RUSH: This is what Destiny intended from the moment it entered the star system.
YOUNG: That ship is the best chance we have of getting home.
Are we done?
We'll never be done.
WRAY: You shouldn't have left him on the planet.
YOUNG: You think I don't know that?
CHLOE: Everyone thinks we're safe.
They think that they'll never find us again.
Why did you take one of our people prisoner?
CHLOE: We're not safe, are we?
TELFORD: They're coming!
Who's coming?
Lucian Alliance, they're coming to take Destiny.
RUSH: There's only one way this is gonna end if we wait.
YOUNG: I'm not surrendering this ship.
This planet was created for us. We were led here for a reason.
Some of the people have decided
that they would like to stay behind on the planet.
WRAY: Colonel Telford admitted to being a mole for the Lucian Alliance.
YOUNG: We're going to have to do this the hard way.
YOUNG: I'm going to save every one of those hostages
and I'm going to retake this ship.
CHLOE: What happened?
You were shot.
There's no countdown.
We dropped out of FTL because someone was gating in.
Why haven't we jumped back?
TELFORD: The Destiny came out of FTL within range of a pulsar.
We don't have much time before the shield fails.
RUSH: Look, someone's going to have to go for a walk.
It should buy us enough time to restore FTL capability.
Transfer control of the ship and surrender yourselves.
They'll herd all of the prisoners into one compartment.
I'll access one of the Gate Room consoles
and transfer control of the ship back to Rush.
CALVOS: Kiva and Telford have both been shot.
SCOTT: (OVER RADIO) The shield is still up! We cannot get back inside!
RUSH: I need you to head back towards the front of the ship.
That's the way in.
I'm getting a message. I gotta go.
CAINE: Beautiful, isn't she?
It's good to see you again, T.J.
What... What is this?
Where am I? How did I get here?
I know it's a lot to process right now, so just take your time, okay?
We left you on that planet, and we left the galaxy.
You can't be surprised that aliens who built a solar system
are capable of a little intergalactic transport.
Are you saying they brought me here?
Well, you're here, right?
So this is...
Your baby, of course.
You don't have to worry anymore, T.J. She's safe now.
We're getting a message.
It's Eli.
They didn't make it.
There just wasn't enough time.
(OVER RADIO) This is Scott! Come in, please!
Lieutenant, where are you?
SCOTT: Well, we're still outside.
I had a hunch we weren't going to make it to the airlock in time,
so we made a beeline for the underside of the ship.
I'm guessing the hull protected us.
I guess it did.
Well, the radiation spike has passed.
You should be safe to make it to the airlock now.
Roger that. We're on our way.
Just another day in outer space.
VARRO: Dannic!
The military personnel are a liability.
Kiva's still alive. The medic's been injured. She was shot.
She was military as well. It was a mistake to trust her.
You son of a... Son of a...
I want him dead! I want him dead.
Dannic, listen to me! Listen to me!
We need their cooperation.
We can use the communication stones
to get a team of doctors onboard.
We can't spare the men.
VARRO: We can use some of them.
It doesn't matter what they report back.
There's nothing anyone on Earth can do about this.
All right. But if Kiva dies, they all die.
Thank God. I thought you two were fried for sure.
SCOTT: No, we're fine.
GREER: I'd say we're anything but fine.
Yeah? You'd rather be back out there?
Hey, what happened?
She was shot in the leg.
I'm okay, I'm okay.
How are you even walking right now?
Ten minutes ago, you were almost passed out.
I don't know, the bleeding stopped. I got my strength back.
CHLOE: Yeah.
She's right. The bleeding's stopped.
SCOTT: Are you sure you're okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Everybody's fine.
What do we do now?
Who are you?
Um... I'm Dr. Brightman.
This is Dr. Ziegler, Dr. Finch and Dr. Tyman.
All right, follow me.
What now?
Looks like it's working.
What are you talking about?
The countdown clock?
With all the shield strength concentrated in the direction of the pulsar,
the engines are protected enough to generate an FTL jump.
Yeah, but that's a good thing, right?
I mean, this whole area of space is a dead zone.
The sooner we get out of here, the better.
All right, we're close enough. You two meet up with Rush and Brody...
ELI: Whoa, whoa, wait a minute.
SCOTT: They would've figured out who's missing by now.
They will be looking, so be careful.
Where are you going?
We need to find out what's happening.
Eli, just go.
CIVILIAN: Yeah, I need some help over here.
Is he going to make it?
Yeah, he'll be fine. The bullet passed clean through.
Let me know when he wakes up. I want to talk to him.
Listen, your commander wasn't so lucky.
Dr. Finch is working on her right now, but it isn't looking good.
We think the bullet may have lodged in her liver.
It would be in everyone's best interest if she survived.
Yeah, I get that.
What about Lieutenant Johansen?
Well, we've managed to stem the bleeding,
but the baby's heart rate is dangerously low.
We may have to take it out prematurely.
Right now, there's no guarantee
that either one of them will survive.
Excuse me.
CAINE: How about some coffee?
Where did all this stuff come from?
There's no way you could have made it all.
You got that right.
We were still working on lean-to's with dirt floors,
and the winter was coming.
Frankly, I was getting a bit worried.
And then one day, on a scout, we found 'em.
Half a dozen just like this, scattered over the valley.
We did an aerial survey. We would have seen them.
I know.
So they just appear out of nowhere
and that's good enough for you?
Well, I don't think we would have survived the winter without them,
and that's good enough for me.
So why did they bring me here?
The ship was under attack, right?
How did you know that?
You were wounded.
A lot of people were wounded, why would I be singled out?
They were scanning us the minute we set foot on this planet.
They knew everything there is to know about us.
They knew you were pregnant.
What are you saying?
You were bleeding out on the table.
This was the only way, or your baby would have died.
The countdown clock has started again.
It's probably a result of the adjustments made to the shield.
How long till we jump?
Just under 30 minutes.
(OVER RADIO) Varro, this is Dr. Brightman.
Go ahead.
I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but we did all we could.
It just wasn't enough.
(OVER RADIO) Your commander is dead.
Down here, this way.
We need weapons.
There's something else we need even more.
(SIGHING) You guys are back.
You know, this ship is really, really, really big.
BRODY: Whoa, what's that? What happened?
Oh, nothing we need to worry about right now.
What are we doing to get the ship back?
It's his idea.
Colonel Telford's efforts to divert control were not entirely in vain.
We still have a limited ability to manipulate power distribution,
so I've begun a slow process of sequestering power away from the shields.
The same shields that are protecting us
from the deadly pulsar radiation?
That's right.
BRODY: Like I said, his idea.
RUSH: Well, if I don't do it, the ship's going to jump.
No, no, no Eli. You don't understand.
You see, that pulsar levels the playing field.
It's just as deadly to them as it is to us.
Once they realize what's happening they'll have no option but to deal.
We need to kill them all.
The original plan was to keep some of the scientists
and drop the rest on a habitable planet.
The original plan didn't involve Kiva being killed.
I admit it may have been optimistic to expect any of them to work with us,
but going on a bloody rampage now isn't going to solve anything.
You got another idea?
Tell them.
We found one address we can dial from this position.
It's currently locked out,
probably because it's at the extreme range of the gate.
But I can get around that.
VARRO: We check it out. If it's viable, we send them.
Everyone except the doctors. They're still working on some of our men.
And Lieutenant Johansen.
She could prove to be useful down the road,
and moving her now would be as good as killing her.
What about Rush and the others that are still missing?
VARRO: Search parties will find them.
We got to tell the others.
You never did answer my question.
How do you know what's happening on the ship?
CAINE: I just do. It's kind of hard to explain.
The aliens told you?
Well, not face to face.
Hey, come on in.
Hi! Oh, it's getting cold out there.
CAINE: Right.
Dana, Peter?
T.J. Oh, my God! It's good to see you.
How are you? Oh!
I'm fine. I'm fine.
How are you? How are all of you?
We're good, T.J. We're good. We're surviving.
The others will be along soon. Word's getting around.
We were hoping we could see the baby.
Sure. Yeah, she's sleeping...
Don't worry, we'll be really quiet.
JOHANSEN: Okay. Okay.
It's big news around here. You want to take a walk?
It's getting kind of dark, isn't it?
It'll be fine. They can look after the baby.
There's something I want to show you.
SIMEON: He's back.
Hurts, doesn't it?
What happened?
I was hoping you could tell me.
Where's Kiva?
She was shot, just like you.
But we're a little unclear on the details.
We were in the Gate Room. We were attacked.
They came out of nowhere.
They? There was more than one?
I'm not sure.
Did you see them?
Because you weren't shot from behind.
It was dark, it happened fast.
I saw Kiva get shot. I turned, everything went black.
What's going on with the ship? What's the situation?
The ship is ours.
The shields are repaired. It's over.
What about Colonel Young and his crew?
We won't have to worry about them too much longer.
We've found a planet with a breathable atmosphere.
We're putting you and your people off the ship.
There is no way you've had enough time to determine long-term viability.
There's not a lot of options here.
It's a death sentence.
Not necessarily.
VARRO: Now you're thinking you've got nothing to lose.
You could jump me, take my gun, kill the guard outside.
But how far do you really think you'd get?
You'd be shot, and your people would still be sent to the planet,
only without their leader.
For their sake, I recommend you stay alive.
Hey, Sergeant, how you feeling?
I'll be all right, sir.
Nice place.
JAMES: Looks like a storm's coming.
We need to find shelter, fast.
Where the hell are Scott and Greer?
They should have been back by now.
You have to calm down, Eli.
Splitting up never works. Everyone knows this.
It's got to be them.
No. No, not them.
Back away from the consoles.
Dannic, come in.
Go ahead.
(OVER RADIO) We got Rush and three others.
Well done.
What happened?
I'm not sure.
The countdown stopped.
DANNIC: Well, start it again.
I can't.
Stand by.
The radiation must be affecting the engines again.
You said the shield would prevent that.
It should. I don't understand it.
Then what good are you?
Dannic! Dannic!
Bring Rush to the gate room. I have some questions for him.
What about the others?
DANNIC: Kill them.
You don't want to kill anyone.
SCOTT: You okay? Is everybody okay?
Dannic, this is Rush.
I'm sorry to say your men were unable to carry out their orders.
Anyway, by now you'll have noticed that the countdown has stopped.
That's because I've been draining power from the shields,
and I will continue to do so until your men lay down their weapons.
You and your people would die with the rest of us.
We're willing to die to prevent you taking over this ship.
Can you say the same?
Find them.
Dannic, listen to me.
VARRO: Don't do this.
DANNIC: This is your fault.
If you had listened to me from the beginning
we wouldn't be in this position.
Take his weapon.
There can only be one commander, and Kiva's dead.
Any objections?
ELI: What do we know about the planet?
Not much.
Presumably, it has breathable atmosphere, other than that...
CHLOE: We have to do something.
GREER: Amen.
No, no, this is perfect. It couldn't have worked out better.
They're gonna be stranded down there.
No, no, the ship won't jump.
We can pick them back up later.
Plus, the planet is out of range of the pulsar.
Believe me, they're better off.
What does that say for the rest of us?
We've done some calculations,
certain areas of the ship are better protected than others
because of their location within the hull. Hydroponics, for one.
We go there, seal ourselves in,
we might be able to outlast them.
ELI: What about the damage to the ship itself?
Without the shields, the next pulsar blast...
Damage will be minimal. Organic matter will suffer the most.
Wait a minute, not everyone's been sent off the ship.
He mentioned something about T.J.
It sounded like she'd been injured and something about doctors?
They might have used some of our people
to get extra medical personnel on board with the stones.
Well, we can't just leave them out there.
Not if we're going to go through with this.
All right, Greer and I will go get them.
Give us 15 minutes to meet you back in hydroponics.
After that, seal the door.
JAMES: Colonel!
We found a system of small caves just over that ridge about two klicks!
Should be enough to shelter everyone if we break into smaller groups!
MAN: Whoa, did you see that! Look at that! Look at that!
That's good enough!
Guys, guys, back up.
Dannic's taken control. These men were loyal to me.
All right, people, listen up!
We're going to move out, but stay together. Let's go!
I've nothing to say to you.
We're here because I stood up for you!
He would have killed you all!
Wait, Camile? What are you doing here?
They used some of us to connect with a team of doctors.
Me, Volker, Kemp and Rieder.
All right, where are the others?
WRAY: I don't know.
There were more injured, and...
Anyway, they severed the connection...
What happened?
She was shot. She's going to make it.
What about the baby?
Camile, what about the baby?
Where are you taking me?
It's just over here. You'll get a better view.
Oh, my God. That's beautiful.
That wasn't here.
No, it showed up last night just before you did.
Any idea what it means?
Not a clue.
Listen, I wanted to thank you.
What for?
Well, if you hadn't decided to go back with Colonel Young,
he would have taken all of us.
I know what a sacrifice that was.
And the aliens knew.
I think that's why they were willing to bring your daughter here.
But what?
Well, you made your choice.
What are you talking about?
The baby can stay.
We'll take care of her, I promise you, but you have to go back.
I'm sorry.
No, no, no, no!
Let's get her out of here.
We've got company.
Take cover.
Is that really necessary?
Well, they're gonna figure out where we are sooner or later.
Even if they can't get in, they can still vent the atmosphere.
And don't worry, the plants are producing oxygen.
We'll have enough breathable air.
For a while, anyway.
That's 15 minutes.
CHLOE: No, you have to give them more time.
RUSH: The longer we wait, the greater the chance of being discovered.
We can give them a few more minutes.
This is our only chance.
If we fail and they take the ship, we're as good as dead.
Mr. Brody, seal the door.
The next pulsar blast will be deadly to anybody outside this room.
That's the whole point, isn't it?
Damn it!
Sergeant! I'm moving!
Rush, this is Scott, come in, please.
Scott, this is Eli.
(OVER RADIO) Where are you?
SCOTT: We are cut off. We can't shoot our way through.
ELI: Well, we haven't sealed the door yet. There's still time.
We'll dial up the shields until you get back.
That'll just give them more time to find you.
Our only chance is to stick with the plan.
Seal the door.
Do it.
What have you done with her?
DANA: We haven't done anything.
I'm not leaving without her.
It's not up to us.
They can send you back whenever they want,
and there's nothing we can do about it. I'm so sorry.
At least this way you'll know,
you'll always know that she's being taken care of.
Everyone still alive in here?
For now.
YOUNG: There's no sign the storm's letting up, so get comfortable.
How much longer can it last?
I don't know, you tell me. You're the one who picked this place.
It could go on for days, for all we know.
It was this or the barrel of a gun, and you know it.
YOUNG: James!
Hey, James! James!
Easy, easy.
I got you. Easy
(GROANING) That really hurt.
I'll bet.
Don't move. You're going to be okay.
Have you restored the shields yet?
Rush is still bleeding power from the system.
We can't stop him.
It's worse than we thought.
The next radiation spike from the pulsar
will collapse the shields completely.
Now they know.
They've no choice but to surrender.
They found us.
ALLIANCE SOLDIER: (ON RADIO) Dannic, we've found a door we can't open.
Hydroponics. It appears to be sealed from the inside.
We've got them. Get some explosives. We'll blow the door.
(PANTING) You can't do that.
Any blast big enough to get you through the door will kill the people on the inside.
We need Rush to restore the shields.
GINN: There isn't enough time anyway.
The next pulsar wave is in less than five minutes.
Dannic, this is Rush.
By now you know the situation.
You have no choice. Lay down your weapons
and order your people to assemble in the observation deck.
Once I receive visual confirmation
of your compliance, I'll dial up the shields.
I still say you're bluffing.
RUSH: Our position is well protected.
Even without the shields we'll survive the next wave.
You won't.
Either way, we take the ship back.
I don't know. It's possible.
The man is a coward. He wouldn't sacrifice himself.
He's telling the truth.
You still have people out here. You'd be killing them, too.
A necessary sacrifice.
He won't do it.
You don't have a choice...
I said enough!
We're not giving up this ship.
He's not bluffing.
Just wait.
He doesn't even know we're watching. This isn't an act.
You can't do this. You'll kill us all.
We were prepared to die the moment we stepped through that gate.
You're insane.
Did you... Did you just see that?
This guy is nuts. You can't reason with someone like that.
So, what about the others? What about Scott and Greer, T.J.?
I'm sorry.
Listen to me.
You know why we came here.
You know what this ship means.
Are you really prepared to let it go just when it's in our grasp?
You mean your grasp.
Don't listen to him. He's crazy. He will kill all of us.
No. Just anyone who tries to get in my way.
Telford is right. He was crazy.
Dannic is dead. We'll comply with your demands.
That's her name.
After her grandmother.
I know it's not perfect here,
but you said yourself it's better than that ship.
I still think there's a chance they're going to help us get back home.
If they could do that, then why haven't they done it already?
I don't know.
Look, T.J., I have to warn you.
No one on the ship is going to understand.
I barely understand myself.
No, I... I mean they won't believe,
because what they've seen is different.
What are you talking about?
(SIGHS) I have learned one thing in all of this,
and it's that out here on the edge of the universe,
who you are and what you believe is everything.
So it's up to you to decide if this is a blessing or a curse.
Goodbye, T.J.
Camile? (GROANS)
Ah, it's okay.
Just take it easy.
How long was I gone?
What do you mean?
How long was I off the ship?
You were here the whole time, and the doctors worked on you.
They did the best they could, but...
I'm so sorry.
Welcome back.
You take care, all right?
That way! That way.
Welcome back, sir.
Well done, Sergeant.
Well done, Lieutenant.
It wasn't really us, sir. Mostly it was Rush.
So, what about them?
YOUNG: Well, let's put them with the others.
Excuse me.
Sir... Sir?
There's something else.
♪ And after the storm
♪ I run and run as the rains come
♪ And I look up
♪ I look up
♪ On my knees and out of luck
♪ I look up
♪ Night has always pushed up day
♪ You must know life to see decay
♪ But I won't rot
♪ I won't rot
♪ Not this mind and not this heart
♪ I won't rot
♪ And I took you by the hand
♪ And we stood tall
♪ And remembered our own land
♪ What we lived for
♪ But there will come a time, you'll see
♪ With no more tears
♪ And love will not break your heart
♪ But dismiss your fears
♪ Get over your hill
♪ And see what you find there
♪ With grace in your heart
♪ And flowers in your hair
♪ Well, I guess I'll just go home
♪ Oh, God knows where
♪ Because death is just so full
♪ And mine so small
♪ Well, I'm scared of what's behind
♪ And what's before ♪
That was a quick jump.
This is where we were supposed to come out before the Lucian Alliance dialed in.
Is there any deadly radiation?
Hold on.
We're good.
T.J.! You should not be getting up...
(SOFTLY) I'm fine. I just need to clear my head right now.
♪ There will come a time, you'll see
♪ With no more tears
♪ And love will not break your heart
♪ But dismiss your fears
♪ Get over your hill
♪ And see what you find there
♪ With grace in your heart
♪ And flowers in your hair
♪ And there will come a time, you'll see
♪ With no more tears
♪ And love will not break your heart
♪ But dismiss your fears
♪ Get over your hill
♪ And see what you find there
♪ With grace in your heart
♪ And flowers in your hair ♪
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