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Образование детей. Как привить любовь к учебе, если ребенок не хочет учиться - Duration: 3:25.-------------------------------------------
Nightcore - Come Little Children To The Hanging Tree (Switching Vocals) | HALLOWEEN SPECIAL COLLAB🎃 - Duration: 2:53.(Please refer to the screen for the lyrics in the video. Thanks.)
Haters français VS Haters coréens : la différence ! - Duration: 11:39.Thank you togen also today you come to my show again!
You'r welcome
Today i'm gonna talk about what is difference between korean haters and french haters
French haters and korean haters?
Yes because i have both haters
AH! yes
So i can compare korean haters and french haters
This is a original topic
I never watch this topic video at youtube
Because i'm only one youtube who has both haters
But they are totaly different!
Do you wonder?
Do you wonder?
Ok let me explain for that...
First haters are bullshit
yes. who...?
Both ! Korean and French hater are bullshit cuz they always have said bullshit things
-Ah so they are not different for that - yes they aren't in this way
But they have different ways to say bullshit
Like what?
For example, korean side,,, i can divide 3 parts
One is so agressive so they attack me directly
Like "Oh you look so fish"
They always have attakced me about my looking
They are so arrogan
Arrogan ? Arrogan!
The korean haters are arrogan
But different with french haters
They always pretend they have their own logic
But this is so nothing
Ok they try to explain their opinion logically
But this is bullshit - Yes
Also they have made rumors
But at this moment if i answer my situations so well, most of them they say sorry
Ah! that's a big different
Most of them say sorry
Even some arrogan keep going bad things, if a lot of people tell him "don't do that" he will accept and will not keep going and he will never argue his arrogan opinion
But frenceh....
There is just one type of hater
They always argue something
Something not trues
So at this moment i have explained them so well for everything
But they never listen to me they just wanna keep going to argue something i think...?
Whatever i say and explain for something true
They never listen to me!!
But funny thing is when they realized they say something wrong
- They never apologize on me - Yes i think this is big different
They just say "Oh whatever this is my opinion"
"i don't wanna hurt you"
They always think they are right
As always
Yes this is totally different with korean haters
At least they say sorry so i can ignore
But french haters are a little bit annoying
Yes it's another type of arrogan
Arrogan and never saying sorry
And they never stop to argue
Or they just delete their comment whey they feel their argument is wrong
I just want they say sorry to me!
No they will never do that
So In beggining of my youtube channel
I was so stress for that cuz french hater is something new way for me
I always thought like what they are doing seriously!!!
But now? (I don't care)
I have considered haters as little flies
Sometimes they make me anoyed but they are just flies
So when i see hater's coment ~ I~ don~t~ Care~~~
Do you still have a lot of haters?
In korean side?
Korean side? no!
if something happen in online like insult on you or making rumors, can you sue them easily?
Ah it's hard
But in korean it is easy, just make PDF file and with that i can sue by myself easily
You already did that right?
About one korean guy who make rumor video about you
Also he attacked my looking too and my relationship with you because we are international couple
Like i'm bitch ...
So i sued them!!!
This is easy for me i don't need lawyer. they need lawyer
Also i don't need to spend any money. But they should spend money to handle situations
But this is not just only for korean. even french people if they live in korea
If they do bad things to me i can sue
I know what are you talking about
You know i love my teambarbapapa
I wanna always be lovely with them i wanna give them everything
But not for haters. i'm not good person for haters
So if you do bad things in korea so i will do something too!
But i have not done because they are just little flies and i don't wanna waste my time...
Also this is tired
YEs also! but it doesn't mean i cannot do anything
I think the most important is your community
You should really focus on them
But if you talk about haters in your community your community will be tired (Dayoung note: you talk about them more than me!!)
Honey i was tired for hater before but now... i feel poor...
Yes pity because...
If their like is perfect and if they have enough confidence by themselves
I will not hate someone without reasons
But they don't have enough confidences and self-esteem they need something to feel better
And hating... this is their feeling not mine so i don't need to care about their own feeling...
Think about that even if i hate someone if this person doesn't care about me who still have this mind this is me! i will be hurted with my own feeling by myself
I don't know korean haters. but what i can say about french haters. even they don't know what i am doing
They just heard something about me and hate me becuase of that . but they don't know
Actually they don't WANNA KNOW
So i always think why...? what did i do ...?
Don't think Why? they just.... - they just need someone for hating
YEs so when i see them, i just laugh
AH! welcome to the club!
I know so many people like us and support us
So when i focus on them i'm always so happy
So i hope one day my haters can feel this kind of love too like sharing love together...
I think korean haters know if they do bad things in online it can provoke big troubles in law
So maybe korean haters are not severe i think.,...?
But french arrogan i can't handle so well
I remember one guy who insult you in online and he sent me a message
he was really scared
Because dayoung sued him
Also my community knew situations so he got a lot of haters one shot! so he tried to hide his part by himself
This is normal think about that even 1 person hate me it will be painful
But a lot of people hate me one shot even i don't know who they are. it will make me super sad. maybe he felt this kind of feeling
Yes but this is just karma
You spend your time to hate someone and it return back to you again
Definitely if i do bad things to someone it will come to me again
Even if karma spend some time to come back to me but it will come back definitely
So when i see haters i try to make my mind simple and empty and just feel pity than hate them
Beause i know it is better for me too
Actually youtube is nothing compare with twitter
Twitter is house of hater
Funny thing is when i met haters who made bad comments cuz i sued them
They looks like looser... like no friends and no social life...
They are just keyboard warrier
They couldn't say anything in front of me
So i think sending bad messages in youtube, twitter and instagram whatever
Maybe this is only one thing they can do.. so i feel.... p..i...ty....
This is most current thing for haters they feel safety behind their keyboard
They can do whatever they want on keyboard
But when you met them, it already happend to me. but they couldn't say anything
They are just super nice~~~ - yes yes they are
I understand their situations in their social life
Normally human have to feel satisfied for their life or wanna feel they are special in this society
But if someone can't feel this feeling enough
They just make bad comment, it make them feel they are something in this society
So i just feel p...i...t...y
Anyway korean and french haters have different way, they are just little flies for me
Right? - Of course
We need to buy a lot of spray
Maybe i was a little bit bitch and arrogan in this video
Because i talk about haters i can't be nice with them
Seriously i am human too!
At least i try to not have bad mind or do something bad things to them direcly
We always focus on our fan's loves
Haters don't matter
Of course community is only matters for us
I can feel our communities are worried about us a lot
Because out community can see haters and they think like "omg i hope they are fine not hurted for that"
But the meaning of showing haters in public by ourselves is we are fine for that
Yes Yes
We just wanna make a joke
That's it - yes don't worry about us for that really
Ok thank you to watch my video today too i hope you just enjoy my video cuz this is not serious video at all
Don't forget like my video and subscribe my channel too
Right ? of course
And look at this pukuya!
Look at this guys there is pukuya logo in here
Really great
This is super warm and better quality
i made it by myself
I design this~~
Without designer~~
If you wanna get this one you should rush now cuz this is almost out of stocks
If you wonder my life in korea you can visit my instagram and follow me too~!
I'm gonna back with another amazing video with togen again! - again?
Earn Daily $100 - Earn Money From Sola App With Payment Proof - Duration: 7:04.Subscribe My 2nd Channel ''Digital Tech''
I Tried Following a Glam and Gore Halloween FX Makeup Tutorial - Duration: 13:43.Hey guys, so
I did not plan for Halloween this year, so I thought instead why not
do one of my favorite videos that I've done which is following a makeup tutorial and do a
I tried following a Glam and Gore tutorial because I have never done anything with sfx whatsoever.
So, I chose a video that I thought would be
not too challenging cause, again, this is like my first time doing anything winth - with anything.
I was about to do the plastic surgery one, but I ended up choosing
the- one of her zombie videos that she did last year. It's Hanging Eye Neon Zombie.
With all that being said, let's stop procrastinating. Let's stop putting anything off and get straight into the tutorial.
Okay, let's go
Oh hi, it's time for the next neon zombae in this series to teach you some staple things to help you with all sorts of sfx
endeavors, but I don't mean to leave ya hangin' and so let's get to it.
Grab some white or skin tone gift tissue paper. White is
I already had
I already have white tissue paper, but I decided to end up buying
tissue paper off Amazon because it was fairly cheap, I think, and I thought maybe
skin tone would have been a better choice for me cause I am pale
but, uh
As I'm looking at the tissue paper I bought, umm, there's not a single color that would best match me
so I guess I'm gonna end up going with white.
Which means I just bought a bunch of tissue paper for no reason cause I already had white tissue paper.
It's pretty much my skin tone anyway
so this works for me. Then you're going to rip a sheet apart into a rough circle just large enough to cover
all right, I'ma pause there cause I want to get a
good shot at her tissue paper
Crap, I already have to go to the bathroom.
What is happening? I can't even do this properly. This is too small. That's not a circle, that's not round in any... yeah...
We're getting closer
How far does it go? I guess this doesn't go that much further outside of the inner corner. It seems- the inner corner- that- hey
*high-pitched hum*
Oh! Oh oh, hold onnn!
I think I got it
The edges are pretty much glued down. I can freely blink.
Now I just need to find my hand sanitizer because I'm eating hot cheetos and I don't want to touch my face with that
Build a castle on top of your eyeball to protect it.
To do this you want to sit a thin piece of cotton over your lid and very
lightly cover the top of it with latex. Just enough so that it sticks to the tissue paper,
but not so much that it's dripping at any point.
It's sticking on its own which is great because she says she put the latex on top of it, and she said that sheee
She what?
This is the latex I got, again, this is off Amazon This is the monster liquid latex.
I don't know what the best approach to this is
Let's- I'm just gonna start off with
Maybe just pouring it
That was not my brightest moment. Aw, it's all over my pants now.
*sighs* I need hot cheetos.
*dramatic gasp*
Wait, oh
Oh, that's the cotton!
Let's get down to business. Let's like really start progressing here cause I've already wasted
*less dramatic gasp*
It's 8 o'clock and I started filming this video.
I want to say it was before seven
So I'm gonna hold onto it on the outer and then just
start tapping. Oh my god that- no, that's not
that- *snickers*
Wow, that feels- oh my god. It feels like air is being blown into my eyeball.
It's, uh
quite a sensation. I'm making sure that everything. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god
No no no no no no no no no no no!
Okay, I'm just gonna
hold that in place for
30 seconds to a minute. I want to say, I mean, it's already kind of sticking anyway, so we're good.
There are like little pieces of latex getting stuck to it though, which I don't like.
Oh! Perfect. And also the hot cheeto powder that I didn't manage to get off of my
finger completely.
Okay, my apologies. That's a little gross. I'm not gonna lie.
*another dramatic gasp*
Taking one rolled out cotton ball and dipping the end of that in latex before
Mykie: struggling to get it to stick to our castle, but don't give up it can be done. | Mika: I'm gonna actually do more.
Now you don't want this part to be too heavy. So only worry about covering the outside in latex lightly rather than saturating the entire thing.
Mika: Like, the outside? | Mykie: I'm not sure what this eyeball string would be in relation to our castle, so I guess the analogy ends here.
Mika: It's a drawbridge! | Mykie: No wait, it's a drawbridge!
Let's keep it going!
Mika: Ooh, that's my actual hair. | Mykie: Then take a cotton ball in its natural ball-y shape
and roll it in a baby pool of latex.
A baby pool of latex, which I don't have like a little bowl. I mean I can go get one, but maybe the cap will suffice
Uh. We're just gonna- I'm just gonna
Focus, oh my god
Ayy. Like that on the outsides
I don't know why I just posted a picture on Facebook.
It's like my least favorite social media...
It is this moment I'd come to later regret as I was told by multiple people it looked like I had a condom sticking out of my eye.
I decided I wouldn't be needing this anymore.
To start giving my zombie skin some texture, I'm applying latex in a thin coat over random parts of my face and neck.
Let it about
Okay, random parts for her, but I'm just gonna follow what she's doing cause I'm not about to
freestyle here. *giggles* This feels so funny.
Every time I move it like hits up against my chin. We're gonna go- I'm gonna go. Why do I say we're?
I'm taking this neon yellow water activated paint from Kryolan
Activating it by adding water to it and painting it on as though it's my foundation. Then I'm taking concealer
I don't, I didn't get Kryolan because when I went on Amazon to get like everything that I needed for this video, Kryolan was more expensive
than I wanted to spend on it.
So I got this instead. It's Mosaiz?
The only way I'm questioning right now in this moment is whether or not I want to actually go in with yellow
Or if I want to do a different color cause why not? All right
So she just said you apply this color like foundation. Is there too much water on this? Ooh
Am I gonna regret this color choice? The way it's looking is...
You know what
So as I'm watching this back
She has significantly more like little holes like this throughout all over her face than I do right now. Can I make this work
over the paints? Um, hopefully I haven't ruined this completely. Hey guys learn from my mistakes and um
clip your hair back cause, uhh
There's, there's a situation going on right here- look at my hands.
But, uhhh
Yeah, umm
Normally for inside an empty eyeball socket I'd use dark red for the base,
but since we're a neon zombae, I'm replacing it with a purple aqua paint.
I'm following that color down our stringy eyeball and transitioning it into blue before we can reach the eyeball itself.
I think I'm gonna follow that as well. Those colors are not gonna clash with orange
I don't think, it shouldn't. So, I'm gonna do purple to blue as well.
Just the brush that I wanna use- god this is ridiculous! Okay.
Am I still recording? Okay good, we're good.
*whistles awkwardly* Wow, I don't know what the hell I was trying to whistle there.
I have mentioned multiple times how difficult this is to do- owf
My eye was open for that. Why? That was an unpleasant feeling.
Okay, let's cover this little hot cheeto powder cause it's time to go, bud.
So anyway
A super old brusided tutorial, literally day one of tutorials. We are going to use this to create neon bruises.
Long story short, pick off tiny pieces of a disposable sponge until the top of it looks all jagged and uneven like this
Mykie: Then dipping that in pinks and purples, I'm going to stipple around the eye in a random fashion. | Mika: hold oonnnn
Hold o- oh my god. I just accidentally started it over. Is that not paying off very well?
*gasps* Did I just take off some of the orange I had on there? I think I did.
What the fuuu
Um, uh oh
This is not looking all that great.
Um, I don't want to mess with it anymore.
I think that's like the main part that did not come out that well, so far. Everything else
I'm actually pretty satisfied with I'm not gonna lie. Let's add some more orange back in here, though
I'm a cheeto
So I know next is gonna be eyeliner, umm, how does she apply it on the other side?
Start getting glam by doing some fancy eye makeup like maybe a cat eye or a cut crease.
But make sure whatever you do on one side you do to the other more pulpy side.
This zombae's makeup was done before her eyeball accident so it doesn't make sense that she wouldn't have eyeliner over there.
That goes for lashes, too.
I'm using a purple matte eyeshadow to contour
I have enough trouble doing both of those on my normal looking eyes,
So doing this now is gonna be just twice as fun!
My eyeliners always end up thicker than I want them to be cause
Just constantly screwing them up.
Oh, that's hilarious. Okay, um
You know, I feel like- I ki- I really s- I know what I we- eh okay
IIIII am realizing now that this part right here
should be lower.
Should I leave it like that?
I lined my lips in black. You can do that if you so choose or not, but one thing I highly recommend you do
Scab blood
Oohhhh! I forgot about that.
Okay, so scab blood
It looks like she ended up placing it all inside of
the eye socket and then she just basically brought it all the way down.
Umm, like that?
It's like you're icing a cake, a popped-out eyeball cake. A cake pop!
Now, I didn't draw an iris with pupil on my eyeball because I was planning to put these in.
Feel free to match your eyeball though to whatever eye color or contacts you have.
And voila! You are one sexy zombae
This is the final look.
I am not mad at it, honestly.
I feel like I did a lot better than I thought I would have. There are just certain things where I feel like
I really screwed that up and I didn't pick up on like
Just the difference between mine and Mykie's. So that's a little bit disappointing, like this, especially
Yeah, this is my final look. Oh
Um, I'm getting Scab blood all over me. I feel like there's just something missing
Alterar Cor de Preenchimento e Fonte de Célula de Planilha Excel VBA ao Selecionar - Duration: 16:49.-------------------------------------------
Nightcore - Come Little Children To The Hanging Tree (Switching Vocals) | HalloweenSpecialCollab 🎃 - Duration: 2:53.Lyrics on the screen ya all ♥ Happy Halloween!♥
Familie [subtitled] | Knallerfrauen mit Martina Hill - Duration: 1:09.It's so boring.
Who's a little drama queen when it comes to putting on sunscreen?
Those who won't putting lotion on have to stay in the shadows.
It's that simple.
Well, here we are.
I've been looking forward to this.
Finally, vacation
is over.
Oh, Sweetheart. When you cry,
your makeup had run slightly.
Why are you so sad?
You are a big Tiger!
I wanted to be Spiderman.
There's only one Spiderman, sweetheart.
And that's me!
Perfect Heatless Curls | VERY SIMPLE | İlayda Akdoğan - Duration: 10:14.If you have curly hair like me and wonder how you can get them curls without using heat, let me tell you how I got this curly hair.
As a person with very straight hair, I sometimes get very bored of my hair since they feel the same all the time and you start to think it never takes shape.
It's definitely a tough process, I understand the ones in that situation.
I don't really like applying heat to my hair; I have never been a person who flattens her hair or uses curling irons.
Especially since I have experienced the results of too much exposure to curling irons in the movie sets, I prefer to stay away from it in my casual life.
So I had been wondering how I could make a change in my hair without using any heat and ended up finding this solution, as you can also see.
Now I will explain to you guys how you can get these curls without any heat and maintain them for a long time.
The first and the most important you need is a supporter in order to have this hair.
Of course it can be a coiffeur, your mother, a close friend, a cousin, etc. I usually get help from my mother, Zeynep, and Didem.
What are these people going to do for you? They will braid your hair. The crucial point of this process is to have a friend or relative with ultimate braiding skills.
Because braiding is not that easy. What you need to get done is to get your hair braided on both sides in the back of your hair.
You may also be very talented and be able to braid your own hair. If you can braid your own hair properly, that's something to be respected.
My friend Zeynep can do it and I just stare at her in shock.
I can make one braid in the middle by myself but I can't do it on both sides.
My supporters are there for me, thankfully.
In order to obtain permanent curls like these, you need to follow some steps.
First of all, make sure you apply this technique after a shower.
The perfect time is when your hair is not wet nor dry; just in the middle.
It's beneficial to apply a product on your hair in order to help your curls last longer. You can prefer to use foam, sea salt spray, gel
or if you know a better product, you can share it with me on the comments section below since suggestions are always welcome.
I prefer using foam at this point. The foam I use promises curls; it promises permanent curls and shape of hair.
You get better results if you prefer similar products.
After getting our hair wet, we apply the foam but make sure not to apply too much because if you do so, your hair becomes too stiff.
Take some foam into your hands depending on the attributes of your hair, spread it in your hands and apply it to your hair, spreading equally.
Make sure you apply it on the tips, middle and roots while spreading.
However, make sure not to apply too much foam onto the roots of your hair because if you do so, the foam will make your hair remain stiff and hard
which won't look good when you untie your braids. It will become harder to flip your hair to the sides.
I'm talking on experience, you can trust me.
What I'm trying to say is, since the foam stabilizes the root of your hair, the line on your head gets revealed when you try to flip it on one side.
Make sure you apply only a little foam on the roots of your hair but do not exaggerate.
As I said, I get my hair braided on both sides so I get equal curls on both sides. If you follow this technique, you can get a better result.
While getting your hair braided, make sure the braids are so tight that it might give you migraine.
This is an essential point because the tighter the braids, the more integrated it becomes with the hair and the hair gets in shape accordingly.
If you're not going to go anywhere the other day, you can dry it a little with a hairdryer.
I don't prefer it that much because I like my hair braided and I just hang around with my braided hair for a day.
I actually end up having two different hairstyles for two days which I really like.
If you don't mind your baby hairs and if you'll be home the day after, you can dry your hair with a hairdryer and get extra curly and fluffy hair.
We have spread our hair to both sides and got it braided tightly, we put on our rubber buckles and sleep a night with them.
I suggest you to wait at least 12 hours before untying your braids for best results.
There have been times which I untied my braids in 5-6 hours. It didn't work as well as the 12 hour period.
Of course your hair will lose its curls if its straight and thin wired eventually but if you wait for 12 hours before untying, there is a remarkable difference in durability.
We have waited for 12 hours. The best way is to do it before going to bed so you automatically pass 8-9 hours.
The other thing we must be careful with is to untie our braids without harming our curls.
You should never try to untie your hair from up here and get the tips jumbled in each other.
Because while doing so, you straighten your curls unintentionally
I can't demonstrate it because I don't want to mess up my hair.
They become straight while you stretch them out.
You need to take your time while untying them and start from the bottom, slowly proceed to the top of your hair in order to make the curls remain the same.
After untying all the braids, this is what you get as a result.
If you want your curls to remain much longer or if your hair insists too much to take the shape you want, you can apply a spray on it.
I don't apply any spray on it because I like them to remain like this for a couple hours and get loose slowly by themselves.
If you're going to try this without foam, it also works but doesn't last so long.
It may be better to use a spray in that case in order to help your curls last longer.
At first, you feel weird to see a difference like this in your hair but after some time, you get used to it and the change feels amazing
especially if you have straight hair and want to have some curls. This is the same for the curly people, I guess it's the rule of the world.
So as I said, you can use a spray to increase durability.
If I mention my hair; my hair gets in shape but it's not very good in durability. The curls slowly release themselves after a couple hours.
If I apply foam, it lasts for around 8 hours and if you sleep with this hair without taking a shower, you hair looks so good the other day.
It looks like it has its own waves.
The two things I really like about this technique is: 1) It's done without any heat. 2) It looks very natural.
That's why I get my favorite look.
I really like making changes like this occasionally.
So this is the story of how I got my curls without using any heat.
I really like this kind of changes even though I love my straight hair so much.
If you have similar desires, you can apply this technique without harming your hair at all.
I'm pretty sure that you guys will get perfect results because this technique can be done by anyone. So make sure you try it at home.
If you give it a try, you can send me photos of it on Instagram so I can give feedback to you guys.
I'm pretty sure it will be awesome.
This is it from this video. I would like to remind you that I upload new videos every Monday and Wednesday.
See you guys in another video.
NEW! Hank vs. Vampires - Talking Tom and Friends | Season 3 Episode 20 - Duration: 11:05.[bell tolls]
[channel hops]
-[yawns] -[knock on door]
Hello! May I help you?
Have you ever felt disappointed with... your television options?
[evil laugh]
No. I've never thought about that, but I'm thinking about it now.
[clears throat]
Hank, what are you doing? Don't talk to a door-to-door salesman.
Yeah, back off, buddy! Go peddle your lies somewhere else.
-Oh, I am dreadfully sorry. -[bell tolls]
I merely thought you might be interested in 500 television channels.
[gasps] 500 channels?
Tom, we should hear him out.
You can't trust a salesman. They'll say anything to try and make a sale.
And Tom should know, because he's basically a salesman!
Yeah. Wait, that was a compliment, right?
-Um... -Huh! I'll take it as a compliment.
[whistling tunelessly]
Hey! Forget my friends. Here's some money. I need that gizmo!
Oh, this is a deal you assuredly will not regret.
-[thunderclap] -[evil laugh]
Why would I, right?
-[evil laugh] -Right?
♪ Wa-oah! ♪
-[click] -[Hank] Yeah.
Mm-hm. [chuckles]
So, you ignored us and bought the TV channels from the creepy guy, huh?
Tom, it's not just TV channels. It's 500 TV channels!
Fine, but don't complain when you realize that you bought a bunch of junk.
[Ginger] Whoa!
It says you get VTV, the vampire channel!
It's so scary, the Vs in the logo are fangs!
I'd never be allowed to watch this at home because I'd have nightmares!
-Let's watch it! -Oh, yeah!
[distant screams]
Welcome to the 13th season of
"Vampires Among Us: Fact or Fiction? It's Fact."
13th season? I'm not caught up with the first 12 seasons!
But before our 13th season premiere,
we'll have a convenient marathon of our first 12 seasons.
-74 hours of learning. -Ooh!
This isn't going to be easy, but if I'm going to be the TV viewer I know I can be
then I've got a show to marathon!
[distant screams]
[TV host] And inside the grave was a bat! Fact or fiction? It's fact!
[laughing] That was a good one!
But it's a school night, I should probably get going.
Yeah, OK, good night! I've still got 71 hours of this marathon to go.
..we have no garlic!
Vampires can take over a town without any non-vampires knowing.
Remember, the greatest weapon against a vampire is knowledge.
No one is really safe from vampires. Not even ghosts.
Sally didn't believe in vampires. Too bad vampires believed in her.
The most dangerous vampires are the ones closest to us. It could be your spouse.
-Phew! Don't have to worry about that. -It could be your best friend/roommate.
[floorboards creaking]
Uh. Hello?
Hank, we need to talk.
You've been watching this show for over a day.
-You need to take a break. -I can't do that, Tom.
There are vampires among us. I need to stay informed.
-[TV crackles] -Let's just go for a walk.
It's a nice night.
-No. I'm busy. -[thunderclap]
Tom? Where... Where'd you go, Tom?
Hello? Is anybody there?
Your own home could be a vampire den, so you have to look for the signs.
A house that has vampires will definitely have no garlic.
Phew! We have garlic. Right in the kitchen on our garlic plate--
Help me, TV! Tell me what to do!
We'll be back after these short messages from our sponsors.
♪ Garlic fries, garlic pies You know what our food implies ♪
♪ We love garlic! ♪
Ooh! Huh?
-What are you doing? -It's terrible!
We're out of garlic! And Tom was acting weird.
I think he might be... a vampire.
That's logical, Hank. After all...
we are all vampires!
Agh! It's just like the VTV logo!
[evil laugh]
You're just in time for the vampire feast!
-[bats squeaking, flapping] -To be the vampire feast!
Get... No! No!
Vampires! Vampires among us! It's fact!
Oh! No, no, no, no, no!
[bats squeaking]
[locks clank]
Vampire feast! Vampire feast!
Vampire feast! Vampire feast!
Vampire feast! Vampire feast!
OK! Make it quick!
Vampire feast!
Eugh! Did you do it yet?
It seems Hank's too-long TV session has warped his mind.
He can't tell fact from fiction.
Come on, Hank! There's no such thing as vampires!
Spoken like a lying vampire! I've seen the evidence on the show!
I'm not a lying vampire.
I know, but contradicting the show's logic isn't going to work.
Hm. Maybe what we need to do is play along.
Oh... Huh?
Welcome back to "Vampires: Fact or Fiction? It's Fact."
Ooh! You're back! Wait. Something's different.
Uh... No, this is a regular episode of the show you're watching.
Oh, good.
Today's episode is our most important one ever.
It's about...
the slayer - the one person who can defeat the vampire menace forever!
And that slayer's name is Hank!
[gasps] Could I be the-- No, it's probably a different Hank.
It's easy to know if you're Hank the Slayer!
Vampire slayers are great at untying ropes.
-[snipping] -Huh?
Slayers also bear an image of vampire fangs on the back of their hand.
I never saw that before. So maybe I really am the slayer!
Yes, there you go. That's what we were going for.
-You're the one who can save the world. -Ha-ha! Once and for all!
[inspirational rock music playing]
[grunting, straining]
Wa! Ha! Ya!
I'd like to order garlic fries, extra garlic, hold the fries.
OK, TV show. I hope you were right about me.
Vampires, show yourselves!
[hissing, snarling]
It's time to raise the stakes.
Aagh! My weakness!
No, no, no!
It will not be so easy to defeat Thoma-cula.
-Ha-ha! -No!
Ooh, ah!
Three down. One to go.
[Ginger] Well done, Slayer, but you can't defeat the master vampire.
Me! Ha-ha-ha!
The oldest of the bloodsuckers shall take the form of a child.
Classic vampire thing!
[Hank roars]
[spooky organ music]
Take that!
Hank! No!
[Hank] Whoa, whoa, whoa.
-Ha-ha! -How could you do this to me?
We watched the vampire show together!
It was all my plan to reveal you as a slayer.
So I could slay you!
Good plan. Except I watched episode 18
and I know the vampire's greatest weakness.
-Sunlight! -[screams] No!
I'm turning to dust!
I will return.
No, I won't! I'm gone for good.
And so are all other vampires in this town.
They die when the master vampire dies!
-[panting] I did it. I saved the world. -[birdsong]
-Huh? There he is! -Hank!
Whoa! You won't believe the crazy dream I just had!
That wasn't a dream.
You watched way too much of that TV show about vampires and you went nuts.
Oh, that makes sense. No more vampires.
From now on, I'm only going to watch shows about zombies!
[everyone] No, no!
[Ben] Give me that!
[evil laugh]
WWE Evolution 2018 Review! | WrestleTalk - Duration: 5:42.-------------------------------------------
How to sell on Aliexpress com - Duration: 8:57.If anyone knows, aliexpress.com is a huge Chinese online store where you can buy almost everything at bargain prices. To be more precise, this is not just an online store, but a trading platform on which different sellers can sell - but from the point of view of a simple buyer, it's just a huge online store. 23 million Russians visit it per month! Basically, the regions (85 percent of Aliexpress visitors account for the regions, and only 15 percent are in Moscow and St. Petersburg). I also began to go into it sometimes, especially when I compared the prices of accessories for jewelry in Russian online stores and on aliexpress. com (in the Chinese store, these prices are 4 times lower!). On the one hand, Aliexpress.com is the grave-digger of many Russian online stores (especially those who buy goods in China themselves and then resell them to us). On the other hand, it provides an opportunity for our manufacturers to trade next to the Chinese on their site. The same Russians (a, perhaps the rest of the world). In my opinion, it was in the spring of 2016 that Russian manufacturers got this opportunity. And some have already taken advantage of them. I found several such sellers. Successful russian sellers on Aliexpress.com 1. This is the furniture company Mingachev from Krasnoyarsk (its page on aliexpress is ru.aliexpress. com / store / 2287076). 2. The company "Mosigra" (network of stores of table games) - ru.aliexpress.com/store/2068097. 3. Online store of women's clothing from Krasnodar Diamonds Style (ru.aliexpress.com/store/2199050). In general, our Russian manufacturers and sellers on Aliexpress are still very few. And in vain. Because the same foreign companies penetrate this market very cleverly and trade almost without competition on behalf of Russian manufacturers (simply because they have their own representative offices and warehouses in Russia). 4. This is, for example, the Danish brand Ardi, which produces lingerie. He came on Aliexpress last year (ru. aliexpress.com/store/1946256) and sold over ten thousand units of its goods through this platform (judging by the number of reviews). Perhaps not all of our manufacturers and retailers know how to trade on Aliexpress, so they are not here yet. Although the multimillion army of Russian buyers is not averse to buying from them from this very site. Because it is very convenient to buy from one place, picking up interesting things from a huge cloud of goods laid out on a shop window (for the first time, it may be difficult. But then it is a pleasure). But the placement of their products on Aliexpress.com will not cost our sellers a penny. They pay commission fees only for real purchases (from 3. 5 to 7 percent of the price of goods). How to register on Aliexpress.com and start selling? To facilitate the registration of our merchants on Aliexpress.com, PickPoint (owning a network of postamats in Russia and therefore very interested in the development of Russian e-commerce) acted as an assistant in this process. On the PickPoint site on the pickpoint.com/ali/ page you can read information on how to register on Aliexpress and put up your goods for sale (this is a whole section of the site devoted to this). To get started, read the information on the page pickpoint.ru/ali/p/deploy/create-account/. Here are the requirements for sellers, who want to trade on Aliexpress.com. First of all, it should be legal entities (LLC or IP). And they can only sell original brands (either their own or someone else's - if there is an appropriate agreement with the owner of the brand). If we proceed from these requirements, then almost any Russian manufacturer can sell goods of its brand on Aliexpress (only it, of course, needs to be registered). Otherwise, there are no restrictions. Yes, one more condition. On Aliexpress, the price of your product should not be higher than in your own store (virtual or real). Because the Chinese marketplace is positioning itself as a place where goods are sold with a minimum margin, because of which they are the cheapest (precisely because of this, it has such a large number of fans). To trade with Aliexpress as a Russian seller, you do not need to go to China and create a warehouse for your products there. You can (and should) sell to Russian buyers from Russia, from your usual warehouse, with your traditional methods. The main thing - and they highly recommend it to you - you should have in the delivery method the Post of Russia - because it is the most popular delivery method for all Russian regions. But you are given the opportunity to accept a wide variety of payment methods from customers (which you yourself could hardly have organized so easily). In this case, you do not need to have your own online store. You can remain a simple manufacturer and get practically a free use (for a small commission from sales) a huge trading platform. Product categories prepared for Russian sellers: "Household appliances", "Tools", "Electronics", "Clothing and fashion", "Everything for children", "Bags and shoes" and "Cosmetics" (although Mosigra sells its products in a completely different category - "Board games" / Board games /. That is, you can sell anything but food, probably). Almost all of these categories already have products (either from Russian manufacturers, or from Russian representatives of foreign manufacturers). But surprisingly, in the "Bags and Shoes" category there is not a single Russian seller yet, this section is almost empty. And this is surprising, because bags and shoes are always a well-bought product at all sites. I think, after all, there are manufacturers of fashionable bags in Russia (at least) who would like to have similar sales figures. How to achieve impressive sales figures? Not only low price (for Ardi, for example, underwear is not worth a penny). How to sell a lot? At a minimum, see how others are doing - successful sellers. They hang a banner on their page, give detailed information about their brand. Give customers discounts (and discount coupons). Describe your product as detailed as possible - with a variety of photos. Give the expanded size grid. If possible, include the cost of delivery in the price of the goods (and inform the buyer that delivery is free). They write the exact weight and size of the package. Respond to all negative reviews, explaining their position. To my mind, it is not difficult (it is much more difficult to produce goods). So. Any Russian manufacturer who has registered a trademark for his product can get (represented by Aliexpress.com) a huge sales channel. The main thing is to register in it, to arrange the product pages correctly - and continue to produce and deliver your goods to the Russian buyer. Even if you are not yet a manufacturer, but you have ambitious plans for your future production - you now know what and on whom you rely on (as always, the Chinese).
Voor elke particulier hoef je geen factuur op te maken - Duration: 1:50.-------------------------------------------
BILDIRCIN YUMURTASININ FAYDALARI VE ZARARLARI - Duration: 6:36.-------------------------------------------
Bangla Hot Song 15 | আমার প্রেমের লাইসেন্স তুমি - বাংলা হট গান | Bangla Gorom Masala Song - Duration: 3:51.Bangla Hot Song 15 | আমার প্রেমের লাইসেন্স তুমি - বাংলা হট গান | Bangla Gorom Masala Song
Bangla Hot Song 15 | আমার প্রেমের লাইসেন্স তুমি - বাংলা হট গান | Bangla Gorom Masala Song
Runner Bike New Offer Price | Biggest runner Bike Showroom In Dhaka / Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 10:29.-------------------------------------------
UCLA and John McNeil - both 99 - Duration: 2:33.I came here in 1956. UCLA needed someone to take over on the teacher education program.
The salary was terrible compared with anything.
If I told you, you wouldn't believe me.It was so low.
But I said I'd rather be here because I thought I could have more influence.
And when I came here, it's been a tremendous opportunity.
At the beginning when I came here there were 50 members of the School of Education.
Now those 50 were scattered in every department.
And what they were charged to do in their departments, in addition to their subject matter,
they had to help the students learn how to make that subject matter meaningful
for children--students--in the school.
And then I would put them in various schools for practice teaching.
And I would help them write their lesson plans and curriculum for the semester.
This was really a training school for LA City teachers. That's what it was.
But, what is education? We don't know yet. That's our topic right now in the United States.
Right in this building.
What what do we mean by education? What should it be?
Preparing just for a job? Preparing for intellectual enlightenment?
What does it mean for your children? What do you want them to be if they're educated?
I just love to see what students can do when you...
The main thing is opening up a opportunity for them to learn and to teach us.
I've enjoyed that more than anything I think. I've really enjoyed it.
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