Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 1 2019

In the early 1960s, high school athlete Dick Fosbury probably never imagined that he would

set the Olympic high jump record in 1968.

The then teenager at Medford High School in Oregon participated in the high jump portion

of track and field, but as a sophomore, he failed to clear the 1.5 meter height required

to qualify for a number of high school track meets.

The standard high jump techniques of the day included such techniques as the straddle and

the upright scissors method.

In the former, the jumper takes off from the inner foot to pass over the bar with their

face down and legs straddling it.

While American high jumpers at the Olympics used the technique to earn themselves silver

and gold medals, Fosbury could not coordinate his limbs and body just right to make it over

the jump at any great height.

Straddle Method Straddle Method

Thus, he began experimenting with another high jump method- the upright scissors technique.

Jumpers using this method approach the bar at a thirty to fifty degree angle before taking

off with the outside leg.

The leg nearest the jump remains straight and swings over the bar, and the takeoff leg

is swung up over the bar once the jumper crosses it.

Jumpers often bend forward at the waist once their takeoff leg clears the ground to lower

their center of gravity.

Scissor Method Scissor Method

With neither of these methods working terribly well for him, Fosbury began experimenting

with different jumping techniques, achieving greater heights than he could with the standard

methods of the day.

One such method became the Fosbury Flop.

When Fosbury developed this innovative backwards, headfirst leap, it was quite by accident.

He later stated,

It was just simply intuition.

It was not based on science or analysis or thought or design.

It was all by instinct.

It happened one day at a competition [in May of 1963 at the Rotary Invitation at Grants

Pass, Oregon].

My mind was driving my body to work out the best way to get over the bar….

I can remember the coaches looking through the rule book that day to see if what I was

doing was legal, which it was.

I ran into that over the next couple of years in high-school competition: the opposing coaches

checking the rules.

If you're wondering why this method had not been long since discovered by other jumpers,

going over the bar headfirst and backwards meant that Fosbury would be landing on his

back, something that would not have been possible before his junior year.

You see, high jumpers prior to the early 1960s landed on surfaces made up of sand, sawdust,

or woodchips, meaning you at least needed to partially land on your feet or risk injury.

To get around the injury problem, colleges in the United States began bundling up soft

foam rubber inside mesh nets in the late 1950s.

These bundles not only provided a softer landing zone, but they stood about three feet tall,

making it so jumpers did not need to fall as far on the way down.

Just prior to Fosbury's junior year, his school replaced its old wood chip filled landing

area with such soft padding, making his otherwise back breaking flop viable.

Despite his success with the method, Fosbury's high school coach initially insisted he keep

practicing the straddle technique, but stopped pestering him when he used the flop to break

his high school's high jump record, clearing six feet, three inches (1.91 meters) and then

shortly thereafter clearing six feet, five and a half inches (1.969 meters) at a state


western-roll Western Roll

Fosbury's subsequent college track and field coach at Oregon State University in Corvallis,

Berny Wagner, also tried to get him to abandon his flop, for the entirety of his freshman

year having him practice the western roll technique (where the jumper lifts themselves

into a horizontal position over the bar).

However, Fosbury was allowed to continue using his own technique at competitions.

Things change when, during his sophomore year in the very first meet of the season, Fosbury

flopped his way to a new school record of 6 ft. 10 inches (2.08 meters).

After that, Fosbury stated, "Berny came up to me and said, 'That's enough.'

That was the end of Plan A, on to Plan B. He would study what I was doing, film it,

and even start to try to experiment and teach it to the younger jumpers."

It was while he was in college that Fosbury's jumping technique became known as the Fosbury


Fosbury later explained how his method got its name:

To tell the truth, the first time that I was interviewed and asked 'what do you call


I used my engineering analytical side (Fosbury was a civil engineering major) and I referred

to it as a 'back lay-out'.

It was not interesting, and the journalist didn't even write it down.

I noted this.

The next time that I was interviewed, that's when I said, 'Well, at home in my town in

Medford, Oregon, they call it the Fosbury Flop' – and everyone wrote it down.

I was the first person to call it that, but it came from a caption on a photo that said

'Fosbury flops over bar'.

Before this, one newspaper noted in a caption showing one of Fosbury's leaps, "World's

Laziest High Jumper."

Yet another described his jump noting that it looked like "a fish flopping in a boat."

Nevertheless, five years after first flopping his way over a high jump bar, this former

teenager who for a time couldn't even qualify in certain high school meets, used his innovative

method to get himself on the United States Olympic Team for the Mexico City Olympics

in 1968.

At that Olympics, he was one of only three jumpers to clear seven feet, two and a half

inches (2.20 meters).

With only three competitors left, he then managed to clear seven feet, three and a quarter

inches (2.22 meters), along with his teammate, Ed Carruthers, while their Soviet Union competitor,

Valentin Gavrilov, did not and ended up with a bronze medal.

fosbury-olympicsThe bar was then set to 2.24 meters, a height Fosbury cleared, setting

a new Olympic record.

Carruthers failed in all three tries, winning Fosbury the gold.

Not satisfied, Fosbury then asked that they put the bar up to 2.29 meters (7 ft. 6.12

in.), just over the world record of 2.28 meters held by Valeriy Brumel.

(Brumel had his career cut short in 1965 after a motorcycle accident resulted in serious

injuries to his right foot.

Even after a whopping 29 surgeries on it, his foot never recovered enough to allow him

to jump competitively again, though he did attempt a brief comeback in 1970.)

For Fosbury, beating Brumel's mark was a leap too far and he failed on all three attempts

to clear the bar.

Nevertheless, with Olympic gold in hand, the track and field world took notice of the Fosbury


By the 1972 Olympics in Germany, twenty-eight of the forty high jumpers were using this


The 1980 Olympics saw thirteen of its sixteen high jump finalists use it, and today, while

other techniques can still be seen used by those warming up, when it comes to actual

competition, some slight variation of the Fosbury Flop is the gold standard, and not

a single person who's used a different technique in the high jump has held the world record

since 1980.

So why is the Fosbury Flop so much more effective than previous high jump techniques?

Jumpers who use such techniques as the straddle method need their entire body to be above

the bar when they reach the peak of the jump, meaning their center of gravity is also far

above the bar.

While there are many different subtle variations on the flop, in general, at the apex of a

jump, when their center of gravity is at its highest point, the jumper's legs are still

below the bar on one side while their head and torso are below on the other.

If done optimally, and with sufficient flexibility, this means at no point does the jumper's

center of gravity need to go above the bar; in fact, at times it can be several inches

below at its peak point, requiring significantly less leaping power to produce the same result

as techniques that require the jumper's center of gravity to go higher to clear

the bar.

For more infomation >> From Track Scrub to Olympic Record Setter: Fosbury and His Flop - Duration: 7:12.


DELTARUNE • Orchestral Covers Compilation [Half 2] - Duration: 33:56.

For more infomation >> DELTARUNE • Orchestral Covers Compilation [Half 2] - Duration: 33:56.


7 Aspects of an intelligent woman that make her attractive - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> 7 Aspects of an intelligent woman that make her attractive - Duration: 3:43.


Happy New Year in French (& Other Jan Traditions) - Duration: 9:47.

For more infomation >> Happy New Year in French (& Other Jan Traditions) - Duration: 9:47.


Aprenda a desenhar a Tikki e o Plagg - Duration: 9:11.

For more infomation >> Aprenda a desenhar a Tikki e o Plagg - Duration: 9:11.


Q&A 😦 Skąd pomysł na kanał?! | Billie Sparrow | Hania Es | 5 MINUT - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Q&A 😦 Skąd pomysł na kanał?! | Billie Sparrow | Hania Es | 5 MINUT - Duration: 5:01.


6 Things You Should Never Tell Your Wife Because She Does Not Work Outside The Home - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> 6 Things You Should Never Tell Your Wife Because She Does Not Work Outside The Home - Duration: 4:14.


2019... - Duration: 5:46.

It is with our greatest thanks for this year 2018, That the "Fruits Trop Parfaits" team Wishes you...

Happy New Year 2019

For more infomation >> 2019... - Duration: 5:46.


Jekyll & Hyde (feat. Sainte Séïa) 【Intense Symphonic Metal Cover】 - Duration: 5:39.

I met a girl in the middle of rising pleasures

One who looks just like me

"I'll make that good girl into a doll"

"I'll break her chains"

In this instant, my vision flutters to space

And this me I don't know…

Wounded him

"I didn't ask you to do that"

"Oh, you didn't ask me either"

"Quick" "Quick" "Quick… Leave your body"

"Not yet, let's have more fun"

"Really you're happy, aren't you?"

"On what grounds do you say?

"Because" "Because" "Because… That's what you're like"

"His betrayal"

…"You didn't forgive it"

"Isn't that right?"


The mob wears a dress of hypocrisy

Do you deceive? Are you deceived?

Will you even gamble the future?

The replay, my vision flutters to space

Bearing just this crime…

You wander around the darkness

"God, who will you judge?"

"It's my fault"

"Stop" "Stop" "Stop… I feel like I'm going to throw up"

"When will you stop being a doll?"

"I have decided my own destiny"

"Anyway, we can't do anything"

"I'll break it" "I'll defile it" "I'll break it… let's kill ourselves"

"But finally even hatred"

"…Hey, it changes into love?"

"I… Love… You"

"I… Love… You"

Tell me "Who am I?"

Tell me "Who are you?"

Truth and lies kiss

And everything is born

"I didn't ask you to do that"

"Oh, you didn't ask me either"

"Quick" "Quick" "Quick" "Quick"

"Quick………… I want you to kill me"

"I didn't know that"

"A peak like that…"

"So hot" "So deep" "So strong"

"So strong" "So strong" "So strong"

"Really, I love you too much"

"I want to break you, now"

"Break" "Break" "Break"

"Break… until there's not even dust left"

"I can't take this anymore… Except for you"

"I don't love anybody else"

"I love you"

"I love you"

Breakdown! Breakdown!

For more infomation >> Jekyll & Hyde (feat. Sainte Séïa) 【Intense Symphonic Metal Cover】 - Duration: 5:39.


WALL-E, Hercules, The Incredibles & More | Watch Movies Online This January | Freeform - Duration: 0:43.

Thank you very much.

Let's do this thing!

I'm an action figure.

Two thumbs way, way up.


Oh ho ho.


We're superheroes.

Hey! Isn't this romantic?

Just look at that sunset.

For more infomation >> WALL-E, Hercules, The Incredibles & More | Watch Movies Online This January | Freeform - Duration: 0:43.


Welcome to Hailey & a Spoon | 2019 Channel Trailer - Duration: 0:34.

Hey and welcome to my channel.

My name is Hailey

and obviously I have a spoon. If you don't know what that means, I will have a video

linking to the meaning of my channel name right here.

I make new videos about mental health, living with celiac disease, gluten free living, and chronic illness education.

I'd love to have you guys subscribe to my channel. I put out new videos every Tuesday around 10:00 a.m

Mountain Standard time and I look forward to seeing you guys in future videos, but until then stay positive. Bye guys!

For more infomation >> Welcome to Hailey & a Spoon | 2019 Channel Trailer - Duration: 0:34.


"הנווד" יה רייח Ya Rayah Cheb Khaled להקת מתופפי המדבר ביצוע אינסטרומנטלי פסטיבל דימונה הראשון - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> "הנווד" יה רייח Ya Rayah Cheb Khaled להקת מתופפי המדבר ביצוע אינסטרומנטלי פסטיבל דימונה הראשון - Duration: 3:21.


7 Surprising Causes Of High Blood Pressure - Duration: 8:43.

7 Surprising Causes Of High Blood Pressure.

Quick -– what causes high blood pressure?

The first culprits that pop into your mind are likely to be: eating too much salt, being

stressed out all the time, and alcohol abuse.

And you would be right.

But there are also less obvious causes of high blood pressure, a condition that affects

about one in three, or 78 million, adults in the U.S.

"The best data demonstrates that hypertension is almost unavoidable as we age," says Clyde

Yancy, MD, chief of cardiology and associate director of the Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute

in Chicago, Illinois.

"Once we reach age 55, we have a 90 percent chance of becoming hypertensive."

Yet that inevitability doesn't mean we can't do something about it.

Step one is to modify your lifestyle: lose weight, exercise, and eat a wholesome diet,

explains Dr. Yancy.

Another thing you can do: Get to know these less well-known blood pressure factors:



A new study published in the journal Hypertension says the chemical BPA found in the lining

of some of cans and plastic bottles could seep into food and drink and raise blood pressure.

Previous studies have shown that chronic exposure to BPA is associated with heart disease and

high blood pressure.

This newest study is the first to show a direct and quick impact on blood pressure levels.

Though it's too soon to comment about the certainty about the consequences, Dr. Yancy

notes, "we should continue to think about this carefully."

In the meantime, reduce your risk by using BPA-free products, eat less canned food, and

opt for non-plastic containers, like glass, porcelain or stainless steel, when serving

hot foods and liquid.

Also, avoid microwaving plastic food containers made with BPA, as the chemical may break down

over time from repeated use at high temperatures.



Too much of the sweet stuff may not just be bad for your waistline—it can be bad for

your blood pressure, too.

In fact, sugar may hurt your heart health more than salt, say many experts.

Recent research published in several medical journals suggests that dietary guidelines

for treating high blood pressure should focus on reducing the amount of added sugars.

They blame fructose in particular, the sugar that is generally added to processed foods

and drinks, for being the major player in the development of hypertension.

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends women eat no more than six teaspoons (100

calories) of added sugar per day and no more than nine (150 calories) for men.

For example, just one 16-ounce can of non-diet soda contains more than nine teaspoons of

added sugar!

A good place to start reducing consumption would be to limit processed foods, which are

most likely to contain high amounts of the more-dangerous type of sugar.


Sleep apnea.

Turns out this common disorder, which often goes undiagnosed, leads snoring, restless

nights—and possibly, elevated blood pressure.

That's because, says the National Sleep Foundation, when your breathing is interrupted,

the oxygen level in your body falls.

Your brain then sends signals through your nervous system to increase the flow of oxygen

to the heart and brain, thereby tightening up your blood vessels.

Frequent drops in your blood oxygen level, along with reduced quality of sleep, can also

trigger the release of stress hormones, which raise your heart rate and increase your risk

for high blood pressure.

Lifestyle changes (like losing weight if you are overweight), mouthpieces, surgery and

breathing devices can successfully treat sleep apnea.



Spending time with friends has been linked to better health and well-being, but the flip

side of that—feeling lonesome—takes a toll not only on your confidence, happiness

and stress levels, but also on your blood pressure.

So says a five-year study at the University of Chicago, which, for the first time, showed

a direct correlation between loneliness and high blood pressure among people 50 years

old and older.

Blood pressure increase was first observed two years into the study, and continued to

increase until four years later.

"Conversely, when you're with close friends and have social supports you can depend on,

you tend to feel more relaxed," says friendship expert Irene S. Levine, Ph.D., who is also

a professor of psychiatry at the NYU School of Medicine.

"Set aside time for friendships, but recognize that not all of them last forever.

That's why it's important to cultivate new friendships, too," she says.


Hot tubs and saunas.

Ahhh… that heat feels good, especially when it's cold outside or your muscles and joints


But beware of hot tubs and saunas if you already have high blood pressure, says the AHA.

Since the heat from hot tubs and saunas causes blood vessels to open up (similar to what

happens during normal activities, like a brisk walk), the AHA says that if your doctor has

told you to avoid moderate exercise, you should use caution when considering hot tubs and


Saunas are particularly problematic, since the temperature is difficult to control, he


"If you do use a hot tub, set the temperature to about 90 degrees Fahrenheit, and be careful

you don't overheat."



Prescription and over-the-counter medications are designed to enhance your health, right?

Yes, but certain drugs could be putting your blood pressure at risk, finds a study published

in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

According to the Mayo Clinic, people who take acetaminophen (Tylenol) daily are more likely

to develop high blood pressure than those who don't take it.

Also, certain pain and anti-inflammatory medications can raise your blood pressure, including ibuprofen

(Advil, Motrin IB) and naproxen sodium (Aleve).

And if you take an antidepressant, check your blood pressure regularly—Venlafaxine (Effexor),

Bupropion (Wellbutrin), and Desipramine (Norpramin) have been shown to raise blood pressure.

Even certain herbal supplements, like ginseng, licorice and ephedra (ma huang), may have

the same effect.

Decongestants (or medications that contain them), as well as inhalers (both prescribed

and over-the-counter) can also promote a higher blood pressure, warns Dr. Yancy.

Always remember to check with your doctor or pharmacist if you're concerned about

your medications and your blood pressure.


Thyroid problems.

A 2007 study published in the Journal Hypertension reported a correlation between hypothyroidism

(when the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone) and high blood pressure.

When compared with volunteers, patients with the condition had significantly higher blood

pressure readings.

Conversely, hyperthyroidism (when there's too much hormone produced) can also result

in higher-than-normal blood pressure readings.

And then there's a condition known as hyperparathyroidism, one type of which may be accountable for a

high reading as well.

This parathyroid condition affects hormone regulation and can result in too much calcium

in the blood which has been associated with elevated blood pressure, says the Mayo Clinic.

For more infomation >> 7 Surprising Causes Of High Blood Pressure - Duration: 8:43.


Başaramayacağın Hiçbir Şey Yok! [Motivasyon Videosu] - Türkçe Alt Yazılı - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Başaramayacağın Hiçbir Şey Yok! [Motivasyon Videosu] - Türkçe Alt Yazılı - Duration: 3:15.



For more infomation >> MİNECRAFT ARENA PVP ADAMLA BİRBİRİMİZE GİRDİK!!!!! - Duration: 10:32.


legend Spryzen S3 .7.Mr Unboxing da Hasbro - Duration: 12:16.

So, the channel was on a hiatus

but my vacations finally started, so I'm going to record videos again

Happy New Year!

Hi! name is Pedro and welcome to the Imperador Bey's channel

I just wanted to record this quick announcement

to tell you that the channel has been on a hiatus recently

I already had recorded some unboxings

and some older videos already finished

that I'm going to re-edit and post

including unboxings from Victory Valkryrie, Takara Tomy

from legend Spryzen and from Xcalius X3 (set with sword launcher)


I'm only going to re edit and post this videos

it's going to me an unboxing marathon

((dates and schedules were edited))

because on the last day,

I'm going to make a battle marathon

soo, comment any battle sugestions

and thanks for watching

could you pleeeeease like the video? c:

hi! I'm Pedro and welcome to Imperador Bey's channel

today, we have an unboxing

of a bey that I was sooo excited to get

who is legend Spryzen S3

spryzen's third version

it's a bey from Beyblade Burst Evolution

of the switchstrike system

it's official and original from Hasbro

it comes with the standart switchstrike launcher

that spins both

left and right, which is pretty good for this bey

here it says that the energy layer spins on both directions

it explains how it works

so, left spinning AND right spinning

it shows the forge disc, D30, also known as 7

and its performance tip, TB06, also known as Merge

here, it explains the switchstrike gimmick

that has an adjustable spin direction

and behind this seal

that people in Brazil use to guarantee its a safe and original toy

explains that it has...

how can I say it?

a variable rotation

something 'round this

depending on the spin direction

it's going to have a different movement pattern

if it spins to the left, it will be round

if going to the right, just like a flower pattern

that's not how it works... precisely, tho

here we have some stats, 7 attack

7 weight, which is true

3 burst, 4 speed

2 defense, 2 stamina

the beyblade burst site link

some logos, wbba, sunrights (anime studio) and d-rights (the publisher)

aaand, Hasbro's

here, kids under 3yo, avoid this toy

it could cause choking

or an eye bleeding, lol

and that's it

here, beyblade burst app

it does have a qr code, so...

and, ok, now that's it

I'm going to be opening this and I'll be right back

I got it out of tha packaging

just focusing the camera

a basic manual

and it explains how to use Spryzen's gimmick

that I'm going to show in details soon

ripcord with a plastic part that... it's going to be useful

it works with spryzen, so it's a full set

launcher, every single part

just going to get them

I'll be right back


and, Hasbro...

it's impossible to unpack it without destroying the packaging

like, seriously

I'm a bit sad about it

but, the content over the box

I'm back >.<

here we have all the parts

after my camera fell on the ground

buuuuut, no problem

let's start talking about its parts

first, we have the driver

or performance tip

that I really want to focus, hopefully won't drop the camera this time


my camera just doesn't want to help

yay, got it. So, this is the Merge driver

by hasbro names, TB06

but no one cares about this codes

so, whatever

it's pretty similar to the unite driver

that comes on Spryzen S2

that has a plastic tip on the middle

surrounded by rubber

For more infomation >> legend Spryzen S3 .7.Mr Unboxing da Hasbro - Duration: 12:16.


Lee Cat _ 恋人も濡れる街角 【2018】 - Duration: 4:22.

This song called " Lover waits in rain at the corner of this street " cover by Lee Cat

Incredible love's whether all about the appearance of a boy Tonight I'm suddenly missing him very much

Relationship of us seemed like had estranged If tonight's date is OK without problems

YOKOHAMA nowadays reveals lots of disturbing messy love Why there is a distance in between you and me

I always feel to have made you keep in touch Why when say Goodbye Goodnight's the only words

Ah~ atmosphere's already frozen Want to see you this is the love I've been dreaming for

If could say a few more words it'll be better * To give me a sign If I should still keep waiting for you

Love's the only thing , makes myself be completely lost Lover waits in rain at the corner of this street

On the street of this city having seen a boy whose look's just like you A shy melody is being hummed by me ( uhm~ )

He's walking towards me if he is just you At this moment this romance never forget

Ah~ Raindrops are now suddenly falling By this carriage stop I'm now lonely waiting for you

Just to keep on this way I'll be satisfied To give me a sign If I should still keep waiting for you

Love's the only thing , makes myself be completely lost Lover waits in rain at the corner of this street

If he isn't you I would feel like crazy Lover waits in rain at the corner of this street

Thank you guys very much

For more infomation >> Lee Cat _ 恋人も濡れる街角 【2018】 - Duration: 4:22.


When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong - Vernon Franklin - Chappelle's Show - Duration: 2:28.

You're watching, When "Keeping it Real"

Goes Wrong.

Vernon Franklin was an exceptional young man.

He was the valedictorian of his high school class,

won several scholarships,

and became the first person in his family to attend college.

He got a good job and worked 14-hour days, 6 days a week,

quickly becoming the youngest vice president

in the history of the Via Corp Corporation,

ending the cycle of violence and drug addiction

that had plagued his family for generations.

The officers of his company were wrapping up the usual

Thursday meeting in the South Conference Room

when Frank Murphy, the man who had mentored Vernon,

made an awkward comment.

Vernon, great job, buddy.

You the man. Give me some skin, huh?

Vernon got along with all of the people he worked with,

which in his heart of hearts made him feel like an Uncle Tom.

Though he could have ignored the simple comment

his mentor made, Vernon decided to keep it real.

Get your motherfucking hand out of my face.

You heard me, motherfucker. Get your hands outta my face.

What you think this is, man? Just shake my hand like a man.

"All right, give me some five on the backhand side

with all this crazy jive."

It's bullshit. Want a little soft shoe?

Should I juggle some watermelons for you, boss?

Fuck all that, nigger.

Hey, Vernon, buddy.

Get your motherfucking hands off me, Frank.

This ain't a game.

This isn't the Vernon I know.

Allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Hov

You never heard that before, have you?

Rap music is dangerous. I used to beat motherfuckers up

just like you just for walking around my way, nigger.

Vernon, Vernon, buddy.

You better sit the fuck down, Frank.

Excuse me?

I said sit down, bitch. Thug life.

You think this is a game, nigger?


Today, Vernon works at Sonny's Fill 'Er Up

on Route 80 in New Jersey.

He makes $6.45 an hour and stinks of gasoline,

even when he's not at the station.

It's as real as it can be.

Dollar? What I'm gonna get with a dollar, nigger?

I got kids, and that's real.

Vernon Franklin, once a heart- warming story of perseverance.


Today, a sparkling example of when keeping it real

goes wrong.

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