Me IRL Nature
Gacha Verse Mini Skit
Lesson No: 21 - "Future Perfect Tense" - Duration: 6:07.-------------------------------------------
Гадание - как подготовиться? Нужна ли чистка тарологу? | Школа Таро 18+ - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
VÅR FØRSTE KONFERANSE i 2019 // NRM #48 - Duration: 7:54.-------------------------------------------
NOTICIAS - Derrubado o "Eixo do Mal" p/ Benjamin Fulford - Duration: 12:53.-------------------------------------------
Road Rangers | It's Halloween Night Not a Road Ranger In Sight | Scary Song - Duration: 16:25.Its Halloween Night Not A Road Ranger In Sight
先進訓練觀念-簡短建議004: AK相關知識- 拍底板(中文CC字幕) - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
🎃 Nightcore Collaboration Mix (Special Halloween) 🎃 - Duration: 10:46.This video includes lyrics on the screen
Incredible Facts About The Denmark Army (Hæren) - Duration: 12:09.Although small the everyday soldier of the Danish Armed Forces
Remain, well trained individuals who are versatile in their professional fields of defense and today here on FTD facts
We are going to continue to learn more about the military of Denmark and find out what is great about it. Hey everybody
How's it going? Welcome to FTD facts
My name's Dave Walpole. The channel where I talk about people cultures and places from all around the world now welcome to this episode
I'm pretty excited for it
because today we're gonna be looking at the army the army of
Denmark or the Danish army
If you would prefer to say it that way now
The reason we're talking about that is because we just did a video talking about how powerful the entire Armed Forces
and the Defense Forces of
Denmark is and you know that video just got a lot of love and a lot of appreciation from you guys
So we decided you know what we're gonna continue to learn more about Denmark's military
And today we're learning about the army, which is specifically the ground forces
We're not talking about air and we're not talking about sea with that in mind. Let's get started
but before we do
so just
Letting you know how it works here on FTD facts is the more you guys give us like buttons the more we will do either
part twos or we will continue to talk about
Military forces or just Denmark topics. So give us likes if you guys want more topics and videos around Denmark cool
Let's roll. So the Danish army, how are they different from other armies around the world?
Well, first of all, they have an extensive history
But as for today the Army's main mission states that the army guarantees that Denmark can at any time
provide a robust reaction camp group in
International operations and solved the necessary tasks at home
So it is known as the Danish army and it has been around for a long long
Time and it's got a history
as a matter of fact
It's one of the longest standing armies in today's world as it was originally founded on November 17
1614 when a conflict between Denmark Norway and
Sweden was happening at the time
Although the country and region of Denmark had its own armies long before this and during Viking times
It also did have several conflicts with Sweden even in the 1400s
but as for the modernized version of this army
it was formed pretty much after the Kalmar war which was between
Denmark norway and the country of Sweden now
The reason this new army was formed was simply out of the lessons that they learned from the Kalmar war
they learned that they needed a more unified army that was designed to protect Denmark's interests and
Prevent war and because of that it was established by King Christian the fourth who actually served as commander-in-chief of this new army
Which as of today is over 400 years old. That is an old army
So for this newly formed army of Denmark one of its first major
Engagements was during the 30-year war which was a war between many of these Central European countries that began in
1618 although the war did begin in 1618 Denmark didn't mobilize and enter the war until about
1625 this is when Danish forces had been
Mobilized and sent to Lutheran communities of what is now Lower Saxony in Germany
and it was during that time when Denmark made its point during the war as it defended these Lutheran communities against the Imperial forces of
Course throughout history Denmark has been a part of many major conflicts such as the northern war the day. No Sweden war of
1657 and 1658 the Napoleonic war and of course the first and second war of Schleswig and many more
To go a little further into this. The second war of Schleswig is a very important war for Denmark because although it ended in
1864 it was the last time for a long time that Denmark had ever committed the Danish army to any form of combat
but now it's the
1900s and Denmark
Actually remained very quiet for the early turn of that century and although the Danish army kept its nose out of many other
Conflicts the Second World War was just booming around the corner
so the one thing was when it came to Denmark and it's sort of positioned during the Second World War is they really didn't have
Much of a position because they were occupied very quickly because on April 9th of 1940 Germany had began its occupation of Denmark
It was in the early morning around 4:50 a.m
That the Danish army had first come into conflict with the German military just outside lintel bjorg
Which was one of the first major battles that began the occupation of Denmark
now compared to other countries around the world for Denmark a lot of historians actually argue over the amount of
casualties that happened during the war because it's estimated that anywhere between
20 to 40 Danish soldiers were lost or wounded with about 20 Germans who were also lost or wounded
But either way guys that is just a brief brief brief look and history at the Danish army
because I want to jump into the modern world because
There's some interesting facts about what it is today because it's interesting to know that in 1995
The Danish army was a part of an operation in Bosnia known as Operation bola bank or an English
Operation hooligan bashing should also be mentioned
This is also linked to operation Amanda in which Danish forces were heavily a part of the United Nations
protection force also known as u and Pro 4 it should be noted that on April of
1994 during Operation Pola Bank
It was the first
conflict that Denmark had ever been a part of since the Second World War and even so it's interesting to know and a lot of
people kind of just say this it's not
Realistically historically proven but during these two operations
It was the first time that Denmark or any country ever in the world used the leopard 1 tanks in a form of
offensive combat
Which I do find it kind of hard to believe that the leopard 1 hadn't seen any major form of hostile
engagement because the tank had been around since the
1960s I believe and it's a very old tank
Whether or not you want to give that one to the danish army or not
One thing that is known is it has been the largest battle with the u and pro 4
During the bosnian forces and although it might seem like a very small
Battle because the danish forces only had three leopard tanks the truth is it's one of the largest
Battles that you know denmark ever was a part of since the war
But now let's fast forward just a little bit more to actual to day and find out what it's all about
For example, as of right now, the chief of Defense is General Bjorn basura as for today
They say the army itself is believed to have approximately
12,500 active personnel and of this active personnel, they say on an average that there's approximately
6,500 soldiers and approximately
4,000 a six thousand conscripts every single year, of course within the army. It's not that small
They also have a reserve personnel of at least
63,000 individuals
Should also mention that when it comes to women they are allowed to serve in all forms of the army and that became a rule
1974 so how does the hierarchy work and how does this army break down?
Well, let's take a little look unlike some other armies around the world
Denmark is said to only have one division called the Danish division in which under there
There are two brigades as well. These three major units are located in two areas of the country
for example
the Danish division and first Brigade operates out of hotter sleve and of course the second brigade operates out of silikal's to the east
Under all of this
There is several different types of services such as the army combat fire and support which is basically your artillery
There's also the Engineer Regiment the Signal Regiment
Logistics battalion and of course Army Intelligence. Also I should mention that there is a special Calvary unit called the Guard's hussars
I always thought that that was a really cool name and under this there is a regiment also called the ute
Landrigan regiment now
this is a very important regiment because they are the only
armored battalion and they use the main battle tanks and I should also mention that it was this particular regiment that was used during
Operation bull Bank and to break down some of the equipment that this army uses in the Dragoon regiment
they use the leopard 2a5 s which have a
120 millimeter cannon currently according to the danish army website
they say they have fifty one of these tanks other reports also say they do have those but about
38 of them are only an active service and the rest are in storage as for infantry fighting vehicles
They use the swedish-made cb90 in which they say they have approximately
45 of them for the danish army when it comes to the main rifles
They use the Canadian c7 and the Canadian c8 I'm Canadian. So I'm proud that you guys are using our rifles
Yeah, they're good as well for machine guns
They use the German made em g3 and the American m60 and of course
We can't finish this video off without talking about metals because that's very important as well
because the highest form of respect and honor that one can achieve when it comes to metals is
One can get the valor cross and believe it or not. This is a rather new metal as well as it was established on November
14th of 2011 and to date only one soldier has received the valor cross and that is
sergeant Caspar westfalen Matheson who on February 19
2010 held his position until
Reinforcements came and even used his own body to block his wounded fellow soldiers from incoming fire
So with all these forces I should also mention that Denmark has one very interesting thing that not many other
Countries have when it comes to training its officers
And that is the fact that when it comes to the Royal Danish military academy
it is one of the few countries and militaries that train their officers in a palace, which is the
Fredericksburg palace and they have been training there since 1869, but beforehand it was a summer residence for the royal family
So there you go guys. That is us taking a look at the army
specifically of
Denmark sure
We missed a lot of great facts and if we did miss some be sure to let us know down there what we did miss
In the comments section below for you the viewer
I just want to thank you for taking the time to learn about a great military force
That's probably not your own or maybe if you are watching it you're getting an opportunity to learn about your own country's military
My name is Dave Wawa
And with that in mind guys if you guys really like this video and you want more Denmark military videos
Be sure to hit the like button because yeah
If we get more likes like over 5,000 or whatever then we generally do part twos or we do just more
videos around these kind of topics
Don't forget to hit that subscribe button and that Bell
Notification because we got a lot of great stuff that you guys can check out
I'll put some at the end of this video and in the description box below as well
but today you I learned of the great army of
Denmark one that has a very extensive history and has been around for a long time
Sure, the Danish army may not have been in many conflicts like other countries around the world
but it doesn't remove the fact that these soldiers of the denmark army are a
Lethally trained force and no matter where these soldiers are in the world and no matter what job they do
they are always there for peace prosperity and
So thanks for watching guys, all right
So here's some other videos that you guys can check out
Told you we got a lot of great stuff that you guys would like to learn about
It's either countries or militaries or just cool what-if videos where we look at two countries and put them together either way
I hope to see you guys again, and I'll see you in the next one if you're around. Bye
How to Understand the Bible: 5 Helpful Tips - Duration: 6:11.Hey girls! I'm here with my Baby Mini Bump! But by the time you watch this
video, I will not have a bump; I will have a baby in this nursery, which is so
exciting. So be sure to check out my Instagram: @TiffanyDawnIQB to see
what we are doing in real time with me and the real live birthed Baby Mini. So
today I want to talk about how to understand your Bible, because if you're
anything like me or basically any other human I know on the planet, the Bible
can seem kind of confusing sometimes. And you're like, "Where do I even start?
How do I understand what is being said here?" And so I have a few tips for you
that I'm hoping can help. So tip number one is look at the big picture context.
So especially if you haven't grown up in church or you haven't grown up with the
stories of like Samson and Moses and David and all this stuff,
then the Bible is just like - it can feel very foreign. And so while I highly
recommend that everybody reads through the whole Bible, I think that's so
important - you don't have to do it in a year, you can do it in - I've never done it
in a year, I've done it in multiple years - but it's so important to kind of get
that whole picture if you haven't grown up with the overall context of the Bible.
You might want to start with actually a literal children's storybook Bible.
My mom recommends the Ergemire's Children's Storybook Bible and she said
that this one is just a very pretty literal translation but written in story
form so you get used to the overall context and storyline of the Bible as a
whole, and then when you read the actual Bible yourself, you kind of have an
overall story line to kind of put the pieces into. You're like, "Ohh I kind of see
how this jigsaw puzzle fits together a little more!" Another place to go for
overall context - and I think this is helpful for everybody no matter how
familiar with the Bible - is The Bible Project. It's on YouTube and they have
little videos that kind of give you the overall idea of each book of the Bible
and I love them. One other way to get an overall view of the Bible is this book
that my husband and I recently discovered called "66 Love Letters." It's
by Dr. Larry Crabb and it's basically a conversation between him and God about
each of the books of the Bible and him asking God, "Lord how does this book fit
into your story? What do you want us to take away from this book as a whole? Like
what's your heart in this?" And then writing down what he feels like God
is speaking to him about it. So but tip number one is get the overall big picture of
the Bible as a whole, the narrative of the Bible as a whole.
Tip number two is look for the purpose of each book. So when you're starting to
read a new book of the Bible, it's really helpful to look at who the book was
written to, why the book was written, who wrote the book, when the book was written,
what was the purpose of the book, and so on. If you have a Study Bible it often
tells you the answers to those questions right at the beginning, right
before you start reading that book of the Bible. Tip number three is actually
summarize what you've read. So I think it's really helpful if we can take what
we're reading and put it into our own words, because that shows that we're like
internalizing it a little bit more. So let's say that you're reading this
passage - not even necessarily a whole chapter, but like seven or eight verses
of the chapter, right? And you're thinking about it. So after you read those verses,
I would take a minute and just kind of think and pray about like, "What is the
message in these verses?" Especially in some of the New Testament letters like
it can be kind of confusing. Like I read Paul's writing and I'm like, "Where are
you going and do you know how long your sentence is? Like this is the definition
of a run-on sentence right now, Paul!" And so it's really helpful if you take those
few verses and you just kind of condense them; say, "Okay so what's the main message
of this? If I had to summarize this in a phrase or a sentence, what would it be?"
And you can actually keep a journal and as you go through a book of the Bible,
every few verses write your own personal summary and then look back through at
the end to kind of see how it all fits together and builds off each other.
Number four: Read the Bible in context. And for me I find that reading through
the Bible in a logical way makes more sense
instead of just you know randomly flipping open and reading a random
chapter or a random verse at a time. Which some days I do, but I like to have a book
that I'm working through because then I get the book in context. I'm not just
pulling out random verses that I might not be understanding how they were
intended to be written, and I would realize that if I was reading the verses
surrounding them, right? Because it's really easy to take a random verse and
take it totally out of context. Like check this one out, okay, Philippians 4:13
is one that I think a lot of us know if you grew up in church. It was an early
memory verse, which is, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me
strength." And we can easily take that to mean, "I
can do anything I want to do." But if we look at that verse in context, it has a
much deeper and richer meaning. In context, Paul is actually saying, "I've
learned that in every situation, whether I'm full or whether I'm hungry, whether I
have everything or I have nothing, in all those situations I can be content
because I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."
Pastor Judah Smith out in Seattle says it this way: "Scripture interprets Scripture."
So you're not just looking at one verse of the Bible and getting your whole
theology off of that verse; instead you're looking at the Bible in context
as a whole and in context by each passage that you're reading, and letting the
other parts of the Bible that you know inform what you're currently reading
that day. And lastly look for similar verses or parallel verses. And a lot of
times again a Study Bible will have this marked down. Like they'll have a little
letter A or B next to a certain word or a verse you're reading and
it'll say, "See also..." and have like a list of other verses you can check out that
have a similar topic. And so I think that's really helpful to kind of pay
attention to what other parts of the Bible are also saying, so that way you're
again not taking one verse on its own, but you're taking the Bible as a whole
- to say, "What is the meaning of this verse? If I look at other verses that
have similar messages, I'll come to a deeper and richer meaning." And you know
as I'm reading through the Bible I try to just ask God like, "Lord would you show
me what you're trying to say here? Would you speak to me through this? Would you
help me understand what your word is saying?" And we need him to understand the
Bible. We need his help. And he can kind of make it come alive to us in a whole
new way. So girls I hope that that could help. Would you comment below other
things that help you understand the Bible and really connect with it? And
check out the videos I have linked below if you want more information on like how
to understand the Bible, how to engage with the Bible, how to grow with God - I've
got some videos linked below for you. So I love you and I'll see you on Tuesday.
Jake Shears Has Slept With a Lot of People - Duration: 6:10.-Thanks for being here, Jake.
-Thanks for having me. -And thank you, as well.
After you saw Amanda, you ordered a drink, as well.
-I want booze, too. -All right, there you go.
It's right there. -Thank you.
Is this mine? -There you go.
And cheers. -Cheers.
-Thank you very much. -Thank you for having me.
-Oh, my God. I'm so happy.
[ Cheers and applause ]
We met briefly when you hosted --
You were a musical guest, excuse me, at "SNL" in 2004.
It was a fantastic performance. It was one of my favorite shows.
Hosted by Colin Farrell. Cameo by Lindsay Lohan.
-Memories. Memories. Look at those pants.
-Yeah. -Actually, this backless
woman's jump suit I was wearing
caused a lot of controversy at the time.
-Did it, really? -Yeah.
-What was the controversy? -I got a lot of hate mail.
-Really? -Yeah.
-I mean, I guess 2004, I would've thought people
were maybe a little more forward-thinking.
-Shoulderless, plunging neckline.
I mean, I don't know. But I have good memories.
-Good memories. And a lot happened.
You turned 40, you did a Broadway show,
solo album, and a memoir. -Yeah.
-"Boys Keep Swinging."
Why the title "Boys Keep Swinging"?
-David Bowie is my, like, number one.
You know, when I was growing up, he was just my absolute --
I discovered him when I was 8 years old.
And the album, "Lodger," that that song comes off of
is just one of my favorites.
And when he passed away, it was such a beautiful,
sad, and special week.
And I was just going --
Every night, I was going to Bowie parties and stuff.
And that song came on one night, and I was like,
"That's what I'm gonna call the book."
-It's such a fantastic song.
It's so anthemic, and you're obviously --
You had to go and revisit a time.
You separate the book into three sections.
You have Scissor Sisters,
you have youth, and you have New York.
You lived in New York -- When did you move here?
-I moved here in 1999.
And, yeah, it was a very different time than it is now.
You know, I was living in a --
Basically in a place that was like a --
It was on South 1st street in Williamsburg,
and it was like...
It rained and my room. It was like this raw loft.
There was basically a toilet, like, next to the kitchen.
It was just like --
-I think you said it all when it rained in your room.
I think you've painted a picture of New York real estate
we can all appreciate.
-It seeped down the walls.
-And you -- Obviously, you are a musician,
but you were also a go-go dancer.
That was one of the ways you made ends meet.
-Yeah. That's how I started performing.
-Yeah, give it up for go-go dancing.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-It was so much fun. I mean, I loved the attention,
I loved getting up on, you know, up in a bar
and taking my clothes off and having fun.
[ Laughter ]
I would just get --
I would have the time of my life.
And then, I realized, like, "Oh, this is kind of
getting boring." Like, "What else can I do?"
And then, I was like, "Should I be a singing go-go dancer?"
And that's how I started making music.
-It's fantastic. I will say, and I'm not just saying this.
We talked for weeks about how much fun
you seemed to be having on stage when you performed at "SNL"
because you dance with such incredible joy.
So I'm not surprised to hear that that was something
that you had done for years and years.
-Yeah, it's being on stage and, like, just boogying.
I mean, I love that what I do as a job
is, basically, like --
If I did what I do, like, out in the street,
I'd get arrested or something. -Sure.
-Like, it's just -- It's like I get to basically
act like a completely insane person.
-You -- And you've taken a lot.
You've put a lot of your costumes on stage.
Not just in our "SNL" costume,
but here are some that you've actually worn on stage.
You want to tell me some of your favorites there?
-This is my all-time favorite. This was like a woman's
Vivienne Westwood pair of, like, shorts that I found.
That was a tablecloth that I got from catering.
We were in Scotland, and I was gonna wear something else,
and I just pulled that tablecloth off.
This was a Glastonbury outfit that was knit
that started falling off my body while I was performing.
Like, it just started unraveling.
-Yeah. -Yeah.
-Well, they always say that's the risk.
[ Laughter ]
You -- You know, I assume you've had many things
that happened in your career
that make you want to pinch yourself
and you can't believe they're happening to you.
Cher tracked you down.
-Cher tracked me down, yeah, on a --
-How did Cher track you down?
-On Twitter. -Okay.
-I was having, like, a really gnarly day,
and I was flipping through Twitter.
And, you know, she writes in all caps sometimes.
-Yeah. -So there was -- I just --
I was just flipping through the 2,000 people
I follow or whatever, and just saw like all caps.
And so you stop when you see Cher writing.
You know, I'm just like, "Oh, it's Cher."
And then, she said, "Jake,
I've been searching for your number,
and I can't find it anywhere. Please get ahold of me."
And I was like, I wrote Twitter back, actually,
and I was like, "Is she talking to me?"
[ Laughter ]
And the consensus was that she was,
and we were on the phone like two hours later,
and then, I recorded --
I sang on one of her singles the next day.
-That's incredible. -It was a good memory.
It was a good memory. Lot of fun.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-You got to -- You got to meet Elton John.
-Yeah, like, good friends.
We've written tons of stuff together.
I mean, I've -- Over the years, you know,
I get to be on stage with John sometimes
and Queens of the Stone Age. -There you go.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-Which is -- I mean, Queens of the Stone Age
is one of my favorite, favorite,
favorite, favorite, favorite bands of all time.
And just getting to sing with them sometimes
and performing with them is just like, you know,
just one of the highlights of my life.
-But, yeah, I get to do all this awesome --
I mean, it's a pretty fun life I get to lead.
-Was that your takeaway? I mean, I'm always --
You know, again, because you've written a memoir.
You know, you're not -- Obviously, you're only 40,
but you've lived a lot of life in those 40 years.
-I'll say. -When you finished this --
I mean, did you have a sense of that?
When you finished it, were you like,
"Man, I've gotten a lot done"?
-Well, I realized what a whore I've been.
-Okay. [ Laughter ]
-Over all the years, because you don't --
you really, you don't --
And I mean that in the best way.
You don't really -- I don't know if I can say that on TV, but...
-You said it in the book, so, yeah.
-You know, you think you're fine,
and you think you've lived this like, normal life,
and then, you get it all down on paper,
and you're like, "Wow, I've slept with a lot of people."
-Yeah. [ Laughter ]
Even just when you do an index,
you're like, "This is a lot of names."
-A lot of thank-yous.
There's a lot of thank-yous in the back.
[ Laughter ]
-Well, I'm sure they all thank you, as well.
And let me follow by thanking you for being here.
ÇUKUR 2.SEZON 8.BÖLÜM SNEEK PEEK (İŞTE O PLAN) - Duration: 3:01.-------------------------------------------
神準占卜 || 年底前,職場事業需要注意什麼? - Duration: 4:02.-------------------------------------------
山羊座の運勢【山田ケンタウルス】10/31(水)から11/6(火)まで - Duration: 3:11.-------------------------------------------
𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘓𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘉𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘔𝘦𝘮𝘦 → 𝙂𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙖 𝙑𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙚 - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Bantam in der Schule - Duration: 5:28.-------------------------------------------
Jake Shears: Creep City - Duration: 3:45.-Here to perform "Creep City,"
give it up for Jake Shears, everyone!
[ Cheers and applause ]
-♪ You said to come and sort your mind ♪
♪ But did you mean it ♪
♪ Ooh, but did you mean it ♪
♪ Then warmed the bread and poured the wine ♪
♪ I thought I'd seen it all ♪
♪ Until you broke that seventh wall ♪
♪ I said I'd hang on for the ride ♪
♪ Now I'm hanging on for dear life ♪
♪ Is that a real knife? ♪
♪ Get me out of this creep city ♪
♪ I'm flat broke, and I don't need pity right now ♪
♪ Just get me out, out, out, out ♪
♪ All the dogs in the back been smothered ♪
♪ And these cats don't make good lovers ♪
♪ This town's ♪
♪ On cursed ground, ground, ground ♪
♪ Was the judge not clear ♪
♪ Just have a look at them ears full of ice-cream sundaes ♪
♪ Funny no one wondered ♪
♪ Whose thumb I was under ♪
♪ Never gave a goddamn ♪
♪ Gave you 21 grand ♪
♪ 'Cause, baby, I love you ♪
♪ More than the trash can ♪
♪ I said I'd give it one more try ♪
♪ Now I'm giving up the good life ♪
♪ I'd make a bad wife ♪
♪ Get me out of this creep city ♪
♪ Flat broke, and I don't look pretty right now ♪
♪ Just get me out, out, out, out ♪
♪ All the dogs in the back been smothered ♪
♪ And these cats don't make good lovers ♪
♪ This town's ♪
♪ On cursed ground, ground, ground, ground ♪
♪ And if there's a sign ♪
♪ To show me 'bout this world ♪
♪ Back to mine ♪
♪ Oh, tell me you'll try ♪
♪ Or at least please reply ♪
♪ Sincerely, I'll be waiting ♪
♪ Till I die ♪
♪ Cr-e-e-e-e-e-eep City ♪
♪ No, I'm never gonna shave my thighs ♪
♪ Cr-e-e-e-e-e-eep City ♪
♪ 'Cause something down here's alive ♪
[ Cheers and applause ]
-Jake Shears, everyone!
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