Lyrics on the screen
What is Electric Charge? (Electrodynamics) - Duration: 6:50.This episode was made possible by generous supporters on Patreon.
Hey Crazies.
There's a question I get every once in a while that I think we're ready to answer:
What the heck is electric charge?
Let's just jump into it.
I don't even think we'll need quantum mechanics for this.
Just like objects can have mass or temperature or speed,
objects can also have charge.
It's just a property.
Things like balloons, hair, or pieces of plastic become charged by transferring electrons.
Super zoom!
Inside atoms, protons and neutrons are the heavier particles in the center.
Electrons are the lighter looser particles on the outside.
So they're what can be gained or lost when things rub against each other.
If we rub a balloon against someone's hair,
the balloon and the hair become attracted to each other.
Now that they're charged, they don't even need to touch to affect each other.
This is just like how masses attract in Newtonian gravity.
We even said in the previous video there were a lot of similarities,
so this shouldn't be a surprise if you're already subscribed.
Unlike mass though, charge has two different types or flavors.
We call these two types: positive and negative,
but only for mathematical convenience.
They're just labels.
We could have just as easily called them: Up and Down
or Good and Evil, or Dingleberry and Snozberry.
The snozberries taste like snozberries.
The two types show opposite behaviors, so as long as the labels are opposites,
we're fine.
It doesn't even matter which one we label which.
The labels we use today were decided 270 years ago in 1748 by Ben Franklin.
It might have been better to label them the other way,
but now we're stuck with it.
Thanks Ben Franklin.
Hop on my filthy back!
Anyway, where was I?
Oh, oh right! Opposite behaviors!
Opposite charges attract and like charges repel,
which I think is pretty common knowledge at this point.
That's what makes atoms the way they are.
The protons are positive and the electrons are negative,
so they're attracted to each other.
Unfortunately, since the electrons are the things that move around and electrons are negative,
we kind of have to think backwards.
An electron gain makes an object negative and an electron loss makes an object positive.
The balloon from earlier gained electrons from the hair,
so it became negative and the hair became positive.
But that doesn't really explain what charge is.
As Cameron McHenry pointed out, sure objects become charged because their parts are charged.
But electrons are elementary particles.
They don't have parts and neither do any of these other charged particles.
So what the heck is charge?!
To answer that, we need to talk about the EM field.
Charge and the electromagnetic field are inextricably connected.
You can't really understand one without understanding the other.
What's a field again?
Yeah, OK, that's a fair question.
A field is a value or set of values assigned to every point in space.
But jumping right into the EM field can be a bit overwhelming.
Let's start with gravity.
It's a little easier to imagine and a lot easier to work with.
So, here's the Earth. Just chilling.
Around the Earth is a bunch of points in space and every single one of those points
has a vector arrow attached to it.
Since the Earth is pretty massive, it has a lot of control over those arrows.
The whole collection of arrows is called a gravitational field and it's always there.
Even if there isn't any mass around, the field is still there.
It's just zero.
It helps to think of mass as a property of objects and fields as a property of space.
The Earth and the space it occupies are real tangible things.
The mass and the field are just properties we measure
to help us explain what the tangible things are doing.
And a really convenient way to understand that connection is with Gauss's law.
In general, it's written like this.
Here's the field, a property of space,
and here's whatever property is affecting that field.
For gravity, it relates the gravitational field to mass.
It says the gravitation field across some closed area, also known as flux,
is proportional to the mass inside that closed area.
Ugh, can you do that with a picture please?
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, sure thing.
Let's imagine that closed area is the surface of a sphere.
If that sphere doesn't enclose any mass, then there's no flux across its surface.
There is just as much field pointed in as there is pointed out.
If that sphere does enclose mass, then there's an overall inward flux.
There's more field pointed inward than outward, which is true no matter how big the sphere is
Even if you don't know where the mass is, the field's behavior tells you where the mass is
and how much there is.
It's actually a really useful connection.
Because electricity is so similar, we can do the same thing with the EM field and charge,
but the EM field is just a smidge more complicated.
We could look at it all together as an electromagnetic tensor,
one big set of numbers attached to each point in space.
But it's easier to think about it as two separate vectors instead,
one for the electric part and one for the magnetic part.
Vector fields are so much easier than tensor fields.
Trust me. You don't want to use the tensors unless you have to.
So we'll imagine each point in space has two vector arrows attached.
As a charge moves around inside the space, you can see how each of those vectors changes.
If the charge isn't moving, then all the magnetic arrows drop to zero,
leaving only the electric arrows.
We'll focus on that electric part now and save that magnetic part for a later video.
Back to Gauss's law!
For electric fields, it looks like this.
It relates the electric field to charge.
And just like with gravity, you can use a carefully chosen closed area
to figure out where the charge is and how much of it there is.
Just like mass tell us how much an object or particle will affect the gravitational field,
charge tells us how much an object or particle will affect the electromagnetic field.
It's coupling property.
It couples objects and particles to space.
So what's electric charge?
Electric charge is just a property of objects or particles
that inextricably connects them to the EM field and, therefore, to space.
There are two opposite types that display opposite behaviors.
It's conserved across time and everyone agrees on how much there is.
It's a really big deal!
So, was this deep enough for you or are you still craving the quantum mechanics?
Let us know in the comments.
Thanks for liking and sharing this video.
Don't forget to subscribe if you'd like to keep up with us.
And until next time, remember, it's OK to be a little crazy.
The featured comment comes from Zoltán Kürti who mentioned:
Gauss didn't use vector fields. He used quaternions.
Yes, I know, vectors weren't all that universal until Oliver Heaviside came along,
but quaternions are really confusing.
If you're interested though, 3blue1brown did a good video on them recently.
Link in the doobly-doo.
Anyway, thanks for watching!
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This is the Origin of Halloween - Duration: 4:27.- How's it going guys, my name is Jimmy Champane
and this is Halloween.
So if you couldn't guess, Halloween is my favorite holiday.
So when Austin came up an asked if I wanted
to guest host this episode,
I was all about it.
We all know Halloween is an excuse to dress up
in a cool costume, eat way too much candy
and stay up late on a school night.
But did you know it actually has some pretty spooky origins?
It was seen as a time when the gap between the world
of the living and the world of the dead
was easier to cross.
So people left out offerings to spirits called Aos Si
to ensure that their livestock would stay healthy
through the winter.
Villagers went door to door in disguises to mimic
or hide from the spirits while reciting verses
in exchange for food.
Beginning in the 19th century,
the people of the Scottish Highlands
would carve grotesque faces into turnips
and other vegetables to create lanterns
to ward off evil spirits.
By the 20th century the practice moved to England
in the form of Punky Night, where on the third Thursday
of October, children would march around in costumes
carrying jack-o-lanterns and singing creepy songs.
You may have heard the holiday be called
All Hallow's Eve before and that's because in Christianity,
November 1st is All Saint's Day or All Hallow's Day.
And then on November 2nd they celebrate All Soul's Day.
Together these days are called All Hallow Tide.
And during these 72 hours, people honored the saints
and also pray for the souls of those who haven't
made it to heaven just yet.
All Hallow's Eve was the last chance spirits had
to roam the earth and enact vengeance
on those who had wronged them.
So naturally people dressed up in costumes
to disguise themselves from the spirits
that were trying to haunt them.
So Matt, if one of your many plots to kill me
actually worked, who would you dress up as
to avoid my spirit from haunting you?
So after that whole Salem Witch Trial thing
where 19 innocent women were hung and one man
was pressed to death, the Protestants were really not
too keen on celebrating Halloween.
Or even Christmas for that matter.
Thankfully for die hard devotees of Halloween like myself,
once a large population of Scottish and Irish immigrants
came over to America, the practice took hold
and Halloween became a national holiday as we know it today.
We already talked about the practice of going door to door
asking for food, but trick or treating as we know it
didn't take hold in America until 1947
thanks to children's magazines, radio programs
and weirdly enough, the Peanuts comic strip.
And Walt Disney couldn't leave a budding American holiday
alone so he created a short film featuring Donald Duck
and his three nephews, Huey, Dewey and Louie,
aptly titled Trick or Treat.
Duck Tales.
- [Matt] Woo, woo.
- And if you grew up in an urban area
you probably know it as trunk or treating
instead of trick or treating.
That's when people drive their cars
to a local park or church parking lot
and open up their trunks and pass out candy to kids there.
That sounds way more creepy
than I thought it would written out.
- [Matt] Yeah.
- [Jimmy] I wanna put your kid in my trunk and drive away.
- [Matt] Hey Jimmy, where did jack-o-lanterns come from?
- You haven't heard of Stingy Jack?
- [Matt] No, who's Stingy Jack?
- Alright, so Stingy Jack was this really man blacksmith.
And he knew that when he died
he probably wouldn't get into heaven.
But he didn't wanna go to hell.
So he tricked the devil into climbing up an apple tree
and then put a bunch of crosses around it
so the devil couldn't come down.
And he said, hey, I'll let you down
if you promise not to let me into hell when I die.
The devil agreed, and everything went along fine.
Jack died one day just like everyone else does
and of course he was not let into heaven.
So he went down to hell and asked the devil to let him in
and the devil just laughed in his face
and flicked an ember at him.
Jack happened to die with his favorite vegetable,
which was of course, a turnip,
so he carved it out, put the ember inside,
and now he wanders the earth
holding his little jack-o-lantern.
And that's Stingy Jack.
- [Matt] Wow.
- So if you're over the age of 14
you'll probably get some weird looks
if you go out trick or treating.
Just like Matt does every single year.
But Halloween thankfully is a holiday
you can celebrate all the way
until you enter the land of the dead yourself.
I like to celebrate by going to haunted houses,
hay rides and theme parks, but a lot of towns
have costume parties for adults which are a lot of fun.
And if you're one of the cool kids like me
who celebrates Halloween all October long
you can watch some scary movies like Halloween,
Trick 'r Treat, or my favorite cult classic,
Satan's Little Helper.
Have you ever seen Satan's Little Helper, Matt?
It is one of the worst movies ever made.
Yeah, it's terrible.
No matter how you celebrate Halloween,
I hope you learned something new
about what is objectively the best day of the year.
And if you wanna see more, you can check out my channel
but anyways guys, my name is Jimmy Champagne,
and I'll see you in the next one.
Thanks for watching.
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John Cena WWE Crown Jewel Replacement REVEALED?! | WrestleTalk News Oct. 2018 - Duration: 4:05.Hello and welcome to the WrestleTalk News - I'm Oli Davis.
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Happy Halloween, From NXT Although Halloween night is on Wednesday this
year, tradition dictates that you can actually get drunk and dress up on both the weekends
before and after.
Or, if you're cool like me, get drunk and have a lame attempt at recreating Chris Jericho's
Dominion 2018 facepaint.
Despite spending most of the year dressing up as other wrestlers and then attacking Kenny
Omega , Jericho spent the weekend on his Rock 'n' Wrestling Rager at Sea cruise.
So the cosplay fun was left to the NXT roster: EC3 and ...Drake Maverick dressed up as Batman
and Robin.
Matt Riddle was Chicken Riddle for the night.
But the easy winner was Kassius Ohno, who went as a t-rex.
Thanks to @KarenNerdsOut on Twitter for those images.
A special mention must go, however, to Otis Dozovic of Heavy Machinery, who came out as
SmackDown's Mandy Rose, entrance music and all.
Which led Mandy herself to tweet: Two embarrassed face emojis two shocked face
Which leads us to today's Question on a Poll match - who wore it better, Mandy or
Click the i above my head to give your vote.
Otis has tweeted a side-by-side comparison photo to help make up your mind.
Make phone wallpaper… lock screen or background.
Set both.
Crown Jewel Sold Out After Undertaker and Kane's gravedigging
promo for Saudi Arabia's Crown Jewel show on last week's Raw, amidst the controversy
surrounding the country's government's killing of Washington Post journalist Jamal
Khashoggi, the main roster stars should probably avoid such spooky dressing up this Friday.
But despite the controversy, the Chairman of the Saudi Sports Authority, Turki bin Abdel
Muhsin Al-Asheik, has announced Crown Jewel has sold out just three hours after going
on sale - thank you Google Translate.
While impressive, the show's capacity was significantly reduced from 68,000 seats to
just 25,000 - as the venue was moved from the King Fahd International Stadium to the
King Saud University Stadium because of construction work.
Kane Issues Statement On Crown Jewel With all the intense mainstream criticism
surrounding public company WWE putting on the Saudi Arabian show, it's easy to forget
that an elected, currently serving United States politician is actually wrestling on
the card - the big red mayor himself, Kane, whose office has released a new statement
regarding his involvement in the show: "Mayor Jacobs is still going to the Crown
Jewel event because he made a commitment to not only the WWE, but the Knoxville Public
Safety Foundation and the first responders of Knoxville and Knox County."
- to whom WWE donated $100,000 in exchange for Kane's services last month.
John Cena Crown Jewel Replacement Revealed John Cena, however, has reportedly refused
to appear on the show despite being the first person announced for the event's World Cup
to Determine the Best In The World tournament.
As a result, WWE will apparently announce his replacement on tonight's episode of
Raw - and who better to fill Cena's jean shorts than a man currently suffering from
a separated shoulder.
WrestleVotes, a Twitter account with a proven track record of breaking backstage news, is
reporting: "I know injury concerns have been making
the rounds, but I'm hearing Bobby Lashley is John Cena's replacement in the World
Cup at #WWECrownJewel" Evolution was actually really good!
Watch my review by clicking the video in the top left now!
And click the link for the latest breaking wrestling news.
I've been Oli Davis, and that was wrestling.
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