Freaks'n'Beatz - Tornado
Wendy Williams Shares the Lessons Her Mother Taught Her - Duration: 4:50.-You look amazing. -Thank you.
-This is an incredible outfit.
-Well, I wore it for you. -Thank you.
-I like a pant suit, but I don't like it to look so manly.
-Yeah, well, this is not that. -Thank you.
[ Laughter ] Thank you, Seth.
-This is not -- no one would say that about that.
-Thank you. -Hey, I want to say
congratulations. You -- this is your 10th year
of your television show. Congratulations.
[ Cheers and applause ] It's amazing.
-I got to tell you,
I never thought we would make it this this far.
-Uh-huh. -You know, when we first
got started, I said, "All right, if I'm just on for three years,
you know, I will mind my own business
and go on about my life."
But it takes so much. You know, you've been on for years.
-Yeah. But less than you, I am four years.
-Yeah, but you're a white man. -Thank you.
[ Laughter ] -Okay.
-I feel like nobody ever mentions that, and thank you.
-Well, the world is built for you.
-It is, yes. -Plus, you're very civilized.
-Yeah, I try to be, yeah. -And I have my ways about me.
-That are maybe less?
-Well, I'm from Jersey. -Yeah.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-[ Laughs ] -Well, I will say,
and I've done your show, and it was a delight to be there.
You very much do things your own way.
I mean, not feel as though it reminded me
of anything else being there.
-I can't be anything but me.
-Yes, I believe that.
-And the idea that the people have kept me here
for ten years, I'm like, "Thank you, people."
You know, thank you. -Well, your audience,
and I mentioned this last time you were here, it is a party.
It is filmed in the morning,
and I was in my dressing room and I felt like
I was above the hottest nightclub in New York City.
-Yep. That's how we get down.
-Yeah, everybody really gets down.
And I know you actually went --
you traveled around to celebrate ten years.
-Yeah. -Where did you go?
-I still like doing market visits, you know what I mean?
-So you go to the places where the people
are watching your shows? -Touch the people
and see the people and, you know,
go on the local radio shows and local television shows.
And then, we have a venue and I do an evening with Wendy,
which is full of salty jokes and "Ask Wendy"s and stuff.
But I love to go where the food is.
-Oh, gotcha. So when you plan a trip,
do you plan it around -- is that fish?
Oh, okay. Or are you just miming what it's like when you eat?
-My mouth is watering. -Oh, it's watering.
[ Laughter ]
-Here's the thing.
When you go to Atlanta,
you know the collard greens are going to be excellent.
-Gotcha. -You see?
And I like collard greens, but I don't like the vein.
-So you have to go to the correct spot.
-Oh, because some places will devein
the collared greens for you? -Well, like, do you like
a Caesar salad? -Sure.
-Do you like the vein, that big fat piece in the middle?
-No, but I didn't know there was a world
where I couldn't get that.
[ Laughter ]
-You have to meticulously take your time.
-But you're not -- you're too busy.
You're not taking out the vein
in your own collared greens, right?
You have somebody else doing that for you.
-No! -Really?
-Who do you think I am?!
[ Laughter ]
-Don't take this the wrong way.
You're dressed like a woman
who does not deal with her own deveining of collared greens.
[ Laughter ]
-I devein my own collared greens.
-Okay. -I will not complain.
-Oh, wow, great. -The same thing with cabbage.
I don't like the vein. Do you like the vein?
-Again, I'm with you 100 percent on this.
You don't have to ask for every type of lettuce.
[ Laughter ]
-Well I learned these little tricks
many, many moons ago when I was a little girl.
You know, when we'd shop for fruit during the summer,
and my mother taught me how to --
[ Laughs ]
[ Laughter ]
-I got to be honest, based on the setup of this story,
I have no idea what's making you laugh.
[ Laughter ]
-Well, devein the collared greens.
-Okay. -While she's over, picking
the stems off of the cherries.
-Why wouldn't you -- she would do that at the --
-I come from working class. Stems cost.
Who eats that? -Oh, you mean,
because they weigh the stem?
-They weigh the whole cherry.
-Oh, so your mom was taking the stems off
because she didn't want to pay
for an inedible part of the cherry?
-Right, and I'm over here with the collared greens saying,
and we don't want to eat veins. -Wow.
-Yep. -So --
[ Cheers and applause ]
So if I go to the grocery store after the Williams family,
I'm just like, "There's stems everywhere."
-I've been there. -You are of course now --
you're different, congratulations.
Obviously, you're in a different life right now,
living your best life. You take vacations.
-I buy the stems and everything. -You buy the stems.
That's great. -I can't.
And I pick my own and devein at home.
-That's nice of you now. You're paying it forward.
Halloween 2018 (décorations en classe et Escape Game) - Vlog 75 - Duration: 7:31.Hello guys and welcome to one of my favorite...
celebrations, which is, of course,...
We'll play a few games: an ESCAPE GAME related to Halloween.
But first, let's decorate...
...the classroom.
This is not a tutorial. If you want to see one...
Click right here!
For now, let's play this Halloween escape game.
and may the best team...
All right, this is the end of our video and on that note
And of course,....
It's very painful! It hurts!
Happy Halloween...I guess.
She still can't decide what she want all day - Duration: 9:16.Thank you for watching!
BÜTÜN İYİ OYUNCULARIN KULLANDIĞI TAKTİK ! | ETTORİTO, PATANEGRA7, ALEX ALGUACİL KARMA TAKTİĞİ - Duration: 10:55.-------------------------------------------
Halloween Songs | Scary Nursery Rhymes For Children | Cartoon Videos by Speedies - Duration: 10:23.There's a scary pumpkin In the dark dustbin
The moon is turning All white
Who's that spooky girl Behind the flaming skull
The clock is ticking scarily tonight prepare for fright..
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween Stay in the Light
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween It's the zombies' delight
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween What you doing tonight
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween Prepare for Fright
The fog still lingers You're counting on your fingers
The ghouls behind you Right
The moon's disappeared It's just what you feared...
The undead will rise tonight prepare for Fright..
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween Stay in the Light
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween It's the zombies delight
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween What you doing tonight..
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween Prepare for Fright...
Deep Sleep Music - Fall Asleep with Relaxing Music - Duration: 3:00:40.The Power of Music To Reduce Stress
The soothing power of music is well-established
It has a unique link to our emotions
so can be an extremely effective stress management tool.
Listening to music can have a tremendously relaxing effect
on our minds and bodies
especially slow, quiet classical music.
This type of music can have a beneficial effect on our physiological functions
slowing the pulse and heart rate
lowering blood pressure,
and decreasing the levels of stress hormones.
As music can absorb our attention
it acts as a distraction at the same time
it helps to explore emotions
This means it can be a great aid to meditation
helping to prevent the mind wandering.
Musical preference varies widely between individuals
so only you can decide what you like and what is suitable for each mood.
But even if you don't usually listen to classical music
it may be worth giving it a try
when selecting the most calming music.
When people are very stressed
there is a tendency to avoid actively listening to music
Perhaps it feels like a waste of time
not helping to achieve anything.
But as we know,
productivity increases when stress is reduced,
so this is another area where you can gain vast rewards
It just takes a small effort to begin with
To incorporate music into a busy life,
try playing CDs in the car,
or put the radio on when in the bath or shower.
Take portable music with you when walking the dog
or put the stereo on instead of the TV.
Singing (or shouting) along
can also be a great release of tension
and karaoke is very enjoyable
for some extroverts!
Calming music before bedtime
promotes peace and relaxation and helps to induce sleep.
Wendy Williams Explains Why She Never Checks Her Luggage - Duration: 5:30.-You went on vacation to --
Where do you go and where do you like to go?
-Anyplace that's warm.
-And I like ideally a four- to seven-hour flight, no more.
-I love flying because it's very peaceful.
-It is peaceful.
-I have all of my magazines and reading material.
"The Enquirer," "The Star," "The Globe."
-You still read a hard-copy magazine?
-Yes. -Okay.
I didn't mean to offend you. -You are.
[ Laughter ]
Because sometimes they don't have a TV in there.
-You can't count on a plane for a TV.
-No, absolutely not.
-So you have to bring your own entertainment.
-But I sit back, I relax.
I can hold my bladder for a good five hours.
-Wow. [ Laughter ]
-Look, I'm not going in that room.
You won't -- You won't use an airport bathroom
or an airplane bathroom?
-Nope. -Really?
-Nope. -Wow.
I mean, I get it, but I feel like --
-They're too small and germy.
-They are that, but then again,
like, there's not a better option.
[ Laughter ]
-I know, but I time my waters. -Oh, wow.
You are quite a traveler. -Yes, I time everything.
-And is it true that you will not check a bag?
-I haven't checked a bag in at least 30 years.
-Really? -No.
-Why? -Thievery.
-Okay. [ Laughter ]
-I don't want people stealing my good clothes
or my, you know, shoes, which, you know, as a woman
with a particular size foot -- -Right.
-They are very, very exclusive to me.
I wear a size 11/a size 12.
-Don't you feel like if they were stealing shoes,
they'd see those and think, "What am I gonna do with these?"
[ Laughter ]
-Everybody knows somebody with grizzly feet.
-Okay, gotcha. [ Laughter ]
-Everybody. [ Applause ]
-My grandmother had that embroidered on a pillow.
[ Laughter ]
-And then, it's the wigs and the bras.
-Yeah. -Don't go through my stuff.
-But so, if you take -- have you ever taken a long trip?
How do you check --
how do you not check when you take a long trip?
-Yeah, we've been everywhere.
We've been to Hawaii and Germany and Japan and stuff.
And I tuck and roll. -Okay.
-Matte jersey is the best thing ever.
Like, I wouldn't bring this.
This would be a wrinkled mess. -Gotcha.
-But matte jersey.
You tuck -- I was a Girl Scout. -Okay.
-So you tuck and you roll and you put a dress there.
That bathing suit, near next to nothing.
-Yeah. -I'm on vacation.
-When you get somewhere and you open your luggage,
is it like a Jack-in-the-box
where everything just starts flying?
[ Laughter ]
-Pretty much.
We've told our son to do the same thing,
and he tucks and rolls, and he knows the score.
-I love it.
You have fun, but you also take time to focus on
things that are more important, more serious.
Tell us a little bit about the Hunter Foundation.
-The Hunter Foundation is for the good of the people, Seth.
-You know, it started out -- you know, my husband, my son and I,
where we just want -- Wendy Williams-Hunter.
I'm a Hunter.
-Yeah. -Okay.
So we started this foundation just to give back to people,
us ourselves, like whatever we have.
You know, sending kids to camp
or, you know, feeding people who need and things like that.
Then life got real and this K2 jumped on the scene.
And these kids are out here.
-This is a -- K2 is a drug. -Yes.
It looks like a Pop Rock. -Uh-huh.
-Real cheap, and they're zombieing out.
So, you know, K2 as well as you know what?
There's a whole stigma with substance abuse that --
Have you ever substance abused?
-I have a little, yeah.
[ Laughter ]
I mean, I don't know if it was quite abuse, but --
-It was hell. -It was...
[ Laughter ]
It was once and I hated it and I never did it again.
[ Laughter ]
-But we've all been there. -Yeah, we've been there.
-At some point.
And so, you know, I would like to take the stigma off of that.
And so, the Hunter Foundation now has
And if you go there, there are telephone numbers of places
where you can call and at least get on your giddy-up.
A lot of people don't even want help.
I'm like, be here as in be here for your next birthday,
be here for Christmas.
-Well, I'm so glad you're doing that.
Congratulations on 10 years. I absolutely --
-Are you kicking me out? -I am, and --
-Wait, I brought you a piece of candy.
-You did bring me a piece of candy?
-Yeah. You didn't ask me.
-That is -- Why would I have asked you?
-Well... [ Laughter ]
-You think in this day and age, I'm gonna be like,
"You got any candy in there for me?"
[ Laughter ]
-Because my tongue is so blue, I apologize.
-Oh, is it? Oh, it is blue. Oh, my God.
Show camera one.
There you go.
-Blue Jolly Rancher. I love Jolly Ranchers.
I know it's Mischief Night.
I've got to get home to protect my home.
-Okay, well -- -I have no idea.
Did you go out for Mischief Night?
-I did not go out for Mischief Night.
-Who are you? -I don't know.
I like that we're finding out more about each other
at every turn. [ Laughter ]
-Wait, you've never toilet-papered trees?
-No, I was a good kid, yeah.
I stayed at home and waited for the other kids
to do it to my house. [ Laughter ]
-And then, would you open the door and say get away?
-No, I'd wait until the morning
and then just sadly go out and take it out of the tree.
[ Laughter ]
-Oh, Seth.
-Oh, Wendy. Thank you for being here.
Mr.Beast Halloween Style | Sheleypie - Duration: 2:19.Mr.Beast Halloween Style
Tracking your ballot in MN - Duration: 1:28.-------------------------------------------
[神州穿梭.深圳]#141 深圳Coco Park附近的五星按摩店|靜舍足道養生館|環境一流 生意火爆|泰式設計風格|打卡一流|一次痛苦的按摩!!! - Duration: 5:58.-------------------------------------------
Wie ein Stuttgarter Student in Ecuador brutal ausgeraubt wurde - Duration: 7:15.-------------------------------------------
Günther Maria Halmer auf Stippvisite - Duration: 3:36.-------------------------------------------
CH_ 如何将PowerPoint演示文稿另存为视频将PPT转换为MPEG-4 - Duration: 2:03.Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about.How to Save a PowerPoint Slide Presentation as a Video?
To run your presentation on computers that don't have PowerPoint can save your presentation as a video file.
After you have created your slides. and recorded any timing and narrations.
add transition and animation that you want to include.and audio file you like.
You are ready to create a video file. On the File menu select ensure all your recent work has been saved
in PowerPoint presentation format (.pptx). Click File. Export. Create a Video.In the first drop-down box under the Create a Video
heading. select the video quality you want, which pertains to the resolution of the finished video.
The higher the video quality, the larger the file size. Full HD large file size Computer and HD screens.
HD medium file size Internet and DVD. Standard smallest file size Portable devices.
Click Create Video. In the File name box, enter a file name for the video.
browse for the folder that will contain this file, and then click Save. In the Save as type box, choose either MPEG-4 Video
or Windows Media Video. You can track the progress of the video creation. by looking at the status bar at the bottom of your screen.
To play your newly-created video, go to the designated folder location. and then double-click the file.
Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,
11/1(木)の占いカウントダウン【山田ケンタウルス】 - Duration: 4:31.-------------------------------------------
|| PATACITROUILLES EUS KERAMBREOÙ || PATACITROUILLES DE POUDLARD || - Duration: 3:34.-------------------------------------------
How to use Open Camera App | Best Camera App For Youtube Video | Tutorial | Hindi - Duration: 5:32.-------------------------------------------
The BEST crockpot chili | Healthy turkey chili slow cooker - Duration: 5:57.I
Have a healthy turkey chili recipe for you today
It is
Perfect for fall because it's warm and savory and you put it in the crock-pot and it just makes the house smells so good
This is only my second cooking video. So I would love any feedback from you guys in the comments section below
Letting me know if you like the format of these videos
hope you can tell that I really enjoy being creative and bringing you helpful tips on my channel if
You're new here onarts eat cupcake. My name is Maria and I put new videos up every Sunday and Wednesday
I have tips to help you perfect the art of life home health and style
I do videos with fashion. Look books healthy recipes home decor all kinds of fun stuff
I'm working on building a community where we share our ideas with each other
So, please consider subscribing so that you can be part of this
Happy Channel, if you're already a part of artsy cupcake then welcome back now
Let's get into how to make this super yummy and healthy
Turkey chili which by the way has already been eaten up in my house
You will find with all my recipes that they are quick and easy
Because if there's a way to make good food and less time I have figured it out
And I want to share these tips with you
this turkey chili recipe will make about
Six servings and it only takes about ten minutes to prep and then four hours in the slow cooker
The ingredients you will be needing are two pounds of ground beef or ground turkey or
Some other type of meat replacement if you're vegetarian
To 14 ounce cans of diced or crushed tomatoes
One 14 ounce can of tomato sauce
1 packet of chili seasoning or you could make your own with spices of your choice
one teaspoon of garlic salt
2 cans of beans you can use whatever types of beans you like here
I used 1 can of pinto and one can of white if you're vegetarian
Maybe you could substitute that meat with an extra can of beans
half an onion chopped up
Then for toppings, I have some shredded cheese and sour cream and a few of those chopped onions
So I left those on the side so I could top my chili before serving
Also, I served my chili with some cornbread
You could make your own cornbread, or you could just go to your groceries bakery section and buy some pre-made cornbread like I did
So the first thing you want to do is get your crock-pot out
Some people say crock pot and others say slow cooker, but it really is the same appliance
I tend to interchange these words
So don't let me confuse you I'm talking about the same thing
Then I line my crock pot with these plastic slow cooker liners, and they don't melt or anything
They just really help with a cleanup. I'll leave a link to my favorite ones in the description box below
Next you'll want to open the cans of beans and you're going to rinse these off really well with water
Then you want to Brown your beef or ground turkey. This will give the whole recipe a really nice flavor
Is it just me or is it really oddly satisfying watching meat brown?
Next to the fun part is tossing everything into the crock-pot
Except the cheese and the sour cream because those will go at the top at the end
Cook on low for six to eight hours or high for three or four hours
serve with cheese chopped onions the few little green chives on there would be really good and
I think cornbread goes so well with chili, so I served cornbread with mine with a little pad of butter on it
I will leave the link in the description box below
I have this recipe on my blog so you can easily
Print it from there
If you like this video and you want to see when I post more like it, please hit that subscribe button right now
Thank you so much for watching and I hope you have a happy day
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