozumieć obydwa języki.

Jesteśmy całkowicie dwujęzyczni.

Ja nie jestem dwujęzyczna, ale Ty jesteś.

Czyli uważasz, że to jest coś wyjątkowego bo...?

Cóż... nie sądzę, że ktokolwiek inny inwestuje czas w robienie takich tłumaczeń.

W sposób, w jaki Ty to robisz i publikuje video co trzy dni.

Znaczy może i ktoś taki jest.

Jeśli tak to może nam ich ktoś pokaże.

Ale mam wrażenie, że to będzie rzadkość.

Zwłaszcza jeśli chodzi o Polaków.

Więc myślisz, że część naszej publiczności zbudowaliśmy bazując tylko na tym?

Że jesteśmy kompletnie dwujęzyczni?

Z komentarzy wynika, że ludzie którzy interesują się Polskim językiem

znajdują Twój kanał bardzo pomocnym, ponieważ

może nawet Ci, którzy chcą się uczyć Angielskiego.

Ale ja tylko widzę komentarze od tych, którzy próbują uczyć się Polskiego

Ja widzę te w drugą stronę.

No tak, ja tych nie rozumiem więc...

Ale widze komentarze od ludzi, którzy

mówią tylko po Angielsku i oni piszą

"wow, próbuję się nauczyć Polskiego i wasze

napisy bardzo mi pomagają zorientować się jakie słowa pasują do tego co mówicie."

I ja... to znaczy, poza specyficznymi

kanałami do nauki Polskiego nie ma takich, które

takich, o których ja wiem - kanałów życiowych, które coś takiego by oferowały.

Wchodź, Funky Bunch.

Wieczorna frajda na kajaku!

W tamtą stronę!

W tamtą?

The girls are going to do some evening kayaking because

in two days we are disappearing for a month so they won't see ech other for a long time.

Tomorrow Sheridon is going to some camp.

I'm not sure what exactly her plans are but she's not going to be with us anymore.

So they literally have a few moments left today to spend some time together.

Let them enjoy the kayaking.

Nie będziemy Cię widzieć przez cały miesiąc, więc...

Spadnie nam oglądalność.

Będzie mniej subskrypcji.

Ci, których już mamy odejdą.

Będziesz musiał zrobić swoje "10,000 subskrybentów" video jeszcze raz!

Są marne prognozy na następny miesiąc.

To co teraz zrobimy?

Noo nie znajdziesz drugiej mnie, więc...

nie wiem.

Skopiujemy Sheridon.

Sklonujemy Cię!

Myślisz, że klon...

Nawet klon nie będzie tak dobry jak ja.



Jesteś tak jedyna w swoim rodzaju, że nawet klon nie da rady?

Zgadza się.

Te języki wyglądają mi na bardzo podobne bo jest zlepek najróżniejszych liter i spółgłosek.

Więc jak byś powiedział Rejkjavik po Polsku?


No widzisz? Dokładnie!

Tak samo!

For more infomation >> WHAT SETS US APART? / CO NAS WYRÓŻNIA? - Duration: 11:43.


Tecnicas de lucha olimpica - Como hacer la tecnica mecedora o paquete en lucha - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Tecnicas de lucha olimpica - Como hacer la tecnica mecedora o paquete en lucha - Duration: 4:22.


SHROUD IS STILL INSANE?! (CS:GO League Game!) - Duration: 11:00.


For more infomation >> SHROUD IS STILL INSANE?! (CS:GO League Game!) - Duration: 11:00.


3 COLOR SLIME CHALLENGE - With Floam! | JKrew - Duration: 10:10.

Oh what is going on girl so today we're gonna be doing the three

colors up on challenge but whoa this is and we saw this on crafty girls and it

looked really cool and really crunchy and pretty so we decided we want to do

it too cuz like okay I I actually like fun but

I don't like a lot of fun because when it falls out but I like the feel of it

so I'm so excited for this video me too so before I got started to this

video don't forget check out all of our social medias and a reminder we were

doing a giveaway and one lucky winner will get some school supplies and if you

want to know how to enter this giveaway just press this I over in the top corner

I think I don't know which one somewhere up there you'll see a pop up cuz that's

the school supplies are really cute I just love them so let's get started

we're gonna do rock scissor to see who goes first

Paper Scissors shoot

you've got washing really addition to none was that like no take it out the

pool so I got the black one I did not want to use but I don't we'll be okay

all right now yellow hello this I have somewhere like this

bright yellow it's really nice well cuz I do not expect this but I'll

actually do look good my side okay okay

oh very well this fun but I love this color because it's like so pretty

yeah like the neon colors they're really break it look good with the black yeah

like a whole new line if I get purple


no you picked this hand okay I actually like this I was wanting for this an

elephant with the yellow eye these are like really big I really want this or

the brain because it will be like whoa it's not that bad I guess the colors I

got I like the orange and the blue the black knockout much which one do you

want to get

Zuzu's right you your bounty pigs is that okay this

naturally look good cuz it's green and yellow and this colorful one so that's a

probably looks like let's make our slaw okay guys so I'm first going up with the

black one in put it in your bag oh my god

that's cool they painted this it's gonna paint my sign no look at this

wait look at the bag it's great okay so now I'm gonna put I'm gonna my green

first oh just some it goes in there so far okay now I'm gonna put in the orange

of it if the new one love that orange tea no I might give it a wipe ahead

nobody now I'm gonna put in my really bright neon yellow and this yellow is

actually a really nice feel that looks really good it looks pretty good with

the green I'm liking it okay last but not least I'm gonna add in my blue final

color oh my gosh no let's put in my favorite ball my favorite pack in this

round I love this one it's so colorful oh my gosh it looks really go with the

yellow that's like ball camp balls yeah that

looks really good with the yellow that is so nice they're much bigger than the

other four balls and I've actually never use big ol ball support so I'm really

excited so we are gonna mix in see how these

colors go together yeah Oh Mon looks really nice looks good I wish there's

more a bigger and like the colorful one they look good but the do one's really

good oh my gosh I like this this reminds me of Halloween

mine is like the yellow extremes the holder sign out I like this

what's real satisfying this is good this kinda reminds me of different dots and I

ever had given up a long time I'm a mom you can probably get some cuz I this

makes me want dippin dots I like that oh yes and I want different dogs sound

of our gluon and we're gonna use clear glue so they can show up better that is

so pretty pretty I like this know if anyone I

don't want them to fall out okay that part of it

oh my gosh guys just look at this the balls are all the way up and the glue is

at the bottom and if you could look under here like I am you can see it's

really cool so let's stop whoa this is super cool oh my gosh Wow I really like

this it's amazing I feel like I need more glitter

hello yeah I might be need a little bit more glue but this is really cool this

is gonna be a really crunchy slime this is awesome I'm there that's a swell cuz

I wanted to beat guys my looks like a full one Easter bastok Easter basket

because like the big balls are the eggs and then the green yellow

they're like that little paper thing that makes me chillax kinda dope crack

this is like an Easter basket okay

so it's like they're now finished and we accidentally had a little too much blue

but mine looks like more flow more than Maddie's and I look at this is mine is

really pretty I really like mine and I should shoot out really good and it can

stretch it can stretch and it's clear glue oh my gosh it looks like it's my

clothes oh all the air bubbles oh so yeah nighttime I added way too much oil

so you can't really see them in football the black foam ball made one gray which

I don't really like the color but I really love this line they crunchy I

wish this turned out more like Blom and my sign is still a little sticky but

it's fine so we hope you guys enjoyed this video and comment down below which

one you like best mine or Maddie's today shadows goes to Kayla's and main thank

you guys so much for watching and if you guys gonna do we're gonna hit that

button and comment down below and you guys want to be positive create or get

yours out there and always stay together bye

For more infomation >> 3 COLOR SLIME CHALLENGE - With Floam! | JKrew - Duration: 10:10.


ANI LORAK / betrayal of her husband / And dirty dancing - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> ANI LORAK / betrayal of her husband / And dirty dancing - Duration: 3:34.


How to make a custom handmade wardrobe//With Tips - Duration: 5:44.

so I want to make clothes that I love and therefore be able to wear

them on the regular

hey today I'd like to talk about making a custom handmade wardrobe for yourself

I find that i have so many clothes that I just hang around in the closet and

somehow I can't seem to find something to wear every morning. is a struggle and

I know you should plan before but I don't. so I want to make clothes

that I love and be able to wear them on the regular so in order

to make your own custom wardrobe I am not an expert. you're

supposed to look at your body type your style

who inspires you sewing patterns and all that stuff. so let me started on style

I will not lie to you I'm not sure what my style is. I gravitate toward certain styles

but at the end of the day I just like to be comfortable you know so i wear

a lot of sneakers and sports shoes. plaid shirts jeans like that's my style

most of the day most of the time so yes style is important to find so that you

base your clothes off of that and you'll be more inclined to wear those clothes

on a daily basis so let's go to our body type you need to know your body type so

that you make clothes that fit into that body type and clothes that fit you well

and flatter you sometimes we'll see someone wearing a really nice dress but

somehow the dogs are barking you'll find that something will be off. then someone

will wear something that's seemingly simple maybe even cliche

else is wearing as well wearing it as well but then they look

different with it cause they're dressed for their body type so it flatters them

despite it being common my body type so far as I know as far as I know for

now is a pear shape. I find my shoulders to

be a bit wide but I'm still a pear anyways because my hips

are wider okay that's exaggerated there's

also body types that take into account more than just your bust to hips ratio

it also takes into account your facial features. in regards to that I'm more of

a romantic type I'll link her video down in the description it's a very good

video. I highly suggest that you watch it if you

haven't already it's a really good one it's not the typical one

it encourages you to dress for your body type to flatter that. not try to look a

certain way am I making sense. the video in the description will talk more about

the body types. she's read the book now she is just telling us the mere mortals

so ya know your body type and dress for it find someone maybe I don't know you

want someone in the public eye who has your bodytype try and see what you can

take from them also colors take into account the colors you want your wardrobe

to emulate you want more of white or blue tones that's up to you what you

want. yeah I think I'll have a mixture

take into account as well the climate of the area you're living in. is it extremely hot

is it extremely cold within a little I live in Kenya so the weather is not as

extreme on either side it's actually pretty splitting good inspiration okay

this goes hand in hand finding someone who would inspires you it doesn't have

to be someone famous I personally find more inspiration in characters from

movies and shows more than in real life

come to patterns, I've never actually bought a commercial sewing pattern

online or wherever I've always just made my own patterns I didn't even know for a

long time that you could buy patterns. Someone has done all

this work for you although you're buying it but honestly buying it I feel like

it's cheaper than making. Making sometimes it takes so much time it

depends at your level of expertise I guess some people take less time than

others but here I actually don't mind making my own patterns I however enjoy

the process of sewing more than making patterns

so yeah that's it for now for this whole making your own wardrobe thing

I'll just I'll just mess up I'll just go blank. thank you so much watching

this video please subscribe if you haven't liked the video if you do and

I'll see you in the next video. bye.

For more infomation >> How to make a custom handmade wardrobe//With Tips - Duration: 5:44.


What If Mexico Becomes A Superpower? - Duration: 6:58.

What's going on Internet - and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions - the channel

where we ride the waves of fact and fiction to a spectacularly speculative conclusion.

I'm glad you've been digging the latest videos, and if you find this one to your liking,

make sure to hit that thumbs up - and share the video with your friends and enemies - because

it's important to maintain a balanced information diet.

My name's Jack Finch, and today I'll be your host as we ask the question - What If

Mexico Becomes A Super Power?

Now - we're not going to lie, as usual - there's a lot to unpack in this video.

The majority of which, has some real, tangible possible outcomes that may even be playing

out in real time as we speak.

To approach this question - we first need to understand what it takes to be a superpower.

The term "Superpower" was first applied after the fallout of World War 2 - and collectively

determined that the British Empire, the United States and the Soviet Union were the top dogs

of the modern era.

Coined to describe a state that had a dominant economic, technological and cultural position,

which was characterised, by its extensive ability to exert influence on a global scale.

Plus, you know - a huge military.

Essentially, it's a Civ 5 win condition.

Please don't nuke me Ghandi.

After 1956 and the Suez Canal Crisis - old Blighty had pretty much lost it's superpowers

and faded quicker than Allan Quartermaine's will to live.

Again, after the Cold War and everything that came with that, the Soviet Union dissolved

- and in 1991 - the United States of America remained as the only nation that could maintain

the mantle of Superpower.

But - you know - now there's China, Germany and … stuff.

So - let's imagine, this whole time, Mexico - the Arguable Underdog of North America - had

been biding it's time, laying in wait to reveal to the world it's true might.

An interesting position to be in.

Mexico has an extensively rich and vibrant culture, and has been populated in some form

or another for over 13 thousand years.

After being colonized by the Spanish in the 16th century, Mexico began walking the path

to a federal republic - and set out the blueprint to an innovative, independent society under

the Mexican Constitution of 1917.

Economically speaking, Mexico has the 15th largest nominal GDP in the world, and the

11th largest by purchasing power.

They're up there with Russia, Canada, India and Brazil - and if their young, fresh economy

continues to grow at its current rate - it wouldn't be absurd to imagine Mexico rising

up as an economic powerhouse.

Even after the 2008 recession, Mexico's economy grew an average of 3.32 percent - per

year - between 2010 and 2014.

Mexico's economic success is mainly down to one thing - oil - and they're the 7th

biggest producer in the world.

In 2009 - a petroleum consultancy giant estimated that a particular field in Mexico had an estimated

139 /billion/ barrels of oil in place.

That's huge.

And if Mexico could tap into that potential - then we'd quickly see them rise up the

ranks of the GDP.

And with a rise in domestic economic dominance - comes the potential for trade.

NAFTA - the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Mexico constitutes 80% of its exports to the USA - which makes up about a quarter of Mexico's


Most of this is made up with automotive manufacturing - and the US has recently shifted its imports

away from China - and towards their Southern neighbours.

Things are looking pretty kushty for Mexico.

There's one major problem though - and that's the world's perception of Mexico, and the

image of the country being riddled with drug dealers and criminals.

But that's like viewing the US during 1920's Chicago or Atlantic City - and there's a

bunch of Al Capone's and Nucky Johnson's running amok.

Every country has a severe issue with crime, and there are currently zero crimeless nations.

Even countries at a similar GDP to Mexico - like Italy, Spain and even the UK, struggle

to deal with a level of organized crime.

There's no denying that there are cartels that have an active presence in Mexican society

- and they're pretty damn scary.

But historically, we can take a look at another superpower who had risen up surrounded by

organised crime,


After the Bolsheviks and the storming of the Winter Palace in 1917, the Russian state began

a long relationship with organised crime and communism.

Vorovskoy Mir - the Thieves World.

Even now, Putin's Russia appears to be an economically prosperous place for politicians

and oligarchs alike.

So who's to say that Mexico wouldn't take a similar path?

Maybe it wouldn't be a hindrance - but a boon - and give them the economic and cultural

boom needed to step out onto the world's stage.

And then things would quickly come crashing down, and we'd have one - giant - problem


two superpowers on the same continent.

Which, really - is what this whole video has been leading up to.

Because if Mexico powered up and checked the required boxes needed for super-power-dom

- the majority of which would come from a dominant economy - then the USA would have

a pretty severe problem.

You see - so far in modern history, there hasn't yet been two superpowers that have

existed on the same continent.

I mean, technically Britain and Russia brushed shoulders briefly - but that was short lived,

and the majority of the modern era saw America and Russia at opposite ends of the see-saw.

It played out in real time through the Cold War - with spies, espionage, missile crises

and posturing on either ends of the planet.

There was an entire other continent between them - you know, minus Alaska.

But right next door?

There'd be imminent war.

That's if it even got to that point, without the US engineering a trade war - kind of like

what we're seeing with Trump's dangerous game with China at the minute.

More than likely, without some kind of diplomatic union - which, let's face it, is pretty

unlikely with the US.

We'd see a conflict that would likely result in World War 3.

Who knows - maybe Mexico would win, and we'd see the green, red and white flag rolling

across the Americas.

Or - even better - they just skip the war entirely, establish a kick-ass space program

- and we can finally colonise our solar system, together - forever.

Yeah, that sounds much better.

So there we have it guys, the - sort of - answer, to What If Mexico Becomes a Super Power.

Let us know whether you agree with our conclusion in the comment box down below.

Also make sure to hit that playlist on your screen if you want to continue your questioning


I sincerely hope you've enjoyed this video - leave a thumbs up if you did.

You've been watching Life's Biggest Questions - my name's Jack Finch - and remember, there's

no such thing as a stupid question.

Take it easy.

For more infomation >> What If Mexico Becomes A Superpower? - Duration: 6:58.


Creating a YouTube Channel - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> Creating a YouTube Channel - Duration: 6:09.


Real Video shocking real life ship crash caught on camera boat crash - Duration: 2:36.

Real Video shocking real life ship crash caught on camera boat crash

For more infomation >> Real Video shocking real life ship crash caught on camera boat crash - Duration: 2:36.


Fray and Bookshelf of Books! BookTubeAThon 2018 | Day Four! - Duration: 4:10.

Happy fourth day of BookTubeAThon everyone! [drill noise] The construction continues on

my neighbor's house. So guess what? I completed seven books! My seventh book

that I read was Frey and I read it wearing this hat, mostly turned the other

way around so that the bill didn't get in the way. But I did it, I did all seven

challenges and all seven books. Whooo! I still have three more days left of

BookTubeAThon, what am I gonna do for them? Probably gonna read The Magician's

Land and update you with how that goes. I might also do some other fun things

like talk about other comic books and other things and I don't know. I'll still

do the challenges and on Sunday I will do a wrap-up of all seven books. I don't

think I'll finish an eighth book as The Magician's Land, I'm not going to be able

to read that in three days. Um, so let's talk about Frey. I gave it a 3 out of 5

stars. I might eventually fix my whole star rating system and just bump

everyone up one since I don't use it the way I see a lot of other people use it.

But I don't know, for now it works for me. I didn't like this at the beginning. So I

started reading it and the setting wasn't convincing to me. It didn't feel

Buffyverse enough. So this takes place in the future of the Buffyverse and she is

a slayer. But it's futuristic New York City and it's it's's very

different and I wasn't into it at first. I thought it felt a little too Noir for

me. I'm not a super big fan of noir. But I kept reading.

I gave it a fair shot and eventually it does pick up and it does feel more

Slayeresque. I think my problem too, at the beginning, a lot of the ways that this

future world work felt kind of hokey. And kind of like

I was watching The Fifth Element, which I love that movie, but it's pretty hokey.

But as the story goes on they explain it a bit more and you kind of start buying

it. You're like okay okay this is interesting. Fray is a contained book

consisting of eight chapters or issues. Whether or not there will be more Fray

books or stories I'm not sure. And if any of that is wrong please correct me. But

that's what I figured from the limited research I did. Fray...Fray's done...Fray

Fray was fine. I enjoyed Fray, but I don't need more Fray necessarily right now.

So today's challenge is to create a bookshelf book, a book bookshelf, a

bookshelf for books made of books. Very similar to the book tower, hopefully mine

won't look too similar to my book tower, but well we'll see.


Yay! Happy BookTubeAThon! I'm gonna keep reading even though, even though I'm

done, I've completed it, I finished, I finished. But I'm gonna keep making videos

and reading, and yeah. Happy reading! Meow!

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