Hi guys it's Debbie! As the end of 2018 has arrived, the time has come to look
back at what the world of cinema has given us this year. I already uploaded my
first video in which I speak about the best films of 2018, you'll find that
linked down below, so make sure to check it out! But today we're diving into
something else because here come the worst films of 2018! Before entering this
world of ghastly acting, I would just like to point out one thing: Did you
notice that this year nobody is speaking about the Fifty Shades film? We were just
like... "Shh.. We've made it through.. It was the last one, we've done it guys, just just
just don't speak about it!" The first film on my list today is "Blockers" the story of a
group of parents who try to stop their kids from having sex at prom. I guess
this could be a sufficient description and reason as to why this film is on the
list today, but allow me to just point out some other features. First of all
both parents and their kids are portrayed in the most stereotyped manner
possible. On one hand we have barely 18 year old kids planning on behaving as
individuals 10 years older than themselves, going out for a night and
having wild sex. If you've ever been to an end-of-school year party you will
know that it is usually held in the school's assembly room, with your gym
teacher screaming there the music's too loud and at 10:30 you're all in bed. Then the
parents in "Blockers" are shown as absolutely clueless people, and also
there are multiple families involved, married couples, but the film
conveniently picks only three people: John Cena (Hulk dad), Leslie Mann
(cute mom) and Ike Barinholtz (sad dads)... because that just sounds more fun!
And we were in for treats such as John Cena having alcohol pumped into his
anus, chewing his daughter's underwear, ingenious jokes based on eggplant and
banana emojis, never seen on screen concepts such as a character hiding in the
bedroom (even under the bed) while people are in the room. Instead of watching
"Blockers" I would recommend watching "Lady Bird", which is a down-to-earth
coming-of-age story of a teenager, who (if we have to draw comparisons based on a
"Blockers" level) actually has realistic sex, goes to realistic end of
school parties, fights with her parents and eventually has us all in tears. The
next film on the list is "Truth or Dare", a horror story of a group of friends who
get themselves caught in a deadly game of... truth or dare,
which either forces them to reveal really painful bitter truths or carry
out dangerous dares, with no way out of the game if not by death. The idea
behind the film is not actually that bad, it's a good idea for just a simple
summer horror flick. But it wasn't. Everything in this film (not considering
the actual game) is so detached from reality that there is no way the
audience can relate to the characters and be scared for them. All these
characters are just super wealthy, ridiculously beautiful teen idols,
there is a demonic game making the characters potentially die and they seem
to be worried about the gossip then the risk of death. As viewers once
we understood how the game actually worked, we could actually predict the
scary moments with great accuracy. The third film on this list is "Life of the
party" starring Melissa McCarthy as a mother who after divorcing and going
through a rather tough moment in her life, decides to enrol in college
alongside her daughter, thus experiencing all the wonders of the
young age but while having an older and presumably more mature mindset. Sounds
fun, right? It was lost in useless moments such as our main character describing
her vagina as a vagoogle which apparently knows everything and frightens people
but in an attractive way... All the characters were so poorly written that
the daughter basically just stands next to her mum for the whole film just
shaking her head and rolling her eyes and the mean girls in college had the
emotional span of a six-year-old who makes fun of her classmate during break
because of her hairstyle. The fourth film I would like to include here today is "I
feel pretty". Now since the moment I watched the
trailer for this film I was convinced this would have been the worst film of
the year. After watching it I must admit it was not AS terrible as I
was expecting it to be. "AS". It was still terrible. So in "I feel pretty" we have
Amy Schumer as a woman who is very upset about her appearances, she doesn't feel
confident about her body and this makes her very shy and stops her from living
her life at its fullest. One day at the gym she suffers a concussion and when
she wakes up she sees herself as embodying her ideal of the perfect woman.
This boosts her confidence, it creates a series of misunderstandings, she
understands the importance of inner beauty rather than outer beauty and all that good stuff. I
said it wasn't as terrible as I was expecting
because Amy Schumer actually did a good job at the beginning of the film, we
really felt for her sadness. But instead of building up something inventive from
there, something fun, something engaging, something with a message, from there on
it was just a roller coaster of terrible terrible jokes. The kind a
thirteen-year-old would say after hearing his older brother saying bad sex
jokes. The character development is limited to: I feel confident so now I'm
entitled to just be arrogant and do useless things such as underground
bikini contests in pubs. This movie wants to be about confidence but it ends up
delivering a message in a rather childish manner I would say. The fifth
and last film I'd like to speak about today is "Slender Man". "Slender Man" is a
horror film based on the urban legend of this mysterious figure who suddenly
appears out of the shadows and haunts, follows, harms people, especially children.
I really don't know why Slender Man was picked as a potential
bait for viewers as this used to be a scary internet trend back when my
friends and I were in school. I really don't think that most of the teens today
would even know who Slender Man is. But for the purpose of this video let's just
say that they are familiar with the whole topic. The film is bad in any case.
I seriously don't remember watching such a boring horror movie in years. So it
opens with this shot of a character sneezing
and her friend saying this ominous message, something on the lines of "Our
ancestors thought sneezes were demons coming out of the body", as if we were in
some artsy A24 film like "The VVitch". But then it just procedes with thi chaotic
boring story which never engages us. When I was actually talking about the best
films of this year I ended up speaking about horror films in general and about
how one of the big problems with bad horror films is that they are completely
detached from us, the events are presented in such a cold manner that we
can't relate to the pain, the fear the characters are feeling. And this is
exactly what happened in "Slender Man". So what are the worst films of 2018 in your
opinion? Let me know with a comment down below
and remember to watch the other video in which I speak about the best films of
2018! I hope you enjoy this video, if you did make sure to subscribe and I'll see
you soon, bye!
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