Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 29 2018

Is income inequality a problem in America today?

Most Americans say it is!

A 2015 Gallup poll showed 63% of Americans "say that money and wealth should be more

evenly distributed among a larger percentage of the people."

Bernie Sanders has said that income inequality is "immoral," "unsustainable."

Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich made a whole film about it!

The media agrees too, with sources like CNN, The Washington Post, CNBC, and even Scientific

American providing coverage.

But guess what?

It turns out all of these people believe in a myth!

The United States is actually about as equal as our progressive northern neighbor Canada.

A nation's Income inequality is judged with a figure named the "Gini Coefficient"

According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the United States

has a score of 0.39, right behind oligarchical Russia and Lithuania.

But unlike most other nations ranked by the OECD, our ranking excludes our large government

welfare programs, including Medicare, Medicaid, and 93 other redistribution programs.

If you include all that shared wealth, the US's score becomes 0.32, putting us right

next to Canada, Japan,, and the European homogeneous micronation of Luxembourg.

Why do so many people think income inequality is a problem to begin with?

Many more myths.

For example, the myth that the 1% is hoarding all the wealth, keeping it from the poor who

need it.

Bernie Sanders claimed income inequality is "undermining our middle class" and "the

needs of our kids".

In fact, while the rich have gotten richer, so have the poor.

The proportion of the world's population living in extreme poverty has dropped drastically

over the last 200 years, and it's dropped faster than ever since the turn of the millennium.

The underlying myth that confuses people is the unspoken assumption that a nation's

wealth is a fixed pie.

So if some people get more pie, others receive less.

But that's false – the pie can and does expand, which means even if the poor get a

smaller share, they're still getting richer!

Another myth is that all poor persons stay poor.

One study looked at income mobility over 16 years and found only 5% of households that

started in the bottom 20% of income stayed there – 95% rose out.

Once one understands all the myths surrounding income inequality, the picture changes.

Those who know these facts and still choose the negative and divisive rhetoric of "income

inequality" look a lot less like people compassionate towards the poor, and a lot more

like people jealous of the rich.

I'm Joseph Klein.

And If you liked this video, please help us

share it and subscribe to our account.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Is Income Inequality a Problem in America? | Joseph (Jake) Klein - Duration: 2:41.


برنامج "Kurt û Kurmancî" - التواجد العسكري التركي في سوريا - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> برنامج "Kurt û Kurmancî" - التواجد العسكري التركي في سوريا - Duration: 4:49.


Electro Smog💨 - Duration: 6:37.

hello there this is John Ruman international business coach and

consultant today giving you a quick talk about electrosmog what is electrosmog

I'll get to that in just a second but I will tell you it is probably the most

impactful thing that we can be discussing and it can totally transform

your life when you actually become aware of it and the fact that you can actually

do things to improve it in the u.s. right now there's a big hot topic and it

should be that IG which is the upgraded audio and video and just the data

streaming that the cell phone company have are changing from 3G AF 4G in the

United States let me tell you what electrosmog is and this will help

clarify to you very quickly as to why it's such a big deal electrosmog is

basically radiation and I'm sure you're well aware radiation isn't healthy so

there's different forms and places that we can get this radiation then the title

electrosmog should help you get closer to that but let me give you some

examples the electrical wiring your house which I'm sure if you're older

you'll probably remember in the sixties and seventies there actually statistics

in the United States with people who had children who lived under or near high

voltage cabling had leukemia which is a bone bone cancer and these children were

dying off and they had this super high incidence of this and they didn't

understand why that's one example anymore microscale and assuming you

don't live next to a power plant or have high voltage wires near you people have

electrical boxes near them so that's another challenge a third challenge is

that people have wi-fi's or multiple wi-fi's in their home Wi-Fi if you're

not aware produces a radiation in the air let me tell you a little bit about

how radiation works so you can get a better understanding

standing with radiation for those of you who are scientific and basis forgive me

but I'm trying to simplify radiation works that the closes you are to the

source of it as you step away it becomes exponentially less impactful depending

on the source of the radiation another radiation source by the way is your cell

phone depending on the radiation source will and the strength of it will

determine how strong the impact is on you so there's a couple factors and I'm

not gonna go into how to fix that that that's for another time but I'm trying

to make you aware electrosmog will impact your life it does impact your

life and is one of the more prevalent issues right now that is happening it's

becoming more and more aware in the world especially with 5g in the US but a

few examples again power in your power box your Wi-Fi and your proximity to

your Wi-Fi closer you are the more impactful your cell phone and is your

cell phone actually on your body because again its proximity to the radiation

source so 8nr good to see you my friend so the proximity to the radiation source

is a major component so if you're closer to it it's more of an issue than if

you're further away but if it's stronger then it's kind of tough to get away kind

of like those kids I talked about affected by the high voltage power lines

so there's a handful of these sources in our life

cellphones anything within any kind of so not purely not but basically things

that send and receive produce different levels radiation Wi-Fi powerful

electricity is powerful cell phone is powerful because of the proximity

against our heads in our thighs women carry it against their hearts not the

best place to do that and there's been an increase for example with people who

have their cell phones using their cell phones all the time of of brain cancer

and jaw cancer women will have breast cancer on the side that they carry

their cellphones men will have a a measurable decrease in the bone density

on the thigh that they keep your cell phone generally guys keep their cell

phone in their front pocket so the front pocket that they have at

that side has less bone density on the other side so all these are challenges

in the very prevalent and in the u.s. right now for those of you who are

watching from the US and are dealing with the 5g now they're gonna publicly

broadcast extreme levels of radiation to the public probably not even tested not

a healthy thing I'm not here to scare you what I'm here to do is say there are

ways that you can mitigate and reduce that and if this is something that

concerns you impacts or sleep it creates more stress in your body and there are

things that you can do to reduce the impact of it again that's not for today

but if this is something of interest to you we will actually be going in-depth

into this on the sleep workshop that dr. Natasha Ram Narayan and I are having on

the third we will discuss how it impacts sleep and how you can reduce the impacts

of it that's one of his topics and the benefit to you as you sleep so much

better but also just ways of reducing the radiation that you're receiving from

your various cell phone devices your again electrical power Wi-Fi etc so

there are ways to minimize the impact to your body and one of the easiest ways to

test how much of an impact that actually has is when power goes out you notice

everything kind of feels calmer and your body and you just feel more relaxed and

at ease and what better sense of well-being that is what happens so if

you have interest in this sleep class just shoot me a message on Instagram if

you watched in there thank you for tuning in and if you're watching on

Facebook or YouTube cool just shoot me a message I'll be happy to send you the

info and it's gonna be awesome so thank you so much have an amazing day that I'm

just recording this on a Friday so if you see this have a great weekend if you

see in the future have a blessed day as well take care yourself bye bye

For more infomation >> Electro Smog💨 - Duration: 6:37.


Why You Need A Full Night's Sleep - Duration: 10:01.

hello everyone this is John Ruman hey Dana how are you I wanted to say hello

to everyone and take a quick time to just introduce myself my name's Jenn

room and I'm an international business coach and consultant and my passion is

to help people just like you to live a life of mastery and excellence so

today's life is about why you need a full night's sleep a question I have for

those who are watching tonight how many of you actually get a full night's sleep

and if you aren't I'd like to ask what's really preventing you from getting that

full night's sleep so if this is something that you think you should if

you're a business owner if you are a entrepreneur if you are a parent what is

it about hey Gabby thank you for coming on what is it about having a short

amount of sleep that makes you kind of happy about that and if it doesn't

that's okay but I would love to hear your feedback as to your mindset when it

comes to sleep is there a reason why in your life day to day you were actually

not getting the amount of sleep you think you should and then what I'll do

is I'll take a couple minutes to explain the benefits and why everyone should be

getting a full night's sleep and so so Gabby if you could tell me real quick

why is it that people may feel it's a good idea not to get a good night's

sleep I'll tell you some of the things I hear as I coach people a lot so some of

the things I hear are it's almost heroic to not get enough sleep it's it's

supposed to be hard and you're supposed to have a life that's super emotionally

and physically challenging and I don't know if anyone's noticed but you're

usually not your best mood when you're low on sleep you're also your mind

does it seem clear you can't recall things your memories week so a common

challenge is people are not nearly as as they could be so I love it - pearl -

tool I'm With Friends awesome so so that's a great one so you want a

line with me friends hang out late I get it so you want to hang out have a good

time that's perfectly make sense any other reasons mr. black pearl how you

doing my friend thank you for coming on live consciously great to see you man so

what are some other reasons I'd love to hear your feedback as to why people feel

it's somehow rewarding in their life to not get enough sleep and then I'll take

about the next minute tanner good to see you brother hey tanner why is it that

people feel it's a good and beneficial thing to not get enough sleep so I'll

I'll let people come in on this so so again I work with a lot of business

owners a lot of my clientele or business them is either starting new or super

successful that could be executives they could be running huge corporations or

small startups or not even have a business started but a lot of them feel

and within their mind have a belief that busting their butt working huge amount

of hours is somehow beneficial for where they want to go so what I would ask for

you is what do you think is the best reason for that so I'll tell you my my

primary reason why I would say this is not a benefit to you most people do not

feel they have the physical well-being that they should they feel that they're

not as fit as they could be they feel that they are too fat they feel that

they're too lethargic they feel that mentally they are not able to be at

their prime game okay Gabby gave me another because I know most people stay

up because of anxiety interesting huh so so Gabby what would be some of the

things these people are anxious about that is making them stay up is it money

is it worrying in general is it the fact that there aren't sure what's happening

going Ford I'd be very curious as to what's

going on deeper than that so okay so there's a lot of physical issues so your

body when you when you don't get enough sleep you're a miserable mess and if

this is you welcome if you ever meet me on a day I don't get enough sleep the

wonderful loving John you see when you see my lives and when you meet me face

to face isn't there but also so physically your body's weak you if

anyone here has ever been athletically competitive when you're well slept and

your body's well rested you are better off if you are working any sort of any

sort of athletic competitiveness if your body is well rested and has proper sleep

time or rest time you're able to work at a more proficient level

another thing that's critical and this is probably the most important thing so

again my primary clientele are usually business owners either fully successful

or new in the business or somewhere in that spectrum and they believe that

burning the midnight oil is the best thing they can do to be successful what

studies have shown is if your body needs eight hours as an example and it's easy

to test how much your body actually needs but let's pretend you've tested

and you figured out how much your body actually needs and if you get ninety

minutes of the amount of sleep you actually need you have four hours less

productivity that day so many of the people I know and many people have

worked with and talked with who would do this thing where they work late and then

the next day they're dead two or three o'clock they're like falling asleep with

their desk and then they have this dream of being super successful in the

evenings good to see Miss Williams there they have this dream of being super

successful in the evenings by doing this job this this this new gig that will be

their future that what happens with them is they literally are so completely

wiped that they are unable to be nearly as productive and help the people that

are meant to help because they're so unbelievable

drained so it's a major challenge for many people so if you have this if this

is something that you have a real issue with I actually invite you on the 3rd of

November I'm actually doing a workshop with dr. Nilesh Ram Narayan of a star

center he's amazing if you guys don't know him

he's an incredible doctor their star center is phenomenal medical group but

Josh and I are partnering up and he's kind of taking aspects that are his gig

and I'm taking aspects that are my gig and we're gonna have a very potent three

hour workshop so if you need help with sleep or if you know someone who needs

help with sleep I'd strongly encourage you to send them to my workshop and it's

I think it's on my Facebook events page it'll be on the bio by the time you

check this out and you can register it's 3:25 to prepay 375 day of and it's gonna

be exceptional we're gonna cover everything from the impact of your

beautiful I don't have any phones but your phone devices the the blue screen

your computer your electronics in your house and the various they called

electrosmog that you have all these things are impacting you and we'll

discuss that in the workshop also exercise he's gonna discuss breathing

some natural therapeutic supplements you could take to aid sleep so not

necessarily things that are drugs but things your body needs that will make a

more natural sustainable deep sleep possible so if you're interested please

reach out I have a strong impression that this workshop will sell out and

it's going to be awesome and again it's on a Saturday it's in Val Park 325 pre

pay 375 day of if you have any questions I'd love to see you but the primary

thing I wanted to bring up today's live is please be aware that

my other one ended please be aware that you need to make sure that you are

getting enough sleep so you can actually be productive and happy and beneficial

to those you're meant to be beneficial to so I wish you all the best and

continued patience and persistence some simple thing and I'll bring this up at

the workshop when you come but your body loves habits so even if you can start a

habit let's say you go to bed at midnight and you know you really need to

go to bed at 10 o'clock you slowly adjust your sleeping time 15 minutes so

you don't go from midnight to 10 o'clock you just slowly adjust over 10 or 15

minutes every day and eventually that 10 o'clock time you'll be falling asleep

which is great and you will eventually once you get enough sleep you won't fall

asleep in midday and you can be the productive person you want to be at

night so I wish you success good sleep is in your future it's important that

you learn what you need to do to maximize your sleep so I'll see you soon

For more infomation >> Why You Need A Full Night's Sleep - Duration: 10:01.


M1 Finance - Increasing Weekly Contributions To Max Roth IRA 2018 - Duration: 14:52.

hello everyone and thanks for tuning into the financial investor channel my

name is Brent and today we're going to be going over increasing my wife's Roth

IRA contributions you know for 2018 so if you are brand-new to the channel I do

make stock market personal finance and real estate investment videos every

single week so consider subscribing and let's go ahead and get into it so in

this video we're going to be increasing my wife's Roth IRA contributions for

2018 now earlier this year in January 2018 she had started our portfolio I

created it over here on m1 finance I discussed the benefits of m1 finance in

a video top right corner I'll have that link but quick summary you get free

trades the accounts completely free there's no fees you get partial shares

they're able to start a Roth IRA which is a big one you know I can just go over

to Merrill edge start a Roth IRA and invest for free you would get charged

there so I thought this would be the best platform up until she has a good

base and then she could transfer out you know somewhere else in the future but

for now this platform really works well for her so we created her portfolio

she invests on her own Roth 401k at work as well or Roth 401 be one of those so

this is just sort of another account where she was able to invest in single

stock allocations and single stocks so in the beginning of 2018 we put in

$5,500 as a base and we kind of watch the market now we had a correction in

February the market fell by 10% at that time I was going through a transition

myself I was moving more from the stock market over into real estate

now I pulled my money out of my taxable account I pulled money out of my Roth

IRA and I went ahead and funded my business for real estate I created an

LLC I went through all the paperwork to get everything set up and get you know a

checking account separated our business funds decided what we were going to you

know came up with a business plan what's our business plan what exactly I'm going

to be doing and that was my main focus going from roughly March until June I

was getting everything set up in order to go out there look for

deals and buy some real estate so during this time in the market early 2018 while

would the market was down we were still kind of I was kind of getting in our

funds together I didn't want to have too much not available to invest in my

business just in case you know some situations came up I was making offers

offers were getting declined so I wasn't contributing more than ten dollars per

week into my wife's Roth IRA now we got everything sort of situated on the

business end the business is fully funded it's in control of two properties

now it has a single family home has a duplex and those are getting rehabbed I

also have enough money within the business funds that anything were to

happen I can keep those afloat for years but now we're kind of moving back to my

Roth my wife's Roth IRA and we're gonna be going and looking at contributing

towards the remainder of 2018 to max out her contributions of $5,500 now we've

had something really good happen here recently now during the downtime here

between February and July the market or the the account portfolio was actually

down it was down 8% and then 6% and 4% then 2% and then we were positive and

then the market just started to take off and we had been positive for quite a

while we were up roughly 8% somewhere around there you can see here we just

within the last month we lost 7.62 percent of our portfolio and now we're

down 4.4 4% so this is actually great we're buying at a discount you can see

that we have a number of stocks here that are actually down Johnson &

Johnson's down Altria digital Realty Lockheed Martin JPMorgan Kimberly Clark

V AT&T Stanley Black & Decker Avery and Caterpillar those are all great

companies here that are currently down in the portfolio caterpillar being down

30% so I have changed a couple of allocations here within the portfolio

recently and what we're going to be doing is funding the portfolio now so in

order to do this we just got to go over to funding and here we can see that we

already have our weekly deposits lately I've been buying in you know during this

volatility I've been putting money into the market

putting money into the market last week I put another thousand dollars into the

market because I've been wanting to completely maxed out her IRA

contributions for 2018 her Roth IRA so what we're going to be doing is we're

gonna go ahead and open up our two calculators here and finding out how

much money we can contribute towards 2018 you know for the remainder here so

in order to do this if you head over the funding you're gonna get shown your

contributions now we already know that we contributed $5,500 for 2017 so here

we can go and take out six seven - $5,500 for 2017

so in 2018 which contribute two thousand five hundred and twenty nine dollars and

67 cents so how much money can we were you know how much money can we invest

into 2018 for the remainder so we just take fifty five hundred dollars subtract

what we've already invested into the market and this is how much we can

contribute for the remainder of 2018 in order to max the portfolio to $5,500 so

I'm gonna go ahead and just say two thousand nine hundred and seven dollars

and no change this will put me within that range that I'm not going over for

2018 and then I can always just kind of spit the extra income that I need until

they're just kind of maxed it out and not get in trouble there within the the

four I won't get in trouble by the IRA and not the IRA the IRS so how many

weeks do we have left in 2018 well if you google it how many weeks will are

left in 2018 there's nine weeks left in 2018 so I go ahead go back over here the

m1 finance I go ahead and pop up our money we go ahead and say to nine

seventy and we divide it by how many weeks are left there's three hundred

whoops there's nine weeks left in 2018 so that is roughly three hundred and

thirty dollars that we have to deposit every single week in order to max our

contributions or meet our contributions for 2018 so now we have sort of our plan

to kind of go into 2018 so down here we already have our schedule Department

deposit of ten dollars every single week going in there on Monday you can see

here our contry we've already made here I'm gonna go

ahead and cancel this one yes cancel and then from here we're

gonna go ahead and create a deposit we're gonna go ahead and select amount

three hundred and thirty dollars towards 2018 if you were if you were in between

January and April you could actually make contributions towards the previous

year so if you're looking at this video in 2019 and it's February you should

have two options here 2019 2018 so if you haven't yet invested in

2018 when you're watching this you can drop it

select 2018 and make contributions for the past year up until April when you

have to file your taxes so here we're gonna go ahead and select our transfer

of Roth IRA which is the one we're scheduling here we're gonna go ahead and

set a schedule repeat every single week on a Monday I like buying on a Monday

historically it's the best day to invest because that's the red day here if we

look at stock futures stock features are currently looking negative Nasdaq was

looking slightly positive there but it did drop down into the negative I think

it's a great time to invest everything is showing red the the portfolio itself

is red and I want to just you know buy stuff at a discount there you saw we had

a number of red stocks they're great-looking stocks that we're gonna go

ahead so here we're just gonna go ahead and select confirm and our next transfer

window is November 5th so November 5th is actually next week so this transfer

is going to go away next week so here what we're going to be doing is

depositing another thirty three hundred and thirty three dollars and this is

just going to be going in on the next training window which is this Monday so

we go ahead and hit confirm so what we have here now is tomorrow we're gonna

have a one-time deposit of three hundred and thirty dollars and then November

fifth we're gonna have which is next next Monday we're gonna have another

deposit of three hundred and thirty dollars and that's going to continue on

until I you know until I stopped it but this is going to a verge into the market

every single week that we're currently down it's gonna be able to buy I'm gonna

go ahead and leave that as it is I'm going to go ahead and buy all these

stocks that are currently down I'm going to be

and one finance automatically targets these stocks and I'm down on base on the

actual percentage to the target so here if I just go ahead and switch it to my

actual apples down at six point five equity of my target of seven percent now

if any of these other ones here you can see this is down by 0.5 this is down by

0.5 this is down by one point five so Cisco will be targeted towards my

investments here also you can see AT&T it's also down by one point six so AT&T

will get purchased here I just changed a lot of my targets here at AT&T I bumped

it back up after that reset Deb here in earnings they fell down by a good amount

they went down in at 28 $30 point which I believe is a great buying opportunity

I went ahead and put you know it's gonna automatically invest into a lot of these

I'm gonna be able to pick up some more dlr as well and a few other stocks there

so that is what you have to do if you want to go ahead and bump up your

contributions for 2018 head over the funding see how much you've actually

contributed towards 2018 towards 2017 find out what your number is that you

need to contribute for the remainder of 2018 you have nine weeks left in 2018 so

you can either go weekly or you can go monthly you have roughly two months and

some change there two months and a week in 2018 so come up with your plan if you

guys are looking to completely max out your Roth IRA for 2018 you will go ahead

and set that up now I'm not at all worried about whether the portfolio goes

up or down because this is just equity you know I'm 33 my wife's what 27 28 we

always forget each other's birthdays that's completely fine we've been

married nearly 10 years so but we have a long time until we retire at nearly 60

our for you know our to take advantage of the Roth IRA take advantage of our

Roth accounts we have you know nearly 30 years each in order to hit retirement so

this volatility in the market equity changes on a day to day basis that's

completely fine but over the long run this portfolio is gonna be paying out

dividends since 2018 with roughly 55 and dealers in there for the most part

she's made a hundred and fifty dollars so far just off dividends we're gonna be

bumping this up basically double in it by the end of 2018 and instead of

earning a hundred and fifty dollars by the end of 2000

you know 2019 she's gonna roughly make three hundred dollars in dividends by

the end of 2019 and then she's gonna make four hundred and fifty dollars or

five hundred dollars by end of 2020 that she's gonna make six hundred dollars by

the end of two thousand twenty one and those earn dividends that's just money

that's been paid out to you that's getting reinvested into the market into

these stocks that are down and bringing their shares up those partial shares

that are getting purchased or pain you dividends as well so not only to your

capital gains compound your dividends compound everything compound so it right

now it may not look like much but we're getting a great buying opportunity right

now that's allowing us to buy a lot of these stocks here that are currently

down if we look at some of these stocks I went through the stocks earlier but

we're buying a lot of these stocks here at a high yield point from where they

normally are Johnson & Johnson's you know for the most part here lately the

highest yield here is around 2.75 this is still good buy an opportunity for

Johnson & Johnson at 2.5 Altria is at a four point five three that's one of the

highest point since back in 2014 dlr not the highest yield but definitely

a good buying opportunity there we just kind of came down 8% so it's good buying

opportunity for me Lockheed Martin you can see 2.6 - there was some high points

back in 2013 time frame JP Morgan 2.4 kimberly-clark we have a 3.8 8% by Neil

that's a yield on cost so that's a good buying opportunity there avi that's over

4% I bought this one back in 2017 at a 4% yield back in July of 2017 so here

and then Abby shot up at the beginning of January sold that one off and now I'm

buying back into it at a 4.4 for yield AT&T has a yield of 6.8 8% Stanley Black

& Decker 2.31 which is one of the highest point since back in maybe 2000

early 2016 and 2014 period a bead ensign that's a high-yield as

well I don't think this is a good portion of my portfolio I think I

actually lowered that one down and then really have caterpillar you you know

between caterpillar here it's kind of interesting here that this yield I'm

gonna go ahead and put in that price let's see what happened to that price

here during that time frame so between 2016 it really peaked and Caterpillar is

going nowhere but down as of 2016 I don't think caterpillar is a high

percentage of my portfolio I think I actually knocked that one down

nuts 5% I bumped it up a little bit so it's down 30% on the portfolio it's

still a great company it's I don't believe it may or may not be a dividend

risk and we can find that out really quickly I'm sorry if this video is a

little bit too long let's go ahead and just check it out real quick okay it's

been growing dividends for eight years so I may end up changing that very

quickly but we'll see anyways the main point of this video was that I wanted to

increase the contributions going into 2018 max it out and you know how I came

up with that plan so hopefully you guys did enjoy it if

you did give it a thumbs up button below are you guys maxing your Roth IRA for

2018 well let me know in the comment section below and that is it thank you

guys for tuning in I will see you next time have a great day bye

For more infomation >> M1 Finance - Increasing Weekly Contributions To Max Roth IRA 2018 - Duration: 14:52.


BEYAZ KOMİK ANLAR | O SES TÜRKİYE #2 - Duration: 10:08.

For more infomation >> BEYAZ KOMİK ANLAR | O SES TÜRKİYE #2 - Duration: 10:08.


Surprise Basement Makeover - Random Acts - Duration: 8:42.

>>He's right here, for sure.

He's got the glasses,

and the black scrubs.

Hey, how's it going? You ready?

>>What are we doing?

>>You're Greg, right?


>>Yeah, you ready to go?

>>Where are we going?

>>We're taking you and your entire family

to St. George.

>>Did you put him up to this?

>>I've never met this guy before.

>>Ladies, come on out here.





>>We'll see you!


>>Bye you guys!

>>Now the real work begins.

>>Hey Brad, you've got the good stuff, huh?

>>Got about 9,000 pounds

of sheetrock right here.

We have electricians and HVAC guys in there now,

drywallers coming at 7:00,

so we're trying to get everything out

and all this in in the next hour.

So, it's going to be crazy.

>>Boy, they're just working

like, you don't waste any time.

>>We don't waste time.

>>Let's check this out over here.

That's great.

This is more than I thought.

>>Yeah, so how many,

it's three bedrooms and a family room?

>>Yeah, is that what you expected?


>>Will you be able to finish in time?

>>Yeah, hopefully.

The plan is tonight

we'll get drywall going up.

These guys have to get in and get their stuff don,

get the dry wall in,

and something that would take,

I don't know a couple weeks to do,

will be done really in a night, tonight.

So, should be fast.

>>All tonight.

>>Let's go, let's go.

>>I got it, I got it.

Over here?

This is crazy!

There are so many people here.

>>It's controlled chaos.

>>Can I grab some of this?


>>Coming to work!

We're setting up the sheetrock

and the materials that they need

to put it up.

So, pretty soon the guys are going to put it all up,

mud it all up,

and then move onto the next thing after it dries.

Do you think I could handle one of those myself?

>>I got it, I got it.

>>Oh, Will,

don't hurt yourself.

>>You know, I kind of resent how surprised everyone is.

Whoa! Oh!

Last one!



>>We had two dry wall crews

scheduled to show up tonight.

One has come so far,

I'm not sure the other one is coming.

Hopefully they'll make it in the morning.

If they don't,

we're going to be in trouble here.

We may have to work pretty late into the night.

>>You're worried.

>>Yeah, a little bit.

>>I've never seen you worried before, Greg,

I'm a little worried.

>>Yeah. That worries you.



>>Can we peek in here?

>>Absolutely, go right ahead.


Oh, my gosh.



>>It's all enclosed!

This looks like a bedroom!

>>These guys are so good.

They're knocking this out of the park.

So, I'm just going back, giving support,

covering up screw heads that may have been misse,

getting everything ready for the textures.

>>We're getting the base boards in.

The shelving.

How's it going?

>>I'm working here Lisa, so if you could...


>>Do all the hosting stuff

because I'm getting my hands dirty.

>>Hey, check it out.


Yeah, we're already there.

I'm hoping that we're still on time,

but I'm not sure.

So, I need to check in with Greg.

>>So, how do you think we're doing time wise?

>>Um, things slowed up just a little bit,

but these guys are killing it,

they're doing really good.

Things are really moving.

>>Well good.

We're going to need to sneak off for a little bit,

but we'll be back as soon as we can.

We are on our way to the local TV station.

>>Because we have a really cool way

to reveal to the family

exactly what we've been doing downstairs.

>>It's going to be great.


Guys we finally made it to KSL News.

We're going to be prerecording this segment

to reveal to the Gossards

everything that we've done at their house.

>>A little bit of local flavor,

joined by Will and Lisa today,

the hosts of Random Acts here,

produced locally.

You guys, good to see you again,

it's been far too long.

Tell us what you're working on now.


Don't worry, we got this.

Do we go in a V-formation? W-?

I've read a lot of articles.

>>Up and down,

up and down, back across.



>>It is really hot in here.

>>Like a sauna, huh.

>>Like a sauna.

They are circulating this hot air.

>>We have designers coming in and who want to decorate,

get things up on the walls and stuff.

We just need this paint to dry up.

>>And quickly!

Because they're coming home today.

>>Right, exactly.

>>This is crazy.

He's starting the carpet in this room,

as things get finished on the other side of the house.

He's going to be moving this way as we finish.

Still plumbing and tiling left to do.

All that stuff takes time to dy

and set so that other stuff can be put on top of it.

So, I'm really hoping that we get this done.

>>Alright, where should I put this?

Yeah, that looks good.

I like that.

Alright, we're getting very close,

so I'm going to check on progress.

Come here.

Excuse me, how we doing?

>>Worried at all?

>>Not me.

>>Oh, not you.

You're folding this blanket very nicely.

I think that's great.

But, can we fold a little faster?

They're here! They're here!

>>How was St. George everybody?


We actually had a really fun time as well.

We did a lot of cool things with Random Acts,

and KSL called us

and wanted to know about the show,

and we actually talked to them about your family,

so they did a news segment

and we wanted to show you guys.

>>Oh, awesome.

>>So, let's check it out.

>>And more on the UK Prime Minister Theresa May's

visit with President Donald Trump coming up

in just a little bit,

but first,

a little bit of local flavor,

joined by Will and Lisa today.

The hosts of Random Acts here,

produced locally.

Will, good to see you again,

it's been far too long.

Tell us what you're working on now.

>>Thanks Andrew.

Uh, well, Random Acts,

as you know is a hidden camera show with heart.

We set people up to prank them,

but instead of doing something mean,

we do something nice for them.

>>And actually,

this week we've been working with the Gossard family

and we sent them down to have a wonderful

relaxing vacation,

but actually during that time,

we've been renovating their bathroom.


>>Oh, there's more. Jennifer and Greg,

go downstairs and take a look

at your new bathroom.


>>So mom, dad, let's come down here.


Ladies first.

Check out your new bathroom.

>>No way!

Oh, my gosh.

How did you do that?

How did you do that?

>>We can breathe!

>>Well, what do you think?

>>Uh, she's about ready to pass out.

Oh, my gosh.

So awesome.

Thanks, Will.

Oh, my gosh.

>>Let's take a look.

>>Oh my goodness.

>>So many people came to do this just for you.

For you and for you and for you,

and for you guys.

It is really, really cool.


Wait, wait, wait!

That's not--


Oh my gosh.

Oh my goodness.

Look at how cute!

I know [indistinct]



Oh my gosh!

Oh, how did you know?

I like the Cougars, so...


Oh, cool!

Oh, cute!

Nice bed.

I am so overwhelmed, it's more than I could ever, ever dreamt.

Everybody has a space.

It's totally, like it's overwhelming.

And now they have a place they can call their own.

That's amazing.

This is Greg from Heart to Home, and this is his team.

So, I'm not even sorry about this

but I love group hugs, so bring it in.


Random Acts on the count of three!

One, two, three!


Hey guys, for every subscribe and comment

we get on our YouTube channel

Lisa Clark will grow one inch.

So, let's send her to the moon, huh?

You can do it!

Subscribe to the channel.

How you doing up there?

So great!

For more infomation >> Surprise Basement Makeover - Random Acts - Duration: 8:42.


2 episode - Duration: 12:39.

Are you worried?

Are you alive?

In the past, I've done pretty bad things.

I think I can fell some kind of fear in your voice.

Only a few people knew about it,

now we have to tell the whole world.

Before 17 years old, I never left the country.

Time to ride!

Art demands sacrifice.

Dog eat dog,

let's go!

I started with performing dangerous stunts on the roofs

and you thought I liked doing this.

To be honest, I enjoyed it only for the first 6 months.

Then I started making money with it,

and was noticed by mass media all over the world.

I had to invest more time into it and come up with more elaborate stunts

I travelled the world,

trying to make a great performance.

I invested all of my money in my trips and camera equipment.

Meanwhile, I was pumping my skills as a creator and cameraman.

And now I'm motivating people answering to their questions.

Ok, let's talk about it.

I picked a few questions from the ones that you've asked me.

I will talk about absolutely everything in the meantime.

Will you talk to my subcribers?

I moved to LA half a year ago.

Life in LA is diverse.

It's productive and interesting.

I'm a creative person.

I constantly have to create or film something.

Probably the most important reason why I moved here,

it's the climate - the ocean and the sun - all year round.

You are surrounded by thousand of creatives alike.

You meet someone new each day.

LA is one of the best places that I've been to.

When I moved to Moscow, I did't have a return ticket.

I didn't want to get back.

I wanted some big changes.

Like absolutely everyone I was afraid at first.

It's always hard to take the first step, to not to waste it all and get something cool out of it.

It's always harder risk, when you have absolutely nothing and you go all in.

When you go all in,

there's much bigger chance that you might lose it all.

First few moths living in Moscow, I had to stay at my friend's flat.

I had very little money.

Moscow it's a very tough city.

In order to stay there, you have to hustle.

My mum used to say: "Moscow is a country inside a country".

It's a place where you have to make the ends meet and be very tough.

You have stay strong

and be able to protect someone who depends on you.

When I first started posting on Instagram,

I had no plans of making money on it.

Then I started changing my mind on it.

When I moved to Moscow, things started to change.

I had only 40-50K followers on IG at that time,

but already was trying to get some commercial deals.

A single post on my IG page costed $150 at that time.

So I figured out I need 2 posts a month

in order to at least cover my rent.

I was growing, my needs were changing. I had the necessity to earn more.

While I was in Moscow, I spend all my time on growing my social media influence.

I was trying to make people fall in love with me, while constantly releasing something interesting...

I think we are passing a crash...

Many are interested to find out how did you come up with your own style.

Many beginners struggle with starting and finding their own style.

I started teaching myself photography around 8 years ago.

First 2 years I was getting used to the equipment,

learning the settings, the exposure.

That was a learning experience, gaining some confidence.

I used to make a lot of mistakes.

I couldn't communicate to the models, the composition was off.

There's a set of basic rules you have to learn first.

Only then you can start learning about the right exposure and color profiles.

Photography is pretty complex.

You get to the location, you dress up for it.

You pick the composition,

then you wait for the right light.

And then you have to edit it in the right way.

It all starts to make sense at the end:

the clothes you picked, the light, the esthetics.

Everything looks harmonious and cool on the photo.

At the end stage you can totally screw it all up.

The money you invested, the emotions, your work to get to the location.

I often don't get the picture that I want.

We spend 7 hours getting to the location, then you rent a hotel.

You have to be at the spot at 6-7 am while there's no people.

There can't be people in your shot, cause nothing can be distracting the audience from your location and yourself.

So, answering the question, a lot of you can be in the same trap as me.

I would want to post more often, but it doesn't work out.

3 years ago I was sucked into a hole of self-criticism and pickiness.

And now I can't allow myself to post the picture that I don't fully like.

Just now Dima ripped the unicorn's head.

Art requires sacrifice.

The only thing that will really change your life is huge changes.

Some of you are afraid of them, but you have to do it,

in order to make your life better and become a better person.

We always have a choice and we can choose for ourselves.

But sadly some of us forget about it.

It's 7:25 PM. I'm standing next to the ocean and I can breathe freely.

For more infomation >> 2 episode - Duration: 12:39.


BOY to GIRL | Male to female transformations | Crossdressing service - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> BOY to GIRL | Male to female transformations | Crossdressing service - Duration: 2:24.


Why self confidence is KILLING your motivation to create art and how to fix it - Duration: 8:19.

Oh hi!

I'm BogusRed from

Today I'm gonna talk to you about why self-confidence is killing your

motivation and how to fix it.

I'm gonna tell you why self-confidence is

important to be a productive artist.

What the causes of poor self-confidence are.

And some solutions to help you build more self-confidence.

So why is self-confidence important for becoming a

better artist?

If you have low self-esteem it's going to impact your


Your motivation to work on your art to get better to put in the

effort is going to be impacted.

When you work on your motivation and your

self-confidence together these two things feed off of each other.

Another reason to care about your

self-confidence is that the quality of your artwork will improve when you have

more self-confidence.

I don't know if you've noticed this but when I sit down

to draw if I'm feeling confident before I begin the quality of the artwork I

produce usually ends up being better than on days when I'm feeling really

crummy about myself.

Another reason you should care about your self-confidence is

it'll help you get better at art faster.

How does this work?

If you're more confident you'll create more art and the

more art you create the better you'll get faster.

It's all about practice we gotta practice practice practice and

then we get better.

So what are some causes?

What are the things that are making us feel shitty about ourselves?

Past failures is really one of them.

Like if you've had a lot of failure in your past, even if it doesn't have to do with

art like maybe it's with homework or schoolwork especially those of us with

ADHD have had many past failures in our lives and that impacts our

self-confidence in our ability to create more art.

so for example if you've started many projects in the past and

didn't finish many of them that's probably going to negatively impact your

self-confidence and then in turn prevent you from creating more art.

I don't know about you, but I've started a bajillion

projects and haven't finished most of them.

those are all failures.

another reason you may be struggling with self-confidence is because of your

mental health.

obviously if you've got ADHD, depression anxiety these types of

mental health challenges really do impact our self-confidence in a big way.

for example you may have a lot of negative thoughts in your head

about yourself, about your ability to work, about your ability to do schoolwork,

about your ability to take care of your home.

whatever it is those impact our self-confidence.

each one of those thoughts chips away at it.

another reason is "perfectonism".

I mean "perfectionism."

now some artists will tell you that perfectionism is a really good

thing to have, that it will help you produce better quality art. and maybe

that works for some people but I think for most of us who are in this audience

that struggle with mental health perfectionism is actually a bad thing.

here's an example of how perfectionism has stopped me in the past from creating


I for a long time really wanted to create a pasta bowl for my husband like

paint it with my artwork on it because we eat a lot of pasta, although not so

much now because we're on a little carb diet but we still indulge every once in

a while.

so I've been wanting to create this for him for years and I never got

around to doing it and it wasn't because I didn't have the time it was more that

I figured it probably wasn't gonna come out the way that I wanted, so why even

bother creating it. and I finally realized hey that's perfectionism if you

think: "oh I'm not gonna do this thing because it's not gonna turn out perfect"

that's not helping you.

perfectionism is not helping you in that case, it's just preventing you from creating.

And I'm proud to say that I did finally last Christmas, I created this

wonderful pasta bowl for my husband with with some of my characters on it and

with Mario on it and "shit pickle".

like it turned out awesome: I'm really happy with

how this turned out and it's a shame that I didn't do it sooner because I

could have been creating a lot more of these sorts of things.

anyway I'm really proud of myself because I defeated my

perfectionism and created this awesome thing for my husband.

and another thing that holds us back is comparing

ourselves to others.

many of us do this where we see another artist who's so

much better than us and then we're like "why even bother trying like there's so

much better" and that's holding us back.

alright, so what are some solutions to these problems that I've outlined.

number one: if you do have a mental health

challenge please get treatment for it if you aren't already.

getting treatment for your mental health has a huge impact on your

self-confidence, so just doing that alone is going to be a huge start for you. and

I think it's hard for some of us to prioritize that because we think it's

not that important, but it really is, it affects every aspect of our lives and if

we are working hard on treating it we are more likely to be self-confident.

sometimes we just have to acknowledge that self-care will help us to help

other people better.

and your art really depends on it

your art depends on you taking care of yourself.

another solution is to change the metric of success.

what do I mean by this? so artists often will judge their

level of success based on how good the art is after they've completed it. and

that's one way to do it but the reality is we're gonna create a lot of crappy

drawings, we're gonna create a lot of crappy art not every art we create is

going to look good.

it just happens.

it's part of the process and if we're creating crappy art and we're using

quality as a measure of success our self-confidence is going to suffer.

so what we need to do is change with that

metric of successes.

for example, instead of judging success based on how good the

art is after you're done with it measure success as how frequently your drawing

or how many minutes of drawing or art you've gotten in or how many pieces of

artwork you've completed.

another way to help you with your self-confidence is to

celebrate your success.

so if you've changed your metric of success to say

drawing five times a week and you've actually completed that, will tell a

friend about it.

let your friends help you build your self-confidence!

let them be a means of encouraging you and helping, helping you with your


another way to celebrate your success is to join a community.

actually with PaperDemon we have a community here of other artists who are

also trying to build more positive mindset. we have a discord server and we

even have a specific channel dedicated to celebrating success, where we each

share: "hey I did this thing or I did another thing and I did it". you know we

give each other positive encouragement and say "way to go, good job".

this may seem small but it actually has a positive effect; it's worth doing.

also we do have a monthly meetup where we all

meet live in real time and chat about our art.

we just had a meet-up this last weekend where we were all sharing

our success and celebrating our success with participating in inktober.

so we all had different metrics of success, you

know inktober is normally drawing every day for 31 days.

which is really difficult to do so many of us set

different expectations or metrics of success.

for me it was five drawings for the month and instead of 31. and then we

celebrated that and got you know encourage one another with the progress

that we've made.

our community is most active on our Discord server so check

it out there's a link in the description below I'd love it if you'd join us and

celebrate your success with us.

the fourth solution I'm gonna give you is to

rewire your mindset: to produce more positive thoughts to help you to feel

more confident about yourself and your artwork. and I'm gonna cover that in the

next video because this one's already getting kind of long and I know you

wanted to go back to watching your anime.

so what metric of success are you going to use for your art?

let me know in the comments below.

and do you know someone else is struggling with self-confidence with

their artwork, share this video with them.

and don't forget to Like and subscribe and all that jazz. and check out the

description below.

I've got more resources for you to help you with

your building yourself confidence.

thanks for watching, bye.

For more infomation >> Why self confidence is KILLING your motivation to create art and how to fix it - Duration: 8:19.


Why You Always Need To Call Fresh Prospects - Duration: 8:17.

hello good evening this is John Ruman with the sales training academy asking

you why you always need fresh contacts if we have not met before I work with

the real double-oh-seven mr. Roger Moore and we use simulations to teach sales so

I'm gonna give you a quick but potent video discussing the value of always

having a fresh funnel there's something that people become as they get

comfortable and they become complacent so when people have a success while it's

great and what a blessing and I am so happy for you for all the successes you

get a challenge arises when people rest on their laurels they get comfortable

they have a new normal and this slows them down I would strongly encourage you

this is why companies and good sales managers and leaders will consistently

up the ante because it helps you to grow where you're going hey Kerry it helps

you to have a better impact but more importantly it allows you to stay

focused and growing and always expanding your vision for where you're trying to

become if you go complacent if you get lazy if you get laksa days achill you'll

actually find that you'll dip below where you were before the previous

successes that you had and a lot of people especially in the sales arena

have a couple big sales and they become complacent so a strong level of

encouragement is to find ways to consistently bring in fresh prospects

not that I'm asking you to forget about those whom you serve your existing

client base and love them up and build a strong referral relationship system for

that I'm not talking that what I am saying is that you should very

diligently and consistently grow what you are doing

give that regular attention to focus hi Patricia to help you so that you are

able to consistently grow where you need to go

and when you begin doing this your team always be excited work will always be

fun always be dynamic and some people will get complacent and actually say to

you when is enough enough so here's the thing our existence on this beautiful

plan is meant to be fun joyful expansionary and exhilarating and

growth is probably the most exhilarating thing on this planet so even people who

have what may appear on the outside to be an unbelievably successful life even

a billionaire who may lose like I'll say fifty million dollars which may not

impact their life at all will make them feel like they are not growing in

expanding and in support you understand that regardless if you have a tiny

company selling enough very very little at this point at this point I want great

things for you aim matthäus good to see you man

besides that it's also important if you're huge it doesn't really matter

that you always are growing and expanding your reach to bigger and

bigger places so that everyone maintains the hunger they maintain the desire for

growth and the impact that the company needs to give the service and those whom

the company are meant to serve will happen so what I would behoove you and

anyone you deal with any kind of sales whatever find ways to consistently stay

hungry and one of the easiest ways to stay hungry and get in touch of those

people is cold calling so and this is a great segue I'm actually doing a cold

calling workshop with Roger on the 28th of October which is a Sunday it's a 2 to

5 class it's 600 TT it's totally reasonable price wise and what's so

great about it is the easiest way for you to see a thousand people let's make

that much safar for you to contact twenty or thirty people is via phone I

have met a Robert I have met salespeople and and managers who pride themselves on

sending the team get out of the office get out and

go do your stuff and then these people their team will see two maybe three

maybe four luckily five people it doesn't mean they have a meeting of

these people it just means they actually get a chance to see them a raven and the

challenge with that is these people feel that their sales team are doing a good

thing out there why because they're out there they're working let me tell you a

major problem with that how much time does it take between meeting and meeting

and meeting for this sales person to meet various people a fair amount of

time let's say half hour to an hour I live in Trinidad and love the country

the biggest blessing this gorgeous country has is traffic so if you're in

Trinidad watching this or anywhere else or there's actual real congestion of any

sort you're wasting your time and even if you don't you're wasting your time

pick up that beautiful device call a telephone make twenty five thirty calls

set meeting so people who actually want to hear from you and now your business

will expand exponentially but don't get complacent you need to become

comfortable on the phone a few things that we teach our methods that will keep

you on track methods to make sure you don't get distracted by all the

beautiful things that love to distract us in our beautiful world but more

importantly it's having a script so what you say gets heard in a quick and

effective manner so you can set the meetings and you and your team can have

more and more success so that is why you always need to have fresh prospects and

that is why there's a necessity to call companies because companies can be very

hard to get to even physically because some have a lot of security and and

other measures to get in your way so this is very effective and powerful so I

look forward to seeing you if you have any questions feel free to reach out to

me message the page if you see me on Instagram give me a direct message there

if you need more information on the event again it's the third excuse me the

date is the 28th of October it is 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

the cost is 600 TT this is part of our this is our most popular module the six

part module that we have hey Killian good to see you ma'am

it is part is one part of a six part module we have in the full course and

this module is always the one the most asked for because if you can create

appointments you're gonna have more meetings and therefore have more sales

it's the strongest correlation to growing your sales practice in your

business so if you have a business or you know someone please forward share

this to with them because they'll appreciate it anyway so what we will do

is we'll take of the six hundred dollar investment we'll put four hundred of it

towards the six-week course should you want to do that you probably will

because it's awesome but that allows you to see us see how amazing the class

class structure it's all simulation based you're gonna create a script and

you're gonna practice role-playing the script and get immediate feedback in a

safe environment where you can screw up and everyone else can screw up and

you're being supported and encouraged and you'll be good by the time you're

done so any questions let me know I hope everyone who's watching has an amazing

night I appreciate all of you and I wish you tremendous success and please

continue to fuel yourself forward continue to grow do not let others who

want to live in mediocrity stop you from consistently growing because it feels so

great to grow success feels great don't live in mediocrity live in the fullest

greatness that is you so have an amazing night thank you so much for your time

For more infomation >> Why You Always Need To Call Fresh Prospects - Duration: 8:17.


|अब सबका होगा monetization on | - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> |अब सबका होगा monetization on | - Duration: 4:01.


You Must Upgrade Your Tribe - Duration: 9:55.

hello this is John Ruman international business coach consultant telling you

why you must keep and continually upgrade your tribe if we have not met

before my passion is to help you achieve a life of greatness that you know you

could achieve if and when you take the action you know you need to take so

let's talk about your tribe I'm sure you've heard the term you're the average

of the five people you spend the most time with that is the truth and the

challenge people have is they will spend time and energy with people that bring

them down we can call them energy vampires we can call them just people

that aren't fun the people that don't apply us it's important to have people

who will support you and hold you accountable towards what you know you

want to do that you can be open about your dreams and your vision if you have

a group of people that you spend time with know that you cannot be fully open

clear and concise and expressive with the life and vision of where you are

going you need to upgrade your tribe so this message is out for the men it's

also out for the women let me tell you my story real quick when I was growing

up my I did not have a father figure those around my father was gone a lot

and I had to find a tribe that resonated with me that made me grow up from even

though I was a physically adult from a low level mattress maturation to truly

being a confident man I also needed someone or people that would represent

and support where I wanted to go it was challenging for me I had two groups and

some of you watching this may have exactly the same challenge I have two

groups you have group one group one are your buddies you hang out with them the

discussion of life growth and life transformation growing yourself your

mind your vision supporting you and encouraging you

toward that regularly bringing it up in conversation was not was one group of

hung out with the other group I hung out with was the group that would help me to

move forward in that direction they would help me and support me encouraged

me they were initially a small part and the group that was my buddies the boys

the guys that group was the large group so I had the group of the guys and had a

small group of support supportive empowering constantly lovingly pushing

me forward to grow so I these two groups and when I learned about you being the

average of the five people you spend the most time with I challenged it I said

let's test this out let's see if this is the real deal so what I did is I took

the group of let's pretend they're four and one was the group of the supportive

and I began to shift them and make me have a larger group of people that I

hung out on a consistent basis that would support me going to where I wanted

to go for example I I love personal development and personal growth I love

business and understanding the nuances on how to improve what you're doing and

learning from those who have figured out aspects that I need to grow and better

and better the people that I get lucky enough to work with so what I'll do is I

would surround my so how I did this transition is I didn't have initially

all those people to fill in the four of the five I didn't have the supportive

structure yet and I didn't even know those people so I take a couple things I

did first of all I began surrounding myself mentally and spending my time and

evenings in the presence of these big big big big big people like Tony Robbins

lie Warren Buffett really big picture people

and I immersed myself in them surrounded myself with them even even though was

virtual and slowly my one became to three and four and more why because my

mindset was this and then at the same time so I was growing my financial IQ my

emotional IQ personal development business development mastery in all

things and I would encourage you to do that to lifelong learning is what it's

all about so I would immerse myself with these people and then what I would do is

slowly find ways and places that I could get around others who are at a higher

level of areas I grew to be at well let's take something totally simplistic

diet if you don't eat the diet today that is the diet you know you should be

eating you could easily meet someone at a gym

maybe go to often people are a little more particular about diet whoo hey

Maureen who are a little more diet people could be someone who is a eats at

a vegetarian place it doesn't mean all vegetarians are health nuts by the way I

know many vegetarians that eat worse than most meat eaters but because

they're vegetarian therefore good also I know a lot of vegans who eat terribly

and I love all of you that are watching that no you eat terribly who live on

massive amounts of carbs and sweets and don't take other health factors into

account that being said that group in general probably has a better overall

understanding of diet although many gym people do as well than others so fine so

so what I would encourage what I did is that began shifting who I hang around

with on the physical side physicality working out diet how I ate and I began

changing my v in that regard I began changing my v hey Narendra I would

change my v when it came to those who were business minded people

who actually talked about growing the business those who own businesses mr.

Narendra for example it's fun to talk about people and be with a tribe that

are supportive of you going to where you want to go the conversation is fun it is

rewarding but why simply because they know where you're at and you two can

talk shop so hang on people who can talk shop and I would encourage to have the

majority be at a higher level that you are and grow up to them quickly once you

begin making this a habit in your life slowly improving areas of your life

easiest way to do that with your tribe then you're gonna be better off all

areas of your life so take time to do that so here's the nitty-gritty surround

yourself with the greatest people in the world virtually it's so easy to do that

now with courses and books podcasts YouTube you name it any social media

channel take their courses by the way you do get what you pay for on the paid

for courses so yes you can get stuff for free but I would strongly encourage you

invest in paid for development business and personal development those are much

better than the freebie stuff trust me and then as you grow financially and

have a greater abundance in your life go to the physical meetings with these

people see them on stage who knows maybe even interact with them one-on-one

depending on what level financially you can afford but conferences are great

their actual events they have all of these are much they so slowly upgrade

the level which are interacting with these people so that's part one hey good

to see you Gabby and then once you've done the first virtual and then like the

conference level on the personal level meet people and find and find ways to

connect with those that you need that have what you need to grow into in your

life and that will upgrade your tribe so you should be constantly upgrading your

tribe so I hope you got that for the guys that are watching this

on the 4th of November which is a Sunday in about a month or so little over a

month I'm having the men's warrior retreat it's a bunch of men a bunch of

mature men having mature conversations yes there's physicality to it I teach

self-defense I'm a martial arts master in Taekwondo and I love that and it's

fun so we do a self-defense seminar we do the haka which is grounding but and

we do some sort of physical exercise we're gonna walk or run up the hill

depending on your fitness level there are obstacles again depending on your

fitness level you can or choose not to do and then finish it off within an hour

hour and a half talk this one will be about stress and I'm gonna make it

responsibilities as men so that's the topic if you have any questions just

shoot me a message on here whatever channel you're on and I'll be happy to

help you so all the best please draw your tribe any feedback I'd love to hear

it have an amazing rest of your day

For more infomation >> You Must Upgrade Your Tribe - Duration: 9:55.


C43 4 Matic - better than the big brother C63 ?Maybe! Simon MotorSport - Duration: 6:25.

Baby 63.

4 MATIC - All wheel drive and that's the crucial point. That's where the 63 has the disadvantage.

It can't get away from the start.

102, 100...102

Let's do an entry measurement to see how much it makes.

And how much will it make after we've played with it?

Alright my friends, another AMG here.

Not a 63 this time but a 43.

The baby 63.

C43 AMG, 367 hp.

520 Nm but here's the thing:

4 MATIC - All wheel drive and that's the crucial point. That's where the 63 has the disadvantage.

It can't get away from the start.

Even if you drive a stock 63 and you set off withouth traction control on, in first, second and third gear everything will go up in smoke.

So going against the 43 is hard and when they're tuned...

They really have some decent torque and also decent power.

They go really really well.

I like the colour a lot by now.

In the beginning I said: "Ah, blue on an AMG does not work." but it's sick.

The guy behind me, nice exemplar.

Sits a little lower, big wheels, will get our stage 1 tune.

367 hp and 520 Nm are stated.

Let's see how much we really have. It runs on 102 octane of course.

I say it over and over again, people get 102 octane.


Other than that, we'll do an entry measurement to see how much it makes.

And how much will it make after we've played with it?

Alright, its said to have 367 hp but we actually have 379hp, so a little bit more power.

Not a lot, just marginal.

We only have 493 Nm instead of 520 Nm though.

Which is totally within an acceptable margin to me.

The car is healthy, makes the power it should.

Now we'll remove it from the dyno and the control unit will be removed.

Then we'll open it. Yes exactly, we have to open it.

We don't drill holes into them. I have currently seen one, a C450 with the same engine control unit. Someone drilled a hole into it.

The excuse was: "Yeah, you're not allowed to open them."

You can also not just drill a hole into it.

We open them in a way that you can't see it. We then close them and they look just like stock.

We open the control unit, then we write on to it and program it.

Then we will see what this guy here will do afterwards.

It's relatively warm right now.

Even though it's a little bit better now but I think in 1 or 2 hours it'll get warmer but...

Why are we actually complaining?

To have a nice summer in Germany is also really good.

Of course, it's a little difficult for us. The cars don't like it either.

Better than rain, right?

I'll get to work now and then I'll see you in a minute.

C43 AMG, I'm done!

It's a little bit of work with this control unit as you don't only open it but you also have to turn the circuit board.

Means you have to remove the circuit board from the control unit.

So you have a lower and an upper cover. You then put it to your left and right and then you only work with the circuit board.

Circuit board!

Now we'll do the measurement and then we'll see how much...

I'm aware that it's going to be really powerful but how much power?

We'll now find out.

Alright people! This thing is a rocket!

472 hp.

That's a record for this car.

590 Nm. I'll put the curves on top of each other.

Here you can see: This is the stock power curve.

That is our stage 1 power curve.

Original torque here.

Stage 1 torque there.

The thin curves are the original ones, the thick curves are the tuning curves.

Let's work with the cursor.

At 3000 rpm,

we have 113 Nm more and around 48 hp at 3000 rpm, let's continue.

At 6000 rpm we still have 100 Nm more.

You can see that we have at least 100 Nm more over the whole rev range.

Looking at the power. Up here it still is 90 hp.

I think the customer can be happy with that. His smile goes from here to behind his ears.

Would be the same with me.

Nice car, now it also drives the way it looks.

That's it from me.

I unfortunately am on the run, otherwise I would take it for a ride but next time then.

Subscribe, like, share. See you next time, peace!

For more infomation >> C43 4 Matic - better than the big brother C63 ?Maybe! Simon MotorSport - Duration: 6:25.


SNAPlife: What You Get If You Take A Negative Approach - Duration: 3:05.

You can't take a negative approach towards anything and expect to have a

positive outcome. I'm Bill Snodgrass and that is the topic of this SNAPlife

episode. My brother told me on Facebook just a few days ago that was something

my dad always said to him growing up. You… you can't have a negative approach

towards anything and expect a positive outcome. So we need to look and see what

does that mean. If you go into an opportunity or an obligation and you

have a negative approach to that, then to expect something positive to occur… it is

maybe a little bit… you know… stretching it. Let's talk about what we mean by

negative approach. A negative approach is going to be to… to be guarded or

defensive when you go into a situation, or to not really have any enthusiasm

because you don't think it's going to work anyway. You think it's just a waste

of time. A negative approach is going to… is going

to crush your your mood and your attitude and your your enthusiasm for

what you're doing so, if you start off with a negative… a negative attitude and

take a negative approach into a situation, you're really just… you're

really just undermining the the possibility of a good outcome. And this

isn't to say that sometimes… you know… you… you don't think something that's gonna

work out but then you get surprised. It's like—wow! That really turned out okay.

That happens… That does happen, and I would argue that when… when you are

surprised by a positive outcome there was enough enthusiasm for the…

for the process that that you… you… you put enough effort and energy into it to get

that positive outcome, even though in the back of your mind you're thinking, like,

this is definitely not gonna work. So as you as you face opportunities

and obligations, and you have these things that you need to accomplish… you

need to get done—going into them with a positive outlook… a positive attack you

know taking a positive approach into the situation is going to empower that

situation it's going to empower you to get the most out of it and even if you

end up against being surprised because you know you weren't sure the the effort

and the energy that you put into it pays off and if you're going to have a

positive outcome there there has to be some some positive energy put into it I

hope this makes sense. I hope you enjoyed this video. If you did please click the

like button, subscribe to the channel, sign up for notifications. That's all I

have for this one. I will see you in the next one.

For more infomation >> SNAPlife: What You Get If You Take A Negative Approach - Duration: 3:05.


Маленькая мужская сумка с Алиэкспресс - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Маленькая мужская сумка с Алиэкспресс - Duration: 1:57.


[2.0 SP08] SAP HANA Cockpit: Update - SAP HANA Academy - Duration: 9:48.

Hello and welcome to the SAP HANA Academy.

The topic of this video tutorial series is SAP HANA Cockpit and in this video I will

show you how you can perform an update.

This video has been recorded on release SAP HANA cockpit 2.0 SP08 from October 2018.

For earlier or later releases, please check the playlist on the SAP HANA Academy.

Hi, I am Denys van Kempen.

For those of you already familiar with how to update SAP HANA cockpit to the latest release,

I have some good news.

The process is exactly the same as before, say with SP07 or SP06.

So, in this video, I will move pretty quickly and just highlight the most important steps

in the process.

To download the latest support pack, go to and select Download Software.

You will need to logon to this site with your SAP ID.

This will then open which you can bookmark or use

- software download center and this will get you there as well.

You can navigate by alphabetical index or by Category but this takes some practice.

I would recommend to just use search and enter SAP HANA COCKPIT.

Put the whole name in as there are other cockpits, and then select the category, maintenance

software component.

Make sure you filter on the right operating system, in my case this is regular Intel Linux,

and then we have our list of support packs for cockpit: SP08, SP07, SP06 and so on.

The patch level may be different as you will always find the latest here.

File size is a little over 3 GB and release date is October 22, 2018.

I am going to add it to my download basket but you can also download the file directly

by selecting the link.

OK - now I am going to switch to my Windows client computer, this is running in the cloud,

just like my HANA environments, and here I will start my download manager.

Connect to with your S, P, or I-number, or your email address,

should work as well.

Configure the proxy, if you need to, and voilà - here we have our downloads, SP08 patch 7

HANA cockpit 2.0.

Fast forward and we are done.

Now we need to transfer the file to the server running SAP HANA cockpit.

I am going to WinSCP (Windows Secure Copy) for this but any FTP client should do the

job as well.

Whatever works for you.

And then finally, we need to extract the file, so I will start a terminal session to the

HANA cockpit system, this time using PuTTY telnet, but again, other tools can be used

for this purpose and then we run the command sapcar -x for extract, v for verbose is optional,

f for file is not, name of the file (use TAB for file name completion) and then also, do

not forget to append -manifest SIGNATURE.SMF in uppercase.

The SAPCAR tool is included with the SAP Host Agent installation, which you will find on

each and every HANA system in /usr/sap/hostagent.

I have copied the file to a location which is in the PATH for my root user (/usr/bin,

I believe) and changed the file name to lowercase.

This is just for convenience.

OK, 692 files extracted with the signature file in the root directory.

We are good to go.

Last time, we performed a command line installation, this time I will show the graphical UI.

The process is the same.

Makes no difference.

For the graphical version, you need X-Windows installed on the cockpit server and a tool

on your Windows computer to display X-Windows client — I am using X-ming — and a way

to bypass the proxy and firewall, for which I am using PuTTY X11 Forwarding over SSH.

You can find some videos on the Academy where we explain how you can set this up.

If you have this configured, you can run, otherwise just run — again, same

process, same steps.

Note that, unlike all other HANA component installations, we are not running the SAP

HANA Lifecycle Manager here directly but a shell script, a .sh file, which will set the

environment up for us, for our cockpit installation.

OK Step 1, select activity.

Update existing system.

Select system: H4C.

The default system identifier with instance number 96, concerns a SP07 patch 9 release,

HANA 2.0, installed on /hana/shared.

You could, if you want, of course, also decide to perform a brand new installation.

Step 2, select component.

Well, in 99.9 % of the time, you will want to keep all three components selected: update

database, update XSA runtime and update the cockpit stack.

If you unselect or deselect the last component, in fact, you are not going to upgrade cockpit

at all, it will stay the same release.

If not mistaken, the command line version does not even present you with this screen.

Best to ignore and continue.

Step 3b, define upgrade properties.

The SID is given.

You need to provide the system database user and its password.

You may have disabled SYSTEM, in which case you need to enter the user with the equivalent


Step 3i, define XS Advanced runtime properties.

Again, by default, for a cockpit system, this would be cockpit_admin - but this is configurable.

And that's it, step 4, review and confirm.

The update parameters, software components (database, stack and XSA), XSA components

(cockpit, database explorer, SAPUI5, cockpit manager), and the log file location, for your


Select Update and off we go.

Files are extracted, services stopped, the HANA system stopped, new files put into place,

installer updated, XSA runtime updated, system started again, first HANA —takes about 3

minutes, all-in-all—, then another 5 minutes to get the XSA runtime configured and started

and then we are going to need a little bit of patience for the update of the XSA content,

another 10 minutes or so, and the actual upload of the cockpit manager, cockpit, database

explorer and related apps into the XSA environment, another 20 minutes —depending on the number

of speed of your CPUs, mainly, and that's it:

SAP HANA Cockpit components updated.

You can view the logs, or you can click Finish.

OK —Let's do a quick check.

The XSA Controller is running on port 3 instance number 30, so 3 96 30 for a default installation.

SAP HANA XSA runtime on premise.

This should be up.

From here we can navigate to the hana-cockpit-admin, the Cockpit Manager.

We first get the User Authentication and Authorization screen and need to logon with the cockpit

administrator user, cockpit_admin for a default installation.

Log On.

Then, under COCKPIT_ADMIN here on the toolbar top right, we can select About, this will

return the version.



Let's go to the SAP HANA Cockpit.

Now we need to go the Me area, and select About, and here as well, we get the version


Job done.

Updating SAP HANA Cockpit is documented in the Installation and Update Guide, which is

freely accessible from the SAP Help Portal on

Thanks for watching.

You can find more video tutorials on our YouTube channel.

If you would like to be informed about new video tutorials, please subscribe to our channel.

You can connect with us on LinkedIn or follow us on Twitter, as well for updates, and if

you are watching this video on YouTube, do not hesitate to leave your comments to the

video page and, if you like, give us your vote on this video.

Thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> [2.0 SP08] SAP HANA Cockpit: Update - SAP HANA Academy - Duration: 9:48.


¡EL IMPERATIVO SE ESCRIBE CON D! | Doblaje (Parodia Rey León) - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> ¡EL IMPERATIVO SE ESCRIBE CON D! | Doblaje (Parodia Rey León) - Duration: 1:33.


Allama Shehnshah Naqvi || Jang-e-Safeen Main Moavia Ke Lashkar ke sath Honey Wala Ajeeb Waqia || - Duration: 2:50.

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