Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 8, 2018

Waching daily Aug 29 2018

RUSH: This is what Destiny intended from the moment it entered the star system.

YOUNG: That ship is the best chance we have of getting home.

Are we done?

We'll never be done.

WRAY: You shouldn't have left him on the planet.

YOUNG: You think I don't know that?

CHLOE: Everyone thinks we're safe.

They think that they'll never find us again.

Why did you take one of our people prisoner?


CHLOE: We're not safe, are we?

TELFORD: They're coming!

Who's coming?

Lucian Alliance, they're coming to take Destiny.

RUSH: There's only one way this is gonna end if we wait.

YOUNG: I'm not surrendering this ship.

This planet was created for us. We were led here for a reason.

Some of the people have decided

that they would like to stay behind on the planet.

WRAY: Colonel Telford admitted to being a mole for the Lucian Alliance.

YOUNG: We're going to have to do this the hard way.


YOUNG: I'm going to save every one of those hostages

and I'm going to retake this ship.



CHLOE: What happened?

You were shot.

There's no countdown.

We dropped out of FTL because someone was gating in.

Why haven't we jumped back?

TELFORD: The Destiny came out of FTL within range of a pulsar.

We don't have much time before the shield fails.

RUSH: Look, someone's going to have to go for a walk.

It should buy us enough time to restore FTL capability.

Transfer control of the ship and surrender yourselves.

They'll herd all of the prisoners into one compartment.

I'll access one of the Gate Room consoles

and transfer control of the ship back to Rush.

CALVOS: Kiva and Telford have both been shot.

SCOTT: (OVER RADIO) The shield is still up! We cannot get back inside!

RUSH: I need you to head back towards the front of the ship.

That's the way in.

I'm getting a message. I gotta go.





CAINE: Beautiful, isn't she?


It's good to see you again, T.J.

What... What is this?

Where am I? How did I get here?

I know it's a lot to process right now, so just take your time, okay?

We left you on that planet, and we left the galaxy.

You can't be surprised that aliens who built a solar system

are capable of a little intergalactic transport.

Are you saying they brought me here?

Well, you're here, right?

So this is...

Your baby, of course.

You don't have to worry anymore, T.J. She's safe now.





We're getting a message.

It's Eli.

They didn't make it.

There just wasn't enough time.

(OVER RADIO) This is Scott! Come in, please!

Lieutenant, where are you?

SCOTT: Well, we're still outside.

I had a hunch we weren't going to make it to the airlock in time,

so we made a beeline for the underside of the ship.

I'm guessing the hull protected us.


I guess it did.

Well, the radiation spike has passed.

You should be safe to make it to the airlock now.

Roger that. We're on our way.


Just another day in outer space.

VARRO: Dannic!

The military personnel are a liability.

Kiva's still alive. The medic's been injured. She was shot.

She was military as well. It was a mistake to trust her.


You son of a... Son of a...

I want him dead! I want him dead.

Dannic, listen to me! Listen to me!

We need their cooperation.

We can use the communication stones

to get a team of doctors onboard.

We can't spare the men.

VARRO: We can use some of them.

It doesn't matter what they report back.

There's nothing anyone on Earth can do about this.

All right. But if Kiva dies, they all die.




Thank God. I thought you two were fried for sure.

SCOTT: No, we're fine.

GREER: I'd say we're anything but fine.

Yeah? You'd rather be back out there?



Hey, what happened?

She was shot in the leg.

I'm okay, I'm okay.

How are you even walking right now?

Ten minutes ago, you were almost passed out.

I don't know, the bleeding stopped. I got my strength back.


CHLOE: Yeah.


She's right. The bleeding's stopped.

SCOTT: Are you sure you're okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Everybody's fine.


What do we do now?

Who are you?

Um... I'm Dr. Brightman.

This is Dr. Ziegler, Dr. Finch and Dr. Tyman.

All right, follow me.


What now?


Looks like it's working.

What are you talking about?

The countdown clock?

With all the shield strength concentrated in the direction of the pulsar,

the engines are protected enough to generate an FTL jump.

Yeah, but that's a good thing, right?

I mean, this whole area of space is a dead zone.

The sooner we get out of here, the better.

All right, we're close enough. You two meet up with Rush and Brody...

ELI: Whoa, whoa, wait a minute.

SCOTT: They would've figured out who's missing by now.

They will be looking, so be careful.

Where are you going?


We need to find out what's happening.


Eli, just go.

CIVILIAN: Yeah, I need some help over here.

Is he going to make it?

Yeah, he'll be fine. The bullet passed clean through.

Let me know when he wakes up. I want to talk to him.

Listen, your commander wasn't so lucky.

Dr. Finch is working on her right now, but it isn't looking good.

We think the bullet may have lodged in her liver.

It would be in everyone's best interest if she survived.

Yeah, I get that.

What about Lieutenant Johansen?

Well, we've managed to stem the bleeding,

but the baby's heart rate is dangerously low.

We may have to take it out prematurely.

Right now, there's no guarantee

that either one of them will survive.

Excuse me.



CAINE: How about some coffee?


Where did all this stuff come from?

There's no way you could have made it all.

You got that right.

We were still working on lean-to's with dirt floors,

and the winter was coming.

Frankly, I was getting a bit worried.

And then one day, on a scout, we found 'em.

Half a dozen just like this, scattered over the valley.

We did an aerial survey. We would have seen them.

I know.

So they just appear out of nowhere

and that's good enough for you?

Well, I don't think we would have survived the winter without them,

and that's good enough for me.

So why did they bring me here?

The ship was under attack, right?

How did you know that?

You were wounded.

A lot of people were wounded, why would I be singled out?

They were scanning us the minute we set foot on this planet.

They knew everything there is to know about us.

They knew you were pregnant.

What are you saying?

You were bleeding out on the table.

This was the only way, or your baby would have died.


The countdown clock has started again.

It's probably a result of the adjustments made to the shield.

How long till we jump?

Just under 30 minutes.

(OVER RADIO) Varro, this is Dr. Brightman.

Go ahead.

I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but we did all we could.

It just wasn't enough.

(OVER RADIO) Your commander is dead.

Down here, this way.


We need weapons.

There's something else we need even more.





(SIGHING) You guys are back.

You know, this ship is really, really, really big.

BRODY: Whoa, what's that? What happened?

Oh, nothing we need to worry about right now.

What are we doing to get the ship back?


It's his idea.

Colonel Telford's efforts to divert control were not entirely in vain.

We still have a limited ability to manipulate power distribution,

so I've begun a slow process of sequestering power away from the shields.

The same shields that are protecting us

from the deadly pulsar radiation?

That's right.

BRODY: Like I said, his idea.

RUSH: Well, if I don't do it, the ship's going to jump.


No, no, no Eli. You don't understand.

You see, that pulsar levels the playing field.

It's just as deadly to them as it is to us.

Once they realize what's happening they'll have no option but to deal.

We need to kill them all.

The original plan was to keep some of the scientists

and drop the rest on a habitable planet.

The original plan didn't involve Kiva being killed.

I admit it may have been optimistic to expect any of them to work with us,

but going on a bloody rampage now isn't going to solve anything.

You got another idea?

Tell them.

We found one address we can dial from this position.

It's currently locked out,

probably because it's at the extreme range of the gate.

But I can get around that.

VARRO: We check it out. If it's viable, we send them.

Everyone except the doctors. They're still working on some of our men.

And Lieutenant Johansen.

She could prove to be useful down the road,

and moving her now would be as good as killing her.

What about Rush and the others that are still missing?

VARRO: Search parties will find them.


We got to tell the others.


You never did answer my question.

How do you know what's happening on the ship?

CAINE: I just do. It's kind of hard to explain.

The aliens told you?

Well, not face to face.


Hey, come on in.

Hi! Oh, it's getting cold out there.

CAINE: Right.

Dana, Peter?

T.J. Oh, my God! It's good to see you.

How are you? Oh!

I'm fine. I'm fine.

How are you? How are all of you?

We're good, T.J. We're good. We're surviving.

The others will be along soon. Word's getting around.

We were hoping we could see the baby.

Sure. Yeah, she's sleeping...

Don't worry, we'll be really quiet.

JOHANSEN: Okay. Okay.


It's big news around here. You want to take a walk?

It's getting kind of dark, isn't it?

It'll be fine. They can look after the baby.

There's something I want to show you.


SIMEON: He's back.


Hurts, doesn't it?


What happened?

I was hoping you could tell me.

Where's Kiva?


She was shot, just like you.

But we're a little unclear on the details.


We were in the Gate Room. We were attacked.

They came out of nowhere.

They? There was more than one?

I'm not sure.

Did you see them?



Because you weren't shot from behind.

It was dark, it happened fast.

I saw Kiva get shot. I turned, everything went black.

What's going on with the ship? What's the situation?

The ship is ours.

The shields are repaired. It's over.

What about Colonel Young and his crew?

We won't have to worry about them too much longer.

We've found a planet with a breathable atmosphere.

We're putting you and your people off the ship.

There is no way you've had enough time to determine long-term viability.

There's not a lot of options here.

It's a death sentence.

Not necessarily.

VARRO: Now you're thinking you've got nothing to lose.

You could jump me, take my gun, kill the guard outside.

But how far do you really think you'd get?

You'd be shot, and your people would still be sent to the planet,

only without their leader.

For their sake, I recommend you stay alive.



Hey, Sergeant, how you feeling?

I'll be all right, sir.

Nice place.


JAMES: Looks like a storm's coming.

We need to find shelter, fast.


Where the hell are Scott and Greer?

They should have been back by now.

You have to calm down, Eli.

Splitting up never works. Everyone knows this.



It's got to be them.


No. No, not them.

Back away from the consoles.

Dannic, come in.

Go ahead.

(OVER RADIO) We got Rush and three others.

Well done.


What happened?

I'm not sure.

The countdown stopped.

DANNIC: Well, start it again.


I can't.

Stand by.

The radiation must be affecting the engines again.


You said the shield would prevent that.

It should. I don't understand it.

Then what good are you?


Dannic! Dannic!

Bring Rush to the gate room. I have some questions for him.

What about the others?

DANNIC: Kill them.

You don't want to kill anyone.


SCOTT: You okay? Is everybody okay?

Dannic, this is Rush.

I'm sorry to say your men were unable to carry out their orders.

Anyway, by now you'll have noticed that the countdown has stopped.

That's because I've been draining power from the shields,

and I will continue to do so until your men lay down their weapons.

You and your people would die with the rest of us.

We're willing to die to prevent you taking over this ship.

Can you say the same?



Find them.

Dannic, listen to me.

VARRO: Don't do this.

DANNIC: This is your fault.

If you had listened to me from the beginning

we wouldn't be in this position.

Take his weapon.

There can only be one commander, and Kiva's dead.

Any objections?

ELI: What do we know about the planet?

Not much.

Presumably, it has breathable atmosphere, other than that...

CHLOE: We have to do something.

GREER: Amen.

No, no, this is perfect. It couldn't have worked out better.

They're gonna be stranded down there.

No, no, the ship won't jump.

We can pick them back up later.

Plus, the planet is out of range of the pulsar.

Believe me, they're better off.

What does that say for the rest of us?

We've done some calculations,

certain areas of the ship are better protected than others

because of their location within the hull. Hydroponics, for one.

We go there, seal ourselves in,

we might be able to outlast them.

ELI: What about the damage to the ship itself?

Without the shields, the next pulsar blast...

Damage will be minimal. Organic matter will suffer the most.

Wait a minute, not everyone's been sent off the ship.

He mentioned something about T.J.

It sounded like she'd been injured and something about doctors?

They might have used some of our people

to get extra medical personnel on board with the stones.

Well, we can't just leave them out there.

Not if we're going to go through with this.

All right, Greer and I will go get them.

Give us 15 minutes to meet you back in hydroponics.

After that, seal the door.


JAMES: Colonel!

We found a system of small caves just over that ridge about two klicks!

Should be enough to shelter everyone if we break into smaller groups!


MAN: Whoa, did you see that! Look at that! Look at that!

That's good enough!

Guys, guys, back up.

Dannic's taken control. These men were loyal to me.

All right, people, listen up!

We're going to move out, but stay together. Let's go!


I've nothing to say to you.

We're here because I stood up for you!

He would have killed you all!



Wait, Camile? What are you doing here?


They used some of us to connect with a team of doctors.

Me, Volker, Kemp and Rieder.

All right, where are the others?

WRAY: I don't know.

There were more injured, and...

Anyway, they severed the connection...


What happened?

She was shot. She's going to make it.

What about the baby?

Camile, what about the baby?


Where are you taking me?

It's just over here. You'll get a better view.

Oh, my God. That's beautiful.


That wasn't here.

No, it showed up last night just before you did.

Any idea what it means?

Not a clue.

Listen, I wanted to thank you.

What for?

Well, if you hadn't decided to go back with Colonel Young,

he would have taken all of us.

I know what a sacrifice that was.

And the aliens knew.

I think that's why they were willing to bring your daughter here.


But what?

Well, you made your choice.

What are you talking about?

The baby can stay.

We'll take care of her, I promise you, but you have to go back.


I'm sorry.

No, no, no, no!


Let's get her out of here.


We've got company.

Take cover.



Is that really necessary?

Well, they're gonna figure out where we are sooner or later.

Even if they can't get in, they can still vent the atmosphere.

And don't worry, the plants are producing oxygen.

We'll have enough breathable air.

For a while, anyway.

That's 15 minutes.

CHLOE: No, you have to give them more time.

RUSH: The longer we wait, the greater the chance of being discovered.


We can give them a few more minutes.

This is our only chance.

If we fail and they take the ship, we're as good as dead.

Mr. Brody, seal the door.

The next pulsar blast will be deadly to anybody outside this room.

That's the whole point, isn't it?

Damn it!

Sergeant! I'm moving!

Rush, this is Scott, come in, please.

Scott, this is Eli.

(OVER RADIO) Where are you?

SCOTT: We are cut off. We can't shoot our way through.

ELI: Well, we haven't sealed the door yet. There's still time.

We'll dial up the shields until you get back.

That'll just give them more time to find you.

Our only chance is to stick with the plan.

Seal the door.

Do it.


What have you done with her?

DANA: We haven't done anything.


I'm not leaving without her.


It's not up to us.

They can send you back whenever they want,

and there's nothing we can do about it. I'm so sorry.

At least this way you'll know,

you'll always know that she's being taken care of.


Everyone still alive in here?

For now.

YOUNG: There's no sign the storm's letting up, so get comfortable.

How much longer can it last?

I don't know, you tell me. You're the one who picked this place.

It could go on for days, for all we know.

It was this or the barrel of a gun, and you know it.

YOUNG: James!


Hey, James! James!

Easy, easy.

I got you. Easy

(GROANING) That really hurt.

I'll bet.

Don't move. You're going to be okay.


Have you restored the shields yet?

Rush is still bleeding power from the system.

We can't stop him.

It's worse than we thought.

The next radiation spike from the pulsar

will collapse the shields completely.

Now they know.

They've no choice but to surrender.

They found us.

ALLIANCE SOLDIER: (ON RADIO) Dannic, we've found a door we can't open.

Hydroponics. It appears to be sealed from the inside.

We've got them. Get some explosives. We'll blow the door.

(PANTING) You can't do that.

Any blast big enough to get you through the door will kill the people on the inside.

We need Rush to restore the shields.

GINN: There isn't enough time anyway.

The next pulsar wave is in less than five minutes.

Dannic, this is Rush.

By now you know the situation.

You have no choice. Lay down your weapons

and order your people to assemble in the observation deck.

Once I receive visual confirmation

of your compliance, I'll dial up the shields.

I still say you're bluffing.

RUSH: Our position is well protected.

Even without the shields we'll survive the next wave.

You won't.

Either way, we take the ship back.

I don't know. It's possible.

The man is a coward. He wouldn't sacrifice himself.

He's telling the truth.

You still have people out here. You'd be killing them, too.

A necessary sacrifice.

He won't do it.



You don't have a choice...

I said enough!

We're not giving up this ship.

He's not bluffing.

Just wait.

He doesn't even know we're watching. This isn't an act.

You can't do this. You'll kill us all.

We were prepared to die the moment we stepped through that gate.

You're insane.


Did you... Did you just see that?

This guy is nuts. You can't reason with someone like that.

So, what about the others? What about Scott and Greer, T.J.?

I'm sorry.

Listen to me.

You know why we came here.

You know what this ship means.

Are you really prepared to let it go just when it's in our grasp?

You mean your grasp.

Don't listen to him. He's crazy. He will kill all of us.

No. Just anyone who tries to get in my way.


Telford is right. He was crazy.


Dannic is dead. We'll comply with your demands.


That's her name.

After her grandmother.

I know it's not perfect here,

but you said yourself it's better than that ship.

I still think there's a chance they're going to help us get back home.

If they could do that, then why haven't they done it already?

I don't know.

Look, T.J., I have to warn you.

No one on the ship is going to understand.

I barely understand myself.

No, I... I mean they won't believe,

because what they've seen is different.

What are you talking about?

(SIGHS) I have learned one thing in all of this,

and it's that out here on the edge of the universe,

who you are and what you believe is everything.

So it's up to you to decide if this is a blessing or a curse.

Goodbye, T.J.

Camile? (GROANS)

Ah, it's okay.

Just take it easy.

How long was I gone?

What do you mean?

How long was I off the ship?

You were here the whole time, and the doctors worked on you.

They did the best they could, but...

I'm so sorry.


Welcome back.

You take care, all right?

That way! That way.

Welcome back, sir.

Well done, Sergeant.

Well done, Lieutenant.

It wasn't really us, sir. Mostly it was Rush.

So, what about them?

YOUNG: Well, let's put them with the others.

Excuse me.

Sir... Sir?

There's something else.


♪ And after the storm

♪ I run and run as the rains come

♪ And I look up

♪ I look up

♪ On my knees and out of luck

♪ I look up

♪ Night has always pushed up day

♪ You must know life to see decay

♪ But I won't rot

♪ I won't rot

♪ Not this mind and not this heart

♪ I won't rot

♪ And I took you by the hand

♪ And we stood tall

♪ And remembered our own land

♪ What we lived for

♪ But there will come a time, you'll see

♪ With no more tears

♪ And love will not break your heart

♪ But dismiss your fears

♪ Get over your hill

♪ And see what you find there

♪ With grace in your heart

♪ And flowers in your hair

♪ Well, I guess I'll just go home

♪ Oh, God knows where

♪ Because death is just so full

♪ And mine so small

♪ Well, I'm scared of what's behind

♪ And what's before ♪

That was a quick jump.

This is where we were supposed to come out before the Lucian Alliance dialed in.

Is there any deadly radiation?


Hold on.


We're good.


T.J.! You should not be getting up...

(SOFTLY) I'm fine. I just need to clear my head right now.


♪ There will come a time, you'll see

♪ With no more tears

♪ And love will not break your heart

♪ But dismiss your fears

♪ Get over your hill

♪ And see what you find there

♪ With grace in your heart

♪ And flowers in your hair

♪ And there will come a time, you'll see

♪ With no more tears

♪ And love will not break your heart

♪ But dismiss your fears

♪ Get over your hill

♪ And see what you find there

♪ With grace in your heart

♪ And flowers in your hair ♪

For more infomation >> Intervention (Full Episode) | Stargate Universe | LIMITED TIME ONLY - Duration: 43:29.


Is Skipping Breakfast Good For Losing Weight? (The Truth REVEALED) - Duration: 10:36.

What's up guys!

Carlo Macapinlac here from, your go-to fat loss coach for busy professionals

and in this video, I'm gonna answer a very controversial question that I get asked all

the time.

Is skipping breakfast good for losing weight?

Well, after struggling with my diet for years, this is what happened in about 8 weeks after

I started skipping breakfast.

If you stick around until the end of the video, I'm gonna give you the exact step-by-step

blueprint how I did it.

And before we get started, make sure you hit that subscribe button to get notified every

time I post a new video every week.

Let's dive in.


One of the meals that is the most notorious as being branded as the most important meal

of the day is…you got it!


I mean, there's no better way to start your day than eating breakfast.



Not so much.

You know, a lot people think they can just have a bagel, or a muffin, or a donut, or

eat a bowl of breakfast cereal because it's fast and it's easy.

And that's true.

They can just reach into the kitchen cabinet and just have a bowl of cereal with some skim

milk and they think they're eating healthy.

I mean, that's a pretty typical breakfast for a lot of people in North America.


That's probably what you ate this morning.

Hey, leave a comment below what you had for breakfast this morning.

I wanna know.

Now, It doesn't help that this is what gets branded as the right thing to do every day

and people just kinda go along with it.

And, so much of it has to do with the breakfast food industry and all these big food corporations

because they have to sell their cereal, or their granola bars so it's a lot easier

for them to say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

And I used to be so guilty of this.

The thought of skipping breakfast never crossed my mind.

I always made sure that I picked up a bagel, or a muffin, or if I was running short on

time, I would just shove as much cereal in my mouth even though I wasn't really hungry.

Cuz that's what we've always been taught, right?

Never start the day on an empty stomach.

It's bad for you.

And, there's nothing intrinsically wrong with eating breakfast, by the way.


I love breakfast food.

However, there's a huge difference when you eat it and an even bigger difference between

eating bacon and eggs versus a bowl of frosted flakes or a granola bar.

As soon as you eat it, your body responds completely different between the two.

One is made up mostly with saturated fat and protein while the other is mostly refined

carbs and sugar.


I mean, I don't think anybody in their right mind would think that the body responds to

them the same way.

You know, it just doesn't.

Let me explain in simple terms.

People say that a calorie is a calorie whether it's from fat, carbs, or protein, as if

your body responds to them equally, and that's got to be the dumbest idea ever.

You have these food corporations and even fitness experts that want you to think that

a 500 calorie bowl of frosted flakes, white bread, instant oatmeal, and other refined

carbs is the same as a 500 calorie breakfast of eggs, bacon and avocado.


Not even close.

And then people say that it's the vitamins.

It's fortified with vitamins and minerals so it's gotta be good for you, right?

It even has that fancy little check mark on the box as if that means that it's automatically


Guess what?

It doesn't get a free pass.

Those two things are completely different.

Let's break things down a little further and this might be ground breaking information

for some people.

You see, all foods stimulate the hormone insulin in some way, shape, or form.

Insulin, if you've never heard of it before is a very important hormone in your body.

It's a storage hormone.

It's the hormone that tells people to gain weight.

People hardly ever talk about this because everyone just wants to focus on calories.

The less calories, the better.


But what you really have to worry about more than counting calories is developing something

called Insulin resistance.

Why is that?

Insulin resistance is one of the big things that controls the insulin response in your


Basically, if you have something called insulin resistance, your body produces more insulin.

It's your body's natural mechanism to overcome this resistance that you've created.

It actually produces more insulin.

And that's bad news.

Why is this important you ask?

It's important, because high insulin is gonna cause you to gain weight.

Even if you think you're eating healthy.

And nobody ever talks about this.

What spikes insulin the most you ask?

Well, it's sugar and refined carbs.

I mention those two things specifically because a lot of the typical food that we eat for

breakfast has either, A) hidden sugars or B) is made out of refined carbs.

Now, the biggest determinant of insulin resistance is how often you eat and the types of foods

that you eat.

The way you reset this is to have periods of time where you allow insulin levels to

be low.

And the only natural way to do this is by simply taking a break from eating.

What?* This is also called time restricted eating or Intermittent Fasting.

The very word breakfast literally means break fast.

It's the meal that breaks your fast.

As you can see, you're already fasting every night.

It's called sleeping.

But it's not enough to lower your insulin levels to the point where you can access your

fat storage and get into weight loss.

It's just not.

Here's how I want you to think about the relationship between eating and fasting.

When you're eating, your insulin levels go up and you're storing energy.

You're in fat storage mode.

Now that's not necessarily a bad thing.

You need to have moments throughout the day where your body can absorb all the nutrients

from all the food that you just ate.

When you're fasting, again you automatically do this when you sleep, your insulin levels

go down and you're taking out that stored energy.

Is it enough to lose weight?

The short answer is no.

So if you keep eating breakfast.

If you keep eating first thing in the morning, then your insulin level goes up and you're

in fat storage mode, the moment you wake up.

Remember, your body can either burn fat or sugar for energy.

But it can't do both.

Now, If you start pushing it the other way by extending your fast and skipping breakfast

and even lunch, then you're gonna start getting into fat loss because you're allowing

your insulin levels to get low enough to the point where you start using body fat as a

source of energy.

And that's what we want.

You see, this is how your body naturally works.

It's what your body is designed to do during periods where food is absent from your stomach.

It starts burning fat.

So is skipping breakfast good for losing weight?

100 percent.

You just have to remember that if you wanna lose weight, it's all about managing your

insulin levels and not necessarily about the calories.

You gotta remember that fasting is about the time that you're not eating.

You're simply taking a break from it to let your body use your own body fat as a source

of energy, by lowering your insulin levels.

It's not a period of starvation and that is such an important concept to wrap your

head around.

Eating 6 small meals a day according to the "experts" is simply not what your body

wants to do because every time you eat, again, your insulin goes up.

So if you eat your 6 small meals a day, you keep telling your body, keep storing fat.

You don't need to burn it.

Look at all this food that's coming in that we can use for energy instead.

You eat, you store fat.

It's as simple as that.

Here's another thought for you.

One of the simplest ways to lose weight for example is to just not eat when you're not


You're better off skipping breakfast until you're actually hungry.

I mentioned this earlier how I would just shove food into my mouth even though I had

no appetite in the morning.

It's funny because kids, of all people understand this perfectly.

Notice how kids sometimes aren't hungry when it's breakfast time or dinner time

and they simply won't eat.

But as adults, whether we're hungry or not, we eat at 7am, it's like clock work.

I really hope you're starting to see the big picture now when it comes to eating first

thing in the morning.

Again, It's just been institutionalized that breakfast is the most important meal

of the day and you gotta start the day with a good breakfast so you'll have lots of


That's what we've been told but the truth is, your body already does that for you.

If you look at what your body does before you wake up, your body actually has a surge

of hormones which pushes glucose out of your system which you can use for energy.

Your body supplies your with energy.

Your body also produces growth hormones and adrenalin to get you primed for the day.

Your body is super smart about making sure that you're good to go from the moment you

wake up.

And this makes sense because back in the paleolithic age, food wasn't always available.

Do you think our ancestors woke up and said, geez better make sure I eat breakfast before

I go hunting for food.


There was no breakfast available.

They simply went out hunting.

So if you're ever worried that your metabolism will somehow slow down if you skip breakfast.

It won't.

Your body is a lot smarter than you think.

Long story short, there's nothing wrong with eating breakfast.

I mean, I love breakfast food.

I really do.

You just don't always need to be married to the idea that you have to eat first thing

in the morning.

Once you start skipping breakfast, you're gonna quickly realize how much more time you'll

have to do more productive things.

The best tip that I can offer once you actually decide to start skipping breakfast is you

gotta stay busy.

You gotta stay productive.

If you don't, you're gonna think that there's something missing from your morning

routine, then you start obsessing over it, next thing you know, you're on your way

to the closest drive thru to get yourself a bagel.


So pro tip for you guys, you gotta stay busy.

Next thing you know, it'll already be lunch time and you can finally have your quote unquote


Alright guys I really hope this video was helpful to you.

Skipping breakfast was definitely a game changer and it's led to some pretty amazing results.

Now, as promised, I wanna give you a free copy of my Lean Body Blueprint.

This is how I melted all the fat around my stomach and turned it into a six pack without

going on a crazy diet or wasting hours.

It's a simple 4 step process and guess what?

Skipping breakfast is one of them.

It's the exact same blueprint that I teach all my private coaching students and they've

all gone to see some amazing results.

If you want to be the next success story then download the lean body blueprint right now.

There's gonna be a link in the description box.

Just click on it and I'll send it to you right away.

Alright, that's all I've got.

Keep being awesome.

Give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it.

Please subscribe to my channel if you haven't already, we post a new video every week.

And hey, leave me a question in the comments section.

Let me know what you think!

I know this is a very controversial topic and i'd love to know your thoughts.

Alright I'll see you in the comments section.

Virtual high five!

For more infomation >> Is Skipping Breakfast Good For Losing Weight? (The Truth REVEALED) - Duration: 10:36.


Aquaman NEWS MAJOR First Reactions From Test Screening! - Duration: 3:24.

what is good YouTube warstu here we

did a video on the core man movie so

we've got some Aquaman news technically

over the last couple of days the act

combatant movie has had an early screen

test obviously this is something that

all movies do before they get released

so the producer director and the company

funding the movie actually you can see

what the people in the audience thought

so if there's anything that needs to

reach ange they just like to get a kind

of a rough idea of what the audience

reaction to the movie is gonna beat so

as everyone knows this will be the first

movie that DC Warner Brothers have

released since the underperforming

Justice League movie which took a

massive hit for Zack Snyder's of vision

of what he wanted for the DC EU but

let's get into this so early this week

there was a screen testing held at Sun

Valley California and how secondhand

reactions have showed up on Twitter

meaning reactions seem seen not from

folks in attendance of the movie but for

people who spoke to the people who

attended the actual movie so let's get

into it so Amiga underground Christopher

Mark had this to say I hear it's good

not great that's all we can hope for in

the end I'll take it

Casey Walsh said this Aquaman it's a

phase one empty you for film though

through and through so if you like those

you'd love it if you didn't you probably

won't get much enjoyment out of it so

out of all the other reaction and all

the other reactions there and a lot of

them are positive some of them are

negative but the early reactions are

good for a venue science so if you like

phase one of Marvel you're gonna lie

it's movie chances are there's still a

few months before it comes out in

December they can tweak a few things of

film but most of the principal

photography is over and they can't

really reshoot anything if there's major

problems with the movie but most people

would call mother says it was great

wasn't bad it was okay so that is a good

reaction now it took so long to get the

first trailer for the Aquaman movie

because it is pure white it's nearly

pure CGI and obviously special effects


that's he filming someone does because

obviously special effects you have to

green-screen it and all that kind of

stuffs so of course some of the

reactions they're hitting the media

center are disaster it's bad it's bad

but to be honest the reactions can't be

any worse than a Justice League movie so

my opinion it's positive I can't wait to

see this movie

in December I can't wait to see amber

her play mirror in the in a crime movie

and see Jason Momoa play Arthur curry so

essentially it's gonna be an origin

movie so I can see why it's actually

initially being compared to phase 1 of C

phase 1 of Marvel is where we were

introduced to Iron Man and Captain

America and a few others so if that's

the route that DC are gonna go down to

standard I not origin movies and it's

not technically copy and phase 1 it's

just a bunch of origin movies before

they attempt another massive t1 so like

always guys let me know are you hype for

the aqua movie it does look pretty

badass and all-out war underground am

souls like always guys please like

subscribe and comment and it will catch

you mo video very soon catch

For more infomation >> Aquaman NEWS MAJOR First Reactions From Test Screening! - Duration: 3:24.


মৃত পিতা মাতার প্রতি সন্তানদের হক | Mrito Pita Matar Hoque Ki Sontaner Proti By Motiur Rahman Madani - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> মৃত পিতা মাতার প্রতি সন্তানদের হক | Mrito Pita Matar Hoque Ki Sontaner Proti By Motiur Rahman Madani - Duration: 5:40.


Incursion Part Two (Full Episode) | Stargate Universe | LIMITED TIME ONLY - Duration: 43:35.

RUSH: This is what Destiny intended from the moment it entered the star system.

YOUNG: We are going to survive.

We are going to make it home.

I'm telling you, the ship came here for a reason!

RUSH: Destiny is powered by the stars themselves.

WRAY: He and Young are bumping heads, yes.

Not sure which camp is the better choice.

YOUNG: We just pretend nothing happened?

We need to be ready for the next encounter.

For the sake of the crew.

For the sake of the crew.

They're coming. Who's coming, David? Who's coming, David?

Who's coming, David?

The Lucian Alliance. They're coming to take Destiny.

They've got something to open the doors!

Take cover! Grenade! Grenade!


Fall back!

You'll be... You'll be okay.

What happened? You were shot. You were shot.

You were shot.

YOUNG: You are surrounded.

Lay down your weapons,

or we will vent the entire compartment to space.

Can they do it? Yes.


Then they should have.

JOHANSEN: Rush! Wait!

We will not be complying with your request to surrender.

We have 12 missing and presumed captured,

including Riley, T.J., Chloe, and Eli.

I am going to save every one of those hostages,

and I'm going to retake this ship. Do you understand me?


(ON RADIO) This is Young.

We've got the medical supplies you requested.

We are prepared to give them to you as a show of good faith.

KIVA: Thank you.

One condition.

You and I meet to make the exchange.


Let's do this.



Remember, quick kills, center mass.

Yes, sir.

All right.

You ready to do this?

We're ready.

Bring the medic.

Open the door.

I'm in.

Who's this?

Ronald Greer is also a medic.

KIVA: Another offer of good faith?

In exchange for Lieutenant Johansen.

First things first.

Go and check the supplies and see they're what you need.


Hold your fire! KIVA: Don't shoot! KIVA: Don't shoot!

KIVA: Don't shoot!

No, no, no, no.

Power just went out throughout the whole ship!

I can see that, Mr. Brody. Please step aside.

T.J., get behind me.

She takes one step in your direction, and I will shoot her myself.

I've got the shot, sir.

My men have been ordered to execute the prisoners

if I am killed.

Step back in my direction.

Sir, I've got the shot.

Stand down, Sergeant.


Damn it.

What happened? They surprised us. They surprised us.

They surprised us.

What do you mean?

They surprised us. Do you want me to explain it again?

The hostages are useless to us if they're dead!

At least they serve a purpose.

Tell them. Tell them!


I'm here.

She just killed Rivers.


Hey, don't fall asleep. It's dangerous.

That's a concussion.

Okay, then it's boring.

So, what do you think they'll do with them?


The prisoners.

Probably drop them off on some planet. I don't know.

I just hope everyone's okay.

I just hope it's over.

Well, not much we can do about it.

So, rest time is over.


ELI: Ah!

This feels familiar.

What the hell just happened? We still don't know. We still don't know.

We still don't know.

We're just getting systems back online, then maybe we can analyze...

Screw analyze! Fix it!

We've got to know what's broken first. Do it now!

Do it now!

Rivers is dead.


Well, it was going to be someone.

BRODY: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa!

Would you prefer it was Chloe or Eli?

Lieutenant Johansen, perhaps?

Don't bloody tell me you weren't thinking the same thing.

I want you to figure out what's wrong with the ship and fix it.

Fix it now.

I have orders to help.

What's your name?


I'll let you know what I need.

You do know there is a way to save them.

You're just not wired to consider it.

I'm not surrendering this ship.

And what exactly is so wonderful about it?

We give up, she kills everyone

except for those who have value to her,

and let me tell you, that's not a hell of a lot of people.


This is Young.

I would like to speak to the civilian.

This is Camile Wray.

Colonel Young has proved that he cannot be trusted.

Can you?


Then why did you let them plan an ambush?

I voiced my disagreement.

And you could not stop them?

No, obviously not.

For that, one of your men was killed.

If you fail to live up to your promise twice,

I will kill again.

Do you understand?

No, I don't understand, but I do believe you.

Then I would like to take you up on your initial offer,

with one modification.

Four of your men for four of ours,

and food and water for three days.

Will food and water be offered to the hostages?

They're no good to me dead.

Then we're agreed.

Next time we take supplies with us in the first wave.

If there is a next time.

Damn it. Flashlight, flashlight!

What's happening? Well, I don't know, Koz.

Well, I don't know, Koz.

I'm up to my wrists in someone's body right now.


Do we have any answers yet?

Just the one.

Every crash has been exactly 46 minutes, 37.4 seconds apart.


Well, it'll be easier to show you. Brody?

Okay, so, what am I looking at?

That's our problem. It's a binary pulsar.

It's the combination of a rotating neutron star

and probably a white dwarf

orbiting around a single point in space.

What does that mean to us?

Pulsars give off gamma radiation and x-rays as they rotate,

short, deadly bursts of ionized radiation.

The shield and the hull are protecting us right now.

Right, but the pulsar is literally

feeding off of the white dwarf,

stripping off material and creating an accretion disk.

And the white dwarf plows through that material every orbit.

Which gives off an even bigger gamma ray burst,

on top of what we're already getting hit with,

and that's why our systems are shutting down.

The shield has to draw extra power in order to compensate.

And that happens every 46 minutes, 37.4 seconds.

It's what killed their man, and it's going to be what kills us.

The Lucian Alliance just happened to dial in

when the damn thing was in range.

Destiny had to drop out of FTL to make the connection.

It's bad timing, bad luck.

Well, then, why are we still here?

Our FTL capability has been compromised.

Compromised? Don't yell. Don't yell.

Don't yell.

We don't know why yet.

The shield is what's keeping us alive, but sooner or later,

it's going to fail, and when it does...

We're dead.


The radiation burst is what's causing the system malfunctions.

Which will only get worse.

Because the shield will fail eventually, yes.

Unless we can find a way to make the jump to FTL.

How much time?

Well, according to Rush, we can withstand two more of the bursts.

People will start dying by the third.

TELFORD: I saw what one of those bursts did to a man

when he wasn't protected by the ship's hull.

First we'll make the trade, and then we'll discuss this new problem.

Has their medic completed Varro's surgery?

Not yet.

Well, then find out what's taking so long.

I'll do it.

Lieutenant, she told me to check on your progress.

Tell her it'd be a hell of a lot faster

if the damn lights didn't keep going off.

Well, that's a whole other problem.

The Destiny came out of FTL within range of a pulsar.

We don't have much time before the shield fails.

Colonel Young and his people are trying to solve it, but...

She won't let them.

I'll do my best to convince her.

You do that.

Lieutenant Scott?

We've got the supplies that they requested,

and we're ready to make the prisoner exchange.

Copy that.

I'm fine, I'm fine.

And Varro?

I've done all I can for him.

SOLDIER 1: Hold it steady. Here, use this one.

Will he live? I got the bullet out I got the bullet out

I got the bullet out

and stopped the bleeding, so he should have a chance.

I'd like to take a look at the other wounded.


Let's go.


You got it? Camile? Camile? Camile? Camile?

Camile? Camile?

What's this?

A flak vest. Just in case.


How can I expect them to trust me

if I can't even demonstrate a willingness to trust them in turn?

With all due respect, ma'am, I don't think they can be trusted.

You tell Colonel Young I appreciate his concern.

Yeah, the Colonel said you wouldn't take it.

I just thought I'd try anyway.

Are you sure about this, sir?


Good enough for me.

I hope you make a better impression than I did.

Commander Kiva, are you ready?

We are.

Brody, open it.

Lieutenant, thank you. I'll take it from here.

Okay, Mr. Brody.

I asked for civilians.

These are the two we had.

We agreed on four for four.


What about Lieutenant Johansen?

She stays.

Even if we figure out a way to jump back into FTL,

and right now, the odds are not good...

Then we'll be right back where we started.

Yes, but this doesn't have to end with one of us losing.

If we could just figure out a way to work with each other...

I can see that you're someone who enjoys talking through problems,

but if you don't solve this new one,

then neither of us will have anything to talk about.


All right, get in the infirmary.

Where's Chloe and Eli?

She said they were the only two civilians.

Then where the hell are they?


It's gonna be just...


Sorry, sorry. Sorry.

Take a break, Eli.

No, no, no, no. We've got to be getting close by now.

You know what?

We should do this twice a week.

This is the kind of exercise that really motivates me.

Carrying a wounded person the length of the whole ship

in low oxygen?

Good times.

CHLOE: Thank you, Eli.

Wait till it's your turn to carry me.

You're an amazing friend.

ELI: You can never have too many of those.

Unless you're one of those people on Facebook

who just accepts everybody's friend request.

It's like, come on, you know, be a little selective.



Damn it!

Sorry. Sorry.

It's okay.

Are you okay?

I'm okay.



Okay, thanks.

There's no sign of Eli or Chloe.

You know, maybe they...

There's no fatalities on our side except for Rivers.

They must be hiding somewhere.

I hope so.

Look, that boy would take a bullet

before he'd let them touch a hair on her head.

Lieutenant, don't get distracted.

I'm not, I'm not, I just...

I just want to get this done with.

And I wish the Colonel would give the word

so that we can go in there and properly resolve the situation.

Look, he'll do the right thing when the right time comes.

You got to trust that 100%.

I don't know how you do it, man.

Well, you need to learn.

Thank you.

Your Commander already showed her appreciation by not killing me.

It must be difficult to be forced

to save the life of your enemy.

No. I would have done it anyway.

How's the pain? Bearable. Bearable.


Look, I'm trying to say... I don't really care. I don't really care.

I don't really care.

I've been on my feet for far too long,

and I have other patients, so excuse me.

Conserving air or unconscious?

Just thinking.

About what?

I used to think I had a lot of friends,

but I don't.

They're a billion light years away,

but they're still your friends.

No, they don't really care about me.

And I don't really care about them either.

That's nice.

No, no, because until I met you,

I didn't really know what a friend was.

Do you know what I mean, Eli?


A friend is someone who will support you no matter what.

Like you. Chloe, why don't we... Chloe, why don't we...

Chloe, why don't we...

And I am not just saying that because I feel like I'm going to pass out,

and even if I do, I just want to say it first.

And you did, so...

But whenever I say stuff like that to you,

you always react like I've just awarded you some runner-up prize,

and it's not.

I know.

It's just that...

I know.

Of course you do.

Hey, there's a console over there.

I didn't notice that when we came in.

And it's got power.

Can you call for help?

I can try.

Dr. Park?

Look, it's not much of a solution,

but we don't have to shield the entire ship.

Just the side facing the pulsar, right? Right. Right.


We'll have to leave some shielding on the underside of the ship,

but we should be able to transfer something like 90%.

Should buy us enough time to restore FTL capability.

So why haven't you guys done it yet?

Because it can't be done from inside the ship.

Well, it could, if we had control of

the core systems, but we don't, so...

No, no, look, look, someone's gonna have to go for a walk.

RUSH: I can tell you where to go, what to do.

The mechanics of it are relatively simple.

Yeah, well, then why don't you put on a space suit and do it?

Well, you get the FTL drive back online

while I'm gone, and you got a deal.

We'll get it done, sir.

I know you will. Gear up.

WRAY: They have only the time between the gamma ray bursts

to complete their work.

The next one is less than 20 minutes from now,

so obviously time is an issue.

So what do you need from us?

There's a hull breach in the access corridor that's under your control.

It's the exit point closest to the array.

We need you to let us in.

Transfer control of all the ship systems to us,

and we will let them in.

You do understand that if you don't help us save this ship,

we will all die.

Oh, I understand completely,

and I want you to transfer the ship's systems to us.

When was the last time you ran a security sweep in there?

Never mind, I'll do it. Radio?

Calvos, this is Telford. Give me access to the damaged section.

You tell me. You think she's bluffing?

She doesn't have to.

She knows who she's dealing with.

But to be fair, you don't have much of a choice.

At least they'll keep some of us alive, for a while, anyway.

Yeah, like you.

You forget I've recently been in their employment.

I wouldn't envy me just yet.



Yeah, Everett.

It's about damn time.

Listen, do it.

Transfer control of the ship and surrender yourselves.

Everyone but Rush and Brody.

Have them retreat to one of the auxiliary control rooms.

They're going to notice Rush is missing.

Tell them he panicked and ran away. They'll believe it.

By the time they start looking for him, it'll be too late.

At the first available opportunity,

I'll access one of the Gate Room consoles

and transfer control of the ship back to Rush.

The second they find out, they're going to start shooting prisoners.

Then I won't let them find out.

Not right away, anyway.

I won't lock them out completely.

They can have control of the ship until I decide they can't.

They'll herd all of the prisoners into one compartment.

If they don't, I'll suggest it.

When they do, I'll contact Rush on this channel.

I'll tell him which compartment,

then he can vent the atmosphere

from all the surrounding ones.

Where are you going to be?

You let me worry about that. I got to go.

It's all clear.

Best not to stick around.

This is Colonel Young.

I am prepared to surrender control of this ship

provided certain conditions are met.

KIVA: Go ahead.

I need you to guarantee me the safety of my people.


Nobody gets hurt during the changeover,

and no retribution afterwards.

Anything else?

That's all.

Well, Mr. Brody, time to panic and run off.

VOLKER: Hold on a sec.

We just got a message from an unexplored part of the ship.

It's Eli. What are we going to do?

Well, you got to go. Good luck.

Yeah, you, too.

Transfer control to them.


I wrote it in Ancient, so it could take a while for somebody to...


What is it? We got a message. We got a message.

We got a message.

What's it say?

Oh, no.

We better stay put.

Transfer complete.

Open them.

No shooting. That's a good sign.

I think the stitching is torn.

You're moving around too much.

I understand your anger at losing the ship,

but it wasn't really yours to begin with.

When all this is settled, past sins on both sides

will have to be forgiven.



Open them.

Forty-six minutes, gentlemen.

Yes, sir.

They're in.

Attenuating the shield strength in that compartment.

Dialing back artificial gravity.



Commander, one of the power relays just went down.

Is something wrong?

We just lost a power relay.

Then why aren't you dealing with it?

Go. Go. I can open and close doors.

This is it?

Yeah, it's where he said it was going to be.


No, no, no, no. What happened? What happened?

What happened?

The transfers just stopped.

What's the matter?

It won't lock.


Colonel Young, this is Scott. How are we doing for time?

14 minutes.

This is Calvos. Kiva and Telford have both been shot.

The Commander is still breathing, but unconscious.

DANNIC: Get them to the medic. CALVOS: Yes, sir. CALVOS: Yes, sir.

CALVOS: Yes, sir.

Is there any sign of the enemy?


Where are your men? What? What?


Your soldiers. How did they get into the Gate Room?

I don't know what the hell you're talking about.

I've got people outside this ship!

The enemy has somehow breached our lines.

Both Telford and Kiva have been shot.

I'm assuming command.

Colonel Young, this is Scott.

Ready to come back in. Lower the shield.

I repeat, this is Scott, over.

The shield is still up. We cannot get back inside.

They just saved our damn lives. Lower the shield.

Keep moving. Lower the damn shield! Lower the damn shield!

Lower the damn shield!

Lower the shield.

Try a different channel!

This is Scott. Please respond!

Lieutenant, something's gone wrong.

We have to find you another way back inside the ship.

No, no, no, there's no time for that, Rush!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, what other way is there?

There's an airlock in forward section.

Yeah, we think it's an airlock.

It's in a totally unexplored part of the ship.

Besides, we can't open it from here.



Lieutenant, I need you to head back

towards the front of the ship.

Negative, negative!

Listen to me, that's the way in.

We're looking at the way in right now.

You need to go there as quickly as you can.

Go right now.

We're on our way.


What's going on?

I'm getting a message.

What's it say?

That I got to go.

What do you mean? I'm telling them where you are, I'm telling them where you are,

I'm telling them where you are,

so you'll be safe until they come.

Where are you going?

Whatever happens, you know, right?

Eli, you're scaring me.

I got to go.


Calvos. What happened?

Come on, come on.

DANNIC: Separate the civilians.

Take them to another compartment.

This is Varro. What are you doing?

I'm going to put an end to this.

DANNIC: Bring their injured soldiers to me.

Not if you expect me to save your Commander.

They're not going to make it.

For more infomation >> Incursion Part Two (Full Episode) | Stargate Universe | LIMITED TIME ONLY - Duration: 43:35.


Palmerston North - New Zealand - Duration: 5:59.

Hi Everyone

Kubic here


We're going to...

Palmerston North

Let's go!

It is very convinient

No security checks

No queues

Easy as...

Come and go

Let's go!

Landed to Palmerston North

Let's take a walk

Palmerston North

... is central city of...

... Manawatu region

... on the North island of NZ

Population is...

About 85000

City locates...

... in about 2 hours drive from Wellington

Less than 100 years ago...

... there was only a small village

Officially it became a town...

... in thirties last century

Also local citizens often call it short:..



Train line to NZ capital...

... helped with city development

... and today

Palmerston North

... resides on position #8...

... on the list of biggest cities...

... of New Zealand

Main industries here were...

Forestry and farms

... but with time focus was moved to...

... education

Massey University campus...

... was founded in 1936

... other institutes were founded too

Campus locates on dedicated area

... behind Manavatu river

... and today Palmerston North...

... is often called city of students

... as half of the city population...

... younger than 33 years old


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... and see you soon


For more infomation >> Palmerston North - New Zealand - Duration: 5:59.


Incursion Part One (Full Episode) | Stargate Universe | LIMITED TIME ONLY - Duration: 43:35.

RUSH: This is what Destiny intended from the moment it entered the star system.

YOUNG: We are going to survive.

We are going to make it home.

I'm telling you, the ship came here for a reason!

RUSH: Destiny is powered by the stars themselves.

WRAY: He and Young are bumping heads, yes.

Not sure which camp is the better choice.

YOUNG: We just pretend nothing happened?

We need to be ready for the next encounter.

For the sake of the crew.

For the sake of the crew.

You dreamt you were the spy

who leaked everything about Icarus to the Lucian Alliance?

RUSH: No, no, no, not me. It wasn't me.

I was Colonel Telford.

We know that the Goa'uld had brainwashing technology.

It is possible that the Alliance now has that capability.

Once you are on Earth, you are on your own.

Whoever you are, you must be using the Ancient communication stones.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Colonel Telford would never make such a mistake.


We know that you are a traitor and a murderer.

Now we know you're a coward, too.


RUSH: You've found another Icarus planet.

We're all very excited to have Dr. Rush's full cooperation.

Kill me, and you kill Rush!

Begin venting the atmosphere in Colonel Telford's quarters now.


Open this damn door!

We both know you're not going to kill me.

Mr. Brody, this is Wray.

You need to restore the atmosphere...

This is Young. Please disregard that request.


WRAY: By letting this happen,

you are participating in not only the murder of Colonel Telford,

but Dr. Rush, as well.

Okay. Sir, you've made your point.

I'm not trying to make a point.

Come on. Open the door, sir, please.

I know what I'm doing.

I know that, Lieutenant.

What you're doing is killing him! I know that, Lieutenant.

WRAY: Brody!

What should we do?

The Colonel's bluffing. He's not going to kill him.


What's happening to him?


All right. No. Sir, I cannot...


You've killed him.


YOUNG: Come on, David. Come on.

David, come on.

YOUNG: What?

TELFORD: You're all in danger. YOUNG: What?

They're coming.

Who's coming?

The Lucian Alliance. They're coming to take Destiny.

YOUNG ON PA: We've been informed that this ship faces an incursion

by armed forces of the Lucian Alliance,

the group responsible for the attack on Icarus Base.

All military personnel onboard

have been placed on high alert.

If the enemy has acquired the means to dial Destiny,

their point of ingress will be the stargate.

Brody, we're clear.

YOUNG: So, the Gate Room is off-limits.

All surrounding corridors have been placed in lockdown.

Come on! Come on, let's go!

YOUNG: No one may enter without proper authorization.

I've provided Homeworld Security with intel on the planet

from which the Lucian Alliance

intends to launch their assault.

They're dispatching forces as I speak.

The best-case scenario, Earth forces take the launch point intact

and we gain a supply line from home.

The worst-case scenario

is that our forces don't make it

before the attack is launched,

in which case we'll have to deal with them on our end.

In that event, all non-military personnel

will be ordered back to your quarters,

where you will remain until the situation has been resolved.

Make no mistake, this will be dealt with swiftly and decisively.

Thank you. That is all.


Only a couple of hours ago,

Colonel Telford admitted to being a mole for the Lucian Alliance.

And now, suddenly, he's on our side?

YOUNG: Yeah. WRAY: You trust him?

WRAY: You trust him?

I didn't say that.

What in the hell was that?

"What in the hell was that, sir?"

All you had to do was tell me.

I was keeping you out of it.

You didn't have to.

If I'd known that killing him and bringing him back

was the only way to beat that brainwashing technology,

I'd have been behind you 100%.

So, you'll follow orders as long as

I explain everything to you beforehand?

Well, that's good,

No, sir, that is not what I meant. Well, that's good,

because if it was, we'd have a problem, Lieutenant.

Do we have a problem?

No, sir... Good,


because now is not the time for that.

No headaches or blurred vision?

No. I told you, I'm fine.

Well, Rush is fine. I'll find out about me when I switch back.

Look, I really need to go and...

T.J., can you give us a minute?

Yes, sir. Thanks.


How are you feeling, David?

Confused. I bet.

I bet.

You went the whole nine yards.

To the brink and back.

I had to.

You know, in my defense, it wasn't the first thing I tried.

Yeah. Thanks for that.

At least the brainwashing explains why you've been such an ass.

I've read the SG mission reports

of that method being done in the past.

I just never...

You have no idea what it's like

to remember things that you've done,


Terrible things.

You weren't yourself, David.

Not yet.

You've got to send me back. Not yet.

I've done all that I can on this end.

I've already killed you once.

I'm more useful to you in my own body,

back there with them, Everett,

you know that. How the hell else are you gonna get Rush back?

Listen... You've got to get him out of there.

You've got to get him out of there.

David, listen to me, you've just come back from the dead.

I want you to get your strength back first.

Excuse us.

T.J., listen, when they come, I want you here, safe.


Look, if they break containment, there could be wounded.

We're going to need you.

What we'll need is a real doctor.

You're up for this. Not even close.

Not even close.

What are you planning to do?

Evacuate the atmosphere in the Gate Room

the minute they step through.

Kill them all, you mean.

You think I have a choice?

If you're asking for forgiveness,

I can't help you there either.

T.J. I'll do my best.

I'll do my best.

You're back.

That was me.

I had to see whether you were faking.

Well, I wasn't.

I apologize.

Back to work. I know.

Running planetary scans.


CARTER: Sir, it looks like the intel is good.

The planet's laced with naquadria deposits.

We're also reading a huge energy signature

emanating from what looks like a pyramid.

Pyramid? That takes me back.

Unfortunately, the complex inside

is shielded against beaming technology.

So, Rush can't be beamed out.

No, sir. We'll have to go in with ground forces from the outside.

All right, Colonel. You have a go.


What was that?

KIVA: We're under attack.

Can we dial the ninth chevron?

Not without blowing everything up.

Dial it.

Get ready!

We're going now!

JACKSON: The Lucian Alliance is an organization of humans

from a number of sovereign planets

who have taken control of the resources and technology...

The Alliance is made up of power-hungry...

...violence as a means of enforcing their dominion.

The Air Force video?


I'm just seeing if there's anything in here that might help.

...control a sizable army and numerous Ha'tak vessels,

or former Goa'uld motherships.

What's he going to do?

The Colonel?

They're sending an army.

What do you think he's going to do?

This is it.

It's happening now? Yeah.


Go! Radio back when you reach the other side.

And take him with you.


Colonel Young.

I see them, Eli.

All personnel, report to your designated areas.

This is not a drill. Defense teams stand by.

MAN 1: Copy that. Go, go!

Which button?

BRODY: This one.

How long will it take till we reach vacuum?

A minute or so? That's about right.

That's about right.

BRODY: Colonel.

Defense teams stand by to secure prisoners on my order.

Copy that.


Monitor from here. Stay on the radio.

Got it.

RUSH: What happened?


No, no, it's me.



The ship, the Lucian Alliance...

Yeah, no, we know everything. Telford told us.

So what are we doing about it, then?

Let's just say it'll all be over in a few minutes.



Colonel, I'm reading a huge energy spike.

At this rate, they've got less than a minute before their core goes up.

Get our people out of the shielded areas

and beam them back to the ship, now!

The core is going to go critical. I can't stop it.

Still no signal from the other side?


Get as many of our people through as you can.

Load it up. Watch out!

Watch out!

Watch it, watch it. MAN 2: Clear there.

MAN 2: Clear there.

BRIDGE OFFICER: Colonel, we still have two 302s

on their way back from the planet.

We can't wait. Get us out of here.



Aren't we supposed to go to our quarters?

These are my quarters, and I'm not going anywhere.


They brought Rush along with them.

We're going to have to do this the hard way.

KIVA: What did you do to the gate? TELFORD: It wasn't me.

TELFORD: It wasn't me.

You killed over a hundred of my men!

It was Rush!


Massin, your father's name, it was my password.

Gate travel must have severed the link. It's me.


YOUNG: Lucian Alliance forces, you are surrounded and sealed in.

You will also find the intel provided

by Colonel Telford is now useless.

Lay down your weapons in front of the doors

and step back into the center of the room

with your hands on your heads,

or we will vent the entire compartment to space.

Can they do it?


Then they should have.

Colonel, they're up to something.

Talk to me.

They've got something to open the doors!

Vent the atmosphere in the Gate Room. Brody, do it now.

BRODY: Too late.

Take cover!

Get back!


Uh, Rush, you should stay here.

No, no. The ship's under attack.




Okay, Eli, it's time to go. No, just wait.

No, just wait.

No, Eli, let's go. Now!

Yeah. Yeah.

ELI: There's an elevator this way.


Oh, God.


Rush! Wait!

BRODY ON KINO: You're welcome.

Want to get the hell out of there now?

ELI: Chloe, you've been shot.

Sorry, sorry.

See? It's okay.

You'll be... You'll be okay.

Eli, I...


Hey, you'll be fine.

You'll be fine, all right?


I'll be right back. Okay?

MAN 4: This way. Let's go!

WOMAN 1: Over here.

Colonel Young?

Who is this?

Commander Kiva of the Lucian Alliance forces.

We will not be complying with your request to surrender.

We barely made hyperspace. This time it was even closer.

What about casualties?

Two of my 302s couldn't make it back,

and if Rush was still on the planet...

I'm sorry, Sam.

Yes, sir. Did any of them make it to Destiny?

I haven't heard.

MAN 1: Hands behind your back. Do it!

BRODY: So much for that.

Why didn't you evacuate the compartment to space?

That was the plan.

He didn't do it to save you.

Not me.

The connection was severed the minute I stepped through the gate.

Give me the lay of the land.

RUSH: This is the Gate Room.

They also occupy the surrounding corridors.

They had advanced further, but they pulled back.

Just took what they could hold with limited manpower.

That's smart.

BRODY: Once they retreated, I locked down the area behind them.

Given the technology at their disposal, it won't stop them,

but it should give us some breathing room.

RUSH: The prisoners are being held here.

Between them and us, 30 feet of corridor either way.

Well, the second we hit that outside section,

those hostages are as good as dead.

Colonel. Yeah?


I've done a head count.

We have 12 missing and presumed captured,

including Riley, T.J., Eli, and Chloe.

ELI: Come on!


Hey. Hey.

What happened?

You were shot.

I stopped the bleeding. No, you're fine. Look up here.

Hey, look at me. Look at me.

Where are we?

I don't know.

I've never been to this part of the ship before.

I don't think anyone has.

I just pressed some random buttons.

We can't get back.

I'm guessing someone locked out elevator access.

Us or them?

Yeah, that's the problem.

I just need to get to a window,

get an idea of where we are

and then we can walk back.


Oh, no, no, no, no. I've got you.

Come on. Come here.

Ready? Here we go. One, two, three.

Okay. Okay.

(GROANING) Okay. Okay.

Lean on me. Okay.


I've got you. Ready?


There you go.

Colonel Young.

Go ahead.

Here's how I see the situation.

We have the Gate Room and some of your people.

You hold the Control Interface Room,

which, I'm told, is the ship's nerve center.

What do you want?

We came here for the same reasons you did.

We don't want to hurt anyone.

You're welcome to stay aboard Destiny

and help us realize the potential of her discovery.

Lay down your weapons and join us.

Or, if you prefer, we can drop you off

at the next inhabitable world of your choosing.

Or I vent the atmosphere in the sections you're occupying

and keep the ship.

If you had that in you, Colonel,

you would have done it already.

The point is, I have the ability

to end this conversation right now.

Sergeant? She wanted to see you, sir.

She wanted to see you, sir.

Wouldn't shut up, in fact.

As you were, Sergeant.

We are way past the point of fighting

our way out of this situation.

We need to negotiate with these people.

And I think I should be the one to...

Yeah, yeah. No, I think you're right.

Him. Him.

And her.

That's a mistake.


It's a demonstration.

All it will do is force their hand.

Do you want control of the ship or not?

WRAY: They have some of our people.

YOUNG: But we have some of theirs.

So the first thing we need to do is suggest an exchange.

Do you think they'll do it? No.


But I think it's worth a shot.

TELFORD: This is the Control Interface Room.

This is the Gate Room.

If we cut our way through the wall here,

we can flank them. I can lead a team.

That will reduce our numbers here.

We take the Control Interface Room, we won't need them here.

The ship will be ours.

KIVA: These sections are in red.

That section of corridor is exposed to space.

The ship's shield will hold long enough for us to pass.

We will slowly vent atmosphere to space, yes,

but we could seal the corridor again after we've taken the ship.

I'll need twice that...

Take six men. I'll need twice that...


And if anything goes wrong,

these three die.

Not her.

She's a medic. We can use her in the event...

WRAY ON RADIO: Commander Kiva.

Who is this? My name is Camile Wray.

My name is Camile Wray.

I am the civilian authority aboard this ship.

I'd like to act as an intermediary

to resolve this issue without further bloodshed.

Colonel Young will not transfer control of this ship to you.

KIVA: And you will?

No. But I will expedite a prisoner exchange.

Your people for ours.

If I release my prisoners,

Colonel Young will not hesitate to vent this compartment.

You have 12 of our people. We have only four of yours.

I propose an even trade, four for four.

This way, you maintain your advantage

and gain some much-needed manpower.

Colonel Young agrees with this?

In our society the military takes orders from civilian leadership.

I'll consider it.

Nice job. That should buy us some time.

Look, you're trying to save lives here.

Obviously, that's a good thing.

But even if she agrees to the four, which is doubtful,

she won't go any farther than that.

Once the equation tips to the point of acceptable losses...

No, no, no. There will be no acceptable losses.

Colonel Young has already determined what that number is.

He knows the chances of us winning

without loss of life are practically nil.

So limit our losses, yes, all that we can,

but eventually, you're going to have to do something...

You don't know what you're talking about.

You forget, I've recently been one of your acceptable losses...

You knew what you were getting yourself into, Rush.

You should have disconnected the stones and got me out!

You have no clue what you're talking about!

Stop this now, please!

I am going to save every one of those hostages,

and I'm going to retake this ship. Do you understand me?

All right, Telford has convinced her that he is still with them,

otherwise he would be dead by now.

Sooner or later he will make his move.

So, we are to gamble this ship and all of our lives

in the hope that some traitor has had a change of heart.


Look at that.

I guess those elevators go more than just up and down.

Yes, right there.

You good? Yeah.


I must have hit a few buttons I wasn't supposed to press.

Is the air getting thin?

Life support isn't working out here.

How do you know?

I was the one who shut it off.

Rush's orders.

I mean, there's air. There just isn't any new air being pumped in.

So we need to keep moving? Yeah.



I don't know if I can.

Okay? I don't know if I can.

No problem.

I got you.

This is my lieutenant, Varro.

Save him.

He's badly wounded.

At even the slightest hint of trouble, Lieutenant...

I'll bring you back, sir.

I need to speak to General O'Neill.

O'NEILL: Second-guessing a decision is a waste of time.

I'm not there.

But I'm starting to wonder if maybe I should be.

I can't speak to that, sir.

This should be done, Colonel. Over. Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

At the time, I believed that venting the Gate Room

would kill both Dr. Rush and Colonel Telford.

We lost two 302 pilots

They deserved a chance. We lost two 302 pilots

sent to stop the attack.

I'm sorry.

Colonel Carter knew she'd lose her ship if she tried to save them,

but it was the right decision.

Yes, sir.

Are you up for this, Everett?

Yes, sir.

Because somebody will take your place if you're not.

I'm not going to let anybody take that ship, sir.

Then get your ass back there.

TELFORD: We're good.

What are you doing?

Just checking to make sure we're headed in the right direction.

This way.

There's no countdown.


We dropped out of FTL because someone was gating in.

Why haven't we jumped back?

Someone just activated a console

in one of the access corridors.

Colonel, a console just came on using Telford's code.

They're in a cordoned-off section coming our way.

That's his move.

It's cold.


ELI: Okay. Watch your foot. Good?


We have to be careful moving through sections.

There's a reason we've never been out this far.

A ton of compartments are de-pressurized.

Okay? Thank you.

Thank you.

Hang on. Okay.

Ready? Yeah.



More dark and gloomy. We're good.


Gotcha. Good? Gotcha.

ELI: How are you doing? I'm okay.

I'm okay.

ELI: You sure?

Stand by.

Yes, sir. We're good to go.


GREER: Just give the word, sir.

It's locked down.

I'll handle it.

Okay, get ready.


SCOTT: What was that?

MAN: This way. Let's go. This way.

YOUNG: Ready?

What happened?

You didn't do that?

What is that?

Just a minute ago, it was a man.

You need to stand down till we figure this out.

This is Young. Everybody stand down.

Throw me a radio.


Three clicks, go to channel six.

We're going to have to try this again.

CHLOE: Let's stop. ELI: No. I'm fine.

ELI: No. I'm fine.

Eli, you don't...

Seriously, this is nothing.


Once, I climbed the Redridge Mountains on my way to Stonard

with a full pack. Where's that?

Where's that?

World of Warcraft.

Wow, that...

That must've given you quite the sense of accomplishment.

Eli... Okay, okay.

Okay, okay.

Okay, a little break. A little break.


All right, all right.


So, what do you think is happening?

We've probably won by now.

You think so?

If we won, then why haven't we been rescued?

Well, first, they have to figure out

what to do with the prisoners,

and then there's that whole post-victory celebration.

I mean, streamers everywhere.

I'm so tired.

You're still... You're still losing blood.

I wasn't able to stop it completely.



I'm going to take care of you.

It wasn't them.

Now, I don't know what happened to our man,

but I know that they had nothing to do with it.

They don't have anything that could do that to a person.

Are you telling me that they had nothing to do with this?


TELFORD: What happened?

BRODY: Overload in the power relays proceeded by temporary disruption

of all shipboard systems, lights to life support.

Well, how the hell did they manage that?

They didn't.

Well, then, what caused it?

That's what I'm trying to figure out.

They're making their move.

It wouldn't be that obvious.

KIVA: Colonel Young. Would you care to tell me what's going on?

We don't know.

One of my men is dead.

You need to know that we had nothing to do with that.

Yes, so I'm told.

I'm going to ask for a show of good faith.

What do you want?



How are you?

I'm fine. We're all fine.

What is it that they want?

Some of their people are injured badly.

I'm going to need medical supplies to help them.

What will this accomplish?

A goodwill gesture doesn't have to accomplish anything.

Of course it does!

So they lack medical supplies?

Who knows what else they might lack?

Food? Water?

Now, in time, they're gonna get desperate. They'll make their move,

and when they do, they'll be dealing with the hostages first.

There's only one way this is going to end if we wait.

How do you know that?

We don't even know what's going on with the ship!

All the more reason to act now.

Rush is right. We have to take them down,

and we have to do it right now.

For more infomation >> Incursion Part One (Full Episode) | Stargate Universe | LIMITED TIME ONLY - Duration: 43:35.


DAFUQ is Reddit? - Duration: 3:47.

too long ; didn't read - r/MuseumOfReddit in a nutshell


At some point you search for a random thing on the net,

which directed you to this alien forum called Reddit.

It's a cooler version of digg and way more socially acceptable than 4chan.

Founded by these gents in 2005.

Alright, so you created a username - it was taken.

Added a number - it was also taken - 4 fuck's sake.

The interface takes time to get used to, a wrong click...

y todo se fué al carajo,

aunque intentaste arreglarlo,

acabaste con tu cerebro frito

como un queso a la parrilla.

The Polliče verso system is pretty simple.

Upvotes will let you live another day and downvotes will dig you deep underground.

After reading the Reddiquete, you found out that

Karma is a Bitch

which is you

( at least from the start)

a Karma Whore who loves r/CopyPasta

Anyway, you'll r/GetMotivated Here on Reddit.

"it always seems impossible until it's done."

Is this Real Life?

♪♫ whistle ♪♫

Some may even respond with the rhymed comment.

If you like it - you can Do It Yourself

and try to open the safe, or just press the button and use a UV flashlight instead.

Oh, we have r/BananasForScale!

Look at me!

"I'm a filthy casual, Ask Me Anything!" - he said.

Ah, the old Reddit Radcliffe-a-roo!

Hold my filth, I'm going in!

Today I F*cked Up by broking my arms - It went okay...

I know, right?!

It sounds Fake and Gay,

but the r/philosophy behind reddit is that

Everyone is a bot Except You.

so get used to it.


(You) got the app - it's quite addictive due to overwhelming r/subgangs

Obviously you get the Generals, all the Updates from these guys.

Follow those Pro Tips you'll never use.

You might be into geeks or visuals...

Spend time with emo doppelgangers...

or your personal favorite - curious.

And lastly subreddits that are just too hard to explain

r/ofcoursethatsathing - it's Reddit...

Nothing else than a social death

by Snoo Snoo.

Yay! Yeah!

(You're checking) Not Suitable For Work posts

(start) reading comments

u/_vargas_ backstabbed you big time.


The only way to find a redditor is by asking:

"When does the Narwhal Bacon?"

Ha, that's simple.

At midnight.

Oh, yeah... r/RoastMe Narwhal...

whistle ♪♫


ses oo pep arapepooses

I give you a hamburger.

munch ♪♫

♪♫ Slowly melting... ♪♫

♪♫ little darling... ♪♫

♪♫ it seems like years since it's been clear ♪♫

♪♫ Here comes the sun! ♪♫




Kevin is actually Stupid

and he deserves a legendary Sun Tzu fart.

Which reminds me to check the carbon monoxide levels.


I didn't season this, or anything...

What is that sound?

♪♫ [ Lou Ferrigno on Helium orgasming ] ♪♫

[ u/Shitty_Watercolour sees something terrifying ]

Hulk Smash (Hambeast)!

[ Whipped with Jumper Cables. ]

👉😎👉 Zoop!

[ u/Shitty_Watercolour disappears ]

Your doorbell detected a visitor.

Some stranger popped your gold cheery,

- raped your inbox.

Yeah... you like that you fucking retard?

Username Checks Out!

Perfectly Balanced - as all things should be.

Thanos - Here we go Reddit users. click ♪

This is it guys

thanks for watching!

Jaden Smith: Human brain takes an 11million bits of information every second, but is aware only of 40.

In an average lifetime human skin completely replaces itself 900 times.

You were once the youngest person in existence.

Don't forget 1998 when The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell in a Cell, and plummeted 16th feet through an announcer's table.

For more infomation >> DAFUQ is Reddit? - Duration: 3:47.


DJ AMROY Beatloop [EMERGENCY] 30 Agustus 2018 at MP CLUB PEKANBARU - Duration: 56:43.

For more infomation >> DJ AMROY Beatloop [EMERGENCY] 30 Agustus 2018 at MP CLUB PEKANBARU - Duration: 56:43.


Calle y Poché en Raze Make Up Roulette: se maquillan para festival de música - Duration: 5:09.

I want a blue pencil.

No, please!

-Get out of the way! -Honey, please.

-Hi! I'm Calle. -I'm Poché.

Welcome to RAZE Make Up Roulette.




There are two roulettes.

One of them has many shades of eyeshadows.

The other one has occasions or moments.

We have to spin both roulettes.

We'll get a color and an occasion.

We have to create an eye makeup.

The idea is to achieve a professional makeup look.

But in five minutes.

I spend a lot of time applying makeup.

We're always late everywhere because of Poché.


I almost break it.


-I like blue colors. -Yes!

Now, the moment.

What will we get?

100 % REAL


And blue colors.

-It'll be very funny. -Sure!

-I like it. -Me too.

We have recently gone to a festival.

-It was very cool. -It was amazing.

Beyoncé performed that day. It was amazing.

Besides, everybody's makeup was too much.

Those days, we spent three hours to finish our makeup look.

So doing this in just five minutes

makes me look as if someone punched me.

-Me too. -And now, my eyes are blue.



No, please!

-Avocado. -Happy.

-Handsome. -Parkour.

-Tenderness. -Tender.

-Divine. -Divine.


-Funny. -Yes.

-Crazy. -Craziness.

-Paisa. -Paisa.

-Charming. -Coffee.

-"My Bad One." -Yes.

This is a beautiful moment.

We'll succeed.

You can only see it watching this video.

-Traveler. -Look.

-Caché. -Caché.

-Cachetips. -Yes.



I'll leave that to you.

I want a blue pencil.

That pencil.

Quick! Get out of the way!

-That one. -Darling, no.

You're taking everything away from me, cheater!

-Get out of the way! -Honey, please.

-You're making me mad. -Don't be a bad person.

No! Put the clock back.


Don't look at me.

Look at me.

You're beautiful.



-You're beautiful. -Your teeth are stained.

With red or blue?


I really try it.

You were experimenting a lot.

Do you know what?

If you had more time, your makeup look would be prettier.

This cut crease is gone, but this is OK.

I tried it, darling. I like yours.

-My bags are blue. -I love it.

I thought you had done it on purpose.


It seems intentional. Don't you think? It's nice.

I love it, honey.

I'm sad.

I lost.

Today, the winner, the one who met the criteria,

and the one who is very cute, is my love, Calle.

What do you think?

But I want to say I only used blue makeup.

Poché put glitter on her face.

And this reminds me of the festival.

Besides, my bags are blue and I didn't do it on purpose.

-I liked it. -But...

Give us your opinions with the hashtag #RAZEMakeUpRoulette.

We want you to tell us who met the criteria best.

See you in the next episode.


For more infomation >> Calle y Poché en Raze Make Up Roulette: se maquillan para festival de música - Duration: 5:09.


6 EXERCÍCIOS PARA TER PERNAS GROSSAS EM CASA! Como Ter Pernas Grossas em 21 Dias! Treino de Pernas - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> 6 EXERCÍCIOS PARA TER PERNAS GROSSAS EM CASA! Como Ter Pernas Grossas em 21 Dias! Treino de Pernas - Duration: 5:47.


Multilaser MS80 é uma boa alternativa nacional ao Moto G6 Play | Review/Análise - Duration: 5:38.

It's been some since Multilaser officially introduced the MS80, its most powerful smartphone yet.

The device, shown here in TudoCelular at Eletrolar of 2017,

was launched in the first half of 2018 and now, it finally arrived at our bench.

We tested the device, following our rigid standards, to tell you if its is worth it,

considering what it delivers and its price.

Come with us for the review of the Multilaser MS80!

Multilaser choose the 18: 9 standard for its first device, what a big selling point adverstisewise

This is not the first smartphone of the Brazilian brand,

but with it, the company is trying to become more mainstream in the mobile device industry.

The finish is metallic, in one piece, separated only by the antenna lines at the top and bottom.

The grip is comfortable with slightly curved sides and back.

At the rear we have the camera with a centralized LED flash and also a fingerprint reader.

On the front, all in 2.5D glass, we see the 5.7" screen with somewhat large edges for the current standards.

But the highlight goes for the presence of the dual selfie camera,

being a wide angle lens for images with more scenery or in group.

The box has somewhat exaggerated dimensions for the size of the device.

On the inside, we have a case and a film, but no headphones.

The MS80 screen has a very reasonable quality, staying within what is expected for the price range.

The maximum brightness level is ok for outdoor use,

while the minimum brightness is quite comfortable to use in dimly lit places.

The MS80 also offers, in addition to the automatic brightness, an adjustment of the display according to the environment,

which in some cases can guarantee the best colors depending on the brightness level.

It is also possible to light up the screen when a notification arrives, just like on the iPhone, for example.

Or you can choose to use only the notification LED.

As for the speaker, we have a surprisingly good quality.

Basses sound good, without damaging the treble when the maximum volume is set.

If you thought the MS80 had a MediaTek chipset, you are wrong.

Here we have a 400 series Snapdragon with eight cores,

which is the same used by Motorola in the Moto G5 and G5S, and this year in the G6 Play.

Incidentally, the hardware is the same as the entry model of the sixth generation Moto G series.

But smoothness is far behind.

The MS80 held the apps opened on the second lap of our speed test,

but still had a time well beyond the Moto G6 Play.

It takes time to switch from one application to another.

The results in the benchmark tests show a small inferiority for the MS80,

but the scoring range is the same as the Motorola device.

Game performance, at least, was very similar to what we saw in the Moto G6 Play.

The graphics are not the best, but at least there is not much drops in frame rate.

Of course, you will not play anything heavy if you opt for a device with an entry-level hardware.

More casual games will run smoothly on the MS80.

The hardware is the same as the Moto G6 Play, the screen has the same size,

but the battery is way smaller.

It's 3,000 milliamperes / hour on the Multiaser device.

And, taking into account the less economical chipset than the Qualcomm 600 series,

the device held up well in our real-use simulation.

The MS80 performed better than the Moto G5 and G5S, for example.

In fact, the time was a little longer even when comparing with the Moto G5 Plus,

which brings a more economical chipset and a smaller screen.

In short, a satisfactory result, which guarantees autonomy for the whole day with moderate to heavy use.

The charging times are kind of problematic,

taking over two hours, due to the lack of support for Quick Charge.

If you like to take lots of selfies, you will have in the Multilaser MS80 a good companion.

There are two frontal cameras that, although they offer different resolutions,

do not have very a large difference in quality.

The second sensor is wide-angle, for group selfies or pictures with more scenery.

The main sensor also does not disappoint, especially for an entry-level device.

There are better camera options for the price range, but the MS80 is not far behind.

In video, the quality is also within the expectations.

Video recording with the wide-angle Multilaser MS80.

Now video recording with the smaller lens on the Multilaser MS80.

Multilaser has slightly modified the Android 7.1.2 Nougat installed here.

There are two apps installed by the company, which are basically the Multilaser website, with the catalog,

and an app store.

You will also have an app for the company's partner.

As for extra features, they are small things, like the already mentioned smart screen, for example,

or the system optimization feature.

The fingerprint reader works well. Sometimes being problematic,

but with patience, you can always unlock the device.

The MS80 was officially released at R$1.150, in this version with 3 GB of RAM and 32 GB of storage.

Currently, this official price has already dropped to R$1.000, which is an already fair value.

The device has good construction and battery life, camera and screen are ok.

It disappoints a little in fluidity.

It is a very interesting option, and a great rival for the Moto G6 Play,

getting a little behind in battery life, mainly.

If you do not like the design of Motorola, here is a good alternative.

Well, now we want to know what you, who watched all of this video, think of this smartphone.

Tell us down here in the comments.

And take the opportunity to leave a like here in this video and subscribe to the TudoCelular channel on YouTube.

And access the full text review for more information on the Multilaser MS80.

Oh yes, stay tuned here because we are still going to disclose performance, battery, camera and screen for the MS80.

I'm Felipe Junqueira and I close the broadcast.

A big hug and see you soon.

For more infomation >> Multilaser MS80 é uma boa alternativa nacional ao Moto G6 Play | Review/Análise - Duration: 5:38.



Hey! guys how's it going?, welcome to another video here on the channel, I'm Ryuki.

Today I'm bringing to you guys the GDMO update 08/28/2018

So let's go.

Don't forget to smash that like button to help the channel.

So guys the X-Digimons are on GDMO now.

and also the Verdandi Terminal is on GDMO too.

If you want to understand how the X-Evolution system works

Please watch my previous video here on the channel

it's gonna be showing up here, you can click here to watch.

In that video I explained how the X-evolution works, I've explained many things on that video.

So I'm gonna explain here what I haven't explained on that video.

Mainly about the map.

Now let me evolve my Ryuudamon to the Champion form

To show you guys, very nice.

My status.

Let's get started, there are some things that I have to explain to you guys.

The first thing that I'm gonna explain it's the Cooldown of the raids from the Verdandi Terminal.

The Omegamon raid appears 5 hours after defeated.

After you kill the Omegamon Raid, you can get a buff that can deactivate debuff for 1 hour.

It's what I'm seeing on the official website.

The LordKnightmon, Craniummon, Dynasmon, Sleipmon, UlforceVeedramon, Examon raids

Appears 4 hours after defeated

and the DexDoruGreymon raid appears 8 hours after defeated.

The Dorugoramon, GranDracmon, TigerVespamon, GrandisKuwagamon raids

Appears after defeating certain amount of enemy Digimons.

So they're gonna respawn after that.

All you need to start doing the quests from the new map it's a Level 99 digimon.

You can get the quests with Richard Sampson located at DATS Center area.

So you can get the quests with him to start doing this quests on the new map.

Here it's says that you can experience about 100 main and sub quests.

So guys just enjoy it.

The digimons that have the X-evolution for now are...

Dorumon (Reptiledramon), Ryuudamon, Dorumon (Dorugamon), Dorumon (DexDorugamon), FanBeemon,

Dracmon and Bearmon.

Bearmon just have the Mega X form for now.

Agumon X is probably coming out in the next update in two weeks

So guys, there's something I have to explain to you guys.

All the raids from Versandi Terminal drops this item and you can also get it doing quests.

It's called X-Antibody Factor Exchange Ticket

So what is it for? You can exchange it for this item right here.

With this item you can get the X-antibody evolution of a digimon.

Don't forget to watch my previous video where I'm talking about the X-evolution.

there I've explained how all of this works.

summing up, this item opens up that item and so on.

Let's suppose that I'm on the cash shop and buy this item right here

Which it's called Mysterious X-Antibody Factor.

With this item you can get all the X-evolutions from all the lines that I said before.

Bearmon and bla bla bla...

You can get any evolution from this item but let's say that I didn't get the one I wanted.

For example, I want the Ryuudamon Ultimate and Mega X form

and I got the DexDorugamon Mega X form.

So I don't want this one.

What can I do?, I can go to the Dorumon NPC.

This one right here.

So I can exchange this item that I got...

I can exchange it for more X-Antibody Factor Exchange Tickets.

So let's suppose I bought it and I didn't like it.

So I can come here and exchange it for more X-Antibody Factor Exchange Tickets.

But I think the amount of tickets they're giving here it's to little.

Mainly for those who used CASH.

So I think it's much better for you to just farm this tickets right here.

You can get a certain amount of tickets after defeating some bosses.

For example, GranKuwagamon which is easiest boss on the island

You can get 2 tickets if you get top 10 on the rank.

Below the top 10 you'll get just 1 ticket.

In each raid you can get different amounts of tickets.

To give you guys an idea, I'm going to the NPC, to show you guys how much it cost to exchange this tickets for some Evolutions.

So let me show you guys, here, ok..

Ok, my Ryuudamon for example.

It costs 100 tickets to get the first Ryuudamon X-evolution

and 500 tickets to get the second Ryuudamon Evolution.

Then it costs 1000 tickets to get the Ryuudamon Ultimate

and 2000 tickets to get the Ryuudamon Mega X and it costs some Teras too as you can see here.

If I'm not mistaken the Ryuudamon Mega X Evolution it's the most expensive Mega X Evolution.

Yeah it's the most expensive.

This one, the DexDorugamon one, it has a BM so it's the most expensive of all, it costs 3000.

But the Ryuudamon one costs 2000 tickets so it's the most expensive Mega X Evolution.

This is the Alphamon one, Reptiledramon.

It's the cheapest one, it costs just 1500 tickets.

So like this, you can exchange you tickets.

As I said before, you gonna give this item for just 107 of that item, which I think is almost nothing dude.

Being really honest, it took me 1h30min or so to get 100 of this tickets.

Because I kill fast and most of the time I get a good position in the rank.

Also there is Something else you guys need to know...

With this Agumon X right here, You'll get some quests, this quests right here.

and from all the raids that I said before you gonna get this item here, it's called voucher.

I have a TigerVespamon voucher and a GrandisKuwagamon one.

As you can see the GrandisKuwagamon quest it's completed and the TigerVespam one too.

When you complete this quests you'll get this items right here.

After completing some quests you'll get some things until you'll get a title, you'll get it at the last quest.

So after you complete the last quest you'll get the title.

and that title will give you some benefits: +70 attack, +70 defense and +1000 HP.

That's it, that was today's video, I hope you liked, and that was all, it was just this update.

There isn't a new event happening or anything else, besides I what said in this video.

So unfortunately that was all.

In the next video, I'm gonna be walking around in the new map I'll be given my opinions and so on.

I hope you guys enjoy it too.

So that's it, that was today's video, I hope you guys have liked

if you new here subscribe to the channel

and If you liked and you're already subscribed, give a thumbs up and share the video that will help me a lot

So that's it, see you next time.

For more infomation >> GDMO MASSIVE UPDATE - X-EVOLUTION - Duration: 7:04.


Well Played - Memorable Moments 2 - Duration: 3:06.



In this video, we're going to take a look at one of the most memorable moments

from the 2018 Hearthstone Championship Tour Summer Championship,

so prepare to be impressed.

We're going to jump right into a playoff match

from the HCT Summer Championship

between Viper and Nalguidan.

The winner of this match is going to earn themselves a spot

at the HCT World Championship.

It's Game 3, and we've got a Shudderwock Shaman mirror match.

The goal of Shudderwock Shaman is to stall

until you can kill your opponent with the combo of Shudderwock,

Saronite Chain Gang,

Grumble, Worldshaker and Lifedrinker.

The Battlecry interactions between Saronite and Grumble

allow you to add 1-cost copies of Shudderwock to your hand,

eventually killing your opponent

with repeated Lifedrinker Battlecries.

But the order that Shudderwock repeats Battlecries is random.

That means that the combo can fizzle

if Grumble triggers before Saronite Chain Gang,

because there's not a copy of Shudderwock to return to the player's hand.

So, to avoid that possibility,

pilots must prepare before playing Shudderwock

by playing as many Saronite Chain Gang Battlecries as possible.

On Viper's Turn 8, we see him go for it.

He plays out his Shudderwock to start the combo,

but the Grumble triggers first and the combo fizzles.

Did Viper just lose the match by pulling the trigger too early?

Then, on Nalguidan's Turn 12,

we see his Shudderwock do exactly the same thing.

Look at the frustration on Nalguidan's face.

Now neither player has access to their Shudderwock combo.

It's going to be a true test of skill to navigate this unusual game state.

Both pros realize that this match is going to come down to 1 of 2 scenarios:

either out-valuing the other player with Hagatha spells or Fatigue.

But get ready for this:

Nalguidan has been preparing for Fatigue the entire game.

Not only has he been holding back his Mana Tide Totems

to avoid additional card drop,

but, more importantly,

before he played his Shudderwock

he played Volcano to force Viper's Acolyte of Pain,

to draw three cards and push Viper closer to Fatigue.

These decisions gave Nalguidan an advantage in Fatigue,

and Nalguidan's going to claim the game and move up 2-1 in the series.

This game is an incredible example of how small decisions -

in this case, clearing with the Volcano -

dictated the outcome of a pivotal game.

Even the smallest choices matter for the pros.

Both Nalguidan and Viper

played some incredible Hearthstone.

Congratulations to both

for navigating this unusual game state

and being part of one of the HCT Summer Championship's most memorable plays.

Thanks for watching, everyone.

If you enjoyed this video,

brought to you by the coaches at Gamer Sensei,

please visit

for more of the Well Played series

and all things Hearthstone esports.

For more infomation >> Well Played - Memorable Moments 2 - Duration: 3:06.


Speed Cleaning the Master Bedroom (2018) - Duration: 3:16.

look at that dust it looks like it's

time for bedroom speed clean don't go

anywhere I'll be right back

and welcome back to Chore With Me it's

Hannah and this is the channel where we

declutter our homes and hearts please

don't forget to subscribe and hit that

notification ball so you will be

reminded every time I post a new video

let's get started

excuse me Cesar what do you think you're

doing that is not a toy come here give

it give it

so this is where my husband stashes his

library books good thing I found it and

it looks like the cats have been sitting

on my shirt again

and to keep you in the decluttering mood

go ahead and check out my husband's

messy truck declutter or my kitchen

declutter I'll see you guys next time

and thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Speed Cleaning the Master Bedroom (2018) - Duration: 3:16.


5 Signs You're In a Toxic Relationship | Spoken Word Poetry | By: Poetic Daisy - Duration: 1:36.

5 Signs You're In A Toxic Relationship

There was a time when all was well But now you can't tell

Why, but things seem undone And you want to run

From what was started, Because it's departed

From being positive, now it makes you sick- And you wonder if it's a toxic


One sign is if it's all take and no give Because really, who would want to live

With someone not getting anything in return.

You might learn That certain things can't or won't be

given But it's not a good sign if you're the

only one driven To make things work.

Do they bring out the worst In you,

Cause you to do Things out of your character, things you later

regret Make you feel you're on the set

Of a drama show?

Do things often go Below the belt, to dishonesty and disrespect

Do you feel the deck Is stacked against your favor?

Unable to savor A moment's peace due to judgement and criticism

just alike.

They ruin your appetite With the lies

And cause tears to fill your eyes With every word.

Do you feel unheard because there's no effective communication

And you're still waitin' On that to improve?

Well at the risk of sounding rude You might be in a toxic relationship, get

out while you can Or seek outside help to take a stand

For positive changes.

The End.

For more infomation >> 5 Signs You're In a Toxic Relationship | Spoken Word Poetry | By: Poetic Daisy - Duration: 1:36.


The Punisher #227-228 Review - Duration: 3:34.

Written by Matthew Rosenberg Penciled by Stefano Landini and Guiu Vilanova

Frank sits at a Mexican restaurant with Black Widow and Bucky Barnes, all the while repairing

his armor and jawing it up.

Together the three of them team up to stop the rogue Hydra agents from breaking into

the prison along with Baron Zemo.

The Punisher walks inside through the flames, all the while murdering random inmates when

Zemo opens the cells, allowing scores of supervillains to finally have a crack at one of their biggest


Black Widow and the Winder Soldier back him up but are slowly being overrun.

They keep blasting away when eventually Captain Marvel appears, along with tons of Avengers,

X-Men, Defenders, and the Fantastic Four.

They all fight back as Zemo uses the diversion to free fake Steve Rogers, former Hydra overlord.

With the prison riot in full force overhead, the Punisher sneaks away to find Zemo - but

is discovered by Iron Man first.

He's obviously pretty sore about the armor, but Frank decides to start a massive fire

that Tony will have to deal with to save the others.

Meanwhile, the chopper readies for takeoff with the Hydra elite aboard.

Frank bursts through the top floor to stop them, blasting the helicopter's tail off in

the process.

Frank kills the pilot and guards and finally faces down Baron Zemo and Ghost.

The battle is epic, but Frank gets the upperhand by shocking Zemo and Ghost into submission..

He begins to beat the Hydra leaders to death but is eventually stopped by Iron Man, who

clearly knows his way around a super suit pretty well.

Zemo and Ghost use the distraction to escape, as a determined War Machine appears to take

back his armor.

With far more advanced tech, James Rhode Rhodes is able to slowly crush the now obsolete suit,

eventually dismounting and explaining to Frank how the War Machine armor is bigger than both

of them.

He realizes he's defeated, and the suit opens up.

Frank is taken into custody along with Stevil Rogers.

Nick Fury explains all of Frank's offenses all the while conveniently leaving out that

the original mission was on his orders.

All in all, two dozen guards were killed, Zemo and Ghost escaped and the Supreme Commander

is still alive - a score that Fury obviously doesn't want to hear.

The issue wraps with Bucky and Natasha standing in the road to block the prison convoy.

The Punisher is about to be free once again.

What does that mean going forward?

We'll have to wait as this issue is left to be continued.

And so just like that the Punisher's Legacy era comes to an end.

That's cool though.

I knew when Rhodes came back.

Tony would never let a vigalante keep one of his suits.

Even though I think he wore it better than anyone else ever did.

So we're back to the old Punisher but with Matthew Rosenberg still at the helm, I think

this book is still in better hands than it's ever been.

I give these two issues a 9/10.

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