Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 31 2018

Everybody Mark with exotic car play place today I'm going to explain to you

how to use the new 2019 key fob for a BMW and I'm gonna show you on this

beautiful m4 ti x3 so let's get started I'm gonna show you every one of the

details and you should be good to go right after that let's go so of course

first of all we have this beautiful key it's got the wonderful M colours on it

and you'll notice four buttons you've got the unlock you've got the unlock

you've got the lock the trunk and as well the alarm you want to hit the alarm

hold it and any button will stop it you can hit anybody button to release that

siren then make sure it's locked again so of course this key contains a lot of

things this contains information from your service history this also records

when you unlock with this key it records your seat position mirror position

stereo channel that you had it dialed into and all the other settings that

were customizable would be set up through your key fob of course that is a

big part of this the next part is I'm going to show you some of its other

functions other than unlocking locking and so on and so forth so to do the

trunk you press and hold press and hold for one second the trunk opens

the next thing we're gonna do is we're going to roll the windows down so what

you're gonna do press and hold your unlock button you're holding it and

you'll notice the windows roll down and the sunroof will open but I'm not gonna

go that far so what you want to do you can actually lock it we lock the doors

but say you want to close the windows now you press and hold that press and

hold the lock button and you'll notice the windows roll back up done let go now

everything is locked back up of course there's another function to this key

this key actually comes apart it's got another half to it so what you do is you

press that little button here and that separates these two halves press it and

now we've got this half this half of the key can be used to unlock certain parts

now of course we can go around to the side of the car you can open up the car

and of course this can be used now to lock this to lock up your glovebox turn

it this way now it's locked put the key back in now the glove box

opens again and Bob's your uncle so I hope that was enough for you guys I

wanted to give you a quick rundown how much this or how well this new key fob

works by BMW it's got the great stripes it's a little beefier than previous

generations very very nice piece of hardware but it actually has a little

bit going for it keeping settings for all your personal settings as well as

the information on your maintenance and you can remotely open and close windows

and so on and so forth as well as activate panic alarms and so on so

thanks again everybody I hope you enjoyed the video you be sure to make

sure you give me a thumbs up like subscribe to the channel and don't

forget to hit that notification bell and I hope to see you guys real soon talk to

then alright see ya bye bye

For more infomation >> 2019 BMW Key Fob Tutorial - Duration: 4:33.


Суперджет 100 пассажирский авиалайнер. Звезда 7009. Обзор - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Суперджет 100 пассажирский авиалайнер. Звезда 7009. Обзор - Duration: 5:03.



Greetings ghouls and ghosts it's Remus here and welcome to a video about the most evil

champions in League of Legends, a few years ago we checked some of the scaries ones, but

with new champions coming out or reworks happening let's now look at some of the most evil characters

in the game!

Number 10: Shaco

No one really knows what Shaco is, his title is The Demon Jester yet his actual identiy

or where he came from is unkown, some say he is indeed a demon, some say he is not even

from Runeterra, but coming from a dark and twisted world, but it is known that he likes

killing while laughing like a maniac and that he is very cunning, no one managed to catch

him in all this time and he keeps on spreaing terror.

Number 9: Nocturne

You merely adopted the dark, but Nocturne was born in it, molded by it.

In a recent story, some mages used the forbidden shadow magic trying to weaponize it and thus

they created Nocturne, the shadow magic was eventually forbidden and Nocturne remained

trapped in the spirit realm, only being able to appear in people's dreams, making citizens

afraid to even go to sleep, until he eventually managed to break free from it, feeding on

fear, reminds you of someone?

It's also interesting to think that he may be Zed from the future, one of the only people

still toying with the forbidden shadow magic.

Number 8: Mordekaiser

I already considered Mordekaiser one of the most evil champions in the game, he was once

a hated king that finally met his demise by a huge rebellion that wanted him dead, and

as he was killed and burned he laughted claiming he will return to slaughter them all and once

the Blessed Isles became the Shadow Isles he was reborn but not bound to the land and

started builing an army worthy of Mordor by claiming the souls of his enemies and enslaving

them to fight for him.

In a recent story we also find out that he is responsible for Veigar turning bad, he

enslaved him and tortured him, loneliness is bad for Yordles and he got mad, yet there

is still some good left inside, preventing him from doing trully terrible deeds.

Number 7: Aatrox

Aatrox is a god of war, he was once a holy warrior of Azir, defending Shurima from the

Void but with time the empire fell and he was betrayed and enslaved by sorcerers in

a sword for centuries, only knowing darkness, not being able to see, hear, feel, move or

even scream.

He was the first of the Darkin to find freedom, when foolish mortals tried to weild the blade,

stealing their bodies and giving himself a hellish new form, now living just to kill,

seeking destruction of everything and everyone, like he said: "I must destroy even hope..."

Number 666: Teemo

Because he is literally satan.

Number 5: Tahm Kench

A demon of gluttony, traveling the oceans feeding his insatiable appetite with the misery

of others, making deals with desperate people that will eventually get them and everything

and everyone they love killed and eaten after giving them hope.

Number 4: Evelynn

Another demon, if Tahm is gluttony, she is lust, Evelynn is similar to a succubus, born

from nothing, over eons taking an attractive form to lure pray in to torture and kill after

she felt the pleasure of pain and suffering during the Rune Wars, getting a high from

their suffering, turning into her true form and tormenting her victims in unspeakable

ways, maybe hot ones though.

Number 3: Singed

A brillint and evil scientist under Swain's command, taking pleasure in torturing and

killing people with his biochemicals, he's also responsible for Warwick.

He was indeed turned mad from all the chemicals but that does not really justify gassing masses

of people and all the wicked acts he has done.

Number 2: Jhin

Jhin is trully a psychopath, he believes murder is art and does not care about others, just

likes to slaughter them in beautiful ways by his vision, similar to Hannibal but without

the eating of their body, I hope.

He was once a prisoner but was freed by shadows and now acting like a serial killer, most

of the other ones are monsters or demons, but Jhin is a mere mortal and yet he is evil

in a more realistic way, making him really scary and a true agent of chaos.

Zed and Shen tried to go undercover to stop him, but they couldn't and it drove Zed to

the shadow techniques.

Number 1: Thresh

I still think Thresh is trully the most wicked of them all, he was like many others turned

by the Shadow Isles but not on the inside, he was evil before, now he has more means

and power to perform it, taking joy in killing and turture and trapping the souls of the

living into his lantern as batteries for all eternity, or until someone breaks it.

And that's it for this video, thanks for watching, there are more wicked champions in the game,

you can also check out my scaries champions and skins videos for more, but I think those

10 are the baddest of them, some are evil but don't think they are evil like most good

villains are, some are following the ends justify the means approach and do what they

think is best for them or their people, but some are just pure evil.

Leave a like and subscribe and tell 100 of your soul slaves to do so as well because

I'll cosplay K/DA Akali at 100k and I will see you tonight, under your bed, bye bye.

For more infomation >> TOP 10 MOST EVIL CHAMPIONS IN LEAGUE OF LEGENDS - Duration: 6:39.


QUANDO VERBO NÃO É VERBO: GERUNDS! | dica de inglês em inglês #05 - Duration: 10:49.

Hey guys! It's time for another English tip in English, uma dica de inglês em inglês.

Ativa a legenda se quiser. The other day I was sitting around this

table playing a game with my friends. This is the game. It's called Say

Anything, and it's kind of a word game. What happens is: there is one dealer, and

the dealer changes every time. The dealer starts off a round by reading one of

these cards. On each card there are five questions and they ask a question from

the card, for example, "What job would I most like to try for a week? Or, "What's

the most fun sport to watch on TV?" "Who's the greatest author of all time?"

They choose one of these questions. Everyone else who's not a dealer has one of these

little whiteboards, a small dry erase board, and they have a marker. And with

the marker they write on their card what they think the dealer would choose. So

for example, let's say I'm the dealer. I would ask the question, "What's the most

fun sport to watch on TV?" And one of my friends might write baseball. Another one

might write hockey. Another might write basketball. They all put them on the

table, and then I choose which one I think is the most fun sport to watch on

TV, but before I choose, everyone else has chips, they bet on which one that they

think that I would choose, and so on. It's a fun game, and something very

interesting happened when I was the dealer of this game when we were playing

this game last week. Now, since I was the dealer I had the card and I read the

question from this card: "What makes people happy?"

And so everyone with their card had to write what they think I

would choose. One of the answers was money. Someone else put faith.

One of my friends, Charles, put beer. And my friend Anna put giving. Now, I realize

that some Brazilians would wonder why Anna wrote "giving" and not "to give" If this

game were played in Portuguese the answers would be dinheiro, fé, cerveja,

and dar. So why did Anna write "giving" instead of "give" or "to give"? This is

called the gerund in English and it's a mistake that I see many Brazilians make:

when they need to use the gerund in English but they forget to use it

because it doesn't exist in Portuguese. And I wanna explain a simple rule that

will help you to remember when you should use the gerund. First I need to

mention that the gerund has the exact same form as the present participle in

English. So in Portuguese, think of dar and dando: dando is the present

participle of dar, like, "continuar dando feedback." In English

this is, "to continue giving feedback," with the -ing at the end of "give": giving. The

gerund looks like "giving". It's written the exact same as the present participle

of every verb in English but we use the gerund when we want a verb to be used as

a noun. Let's look at our answers again. We have

money, which is a noun. We have faith, which is a noun. We have beer, which is a

noun. And the question is asking for a noun, too. The question

is WHAT makes people happy, not HOW do you make people happy, and then a verb As

an answer. The question is asking for WHAT. And so "giving" here is a noun.

By making the verb into a gerund, Anna made a noun. And so "giving" is the fourth

noun on the table here. You could also think of it this way:

Anna could have written, "the action of giving". Action is a noun and it answers

the question perfectly; "giving" literally means "the action of giving" and so in

Portuguese this would be...

And so to remember if you need to use the gerund in English, in Portuguese, if

you can put "a ação de" before the verb, then you have to use the gerund in English. So,

let's think of some other examples. Um, things that we like, right?

Soccer is a noun. Perfect. But what if we want to say,

I've seen some Brazilians make the mistake of saying,

But we need touse the gerund here. We need to make the verb into a noun.

Remember that in Portuguese you could say,

And because of that, you need to use the gerund in English.

Another example. Let's talk about hobbies.

But, if I were to say a sentence like,

I don't say "I want to reading..." I don't use the gerund aqui. I don't use

the gerund HERE. Nossa. Abrasileirando meu inglês! Think of it in Portuguese:

That doesn't make sense here. Finally, we use

the gerund all the time with phrasal verbs. All the time! And it's because with

phrasal verbs, we're talking a ação de fazer alguma coisa. For example,

And so he always puts off THE ACTION of doing his homework.

That's why we need to say,

...something like that.

And one of the most common mistakes that I see is with the phrasal verb,

You're looking forward to a thing, a noun. So maybe,

But many times, probably most of the time, you're looking forward to an action.

So maybe you're looking forward to the action of seeing someone again, right?

And so because it's an action, but we need to

make it into a noun, we use the gerund in English. So,

That's it! So, try to think of this little trick.

Try to remember, in Portuguese if you can put,

And I think that it will make it a lot easier for deciding when it is that you need to use a gerund. Okay?

I love giving tips like this, and I see that you all are making fewer and fewer

mistakes. I hope that you enjoy studying English, and that you continue to study

English. We're in this together. #TMJ. And hey, check out this

game too, Say Anything. It's super fun and I'm always noticing little things like

these that I wonder that if I were playing this game with Brazilians, would

they understand? So. Thank you guys, and I'll see you next video! Peace out.

For more infomation >> QUANDO VERBO NÃO É VERBO: GERUNDS! | dica de inglês em inglês #05 - Duration: 10:49.


Rosmar Theme [LEGGERE DESC.] - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Rosmar Theme [LEGGERE DESC.] - Duration: 2:33.


The Secrets of Cbble's Loading Screen - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> The Secrets of Cbble's Loading Screen - Duration: 2:29.


The WORST Halloween Safety Video Ever Made - Duration: 25:13.

spooked yah'. hey YouTube topicwott here and welcome back to yet another topic

wott video it is now officially been a year since last Halloween so you know

what that means safety is number one priority okay, eating sleeping uhh uh

safety before we actually get into how you're gonna be safe I have just a

couple things first of all I want to thank you all for supporting me over the

last year it's been great and now the channel is actually like one year old

now which is just actually great let's just take a second and look at how far

we've come from safety video this is sorry guys that was a little bit long

but I just want you all to you know really understand what's been going on

all right I heard a couple people talking smack about my costume last year

but you know what you know what no one's gonna talk smack

about me this year cuz my costume is better than all of theirs all right and

my makeups gonna be better too okay mom so let me just go put that on your quick

okay so I know what you're thinking this might be a little bit too over the top

alright I wouldn't consider you wrong but I also won't consider you right oh

my gosh for anyone uh confused about what just

happened um so these things right here these these uh it's lip I swear none of

that was planned I just fell okay so my problem is I don't know if this costume

is safe but I mean that kind of just proved it probably isn't and you guys

are probably saying okay topic wha I've watched part one a link in description

and you're probably saying topic Wow I watched the first Halloween safety video

you did this costume clearly doesn't fit any of that criteria honestly the year

has been so busy I can't remember any of it and you know I would go back and

watch the video but I just don't have time for that I'm a busy guy so instead

I'm gonna go ahead and watch this and see if I match up to more modern

Halloween safety and guys I want I really want to make this

Halloween special and safe for me because I don't know how to say this but

this may be my last trick-or-treating ever you know people were like you're a

little bit too old for this and I'm like no and then I look it up and then people

are like yeah you should probably stop by the time you're 14 and it's like what

am I gonna do so you know what I want to be safe and I want to have a good

Halloween so let's just go ahead and get into this

all right so you're really trying to sell safety for kids decapitated heads

is the best way because well and makes them fear what's about to come if

they're not safe on Halloween I don't even know what this is all right so we

actually saw some of these masks right before this scene so this is definitely

establishing a bit of a timeline for us this is before they make all these

Halloween safety mistakes Halloween is really a special time isn't it

especially for me you can see why if you know who I am what a very human sounding

narrator look up a little that's me a jack-o'-lantern this is witchcraft I'm

out I'm out I'm out I'm out look look I'm not having that thing that thing

teach me how to be safe you get a different person to teach me how to be

safe I'd rather go back to that was narrated from last year I'm out

ain't a video guys good bye

all right obviously I was kidding obviously I was kidding guys lantern

that Halloween time every year I sit up here and watch everybody go by it's a

nice and scary time isn't it all those wonderful costumes and masks and makeup

I think about how much fun Halloween is how's the pumpkin gonna have fun on

Halloween if it doesn't even have legs I also worry a little bit about the things

that can spoil the fun of Halloween those kinds of things scare me too but

in a different way for instance look next door that's where

Cory lives Cory you could say Tory's in the house Cory's going to carve a

pumpkin with her dad now a pumpkins not easy to carve I know that you need the

proper tools but first you have to draw a face that you can carve Cory's doing

that then you cut the top off so you can scoop out the insides I'm glad that

Cory's father is helping her it's much safer that way

it getting my inside scooped out tickles me it a Dickel you too if you were a

pumpkin yeah and stubbing my toe on a lego feels good too

we know your act okay you're not a pumpkin all right you just like it

pumpkins being tortured I'm on to you

no it doesn't wait so far it's been fun but look at Cory's hand kind of gooey

isn't it Cory is going to carve to face with a smoky so basically what he's

trying to say is getting my brain skipped out of my head would tickle and

I totally I totally would not die without a brain you know what this is a

I approve this message alright this is a message from topic law doctors near you

well okay guys um I haven't made a pumpkin yet so I'm gonna go ahead and do

that actually uh you guys can you guys can come with come on alright so today

we have our pumpkin and our markers and we're just gonna draw this but also I'm

joined by papa watt so what we're gonna do first is we're actually going to draw

a design on this and then we're gonna do something that the video did not teach

but we're gonna do it because we're bosses so we're going for a pretty

simple design right now we're just drawing you know a pumpkin alright so

now we have a bit of a design to our pumpkin um so now here comes the cool

part this is where Papa watt comes in make sure there's an adult or someone a

lot older than you alright kids now this here's the Heisei

3000 only available at Walmart and I'm here today to show you how to get some

real quick pumpkin cut and that's what PCC stands for pumpkin cutting

so today you need to make sure you got your safety glasses on see the safety

glasses and then you've got a nice open working area because when you start

slinging pumpkin everywhere it's gonna be a problem so make sure when you get

the PC 3000 that it's properly plugged in and then you got your safety glasses

on all right here we go

and there you go right there that's what you get when you got a pumpkin cutter


hey this here's the jackknife 3000 also only available at Walmart lookie there

we can get rid of that guts just like nobody's business

it is a gut cutting pumpkin killing machine right here the jackknife 3000

all right thanks a lot for the help us a lot so now basically all we gotta do is

gut it basically and then we're just done we just finished it it's now time

for the grand ordeal this looks awesome all right now all we got to do is light

it and then I'll show you put the cap on

all right the caps on guys well that was fun but what about having a candle

burning inside your pumpkin well I'm sitting on brick but a candle in a

pumpkin on a wooden porch might not be safe at all a flashlight could be a lot

safer then but it's best to stay away from lighted candles that are inside or

outside of jack-o'-lanterns you know why well not I just realized

something guys jack-o'-lanterns are constantly being burned from the inside

out he said they feel that want to really

get their brains scooped out does that does that mean they feel pain

well not everybody carves a pumpkin on Halloween but just about everybody does

dress up in a costume for instance look across the street there yo this is mad

creepy all right you're just shining a camera into some unsuspecting house call

this number now if your house has ever been in a Crabby Halloween's

video do you see what I see that robot is Jeremy in his costume well it may

look great from the outside but from the inside things don't look very good at

all Jeremy can't see very well with his

robot head on and I don't think the rest of his costume lets him walk very well

he can't bend his knees it's hard for Jeremy to keep his balance if Jeremy

went out like that he might keep losing his balance all the time he might fall

down just anywhere and probably everywhere sidewalks hurt you when you

fall on them and so do streets sidewalks and streets are may know that the exact

same thing and streets are especially dangerous to fall down on Jeremy has to

be able to walk better if he doesn't want to spoil his Halloween fun there

that's better robots don't have legging materials on them unless they're an

Android but he wants to be a robot there that's better a costume shouldn't make

you trip or fall that's not safe it should be easy for you to move in

your costume and you have to be able to see where you're going a mask that makes

it hard to see could get you into all kinds of trouble there that's much

better okay so their thing about how making the holes bigger is the solution

um no let me let me just show you something real quick because as you can

see these are these are decently sized holes for this mask right I still can't

see crap all right and you for those who doubt me

all right here's proof here's proof

look look hey what are you what are you doing inside of my mask get out of there

Master nothing sir nothing sir wait I'm talking to you you want me to get out

yeah get out of there you all can be the worst sometimes oh

but look at Jessica she can't see much with her mask on it's

too big for me a monster needs an ugly face but does it have to be a mask how

come you didn't like tell your mom that at the store that is that is a hundred

percent on you I mean your mom feels guilty now because she didn't realize it

was you know it's just kind of you're just kind of being mean to your mom

makeup can be just as good and it's always just the right size for you hey

girls I'm back for this year's Halloween makeup tutorial all right so we're

trying to create the character of Spongebob Squarepants now of course

we're going to be using a color palette by Rose art all right this is the best

makeup palette on the market currently and so for this makeup we're gonna have

to first take off her glasses and then we're going to have to apply a lot a lot

a lot a lot of yellow if you're not too good at putting on makeup get an adult

to help you which I did not do okay so this marker is what I mean on this

makeup stick yeah I mean this makeup stick is lit it's just a little bit too

small so money young let me go grab a highway I mean yeah some highlight you

know oh I'll be back in the second girl okay girls I tried I tried sharp you for

a second um I can't breathe properly but we're just gonna keep on powering

through like we always do

okay ladies so Aaron it's gonna feel just a bit nauseous

okay ladies but um don't don't put underneath at so um basically now we're

just gonna add a little circles and then our new our makeup tutorial should be

done okay wait I mean okay ladies so as you can see we're just a little bit of

holes all throughout it and uh yeah I'd say we're about that now so uh you know

irony Cheryl told me already have a bit of a spongebob voice about me so I got

to hate you Cheryl all right so um yeah and I'm gonna do a couple little more

touch-ups and then I will meet you all downstairs okay it's all your fault Jill

All Right girls let's get ready for the big reveal

okay and as you can see girls it is a hundred percent accurate no I'm just

kidding guys this is the 100% accurate one we got everything we got the

eyebrows um whatever these are our makeups doing great guys

perfect as always I have inhaled so many chemicals over the past 15 minutes

someone please help make sure your mask and costume let you see well and walk

well and they won't spoil your fun on Halloween of course the reason you get

all dressed up at Halloween so she hates some mad PB&J and I'd like

to see all the children out in their costumes but when I see them I always

hope they don't forget all they know about crossing street safely makes me so

happy when I see children look to their left for cars then right for cars then

left again before they cross but never ever ever right a second

that is that is actually illegal kids remember that you mustn't forget all the

safety rules you know on Halloween and especially because it's dark it's safest

not to cross between parked cars that can be very dangerous and don't cut

across yards or empty lots when it's dark you can't see what's there who just

leaves glass out in their yard oh you have trashy people I hope it's not a

trick please last time it was bad you lost Billy

okay picture her treat now you'll see what sit okay so I don't know if that's

like something that people actually used to do um

why now you'll see what there is about their costumes that makes it easier for

drivers to see them when it's dark I can't see anything with the quality of

this video oh oh oh oh yeah it was recorded in 1985 I'm expecting way to

much like I should have learned that by now we're at the one-year anniversary of

the channel and like all I've been watching his stuff from the 90s and 80s

like I should be used to this do you see how easy it is to see the bright colors

in the costumes bright colors are easier to see at night than dark colors are but

there's something else some parts seem to glow from the camera flash that's how

those parts will look when car headlights shine on them those are just

pieces of special tape that reflect light very well you can put tape like

that on your costume guys I already got some highlight on my face so there's no

need for me to add anything else but some people have a strange idea of fun

they think it's fun to mess up other people's things with paint yeah that is

really fun I like that they don't think about how the people feel whose things

are ruined see how funny it is I'm laughing a lot okay

this clearly isn't a joke yo uh one time my brother got like silly-string

on Halloween buy it like just buy people randomly

and I like ruined his costume or something like that and my dad barely

got hit I didn't get hit at all so yeah I guess it's wrong but at the same time

it's just really funny and some people think it's fun to throw things at cars

and houses and buildings one time I threw mulch at a car driving by because

I saw the kids across the street were that got me grounded for seven years I

got that was actually me getting like you know a little bit of mercy you know

but the people whose things they're messing up don't I don't either it isn't

fun to spoil other people's things and make them unhappy some people even think

it's fun to smash pumpkins

oh no that's not fun all right well now that we're done with that I'm pretty um

I'm pretty mentally scarred that wasn't that wasn't a good idea don't have a

trick-or-treat alone and if someone you don't know very well and you know for

some of us though even the best of us remembered to say thank you two seconds

after everyone else says it some of you will probably still be out when it's

really dark that's when flashlights are an

especially good idea flashlights in the entire world

they only illuminate like this one tiny spot like probably just about this big

now that's what I call a good investment but remember don't shine those

flashlights into anybody's eyes I can't see I can't see

YouTube YouTube oh uh I actually can't see guys but what do you do with all the

treats you've collected a lot of them are things to eat of course but you

don't eat them all at least not right away that's for sure and there might be

some you won't want to eat at all get a grown-up to help you decide or at least

someone a lot older than you you see some people think it's fun to play

tricks with your treats watch out for candy wrappers that have been torn or

punctured that might be a sign of tampering there might be things in the

candy so break open candy bars before you eat them

what if they strategically put it at like right at the very edge and you just

break it in half and you notice until it's too late they really

need to like think about this for a second cut fruit into pieces before you

eat it just in case something's been stuck in

it watch out for things that look like candy but might be medicines or drugs or

even poisons don't eat anything that doesn't look right

why'd you stick it in bird poo beets are so much fun to collect it would be awful

to have them spoil your Halloween fun by making you sick korie's treats won't

make her sick and I hope yours won't make you sick

either I hope you could have the most fun you've ever had this Halloween

Halloween can be a scary time not because of witches or ghosts that we

know aren't real but because of real things that can

spoil our fun right right

no no no uh-uh no no no no what was that voice screw out ween safety who cares

about it all that really matters is that we get

some candy Halloween you have officially been rejected from the fear wall I can't

scratch it out but y'all get the point you are the least scary thing and I have

nothing to fear because nothing bad is gonna happen today oh wow I take back

what I just said Halloween safety is important okay I

they just didn't say anything about wearing nice I've been slipping and

falling this entire video send your condolences in the comments below no no

oh my gosh oh my gosh okay now it could have been bad and I will catch you all

next time

For more infomation >> The WORST Halloween Safety Video Ever Made - Duration: 25:13.


#1 Intro - Double N - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> #1 Intro - Double N - Duration: 2:04.


Set Free - Duration: 6:02.

Main Character: There's a force field?!

Main Character: I don't know. I'm gonna getting the hell out of here.

Main Character: Oh what was that?!

Random Trick Or Treater: Trick or treat.

Trick or Treater #1: Hello. I like your costume. Are you trick or treating?

Trick or Treater #1: Ow!

Trick or Treater #2: Ah!

Main Character: Guys, where we dropping?

Main Character: Oh hang on. Sorry, I think my mom is home.

Main Character: Ma!

Main Character: Mom, are you home early or something?

Main Character: That's the upstair...

Main Character: No.

Main Character: Oh my god!

Main Character: Holy shit!

Main Character: Holy shit.

Main Character: Holy shit.

Main Character: Just die!

Main Character: I'm out.

Main Character: Fuck!

Main Character: Fuck!

Main Character: Eat my ass!!!

Main Character: Who the fuck are you!

Main Character: Ugh.

Main Character: Who the fuck are...

Main Character: Ahhh!

Trick or Treater #3: Trick or Treat!

For more infomation >> Set Free - Duration: 6:02.


"Snubbar förlöjligar #metoo!" - Duration: 29:17.

For more infomation >> "Snubbar förlöjligar #metoo!" - Duration: 29:17.


THE WALKING DEAD SEASON 4 - TV Spot #4 - "MONSTERS" [1080p Eng Sub] - Duration: 0:47.

I don't remember a time without monsters

I didn't want this

I wanted to save.. all of you

We''ll help you

We're all family here

The only one any of us has left

I think walkers won't always be around

they'll go away someday

This age will end...

And... Another one will start

An age without walkers

Like it used to be

For more infomation >> THE WALKING DEAD SEASON 4 - TV Spot #4 - "MONSTERS" [1080p Eng Sub] - Duration: 0:47.


AVENGERS 4 TRAILER MAJOR UPDATE! Avengers 4 IMAX Trailer Sent Out To The Theatres ALREADY - Duration: 3:25.


what is good YouTube Warstu here with a video on the Avengers for trailer so I

know I did a video about this yes they built there has been some pretty cool

information that I've been informed on that I don't think many people know

about so if you are new to the channel make sure to subscribe to enter the

competition all you gotta do is comment down below who is your favorite

superhero and why so either you can win a super duper Deadpool 2 blu-ray or an

infinity war blu-ray so Avengers for early this month was

rumored to be going through digital media remastering and a lot of people

debunk that and said it wasn't real and actually it turns out this information

was correct why is this because infinity war went through the same process so if

you choose to see infinity war or Avengers 4 obviously if you see an IMAX

you see 26% more of the film as revealed in IMAX footage but as reported it way

back in 2015 at at the start of shooting the 3rd Avengers film is the first movie

to be shot entirely in IMAX 2d digital camera not to be confused with IMAX 17

mil what does this mean unlike certain films that I converted in

post-production the film was shot to preserve the full aspect ratio of the

oversized IMAX theater screen so essentially it still got converted into

proper IMAX in post-production so that is why this information coming out about

the kind of Avengers 4 trailer being converted into imax quality was actually

true so I've been given this information it's an update saying the imax

conversion for the trailer is now completely done and it's being shipped

out to theaters soon the source for this is I am a film editor on Twitter or

leave it down below why is his source cracked because he was

right about the imax digital media remaster in for Star Wars the last Jedi

the solo Star Wars trailers so it's a trusted source so the Avengers 4 trailer

is now being sent out to theaters worldwide so I still think it's coming

out in November just like the Russians saw said yesterday it was being shipped

out it's gonna be aired in November so I still believe it will come out with

rocket RAF - breaks the in but as everyone knows in today's world

traders don't get dropped in the cinema they get dropped on a talk show like

Good Morning America so that is when I actually do believe the trailer will be

coming out on November the 21st and it's being shipped out this is a very good

source so full credit - I am a film editor on Twitter I will leave he's

linked down below I don't believe this is anywhere else at the moment so it's

pretty cool info kind of a scoop ish maybe I'm not really sure if it is out

there anywhere else I know that someone else did report on it cosmic Wonder so I

guess some credit to him although like this information is strictly from the

source anyway guys please like subscribe and comment and I will catch you in

another video but make sure to enter the competition down below by commenting who

your favorite super is and subscribing to the channel thank you for being on

this journey to 100,000 subscribers we are nearly halfway there so guys I will

catch you in another video later on tonight catch ya later

For more infomation >> AVENGERS 4 TRAILER MAJOR UPDATE! Avengers 4 IMAX Trailer Sent Out To The Theatres ALREADY - Duration: 3:25.


Electric Guitar price In Bangladesh / Best Acoustics Guitar In Science Lab / Shapon khan vlogs - Duration: 7:11.

For more infomation >> Electric Guitar price In Bangladesh / Best Acoustics Guitar In Science Lab / Shapon khan vlogs - Duration: 7:11.


I'm not dead. - Duration: 1:59.

Oh hey guys, uhh

A bit cringy that.

Won't lie.

This would be my first video in like 1 or 2 weeks.





If you haven't seen on my Twitter.

@therubinyt go follow it now and like/retweet all tweets, that would be great x

I went to MCM London Comic Con

On Saturday and Sunday

Last Saturday and Sunday, I mean

Great fun that

Definitely did not get annoyed by people getting in the way

But, that's what makes Comic Con special.

Also, if you couldn't tell by my voice

I sound sick, and I am sick.

And I have been since Sunday night.

I'm currently sitting in front of my heater.

Just sitting in front of it, getting warm

Umm, anyways

This was just a video to say, I'm not dead.

Don't worry.

I'm just sick.

I do have-


You can even tell that my cough is dead.

-Fake Cough-

See, it's dead

Right, anyways

I have 3 videos done. (I mean 2)

But, I can't really get to them because-

I can't publish them at the minute 'cause-

It's not fully edited.

I can't really go on the laptop whilst being sick

I'm as sick as this. Soooo

This video will go out tomorrow

Just doing this on my phone so it's easy to do.

Yeah, this will go up tomorrow

So, see ya


For more infomation >> I'm not dead. - Duration: 1:59.


My Ten Year High School Reunion - Duration: 9:41.

Rockin' one of my old high school shirts.

Most of these shirts were way too big for me, but now they fit thanks to vitamin T.

This shirt is from 2005 so let me know in the comments if this t-shirt is older than

you are.

[upbeat music]

Hi I'm Jackson Bird and I just went to my ten-year high school reunion in Texas as a

trans guy who came out after high school.

To give you some context of how jarring it might have been for some people who I haven't

been in touch with since coming out and transitioning at twenty-five, for them to see me.

Here's what I looked like my senior year of high school.

So a couple of things have changed.

Yeah, I had the kind of trans narrative that included a couple of phases of deep repression

of my gender identity.

I mean, this is what I looked like as a kid.

But by the time I was in high school, I'd seen just enough representation of trans people

to know that the weird feelings I'd always had probably meant that I was trans, but I

hadn't seen enough representation to not be ashamed of it.

So, high school peer pressure, wanting to fit in, wanting a boyfriend, meant shoving

my true feelings down and trying to pass a girl.

And itt worked... well enough, like, to get a boyfriend.

Or several.

I hooked up with more people than I kinda remembered until my reunion when this month

when they just kept popping up everywhere at the bar.

And seeing people I'd hooked up with, but haven't seen since prior to coming out as

a man was something I was especially scared of.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Let's rewind to the biggest question I've gotten about this: why the hell did I go to

my ten-year reunion?

Most people that I know, trans, cis, straight, whatever, most of them have no desire to go

to their reunion.

So why would I go when I have all this baggage?

And literally had to pay for more baggage because I had to fly from New York City down

to Fort Worth, Texas to attend it.

Why would I do all that?

Well, the simplest answer is…

I forgot that I'm trans.

Like, seriously.

For the year or so that hometown friends were discussing plans, I was totally gung-ho about


I had some friends in high school who scoffed at school spirit and traditions, but I had

others who were in all of the organizations responsible for planning them and, at the

end of the day, I think I kinda liked some of that stuff too.

Y'know, I did the homecoming thing one year, I went to three proms and, yeah, I've always

wanted to go to my high school reunion.

I had a much better time in high school than college.

I've kept in touch with a lot of my high school friends, but not all of them and a

lot of us have moved all around the world so I was excited for a chance when all of

our schedules would line up for a bunch of us to be back in town at the same time, which

never happens.

And it was only a few months ago, after explaining all this to people and talking about my plans

to go down to Texas for my reunion that someone pointed out to me that I am in fact transgender

and wouldn't that perhaps, at the very least, make me nervous?

And I said, oh right.

I-I am transgender.

That had not occurred to me.

So that's when I started getting nervous.

I know some people I went to school with have veered more conservative since graduating.

Certainly more than a few of them are Trump voters.

Probably not anyone I was good friends with, but what if those people found out who and

what I am?

Would they say something rude to me?

Would they get physical?

I was also concerned that some of the otherwise ideologically centrist guys who had had crushes

on me or dated me would turn ugly in their self-conscious transphobia.

It's one thing to theoretically accept the idea of a trans person.

But it is quite another to be confronted with a "woman" you were once attracted to and find

out she's a man.

And that's being very generous with their interpretations of how I identify.

But some dudes get really uncomfortable with that.

It's that similar, but sort of reverse toxic reasoning that causes so many men to murder

trans women.

They felt like they were "tricked" and that the trans women they went out with weren't

"real women."

So they get violent.

It's a huge reason why the murder rate is so high for trans women.

Now I was hoping none of this would happen at my reunion of course, but it's a reality

all trans people have to grapple with so I tried to be prepared.

I only booked my plane tickets when I had confirmed that several of my close friends

would be in attendance.

Friends that I've spend time with since coming out, friends that I could vent my worries

to, friends who were ready to take action if any situation escalated, or who had simply

agreed that I could pretend to be their out-of-town boyfriend to any people I didn't feel comfortable

outing myself to for whatever reason.

As it turns out, none of that was necessary.

Except the venting.

I did a lot of venting to them.

Especially on the day of and for the first forty-five minutes or so when I was wildly

nervous and refusing to get up from the safety of a picnic table I'd parked myself at.

But after a few people came up and greeted me by name, my current name not the one I

used in high school, I gained a little bit more confidence and started just enjoying

all the normal weirdness of a high school reunion.

That's the other question a lot of you had for me: did people recognize me?

It seemed so.

Maybe even moreso than I recognized some of them.

A lot of folks aged more than I expected and like I swear half the men had second growth

spurts in college.

Everyone was just so much bigger and older looking than me.

And I don't mean that to be rude like they looked old.

They just looked our age, which I don't.

There were so many people I had to squint at before I could figure out who they were.

It was like that scene in Hook when the Lost Boy is squishing Peter Pan's face all around

and staring into his eyes to see him.

I didn't actually squish any people's faces though.

Face grease, gross.

But yeah, I had been really unsure how many people had gotten the memo about my transition.

I graduated with over six hundred other people.

I didn't know all of them then.

And Facebook wasn't huge until we were in college so I'm not even online friends with

most of them.

But it turns out, when you make YouTube videos that reach tens of thousands of people a month

and give a big ol' TED talk about how trans you are… people find that stuff.

So a lot more people were in the know and able to recognize me and greet me as Jackson

than I expected.

Which was a relief because I was sure as heck not about to walk up to some folks and introduce

myself when I didn't know if they knew.

The last thing I want to say is that before the reunion, I was kind of frustrated because

I'm not gonna lie, I had a little bit of that competitive spirit that lots of people

do going into a reunion.

You want to show that you're leading a successful life, whatever that means to you.

And I was kind of thinking like, I have a pretty cool life.

Not the coolest of some of the folks I've graduated with who are famous models or actors

or whizzed through med school or are earning a bunch of money.

But I thought I had a couple of bragging rights, maybe.

Before the event, I was frustrated that mine and everyone else's energy would be devoted

to paying attention to my transness, instead of my cool accomplishments.

But what ended up happening was that not only did hardly anyone spare a word of conversation

to my gender, but I didn't feel all that proud of my accomplishments either.

So many people there brought their spouses, and pictures of their babies, and talked about

the houses they'd just bought with the steady income they're making from a job they can

actually explain to people.

And I just started feeling… behind.

Like I wanted what they had instead of what I have.

Everyone defines and values success in different ways.

And I think I've recently been redefining that for myself, veering more towards wanting

stability and family life – not as much of the shiny events and career accolades.

I guess ideally a balance of both would be nice, but my reunion was a little bit a gut

punch in realizing how far behind I am on one part of life I would very much like to


And I mean, it's pretty common for LGBTQIA+ people, especially trans people, to be a little

behind on these milestones.

We often don't get to be ourselves until early adulthood so we have to work out a lot

of things that cis or straight people worked out earlier in life.

We have challenges when it comes to employment, housing, medical needs, mental and emotional

health, and relationships in general.

So I shouldn't be so hard on myself.

And honestly, if the one slightly heavy thing to come from my ten-year high school reunion

was a completely common feeling that several other people probably left with, I think I'm

okay with that.

It could have been so much worse.

And I'm so glad that I didn't exclude myself from a milestone I'd always looked

forward to just because of the possibility that some people wouldn't have wanted me


Now I'm not advocating any trans or queer people to go to their reunions in possibly

unaccepting communities without a lot forethought, a support network, and a safety net.

But it worked out for me.

And I like to think, it will for a lot of other people too.

Especially as the years go on… if we can stop some of the very terrifying uprisings

that are happening in the world right now.

But that's a whole other video I don't want to talk about right now!

Except to say that if you're eligible to vote in the United States, please please go

vote on November 6th.

Or early vote, file an absentee, whatever.

Just make sure that you vote and talk to at least five friends about making their plans

to vote as well.

I'll put links you need to make informed voter decisions in the description box.

Please do your part, even if you think it won't help, do it in honor of someone who

can't vote.

And with that said, if you liked this video, please do subscribe for more like it every

Wednesday here on jackisnotabird.

In the comments, I want to know if you've been to a high school reunion?

Do you think you'll go to yours in the future?

How was it or what fears do you have?

I would love to hear from all of you.

If you want to follow along with my life in real-time and see my thoughts on stuff like

books and movies and the burning dumpster fire of our world, you can follow me at jackisnotabird

on Twitter and Instagram.

Don't forget, my podcast Transmission is back for season two.

You can listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, and wherever you get podcasts.

Someday I wanna interview the other trans guys who went to my high school for the podcast.

Didn't work out this time, but dude, one of them – we all transitioned after high

school – but one of them has the same birth name and birth DAY as me.

It's weird.

But anyways, thank you all for your support on things like this.

Thank you for watching and I'll see ya next time.

For more infomation >> My Ten Year High School Reunion - Duration: 9:41.


HALLOWEEN MOVIE! - Duration: 2:36.

Look at the phone

Happy Halloween!

Direction: Pito

Scenario: Kierznoch

Cameraman: Pito

Scenography: Pito, Kierznoch

Lighting: The Lamp

Montage: Me

Productions: PPStudio

Actors: Kierznoch - Kiernoch, Mickey Mouse - Teddy, Torch - Torch, Blood - Tabasco sauce

Feet random efects from YT

BTS - Coming Soon!

That's all for the subtitles!

Ok... last scene!

For more infomation >> HALLOWEEN MOVIE! - Duration: 2:36.


Differences between SGR-12 and the limited edition Thor's Hammer of Tokyo Marui - Duration: 14:13.

Wassup our tactical friends! I'm Radar and...

...I'm with my friend, Miami.

Welcome to another SAN video,

sponsored by Mad Tactical store, near Barcelona.

And today we have something a little exclusive to show you guys.

Some of you may already know what this is,

but if not, this the SGR special edition.

Thor's Hammer

As seen in the videogame Resident Evil.

As you see here, the gun is presented... this spectacular case. Absolute luxury.

In this impressive roller case.

So, let's open this up and check what's inside.

Yep, we're doing some kind of unboxing.

It's wrapped in this very shiny cardboard.

And look!

Here we have a little surprise.

A zip bag with something inside.

This is...


Something like a catalogue...

Is this Japanese?

Indeed, this must be Jap.

We can't read this.

Something very corporative.

Like if Umbrella Corp. is sending us this gun...

...with a secret mission.

With every detail.

Here's the manual.

Some targets as well.

Here, the targets.

Take this out!

What's this?

This is a nametape!



This is the Chris Redfield edition...

...who is a character from Resident Evil.

And if we want we can paste our ID on the case.

For better customization.

This is for arts and craft.

Yeah, after having your tea,

you can paper craft a pistol mag.

It may fit somewhere. Let's check it out.

So, Miami! Show us the gun case.


What do you think?

I think you could throw this off a plane...

...and it will be fine.

Everything would be protected.

Up here it has two rings... close it with a pair of locks.

This a valve for pressurisation. Another detail.

Another level of protection.

It has wheels for easier transportation.

It's heavy.

It weighs about 10kg.

This is very, very tough.

In the spec sheet, we saw...

...that it was about10kg, the whole thing.


Let's open this thing.

I can't wait any longer.

Turn it over.

Perfect! You open your side and will open here.


Here it is.

You can already see the differenece with the model we have back here.

We'll check that out later,

Mags here.

The shotgun.

Some rails.

For the M-lock system. Fully licensed.

A lot of detail here.

Let's show it so you can see it.

The wonder of a shotgun this is.


What's this?

Muzzle break.

Muzzle cap. For any legal reason.

Some BBs to throw away.

Unless they're Perfect Hit, then they cost as much as the gun.

Take it off.

It's very tight.

You can be sure this won't move an inch.

It has space to hold the shotgun...

...and, another cut for...

...a pistol.

The pistol has to be a P226.

The biohazard version woould fit.

Classic Resident Evil.

Basically any P226 would fit, this is an E2...


...and fits just perfect.

So, you won't have any problem as long as you use a Sig Sauer P226.


if you use any other model, you can cut out the foam to fit it in.


Close this.

Let it sit.




My god.

Okay guys, here we have both shotguns.

WE've brought them together

so we can compare.

We've seen some differences, since it's a special edition.


What do you see, Miami?


Mine's longer than yours :)


WE have a length difference between...

...both models.

This one's shorter.

This one's 80cm...

...and this one must be about 75cm.

Apart from that,

We can see that,

the rail design is different too.

It's metal in both models.

The skeletal design is different.

Since it's longer it has more space.

Different pattern.

The muzzle.

The muzzle here is breacher style.

With the teeth.

And this one is simpler.

Smoother design.

And this one is more aggressive.

Another design detail.


What else?


We can see here...

SGR 12

And here...

Albert. W. Model 02.

Also, the selector switch here,

3 positions.

Safe, semi and auto.

But here...

They're painted

Same function.

Not ambidextrous.


The stock

The rubber pad

and stock rest are different.

They copied

the handguard design

And this one

is smoother

and has no angle.

It's a little more...



Which one do you prefer?

There's something I miss...

A collapsible stock.

For smaller people.


I wpuld choose this one

Looks better to me.

The cheek rest is not adaptable, right?


In both models

We have sling catches here.

Here in the back

We have two.

Sorry, they're four.

Four rings.

And in the front

we have one ring.


looks like it can switch sides.

It has a tiny screw up here.


switch side,

and screw again.

That is ambidextrous.


What else?

I can't see many more differences.

The hop chamber is the same.

We'll see the full specs later.

The mag release is the same.

Lever operated.

Drum magazine.


Let's switch.

Give it a try.

It has to fit.


Same as the AA12

Full compatible with the Tokyo Marui.

This one too.

94 rounds

and 3000

To share some love around.

Ok guys, to sum up:

Almost 5kg

300mm triple barrel

Very good groupings.

Semi and full auto shotgun.

3 BBs at a time.

10 shots per second


93 round magazine

The drum holds about 3000

3000 beans to shoot

high torque engine inside

to move this whole gearbox

they call it megatork?



Version 3

New system made for this replica.

For a faull auto trishot shotgun.

The battery

This is weird

Very interesting

The innovation here by our Marui friends

Open the lever

Press here:

with the umbrella logo.

If I can

You have to slide it down

And comes out just perfect.

We see there is so little space in here

Very, very tiny

Tamiya plugs

As always with Marui AEGs

We can use 7'4v Lipo batteries

or 8'2v Nimhs

We recommend using 7'4v Lipos

For better results

There's a fuse here.

Hope you can see this

It has a small LED

It lights or flashes

depending on the situation

For example: we tested with

11'1v bats

and 7'4s,

with the 11'1v it won't work.

The LED indicates wrong battery

It won't let you fire.

It's a safety feature.

In case you try to use something that would harm the gun,

the system is self-protected.

So it won't burn.

They could also have improved the battery holding space

Because we don't like these small batteries.

Very small.

And having this huge stock here,

It's weird that you can only fit very small batteries.

They could do better

We don't know what's inside though

Let's try...

whatever is good.

This won't fit inside.

First problems.

As usual with Tokyo Marui.

We'll try this ASG battery.



And see how it works

If she wants!

The light is off

Good to go!

Put in the cables

Place the rubber pad



You first, Miami



Now get some!


Good sound

The noise is brutal

and we are not shooting yet.

This will not deceive us

We are going to test fire next.

And I believe it will be amazing.

I believe it's shooting about 280fps

Marui standard

No big surprise

It's hungry

Let's test scientifically

what this bad boy can do

against a carboard box

Let's do this


93 rounds


SO, guys, this has been our presentation

on the Thor's Hammer by Tokyo Marui

Hope you liked it

I liked that

No doubt

It's difficult not to like it

You can come and check it out here

at Mad Tactical Store

And thanks to Mike for letting us try it

here at his home.

See you in the next video.

You can check a link below

If you liked it don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

For more infomation >> Differences between SGR-12 and the limited edition Thor's Hammer of Tokyo Marui - Duration: 14:13.


Sinking Cities | Miami | Preview | PBS - Duration: 0:31.

[NARRATOR] Miami is considered the most at-risk city worldwide

due to rising sea level and storm-related flooding.

"We're gonna get two feet of sea level rise by 2060.

"By 2100, we might get 6 feet of water. The water is coming."

"We already see 20 days a year, the water is higher than the land."

"Water is coming from the side, from below, from above.

"Miami has got to decide: how do we solve the issues of sea level rise?"

For more infomation >> Sinking Cities | Miami | Preview | PBS - Duration: 0:31.


WAKE THE DE💀D! A Warframe Rant Roundup Halloween Special! - Duration: 12:42.

Greetings, Legion of the Shadowmoon clan!

I, Space Ninja--

[Space Ninja] You're dressing up as ME?! That's a terrible impersonation!

Yeah, I gotta work on it.

Up your sodium intake! Helps get the sardonic juices flowin'.

Ladies -_^

Who are you dressed up as?

Oh, hold on--

[mouth somewhat full] Uncle Fester!

Kickin' it Addam's style!

To pardon a Threadbanger-tier pun:

Today we're going to be Warframe A F! Though...

Wouldn't "Uncle Saryn" fit the theme a little better?

[mouth still full] Don't overthink it.

[hawks the bulb which breaks off screen]

Besides I couldn't pull off those heels anyway.

Ahoy thar, Legion!

Considering it's the spookiest time of year,

we wanted to get some extra scary rants n' raves gathered for ya

But in all honesty the only thing that truly drives terror into the chassis of a seasoned Warframe veteran...

would be more delays.

And we don't want to give them ideas!

So instead, in Space Ninja's honor--

We'll dance the Mamushka!

Wrong part.

We'll play WAKE THE DEAD!

There it is! At the end of the first film,

Team Addams played Wake The Dead! And that's pretty much what we do in Rant Roundups anyway!

Ya dig up yer repressed memories of anything haunting your Warframe experience and air it out.

Then ya acknowledge it kindly.

Before burying it back down and give Fortuna the cleanest slate ya can muster for it's release!

[Space Ninja] Even DE is playing!

They dug up their ability to release content!

And like *that*, taker 'er away, Space Ninja!

Masterfully done, as always, Mr. Ninja!

Can we do the song now?!

The free-use parody-inspired song?

Uh-huh! That one!

I dunno... ya got a C on the Science test...

That was Beetlejuice!

Well... [sigh]

I suppose.

[Both singing]

[Space Ninja] We're-- [PsyCo] Noooope!

Only doin' the one stanza. We're not pushin' it.

Aww, yer no fun.

[Space Ninja] Be sure to carve those pumpkins

and bob those apples, Tenno!

Giggity XD

[PsyCo] [Kiss smacking sound] Goodnight, everybody!

For more infomation >> WAKE THE DE💀D! A Warframe Rant Roundup Halloween Special! - Duration: 12:42.


Top 10 Superhero Creepypastas - Duration: 10:00.

Welcome back nerds, Im your friendly neighborhood host Johnny Rogers.

Before we begin hit that thumbs up button if you love creepypastas and let us know in

the comments what your favorite superhero movie is.

Now lets get down to todays list - the Top 10 Superhero Creepypastas

#10 Superwoman This young lady always wanted to have telekinetic

skills and even spent countless hours researching how this could be possible.

She finds a comic book called Steps to unlocking your hidden powers.

It goes into great detail about the steps needed to be taken for her to achieve this.

After reading through she begins testing them without even finishing the comic.

She quickly runs through the steps and then tries a simple maneuver of getting her curtains

to close with her mind.

She hears a whoosh of fabric and the curtains close.

Thats when she noticing two glowing red eyes outside of her window, she jumps up to close

the blinds and runs back to the comic.

On the last page it was a photo of her dressed as superwoman and behind her was a demonic

figure with the same red eyes.

The next page shook her to the core.

The text box read - Your powers are unlocked, but your soul now belongs to me.

#9 Real Life Superheroes This story tells a tale of superheroes that

people only believed to exist in movies.

The superheroes seemed to possess real life powers and abilities.

Although he knew the darker side of it all.

Beneath there smiles and tales of victory he learned of their personal lives.

He even goes into descriptive detail about Captain Ultra dependency on alcohol, Madland

abusing his family and Lady Luck waking in horrid shrieks from terrible nightmares.

He finishes the story by saying that as long as the public never saw who they truly were

they would be safe.

#8 Look, up in the sky!

Our protagonist tells the story of his team surveying a meteor that had fallen from the


The team approached it and our protagonist was the first to make contact.

The giant rock busted open like an egg and inside was a torn cloth.

It latched onto him breaking through his hazmat suit and bonding with him like a symbiote.

He could feel the alien cloth raiding his memories and controlling his actions.

The cloth soon wormed its way to his shoulders creating a cape that fused with his body.

He was endowed with superhuman powers that many dream of.

The cape directed his actions allowing him to thwart many evil dictators, terrorists

and crime of any sort.

Soon peace had been achieved on the planet, but the capes mission never stopped.

It longed for absolute peace.

This story takes a dark turn when the cape meant for peace now directs his thoughts to

peace of all kinds.

The people cheering werent seen as joyful, but disturbing the peace and even a little

girl throwing confetti now plagued his mind that she was littering.

Overwhelmed with thoughts of killing them he now faces the challenge of resisting the

capes urges for destruction.

#7 Fear of Victory As many of you may know Fear of Victory is

an episode of the animated Batman series featuring the Scarecrow.

Except in this twisted episode Batman takes things too far.

The protagonist in the story tells us that everything was seemingly normal about the

show it featured Batman and Robin chasing after Scarecrow.

Although Scarecrow was a child, a scared and very ill child.

They rushed after him to save him and once they find him hiding in an alley they take

him to Arkham Asylum.

Batman soon visits the child Scarecrow to find him crying in his cell saying that he

never wished for this fate and in a dark turn of events Batman leaves Scarecrow a note saying

- hang yourself.

The protagonist is terrified watching this play out and cant believe his eyes when the

screen cuts to black and shows an adult Scarecrow hanging from a noose.

#6 No Heroes The protagonist gets a copy of Superman No

heroes except the cover was completely black and the Superman logo was cracked.

He was used to comic books occasionally have dark phases, but this one was more than that.

The text boxes even said things like - Life is a fatal disease which slowly eats us away.

Youre not perfect.

Youre no hero.

Superman began destroying everything in sight leaving bodies of both heroes and villains

to rot in the streets.

Then the page that scared him the most.

Superman appeared to be staring at him and said - For years you watched us suffer.

Now its your turn, hero.

He puts down the comic and picks up a Batman one to just clear his mind, everything is

fine until he reaches a page that has a full panel of the dark superman from the other


The speech bubble just says - You dont get to be happy, hero.

#5 The Missing Movie This is the story of a man who when exploring

a comic book shop finds a DVD titled - The Missing Marvel Movie.

The film was Spider-Man 3, but it was different.

Peter was depressed and Mary Jane appeared sad and distraught.

Wanting to see the movie he continued watching, to find that the movie would continuously

show a sinister version of Spider-man and then a news clip of a tragedy.

They werent recent tragedies though, they seemed to be predicting future events.

Terrified by this he quickly shut it off to show his friends, but when they turned on

the movie it was just the normal Spider-Man 3 film.

#4 Does Whatever a Spider Does The story begins with a man who chose a life

of crime and after stealing a wallet he finds a piece of paper inside that says - Does whatever

a spider does.

After robbing a convenience store he hops into a taxi and just as hes about to rob the

driver the man puts his hand on his to stop him, but oddly says - catches thieves just

like flies.

He quickly jumps out of the cab and while walking down the street he hears a man playing

guitar singing the words - Spins a web, any size.

The criminal shakes off the weirdness and sets his sights on a rich older woman walking


As he grabs her purse she turns to him and says - Look out here comes the Spi.

Right then he pulls out his gun to threaten her and out of nowhere something grabs his

gun and tosses it out of his hand.

Now terrified he runs down an alley to escape this madness, but suddenly he runs into a

giant spider web.

Now stuck like a fly, he watches in complete horror as a man-sized spider begins crawling

down the web towards him.

The man begins demonically singing - spiderman spiderman does whatever a spider can.

#3 Are You Happy Now?

This creepypasta begins with a mysterious Spider-Man comic and a fan who watches their

favorite superhero go through immense pain.

Our protagonist loves the early issues of Spider-Man where hes happy, but still faces

terrible things and manages to overcome them by being positive.

He receives a mysterious package in the mail and inside is a copy of Spider-Man except

one hes never seen before - its called Spider-Man Are you happy now?

The comic book features Peter Parker in his suit but no mask.

As he turns through the pages he notices that Spider-Man is talking to him and purposefully

hurting himself because he believes its what the fans want.

After tearing out his own eye and stabbing himself in the arm, Parker says - is this

what you want?

Are you Happy Now?

The man reading the comic begins to cry saying out loud that its not the fans who want this,

its the creators who have wronged you.

He continues turning the pages to see a dumbstruck Spider-Man that says - Is that true?

You dont enjoy watching me hurt?

Holding back tears he simply nods as he turns the page to find Spider-Man saying - thank


The creepiest part of this story isnt that it was a talking book its the fact that when

he picked it up again to show his friends, the pages were now blank.

#2 The Lost Episode This scary story starts with our protagonist

finding a VHS tape on the side of the road, it was labelled - Spider-Man The Animated

Series Episode 666.

Being a fan he thought he had already watched every episode there was.

This seemed to be a lost episode so he was excited to see what he had been missing.

Everything started normally with the usual intro, but the episode was called The Death

of Spiderman.

When it starts Spiderman is covered in blood and his eyes were glowing red.

Suddenly it flashes to him in the Daily Bugle, but everyone inside had been brutally murdered.

What happens next would shake him to his core.

He watched intently as the screen flashed and went to black.

Now displaying a disfigured Spider-Man on the screen who let out a blood curdling screech.

He watched in absolute horror as Spider-Man appeared to be looking right at him, slowly

opening his mouth to say - You are next.

#1 The Forgotten Spider-Man This is about a man who purchases a strange

version of Spider-Man from a comic book shop.

He loved collecting comic books and other Marvel collectibles when he stumbled across

a demented looking Spider-Man toy.

The toy was completely red, its webbing pattern was disorganized, even the spider on its chest

was crooked and looked like a real spider.

The toy actually came with a comic as well.

The comic was called The Forgotten Spider-Man issue zero.

When he got home he put the toy on his shelf and began reading his new comic.

It started normally with Peter Parker being bitten by a radioactive spider, but something

was different.

When the spider bit him, blood gushed from his arm sending him into a murderous rage.

As he looked up in disbelief his toy on the shelf was now in a crouching pose and appeared

to be staring at him.

He kept reading as the comic became even more gruesome, with Spider-Man killing MJ, then

Uncle Ben and then Aunt May.

He quickly looked up the comic book to discover this copy was written by a man who wanted

a sinister version of spider-man but had died due to exhaustion while making it.

When he returned to his living room the Spider-Man toy was missing and so was the comic book.

Thats when he heard a voice in his head say - Til Next time, true believers.

Then he receives a knock at his door.

There was just a package and when he opened it, it was a copy of The Forgotten Spider-Man

issue #1.

And that has been the Top 10 Superhero Creepypastas.

For more videos like this click the playlist on the screen, hit that thumbs up button if

you enjoyed and dont forget to subscribe.

Plus let us know in the comics which one you loved the most.

From Top 10 Nerd Im Johnny Rogers and until next time, take care.

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