Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 2 2019

How to draw SKS Gun from PUBG

For more infomation >> How to draw SKS Gun from PUBG - Duration: 5:17.


Como Descargar y Activar Camtasia Studio 9 [ENERO 2019] [ENGLISH SUBTITLES] - Duration: 2:53.

Hello Friends, today I am going to teach you how to download

And activate Camtasia Studio 2018 or 9

The first thing we have to do is go to one of the links of the description

You can choose if you download it from mega or mediafire

Wait 5 secons and click "skip ad"

the mega page will open and you will download

Once the file is downloaded, right click and extract files

a folder will be created and we open it

and you click camtasia

select the lenguage

accept the license terms and install

click finish

camtasia studio will open but you have to close it

because you have to activate it

an icon will be created on the desktop

Right click and open file location

go to the folder that you downloaded

pass this file to the other folder

I already had it downloaded

open it

Click the red letters

and it's already active

close the program

open Camtasia Studio

I hope you liked the video

if it works, like it and subscribe


For more infomation >> Como Descargar y Activar Camtasia Studio 9 [ENERO 2019] [ENGLISH SUBTITLES] - Duration: 2:53.


Dietro le quinte: "Biscotterwatch" | Overwatch (IT) - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Dietro le quinte: "Biscotterwatch" | Overwatch (IT) - Duration: 5:01.


Hollyoaks spoilers: 7 - 11 January 2019 - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Hollyoaks spoilers: 7 - 11 January 2019 - Duration: 1:49.


Megaman X5 | X Ultimate Destroy The Boss Part 3 - Duration: 53:12.

For more infomation >> Megaman X5 | X Ultimate Destroy The Boss Part 3 - Duration: 53:12.


Forgotten Realms Lore - Sembia - Duration: 6:22.

This video is brought to you by Easy Roller Dice!

They have a new kickstarter for their Metal Dice of Ancient Dragons.

Click the link in the description to check it out.

Hello everybody Jorphdan here the PH is silent.

Today we're discussing Sembia, which lies to the right of Cormyr.

Sembia reminds me a bit of Amn, in that money is important, and merchants hold quite a bit

of power.

They are not at the same economic level as Amn but their priorities align perfectly.

Sembia has changed since 3rd edition being overtaken by the Netherese during 4e and returning

to an independent nation by 5th edition.

Sembia is a young country, settlers from Chondath arrived in the Sembia region and gained independence

when the Chondathans were unable to hold on to the colony because of Cormanthor Elves

during the Battle of Singing Arrows in 884 DR.

Sembians gathered together and formed a merchant council that elected an Overmaster to rule

in seven year terms.

By 913 DR the country of Sembia was official, with rulers and their armies in place.

One of the Overmasters named Kendrick had a son named Miklos that spent most of his

life as an adventurer in the Sea of Fallen Stars, the Moonsea, and the Underdark.

Calling himself the Silver Raven Miklos makes the merchant rulers nervous with his negotiation

skills, ability to wield a sword, and powerful magic.

Miklos once returning to Sembia formed a personal army of 200 loyal Sembians to improve the

overall image of Sembia abroad.

To gather information, retrieve magical treasures, and accomplish missions.

They are known as the Silver Ravens.

Miklos sees his army as a reaction or counter to the Harpers that are not well liked within


Miklos prefers his Silver Raves to be like him, True Neutral with loyalty to Sembia.

Sembia is very lawful which is unlike the pirates of the nearby moonsea and other lawless

thugs in the area.

They observe and adhere to contracts and laws, often finding loopholes to exploit while still

being within the rules.

Their government is a Plutocracy, which in this case means a

merchant's council with an elected overmaster like I mentioned earlier.

They are a land of wealth with the grasping drive to earn more.

Despite it's lawful citizens Sembia is home to secret cabals, cults, and other dangers.

Everyone is looking for an edge in this cutthroat market.

The Sembians, also called Semmites, that live in the larger cities look down on the country

folk, and folk of other cities.

Consorting with pirates isn't permitted although it might be a lucrative corner if you

could somehow redefine your pirate friend as a nobel business partner.

The countryside of Sembia is rich farmland.

Orchards and vineyards cover the area to the south and livestock take over the northern


Normally within the realms farmers are taken advantage of by other merchants, but Semmite

farmers have strong business skills and often get fair or better prices for their exports.

The capital of Sembia is Ordulin, where politics is nearly as important as economics.

It's a relatively new city, as it should be because Sembia is a relatively new kingdom.

The city is laid out like a great sunburst, with a central core consisting of three great

buildings and roads radiating out from it.

The center of city is the Great Hall of the Council of Sembia.

Here the nations rulers live, who are the great and powerful merchants within Sembia's


Sembia would rather make a deal than go to war.

Despite this they did have conflicts with the Dalelands and the Elves of Cormanthor.

Then there was a civil war in the mid 1370s that tor Sembia apart.

It was during this time that the Netherese reappeared on Faerun and took advantage of

the political climate within Sembia.

By 1380 Sembia was under the thumb of the Twelve Princes, also known as the Princes

of Shade.

By 1400 DR Sembia was fully absorbed into Netheril.

The Netheril who were gone from Toril for centuries used Sembia to remake it's economy.

Utilizing their sea ports for trade as well as their soldiers to protect and workers to

build the Netheril up.

Many of the Sembian merchants welcomed the Netheril because it filled their pockets with

large amounts of coin.

Also the Shadovar, i.e. the Netherese, were able to help Sembia with long distant trade

by navigating through the Shadowfell to far reaches of Toril.

Literally trading everywhere, and sometimes secretly with other realms where trading with

Sembia was outlawed, such as Cormyr.

Early on there was a resistance to Netheril rule but that existed only for the first decade

or so.

Through money, assassination, and magic the Shadovar (the Netherese) took control of their

Sembian subjects.

They didn't wipe out the resistance, but soon it was only capable of petty acts of

terrorism within the city.

Using Sembia The Shadow Empire of Netheril strengthened their hold on parts of Faerun.

Sembia outright invaded the Dalelands.

The nation of Cormyr aided the Dalelands but Netheril brought their forces to Cormyr forcing

that Kingdom to fight on two fronts.

But Sembia was pushed back thanks to the elves of Myth Drannor that came and fought back

against the Netherese.

The returned Netherese fell around 1484 DR during a conflict with Myth Drannor.

Without Shadow Empire control Sembia returned to being an independent economic power within


Trade with warring neighbors was restored thanks to Sembia distancing itself from the

Netherese way of life.

Reminding trading partners of the long and mutually profitable relationships they previously


You can find more about the fall of the Netherese in the Sundering Series of novels published

by Wizards of the Coast.

The Netherese empire rolled a natural one on their attack against Myth Drannor, but

that won't happen to you with your new set of Metal Dice of Ancient Dragons from Easy

Roller Dice.

They've got a new kickstarter featuring their metal dice in Silver, Gold, Bronze,

and Copper.

Each die has unique dragon esque numbers and Easy Roller Dice even sent me

a few prototypes my way and they look fantastic.

The Kickstarter is already funded so you are guaranteed a set of dice if you pledge, but

they do have lots of great stretch goals to unlock such as Dice Cases and new designs.

Check out Easy Roller Dice's Kickstarter "Metal Dice of Ancient Dragons" today!

Link in the doobly do.

Sembia is a great place for some political or economic focused campaigns.

Have your PCs arrive by ship using their newfound wealth from adventuring to purchase goods

for trade within Sembia.

Perhaps they will have to deal with assassination attempts for encroaching on another's economic


They could weed out all the lawless rebels and become a true merchant king of Sembia.

Thanks for watching everyone, thanks to my patrons on Patreon that keep these videos


I really value and love your support.

Please give the video a thumbs up if you feel so inclined and I'll see you all next week

with another video.

For more infomation >> Forgotten Realms Lore - Sembia - Duration: 6:22.


One Week After Couple Adopts Triplets, Their Doctor Gives Them This Incredible News - Duration: 7:32.

One week after couple adopts triplets their doctor gives them this incredible news

Life can and will throw you a curveball many times throughout your lifetime

This is particularly true in the case of Sarah and Andy a couple from Tulsa, Oklahoma

Who were desperately trying to be parents?

After years of unsuccessful attempts at trying the justice family decided that it was time. They considered adoption

However, much like their three long years of waiting to conceive the adoption process would be just as long and frustrating

However, the couple persevered and they were given the chance to adopt not one baby, but three

However, once they adopted the triplets something unbelievable and miraculous happened soon after

Sarah and Andy had been married for three years and while they enjoyed their life together

They felt as though something was missing

The one thing they truly wanted was children of their own it certainly wasn't for lack of trying

It was just that they weren't having the best of luck

However, after three years of waiting it seemed as though they'd have to ask for a third party for help

So Sarah and Andy decided that it was time to ask for the advice of fertility experts in

2014 the couple traveled from their comfortable home in Tulsa, Oklahoma

To st. Louis, Missouri to seek out the help of a fertility specialist

The justices had driven six hours and when they arrived all they received was more bad news

The specialist told the frustrated couple that while the pair were perfect candidates for in vitro fertilization treatment

There was still only a 10% chance that they could become pregnant

The process was also more invasive than they were prepared to deal with more than that. The entire process wasn't exactly a cheap one

As it turns out the in-vitro fertilization process cost a lot of money

It would cost the justices between thirty and sixty thousand dollars

So between the very expensive cost and the low percentage that it could actually occur

The couple decided that it wasn't the right path for them. So the couple decided to move on to the next step adoption

Even though adoption had some difficulties as well

It seemed like the next best option for instance

The process of adoption can take years to finalize and the justices were more interested in adopting newborn babies

Regardless they were willing to do whatever possible in order to get a good outcome

they began with a series of interviews as

Part of the adoption process Sarah and Andy had to be interviewed by prospective birth mothers

To help determine if they'd be fitting parents for their child while the interviews were cordial and successful

They were extremely tiring and stressful for the Justus family

unfortunately for the couple their struggle to build their family wasn't over in the slightest the

Justices had finally been accepted as adoptive parents on two separate occasions following the interviews in both cases

The birth mothers ended up changing their minds at the last second and decided not to follow through it

So just when it seemed like things would go smoothly. They had to begin the process all over again

However, they weren't about to give up so easily

When the couple was at their lowest, they received a call that would change their lives

One of the expectant mothers had accepted them as parents

So they met with her again and they even went with her to an ultrasound appointment

During the scan everything seemed perfectly normal, but there was one surprise that nobody in the room could expect the woman was having triplets

Rather than just try and renegotiate the agreement the justices decided to just move forward with the entire adoption and adopt all three children

The papers were signed and Sarah and Andy were about to become the proud parents of three beautiful newborn babies something they weren't exactly

prepared for

The situation actually ended up suiting the couple perfectly they planned on having more than one child

But they were dreading on going through the adoption process a second time. It seemed they had the perfect situation

Three children all at once they were ready to meet their newborn triplets

The babies Hannah Joel and Elizabeth were born in May of 2013

Life then threw another curveball at the family when the triplets were born eight weeks early

the tiny babies weighed only three pounds each which meant they had to be kept in neonatal intensive care for

quite a while before they could go home with their parents a

Week after the baby's premature birth

Sarah Justus decided go to a doctor's appointment one day as normal the stress of the entire situation have been affecting her health

And she wanted to make sure she was in top shape by the time her triplets came home

When the doctor came in he gave Sara the most unbelievable news, Sara wasn't sick at all. She was pregnant

It was a miracle and not only was she just pregnant but she was also having twins

Fate is a very odd thing and so his life

While this amazing and highly unlikely occurrence would have felt like awful timing to many people

The justices were absolutely thrilled the irony of the situation. Absolutely

Amused them and they weren't prepared for the difficulty that would come with raising five children all under a year old

However, emotionally Sara and Andy were more than prepared

They were shocked, of course who wouldn't be?

but they had been longing for a family of their own for so long that they couldn't help but feel the situation was quite a


Soon they had welcomed their biological twins, Andrew and Abigail into their home as well

Life with five kids was sure going to be a big adjustment

Of course

The situation wouldn't be an easy one with five hungry kids the couple didn't really sleep much during the first few months

Luckily Sara had the help from their wonderful community and their family

friends neighbors

Members of their parish and many other members of the community all pitched in to help the family and the new parents of five

Members of Tulsa's Eastland Baptist Church began to send over food for the family as well

They'd sent cooked meals frozen dinner and baby formula

Their friends from the church even offered to help watch the five justice babies while the couple was away at work

And it wasn't just food that their family gave them Tulsa donated diapers bottles blankets and clothing to the Justice family

These supplies were sorely needed the five infants ended up going through 300 diapers and 84 bottles every week

Since it was such a huge task to get the kids from place to place the justices had to buy a bigger van

Sarah and Andy had a little bit of a tough time telling the babies apart at first

Even though there was an age difference. So to fix this they came up with a system to tell them apart

The boys were easy, but for their older daughters Hannah and Elizabeth, the parents used different coloured toenail polish

the justices soon became internet celebrities

The story of the justices ordeal immediately went viral and in the three years that passed since the justices became parents

They gained a very large following on social media the world was constantly watching and looking at their great photos and updates about the kids

The couple who had thought they'd never be parents even welcomed a sixth child in January as of 2016

Even though their life is incredibly hectic the justices say that they wouldn't change it for the world

Their lives have become all about the children, but they feel like it's a good thing

Sarah said it was something we wanted so badly that we loved it. We just really love having these children

For more infomation >> One Week After Couple Adopts Triplets, Their Doctor Gives Them This Incredible News - Duration: 7:32.


3 Camping Cabins Bring Modern And Affordable Design | Adorable Small House Design - Duration: 3:31.

3 Camping Cabins Bring Modern And Affordable Design

For more infomation >> 3 Camping Cabins Bring Modern And Affordable Design | Adorable Small House Design - Duration: 3:31.


Dlaczego podróżujemy po świecie - Duration: 2:40.

We live in a very busy world

People are still moving, they are in a hurry, they are running

sometimes they don't even have time to eat breakfast

They say that time is money but for me time is freedom

We are so absorbed in life that sometimes we don't see the other person

the world that surrounds us and in which we live

Maybe it's a technology problem that is constantly evolving

or maybe the rush that surrounds us or the group of people we are with

I don't know, but life may look much different

The world is not black and white

and people on earth are diverse and we should enjoy the life we ​​have

Fortunately, I know different people who think differently

They live according to their own rules

We call them hitchhikers, hobos, travelers

People who follow their passion at all costs

adventure, for discovering the world and people

It doesn't matter how much money you have and what country you come from

or what religion you believe

The most important is that you belong to people who share passion

Passion for life, discovering and fulfilling dreams

It is said that twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did so.

So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor.

Catch the trade winds in your sails.

Explore. Dream. Discover.

Maybe travels are not the only antidote for happiness

detachment from routine but there is something special in travelling, something that attracts a lot of people

Maybe life is about being nice, helping people and having fun

What if not? That's okay

I don't know about you but I'm happy when I put my thumb on the road

I meet strangers on my way or when I'm in a tent and fall asleep with a smile on my face


you only live once

Why not take advantage of this life?

For more infomation >> Dlaczego podróżujemy po świecie - Duration: 2:40.


Ratna Antika - Gak Kuat [Official Music Video] - Duration: 6:11.

For more infomation >> Ratna Antika - Gak Kuat [Official Music Video] - Duration: 6:11.


Coronation Street spoilers: 7 - 11 January 2019 - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Coronation Street spoilers: 7 - 11 January 2019 - Duration: 1:47.


الخوف من الفقر والفشل والمستقبل...أكبر خطط إبليس للإيقاع بالإنسان | الشيخ سعد العتيق - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> الخوف من الفقر والفشل والمستقبل...أكبر خطط إبليس للإيقاع بالإنسان | الشيخ سعد العتيق - Duration: 1:55.



For more infomation >> ŚWIĄTECZNA DOGRYWKA: KULISY PRODUKCJI | Overwatch (PL) - Duration: 5:01.


Hinter den Kulissen: „Cookiewatch" | Overwatch (Deutsche Untertitel) - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Hinter den Kulissen: „Cookiewatch" | Overwatch (Deutsche Untertitel) - Duration: 5:01.


খরগোশ খাওয়া হালাল নাকি হারাম | শায়েখ মতিউর রহমান মাদানী | Bangla Waz New Short Video - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> খরগোশ খাওয়া হালাল নাকি হারাম | শায়েখ মতিউর রহমান মাদানী | Bangla Waz New Short Video - Duration: 5:19.


Easy Settlement from Dubai to South America 2019 - Duration: 10:43.

Subscribe Now

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For more infomation >> Easy Settlement from Dubai to South America 2019 - Duration: 10:43.


Learn Vietnamese - Building vocabulary: Nước - Water (Subtitles) - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> Learn Vietnamese - Building vocabulary: Nước - Water (Subtitles) - Duration: 4:41.


Dulhe Ka Sehra _ By Arshad Nawaz _ Urdu Song - Duration: 1:53.

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Dulhe Ka Sehra _ By Arshad Nawaz _ Urdu Song

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