5 FEATURES THAT ARE DIFFERENT on Fortnite Mobile!!Hey what's going on guys, my name's eclipse
And today we're gonna be going over five differences between Fortnight mobile and the regular version of the game now
I already know there's gonna be a lot of comments on this video like eclipse. Are you depressed man?
And no, I'm not first off. It's it's fairly early in the morning. I have roommates sleeping
So I'm not trying to yell and be an obnoxious head
We're just gonna keep things nice and chill for today's video now one disclaimer
there's definitely way more than five differences between the mobile and the regular version what I just tried to pick like the most
import in five
so if I missed any other features
Please just let me know those down in my comments below. Also, if you're new remember to hit this little guy right here
Here's my social blade. It's pretty depressing. So if you subscribe, who knows we may just see green again
Number one no theater mode
Okay Stu early. We can't be doing a deep voice right now, but number one no theater mode
This is honestly like the best feature in the regular version a fortnight. You can look at your previous games, see how you died
if anything crazy happens
you can go look at like highlights and overall theater mode is just like
Awesome, and it's no shocker that this isn't on mobile
I mean
It's a pretty massive
like picture playing fortnight Mobile on your iPhone and then going back and looking at the previous games that happened on your
Phone. I don't know what kind of phones you guys have, but I can tell you right now
I just I don't think my phone can handle that. It may make it explode probably like a toaster a potato
The only way I can see theater mode working on mobile is if like you have an iPad or some crazy
Obnoxious tablet as far as theater on phones go. I don't think they'll ever actually added
Nananananana oh
This is keeping track of your wins
I honestly don't know why fortnight mobile doesn't do this like all of the other versions keep count of your wins
But if you play mobile you have to manually count your wins, like what the hell is this?
If you're bad like me, you can count your wins on your fingers
But once you get past like 10 wins, I guess you can use your toes, too
But let's say you get 20 plus wins on mobile. There's no way you're possibly gonna remember how many wins you have?
You're just gonna keep on forgetting
You're gonna be confused the games gonna be confused epic. Just just give us a damn system on mobile, please
I'm honestly still a super surprised that there's no leaderboard system on the mobile version so far
There's no like real way to tell who the number-one player is now
What I'm thinking is once the Android version is officially released. I'm not just talking about the beta release
I mean like officially globally release what should happen in the next month. I'm thinking epic
Is then going to add a massive?
leaderboards update to fortnight Mobile that way all the players can keep track of their stats and then there can actually be
somewhat of like a competitive leaderboard for mobile
So it's no doubt that mobile is definitely harder in some ways
I mean like just to switch laughing's or to build you got to stretch your fingers across the entire screen and sometimes this can just
Be like super uncomfortable
Have a controller you just hit one button
But if you're on mobile and you want to switch laughing's you've got to stretch your fingers risk hitting
Carpal tunnel and sometimes it is just like the biggest struggle ever
And on top of stretching your fingers, if you're on an older device, you're probably gonna experience some lag as well
So for night Mobile can definitely be a pain in the ass and what epic has done to sort of help this situation?
Out or just to make the game more fun in general is on your HUD
It actually displays when a nearby enemy shoe or when somebody is walking around you now
This is extremely helpful in finding enemies
but at the same time it kind of works against you because if you're shooting or walking without
Crouching then if somebody is near you they know where you're at. You don't know where they are and they can kill you. So
As we just talked about stretching your fingers can be like the biggest pain in the ass ever
Nobody's trying to stretch their thumb or their pointer finger across the screen. It's just it's it's really uncomfortable
so another thing EPIK has done we kind of
Compensate for this for just to make forename Bulbul easier per se as they actually let you rearrange your HUD
So if you go on over to settings and then hit this button right here
You can actually customize where everything is out and by swiping down of it
There's actually a bunch more hidden buttons up here that you can feel free to add so pretty much figure out
What's comfiest for you put everything so you don't have to stretch your damn fingers and then start playing and hopefully
Everything goes well now even though this feature is like super awesome for mobile
I'm gonna be honest if you're on Xbox or ps4, this would be like the most useless thing ever
So for mobile users, this one is definitely a plus and now it is time the moment you have all been waiting for
Number five this is that fortnight Mobile has way way more noobs
And the reason for this is because a lot of people who are on the mobile version have never actually played like the regular
Counsel or PC versions of fortnight. So the demographic here is a lot of younger kids who maybe can't afford councils
Or maybe their parents don't want to play shooter games
Then we have girlfriends who have boyfriends that play for at night, but they themselves don't have a council or at pcs
So they have the mobile version and then we have people were like, what is what is all this? Fortnight hype about?
let me just download for tonight to see if it's as good as people say this and then those people are usually
disappointed because the mobile version
It's a lot harder to
Bounce over and then since they are all beginners, they pretty much have to learn the mechanics
They have to learn how the game flows so yes on the mobile version there are tons and tons
Of more noobs now. That was everything I had to say for today's video if you made it this far you
Obviously enjoyed it. So please leave a like down below and if you haven't already subscribed yet
What are you waiting for and hit that subscription button right now and help me make some positive sub gains. Thank you very much
So this has been eclipse. I appreciate you all giving me your time and peace
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